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1. good is when you don’t hesitate to help other people, always know how to appreciate
things, you’re considerate, you often give without waiting for exchange while the bad is
all you think is to harm people such as killing or murder, being disrespectful etc.
2. Moral maturity is a prerequisite in the individual who is to apply an assortment of
information or an ability to the arrangement of an issue, or to the comprehension of a
circumstance, if the information isn't to stay unique and the expertise potential hidden.
3. I’m a person who is very considerate, I don’t hate people because of what they did, I
appreciate every culture and I love them that’s why there is no thing I can disobey.
4. for me being rational is not a sign of being mature. When you are mature, we tend to
be more considerate, we are more careful and honest but we also understand that people
are sometimes irrational.
5. Morality is what good and immorality is bad. Doing good deeds and avoiding
unnecessary things that can harm people is morality which is good.
6. rational attitude alludes to a dynamic cycle that depends on settling on decisions that
outcome in the ideal degree of advantage or utility for a person. The suspicion of judicious
conduct suggests that individuals would prefer to make moves that advantage them
versus activities that are impartial or hurt them.
7. no, since human activities, at a proper degree of depiction, are essential for the
universe, it follows that people can't act in any case than they do; choice is
incomprehensible. Since moral obligation appears to require through and through
freedom, hard determinism infers that nobody is ethically answerable for his activities.
8. If I’m going to choose between needs and wants, I prefer the need. Since we are all
experiencing pandemic, it is very important to us our needs especially foods, water and
other necessities than to our wants. We can get those things we want when we are at
ease. We must make sure that we afford our needs before our wants.
9. Yes, as an individual, we all need a peace and security. It is very essential for us,
human, to have peaceful and secure life in order to live a good life and less harm.
10. I always accept their blame even though I wasn’t really the one who is guilty or I wasn’t
the one who did a sin.

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