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Aphorisms On A Fascist Libido: An Aphasic Encounter With The Libidinal Economy

—we are at the decline of a great civilization. pure decadence, the theme, the grand ideology, the
defining identity of our era. there will be no fucking, we declare, there will only be we, the sex-things,
and you will no longer be granted the liberty of pleasuring yourself in secrecy. there will be an
underwhelming desire for demise, destruction//the big D of Death, the uppercase Doom; and to add to
the insult, i, simply a thing of meager talent and mediocrity, with a penchant for the written word, will
be the grand monarch once civilization is no more—hail his majesty: a dipsomaniac, a dipstick, a
loathsome manic depressive.

—what am i if not a thing of my word—neither man nor beast, nor citizen...but refer to me as such in
the spirit of civility, chivalry and so on. a thing that spoke, once, of a utopia—a thing of high-cultured
patois and petite bourgeois mannerisms. a thing among other things...brandishing sexual repression and
a shopping bag. now i no longer speak of this and that or him and those—whatever that means. my
social capital is inexistent...the corporate whores and their urban lingo no more. i speak primarily of
urban decay, and decay of the mind, and western civilization—my political aim is stroking the phallus
of a racial supremacy. i believe in the dysfunction of him and her...the depression of a child—one might
say neither this, nor that, but everything and nothing simultaneously. i will refer to neither you, nor your
bastard children, nor your harlot father—death to the family. i will say nothing short of an A B C, and
take my life thereafter. —confess my sins, and be done with it.

—what is a thing if not predisposed to illness? beyond useless—far exceeding the rational limits of
uselessness. i see, in myself, a beautiful redundancy: and i speak of illness as a beautiful craft—flowing
through thing 1 and thing 2/coursing through me as i shit and piss on monuments to humanity’s
achievement—as we all achieve the same. what is this illness? consider it a kind of
perversion/deviance— the only true act of rebellion short of suicide...a sexual assault on all sense and
rationality, or perhaps the refusal to carry oneself in the appropriately civilized manner.

—to some extent, i would equate it to a genetic predisposition: to insanity, abuse, and asocialism. a
predilection for poison and anarchy. it invokes anti-government sentiments and a revolutionary spirit,
saying: this, here, now the land is for the people, and you, mr. president, are to fellate the people. the
grand monarch writes: once a communist, now a whore for the bourgeoisie—or a hole! i encourage the
sodomy of the landless at the hands of the wealthy. to equalize, i pander to the peasantry and encourage
Robespierrean terror. every citizen must face the guillotine.

—the air, poison; the water, piss.

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