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Bicol is a region in the Philippines located in the southeastern part of Luzon.

The region is
famous because of the Mayon Volcano which is found in Albay. The active volcano is known
for its perfect cone shape. The Bicol region is also known for its delicious food and
delicacies. The Bicolanos love spicy foods. They also use coconut cream in most of their
recipes. The combination of hot spices and coconut cream is very enticing not only in the
Bicol region but also in the entire Philippines. Be sure to try these top 10 Bicolano foods and
fulfill your hot and spicy cravings.

1. Kinunot

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Kinunot is a spicy appetizer which ingredients include shark meat or sting ray meat. Yes,
shark meat and sting ray meat. Who would have thought that these scary fish creatures can
be so tasty? Bicolanos found a way to turn them into a very delicious food. The shark or the
sting ray is cooked with coconut cream and malunggay or moringa leaves. It is a common
joke in Bicol that when travelling by sea, you should bring malunggay because the sharks
are afraid of it. Kinunot is now commonly prepared using sting ray because catching sharks
nowadays is being prohibited.

2. Laing or Pinangat
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There is also a Bicolano recipe for vegetarians: the very popular laing. Laing is made from
local “gabi” or taro leaves. The leaves is simmered in coconut cream and then served with
siling labuyo or chili pepper. The dish is very common since the Bicolanos plant taro near
their houses. The dish is also very affordable and it can be seen in almost any carenderia
(restaurant) in the region.

3. Bicol Express

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Bicol Express is a dish which was named after a passenger train from Manila to Bicol. They
named the dish Bicol Express because eating the dish will make you run like a train to look
for water to drink. Bicol express is made up of pork cooked in coconut milk and spiced with
lots and lots of red hot chili. Anyone who would eat the Bicol express should always ready
himself with tissue or towels because anyone eating this dish will surely sweat and cry in
tears because of the hot and spicy flavor.

4. Guinataang Labong

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Labong refers to a bamboo shoot which can be bought in any Philippine market mostly
during the rainy season. It is also the main ingredient of Guinataang Labong which is a
popular dish from the Bicol region. The bamboo shoots are cooked in coconut milk with
shrimp paste or sardines. Fresh shrimps can also be added to this dish. What made this a
Bicol dish is the addition of hot, fiery chili pepper, a distinct ingredient in any Bicolano

5. Tilmok
Tilmok is another famous food from the Bicol region. Tilmok is the Bicolano term for
coconut meat. The other main ingredient of the dish is crab meat. The preparation of tilmok
starts with the mixing of coconut meat and the crab meat together. Garnishing is added
after the meats are mixed. The mixed “meats” are put inside banana leaves and then
steamed. This delicious dish is popular among locals and even foreigners.

6. Pili Nut

With pili being endemic to the Bicol region, Bicolanos have found different uses of the pili
nut. The easiest  to cook pili dish is the tinolang pili. In this dish, the nuts are soaked in
boiling water until the covering is soft. When the external coverings are already soft, the
“tinolang pili” is ready. Fish sauce or “patis” can also be added to give it a more delightful
taste. The nuts can also be used as sweets. Popular pili sweets include binirubid or pinipilit,
brittle pili nuts, caramelized pili nuts, and the yema azucarada.

7. Dinuguang Bicol
Dinuguan is a dish that uses pig’s blood as ingredient in cooking pork. The process of
preparing this dish is mainly the same with the original dinuguan. What makes it Bicolano
is the hot and spicy flavor. Chili pepper is added to the dinuguan to add spice to it.
Dinuguan is usually eaten with puto.

8. Ginataang Santol (Santol Cooked in Coconut Milk)

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Almost all kinds of fruit, vegetable, or meat is possible to cook with coconut milk or locally
known as “gata”. Bicolanos tend to use coconut milk to any dish because of the abundance
of coconut in the region. One of the famous ginataan (a dish with coconut milk) from Bicol
is the ginataang santol. The meat of the santol fruit is cooked in coconut milk. No one
imagined that the extremely sour fruit would be a very delicious viand. Other famous
ginataan recipes from Bicol are the ginataang puso ng saging (banana blossom cooked in
coconut milk) and the sigarilyas sa gata (Winged Beans cooked in coconut milk).

9. Pancit Bato

The Pancit Bato is a type of noodles that originated from Bato, a barangay from the
province of Camarines Sur. The process of cooking this pancit is similar to how pancit
canton is cooked. The only difference is the ingredients. The pansit bato is cooked with
fresh shrimps and petchay. It is usually eaten with rice or hot pandesal.

10. Sinapot

Sinapot is a banana dish also known as maruya or baduya for non-Bicolanos saba
(Cardaba banana). The bananas are peeled and sliced and then mixed with flour, salt,
baking powder, eggs and water. The mixed ingredients are then fried in boiling cooking oil. 
served with hot chili peppers.  The dish can be cooked in a variety of ways and is very common in
carinderias and cafeterias in the region, even in Manila, although the city version may not be as
spicy. To get a taste of authentic laing, visit Bicol.

Bicol Express
Bicol Express is probably the most popular Bicolano dish. The story goes that the dish gets its name
from a passenger train from Manila to Bicol. After you eat the dish, you’ll be running to find anything
to quench the fire on your tongue. Like most Bicolano dishes, it is made of coconut milk and chili
peppers but with cooked pork as the main ingredient.

Ginataang Labong
Ginataang labong is a simple dish made from chopped bamboo shoots simmered in coconut milk
with some shrimp paste or fresh shrimps and chili peppers. This dish is refreshing and hot at the
same time, thanks to the combination of bamboo shoots and peppers. It’s another healthy dish if you
are not a fan of red meat.

Sinapot is a fried banana desert that is in some ways similar to turon.  It is made from Saba or
Cardaba banana. The fruit is peeled then sliced horizontally before being mixed in a batter
consisting of flour and eggs.  After being deep fried, it is ready to be served.

Ginataang Santol
Most Bicolano dishes make use of coconut milk, a famous product in the region. One popular
ginataang dish (a dish cooked in coconut milk) is ginataang santol. This sour fruit mixed with spicy
chili peppers creates a unique flavor, which is made even more special, thanks to the silky coconut

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