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--Walking down a wide hall, a changeling feared for his life. He'd failed.

Once again, he'd failed the

mission given to him by his queen. The Hive had a three strike system in place. Fail once, you get
physically 'reprimanded', A.K.A. you get beaten up good. Fail twice, which most didn't even get to since
the first was so effective, you get a personal visit from the queen. Now that doesn't sound bad, but oh
boy... How she could make you feel like less than the dirt beneath her hooves even while she spoke sweet
nothings into your ear. Pure physical and mental torture.

This was his third strike. He was the first to ever fail this badly, and he was terrified of what awaited him.
Shakily placing a hoof on the door that lead to his doom, he pushed. What he saw inside made his black
chitin turn ash grey. He started to back away, to flee, but his rump bumped into something and made his
escape impossible.

"Well now, my little failure." The voice spoke was as sweet as honey and as deadly as a knife to the heart.
His head turned woodenly as his eyes met two glowing, acid green orbs that radiated a sick sense of

"You and I are going to have such fun." Her toothy smile instilling nothing but fear.

He screamed.--

”There’s no use screaming.” Chrysalis said with a grin. ”I told the guards it was to be expected.”

Cercus was petrified in fear, staring at the queen towering behind him. Chrysalis just grinned at him,
basking in his fear for a while before gesturing him to keep on moving. He gulped heavily and started
walking again, getting about five steps forward before a ferocious kick slammed into his testicles.

”AAUGH!” he screamed as his balls exploded in agony and he fell to the floor, clutching his bruised
privates. Chrysalis calmly walked over him, proceeding to the center of the ominously glowing magic
circle in the middle of the chamber.

Cradling his balls and struggling to breathe through the gut-churning agony, Cercus had completely lost
track of his surroundings until Chrysalis spoke up again. ”Well? Are you coming or do I have to get you

”I’m coming!” he gasped out, afraid of angering his queen further. With great struggle he got up on his
wobbly legs, and half-trotted his way to the middle of the circle.

”You know those things I told you the last time you failed?” Chrysalis said in an almost causal tone,
slowly circling around him. ”About what I would do if you ever failed me again? I wasn’t kidding. Spread
your legs!”
Cercus gulped as he spread his rear legs and turned his tail aside. There was a reason beating was the
mildest of the punishments, as just the mere taste of what the queen herself was capable of was far
worse than that. The guards doyling out punishments didn’t hit anyone below the belt, while with
Chrysalis it was the only place she ever aimed for. And she was good at it too, knowing stallion’s every
weak spot, as she had demonstrated by causing him stomach-churning agony just by gently poking his
nuts the right way. But the things she had told him of the Circle of Punishment and the things she would
use it for, those were meant to be the real deterrent.

”This is the first time I’ve actually had to put my threats into action.” she said, continuing to circle him.
He stood still with his aching balls dangling vulnerably between his legs, his fear rising each time the
queen passed behind him. ”No changeling - especially no male changeling - has ever dared to test my
patience like this. What I mean to say is, no one in Equestria has ever suffered like you will!”

Suddenly her solid buck struck Cercus in the balls, flattening his nuts with enough force to lift him off his
hooves. He collapsed with a pitiful scream of agony, clutching his poor balls again and gasping for air.

”Get up!” Chrysalis commanded. Fighting against the pain Cercus started clambering up, but as soon as
he straightened his rear legs Chrysalis bucked his balls again.

With another agonized scream he fell back down, his balls feeling like they were about to explode. ”Get
up!” Chrysalis commanded again, but there was no way he could do it.

”I... can’t!” he said between pained gasps. He couldn’t even feel his rear legs over the blinding pain
radiating from his groin. Suddenly Chrysalis’s magic aura surrounded him and flipped him on his back,
turning him face to face with her.

”Pathetic.” she said with disdain, stomping her hoof hard on his balls. He screamed in pain, his eyes
pleading her to stop as she stood on his testicles without a tinge of empathy. ”Why should I even let you
have these when you don’t seem to know how to use them?” she said, twisting her hoof and eliciting a
new octave of screams from the helpless male. Cercus could only squeal incoherently as she twisted her
hoof the other way, his sensitive organs grinding and slipping around beneath her hoof with unbearable

”At least you haven’t passed out yet, which means the magic of the circle is working. Now, let me show
you what it can really do!” she said, her voice revealing her excitement as her horn started to glow. The
circle around them glowed brighter along with her magic, and Cercus felt himself lifted in the air, his
nutsack stretching painfully as it pulled his balls from beneath her hoof with a nauseating plop. As he
lifted in the air the invisible force spread his legs, leaving him suspended in the air upright and spread-
eagle, eyes level with Chrysalis herself. Craning his head down, he could just see his balls dangling below
him, deep red and swollen to roughly twice their natural size.

”Excellent.” the queen said, snapping his eyes back to hers. She was clearly pleased with her work,
admiring his swollen balls as she lifted them with her forehoof. Her eyes turned to his as she grinned
again, her tail swishing as she spoke. ”If there’s one thing I love about balls, it’s their vulnerability.” she
said with an evil grin. She let them slide off her hoof and dangle down, swatting them roughly with her
hoof to set them swinging before continuing. ”And they’re so accessible too, just the perfect things to
deal punishment to!”

Her horn started to glow and he felt her telekinesis gripping his testicles, slowly squeezing them as she
continued her speech without breaking eye contact. ”Yet most of the time a stallion’s mind breaks way
too soon. That is where the Circle of Punishment comes in, as nothing can break within its magical field.”

The pressure around his testicles was getting unbearable, and he couldn’t help but drop his head to see
what was going on down there. He could barely catch a glimpse of his balls deforming under her green
magic aura before her forehoof lifted his chin to force his eyes back to hers.

”You cannot faint. You cannot pass out. And nothing will spare your balls from my wrath!” she declared,
her magic suddenly scrunching his balls like crumpled paper. He screamed his lungs out, his head
involuntarily twitching off her hoof as he stared down at his groin, his testicles kneaded like putty by her
merciless grip. All his senses were overwhelmed by the indescribable pain, his eyes bulging as he stared
down at his jewels deforming far beyond what should be survivable.

After an eternity of otherworldly pain, she finally released his balls and let him catch his breath for a
while. The swollen package throbbing between his legs was all he could think of, and he could barely lift
his head to look at Chrysalis anymore. She looked pleased, but far from satisfied.

”P...please...” he tried to croak out, too out of breath to even scream anymore.

Chrysalis laughed evilly. ”No fool, this isn’t over yet. I just need to flex my legs a little.” she said as she
turned around. Cercus thought she was going to take a break, but instead she lifted her rear leg and
bucked him right in his already tortured balls. The sudden explosion of agony proved that he could still
scream after all, the crushing blow dealing entirely different sort of pain from the constant kneading he
hadn’t even had time to recover from.

”Please stop!” he screamed desperately, his words turning into another scream as her other hoof struck
his sack. She had paced her next kick just enough for it to peak his pain anew, smashing his balls just as
they were reverting to their regular shape. He could only stare at her plot as she bucked his nuts again
and again, giving up all attempts to communicate as she pounded his nuts for what felt like another
eternity of pain.

”Feeling sorry yet?” Chrysalis asked. Despite having stared right at her rear for the last hour or so, he had
barely noticed when she’d finally stopped bucking him in the balls. His groin felt like a bag of broken
mush, yet one glance down there confirmed that his balls were in fact still there, intact and throbbing
painfully along his heartbeat. He tried to say something, anything, but all that came out of his mouth
was a quiet, high-pitched whine.

”You better be.” Chrysalis answered herself, sitting in front of him and reaching for his groin. His mind
filled with animalistic fear as she lifted his balls with her hooves and opened her mouth, sinking her
fangs into one of his tender nuts. He screamed like never before as she gnawed his testicle like a dog toy,
the tenderized flesh squishing and bulging as her sharp teeth chewed on it. Eventually she left his
tortured testicle alone, biting down on its momentarily recovered twin, eliciting even more feverish
screams of pain from the stallion. She shook her head rapidly, yanking his ball from side to side, her
fangs denting deeply against the sensitive flesh. The pain was excruciating, his mind utterly incapable of
processing how hurt his testicles were beyond the stabbing pain of her teeth each time she bit down on

Eventually she let his second testicle plop down, leaving them both hanging free as she moved up to lick
his sheath. With every new form of torment worse than the last, he could only whimper in fear as her
expertise coaxed his cock to expand against his will.

”P-please, no more! I beg of you, have mercy!” he pleaded with tears in his eyes, earning him a solid
uppercut to the balls.

”It’s over when I say it’s over!” Chrysalis hissed, her hoof gently stroking his cock against her chin. As it
reached its full stiffness, she gave its head a quick lick before sinking the whole thing down her throat.

Cercus looked down at his queen blowing him, still fearing for what was to come next. She was using her
tongue and lips to caress him with perfect sweetness, even as her forehooves closed in around his
dangling testicles and pressed them flat against each other. He cried out in pain as his balls flattened
again, but with the way Chrysalis was sucking him his cock was still hard as ever. She looked up to him as
she sucked back along his shaft, reveling in his torn expression as her hooves kept grinding his balls.

He felt like he was losing his mind, his balls crushed beyond recognition yet his cock in seventh heaven.
Chrysalis bopped her head faster, the pleasure outpacing even the pain in his balls, and he screamed in
ecstasy as he shot his load into her throat. As she crushed his balls like she was trying to compress them
into diamonds, she squeezed her lips around his shaft to catch every drop he had to offer. His cock
twitched again and again, shooting his desperate load into her mouth in long, powerful splashes. The
orgasm felt like he was going to cum out his intestines, his trapped balls twitching desperately in the
merciless grip of the queen’s hooves. His cock felt so good it was almost painful, his orgasm only
enhanced by the already excruciating pain in his balls.

Chrysalis swallowed his entire load, sucking his softening cock a few more times to drain him completely
before letting him flop out of her mouth. ”Mm... I love how the pain adds to the taste.” she said as she
licked her lips and gazed up at the nearly catatonic stallion. She finally let go of his balls and stood up,
turning around once more.

He was swiftly snapped back to the present as the queen bucked his balls again, the crushing impact
reigniting the aching pain all over again. ”Consider your punishment fulfilled.” she said, her horn glowing
as she powered down the magic circle. He fell down with his legs still spread, his tender balls landing
hard against the cold cavern floor. He wasted no time curling up and cradling his nuts, the gentle feeling
of his own hooves offering at least some measure comfort for their throbbing pain.

”You may now take a one hour break to recover your wits.” she said coldly as she headed for the exit.
”After that I expect to see you back at your post. Don't be late or we'll do this again.” she added, looking
back at him with the seriousness of her threat clear in her voice. She closed the door behind her, leaving
Cercus alone to deal with his agonizingly swollen balls.

The End

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