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Writing a literature review on aggression can be a daunting task.

It requires extensive research,

critical analysis, and synthesis of existing literature to provide a comprehensive overview of the
topic. The process involves identifying relevant sources, evaluating their credibility and relevance,
and integrating them into a coherent narrative.

One of the main challenges of writing a literature review on aggression is the vast amount of
literature available on the subject. Sorting through numerous academic papers, books, and other
sources to find the most relevant and up-to-date information can be time-consuming and

Additionally, synthesizing the information gathered from various sources into a cohesive and
logically structured review requires careful planning and organization. It's essential to identify key
themes, debates, and gaps in the existing literature to provide valuable insights and contribute to the
understanding of aggression.

For those who find the task of writing a literature review on aggression challenging, ⇒ ⇔ offers professional assistance. Our team of experienced writers can help you
navigate the complexities of the literature review process and deliver a high-quality review that
meets your specific requirements. With our expertise and attention to detail, you can rest assured that
your literature review will be well-researched, well-written, and tailored to your needs.
Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. Furthermore,
according to Murray, the human personality is shaped by the secondary needs, one of which is
aggression. Exposure to the aggressive model increased disinhibition generally and made the children
more likely to imitate any behaviour. This definition is more practical since it is not only the sex drive
that may possibly cause aggression in an individual. For Jung, evil, whether in the form of aggression
or not, is not something supernatural in nature but something that people are basically capable of.
Margittai, K. (1996). Forensic aspects of medical student abuse: A Ca- nadian perspective. One
similarity is on the basis of whether the aggression stems from the unconscious or the conscious part
of the brain. It is a way to gain power (Kozlowska et al., 1997). Bullying in the workplace is
angering people these days. Physician behavior, however, may have the greatest impact because of
the position of authority that doctors hold as members of the healthcare team. Moreover, it is also at
this step that all general or miscellaneous attributes, driving forces and other variables are sought and
identified. Bullying and mistreatment during training is also a part of the experience of many
doctors, medical students or residents (Quine, 2002). The study examined the dependencies between
intensification of aggression and such groups of variables as: educational circumstances, family
socialisation conditions, manifestations of demoralization in childhood and adolescence periods,
current life circumstances, demographic characteristics, and psychological variables. This theory
posits that environmental factors play a pivotal role in shaping behavior through observational
learning. However, the study is not without its criticisms, including concerns about demand
characteristics, as the situation was staged, potentially influencing the children's behavior. However,
the methodological challenges inherent in testosterone-aggression research warrant a cautious
interpretation of findings. Direct approach of the bully may be counterproductive. Bullies may
prevent a subordinate from developing their ideas, and develop them as if they were their own.
Moreover, the study's sample consisted solely of Western children, introducing potential biases
related to age and culture. Freud’s psychoanalytic theory, sex drive, and death instinct were more of
an unconscious nature and so was Jung’s theory of repressed needs and Murray’s theory of needs.
This should encourage victims to come forward so that individual bullies can be identified.
Approache s to unintentional bully ing should be both educational and organizational. Primary pre-
ventive methods include providing educational materials and communication skills training for
residents, staff, and educators (Baldwin, 1991). Physician behavior, however, may have the biggest
impact because of the position of power that doctors hold as members of the healthcare team (Quine,
2002). The Bulletin of the American Academy of Psy- chiatry and the Law, 24, 377-385. According
to Bandura, individuals are born without an inherent propensity for aggression, acquiring aggressive
behaviors by observing and modeling the actions of others. In their experiment, male participants
were exposed to different stimuli, holding either a gun or a children's toy. It puts an onus on each in-
dividual to be mindful of the effect of their actions on others. When indivi- duals in this latter group
are ac cused of bullying they are often mortified and suffer a major blow to their self-esteem.
Bullying is blamed for unnecessarily creating high costs of turnover, insurance claims and thwarted
productivity. Aside from the sex drive, another point that Freud points out as a possible source of
aggression is the time in an infant’s life where he begins teething and biting on something, thus
causing upset and a possible development of an “oral-aggressive personality” (Boeree, 2009).
Direct verbal aggression was the most predominant form of bullying, manifesting with matching
frequency in both sexes. Moreover, according to Adler, the duty of the therapist is “to interpret
whenever it becomes apparent how the patient deceives himself in regard to his life style”
(Selesnick, 1995). This creates a “survival” culture, not too far re- moved from that of prison or the
armed forces. Approache s to unintentional bully ing should be both educational and organizational.
Aside from the sex drive, another point that Freud points out as a possible source of aggression is
the time in an infant’s life where he begins teething and biting on something, thus causing upset and
a possible development of an “oral-aggressive personality” (Boeree, 2009). Additionally, Bandura
suggests that behavior reinforced by family members exerts the most profound influence on the
learner. What shapes personality then is the extent to which an individual feels and hopes to fulfill
the secondary needs (“Needs as Personality,” 2004). This approach, while emphasizing that bullying
is unacceptable, also recognizes that bullying behavior may be understandable and that those using it
need help to change (Einharsen, 1994). It also infers that boys are more likely to imitate than girls.
The social learning theory claims that aggressive behaviour is learned either through direct experience
or vicarious experience (observing others). One similarity is on the basis of whether the aggression
stems from the unconscious or the conscious part of the brain. In their experiment, male participants
were exposed to different stimuli, holding either a gun or a children's toy. The life destructive
complex, or Thanatos, is usually directed both outwards and inwards through aggressive behavior.
For Adler, the desire for perfection is something that is consciously brought about by the human will.
Retrieved Jun. 23, 2012 from Shippensburg University: Boyle, W. “The Awakening of Dark Gods:
Modern Horror Writing and Carl Jung’s Notion of Divine Evil.” (2009).Retrieved Jun. 23, 2012 from Cosner, L. “Psyography: Alfred Adler.” (2002). Personality Theories. However,
for Alfred Adler, his theory on the striving for perfection implies that the cause of aggressive
behavior is actually more conscious and less unconscious. This makes Adler somehow different from
the other three, although Adler did not actually totally deny the influence of the unconscious on the
development of aggressive behavior. Additional materials, such as the best quotations, synonyms and
word definitions to make your writing easier are also offered here. People who are accused of
bullying fall into two groups. REFERENCES Ahmer, S. et al. (2009). Bullying of trainee
psychiatrists in Pakistan: A cross-sectional questionnaire survey. Direct approach of the bully may be
counterproductive. Moreover, according to Murray, a need is “a potentiality or readiness to respond
in a certain way under certain given circumstances” (“Needs as Personality,” 2004). Factors such as
similarity in age, gender, and interests, as well as the observer's confidence in their own abilities,
play a pivotal role in this process. British Medical Journal, 324, 878-879. Quine, L. (1999).
Workplace bullying in NHS community trust: Staff questionnaire survey. However, high control leads
to the loss of real- life validity. Moreover, the study's sample consisted solely of Western children,
introducing potential biases related to age and culture. We use cookies to create the best experience
for you. However, the main components of Freudian psychotherapy include five points. You can
download the paper by clicking the button above. Such initiatives should promote culture of
collegiality and re- spect for all faculty, staff, and trainees (Quine, 1999).
When this happens, there is a general tendency to resort to aggression in order to relieve oneself of
frustration. This review article provides a brief knowledge about the various factors responsible for
aggression and violence. Where the recipient of certain critical or aggres- sive behaviors is more
junior and therefore constrained in their perceived ability to respond to it, this can be a problem
(Mosca- rello, 1994). A proportion of these doctors, under pressure, may resort to any method by
which they can achieve results, even if this amount to bullying (Houghton, 2003). Retrieved Jun. 23,
2012 from Shippensburg University: Boyle, W. “The Awakening of Dark Gods: Modern Horror
Writing and Carl Jung’s Notion of Divine Evil.” (2009).Retrieved Jun. 23, 2012 from Cosner, L. “Psyography: Alfred Adler.” (2002). Personality Theories. British
Medical Journal, 329, 658-659. Quine, L. (2002). Workplace bullying in junior doctors:
Questionnaire survey. Findings showed aggressive conditioned children showed a lot of physical and
verbal aggression. From the principle of goodwill, Adler believed that the key to resolving aggression
and other mental problems is “free discussion,” which is done in relatively fewer sessions and are
shorter than Freudian free association (Selesnick, 1995). Canadian Medical Association Journal, 15
4, 1657-1665. As for Jung, who theorized that aggression takes root from repressed urges, the
implication of his theory on aggression is that treatment is all about how to acknowledge all urges
and how to deal with repressed ones. Prevention at family level, community level and in school level
will reduce the occurrence of aggression and violence significantly. Prophylactic Aspects of
Pedagogization Magdalena Bolek The article addresses the issue of risk factors for high aggression
of women taking action of a violent nature. Since Murray is too elaborate and too complicated, and
since Adler does not give much weight to the influence of the subconscious on aggressive behavior,
one is left wondering whether it is Freud or Jung who has constructed a more feasible theory.
Frequent- ly, they have been given little training for the task in hand and the demands of the system
are often unrealistic. Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies.
Thirdly, there must be the practice of “resistance” during the talk, where the therapist calls the
client’s attention every time the latter seems to deviate from the topic. Norepinephrine works in
conjunction with adrenaline or epinephrine in order to produce the sympathetic responses of the
body associated with the “fight-or-flight” response. If OR staff works sub optimally be- cause of
disruptive behavior by the physician or another team member, overall care quality is compromised
and patient safety is threatened. Biological determinants, including genetic predispositions and
neurological influences, add layers of complexity to the understanding of aggressive behavior. For
adults and even for infants and children, the sex drive is the primary motivating force, but it should
be noted that in Freudian psychology, what is sexual is not only all about orgasm but “all pleasurable
sensation from the skin” such as kisses, caresses and other pleasurable tactile experiences (Boeree,
2009). Moreover, Adler emphasized that aggression stems more from conscious behavior rather than
on the unconscious (Cosner, 2002). Simply speaking, the accumulated repressed desires would one
day finally burst forth as highly destructive aggression. It is important to ascertain that what you
dealing with are bullying. Phillips (1986) also found evidence that supports the SLT. This means that
anything that frustrates one’s goal towards perfection becomes aggressive behavior. There must also
be moral support and encouragement (James, n.d.). For Murray, treatment is all about the gathering
of facts about the patient and formulating a hypothesis based on the available facts, and then
experimenting on whether the hypothesis is true or not. British Medical Journal Career Focus, 33 0,
201-202. Huntoon, L. (2004). Abuse of the “disruptive physician” clause. Daugherty, S. et al. (1998).
Learning, satisfaction, and mistreatment du- ring medical internship: A national survey of working
conditions. However there is no direct evidence to link homicide rate with those who watched the
To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds
to upgrade your browser. Recognizing that aggression is a complex phenomenon shaped by a myriad
of factors, researchers must strive to bridge the gap between hormonal influences and environmental
triggers. Retrieved Jun. 23, 2012 from Shippensburg University: Boyle, W. “The Awakening of Dark
Gods: Modern Horror Writing and Carl Jung’s Notion of Divine Evil.” (2009).Retrieved Jun. 23,
2012 from Cosner, L. “Psyography: Alfred Adler.” (2002). Personality Theories.
Data were drawn from a published randomized controlled trial of AMT conducted with a racially
diverse group of 109 veterans with PTSD and anger symptoms residing in Hawaii. Often bullying is
an extension of forms of negative behavior frequently seen in the medical world (Carr, 1997).
Furthermore, according to Murray, the human personality is shaped by the secondary needs, one of
which is aggression. The Joint Commission’s first-ever alert about the problem is the latest industry
effort to address an issue that has challenged the medical community for years (The Joint
Commission, 2009). This allows bullies to continue their activities unchecked and enables them to do
what they wish (Paice, 2004). Intimidating, condescen- ding, off-putting, or discouraging behavior
by the physician in- hibits positive team work. While Freud emphasizes the power of the sex drive,
the death instinct and the possible development of the oral-aggressive personality in childhood in the
development of aggressive behavior in adults, Alfred Adler disagrees with Freud on the sexual aspect
of aggression, while emphasizing on his part the theory that the true cause of aggression is the
“striving for perfection” (Cosner, 2002). One appalling truth is that some of these individuals have
such low self-esteem that they do not recognize their treatment as bullying (Kozlowska, 1997;
Johnson, 2009). In the past, senior role models may well have shown bullying behaviors. This can be
as simple as making it impossi- ble for subordinates to progress ups the career ladder by ensur- ing
that they are not given opportunities (Cohen, 2008). Anti-bullying policies should be given a higher
profile. British Medical Journal Career Focus, 33 0, 201-202. Huntoon, L. (2004). Abuse of the
“disruptive physician” clause. Skinner proved through experiments on animals that behaviour could
be predicted and controlled. A team member may, from fear of in- timidation or patronization,
withhold valuable or even critical input, such as a medication error or a breakdown in adherence to
safety protocols. British Medical Journal, 329, 658-659. Quine, L. (2002). Workplace bullying in
junior doctors: Questionnaire survey. In her book, “Television and Child Development,” a
psychologist from the University of Waterloo, Judith Van Evra presents a comprehensive summary of
research about the impact of television and other media on children's physical, psychological,
emotional and social development. Those in the non aggressive and control groups exhibited
virtually no aggression. Bullies may prevent a subordinate from developing their ideas, and develop
them as if they were their own. Daugherty, S. et al. (1998). Learning, satisfaction, and mistreatment
du- ring medical internship: A national survey of working conditions. Moreover, Adler emphasized
that aggression stems more from conscious behavior rather than on the unconscious (Cosner, 2002).
This creates a “survival” culture, not too far re- moved from that of prison or the armed forces. You
can download the paper by clicking the button above. From the principle of goodwill, Adler believed
that the key to resolving aggression and other mental problems is “free discussion,” which is done in
relatively fewer sessions and are shorter than Freudian free association (Selesnick, 1995). We’ll
occasionally send you promo and account related email. The main focus of the article is to intervene
successfully in aggression and violent behaviour. Freud’s psychoanalytic theory, sex drive, and death
instinct were more of an unconscious nature and so was Jung’s theory of repressed needs and
Murray’s theory of needs. The castration subtraction and replacement technique, while commonly
utilized, perturbs multiple hormone systems, rendering it challenging to isolate the exclusive effects
of testosterone.

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