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Name: Cameron Cary Date: 01-02-2023 Class: 1A Region(s): Worldwide

Time: CA. 1750 – CA. 1900 Unit: 5 Theme(s): SIO

Skill(s): Developments and processes, contextualization Reasoning process(es): Continuity and change

5.9 Society and the Industrial Age

Drill: Construct an argument criticizing the new industrial society of the 1800s. Make a claim statement and use
evidence to support it.
Slavery, cheap labor, and pollution all increased as a result of the emerging industries of the 1800s. When
industrialization first started, companies used coal and other fossil fuels, which sent toxic gases into the atmosphere and
contributed to climate change. Additionally, slaves from African nations were transported and utilized as cheap labor.
Even though it seemed unfair, this was one of the side effects of industrialization.

Directions: Read the main ideas of this topic. Read “Society and the Industrial Age” from the textbook selection. Use
the reading to complete the graphic organizer about the themes from AP World History. Then respond to the questions.
Main idea(s): Social Interactions and Organization: 1. New social classes, such as the middle class and the working class
in the industries, emerged. 2. In contrast to working class households, where women and frequently children typically
maintained wage-earning jobs to augment their families' income, middle-class women, who did not have the same
financial needs to satisfy, were more constrained to domestic or child-focused duties. 3. The accelerated urbanization
that preceded global capitalism occasionally gave rise to a number of issues, such as pollution, destitution, an uptick in
crime, crises in public health, a lack of housing, and inadequate infrastructure to support urban growth.

Essential ideas, key concepts, key details, connections, context, examples, etc.

A. Social The emerging middle class enjoyed the benefits of the new prosperity and the urban-poor were ill
Interactio treated.
ns and Young women worked in factories.
Organizati Poor women took jobs in domestic service and textile industries.
on (SIO)
Middle class women felt limited by household roles.
Urban areas grew rapidly with little government.
New classes of society emerged in britain.
Low wages factories forced children to work.

B. Economic Mass production made goods cheaper, easily accessible and more abundant.
s Systems Global inequalities- states that industrialized early desired more raw materials.
Natural resources were exploited overseas in Egypt, China and India.

C. Humans The developments from the urban areas left a damaging ecological footprint and created inhumane
and the living conditions.
Environm Working families crowded into shoddily constructed tenements apartment buildings.
ent (ENV) Tenements were often located in urban slums.
Slums had polluted water supply and open sewer
Diseases like cholera spread fast in areas like the slum.
Industrialization led to increased learning standards for others.
Burning of charcoal, fossil fuels and petroleum produced harmful effects like toxic air.
Selected-response questions: Answer the multiple-choice questions from page 348-349.
1. D- Industrialization caused greater economic insecurity in the lives of many urban workers
2. B- If the government did not address worker problems associated with industrialization, socialist and other radicals
might incite a revolt.
3. A- Britain expanded voting by reducing property owning qualifications.

Short-answer question: Answer one of the SAQs from page 349 below. Be sure to answer all three parts of the question
in a contained paragraph (not “A:…., B:…, C:…”).
Question 2
Identify one point that supports the claim that mass production benefited individuals as consumers?
Identify one point that supports the claim that mass production was difficult for individuals as workers?
Explain one way difference in how wealthy and poor people might have been affected by the mass population.

Consumers benefited from mass manufacturing during the industrial era since it made commodities and products more
available and affordable. Individual workers found it very challenging to produce in large quantities since it takes
commitment, effort, and time. Cheap labor was in demand at the time, and the working atmosphere was unhealthy for
employees. The wealthy grew richer. Because of mass production, the wealthy who owned businesses became even
richer while the poor remained destitute. Low factory wages were the norm. The working environment was unsanitary,
hazardous, and harsh.

Think as a historian: Situate a historical process in context and respond to the prompt from page 350 below.
Explain the process of change in women’s status and roles in the context of industrialization and urbanization in the
period 1750-1900

People moved from rural to urban areas, urban areas grew rapidly with little government. The emerging middle class
enjoyed the benefits of the new prosperity and the urban-poor were ill treated. The developments from the urban areas
left a damaging ecological footprint and created inhumane living conditions. Young women worked in factories, Poor
women took jobs in domestic service and textile industries and middle class women felt limited by household roles. The
middle class women helped to take care of kids and homes while their husbands went to work in factories with harsh
conditions. Women adopted new jobs, along with keeping their previous domestic responsibilities. Women became
more outspoken, and some women began political rights movements. However, women continued to receive less pay
than men, and society was still largely patriarchal

Essential question: Reflect on the essential question at the bottom of page 350 below.
Massive output, pollution, and adjustments to the pre-existing social hierarchies were all results of industrialization.
Industrialization periods enhanced product availability or affordability through mass production. In order to create more
goods, mass production also encouraged the use of inexpensive labor. Pollution of the air, water, and environment as a
whole was caused by the burning of fossil fuels and coal in industrial settings. The way people lived was impacted by
this. The wealthy grew richer at this time. Because of mass production, the wealthy who owned businesses became even
richer while the poor remained destitute. Low factory wages were the norm. The working environment was unsanitary,
hazardous, and harsh. While middle class women felt constrained by their family responsibilities and took work in the
textile and domestic service industries, poor women pushed children to work in low-paying factories

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