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Peran Pemerintah dan Media Untuk Menghadirkan Informasi Saat

Pandemi Covid-19

My thought or opinion about it is that in my opinion the role of the

government in this matter is good and important, because with it there is
more detailed information about everything, especially about covid-19
news, it will provide an alert attitude and obey good and correct health
for the Indonesian people. Now maybe the government is trying to
arrange the right communication strategy so that it can be accepted by
the community. In my opinion, the right communication strategy to the
Indonesian people is by uploading positive content by medical staff,
health workers, artists, and people affected by COVID-19 through
personal social media accounts. This is attempted to reduce negative
content and hoaxes circulating in the community. The challenge of the
post-truth era, which sees that truth is no longer important, is now
happening. The majority of the information comes with a fictitious
narrative as if it is real, even though the facts are not necessarily true and
verified. Many people believe the narrative more than information
officially released by the government or the mainstream media.

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