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Activity 3: CAREER GUIDE

1. Discover my personal skills and knowledge.

2. Research about the careers that would fit my skills and knowledge set, at the same time help my
3. Start developing my skills and knowledge and acquire more that would be beneficial in achieving
my goals.
4. Find and be involved with people who would help me grow and that would have a positive
impact in my life – in making decisions.
5. Settle for a career that makes me happy and makes that people around me happy, as well.


One of the most important skills that one must possess is making good decisions in life. In
choosing a career path, you are not only choosing for yourself, but also for the people around you, such
as your family and the like. The career guide that I have presented above is my way of weighing the
possibilities that would affect my decision making when it comes to choosing my career. Through the
guide I would be able to know what are the things that I needed to consider and what would the
possible effects of the decisions that I make. This guide would also help me choose the right people to
be involved with if I wanted to develop, not only career wise but also life wise. The career would not
make me settle for less, instead motivate me to become the best version of myself, without sacrificing
my happiness and contentment and the happiness of the people surrounding me.

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