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1.what is good and bad for you cite your own example and explain.

Good and Bad are equilibrium states determined by a collection of parameters that are
continually changing; in our instance, these parameters include the planet, our society, and
numerous other elements. While "Bad" keeps us from living as long, "Good" provided us the
best advantages to live longer in the world.

2.explain your own opinion about the moral maturity.

Moral maturity is defined by the depth and consistency of moral judgment as well as the
understanding that moral judgment is complex and that moral principles may need to be
understood if they are to be applied to a particular situation. If a body of information or skill is to
be applied to the solution of a problem or to the understanding of a situation, or if the skill's
potential is to be achieved, moral maturity is, in my opinion, a requirement in the person using
the knowledge or skill. This indicates that there are two unique perspectives developed here.

1. Examining the Moral Maturity scale's items reveals that they have enough post-conventional
features to support the idea that adults prefer for children to be at least somewhat self-reliant.
2. The first factor's 10 aims were refactored to produce two new ideologies, the study of which
shows that the denominations' support for post-conventional morality varies, with the least
supportive narrative standing out among the others.

3. What are your institutions laws and religions, culture that you obeyed and disobeyed? Please
elaborate your answer.

I served in the church whenever there was a mass and I was a member of the choir. Since we
still needed to prepare some things and be present at all times, our moderator made a rule that
we must arrive an hour before the mass begins. I abided by the rule to always be present,
however due to work obligations, I sometimes arrive late. Since most of the events we play are
followed by a mass, I had to travel for more than an hour just to get there in time, making it
challenging for me to arrive an hour early.

4. Is being rational is a sign of being mature?

Yes, but not constantly. Being rational is defined as something that makes sense or is
supported by facts, or as someone who behaves and thinks logically. Having a certain level of
common sense or general knowledge, as well as proper emotional control, which you can rely
on when necessary, is what is meant by maturity. When one realizes that reason can only go so
far when dealing with an emotional person, that person is said to be mature. The capacity to set
aside one's own reasoning and value others' perspectives is referred to as maturity. Logic can
win arguments; maturity can win people over.

5. What do you feel about morality? Is it Bad or Good?

The set of principles known as morality allow individuals to live peacefully in communities. What
civilizations deem to be "right" and "acceptable" is what it is. I believe that this idea perfectly
captures how we have lived ever since, and I can affirm that it is a positive thing in that it
provides the moral course for people to pursue, as well as the background and historical
significance of both past and contemporary cultures.

6. Can you explain the rational attitude?

An approach to decision-making that is focused on making choices that will benefit an individual
the most is referred to as having a "rational mindset." The reasonable attitude makes the
assumption that people prefer to act in ways that are advantageous to them over those that are
unfavorable or damaging to them. It is a kind of rational behavior that is used to explain why
individuals take particular actions in order to feel satisfied.

7. Are you responsible for having morality problems?

Given the variety of norms and standards that morality upholds, I can state that the
determination of whether or not a person is morally accountable for her actions requires, at the
very least, assigning that person certain powers and capacities. This means that, whatever the
correct account of the powers and capacities at issue is given their possession and actions
towards a specific individual qualify as an agent as morally responsible in a general sense: that
is, that

8. Choose from this. Needs Vs. Wants. Which do you prefer to have? Please explain to us your
choosing in 5 to 20 sentences.

For a human to lead a healthy life, there are certain needs that must be met. They are crucial for
an organism to live and include things like personal, psychological, cultural, and societal factors.
While wants appear to the audience as something that a person would like to own, either now or
in the future. Simply explained, wishes are the desires that drive company operations to provide
the kinds of goods and services that the economy needs. They are optional, meaning that a
person can live without them and still thrive. Additionally, desires may change from time to time
and from person to person. We can infer from the facts mentioned previously that needs and
wants are independent forces that compel people to act in order to be satisfied.

If a person's necessities are not met on time, their survival is at jeopardy; but, if a person's
wants are not satisfied, it poses no threat to their survival. Therefore, needs and wants may be
distinguished based on their relative importance, which makes needs the top priority for all living
things and what I personally wish to have. Therefore, the difference is between what is
necessary and what is desirable.

9. Do you really need peace and security? Why? Or why not?

One of the most essential needs that humanity has ever had is security. Protecting our own
privacy and making sure that our loved ones are safe has always been part of ancient tradition.
Man is a social animal with something to offer society in the form of contributions. One of these
is making sure their surroundings are secure and safe. The difficulty in carrying out this moral
obligation is caused by how much crime is growing every day. We take all required precautions
to ensure the safety of the environment we live in.

0. How do you face your morality problems? As a mature individual? Please explain.

When I have moral difficulties, I normally take my time, make sure I analyze all of my options,
and then make my ultimate choice after carefully weighing all of the relevant information. This
may seem like a fundamental attitude that everyone has, but individuals always have a
tendency to forget to take their time and consider others when making a decision, which is
something I constantly consider and do. Finally, I can't say that I'm fully mature because I've
done a few things that I generally regret, but the thing that makes me mature is that I try to
repair it as much as I can, keep in mind to not make the same mistake again, and utilize it to
better myself.

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