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Historical Background

and Basics of E and H

E AND HV (4EE63)
AY 2021-22
Historical Background of E and H Vehicle
Historical Background of E and H Vehicle
Historical Background of E and H Vehicle
Historical Background of E and H Vehicle
Historical Background of E and H Vehicle
Historical Background of E and H Vehicle
Historical Background of E and H Vehicle
Historical Background of E and H Vehicle
Why Electric or Hybrid Vehicles ?

 There are many reasons why people are moving to Electric Vehicles (EV)
to get them to the places they need to be
 EVs are fun to drive because they are fast and smooth
 Many studies show that the emissions from burning fossil fuels such as
gasoline produce harmful greenhouse gases
 EV’s produce no smelly fumes or harmful greenhouse gases
 EVs are innovative and cool
 EVs only cost approximately 25,000 to 30,000 Rs. a year to operate
compared to 80,000 to 90,000 Rs. for a Petroleum vehicle
 EVs are a smart and convenient choice
What is an Electric or Hybrid Vehicle?

 Basically, an Electric Vehicle (EV) is a vehicle that no longer relies solely on

an Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) as the only propulsion mechanism,
but rather uses an electric drive system as a replacement, or to enhance,
the ICE
 Basically there are three types of electrically propelled vehicles can be
Basic Classification of Electric and Hybrid Vehicles
Basic Types of Electric and Hybrid Vehicle

1) A Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV) combines an ICE and an electric motor within the drive
➢ Mostly, the electric motor supports the ICE for fuel economy and/or performance
➢ The vehicle is then either propelled by the combustion engine or the electric drive
Basic Types of Electric and Hybrid Vehicle

2) A Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle (Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV)

➢ Is a vehicle equipped, in general, with a larger battery compared to HEVs, that allows
recharging of the battery via home outlets or at charging stations
➢ While in most cases both the electric drive and the ICE are able to propel the vehicle, some
vehicles use solely the electric drive
➢ In this latter case the ICE can be used to recharge the battery or directly produce electricity
for the electric drive
➢ Also, in most cases PHEVs can be used in a full electric mode if there is enough energy
stored in the battery
➢ This allows one to select when and where to release pollutants

3) A Full Electric Vehicle (FEV)

➢ Runs solely on an electric drive system
➢ As with PHEVs their batteries are large and can be recharged in charging stations or
at home
➢ Since there are no pollutants released while driving, these vehicles are often
marketed as zero-emission vehicles
➢ Naturally, this is not exactly a correct terminology, since the recharging of the
batteries will cause emissions depending on the actual emissions of the power
generation in the country
➢ Due to the fact that many power plants are located in less populated areas, the use
of FEVs still has beneficial effects on emissions in population centers
➢ Such vehicles may be considered as filters for turning dirty into clean energy
Fully EV
Basic Issues associated with E and H Vehicles

1. Price: A major factor in the cost of such vehicles is the cost of the battery
2. Vehicle size: EVs
are sometimes small with limited luggage space to reduce
energy consumption, or to accommodate batteries
3. Long charging times:Charging times for plug-in EVs can be long
4. Limited range: Average after one charging
5. Charging (from the perspective of generation distributors):
6. Traffic management:
7. Charging Infrastructure:
8. Electromagnetic emissions:
9. Battery related issues:
 Any Questions

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