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Book Review Outline

Student’s Name : Devin Jonathan Thedy

Book’s title : The Kill Order

Book’s author : James Dashner

Total pages : 327

Year published : 2012


Mark and Alec live in a town called Asheville and the city encounters a huge problem, there’s some
strange people in a berg that were shooting darts that infected the whole city. They both ran from the
scene bringing Trina, Lana, Misty, Darnell, dan The Toad, they were all Mark and Alec’s friends. Sadly,
Darnell got hit by the darts and turned into zombie like creature. Mark and Alec wanted why they do
this such kind of horrible thing to do so, they both hunt down the Berg to find where those shooters
originate from, on the way of their journey they met a girl name Deedee, she was left behind while the
evac happened.

Somehow the mission went sideways Mark and Alec was separated behind with all their friends. So,
mark and Alec continued the mission without them, they both stole a berg from fighting with the
shooters. They took the berg to fly across cities to find food and water for them to survive, soon they
discovered the darts a contagious virus called “The Flare”. At a certain city they were stopped by few
survivors, the survivors had weapons.

One day, their village comes under attack by large helicopter-like machines, known as Bergs in
the book. The village is showered with darts that kill many people, although Mark and Alex are
able to get on board and take over one of the Bergs. The pilot deliberately crashes it in an attempt
to keep the secrets of his mission, and it soon turns out that the darts were filled with a virus of
some kind. The four main characters decide to head out on the road to find where the mysterious
attackers are based and get answers.

Along the way, they encounter a depopulated village where the only survivor appears to be a
five-year-old girl named Deedee. They take her with them, but soon they begin to suspect they’re
being followed. Mark and Alec investigate, and find that the source of the weird noises around
them is a cult of people infected with the virus who believe that Deedee is a demon due to her
apparent immunity from the virus. They manage to escape, but when they return to the group
their camp is on fire and Trina, Deedee, and Lana are all gone.

Continuing to the base of their attackers, now revealed as an organization called the PFC, or
Post-Flares Coalition, they discover that the virus is being called The Flare. It has the effect of
shutting down the thinking part of people’s brains, turning them into a mindless attacker. The
PLC turned Trina, Lana, and Deedee over to the cult. They steal a Berg and escape the base, but
Mark soon realizes that he has the flare and his mind is starting to fade.

Mark, he was a good friend of Alec since he was rescued from a group of people that were asking
forcefully to give food and water from Mark and Trina but, he was from the characters i've mentioned, i
like Alec the most

because he always help mark in all desperate situations such as

when mark was getting cornered by the infected people alec

came and help fight the infected ones with his bare hands.

he's a veteran soldier, even with Alec's age, Alec still have

the guts to do things that mark can't.

Connecting to Life

This book reminds us that there will be an apocalyptic age, and no one could almost survive the day, not
even a second in this world. The only thing that we need to do is survive and adapt in this apocalypse,
today everyone doesn’t know when that day will soon come and destroy the entirety of earth. what do i
get after reading this book was, our life is filled with

problem and situations. As a human being we must find a solution to

every problems and fight the problems with our bravery, without any

hesitation to try new ways and we must fight through every problem to achieve our final destanation.


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