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O p era Instituti Archaeologici Sloveniae

Viktorj ev

ave a

k poznavanju mezolitskega obdobja
v Sloveniji

C ontributions to
understanding the Mesolithic period
in Slovenia

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Zbral in uredil / Collected and edited by

Ivan T u rk

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O pera I nstituti A rchaeologici S loveniae

Uredniki zbirke / Editors o f the series: Ja n a H orvat, A ndrej Pleterski, A nton Velušček



Zbral in uredil/ Collected and edited by Ivan Turk

Recenzenta / Reviewed by K atica D robne, Sim ona Petru
Prevodi/ Translations M artin C regeen, Boris Krystufek (poglavje 1 5 /C h a p te r 15),
Erika C vetko (Dodatek / / A nnex /),
Ivan Turk (besedilo v tabelah / Text in Tables)
Jezikovni pregled besedila /
Language advisors Sonja Likar (slovenščina / Slovenian),
M aja Sužnik (angleščina/ English - poglavje 1 5 / Chapter 15 in / and Dodatek I / A n n e x I)
Likovno-grafičita zasnova zbirke /
Graphic art a n d design M ilojka Ž alik Huzjan
Oblikovanje platnic / Cover design Janja Ošlaj
Risbe / Illustrations M atija Turk, Ivan Turk, D ragica Knific L under
Karta / M ap M ateja Belak
Oblikovanje tabel in diagramov /
Forming o f tables a n d diagrams Ivan Turk
Priprava slikovnega gradiva /
Preparation o f illustrations D rago Valoh, M ateja Belak

Izdal in založil / Published by Inštitut za arheologijo Z R C SA ZU , Z aložba Z R C /

Institute o f Archaeology at Z R C S A Z U in association with Z R C Publishing
Z a n j /R e p re se n te d by O to Luthar, Ja n a H orvat
Glavni urednik / Editor-in-Chief Vojislav Likar

Tisk / Printed by C ollegium graphicum , d. o. o., Ljubljana 2004

Izid publikacije j e podprlo M inistrstvo za šolstvo, zn an o st in šp o rt R epublike Slovenije /

Published with the support o f M inistry o f Education, Science a n d Sport o f the Republic o f Slovenia

Fotografija na ovitku / Cover photo: H iperm ikrolitski sveder (Viktorjev spodm ol)
in mikro jagoda (M ala Triglavca) / H yperm icrolithic borer (Viktorjev spodm ol)
and M icro bead (M ala Triglavca). (Foto/ Photo: Franc C im erm an)

C I P - K a ta lo ž n i z a p is o p u b lik a c iji
N a r o d n a in u n iv e r z ite tn a k n již n ic a , L ju b lja n a


V IK T O R J E V s p o d m o l in M a la T rig la v c a : p ris p e v k i k p o z n a v a n ju m e z o lits k e g a o b d o b ja v

S lo v en iji = V ik to rje v s p o d m o l a n d M a la T rig la v c a : c o n t r ib u ti o n s to u n d e r s ta n d in g th e m e s o litic
p e rio d in S lo v e n ia / s p ris p e v k i, w ith c o n t r ib u ti o n s b y M a ja B itc n c -O v s e n ik ... |c t al.J ; z b r a l in
u re d il, c o lle c te d a n d e d ite d by Iv an T u rk ; [ p r e v o d i M a r tin C r e g e e n ... |e t a l . | ; ris b e M a tija
T u rk , Iv an T u rk in D ra g ic a K n if ic L u n d e r ; k a r t a M a te ja B e la k ). • L ju b lja n a : I n š titu t za
a r h e o lo g ijo Z R C S A Z U - In s titu te o f a r c h a e o lo g y a t Z R C S A Z U : Z a lo ž b a Z R C = Z R C
P u b lis h in g , 2 0 0 4 . - ( O p e r a I n s titu ti a r c h a e o lo g ic i S lo v e n ia e ; 9 )

IS B N 9 6 1 -6 5 0 0 -5 4 -6
I. V zp . stv. n a s l. 2. O v s e n ik , M a ja 3. T u rk , Iv a n . 1946-

© 2004, ZRC SAZU, Inštitut za arheologijo, Založba ZRC

V se p ra v ic e p r id r ž a n e . N o b e n d el le iz d a je n e s m e b iti r e p r o d u c ir a n , s h r a n je n a li p r e p is a n v k a te ri
koli o b lik i o z . n a k a te ri koli n a č in , b o d is i e le k tr o n s k o , m e h a n s k o , s fo to k o p ir a n je m , s n e m a n je m ali
k a k o d r u g a č e , b r e z p r e d h o d n e g a p is n e g a d o v o lje n ja la s tn ik o v a v to r s k ih p ra v ic ( c o p y r ig h ta ) .
All rights reserved. No part o f this hook m ay he reproduced in any form without written permission by
the publisher.
Digitalna verzija (pdf) je pod pogoji licence
prosto dostopna:
Knjigo posvečam pionirju slovenske speleoarheologije
Francetu Lebnu-Aciju.

/ dedicate this book to the pioneer o f Slovene spe/eoarchaeology

France Leben-Aci.

I. T.


Zbral in uredil / Collected and edited by


S prispevki / With contributions by




N t q & m - °)

V s e b in a


5 - 11- 2004 \z jr
1. del: Viktorjev spodm ol........................................................................................................................................ 9
1. Uvod (Ivan T u rk ) ......................................................................................................................................................................... 13
2. K ratka zgodovina raziskav m ezolitika v Sloveniji (Ivan T u rk )........................................................................................ 15
3. Topografija Viktorjevega spodm ola (Ivan T u rk )...................................................................................................................21
4. M etodologija arheološkega dela (Ivan T u rk )......................................................................................................................... 24
5. Stratigrafija in sedim entologija Viktorjevega spodm ola (Ivan T u r k ) .............................................................................27
6. Različne arheološke m etode - različni rezultati pri raziskavah Viktorjevega spodm ola (Ivan T u rk )......................32
7. Razlaga orodnih tipov in arm atu r ter postopkov pri izdelavi orodij in arm atur, najdenih v Viktorjevem
spodm olu (Ivan Turk in Matija T u rk )...................................................................................................................................... 53
8. Prim erjave mezolitskih najdb v Viktorjevem spodm olu z izbranim i najdišči (Ivan T u r k ) ........................................62
9. O predelitev najd iz Viktorjevega spodm ola (Ivan T u rk )....................................................................................................72
10. V prašanje izvora in nadaljevanja slovenskega m ezolitika (Ivan T u rk ) ...........................................................................82
11. N ajdbe keramike (Ivan Turk in A nton V elu šček )................................................................................................................ 87
12. M akroskopski rastlinski ostanki - sem ena in oglje (M etka C u lib erg )...........................................................................88
13. Holocenski kopenski in sladkovodni polži (G astropo d a) v Viktorjevem spodm olu (Rajko S la p n ik ) ...................92
Dodatek: Morski polži in školjke v Viktorjevem spodm olu (Vasja M ik u ž)................................................................ 106
14. O stanki ektoterm nih vretenčarjev v Viktorjevem spodm olu (M aja Paunoviči-) ..................................................... 108
15. O stanki malih sesalcev (Insectivora, C hiroptera, Rodentia) v Viktorjevem spodm olu - z Dodatkom
(B orut Toškan in Boris K rystufek)....................................................................................................................................... 114
16. O stanki velikih sesalcev v Viktorjevem spodm olu - z D odatkom (B orut Toškan in Janez D irjec ).................... 135
17. Človeški ostanki v Viktorjevem spodm olu (Iztok Štamfelj in Ivan T u rk )................................................................. 168
18. N am esto sklepa (Ivan T u rk )................................................................................................................................................... 169

2. del: M ala T rig lav ca................................................................................................................................................................... 171

1 Uvod ( Ivan T u rk )....................................................................................................................................................................... 173
2. Arheološke najdbe (M atija Turk in Ivan T u rk ) ................................................................................................................. 176
3. Malakofavna (Vasja Mikuž in Ivan T u rk ) ............................................„ ............................................................................ 197
4. Ostanki ektoterm nih vretenčarjev (Ivan T u rk ) .................................................................................................................. 200
5. Sesalska favna (B orut Toškan, Janez Dirjec in Ivan T u rk )............................................................................................. 201

3. del: Sklep (Ivan T u r k ) ..................................................................................................................................................................205

4. del: Literatura (uredil Ivan T u rk ).............................................................................................................................................. 211

Dodatek 1
Identifikacija dveh človeških mlečnih sekalcev iz arheoloških najdišč Mala Triglavca in Viktorjev spodm ol
(Iztok Štamfelj, Erika Cvetko, Maja Bitenc-Ovsenik in D om inik G ašp e ršič)........................................................... 221

Dodatek 2
l4C datacije Viktorjevega spodm ola in Male Triglavce (Ivan T u rk ).....................................................................................241

Table 1 - 2 0 ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 249

C ontents

P art 1: Viktorjev sp o d m o l.....................................................................................................................................................................9

1. Introduction (Ivan T u rk )............................................................................................................................................................ 13
2. Brief history o f research o f the M esolithic in Slovenia (Ivan T u r k ) ............................................................................ 15
3. Topography o f Viktorjev spodm ol (Ivan T u rk ).....................................................................................................................21
4. M ethodology o f the archaeological work (Ivan T u rk ) ....................................................................................................... 24
5. Stratigraphy and sedim entology o f Viktorjev spodm ol (Ivan T u rk )...............................................................................27
6. Different archaeological m ethods - different results in investigations o f Viktorjev spodm ol (Ivan T u rk ) 32
7. Interpretation o f types o f tool and arm ature and technology o f production o f tools and arm atures found
in Viktorjev spodm ol (Ivan Turk and Matija T u rk )............................................................................................................ 53
8. Com parison o f M esolithic finds in Viktorjev spodm ol with selected sites (Ivan T u rk ).......................................... 62
9. C lassification o f Viktorjev spodm ol (Ivan T u rk )................................................................................................................. 72
10. The question o f origin and continuation o f the Slovene M esolithic (Ivan T u rk ).......................................................82
11. Finds o f pottery (Ivan Turk and A nton V elu šče k )..............................................................................................................87
12. Plant m acro-rem ains - seeds and charcoal (M etka C u lib e rg ).........................................................................................88
13. H olocene land and freshw ater molluscs (G astrop o d a) in Viktorjev spodm ol (Rajko S lapnik)...............................92
A ppendix: M arine gastropods and bivalves in Viktorjev spodm ol (Vasja M ik u ž )...................................................106
14. Rem ains o f ectotherm ic vertebrates in Viktorjev spodm ol (M aja P a u n o v ič f)..........................................................108
15. Small m am m als (Insectivora, C hiroptera, R odentia) in Viktorjev spodm ol - with Supplem ent
(Boris Krystufek and Borut T o šk a n )................................................................................................................................... 114
16. Remains o f large m am m als in Viktorjev spodm ol - with Supplem ent (B orut Toškan and Jan ez D irje c ) 135
17. H um an rem ains in Viktorjev spodm ol (Iztok Štamfelj and Ivan T u rk )...................................................................... 168
18. Instead o f a conclusion (Ivan T u r k ) ..................................................................................................................................... 169

P art 2: M ala T riglavca..................................................................................................................................................................... 171

1. Introduction (Ivan T u rk ).......................................................................................................................................................... 1 73
2. A rchaeological finds (M atija Turk and Ivan T u rk ).......................................................................................................... 176
3. M alacofauna (Vasja M ikuž and Ivan T u rk )....................................................................................................................... 1 9 7
4. Rem ains o f ectotherm ic vertebrates (Ivan T u rk )...............................................................................................................200
5. M am m alian fauna (B orut Toškan, Janez Dirjec and Ivan T u rk ).................................................................................. 201

P art 3: Conclusion ( Ivan T u rk )...................................................................................................................................................... 205

P art 4: Bibliography (edited by Ivan T u r k ) ................................................................................................................................211

Annex 1
Identification o f two hum an milk incisors from the archaeological sites Mala Triglavca and Viktorjev spodm ol
(Iztok Štamfelj, Erika Cvetko, Maja Bitenc-Ovsenik and D om inik G ašp e ršič)........................................................221

Annex 2
l4C dating o f Viktorjev spodm ol and Mala Triglavca (Ivan T u rk )..........................................................................................241

Plates 1 - 2 « ...........................................................................................................................................................................................249
A v t o r ji / C o n t r ib u t o r s

K atedra za zobno in čeljustno ortopedijo, M edicinska fakulteta, 1000 Ljubljana - Vrazov trg 2, Slovenija

Biološki inštitut Jovana Hadžija ZRC SAZU, 1000 Ljubljana - Novi trg 2, Slovenija

Inštitut za anatom ijo. M edicinska fakulteta, 1000 Ljubljana - Vrazov trg 2, Slovenija

Inštitut za arheologijo ZRC SAZU, 1000 Ljubljana - Novi trg 2, Slovenija

K atedra za zobne bolezni in norm alno m orfologijo zobnega organa. M edicinska fakulteta
1000 Ljubljana - Vrazov trg 2, Slovenija

Prirodoslovni muzej Slovenije, 1000 Ljubljana - Prešernova 20, Slovenija

Oddelek za geologijo. K atedra za geologijo in paleontologijo, 1000 Ljubljana - Aškerčeva 2, Slovenija

Zavod za paleontologiji! i geologiju kvartara HAZU, 10000 Zagreb - A. Kovačiča 5, Hrvatska


Biološki inštitut Jovana Hadžija ZRC SAZU, 1000 Ljubljana - Novi trg 2, Slovenija


K atedra za zobne bolezni in norm alno m orfologijo zobnega organa. M edicinska fakulteta
1000 Ljubljana - Vrazov trg 2, Slovenija

Inštitut za arheologijo ZRC SAZU, 1000 Ljubljana - Novi trg 2, Slovenija

Inštitut za arheologijo ZRC SAZU, 1000 Ljubljana - Novi trg 2, Slovenija

1000 Ljubljana - Lunačkova 4, Slovenija

Inštitut za arheologijo ZRC SAZU, 1000 Ljubljana - Novi trg 2, Slovenija
1. d e l / P a r t 1

V ik t o r je v spo d m o l

1. U v o d 1. I n t r o d u c t io n

Ivan T urk

M ezolitik Slovenije je slabo poznan v smislu poselitve­ The M esolithic in Slovenia is poorly known in the sense
ne slike, kronologije in pripadnosti. N e sam o d a je števi­ o f settlem ent pattern, chronology and affiliations. It is
lo najdišč m ajhno (sl. 1.1) in najdbe večinom a skrom ­ not ju st th at the num ber o f sites is small ( Fig. I. I ) and
ne, slabo utem eljene so tudi povezave z bolje raziskani­ finds relatively m odest, links with m ore fully researched
mi m ezolitskimi kompleksi zunaj Slovenije. Nova odkrit­ M esolithic com plexes outside Slovenia are also poorly
ja na K rasu so to stanje izboljšala, še več, odprla so grounded. New discoveries on the Karst have improved
m ožnost, da se vsaj m ezolitik K rasa bolj utem eljeno this situation, they have even o pened possibilities o f
ovrednoti, tako z arheološkega kot ekološkega vidika, kar evaluating at least the M esolithic o f the K arst m ore th o ­
je poglavitni nam en te knjige. To sm o avtorji dosegli na roughly, both from the archaeological and the ecologi­
podlagi dveh izredno bogatih najdišč (Viktorjev spod­ cal points o f view, which is the main purpose o f this
mol ali Podjam ca in MalaTriglavca), kjer so arheološke book. The authors have achieved this on th e basis of
najdbe oplem enitene z najdbam i človeških ostankov, two exceptionally rich sites (Viktorjev spodm ol, or Pod­
o stankov velikih in m alih sesalcev, ek to term n ih vre­ jam ca, and M ala Triglavca), w here archaeological finds
tenčarjev, m ehkužcev in rastlin. have been enriched with finds o f hum an rem ains, the
Viktorjev spodm ol so v letih 1997 in 1999sondažno rem ains o f both large and small m am m als, ectotherm ic
raziskali V. Saksida, J. Dirjec in I. Turk. vertebrates, molluscs and plants.

• Š pehovka
J a m a z a skalam i 't \ ' \
^ p la n in a K ašina Wk T
^ ^ p l a n i n a Pretovč* " A p n a r je v a jam ai

r f 's . 'v r v \ \ w \ ) \
(_Y M e z o litsk a n a jd iš č a v
ß j Sloveniji 1 9 3 6 - 2 0 0 4 /
~ N \ > \ I \ M e s o lith ic sites
& \ m S /o v en /a 1 9 3 6 - 2 0 0 4

n a jd iš č e v jam i / s p o d m o l
c a v e / ro ck sh elter

n a jd iš č e n a p ro ste m /
o p e n a ir site

20 km

Sl. D om nevna in n esp o rn a m ezolitska najdišča v Sloveniji. Izdelala M. Belak.

Fig. /./: S uspected and indisputable M esolithic sites in Slovenia. Produced by M. Belak.
Sistem atske arheološke raziskave v Mali Triglavci V. Saksida, J. Dirjec and I. Turk researched Viktor­
(odslej M. Triglavca) je začel F. Leben (1988), nadalju­ jev spodm ol on an exploratory basis in 1997 and 1999.
je pa jih M. Budja. Pri tem so bili med drugim i najdba­ F. Leben began system atic archaeological research
mi odkriti tudi redki mezolitski artefakti. Z ato sem I. in Mala Triglavca (hereinafter: M. Triglavca) in 1988,
Turk v letih 1998 in 2001 opravil m anjšo kontrolno ra­ and it was continued by M. Budja. O ccasional Meso­
ziskavo, ne da bi posegel v plasti najdišča. N am en te lithic artefacts were discovered am ong o th er finds. I.
raziskave je bil pobrati vse drobne arheološke in druge Turk therefore carried out a small control investigation
najdbe, ki bi lahko ostale v deponiranem odkopu Leb­ in 1998 and 2001, w ithout encroaching on the layers o f
novih izkopavanj ti. mezolitske plasti. the site. T he purpose o f this research was to collect all
Z aradi bogatih najdb v sondi Viktorjevega spod­ the tiny archaeological and o th er finds which may have
m ola in v Lebnovem odkopu v M. Triglavci sem se z rem ained in the earth deposited from L eben’s excava­
avtorji te knjige odločili za m onografski prikaz obeh tion o f the so-called M esolithic layers.
najdišč. Pri tem se zavedam , da sta najdišči daleč od Because o f the rich finds in the test trench o f Vik­
tega, da bi bili raziskani, saj je bilo vse gradivo prido­ torjev spodm ol and in L eben’s excavation in M. Triglav­
bljeno z m inim alnim posegom v najdišče ozirom a sam o ca, together with the o th er au th o r’s o f this book I deci­
s ponovnim pregledovanjem že odkopanih in pregleda­ ded on a m onograph presentation o f the two sites. I am
nih usedlin. Sistem atična izkopavanja, do katerih m ora aware that the sites are far from having been fully re­
prej ali slej priti, bodo, če bodo pravilno načrtovana in searched, since all the m aterial was obtained with mini­
izpeljana, bistveno dopolnila tu podani celostni prikaz mum en croachm ent at the site or only with a re-exami­
obeh m ezolitskih najdišč. nation o f the already excavated and exam ined sediments.
Upam, skupaj s soavtorji, da bo ta knjiga spodbuda System atic excavations, which m ust be done sooner or
in koristen delovni priročnik za bodoče slovenske razisko­ later, if properly planned and carried out will add signi­
valce ‘kraškega m ezolitika'. ficantly to the overall presentation given here o f the two
M esolithic sites.
I and my fellow authors hope that this book will be
an encouragem ent and useful working m anual for futu­
re Slovene researchers o f the “K arst M esolithic".
2 . K r a t k a z g o d o v in a 2 . B r ie f H is t o r y o f
v S l o v e n iji M e s o l it h ic in
S l o v e n ia
Ivan T urk

Raziskave mezolitika v Sloveniji segajo v čas zgodnjih iz­ Research o f the M esolithic in Slovenia goes back to the
kopavanj S. Brodarja in njegovega odkritja prvih mezolit- early excavations o f S. Brodar, and his discovery o f the
skih najdb v jam i Špehovki (B rodar S. 1938, 165; t. 10:2- first M esolithic finds in the cave o f Špehovka (B rodar
3; Brodar M. 1993, 19, t. 8: H, h). Nazadnje je te raziska­ S. 1938, 165; Plate 10; 2 -3; Brodar M. 1993, 19, Plate 8;
ve izčrpno povzel D. Josipovič (1992) v svoji magistrski H, h). D. Josipovič (1992) sum m arised these investiga­
nalogi. Temu je treba danes dodati še nova odkritja pla­ tions exhaustively in his m aster thesis. To these m ust
nih najdišč v sredogorju in drugje, za katera so zaslužni today be added new discoveries o f open air sites in the
tudi am aterski iskalci. Pri tem mislim predvsem na Kuk medium high m ountains, for which am ateur explorers
pri Trnovem (gradivo sta zbrala in mi ga pokazala J. Biz­ also deserve credit. Notably there is Kuk near Trnovo
jak in P. Jamnik; neobjavljeno) in planino Pretovč nad (J. Bizjak and P. Jam nik collected the m aterial and sho­
Tolminom (J. Bizjak in P. Jam nik; neobjavljeno), kjer sta wed it to me; unpublished), and the m ountain pasture
bili med drugim najdeni geom etrični arm aturi (sl. 2.1), ki o f Pretovč above Tolmin (J. Bizjak and P. Jam nik; unpu­
z veliko verjetnostjo kažeta na prisotnost mezolitskih lov­ blished), where geom etric arm atures were found (Fig.
cev in nabiralcev na teh lokacijah. Mezolitsko je verjetno 2 .1), indicating a high probability o f the presence o f Me­
tudi novoodkrito najdišče na planini Kašina nad vasjo solithic hunters and gatherers in these locations. A newly
Krn (Jam nik, Bizjak 2003). Višinska najdišča glede na discovered site on the m ountain pasture o f K ašina abo­
stanje v zahodnih Julijskih Alpah, na M okrinah in M ata­ ve the village o f Krn (Jam nik, Bizjak 2003) is also pro­
jurju na italijanski strani (G uerreschi 1998, 82, sl. 6), če bably M esolithic. In view o f the situation in the w estern
om enim samo lokacije najbližjih podobnih najdišč, niso Julian Alps, on M okrine and M atajur on the Italian side
nikakršno presenečenje in jih lahko v bodoče pričakuje­ (G uerreschi 1998-1999, 82, si. 6), to m ention only the
mo še več. Zaradi prve vojne so vsa znana višinska naj­ locations o f the nearest sim ilar sites, the altitude o f the
dišča m očno poškodovana, kar je za stroko zelo neugod­ sites are in no way surprising and we can expect m ore of
no, saj je njihova izpovedna moč okrnjena. them in the future. Because o f the First World War, all
Kot pom em bno naključno najdbo naj na tem mestu
om enim popo ln o m a o h ran jen o ost z zobci sam o na
enem robu. Našel jo je M. Potočnik (1988-1989, 391, t.
3: 22) v osem desetih letih v strugi Ljubljanice (sl. 2.2).
N ajdbo hrani N arodni muzej Slovenije (inv. št. P 18 405,
predm et pridobljen 1. 1989). Z aradi pom anjkanja dodat­
nih podatkov njena pripadnost m ezolitiku ni absolutno
zanesljiva, je pa zelo verjetna. M ezolitsko pripadnost bi
utrdilo ali om ajalo sam o WC datiranje.
O st je narejena iz rogovja navadnega jelena. Na
zunanji strani se vidi značilna zgradba površine rogovja.
Dolga je 23,2 cm, največja širina je 2,5 cm, največja
debelina pa 0,7 cm. Na notranji strani je rahlo izboče­
na. Bazalno in term inalno je prišiljena z vseh strani.
T erm inalna konica je rahlo zglajena (m orda od upora­
be). Zobci imajo odlom ljene vršičke, razen dveh, ki sta SI. 2.1. Planina Pretovč (1150 m ) nad T olm inom : nedokončan
trikotnik ozirom a klinica s hrbtom in p rečno retušo ali sam o
nepoškodovana. Zobci so bili izrezani z ostrim orodjem ,
klinica s hrbtom . N aravna velikost in e n k rat povečano. Risal
verjetno s krem enovim nožičkom. N ajdba je dom nevno
M. Turk.
služila kot ost kopja in ne kot harpuna, kije s toporiščem Fig. 2.1: Planina Pretovč (1150 m ) above Tolm in: unfinished
povezana z vrvico. Na predm etu nam reč ni nobenega triangle o r backed, tru n ca te d bladelet o r m erely backed bla-
prim ernega m esta za pritrditev vrvice. delet. N atural size and m agnified once. D raw n by M. Turk.
the known h ig h altitude sites are greatly dam aged, w h ic h
is very unfortunate for the profession since their infor­
mative value is thus greatly curtailed.
O ne im portant chance find worth m entioning here
is a com pletely preserved barbed point. It was found by
M. Potočnik (198 8 -1 9 8 9 , 391, Plate 3: 22) in the eigh­
ties in the riverbed o f the Ljubljanica (Fig. 2.2). The
find is kept in the N ational M useum o f Slovenia (inv.
no. P 18405, item obtained in 1989). Because o f the
lack o f additional data, it is not absolutely certain th at it
is M esolithic, but it is very probable. Only l4C dating
can confirm or exclude a M esolithic origin.
T he point is m ade from the an tler o f red deer. The
characteristic surface stru ctu re o f antler is visible on the
outside. It is 23.2 cm long, 2.5 cm at its widest and has
a m axim um thickness o f 0.7 cm. It is slightly convex on
the inner side. It is sharpened on all sides basally and
term inally. T he term inal point is slightly polished (per­
haps from use). The barbs have broken tips, except for
two that are undam aged. The barbs were cut with a sharp
tool, probably a flint knife. T he find is suspected o f ha­
ving served as the point o f a spear and not as a harpoon,
which would have been linked to the haft with a line.
This item, namely, has no suitable place for the attach ­
m ent o f a cord.
M esolithic finds have been known in Slovenia sin­
ce 1936, but the m aterial collected, except for the Pod
Č rm ukljo site, had little inform ative power. W ith few
exceptions, the m aterial represented geom etric arm atu ­
res, which are the main characteristic o f M esolithic in­
ventories th ro u g h o u t E urope. Since th ese arm atu res
belong in the group o f m icrolithic, often even hypermi-
crolithic (pygmy) tools, it was not possible to find them
with the then available fieldw ork techniques. So the
m ajority o f Slovene M esolithic sites were unable to tell
us enough for deductions about their cultural affiliation.
D. Josipovič (1992, 60), for example, believed that the
m ajority o f sites, including M. Triglavca, could not be
defined in m ore detail. M. Frelih (1986) was the first to
classify the site at Breg as C astelnovian. M. B rodar
Sl. 2.2: O st z zobci iz struge L jubljanice tik pod izlivom Ižice. (1992, 29) was cautious in classifying the site at Pod
M erilo je p o d an o v cm . Fotografija T. Lauko, risba D. Knific Č rm ukljo, though he rem ained convinced o f links bet­
Lunder. O bjavljeno z dovoljenjem N arodnega m uzeja Slove­ ween our M esolithic and the Tardenoisian. In connec­
nije, št. 34/2003. tion with M. Triglavca, he wrote that the finds were from
Fig. 2.2: B arbed p o in t from the riverbed o f the L jubljanica a specific M esolithic culture (B rodar 1995, 17). Howe­
im m ediately below the m outh o f the Ižica. M easurem ents are
ver, he did not say w hat type and in what way it was
given in cm . P hotograph by T. Lauko, draw ing by D. Knific
specific. F. Leben (1988, 71) was no clearer, writing that
Lunder. Published by perm ission o f the N ational M useum o f
the finds from the deepest archaeological layers ‘indica­
Slovenia no. 34/2003.
te som e M esolithic trad itio n ’. He believed that the sto­
ne tools ‘show som e pre-Neolithic m icrolithic forms',
Mezolitske najdbe so znane v Sloveniji od leta 1936, and although with the possible exception o f a single ex­
vendar je imelo zbrano gradivo, z izjem o najdišča Pod am ple (Leben 1988, Plate 2. 17), he did not publish any
Č rm ukljo, m ajhno izpovedno moč. V gradivu so bile z m icroliths, he correctly found links between finds from
redkim i izjem am i zasto p an e arm a tu re geom etrijskih M. Triglavca and M esolithic sites on the T riestine Karst.
oblik, ki so glavna značilnost m ezolitskih inventarjev D. Josipovič (1992, 52) ascribed a ‘M esolithic habitus’
širom po Evropi. Ker te arm ature sodijo v skupino mik- to stone tools from M. Triglavca.
rolitskih, večkrat celo hiperm ikrolitskih (pigm ejskih) It is surprising th at none o f these authors gave any
orodij, jih s tedanjim i terenskim i tehnikam i ni bilo mo­ thought to the real reason for the poor com parability o f
goče najti. To je bil poglavitni vzrok za neizpovednost o u r M esolithic with the E uropean, and above all with
inventarjev večine slovenskih m ezolitskih najdišč in s the nearby “Italic”. Each in turn stated that new, richer
tem povezano ugibanje o njihovi kulturni pripadnosti. sites m ust be found, but nobody asked w hat m ethods
D. Josipovič (1992, 60) je na prim er menil, da večine were used to obtain the m aterial. We attem pt to give an
najdišč, vključno z M. Triglavco, podrobneje ne m ore­ answ er to this question in this book.
mo opredeliti. M. Frelih (1986) je bil prvi, ki je najdišče It is probably no coincidence th at the very im por­
Breg opredelil kot kastelnovjensko. M. Brodar (1992, tan t site Pod Č rm ukljo, which long rem ained unpublis­
29) je bil pri opredelitvi najdišča Pod Č rm ukljo previ­ hed, was discovered by an Italian am ateur, M ario de
den, po drugi strani pa je vztrajal pri povezavah našega Ruiz, in 1964. A m atateur explorers in n o rth ern Italy
m ezolitika s tardenoazjenom . V zvezi z M. Triglavco je were discovering the first M esolithic sites, initially on
napisal, da gre za najdbe neke specifične m ezolitske the Triestine Karst. It started with Pečina na Leskovcu
kulture (B rodar 1995, 17). Ni pa povedal kakšne in v {Gratia Azzurra di Sam atorza) in 1961 (Radm illi 1963)
čem je njena specifičnost. N ič bolj jasen ni bil F. Leben and continued in the 60s and 70s with a series o f then
(1988, 71), ki je napisal, da najdbe iz najgloblje arheo­ already legendary overhang caves on the K arst (C an a­
loške plasti v M. Triglavci ‘kažejo neko mezolitsko tradi­ rella 1984). The finds from the Pod Č rm ukljo site were
cijo’. O kam nitih orodjih je menil, da ‘kažejo neke pred- for long the only reliable link between the K arst sites on
neolitske m ikrolitske oblike’, čeprav z izjem o m orda the two sides o f the state border.
enega prim erka (Leben 1988, t. 2. 17), ni objavil nobe­ In connection with M esolithic research in Slove­
nega mikrolita, je pa pravilno ugotovil povezave med nia I m ust also m ention attem pts to deal with sites in an
najdbam i iz M. Triglavce in m ezolitskim i najdišči na all-round m anner, including rem ains o f fauna and flora.
Tržaškem krasu. D. Josipovič (1992, 52) je kam enim T he main credit in this goes to V. Pohar (1984, 1986,
orodjem iz M. Triglavce pripisal ‘mezolitski habitus’. 1990), M. Culiberg and A. Šercelj. However, the initiati­
Presenetljivo je, da nobeden od naštetih avtorjev ni ve for the all-round course o f research always cam e from
pomislil na to, kaj je pravi vzrok za slabo primerljivost the investigators responsible for the sites.
našega mezolitika z evropskim, predvsem pa z bližnjim T he perception o f our M esolithic thoroughly chan­
‘italskim’. Vsi po vrsti so navajali, d a je treba odkriti nova, ged in the years 1997-2001, on the basis o f m odest but
bogatejša najdišča, nihče pa se ni vprašal, kakšne so bile precise investigations in Viktorjev spodm ol (o r Podjani-
metode, s katerimi je bilo gradivo pridobljeno. Odgovor c i)1 and with a review o f the deposits o f already exam i­
na to vprašanje poskušam o podati v tej knjigi. ned sedim ents in M. Triglavca.
Verjetno ni naključje, da je zelo pom em bno naj­ In the future, in addition to research o f cave sites
dišče Pod Črm ukljo, ki je dolgo ostalo neobjavljeno, on the K arst and in the valley o f the Reka (especially on
odkril italijanski am ater M ario de Ruiz leta 1964. V tem escarpm ents), above all sites on the Ljubljansko barje
času so v severni Italiji am aterski iskalci odkrivali prva ( Ljubljana m oor). Cerkniško jezero (C erknica lake) and
m ezolitska najdišča, in sicer najprej na Tržaškem krasu. its surroundings (Rakov Škocjan), the Vipava valley in­
Začelo se je s Pečino na Leskovcu - Groiia Azzurra di cluding the edges o f the m ountain plateau from Pred­
Sam atorza leta 1961 (Radm illi 1963) in nadaljevalo v meja to Trnovo, and in Posočje (Soča valley), including
60-ih in 70-ih letih z vrsto sedaj že legendarnih spodm o­ lower parts o f the Julian Alps, will affect our knowledge
lov na Krasu (C anarella 1984). Edina zanesljiva vez med o f the M esolithic. We can expect a denser network o f
kraškimi najdišči na obeh straneh državne meje so bile M esolithic sites in all o f the m entioned areas (in the
dolgo časa najdbe iz najdišča Pod Črm ukljo. open, in rockshelters, beneath overhangs and beside
V zvezi z mezolitskimi raziskavami v Sloveniji mo­ boulders).
ram om eniti tudi prizadevanja, da se najdišča obravna­
vajo vsestransko, vključno z ostanki favne in flore. Pri Viktorjev spodm ol dealt with here has a very sh o rt but
tem imajo glavne zasluge V. Pohar (1984, 1986, 1990), com plex history o f research. In the archaeological sen­
M. C uliberg in A. Šercelj. Vendar je bila pobuda za vse­ se, it was discovered by V iktor Saksida (hen cefo rth Vik­
stranski potek raziskave vedno na strani odgovornih ra­ tor), the founder and for many years head o f the archa­
ziskovalcev najdišč. eological section o f the Caving Society in Sežana, who
Podoba našega m ezolitika se je tem eljito sprem e­ was also responsible for the discovery o f other cave ar-
nila v letih 1997-2001 na podlagi skrom nih, vendar na­
tančnih raziskav v Viktorjevem spodm olu (ali Podjam-
1 At Zazid, the same learn that had discovered Viktorjev spodmol,
c i) 1 in z revizijo deponije že pregledanih sedim entov v
discovered another im portant site with a sim ilar name. This is
M. Triglavci.
V ik to rje v a p e č in a a lia s J a m a p re d S e n ico , w hich has
unfortunately rem ained unstudied because o f a variety of
1 Pri Zazidu je ista ekipa, ki je odkrila Viktorjev spodm ol, odkrila unfavourable circumstances.
V bodoče bodo poleg raziskav jam skih najdišč na chaeological sites on the K arst from 1985-1997 (Turk
Krasu in v dolini Reke (zlasti v reliefnih stopnjah) na 1987; Saksida, Turk 1988; Pavlin, Dirjec, Saksida 1990;
vedenje o m ezolitiku vplivale predvsem raziskave naj­ Turk, Saksida 1990; Dirjec, Turk, Saksida 1991). In Au­
dišč na Ljubljanskem barju, Cerkniškem jezeru z okoli­ gust 1997, together with Ludvik Husu, a m em ber o f the
co (Rakov Škocjan), v Vipavski dolini, vključno z ro­ sam e society, he excavated a I x 2 m and approxim ately
bom planote od Predm eje do Trnovega, in v Posočju, one m etre deep test trench in the lower part o f the rocks-
vključno z nižjimi predeli Julijskih Alp. N a vseh om en­ helter. W hen he cam e across a large fallen rock over the
jen ih področjih lahko pričakujem o gostejšo m režo me- entire area o f the test trench, he ended the excavation
zolitskih najdišč (na planem , v spodm olih, pod previsi and inform ed the Institute o f A rchaeology Z R C SAZU
in ob balvanih). in Ljubljana and the Institute for the Protection o f the
C ultural Heritage o f Slovenia in Nova G orica about the
Tukaj obravnavani Viktorjev spodm ol im a zelo kratko finds. T he finds and the site were exam ined in the follo­
in zapleteno zgodovino raziskav. wing days by J. Dirjec and I. Turk. T he latter took over
V arheološkem smislu ga je odkril V iktor Saksida the finds th at V iktor had collected and decided to sieve
(odslej Viktor), ustanovitelj in dolgoletni vodja arheo­ and carefully exam ine som e o f the excavated sedim ents
loške sekcije Jam arskega društva v Sežani, k ije zaslužen from V iktor's test trench. For this purpose, he brought
tudi za odkritje drugih jam skih arheoloških najdišča na the sedim ent hom e and washed it on a sieve brought
K rasu v letih 1985-1997 (Turk 1987; Saksida, Turk 1988; from Divje babe 1, w here m ajor excavations with wet
Pavlin, Dirjec, Saksida 1990; Turk, Saksida 1990; Dir- sieving o f all excavated sedim ents were currently taking
jec, Turk, Saksida 1991). Avgusta 1997 je skupaj z Lud­ place.
vikom H usujem, članom istega društva, v južnem delu
spodm ola izkopal približno lx 2 m veliko in približno
m eter globoko sondo. Potem ko je na celotni površini
sonde naletel na velike podorne bloke, je končal izkopa­
vanje in o najdbah obvestil Inštitut za arheologijo ZRC
SAZU v Ljubljani te r Zavod za varstvo kulturne dedišči­
ne Slovenije v Novi Gorici. N ajdbe in najdišče sta si v
naslednjih dneh ogledala J. D irjec in 1. Turk. Slednji je
prevzel najdbe, ki jih je nabral Viktor, in se odločil, da
preseje in natančno pregleda nekaj odkopanega sedim en­
ta iz Viktorjeve sonde. V ta nam en je sedim ent pripeljal
na dom in ga spral na sitih, pripeljanih z Divjih bab I,
kjer so tedaj potekala večja izkopavanja s spiranjem vseh
odkopanih sedimentov.
Pozitiven rezultat pregleda, k ije dal nekaj zaneslji­
vo mezolitskih mikrolitov, ki jih je V iktor vse do zadnje­
ga spregledal, je I. Turka spodbudil, da je s pom očjo J.
Dirjeca septem bra istega leta spral na sitih in natančno
pregledal še več sedim entov iz Viktorjeve sonde (sl. 2.3).
Spiranje sta kljub tehnični zahtevnosti, ki jo je predstav­
ljala napeljava vode iz oddaljenega vira, opravila na sam ­
em najdišču v dveh dnevih, pregled spranega sedim enta
pa na Inštitutu za arheologijo. Uspeh ni izostal in posta­
lo je jasno, da je V iktor pomagal odkriti zelo bogato
m ezolitsko najdišče.
Z ato je I. Turk za naslednja leta (199 9 -2 0 0 1 ) nač­
rtoval sistem atično raziskavo najdišča in prijavil leta 1998
ustrezen projekt s šifro K 6-1319-0618-99 pri M inistrstvu
za znanost in tehnologijo Republike Slovenije. Vendar
projekt ni bil sprejet.z utemeljitvijo, da se ne m ore uvrs­
SI. 2.3: Spiranje sedim entov iz V iktorjeve sonde v najdišču.
titi na nacionalni seznam projektov za leto 1999 zaradi
Spiranje op azu jeta V iktor Saksida (drugi z leve) in Ludvik
prenizke uvrstitve v evalvacijskem postopku. To je od-
H usu (tretji z leve). Foto I. Turk.
Fig. 2.3: W et sieving sedim ents from V ik to r’s test tren ch at
še eno p o m em b n o n ajdišče s podo b n im im enom . To je the site. T he w ashing is being w atched by V iktor Saksida (se­
V iktorjeva pečina ali Jam a Pred senico, ki je ostalo, žal, cond from left) and Ludvik H usu (th ird from left). P hoto I.
neraziskano, zaradi spleta neugodnih okoliščin. Turk.
ločilno vplivalo na nadaljnji potek raziskav, saj zanje ni The positive results o f the exam inations, which gave
bilo na voljo posebnega denarja, zaradi česar tudi predsta­ som e reliable M esolithic m icroliths that V iktor had over­
vitev izsledkov ni bila obvezujoča, toda interes je ostal looked, encouraged I. Turk, assisted by J. Dirjec, in Sep­
in pripravljenost, da se zadeva reši na neform alen način tem ber o f the same year to sieve wash and carefully exa­
in z m inim alnim i sredstvi tudi. m ine additional sedim ents from V iktor’s test trench (Fig.
N a pobudo J. Dirjeca je bil leta 1999 sistem atično 2.3). D espite the technically dem anding nature, caused
izkopan ozek pas profila (20 x 200 x 100 cm ) V iktor­ by the need to lead w ater from a distant locality, the wet
jeve sonde z nam enom , ugotoviti stratigrafijo najdb (sl. sieving was carried out at the site itself over the course
2.4). Akcija (dovoljenje M inistrstva za kulturo RS, št. o f two days, and the w ashed sedim ents were exam ined
617-18/98), pri kateri sta sodelovala sam o J. Dirjec in I. at the Institute o f Archaeology. T here was no lack of
Turk, je trajala tri dni, nakar sta sondo zasula. Ves odko­ success and it becam e clear that V iktor had helped to
pan sedim ent sta pripeljala v Bistro pri Vrhniki in ga s discover a very rich M esolithic site.
pom očjo sodelavca D. Valoha v petih dneh sprala na The following year (1 9 9 9 -2 0 0 1 ), I. Turk planned
sitih (sl. 2.5). Sledilo je dolgotrajno pregledovanje izpra­ system atic investigation o f the site and in 1998 prepa­
nih sedim entov na Inštitutu za arheologijo in iskanje red a suitable project with reference num ber K.6-1319-
sodelavcev za obdelavo različnih najdb zunaj form alnih 0618-99 at the M inistry o f Science and Technology of
raziskovalnih programov. Z aradi vsega tega so se dela the Republic o f Slovenia. However, the project was not
zelo zavlekla. accepted, on the grounds that it had gained too few points
V zporedno z raziskavami V iktorjevega spodm ola in the evaluation procedure to be placed on the national
je potekal neform alni program revizije dela odkopanih list o f projects for 1999 because o f too low a ranking.
sedim entov M. Triglavce. Pobudo zanj je dal I. Turku This had a decisive influence on the further course o f
pokojni France Leben, k ije vodil izkopavanja v M. Trig- the research, since special funds were not available for
lavci v letih 1980-1985 (Leben 1988). Prvo uspešno it, because o f which even a presentation o f the results
sondiranje v M. Triglavci je pod njegovim vodstvom was n ot m andatory, although interest rem ained and a
opravil prav I. Turk leta 1979. Leta 1998 je vzel z depo­ w illingness to resolve the m atter in an inform al way and
nije približno 270 kg odkopanih sedim entov dom nevne also with minimal funds.
mezolitske plasti, ki jih je že suho presejala in pregleda- At the initiative o f J. Dirjec, in 1999 a narrow band

SI. 2.4: Sistem atiem o izkopavanje ozkega pasu profila V iktorjeve sonde. Foto I. Turk.
Fig. 2.4: System atic excavation o f a narrow band o f the profile o f V iktor's test trench. P hoto I. Turk.
o f the profile (20 x 200 x 100 cm ) o f V iktor’s test trench
was system atically excavated in order to establish the
stratigraphy o f the finds (Fig. 2.4). The action (perm it
o f the M inistry o f C ulture RS, no. 617-18/98), in which
only J. Dirjec and I. Turk took part, lasted three days,
and the trench was then filled in. All the excavated sedi­
m ents were brought to Bistra by V rhnika and with the
help o f a colleague, D. Valoh, sieve w ashed in five days
(Fig. 2.5). A lengthy exam ination o f the washed sedi­
m ents then followed at the Institute o f Archaeology, to­
gether with a search for collaborators for processing the
various finds outside formal research program m es. Be­
cause o f all this, the work dragged on considerably.
In parallel with investigation o f Viktorjev spodm ol,
an inform al program m e o f review o f p art o f the excava­
ted sedim ents o f M. Triglavca was also taking place. The
late France Leben, who led the excavations in M. Trig­
lavca in 1980-1985 (Leben 1988), gave the inititive for
it to I. Turk. The first successful test trench in M. Trig­
lavca had been dug u nder his leadership by I. Turk in
1979. In 1998, he took from the deposits approxim ately
207 kg o f excavated sedim ents o f suspected M esolithic
layers w hich L eben’s team had dry sieved and exami­
ned in the last year o f system atic excavations. These sedi­
m ents were wet sieved and carefully exam ined the follo­
wing year at Reka near C erkno, because it was not pos­
sible elsewhere. Thus, in addition to other finds, he found
56 stone tools (11 endscrapers, 14 trapezes, 2 blades, 9
Sl. 2.5: Spiranje in pregledovanje sedim entov iz profila Vik­ scalene triangles and two m icropoints) and technologi­
torjevega spodm ola v Bistri pri Vrhniki. Foto J. Dirjec. cal pieces (18 m icro burins). Even m ore sedim ents were
Fig. 2.5: W et sieving a n d exam ining sedim ents from the prof­ therefore taken in 2001 (1407 kg), wet sieved at Planina
ile o f V iktorjev spodm ol in Bistra by Vrhnika. Photo J. Dir­ near Rakek and carefully exam ined at the Institute of
Archaeology. The collection o f overlooked M esolithic
artefacts thus created was com patible with the collec­
tion froni Viktorjev spodm ol and could w ithout hesita­
la Lebnova ekipa v zadnjem letu sistem atičnih izkopa­ tion serve for com parison between the two sites.
vanj. Te sedim ente je naslednje leto m okro presejal in
natan čn o pregledal na Reki pri C erknem , ker drugje to
ni bilo mogoče. Tako je poleg drugih najdb našel 56 ka­
m enih orodij (11 praskal, 14 trapezov, 2 klinici, 9 razno-
straničnih trikotnikov in 2 m ikrokonici) in tehnoloških
kosov (18 m ikro vbadal). Z ato je leta 2001 vzel še več
sedim enta (1.407 kg), ga dal na Planini pri Rakeku mok­
ro presejati in natančno pregledati na Inštitutu za ar­
heologijo. Tako ustvarjena zbirka spregledanih mezolit-
skih artefaktov je bila kom patibilna z zbirko v Viktor­
jevem spodm olu in je lahko brez pomislekov služila za
prim erjavo med najdišči.
3 . T o p o g r a f ij a 3. T opo g ra ph y o f
V ik t o r j e v e g a V ik t o r je v S p o d m o l
spodm ola

Ivan T urk

Viktorjev spodm ol je lociran pod V rem ščico (1027 m ) v Viktorjev spodm ol is located below the m ountain o f
dolini reke Reke1. G re za geografsko pom em bno lego Vremščica (1027 m ) in the valley o f the river R eka1. It is
ob reki, ki v kom unikacijskem smislu povezuje ožji Kras a geographically im p o rtan t position by the river which
z Ilirskobistriško in Pivško kotlino ter Tržaški in Reški in the com m unication sense links the narrow er Karst
zaliv. V erjetno ni naključje, da na tej trasi ležijo vsa po­ with the Ilirska Bistrica and Pivka basins and Bays of
m em bnejša m ezolitska najdišča pri nas: M. Triglavca, Trieste and Rijeka. It is probably no coincidence th at all
Viktorjev spodm ol. Pod Č rm ukljo, Dedkov trebež. th e m ore im p o rtan t M esolithic sites here are situated
G eografsko zaledje Viktorjevega spodm ola je zelo on this line: M. Triglavca, Viktorjev spodm ol. Pod Č r­
pestro (Geografski atlas Slovenije 1998). mukljo, Dedkov trebež.
Proti zahodu se razprostira nizka planota klasične­ The geographic hinterland o f Viktorjev spodm ol is
ga krasa z ravniki, v vseh drugih sm ereh pa visoka pla­ very diverse (G eographic A tlas o f Slovenia 1998).
nota, za katero so značilni zaobljeni vrhovi, visoki do Towards the west spreads a low plateau o f classical
1056 m, hribovska in gričevska slem ena, ozke in široke karst with karst plain, polje, and in all other directions
rečne doline, slepe doline, reliefne stopnje, udornice, high plateau characterised by rounded peaks up to 1056
jam e in brezna. m high, hilly and undulating ridges, narrow and wide
Glavni kam nini sta apnenec in fliš. Slednjega naj­ river valleys, blind valleys, escarpm ents, collapsed doli-
dem o tudi v dolini reke Reke in v gričevnatem svetu Brki­ nes, caves and abysses.
nov. V apnencu se je izoblikovalo površje visokega in T he main rocks are lim estone and flysch. T he lat­
nizkega dinarskega krasa z dvem a izrazitim a reliefnim a ter is also found in the valley o f the river Reka and in
stopnjam a, ki se vlečeta v dinarski smeri, ena od Črnega the hilly landscape o f the Bi kini. A surface o f high and
Kala in druga od Ilirske Bistrice. V obeh stopnjah so se low D inaric karst has been created in the lim estone with
izoblikovale številne jam e in previsi s številnimi arheo­ two p ro n o u n ced escarp m en ts stretch in g tow ards the
loškimi in paleontološkim i najdišči. Dinarids, one from Č rni Kal and the o th er from Ilirska
N a apnencu so nastale pokarbonatne prsti in rend- Bistrica. In both escarpm ents have been form ed num e­
zine, na flišu pa kisle rjave prsti. rous caves and overhangs with a num ber o f archaeologi­
P odnebje je zaled n o subm ed iteran sk o (K ras in cal and palaeontological sites.
dolina reke Reke do Ilirske Bistrice) in zm erno celinsko R endzinas have form ed on the lim estone, and aci­
(visoka p la n o ta in Brkini). N a leto pade povprečno dic brown soils on the flysch.
1.400-1.600 mm padavin, povprečna letna tem peratura The clim ate is hinterland subm editerranean (K arst
je 8-12° C, na Vremščici 6 -8 ° C. and valley o f the river Reka to Ilirska Bistrica) and mo­
V zm erni klimi, kakršna je značilna za holocen,derate continental (high plateau and Bikini). An avera­
lahko pričakujem o na širšem obm očju Viktorjevega spod­ ge o f 1400-1600 mm o f precipitation falls annually, the
m ola naslednjo potencialno naravno vegetacijo. Na niz­ average annual tem perature is 8-12° C, on Vremščica
ki kraški p lan o ti in kraškem ravniku nizki gozd ali 6 -8 0 C.
grm išče puhastega hrasta in gabrovca (Oslryo-Quercelum In a m oderate clim ate such as was characteristic
pubescens). Na obm očju doline Reke in okolnega gričevja o f the Holocene, the following potential natural vegeta­
z Brkini kisloljubni gozd bukve, kostanja in hrasta (Cas- tion can be expected in the w ider area o f Viktorjev spod­
taneo-Fagetum). N a visoki planoti z V rem ščico submedi- mol. On low karst plateaus and karst plain, low forest or
teransko-predalpski podgorski gozd bukve in pirenejske­ scrub o f downy oak and hornbeam ( Ostryo-Quercetum
ga ptičjega mleka (Ornithogalo pyrenaici-Fagelum). pubescens). In the area o f the Reka valley and the sur­
O m enjeni model potencialne vegetacije lahko zelo rounding hills with the Brkini, acidophylous forest of

1 N atančnejše podatke o legi najdišča hrani arhiv Inštituta za More precise data on the site location is preserved in the
arheologijo ZRC SAZU. archive o f the Institute o f Archaeology ZRC SAZU.
odstopa od dejanske paleovegetacije, ki jo ugotavljam o beech, ch estn u t and oak ( Castaneo-Fagetmn). On the
predvsem na podlagi paleobotaničnih analiz na arheo­ high plateau with Vremščica, subm editerranean-preal-
loških najdiščih. Takšne analize pa so na obravnavanem pine forest o f beech and bath asparagus (Ornithogalo
področju šele v začetni fazi. pyrenaici-Fagetum).
V širši okolici najdišča so bila dom nevno različna The aforem entioned model o f potential vegetation
naravna okolja z različnim i habitati, ki so bila porok za may differ considerably from the actual palaeovegeta-
zanesljivo oskrbo lovsko-nabiralnih skupnosti, ki so ne­ tion which is ascertained mainly on the basis o f palaeo-
koč živele na tem obm očju. Razdalje med različnim i botanical analyses at archaeological sites. Such analy­
okolji so bile kot danes m ajhne, kar je sam o še dodatna ses are only in the early stages in this area.
prednost za vse, ki so v takšnem okolju živeli in bili od­ T here were presum ably various natural environm e­
visni od njegovih naravnih bogastev. nts in the wider environm ent o f sites, with various habi­
tats guaranteeing reliable provision o f the hunter-gathe-
Viktorjev spodm ol s e je tako kot M. Triglavca izobliko­ rer com m unities th at form erly lived in this area. The
val v plastnatih rudistnih apnencih. O stanke rudistov distances between different environm ents, like today,
sm o v večjem številu našli med jam skim gruščem . were small, which is merely an o th er advantage for all
Spodm ol je ostanek zelo starega, danes porušene­ who lived in such an environm ent and were dependent
ga jam skega sistem a reke Reke (sl. 3.1). Od nekdanje on its natural resources.

Viktorjev spodmol

Sl. 3.1: T loris V iktorjevega spodm ola z vrisano sondo. Č rtk an a linija označuje kap, polne linije so plastnice z o zn ač en o relativno
višino pod m ersko točko 0. Izm eril in posnel J. D irjec ml., narisal J. D irjec st.
Fig. 3.1: G round plan o f V iktorjev spodm ol with the test trench outlines. T he broken line m arks the drip line, the full lines are
c o n to u r lines o f relative heights below the datum . M easured and realised by J. D irjec jun., draw n by J. D irjec sen.
jam e se je ohranil sam o kratek rov v severnem delu spod­ Viktorjev spodm ol, like M. Triglavca, was form ed in
mola, v katerega pridem o skozi m ajhno odprtino pri tleh bedded rudist lim estone. T he rem ains o f rudists were
severne niše spodm ola. Spodmol ima še eno nišo na jugu, found in large num bers am ong the cave rubble.
ki se dom nevno prav tako nadaljuje v danes popolnom a The overhang cave is a rem nant o f the very old,
zasut rov. O be glavni niši, ki ju loči ogrom en podorni today collapsed cave system o f the river Reka (Fig. 3.1).
blok in povezovalni prostor med njima, tvorijo kakšnih O f th e form er cave only a sh o rt tunnel in the n o rth ern
30 m 2 velik, pokrit, koliko toliko raven prostor, prim e­ p art o f the overhang cave has been preserved, w hich is
ren za bivanje. Ta prostor se odpira proti J-JV in je večji en tered th ro u g h sm all o p en in g s in th e flo o r o f the
del dneva lepo osončen, hkrati pa dobro zavarovan pred n orthern niche o f the overhang cave. The overhang cave
burjo. has an o th er niche to the south which presum ably simi­
Tla spodm ola so precej ravna in posuta z velikimi larly continues in a today com pletely blocked tunnel.
podornim i bloki, ki so se odkrušili s previsa. P odorno Both main niches, which are separated by a huge fallen
skalovje je delno zasuto s holocenskim i sedim enti. Pod block, and the connecting space between them , create a
spodm olom se odpira široka dolina z rahlo nagnjenim covered, m ore or less level space o f som e 30 m 2, suita­
dnom . Severno od spodm ola se vleče skalni rob, ki ga ble for habitation. This space opens tow ards the south-
kmalu prekine m ajhna, nagnjena dolinica, o dprta na dve southeast and is pleasantly sunny for the greater p art of
strani, na drugih dveh pa om ejena s skalnim robom . Ta the day and, at the same lim e, well protected from the
dolinica je dom nevno ostanek podrtega velikega jam ­ 'burja' (n o rth wind).
skega rova. The floors o f the rocksheiter are fairly level and
sprinkled with large fallen blocks that have broken off
the overhang. Below the rocksheiter opens a wide valley
with a slightly inclined bottom . N orth o f the rockshel-
ter stretches a rocky cliff, which is soon broken by a
small, sloping valley, open on two sides, with the other
two bounded by rocky cliffs. This little valley is presu­
mably the rem ains o f a collapsed large cave shaft.
4 . M e t o d o l o g ij a 4. M ethodology o f
W ork

Ivan T urk

M etodologija se deli na terensko in poterensko. Pri tem The methodology is divided into fieldwork and post-field­
je jasno, da so izsledki druge odvisni od prve. Z ato so work. It is clear th a t the results o f the second depend on
pri arheologiji ključne terenske m etode. Med drugim tudi the first. So fieldwork m ethods are crucial in archaeolo­
zato, ker se njihovi rezultati ne dajo več popraviti ali gy. A m ong o th er things because results can no longer
izboljšati z uporabo drugih metod, kot to lahko storim o be repaired or improved with the use o f oth er m ethods,
pri izsledkih poterenskih m etod. as can be done with the results o f post-fieldwork m et­
Pri raziskovanju Viktorjevega spodm ola sta bili na hods. In investigating Viktorjev spodm ol, two different
terenu uporabljeni dve različni metodi. m ethods were used in the field.
Prvo m etodo, odstranjevanje sedim enta s pom očjo T he first m ethod, rem oving the sedim ent by m e­
2 0 -3 0 cm debelih vodoravnih režnjev in sproten pre­ ans o f 2 0 -3 0 cm thick horizontal spits and co n cu rren t
gled sedim enta pri kopanju in po njem brez sejanja, je exam ination o f the sedim ents during excavation and af­
uporabil Viktor. To m etodo sm o uporabljali pri paleolit­ terw ards, w ithout sieving, was used by Viktor. This met­
skih izkopavanjih in sondiranjih z redkimi izboljšavami hod was used in Palaeolithic excavations and test exca­
vse do leta 1986 (Turk 2003). vations, with few im provem ents, until 1986 (Turk 2003).
D rugo metodo, odstranjevanje sedim enta s pomočjo The second m ethod, removing the sedim ent by me­
5 cm debelih vodoravnih režnjev na površini 200 x 20 cm ans o f 5 cm horizontal spits on an area o f 200 x 20 cm
in pregled celotnega sedim enta po izkopavanju s pom očjo and exam ination o f the entire sedim ents after excavation
mokrega sejanja na sitih z velikostjo luknjic 3 mm in 1 with the aid o f wet sieving on sieves with holes 3 mm and
mm (ozirom a 0,5 m m ) ter z uporabo lupe, sm o uporabili 1 mm (or 0.5 m m ) and with the use o f a magnifying glass,
na Inštitutu za arheologijo (IzA). To m etodo sm o uvedli was used at the Institute o f Archaeology (IzA). We intro­
in preizkusili med drugo fazo izkopavanj v Divjih babah I duced and tested this method during the second phase of
v letih 1990-1999, le da so bili režnji tam debeli 12 cm excavations at Divje babe I in 1990-1999, except that there
(Turk 2003), najbolj drobno sito pa je imelo prem er lukn­ we used a thickness o f spit o f 12 cm (Turk 2003), and the
jic 0,5 mm. Posamezne elem ente druge m etode je vsebo­ finest sieve had a hole diam eter o f 0.5 mm. T he method
vala tudi m etoda izkopavanj mezolitskih najdišč Pod Čr- o f excavating the Mesolithic sites Pod Črm ukljo in 1965
mukljo leta 1965 in M. Triglavce leta 1985, kjer so bili and M. Triglavca in 1985, contained individual elements
sedimenti, ki so vsebovali mezolitske artefakte, suho pre­ o f the second m ethod, where sedim ents containing Me­
sejani na sitih z velikostjo luknjic 10 mm in 5 mm in spro­ solithic artefacts were dry sieved on sieves with a size of
ti pregledani brez lupe. Debelina režnjev se v nobenem hole o f 10 mm and 5 mm and sim ultaneously examined
od obeh primerov ne navaja. w ithout a magnifying glass. T he thickness o f the spit is
G lobine režnjev (sl. 5.1) sm o v Viktorjevem spod­ not stated in either case.
molu merili z nivelirjem od stalne točke, tako da preds­ We m easured the depth o f spit (Fig. 5.1) in Viktor­
tavljajo relativne vrednosti. Tudi na geodetskem posnet­ jev spodm ol with a level from a perm anent point, so that
ku (sl. 3.1), ki sm o ga naredili z laserskim te o d o lito m 1, they represent relative values. In the geodetic record (Fig.
so pri plastnicah navedene sam o relativne višine. 3.1), too, which we m ade with a laser th eo d o lite1, only
P rednosti in pom anjkljivosti obeh m etod bosta relative heights are stated with the contour lines.
n azorno podani v nadaljevanju. Z ato sm o ločeno, kot T he advantages and disadvantages o f the two met­
dve različni zgodbi istega najdišča, obdelali gradivo Vik­ hods are carefully given below. We thus distinguished
torjevega izkopavanja in drugih terenskih faz, ki so bile th e processing o f the m aterial o f V iktor’s excavation,
izključno v pristojnosti Inštituta za arheologijo. N a ta and oth er fieldwork phases w hich were exclusively wit­
način sm o hoteli opozoriti na relativnost rezultatov in hin the com petence o f the Institute o f A rchaeology, as

1 T eodolit nam je posodil M ilja G uštin, za kar se mu lepo 1 The laser theodolite was loaned by Mitja Guštin, for which we
zahvaljujemo. are very grateful.

razlag, ki so odvisni od m etode in od tega, kako m etodo two different stories from the sam e site. We w anted thus
izvajamo. Rezultati in razlage so m ed drugim odvisni to draw atten tio n to the relativity o f the results and ex­
od reda velikosti napake, ki nastan e pri ugotavljanju planations, w hich depend on the m ethod and how the
določenega stanja. Navajanje napake, ki jo dobim o s m ethod is carried out. T he results and explanations de­
kontrolo kakovosti lastnega dela, v arheologiji doslej ni pend am ong o th er things on the order o f size o f error
bilo običajno, čeprav je nujno za objektivno reševanje th at occurs in establishing a specific situation. Stating
arheoloških in drugih vprašanj (glej Turk 2003). To se the erro r that we obtain with quality control o f our own
je pokazalo tudi pri M. Triglavci, kjer se je takratni vod­ work has not been the custom to date in archaeology,
ja izkopavanj France Leben pozneje odločil, da da še although it is crucial for the objective solution o f archa­
enkrat pregledati suho presejane sedim ente t. i. mezo- eological and o th er questions (see Turk 2003). This was
litske plasti na enak način kot pri Divjih babah I in Vik­ also d em onstrated with M. Triglavca, w here the then
torjevem spodm olu. N alogo je zaupal I. Turku, kar se je leader o f the excavations, France Leben, later decided
bogato obrestovalo. to have th e dry sieved sedim ent, i.e., the M esolithic lay­
Poterenske m etode so bile bolj ali manj stand ard ­ ers, exam ined again in the sam e way as with Divje babe
ne, vendar z nekaj več statistike, kot je običajno, če je I and Viktorjev spodm ol. T he task was entru sted to I.
bilo to le mogoče. Z aradi skrajno om ejenega obsega iz­ Turk, and it provided rich results.
kopavanj so bili vzorci različnih najdb majhni in komaj Post-fieldwork m ethods were m ore or less standard,
prim erni za statistično proučevanje. but with som e m ore statistics th an is norm al, w henever
N ajdbe kam nitih artefaktov sem razdelil na izdel­ this was possible. Because o f the extremely lim ited ex­
ke in odpadke. O boje sem obravnaval enakovredno, če­ tent o f excavations, specim ens o f various finds were very
prav so odpadki v določenih pogledih manj povedni kot few, and barely adequate for statistical study.
izdelki. I divided the finds o f stone artefacts into products
Pri klasifikaciji izdelkov sem uporabil zlasti izkušnje and debris. I treated both the same, although from a cer­
R o zoya (1 9 7 8 a , I9 7 8 b ), pa tu d i d ru g ih a v to rje v tain point o f view debris are less valuable than products.
(G .E.E.M . 1969, 1972, 1975; Lapalace 1964). N am eno­ In the classification o f products, I used in particu­
m a sem se naslonil na tipologije, ki so bile narejene lar the experience o f Rozoy (1978a, 1978b), as well as
predvsem na gradivu, pridobljenem v najdiščih južn o in o th er au th o rs (G .E .E .M . 1969, 1972, 1975; Lapalace
zahodno od Alp, ker menim, da se vpliv geografske lege 1964). 1 deliberately relied on the typologies th at had
v času ne sprem ninja in da zahodna Slovenija od nekdaj been m ade mainly on m aterial obtained in sites south
pripada Sredozem lju in sredozem ski tradiciji. V prim eru and west o f the Alps, because I believe th at the influen­
tu obravnavanih najdišč to ja sn o dokazujejo številne ce o f geographic location does not change over tim e,
najdbe m orskih školjk in polžev, ki so značilne za vse an d th a t w estern Slovenia has long belonged to the
sredozem ske kulture. Povezovanje zahodne Slovenije s M editerranean and the M editerranean tradition. In the
svetovi severno od Alp se mi ne zdi prim erno (glej Jo- case o f the sites dealt with here, this is clearly shown by
sipovič 1992 in tam predlagano nem ško tipologijo me- the num ber o f finds o f m arine gastropods and bivalves
zolitskih artefaktov). that are typical o f all M editerranean cultures. Linking
Z a posam ezne tipe in skupine kam enih izdelkov w estern Slovenia with the world n o rth o f the Alps does
ter kam noseških odpadkov navajam največjo, najm anj­ not seem to m e to be appropriate (see Josipovič 1992
šo in povprečno težo. Na podlagi teže sem priložnostno and the G erm an typology o f M esolithic artefacts pro­
razmejil kline od klinic in druge m akrolite od mikroli- posed there).
tov. Meja je ena desetinka gram a. Vse, kar je lažje od 0,1 For individual types and groups o f stone products
g so klinice oz. mikroliti. Teža je nov kriterij za mikroli- and stone-working debris, I state the largest, sm allest
tizacijo, saj se sicer kot kriterij uporablja predvsem veli­ and average weight. On the basis o f weight, I arbitrarily
kost (prim . Rozoy I978a, 212 s). Mislim, da so razlike v divided blades from bladelets, and oth er m acroliths from
velikosti in teži m ikrolitov po starem kriteriju prevelike, m icroliths. T he boundary o f this is a ten th o f a gram.
saj so najm anjši mikroliti (t. i. hiperm ikroliti) tudi do Everything lighter than 0.1 g is a bladelet or m icrolith.
5-krat manjši in do 20-krat lažji od zgornje dopustne Weight is a new criterion for m icrolithisation, since size
meje za m ikrolite, ki je 50 mm za dolžino in 4 mm za has prim arily been used as th e criterio n (see Rozoy
debelino oz. 2 g (Rozoy 1980, II), pri klinicah pa 50 1978a, 212 p.). 1 think that the differences in size and
mm za dolžino in 12 mm za širino. Sam a m eja med weight o f m icroliths according to the old criteria are
mikroliti in m akroliti je lahko sporna (B rodar 1992, 27), too great, since the sm allest m icroliths (so-called hyper-
ker je odvisna od vrste dejavnikov, ki se sprem injajo v m icroliths) are also up to 5-times sm aller and up to 20-
času in prostoru. Po mojem kriteriju je pravilom a vsaj tim es lighter than the u pper perm issible boundary for
ena m era klinic in mikrolitov m anjša od 3 mm. To po­ m icroliths, w hich is 50 mm length and 4 mm thickness
meni, da se del teh najdb lahko zm uzne skozi sito z veli­ o r 2 g (Rozoy 1980, 11), and with bladelets 50 mm length
kostjo luknjic 3 mm in več. and 12 m m width. T he boundary itself betw een micro-
Klasifikacijske težave povzroča velika fragm entarn­ liths and m acroliths can be disputable (B ro d ar 1992,
ost vseh kam enih najdb. Z ato je napaka pri opredelitvi 27), because it depends on a range o f factors, which
posam eznih skupin kam enih najdb lahko m oteča. change in tim e and space. A ccording to my criterion, at
Število m ikro lusk in odkruškov sem ocenil na pod­ least one o f the m easurem ents o f bladelets and micro-
lagi števila in teže mikro lusk in odkruškov v vzorcu ali liths is less than 3 mm. T his m eans th at p art o f these
pa sem jih preštel tako kot vse druge najdbe. finds can slip through a sieve with a diam eter o f hole o f
Na podlagi vzorca sem ocenil tudi število kostnih 3 mm o r more.
drobcev v frakciji sedim enta 1-3 mm. The great fragm entariness o f all stone finds cause
Vse druge najdbe sem stehtal in preštel podobno classification difficulties. So the erro r in defining indi­
kot kam ene artefakte. vidual groups o f stone finds can be troublesom e.
Kam eni izdelki so bili najprej z obrisavanjem nari­ I estim ated the n um ber o f m icroflakes (retouch
sani v 6-kratni povečavi s pom očjo stereo m ikroskopa, flakes) on the basis o f the num ber and weight o f mi­
nato pa pom anjšani na 2-kratno in naravno velikost. Ta croflakes and chips in the sam ple o r counted them as
m etoda se je izkazala za najprim ernejšo pri risanju mi- w ith all o th er finds.
krolitskih izdelkov. On the basis o f th e sam ple, I also estim ated the
V tabelah so mikrolitski artefakti prikazani dvakrat:num ber o f bone fragm ents in the sedim ent fraction 1-3
v naravni velikosti in enkrat povečani. mm.
M etodologija, uporabljena pri obdelavi paleonto- 1 counted and w eighted all oth er finds, as with sto­
loških najdb je opisana v ustreznih poglavjih zbornika, ne artefacts.
zato je tu ne navajam. Stone artefacts were initially draw n in outline in­
creased by a factor o f 6 with the help o f a stereo-micros-
cope, and then reduced to 2-times and natural size. This
m ethod has proved to be the best for draw ing micro-
lithic products.
M icrolithic artefacts are shown twice in th e tables:
natural size and twice natural size.
The m ethodology used in processing palaeontolo­
gical finds is described in the relevant ch ap ter o f this
book, so I do not give it here.
5 . S t r a t ig r a f ij a in 5. S t r a t i g r a p h y a n d
SEDIM ENTOLOGIJA S e d im e n to lo g y of

V lK O TR JEV EG A V ik to rje v S p o d m o l
Ivan T urk

Z a kraško področje je značilna m ajhna debelina mezo- T he K arst area is typified by a small thickness o f M eso­
litskih sedimentov. Ti so tudi drugje redko debelejši od lithic sedim ents. These are also rarely thicker than 1 m
1 m, kar je razumljivo glede na dolžino trajanja mezoli- elsew here, w hich is understandable in view o f the dura­
tika. Viktorjev spodm ol v tem pogledu ni izjema. tion o f the M esolithic. V iktorjev spodm ol is no excep­
Stratigrafija najdišča je zato enostavna. Nad veliki­ tion from this point o f view.
mi podornim i bloki so tri plasti zemlje, pom ešane z blo­ T he stratigraphy o f the site is, therefore, simple.
ki in drugim i klasti rudistnega apnenca, v katerem s e je T here are three layers o f earth above large collapsed
izoblikoval spodm ol. N ad zadnjo od treh plasti je tenka blocks, mixed with blocks and oth er clasts o f rudist li­
plast um etnega nasutja, ki je dom nevno nastala v času m estone in w hich the overhang cave has been created.
Viktorjevega sondiranja, lahko pa tudi kdaj prej (sl. 5.1). Above the last o f the three layers is a thin layer o f artifi­
Meje med tremi glavnimi plastmi so zabrisane, tako cially redeposited m aterial, presum ably created at the
da celoten profil deluje zelo homogeno. Značilnosti plas­ tim e o f V iktor’s test trench although it could also have
ti so na podlagi profila in vzorcev sedim entov naslednje: been som e tim e previously (Fig. 5.1).
The boundaries between the three main layers are
• Plast 1 in 2 obravnavam kot eno plast, čeprav je blurred, so that the whole profile appears very hom oge­
bila plast 1 v profilu om ejena na eno polovico profila, neous. On the basis o f the profile and sedim ent sam p­
plast 2 pa je obsegala ves preostali del profila. To je les, the characteristic layers are the following:
m očno zem ljata plast s prim esjo hum usa. V njej je malo
debelega grušča in m ajhnih blokov (10-15 cm ). Vsi blo­ • Lavers I and 2 have been treated as a single layer
ki in grušč so ostrorobi. Slednja ugotovitev velja tudi za although in the profile, layer 1 was lim ited to h alf o f the
vso plast 2 in vso plast 3. Klasti apnenca, večji od 3 mm, profile and layer 2 em braced th e entire rem ainder of
so bodisi ostrorobi bodisi korozijsko zaobljeni. Vsi im a­ the profile. This is a strongly earthy layer with an ad­
jo črne obloge. Klasti apnenca, manjši od 3 mm, imajo mixture o f hum us. T here is little coarse rubble and small
močne korozijske razjede. Kljub majhni volumenski masi blocks in it (1 0 -1 5 m m ). All blocks and rubble are sharp
frakcije 1-3 mm je v njej sorazm erno malo agregatov, edged. This last finding also applies for the w hole o f
njihovo vlogo pa so prevzeli številni organski ostanki both layer 2 and layer 3. L im estone clasts larger th an 3
(kosti, les ipd.). Teh je veliko tudi v frakciji večji od 3 mm are either sh arp edged or corrosion rounded. All
mm. M očno prevladujoča kom ponenta plasti 1 in 2 je have a black coating. L im estone clasts sm aller th an 3
frakcija, m anjša od 1 mm, ki predstavlja večinski delež mm are strongly corroded. D espite the small volum etric
osnove, m edtem ko grušč in bloki predstavljajo neizra­ mass o f the 1-3 mm fraction, there are relatively few
zit skelet. Frakcija, m anjša od 1 mm, prevladuje tudi v aggregates in it, and th eir role has been taken by num e­
globljem delu plasti 2 in v plasti 3, kjer je te frakcije še rous organic rem ains (bones, wood etc.). T here are also
več kot v plasti I in 2. Prav tako je v globljem delu plasti a lot o f these in the fraction larger th an 3 mm. T he gre­
2 in v plasti 3 več klastov, večjih od 3 mm, več grušča in atly predom inating com p o n en t o f layers 1 and 2 is the
več blokov (razpredelnica 5.1). fraction sm aller than 1 mm, w hich represents the m ajor
• Plast 2 ie sestavljena iz m očno zem ljenega sedi­ share o f the m atrix while rubble and blocks represent
m enta z m alo hum usa, pom ešanega z m alo debelega an unrem arkable skeleton. The fraction sm aller th an I
grušča in z m ajhnim i (10-15 cm ) do velikimi bloki (> mm also predom inates in the deeper p art o f layer 2 and
15 cm ). Blokov je bilo več v spodnjem delu plasti. G lav­ in layer 3, where there is even m ore o f this fraction than
no kom ponento predstavlja zem ljena osnova. V frakciji in layers 1 and 2. Similarly, in the deeper p art o f layer 2
1-3 mm prevladujejo korozijsko zaobljeni klasti apn en ­ and in layer 3 there are m ore clasts larger than 3 mm,
ca. Poleg teh so še redki, sferoidni in poliedrični agrega­ m ore rubble and more blocks (Table 5.1).
ti, drobci oglja, lesa, lupinic m ehkužcev, k o s ti... in po­ • Laver 2 is com posed o f strongly earthy sedim ent
samezni alohtoni prodniki. V sebnost grušča (klasti, večji with little hum us, interspersed with a little coarse rubb-
y -4 m

z = -2 m

d is tu r b e d la y e r

z = -3 m

Sl. 5.1: Profil x = + 0,50 m. Vrisani so režnji 1-19 kot osnovne stratigrafske enote. Risal 1. Turk.
Fig.5.1: Profile x = + 0.50 m. T he spits 1-19 are draw n as the basic Stratigraphie unit. D raw n by I. Turk.

od 3 m m ) se v spodnjem delu plasti podvoji (razpredel­ le and with small (1 0 -1 5 cm ) to large blocks (> 15 cm ).
nica 5.1). G rušč postaja z globino vse manj korodiran, T here were m ore blocks in the lower p art o f the layer.
vse manj je tudi črnih oblog, dokler ni ves grušč ostro- The main com p o n en t is the earthy matrix. In the 1-3
rob in brez črnih oblog. V frakciji, večji od 3 mm, so mm fraction, corrosion rounded lim estone clasts pre­
poleg grušča tudi koščki lesa in kosti. V režnju 12 ( gl. dom inate. In addition there are occasional spheroid and
-3 0 9 cm ) so bile najdene kalcitne konkrecije (siga) v polyedric aggregates, fragm ents o f charcoal, wood, shells
obliki cvetače, k ijih razlagam kot avtigene tvorbe. o f m olluscs, bones etc., and individual allochthonous
• Plast 3 je zadnja odkopana plast. Leži na veli­pebbles. T he co n ten t o f the rubble (clasts larger than 3
kem podoru in sega še v pore med podornim i bloki. Vrh m m )'is duplicated in the lower p art o f the layer (Table
p o d o ra upada proti severozahodnem u vogalu sonde. 5.1). T he rubble becom es increasingly less corroded with
Sedim ent plasti 3 je še vedno m očno zemljen, vendar depth, and there is ever less black coating, until all the
brez primesi hum usa. V spodnjem delu plasti je zemlja rubble is sh arp edged and w ithout a black coating. In
rahlo ilovnata in rjavo obarvana za razliko od zgornjega the fraction larger than 3 mm, in addition to the rubble,
dela in drugih plasti, ki so tem no sive barve. Blokov in there are also bits o f wood and bone. In spit 12 (depth
debelega grušča je bilo več v zgornjem kot v spodnjem -3 0 9 cm ) calcite concretions (flow stone) were found,
delu plasti. G lavno sedim entno kom ponento, če odm is­ in the shape o f cauliflow ers, w hich can be explained as
lim velike podorne bloke, še vedno predstavlja osnova, autogenic form ations.
ki je sestavljena predvsem iz frakcije, m anjše od 1 mm. • Laver 3 is the last excavated layer. It lies on a
V frakciji 1-3 mm prevladujejo korozijsko zaobljeni in large rockfall and fu rth er extends into th e spaces bet­
razjedeni klasti apnenca nad poliedričnim i in porozni­ ween th e fallen blocks. T he to p o f th e rockfall dips
mi agregati. Porozni (luknjičavi) agregati so značilni iz­ tow ards the northw est co rn e r o f th e test trench. The
ključno za plast 3. Nekateri agregati vsebujejo tudi drobce sedim ent o f layer 3 is still strongly earthy but w ithout
oglja. Pri dnu plasti (reženj 19) so bile v tej frakciji tudi an adm ixture o f hum us. In the lower p art o f the layer
kalcitne konkrecije, na katere so se v posam eznih pri­ the earth is slightly clayey and brown, in co n trast to the
m erih prilepili agregati. V frakciji 1-3 mm so poleg upper p art and other layers which are dark grey in co­
klastov, agregatov in konkrecij tudi redki kostni drobci. lour. T here were m ore blocks and coarse rubble in the
V frakciji, večji od 3 mm, prevladuje ostrorobi grušč, ki u pper th an the lower p art o f the layer. T he main sedi­
im a pogosto rdeče kalcitne obloge. Poleg grušča so v tej m entary com ponent, if we ignore large fallen blocks, is
frakciji tudi rdeče obarvane kalcitne konkrecije v obliki still represented by th e matrix, consisting mainly o f the
cvetače. O blika konkrecij kaže, da gre za avtigene tvor­ fraction sm aller than 1 mm. C o rro sio n rounded and
be. Frakcije 1-3 mm in frakcije, večje od 3 m m , je v co rroded lim estone clasts predom inate over polyedric
plasti 3 nekoliko več kot v krovnih plasteh (razp red el­ and porous aggregates in the fraction 1-3 mm. T he po­
nica 5.1). rous (perfo rated ) aggregates are characteristic exclusi­
vely o f layer 3. Some o f the aggregates also co ntain frag­
O dkopane sedim ente je brez pedološko-sedim entološke m ents o f charcoal. On the floor o f the layer (spit 19)
analize, ki bo m orda predm et bodočih, bolj sistemskih there were also calcite concretions in this fraction, to
raziskav, težko ovrednotiti. Z ato se bom omejil na nekaj w hich in individual cases aggregates were attached. In
zelo splošnih hipotetičnih sklepov na podlagi grobe oce­ the 1-3 mm fraction, in addition to clasts, aggregates
ne teksture in diageneze sedim entov ter topografske lege and concretions, there were also occasional bone frag­
najdišča. m ents. In the fraction larger than 3 mm, sharp edged
Zgornji del profila je manj gruščnat in vsebuje tudi rubble predom inates, which often has a red calcite co­
manj blokov kot spodnji del (razpredelnica 5.1). Kaže, vering. In addition to the rubble there are also red calci­
da im ajo podobno zgradbo tudi holocenski profili v ne­ te concretions in the shape o f cauliflow ers in this frac­
katerih jam ah in spodm olih na bližnjem Tržaškem kra­ tion. T he shape o f the concretions shows th at they are
su (glej C rem onesi el al. 1984). an autogenic creation. T here are rath er m ore o f the 1-3
Z aradi pom anjkanja strukturnih agregatov v vseh mm fraction and the fraction larger than 3 mm in layer
plasteh profila ne m orem o potrditi večje starosti in raz­ 3 than in the covering layers (Table 5.1).
vitosti tal, ki so nastala na robu spodm ola ali bila tja
presedim entirana s pobočja nad spodm olom . Svoje pove W ithout a pedological-sedim entological analysis, which
tudi velikost agregatov, ki nikjer v profilu ne preseže 3 will perhaps be the subject o f future, m ore system atic
mm. V m ezolitski plasti M. Triglavce so strukturni agre­ research, it is difficult to evaluate the excavated sedi­
gati precej večji in tudi pogostejši (sl. 5.2.). Podobno ment. I will therefore restrict myself to som e very gene­
velja za nekatera mezolitska jam ska najdišča na Tržaškem ral hypothetical conclusions on the basis o f a rough ass­
krasu (C rem onesi et al. 1984). essm ent o f th e texture and diagenesis o f th e sedim ents
V olum enska m asa peščene frakcije sedim enta, ki and the topographic position o f the site.
je med drugim odvisna predvsem od količine agregatov, T he upper p art o f the profile is less gravelly and
ki je lahko dober kazalec vlažne klime (Turk et al. 2002), also con tain s fewer blocks than the lower p art (Table
se v profilu giblje m ed 0,98 g /c m ’ in 1,18 g /c m '(ra z p re ­ 5.1). It appears th at H olocene profiles in som e caves
delnica 5.1). V M. Triglavci ima peščena frakcija volu­ and overhang caves in the nearby T riestine K arst have a
m ensko m aso 0,87 g /c m 1, kar se ujem a z večjim števi­ sim ilar texture (see C rem onesi et al. 1984).
lom strukturnih agregatov v sedim entu. V pleistocen- Because o f the lack o f structural aggregates in all
skih plasteh Divjih bab I je volum enska m asa peščene layers o f the profile, we can n o t confirm a greater age
frakcije 0,82-1,54 g /c m ’. H olocenska plast v Divjih ba- and level o f developm ent o f the soil created at the edge
o f th e overhang cave o r re-sedim ented there from the
area above the overhang. T he size o f th e aggregates,
w hich do not exceed 3 mm anyw here in the profile, also
tells its own tale. In the M esolithic layer o f M. Triglav­
ca, the structural aggregates are considerably larger and
also m ore frequent (Fig. 5.2.), as in som e M esolithic
cave sites on the Triestine K arst (C rem onesi et al. 1984).
T he volum etric weight o f th e sand fraction, which
am ong oth er things depends on th e quantity o f aggrega­
tes, w hich can be a good indicator o f a dam p clim ate
(Turk et al. 2002), ranges in the profile between 0.98 g/
cm ' and 1.18 g /cm '(T ab le 5.1). In M. Triglavca, the sand
fraction has a volum etric weight o f 0.87 g /c m 1, w hich
co rresponds to the larger num ber o f structural aggrega­
tes in the sedim ent. In the Pleistocene layers o f Divje
babe I, the volumetric weight o f the sand fraction is 0 .8 2 -
1.54 g /c m 1. The H olocene layer o f Divje babe I, which
co n tain s prehistoric and oth er pottery, has a volum etric
weight o f the sand fraction o f 1.09 g/cm ’.
In the whole profile o f Viktorjev spodm ol, there are
Sl. 5.2: Večji agregati v sedim entih M ale Triglavce. F oto I. at least two, poorly developed accum ulation horizons.
Turk. The first is in the lower part o f layer 2 (depth -3 0 9 cm ),
Fig. 5.2: Large aggregates in the sedim ents o f M ala Triglavca. and the other on the bottom o f layer 3 (depth -3 3 4 to
P hoto I. Turk. -3 5 3 cm ). Both are characterised by a calcite covering
Razpredelnica 5.1: Z gradba sedim enta V iktorjevega spodm ola.
Table 5.1: T exture o f sedim ents o f V iktorjev spodm ol.

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254 nasutje 0 20 0 ,3 8 0 ,3 8 0 ,1 8 0 ,1 8 1,00

259 disturb. 21 60 0 ,9 9 0 ,3 3 0 ,4 8 0 ,1 6 0 ,9 8
264 30 80 0,88 0,22 0 ,4 3 0 .1 1
I in 2
269 53 80 1.1 0 ,2 8 0 .4 4 0,11 1,05
I and 2
274 102 80 1,72 0 ,4 3 0 ,5 2 0 ,1 3
279 46 80 2 .1 9 0 ,5 5 0 ,6 3 0 ,1 6 1.0 9
284 60 80 2 ,1 6 0 ,5 4 0 ,7 9 0.20
289 59 80 1,56 0 ,3 9 0 .7 0 ,1 8 1,18
294 77 60 1.35 0 ,4 5 0 ,5 6 0 .1 9
299 1 17 60 1,82 0,61 0,68 0 .2 3 1,14
304 137 60 2.1 0 ,7 0 0 ,6 5 0,22
309 138 60 2 .3 5 0 ,7 8 0.8 0 ,2 7 1,1 I
314 145 70 3 ,4 3 0 ,9 8 1,07 0 ,3 1
319 I 19 60 3 .1 9 1,06 1.03 0 ,3 4 1.10
324 142 70 3 ,4 8 0 ,9 9 1.04 0 ,3 0
329 142 60 3 ,1 7 1,06 I 0 ,3 3 1,11
334 I 14 60 3 .6 9 1,23 1,06 0 ,3 5
339 I 16 30 2 ,1 4 1,43 0 ,8 2 0 ,5 5 1,17
353 50 20 1.75 1,75 0 ,4 6 0 ,4 6 1,09
99 1668 1170 39,45 13,34

bah I, ki vsebuje prazgodovinsko in drugo keramiko, ima on clasts and archaeological finds and calcite concre­
volum ensko m aso peščene frakcije 1,09 g /cm 3. tions. In layers 1 and 2, there are “m ud” coatings that
V celotnem profilu Viktorjevega spodm ola sta vsajare difficult to remove, and in view o f th e dark grey co­
dva, slabo razvita akum ulacijska horizonta. Prvi je v lour contain considerable am ounts o f organic substanc­
spodnjem delu plasti 2 (gl. 309 cm ), drugi pa v dnu plasti es (p erh ap s hum us).
3 (gl. 3 34-353 cm ). Za oba so značilne kalcitne prevle­ The lower p art o f layer 2 and the whole o f layer 3
ke na klastih in arheoloških najdbah ter kalcitne kon- are genetically mixed regosols, which are in the catego­
krecije. V plasti 1 in 2 so sam o težko odstranljive “blat­ ry o f undeveloped soils, and colluvium (m aterial was­
n e” prevleke, ki glede na tem no sivo barvo vsebujejo hed from the slopes above the overhang cave). Regosols
precej organske snovi (m orda hum usa). require a substrate o f grainy texture, which rudist limesto­
Spodnji del plasti 2 in celotna plast 3 sta genetska ne is not, but the graininess is to som e extent replaced
m ešanica regosola, ki sodi v kategorijo nerazvitih tal, in by clasts created with the collapse o f the overhang and
koluvijuma (m ateriala spranega s pobočja nad spodm o­ fallen blocks th at represent the “su b strate” o f layer 3.
lom ). Z a regosol se sicer zahteva podlaga z zrn asto Because o f the slow sedim entation, all the hum us was
teksturo, kar pa rudistni apnenec ni, vendar zrnavost do m ineralised, being already less th an 1% in the regosol,
neke m ere nadom eščajo klasti, ki so nastali z razpadan­ and in the colluvial soil there is also only a little (Č irič
jem spodm ola in podornih blokov, ki so predstavljali ‘sub­ 1986). T his may be an im p o rta n t finding, since the
strat’ plasti 3. Z aradi počasne sedim entacije s e je s ča­ M esolithic finds, w hich in the nearby site o f Pod Č r­
som m ineraliziral ves humus, ki g a je v regosolu že tako mukljo are in hum us, are in these soils (B rodar 1992).
manj kot 1 % , v koluvialnih tleh pa g a je tudi malo (Č i­ I lum us is thus explained as a typical H olocene sediment,
rič 1986). To je lahko pom em bna ugotovitev, saj so v tej which autom atically defines the age o f the finds and the
zemlji m ezolitske najdbe, ki so v bližnjem najdišču Pod tem poral boundary between the M esolithic and Palaeo­
Črm ukljo sicer v hum usu (B rodar 1992). H um us se pri lithic based on the rule that there is no hum us in Plei­
tem razlaga kot značilen holocenski sedim ent, kar avto­ stocene sedim ents. This is certainly true, but H olocene
m atično določa starost najdb in časovno mejo med me- cave sedim ents w ithout hum us also exist (see Crem one-
zolitikom in paleolitikom po pravilu, da v pleistocen- s i e t a l . 1984; Turk et al. 1993).

skih sedim entih ni hum usa. Z adnje p opolnom a drži. Layers 1 and 2 and the u pper p art o f layer 2 are
Vendar obstajajo tudi holocenski jam ski sedim enti brez genetically mixed rendzinas and colluvium. Because o f
hum usa (glej C rem onesi el al. 1984; Turk el al. 1993). the faster sed im en tatio n , they co n tain m ore hum us,
Plast 1 in 2 ter zgornji del plasti 2 so genetska me­ w hich outside horizon A (to p o f the profile) has been
šanica rendzine in koluvijuma. Z aradi hitrejše sedim en­ preserved in buried soil o r has been added to deeper
tacije vsebujejo več hum usa, ki se je zunaj horizonta A horizons by m eans o f bioturbation. T he m ajority o f pot­
(vrh profila) ohranil v pogrebenih tleh ozirom a se je s tery finds, w hich are essentially m ore recent than the
pom očjo bioturbacije dodajal v globlje horizonte. V tej M esolithic rem ains, were in this soil. So we can envisa­
zemlji je bila večina keram ičnih najdb, ki so bistveno ge a considerable sedim entational gap betw een the two
mlajše od mezolitskih ostankov. Z ato lahko predvidevam types o f soil.
med eno in drugo vrsto zemlje precejšnjo sedim entacij- Pottery fragm ents found in layers 1 and 2 and in
sko vrzel. the upper p art o f layer 2 were all strongly rounded, which
K eram ični drobci, najdeni v plasti 1 in 2 ter v zgor­ indicates substantial m ovem ent in the period prior to
njem delu plasti 2, so bili vsi m očno zaobljeni, kar naka­ final inclusion in the sedim ents.
zuje iz d a tn o p rem ik an je v o b d o b ju pred d o k o n čn o From a pedological point o f view, the profile is very
vključitvijo v sedim ent. com plex because o f the probable sedim entation gap, so
Iz pedološkega vidika je zaradi verjetne prekinitve th at it could also be classified in the group o f polygene-
profil zelo zapleten, tako da bi ga lahko uvrstil tudi v tic soils (Č irič 1986).
skupino poligenetskih tal (Č irič 1986).
6 . R a z l ič n e a r h e o l o š k e 6 . D if f e r e n t
METODE - RAZLIČNI A r c h a e o l o g ic a l
REZULTATI PRI M e t o d s - D if f e r e n t
RAZISKAVAH R e s u l t s in
V ik t o r j e v e g a I n v e s t ig a t io n s o f
spo d m o la V ik t o r je v S p o d m o l
Ivan T urk

Ker sm o pri arheoloških raziskavah Viktorjevega spod­ Since various m ethods were used in the archaeological
m ola uporabili različne m etode, se je ponudila idealna investigation o f V iktorjev spodm ol, it is an ideal o p p o r­
p rilo ž n o s t, da te m e to d e o v re d n o tim in n a z o rn o tunity to evaluate these m ethods and show clearly how
pokažem , kako tudi v arheologiji m etoda vpliva na re­ in archaeology, too, the m ethod affects the result. This
zultat. To je seveda splošno znano, vendar se mi dozde­ is, o f course, generally known, but it seem s to me that
va, da se tega v arheologiji prem alo zavedam o in da na we are too little aw are o f it in archaeology and th at we
to kaj radi pozabim o pri analizi drobnih arheoloških in tend to forget it in the analysis o f small archaeological
drugih najdb (glej Payne 1972 b). and o th er finds (see Payne 1972 b).
T erenske raziskave v V iktorjevem spodm olu so Investigations in the field at Viktorjev spodm ol took
potekale v treh fazah, ki sem jih imenoval faza Viktor, place in th ree phases, w hich 1 have called the V iktor
faza V iktor in IzA ter faza IzA. Faza Viktor predstavlja Phase, the V iktor and IzA Phase, and the IzA Phase.
izsledke in razlago Viktorjevega sondiranja. Faza Viktor Viktor Phase represents the results and interpretations
in IzA predstavlja izsledke in razlago ponovnega pregle­ o f V iktor’s test trench. Viktor and IzA Phase represents
dovanja sedim enta iz Viktorjeve sonde, potem ko sm o the results and in terp retatio n s o f a re-exam ination of
ves sedim ent sprali in presejali skozi sita. Faza IzA pred­ the sedim ents from V iktor’s test trench, when all the
stavlja izsledke in razlago stratigrafskega izkopavanja sedim ents were w ashed and sieved. The IzA Phase is
profila Viktorjeve sonde. the results and in terp retatio n s o f the Stratigraphie exca­
vations o f the profile o f V iktor’s test trench.

6 .1 A r h e o l o š k e n a j d b e iz
V ik to rje v e so n d e (fa z a V ik to r) 6 .1 A r c h a e o l o g i c a l F i n d s f r o m V i k t o r ’s
(razpredelnice 6.1.1-6.1.4; sl. 6.1.1; t. 1-2) T est T r e n c h ( V ik t o r P h a s e )
(Tables 6.1.1-6.1.4; Fig. 6.1.1; Plates 1-2)
V iktor ni beležil globin, na katerih so ležale posam ezne
najdbe, in je vse odkopane sedim ente in najdbe v sondi V iktor did not record the depth at which individual finds
veliki, I x 2 x 1 m, razdelil v dve stratigrafski enoti (sl. lay, and divided all the excavated sedim ents and finds in
6.1.1): zgornjo in spodnjo plast, pri čem er je m eja pote­ the test trench, 1 x 2 x 1 m, into two Stratigraphie units
kala nekako po sredini celotne višine profila. ( Fig. 6 .1.1): the upper and lower layer, whereby the boun­
Z a zgornjo plast je bila značilna prisotnost prazgo­ dary is roughly along the centre o f the total depth o f the
dovinske keramike (37 odlom kov ali 0,81 kg), spodnja profile.
plast pa je bila brez nje. V obeh plasteh so bili kam niti T he presence o f fragm ents o f pre-historic pottery
artefakti. (37 fragm ents o r 0.81 kg) is characteristic o f the upper
V zgornji plasti sm o našli en sam retuširan odbi­ layer, and the lower layer was w ithout them . T here were
tek, in še ta le z uporabno retušo, 6 je d er in 62 od pad­ stone artefacts in both layers.
kov (razpredelnica 6.1:1-6.1.2). Poleg tega sta bila tu še In the upper layer, we found only one retouched
dva brusa iz peščenjaka. flake, with use wear, 6 cores and 62 item s o f debris (Ta­
V spodnji plasti je bilo 5 praskal, en retuširan odbi­ ble 6 .1.1- 6 . 1.2). In addition, there were two sandstone
tek, 2 odbitka s prečno retušo, 11 jed er in 85 odpadkov w hetstones here.
(razpredelnica 6.1.1-6.1.2). Poleg tega sm o našli še en In the lower layer, there were 5 endscrapers, one
brus in dva odlom ljena jelenova parožka, od katerih je retouched flake, 2 truncated flakes, 11 cores and 85 items
bil eden oblikovan v šilo. o f debris (Table 6 .1 .1 -6 .1.2). In addition, we found an-
Sl. 6.1.1: Vse arheološke in paleontološke najdbe iz V iktorjeve sonde: zgornja in spodnja plast. F oto I. Turk.
Fig. 6.1.1: All archaeological and palaeontological finds from V iktor’s test trench: up p er and low er layers: Photo I. Turk.

Zgornja plast je vsebovala nekaj zanimivih, majhnih other w hetstone and two broken-off prongs o f deer an t­
jeder (t. 1: 1), ki so specificirana v razpredelnici 6.1.4. ler, one o f w hich had been shaped into an awl, or borer.
Med odpadki so prevladovale razbitine in odbitki s kor­ T he upper layer co ntained som e interesting, small
teksom, tj. deli prodnikov (razpredelnica 6.3). Na dveh cores (Plate 1: 1), w hich are specified in Table 6.1.4.
odbitkih s korteksom so bili negativi, nastali pri obliko­ Shatter fragm ents and cortical flakes prevailed am ong
vanju predhodnih jeder ali prenukleusov (t. 2: 11-12). the debris, i.e., parts o f pebbles (Table 6.3). On two cor­
Med odpadom sta bili tudi dve neretuširani klini, ena cela tical flakes there were removal scars, created during the
in en srednji del kline z odlom ljeno bazo in koncem. making o f pre-nucleuses (Plate 2: 11-12). The debris also
Spodnja plast je dala več gradiva. Predvsem so bila included two unretouched blades, one whole, and one
v njej 4 cela in eno fragm entirano praskalo na odbitku, the medial part o f a blade with broken base and tip.
od katerih je eno na retuširanem odbitku (t. 2: 17). Dalje The lower layer gave m ore material. Above all, in it
sta bila tam en retuširan odbitek oz. kratka klina s preč­ were 4 whole and one fragm ented endscrapers on flakes,
no, rahlo vbočeno retušo in en odbitek s prečno, rahlo one o f which on a retouched flake (Plate 2: 17). Further­
vbočeno retušo (t. 2: 19). Potem je bilo tam več zanim i­ more, there were one retouched flake or short blade with
vih m ajhnih jeder in njihovih odlomkov (t. 1: 2, 4, 5; 2: slightly concave truncation and a flake with slightly con­
10; razpredelnica 6.1.4). V odpadu (razpredelnica 6.1.2) cave truncation (Plate 2: 19). There were also a num ber
so še vedno prevladovale razbitine in odbitki s korteksom. o f interesting small cores and flakes from them (Plates 1:
Med odpadki je bilo tudi 9 neretuširanih klin, od katerih 2. 4, 5; 2: 10; Table 6.1.4). Shatter fragments and cortical
so bile nekatere tako majhne, da bi bile lahko že klinice. flakes still predom inate in the debris (Table 6.1.2). Among
Ena klina je bila cela, 2 skoraj celi, 3 so imele ohranjen the debris were also 9 unretouched blades, som e o f which
sam o bazalni del, 3 sam o srednji del in ena sam o končni were so small that they could already be considered bla-
del. Drugi deli so bili odlomljeni. V spodnji plasti so bili delets. O ne blade was whole, two alm ost whole, 3 had
tako redki izdelki kot odpadki krakelirani. only the proximal part preserved, 3 only the medial part
Viktorjev nabor najdb je om ogočal nekaj sklepov. and one only the term inal part. O ther parts were fractu­
Jedra in odpadni kosi s korteksom so kazali na in red. There were both artefacts and debris in the lower
situ proizvodnjo kam enih izdelkov. Prav tako jedra, razbi­ layer, occasionally therm ally cracked.
tine in odbitki s korteksom . Prodniki so bili lokalnega V iktor’s collection o f finds enabled som e conclu­
izvora, iz naplavin reke Reke ali iz izdankov kam nin v sions.
njenem zgornjem toku, ki vsebujejo kremenove prodni­ C ores, shatter fragm ents and cortical pieces o f de­
ke. bris indicated the in situ production o f stone artefacts.
Krakelirani izdelki in odpadki so bili bodisi posle­ T he pebbles were o f local origin, from the alluvial depo­
dica zm rzovanja bodisi term ične obdelave krem ena v sits o f the river Reka or from outcrops o f conglom erate
procesu izdelave izdelkov in polizdelkov. in its upper course, w hich contain ch ert pebbles.
K am ene najdbe iz Viktorjeve sonde se niso dale Therm ally affected products and debris were a re­
zanesljivo časovno opredeliti. Zgornja plast z najdbam i sult either o f freezing or the therm al processing o f the
keramike je kazala največ eneolitsko starost, če izhajam o c h ert in the process o f making the products and sem i­
iz predpostavke, da sta obe vrsti najdb sočasni, ker se products.
nahajata v isti plasti. Spodnja plast, ki je bila brez kera­ T he stone finds from V iktor’s test trench could not
mike, bi bila lahko, glede na veliko podobnost sedim en­ be reliably determ ined tem porally. T he u pper layer with
tov obeh plasti in m ajhno razliko v globini kvečjemu the finds o f pottery indicated at m ost Eneolithic age, if
nekoliko starejša od zgornje plasti. N ajdbe sam e niso we accept the prem ise th at both types o f find are co n ­
dokazovale zanesljivo večje razlike v starosti obeh plas- tem porary because they were located in the sam e layer.

Razpredelnica 6.LI: V iktorjev spodm ol, sonda: specifikacija izdelkov.

Table 6.1.1: V iktorjev spodm ol, test trench: specification o f products.

Praskala na odbitku Odbitki retuširani Odbitki s prečno retušo

Plasti Endscrapers on tlake Kctouchcd Ha kes Truncated Hakes
Layers Kosov Teža (g) Kosov Teža (g) Kosov Teža (g)
(cm) g max k min
Count Weight (g) Count Weight (g) Count Weight (g)
Z g o r n je
300 0 0 0 0 1 3 0 0
S p o d n je 2
360 5 9 ,2 4 ,2 0 .7 1 1 4,4 1.3; 1,5
Low er
110 5 9 ,2 4 .2 0 ,7 2 17,4 2 2 ,8

Razpredelnica 6.1.2: V iktorjev spodm ol, sonda: odpad.

Table 6.1.2: V iktorjev spodm ol, test trench: debris.

(flobina Plasti O dpadki < 3 mm Odpadki > 3 mm Jed ra SKUPAJ

Depth Layers Debris < 3 111111 Debris > 3 mm Cores TOTAL
Kosov Teža («) g/kos Kosov Teža (g) g/kos Kosov Teža (g) g/kos Kosov
(cm) Count Weight (g) g/piece Count
Weight (g) g/piece
g max g min
Count Weight (g) g/piece
g max g min
300 0 0 0 62 678,5 2,49 137 0.4 6 49 8,17 19,3 3,9 68
360 0 0 0 85 489,8 2,42 139 0,1 11 65 9,85 8,3 3,1 96
110 0 0 0 147 1 168,3 7,95 139 0,1 17 114 6,71 19,3 3,1 164
Razpredelnica 6.1.3: V iktorjev spodm ol, sonda: specifikacija o d p a d a > 3 m m.
Table 6.1.3: V iktorjev spodm ol, test trench: specification o f debris > 3 m m .

Razbitine* Odbitki navadni

Shatter fragments* Non-cortical Hakes
Plasti Kosov brez. Kosov s
Layers korteksa korteksom Teža (g) g/kos Kosov Teža (g) g/kos
(cm) g max g mill g max g mill
Count non- Count Weight (g) g/piece Count Weight (g) g/piece
corlical cortical
Z g o r n je
300 6 22 5 9 8 .7 9 9 .7 8 137 1,3 9 1 3,3 1 ,48 2 ,9 0 ,4
U pper
S p o d n je
360 1 10 3 1 2 ,7 4 ,7 0 139 2 .6 22 4 1 ,3 1 .88 7 ,5 0 ,2
L ow er
Z d ru ž en e
1 10 7 32 9 1 1 ,4 2 3 ,3 7 139 1,3 31 5 4 ,6 1 ,7 6 7 ,5 0 ,2
A ll

n a d a lje v a n je / c o n tin u a tio n

Odbitki s korteksom Odbitki laminarni
Plasti Cortical Hakes Laminar Hakes
(cm) Layers Kosov Teža (g) g/kos Kosov Teža (g) g/kos
R max g mill , . g max g mill
Count Weight (g) g/piece Count Weight (g) g/piece
Z g o rn je



3(H) 21 8 ,2 0 .4 3 1 ,5 0 2 ,4 0 ,6
U pper
S p o d n je
360 40 124 3 ,1 0 1 3,5 0 ,4 3 7 ,4 2 ,4 7 4 1.2
L ow er
Z d ru ž e n e
1 10 61 1 8 5 ,2 6.01 13,5 0 ,4 5 1 0,4 2 .0 8 4 0 ,6
A ll

n a d a lje v a n je / c o n tin u a tio n

Kline neretuširane Klinicc neretuširane SKUPAJ
Plasti Unretouched blades Unretouched bladelets TOTAL
(cm) Layers Kosov Teža (g> g/kos Kosov Teža (g) g/kos Kosov
, 7 • H max g mill . . ., , , . g max g nun
Count Weight (g) g/piece Count Weight (g) g/piece Pieces
Z g o r n je
300 2 2 ,3 1,15 1,3 1 0 0 0 0 0 40
U pper
S p o d n je
360 10 4 .4 0 ,4 4 1,3 0,1 0 0 0 0 0 76
L ow er
Z d ru ž e n e
1 10 12 6 ,7 0 .5 6 1,3 0,1 0 0 0 0 0 148
A ll

* V tej kategoriji so tudi testirani prodniki. / This category includes also tested pebbles.

Razpredelnica 6.1.4: V iktorjev spodm ol, sonda: specifikacija jeder.

Table 6.1.4: V iktorjev spodm ol, test trench: specification o f cores.

Globina Plasti Jedra

Depth Layers Cores
Neizoblikovana Teža (g) Knopolarna Teža (g) Piramidalna Teža (g) Prizmatična Teža (g)
(cm) Amorphous Weight Ig) Unidirectional Weight (gl Pyramidal Weight (g) Prismatic Weight (g)
Z g o rn je
300 1 3 ,9 1 6 ,5 1 19,3 1 7.1
U pper
S p o d n je
360 3 8 ,3 ; 3 ,7 ; 3,1 0 0 2 5 ,5 ; 5 ,4 0 0
L ow er
Z d ru ž e n e
110 4 19 1 6 ,5 3 3 0 ,2 1 7,1
A ll

n a d a lje v a n je / c o n tin u a tio n

Globina Plasti Jedra
Depth Layers Cores
(cm) Teža tg) Kroglasta T eža(g) Diskasta Teža (g) Posebna* Teža (g)
With crossed
Weight (g) Spherical Weight (g) Discoidal Weight (g) Various* Weight (g)
blank removals
Z g o r n je 2
300 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 ,2 ; 4
U pper
S p o d n je
360 1-2 6 ,9 ; 6 ,6 0 0 1 6 ,5 3 8 ,3 ; 8 ,4 ; 2 ,3
L ow er
Z d ru ž e n e
110 2 13,5 0 0 1 6 ,5 5 3 1 ,2
A li

* Med posebnimi jedri so: eno jedro na odbitku, eno "bifacialno" jedro in 3 fragm enti jeder (od tega en fragm ent prizm atičnega kotnega
jedra). / “Various" includes: one flake core, one "bifacial” core and 3 core fragm ents (including one prism atic core fragment).
ti. Razlaga najdb je tako ostala problem atična, prav tako T he lower layer, which was w ithout pottery, could be at
povezovanje z drugim i najdišči. m ost slightly older than th e upper layer in view o f the
great sim ilarity o f the sedim ents o f the two layers and
small difference in depth. T he finds them selves do not
6 .2 A rh eo lo šk e n a jd b e v po no vno reliably prove greater difference in the age o f the two
PR E G L E D A N E M S E D IM E N T U layers. Interpretation o f the finds thus rem ains proble­
V i k t o r j e v e s o n d e ( f a z a V i k t o r in I z A ) matic, as does linking with o th er sites.
(razpredelnica 6.2.1-6.2.7; sl. 6.2.1; t. 2-4 , 7)

K am ene in druge najdbe, zbrane pri ponovnem pregle­ 6 .2 A r c h a e o l o g i c a l F i n d s in t h e

du že pregledanih sedimentov, niso stratificirane. Z ato R e - e x a m i n e d S e d i m e n t s o f V i k t o r ’s
sem jih obravnaval kot celoto, pri čem er sem izgubil T e s t T r e n c h ( V i k t o r a n d Iz A P h a s e )
pom em ben del inform acije. (Tables 6 .2 .1-6.2.7; Fig. 6.2.1; Plates 2 -4 , 7)
Med kamenimi izdelki so zastopani naslednji značil­
ni kosi: 6 praskal na odbitku, 8 retuširanih odbitkov, 8 Stone and o th er finds collected during the re-examina­
retuširanih klin, 3 odbitki s prečno retušo, 2 klini s preč­ tion o f the already exam ined sedim ents were not strati­
no retušo, 2 klini z izjedo, 1 kljun, I trapez, 30 retušira­ fied. I have therefore treated them as a whole, by which
nih klinic, 12 m ikro konic, 22 trikotnikov, 15 fragm en­ I have lost an im p o rtan t p art o f the inform ation.
tov makrolitov, 3 fragm enti mikrolitov in 10 tehnološko T he following characteristic pieces are represented
zanim ivih odpadkov (sl. 6.2.1) (razpredelnica 6.2.1). am ong the stone products: 6 endscapers on flakes, 8
retouched flakes, 8 retouched blades, 3 tru n cated fla­
Praskala so, razen enega (t. 2: 16), precej površno izde­ kes, 2 tru n cated blades, 2 notched blades, I bee, 1 tra­
lana in komaj zaslužijo to ime. M ed njimi je eno na retu- peze, 30 retouched bladelets, 12 m icropoints, 22 triang­
širanem odbitku in eno fragm entirano in m očno poško­ les, 15 fragm ents o f m acroliths, 3 fragm ents o f micro-
dovano v ognju. liths and 10 technologically interesting item s o f debris
Med rctuširaninii odbitki je 5 fragmentov, od katerih (Fig. 6.2.1) (Table 6.2.1).
ima po eden strm o, polstrm o in stopnjevito retušo. Poleg
om enjenih vrst retuš je prisotna še uporabna retuša. Kndscrapers, with the exception o f one (Plate 2: 16),
Retuširane kline so bile vse razen ene fragm entira- are fairly superficially worked and barely deserve the
ne. Štirje fragm enti so pripadali bazi, eden sredini in nam e. They include one on a retouched flake and one
dva nedoločenem u delu kline. Retuša je uporabna, pol- fragm ented and powerfully dam aged in a fire.
strm a in strm a. Dva prim erka im ata plitke izjede, ki v A m ong the retouched flakes there are 5 fragm ents,
enem prim eru dajejo vtis nazobčanosti. o f which one each has abrupt, sem i-abrupt and stepped
Odbitki s prečno retušo niso najbolj prepričljivi. Med retouch. In addition to the aforem entioned types o f re­
njimi sta dva m ikrolitska prim erka in en retuširan odbi­ touch, there is also use wear present.
tek z vbočeno prečno retušo. The retouched blades were all fragm ented except

Razpredelnica 6.2.1: V iktorjev spodm ol, sonda: specifikacija izdelkov.

Table 6.2.1: V iktorjev spodm ol, test trench: specification o f products.

Praskala na odbitku Odbitki retuširani Kline retuširane

Enscrapers on flake Retouched flakes Retouched blades
Kosov T eža(g) g/kos Kosov Teža (g) g/kos Kosov Teža <g) g/kos
g max g min g max g min g max g min
Count Weight (g) g/piece Count Weight (g) g/piece Count Weight (g) g/piece
6 9,6 1,60 2,5 0,8 8 9,1 1,14 2,4 0,1 8 4,6 0,58 1,5 0,1

n a d a lje v a n je c o n tin u a tio n

Odbitki s prečno retušo Kline s prečno retušo Kline z. izjedo Kljun Makroliti
Truncated Hakes Truncated blades Notched blades Bee fragmenti
Kosov T eža (g) Kosov Teža (g) Kosov Teža (g) Kosov T e ža (g) Macroliths
Count Weight (g) Count Weight (g) Count Weight (g) Count Weight (g) fragments
3 0.6 2 0,5 ? 0,5 1 l.l 15

n a d a lje v a n je c o n tin u a tio n

Klinice* Mikro Trikotniki* Mikroliti* Trapezi
Mikro Tehnični
Retuširane konice* Triangles fragmenti Trapezes
Vbadala primerki
Retouched Micro Raznostran. Enakokr. Microliths* Kosov Teža (g)
Microburins Technological pieces
bladelets* points* Scalene Isocele fragments Count Weight (g)
30 12 22 0 3 1 0,6 9 1
* T e ž a p o s a m e z n e g a k o s a j e < 0,1 g , ra z e n re d k ih iz je m . / W e ig h t o f s in g le p ie c e is < 0 . 1 g e x c lu d in g s o m e e x c e p tio n s .
for one. Four fragm ents belong to th e proximal, one to
the m edial and two to undeterm ined parts o f the blade.
Retouch is from use, sem i-abrupt and abrupt. Two ex­
am ples have shallow notches, w hich in one case gives a
d enticulate im pression.
The truncated flakes are not very convincing. T he­
re are two m icrolith exam ples am ong them and one re­
touched flake with a concave truncation.
T here are two truncated blades, both fragm ented.
They are very thin and all edges are straight. It can n o t

i therefore be excluded th at the fragm ents belong to tra­

pezes w hich were m ade from a sim ple fractured blade
with no use o f m icroburin technique, i.e., fracturing with
the aid o f a notch.
Two fragm ents o f retouched blades have a pronoun­
ced notch.

'I T here is only one bee on a flake. It is m ade with a

com bination o f tru n catio n and notch (Plate 2: 23).
Similarly, there is only one trapeze, which was made
on a blade with th e aid o f two very deep notches (Plate
2: 20). It is hard to judge w hether th is is a m icroburin
technique o f production or not, since there are no re­
m ains o f fracture surfaces.
T he m icroliths are the m ost im p o rtan t p art o f the
finds; bladelets, points and triangles.
f t Among microliths. bladelets are m ost represented
(Plate 2: 24, 27-31). Fragm ents o f various parts o f blade­
lets predom inate, which are variously retouched (Table
6.2.2). Some end fragm ents are sim ilar to triangles and

I 1
could be unfinished examples o f them. Proximal fragments
o f stemmed bladelets (Plate 3: 3 2 -3 6 ) are also interes­
ting, which must have been helved. A hyperm icrolithic
medial fragm ent o f a bladelet (o r point) needs special
mention, being the smallest product found at the site (Plate
SI. 6.2.1: Izbor m ikrolitskih izdelkov, najdenih pri ponovnem 2:22). With such and even smaller tools, they drilled micro
pregledu sedim entov iz V iktorjeve sonde. Z adnji v tretjem beads, w hich are known from M esolithic layers in M.
stolpcu je odlom ek klinice s hrbtom iz kam ene strele. M erilo
Triglavca and from other sites (see Part 2 o f this volu­
je p o dano v cm . Foto F. Stele.
m e).
Fig. 6.2.1: Selection o f m icrolith p ro d u c ts found during re­
exam ination o f sedim ents from V iktor’s test trench: T he last
item in the third colum n is a fragm ent o f a backed blade from O f the m icropoints, 2 are whole, 6 fragm ents belong to
rock crystal. M easurem ents are in cm . P hoto F. Stele. the proximal part, 2 to th e m edial and 2 to the term ina­
tion o f the point (P late 4: 5 9 -6 8 ). Since the base was
also pointed with bipoints, it is difficult to judge with
Klini s prečno retušo sta dve, obe fragm entirani. Sta zelo the fragm ents w hich end o f the point we are dealing
tanki in im ata ravne vse robove, s prečno retuširanim with. M icropoints are ch aracterised by an ab ru p t re­
robom vred. Z ato ni izključeno, da fragm enta ne bi pri­ touch, exceptionally a sem i-abrupt retouch on both ed­
padala trapezom , ki so bili narejeni z enostavnim loml­ ges converging tow ards the tip o f the point. In one case,
jenjem klin brez m ikrovbadalne tehnike, tj. lomljenja s only one abruptly retouched edge ends with a point.
pom očjo izjede. Bipoint m icro p o in ts are very sim ilar to Sauveterrian
I z r a z i t o izjedo i m a t a d v a f r a g m e n t a r e t u š i r a n i h k l i n . points (pointe de Saiiveterre).
Kljun je en sam na odbitku. N arejen je s kom bina­ M icrolithic triangles sensu lato are the m ost cha­
cijo prečne retuše in izjede (t. 2: 23). racteristic elem ent o f th e M esolithic stone inventory
Prav tako je en sam trapez, k ije bil narejen na klini (Plates 3: 37-50; 4; 52-58; Table 6.2.3). They unite both
s pom očjo dveh zelo globokih izjed (t. 2: 20). Težko je real triangles and backed tru n cated bladelets, and in size
presoditi, ali gre za m ikrovbadalno tehniko izdelave ali and shape approxim ate to real triangles. Since many o f
ne, saj ni ostankov prelom nih ploskev. the specim ens are fragm ented, there is a danger that 1
Razpredelnica 6.2.2: Viktorjev spodm ol, sonda: specifikacija retuširanih klinic.
Table 6.2.2: Viktorjev spodm ol, test trench: specification o f retouched bladelets.

Hrbet in drobtinčasta Drobtinčasta retuša Drobtinčasta retuša

Cela Baza Pecelj Sredina Konec Hrhet retuša unilateralna bilateralna
Complete Basal Stemmed Medial Terminal Backed Backed and marginal Marginal retouch Marginal retouch
retouch unilateral bilateral
3 S 4 11 4? 19 4 2 3

N ajpom em bnejši del najdb so m ikroliti: klinice, may have wrongly classified e.g., fragm ents which belong­
konice in trikotniki. ed to the proximal and medial parts o f triangles as frag­
Med mikroliti so najbolj zastopane klinice (t. 2: 24, m ents o f bladelets. Between the two basic types o f triang­
2 7-31). Prevladujejo fragm enti različnih delov klinic, ki le (scalene and isosceles) scalene ones predominate. Some
so različno retuširane (razpredelnica 6.2.2). N ekateri specim ens approxim ate to isosceles triangles (Plate 4:54).
končni fragm enti so podobni trikotnikom in bi lahko bili Two sub-types can be distinguished on the basis o f how
njihovi nedokončani prim erki. Zanim ivi so tudi bazalni the triangles are retouched. The first sub-type is only back­
odlom ki klinic s pecljem (t. 3: 3 2 -3 6 ), ki so m orale biti ed on the two shorter sides. The longest side (hypotenu­
nasajene. Posebej je treba om eniti hiperm ikrolitski sre­ se) is not retouched and represents the sharp edge (Pla­
dinski fragm ent klinice (ali konice), ki predstavlja naj­ tes 3; 39; 4; 52). The other sub-type differs from the first
manjši najdeni izdelek na najdišču (t. 2: 22). S takim i in in that the hypotenuse is com pletely or partially very fi­
še manjšim i orodji so vrtali mikro jagode, k ijih pozna­ nely retouched so th at it retains its sharp edge (Plates 3;
m o iz m ezolitske plasti v M. Triglavci in z drugih naj­ 40, 41, 48, 49; 4; 54, 57, 58). However, there are also
dišč (glej 2. del tega zbornika). exceptions, in which the hypotenuse has a marginal ab­
Med mikro konicami sta 2 celi, 6 odlomkov je pripa­ rupt retouch (Plate 3: 45, 47). O ne specim en even has a
dalo bazi, 2 sredini in 2 vrhu konice (t. 4: 59-68). Ker je natural abrupt edge with cortex on the hypotenuse (Plate
bila pri dvokonicah ošiljena tudi baza, je pri odlom kih 3; 44). This slightly confuses the presentation o f the func­
težko presoditi, kateri konec konice im am o pred seboj. tion o f these products, which are norm ally explained as
Z a m ikro konice je značilna strm a (hrbet), izjem om a arm atures (p arts o f com posite tools and weapons that
polstrm a retuša na obeh robovih, ki se steka proti vrhu can be inserted and exchanged).
konice. V enem prim eru se s konico konča sam o en, strm o Som e micro- and m acrolithic products are so frag­
retuširan rob. Dvokoničaste (bikonične) mikro konice so m ented th a t I was unable to define them very precisely.
zelo podobne sovterski konici (pointe de Sauveterre). In addition to products, a great deal o f debris o f all
M ikrolitski trikotniki sensu lato so najbolj značilen sizes was also collected (Table 6.2.4).
elem ent m ezolitskega kam enega inventarja (t. 3: 37-50; T he m ost interesting debris consists o f cores (P la­
4: 5 2 -58; razpredelnica 6.2.3). Z družujejo tako prave te 1 :3 , 6; Table 6.2.5). Small cores o f various shape
trikotnike kot klinice s hrbtom in prečno retušo, in se predom inate. A m ong them may be an unusual mini-core
po velikosti in obliki približujejo pravim trikotnikom. Ker (Plate 1: 7). A core on a flake w hich may have served
je veliko prim erkov fragm entiranih, obstaja nevarnost, also as a denticulate scraper is also unusual; insofar as it
da sem npr. fragm ente, ki so pripadali bazi in sredini was merely a core on a flake it was used as a unidirectio­
trikotnika, napačno opredelil kot fragm ente klinic. Med nal core. O ne fragm ent o f core could have belonged to a
obem a osnovnim a tipom a trikotnikov (raznostraničnim unidirectional and pyram idal core.
in enakokrakim ) prevladujejo raznostranični, vendar je Am ong technologically interesting debris 1 classi­
vprašljivo, ali so vsi trikotniki raznostranični. N ekateri fied mainly microburins sensu lato, i.e. all notched prox­
prim erki se nam reč približujejo enakokrakem u trikotni­ imal parts o f blades with tru n catio n s by the notches. A
ku (t. 4: 54). Po tem, kako so trikotniki retuširani lahko notch was often m ade im m ediately above the butt, so
razlikujem dva podtipa. Prvi im a sam o strm o retušo proximal fragm ents are very sh o rt and one after another,
(h rb et) na dveh krajših stranicah. N ajdaljša stranica ni except for one (P late 2: 21), greatly deviate from classi­
retuširana in predstavlja oster rob (t. 3: 39; 4: 52). D ru­ cal m icroburins such as, for example, are known from
gi podtip se od prvega razlikuje po tem, da ima najdalj­ the Pod Č rm ukljo and M. Triglavca sites.
šo stranico povsem ali delno zelo fino retuširano, a tako, A m ong larger debris, unrctouchcd flak es greatly
da se ohranja ostrina roba (t. 3; 40, 41, 48, 49; 4; 54, 57, predom inate, followed by shatter fragments (Table 6.2.6).
58). V endar so tudi izjeme, pri teh je najdaljša stranica Some shatter fragm ents with cortex may have been tes­
topo retuširana (t. 3. 45, 47). En prim erek ima na naj­ ted pebbles.
daljši stranici celo naravno top rob s korterksom (t. 3;
44). To nekoliko zm ede predstavo o funkciji teh izdel­ Unrctouchcd blades and bladelets arc alm ost all fragm en­
kov, ki jih običajno razlagam o kot arm ature (vstavljive ted (Table 6.2.7). Proximal parts greatly predom inate
in zamenljive dele sestavljenih orodij in orožij). am ong fragm ents.
Nekaj mikro- in m akrolitskih izdelkov je tako frag- T here were also a great many flakes and chips smal­
m entiranih, da jih nisem mogel natančneje opredeliti. ler than 5 mm (Table 6.2.5), which V iktor did n ot find
Poleg izdelkov je bilo zbranih tudi veliko odpadkov during exploratory excavation.
vseh velikosti (razpredelnica 6.2.4). T here are 57 or 4.4% o f therm ally cracked flakes
larger th an 5 mm. Traces o f therm al treatm en t are both
Najzanimivejši odpadek so jedra (t. 1: 3, 6; razpredelni­ on the crust o f the core and on flakes, as well as on the
ca 6.2.5). Prevladujejo m ajhna jedra različnih oblik. Med ventral and dorsal sides o f blades, bladelets and flakes.
njimi je lahko tudi eno nenavadno mini je d ro (t. 1: 7). In addition to stone finds, in the re-exam ination of
N eobičajno je tudi jedro na odbitku, ki bi lahko služilo sedim ents from V iktor’s test trench the following addi­
tudi kot nazobčano strgalo, do stopnje jedra na odbitku tional item s were discovered: the lamella o f a b o ar’s tusk,
pa je bilo izkoriščeno kot enopolarno jedro. Po en frag­ two m edial fragm ents o f bone awls or needles, one dis­
m ent jedra bi lahko pripadal enopolarnem u in piram i­ tal (term inal) fragm ent o f bone point or needle and two
dalnem u jedru. fragm ents o f unidentified bone products (P late 7: 114/
M ed te h n o lo šk o zanim ive od p ad k e sem uvrstil 15, 115/9, 116-118).
predvsem mikro vbadala sensu lato, tj. vse bazalne dele
klin z izjedo in s prečnim prelom om ob njej. Izjeda je In the re-examination o f the sedim ents from V iktor’s test
bila največkrat narejena tik nad talonom , zato so bazal­ trench, I arrived at a series o f new data and findings.
ni odlom ki zelo kratki in vsi po vrsti razen enega (t. 2: In addition to insignificant fragm ents o f pottery
21) m očno odstopajo od klasičnih mikro vbadal, kakršna (38 pieces or 0.32 kg), mainly stone artefacts b ut also
npr. poznam o z najdišč Pod Črm ukljo in M. Triglavca. som e o th er occasional finds had been overlooked in the
Med večjimi odpadki m očno prevladujejo neretuši- exploratory excavation. Stone finds certainly represent
rani odbitki, ki jim sledijo razbitine (razpredelnica 6.2.6). the m ain item: 98 products and 2386 pieces o f debris.
The presum ption o f the in situ m anufacture o f sto­
ne products was confirm ed by small debris, w hich is
created mainly in the retouching o f products and the
Razpredelnica 6.2.3: Viktorjev spodmol, sonda: specifikacija
preparation o f cores. Since we were not overly assidu­
ous in collecting them , th e ir quantity is underestim a­
Table 6.2.3: Viktorjev spodmol, test trench: specification of
triangles. ted, though large enough to allow no doubt as to in situ
Trikotniki ra/.nostranični / Triangles scalene T he large num ber o f pieces with cortex allows a
Hrhct in reliable conclusion about the average size o f pebbles
Cel Baza Sredina Konec drohtinčasta retuša
used. It appears th a t the m ajority o f pebbles were the
Complete Basal Medial Terminal Backed and
marginal retouch size o f a hazelnut to a walnut. For the m ost part they
4-7 0 0 15 7 were chert.
An im p o rtan t contribution o f the re-exam ination
o f the sedim ents are the occasional finds o f fragm ents
Razpredelnica 6.2.4: Viktorjev spodmol, sonda: odpad. o f rock crystal. This rare raw m aterial was already used
Table 6.2.4: Viktorjev spodmol, test trench: debris.

Odpadki < 5 nun Odpadki > 5 nun Jedra SKUPAJ

Debris < 5 mm Debris > 5 mm Cores TOTAL
Kosov Teža (g) g/kos Kosov Teža (g) g/kos Kosov Teža (g) g/kos Kosov
.Count Weight (g) g/piece Count Weight (g) g/piece g max g nun
Count Weight (g) g/piece
g max g nun
1(197 19,5 0,02 1276 714 0,56 13,1 <0,1 13 78,1 6,01 27,6 0,3 2386

Razpredelnica 6.2.5: Viktorjev spodmol, sonda: specifikacija jeder.

fable 6.2.5: Viktorjev spodmol, test trench: specification of cores.
Neizoblikovana Teža (g) Enopolarna Teža (g) Piramidalna Teža (g) Prizmatična Teža (g)
Amorphous Weight (g) Unidirectional Weight (g) Pyramidal Weight (g) Prismatic Weight (g)
5 6,5; 3,9; 4,2; 4,6; 1,5 1 27.6 0 0 0 0

~yaijcvan,ie' continuation
Posebna* Teža (g) Teža (g) Kroglasta Teža (g) Diskasta Teža (g)
Various* Weight (g) With crossed
Weight (g) Spherical Weight (g) Discoidal Weight (g)
blank removals
5 10.9:6.3:4.6:3:0.6 0 0 0 0 2 4,1; 0,3
+M...I__ T—:— ——---------------------------
Mod posebnimi jedri so: I jedro na odbitku. I ponovno uporabljeno jedro in 3 fragmenti jeder. / Various cores include: 1 flake core, 1
reutilized core and 3 core fragments.
N ekatere razbitine s korteksom so lahko testirani prod­ in the Palaeolithic, but we also com e across it in M eso­
niki. lithic sites in nearby Italy and elsew here in Europe.
Because o f the m ore careful collection o f finds, the
Neretuširane kline in klinice so skoraj vse fragm entirane ratios betw een pieces with cortex an d pieces w ithout
(razpredelnica 6.2.7). Med fragm enti m očno prevladu­ cortex in V iktor’s test trench and the re-examined sedi­
jejo bazalni deli. m ents from V iktor’s test trench were com pletely ch an ­
Med odpadom je bilo tudi veliko lusk in odkruškov, ged. W hile previously there were twice as many pieces
m anjših od 5 mm (razpredelnica 6.2.5), k ijih V iktor pri with cortex, afte r re-exam ination there were tw ice as
sondiranju ni našel. many w ithout cortex.
K rakeliranih kosov, večjih od 5 mm, je 57 ali 4,4 %. T h e p re d o m in a n c e o f p ro x im al p a rts o f u n re ­
Sledovi krakeliranja so tako na skorji jed er kot odbitkov touched blades and bladelets over o th er parts o f blades
kot tudi na ventralni in dorzalni strani klin, klinic in and bladelets shows that they were intentionally frag­
odbitkov. m ented (segm ented) so th a t they served as blanks for
Poleg kam enih najdb so bili v ponovno pregledanih geom etric tools, such as trapezes. G eom etric tools were
sedim entih iz Viktorjeve sonde odkriti še naslednji pred­ probably m ade mainly from the medial and distal parts
meti: lamela merjaščevega čekana, dva m edialna fragmen­ o f blades and bladelets. So there are few o f these parts.
ta koščenega šila ali igle, en končni (term inalni) fragm ent Fracturing blades and bladelets w ithout the use o f mi­
koščene konice ali igle in dva fragm enta nedoločenih croburin techniques, judging from the debris, was more
koščenih izdelkov (t. 7: 114/15, 115/9, 116-118). w idespread th an fracturing with the aid o f these techni­
ques. Since there are alm ost no trapezes at the site, they
Pri ponovnem pregledu sedim enta Viktorjeve sonde sem used fracturing to make blanks for o th er geom etric tools,
se dokopal do vrste novih podatkov in ugotovitev. such as triangles, or they m ade trapezes som ew here else.
Poleg nepom em bnih drobcev in fragm entov kera­ New finds o f therm ally treated pieces confirm the
mike (38 kosov ali 0,32 kg) so bile pri sondiranju spre­ suspicion o f the heating o f pebbles and cores in a fire as
gledane predvsem kam ene, pa tudi nekatere druge red­ part o f the technological procedure.
ke najdbe. G lavnino vsekakor predstavljajo kam ene najd­ Analysis o f the stone finds allows the conclusion
be: 98 izdelkov in 2.386 odpadkov. th at all procedures connected with th e working o f stone
Sum o in situ izdelavi kam enih izdelkov je potrdil were carried out at the site: from collecting suitable raw
droben odpadek, ki nastaja predvsem pri retuširanju iz- m aterials, o f p red o m in an tly local origin, testin g raw

Razpredelnica 6.2.6: Viktorjev spodmol, sonda: specifikacija odpada > 5 mm.

Table 6.2.6: Viktorjev spodmol, test trench: specification of debris > 5 mm.

Razbitine / Shatter fragments Odbitki navadni / Noil-cortical Hakes

Kosov brez korteksa Kosov s korteksom Teža (g) g/kos Kosov Teža (g) g/kos
g max g min g max g min
Count lion-cortical Count cortical Weight (g) g/piece Count Weight (g) g/piece
100 57 344.9 2,2« 13,1 0,1 638 152,1 0,24 3,7 0,1

n a d a lje v a n je / c o n tin u a tio n

Odbitki s korteksom / Cortical Hakes Odbitki liiminarni / Laminar flakes
Kosov Teža (g) g/kos Kosov Ieza(g) g/kos
g max g min 7 ■ g '»ax g mill
Count Weight (g) g/piece Count Weight (g) g/piece
276 184,2 0,67 9,5 0,3 4 1,6 0,40 0,9 0,1

n a d a l je v a n je / c o n tin u a tio n
Neretuširane kline/ Unretouched blades Neretuširane klinice / Unretouched bladelets
Kosov Teža (g) g/kos Kosov Teža (g) g/kos Kosov / Count
,, . 7 . g max g mm 7 . g max g min
Count Weight (g) g/piece Count Weight (g) g/picce
137 29,3 0,21 1.7 0,1 64 2,3 0,04 < 0,1 <0,1 1276

Razpredelnica 6.2.7: Viktorjev spodmol, sonda: specifikacija neretuširanili klin in klinic.

Table 6.2.7: Viktorjev spodmol, test trench: specification of unretouched blades and bladelets.

Neretuširane kline (kosov) / Unretouched blades (count) Neretuširane klinice (kosov)/ Unrctouchcd bladelets (count)
Cela Baza Sredina Konec SKUPAJ Cela Baza Sredina Konec SKUPAJ
Complete Basal Medial Terminal TOTAL Complete Basal Medial Terminal TOTAL
2 97 24 14 137 11 42 7 4 64
delkov in pri pripravi jeder. Ker se nism o preveč trudili m aterials, to the m anufacture o f final products, through
s pobiranjem , je njegova količina podcenjena, vendar all the interm ediate phases to the repair and ab an d o n ­
dovolj velika, da ne dopušča nobenega dvom a o in situ m ent o f used products. T hose th at have been fully pre­
proizvodnji. served are undoubtedly unused debris. T he collection
Veliko število kosov s korteksom dopušča zanesljiv o f characteristic products th a t rem ained clearly shows
sklep o povprečni velikosti uporabljenih prodnikov. Kaže, that the site belongs to a M esolithic developm ent level.
d a je bila večina prodnikov v velikosti lešnika do oreha. It is difficult to ascertain w hich on the basis o f the ma­
V glavnem gre za rožence. terial collected and the Stratigraphie inform ation.
Pom em ben prispevek ponovnega pregleda sedim en­
tov so redke najdbe odlom kov kristalov kam ene strele.
Ta redka surovina s e je uporabljala že v paleolitiku, nan­ 6 .3 A r c h a e o l o g i c a l F in d s o f t h e
jo pa naletim o tudi v mezolitskih najdiščih v bližnji Ita­ S t r a t i g r a p h i c E x c a v a t io n o f t h e
liji in drugje po Evropi. P r o f il e o f V i k t o r ’s T e s t T t r e n c h
Z aradi natančnejšega pobiranja najdb so se popol­ ( P hase Iz A )
nom a sprem enila razm erja med kosi s korteksom in kosi (Tables 6.3.1-6.3.8; Plate 3, 5 -7 )
brez slednjega v Viktorjevi sondi in ponovno pregleda­
nem sedim entu iz Viktorjeve sonde. M edtem ko je bilo The main purpose o f th e stratigraphic excavation was
prej enkrat več kosov s korteksom , jih je bilo po ponov­ to establish the position o f individual finds in the prof­
nem pregledu enkrat več brez korteksa. ile o f the site to an accuracy o f 5 cm.
Prevladovanje bazalnih delov neretuširanih klin in So a block o f sedim ents o f size 0.2 x 2 x 1 m was
klinic nad drugim i deli klin in klinic kaže, da so bile excavated along the profile. All finds were collected with
nam enom a fragm entirane (segm entirane), da so služile the same thickness o f horizontal spits which I (I.T.) later
kot nastavek za geom etrična orodja, kot so npr. trapezi. coordinated with layers, visually determ ined in the prof­
G eom etrična orodja so se verjetno izdelovala predvsem ile. Since the profile was 2 m long, the finds were collec­
iz srednjega in končnega dela klin in klinic. Z ato je teh ted separately by spits for its left (m arked in the field “/
delov malo. Lomljenje klin in klinic brez uporabe mik- 1”) and right parts (m arked in the field "12"), in order to
rovbadalne tehnike je bilo sodeč po odpakih bolj razšir­ establish any possible concentration o f finds. Since the
jen o kot lomljenje s pom očjo te tehnike. Ker v najdišču finds were equally distributed in all spits in both parts of
skoraj ni trapezov, so z lomljenjem izdelovali nastavke the profile, in the end I treated both parts as a single spa­
za druga geom etrična orodja, kot so npr. trikotniki, ali tial unit, and the finds stratigraphically by spits. Since the
pa so trapeze izdelovali kje drugje. m ajority o f objects were found during washing on sieves,
Nove najdbe krakeliranih kosov potrjujejo dom ne­ they are w ithout individual coordinates.
vo o segrevanje prodnikov in jeder v ognju kot delu teh­ A survey o f all archaeological finds is given in Ta­
nološkega postopka. ble 6.3.1. It is clear from the survey th at at least two
A naliza kam enih najdb dopušča sklep, da so se v archaeological levels are represented at the site, as Vik­
najdišču opravljali vsi postopki, povezani z obdelavo to r properly established. Pottery and stone finds and
kamna: od zbiranja prim erne surovine, pretežno lokal­ som e new age m etal objects are ch aracteristic o f the
nega izvora, testiranja surovine do izdelave končnih iz­ upper level, w hich em braces layer 1 and the upper part
delkov, in to preko vseh vm esnih faz do popravil in opus­ o f layer 2. The lower level, em bracing the lower part of
titve izrabljenih izdelkov. Tisto, kar se nam je v celoti layer 2 and layer 3 is characterised by stone and bone
ohranilo, so nedvom no nerabni odpadki. N abor značil­ finds and finds o f sea molluscs, am ong w hich predom i­
nih izdelkov, ki so ostali, ja sn o dokazuje, da najdišče nate the dove shell ColumbeUa rustica (Linne, 1758) ty­
pripada neki mezolitski razvojni stopnji. Kateri, je na pical o f M esolithic sites, as well as finds o f the edible
podlagi zbranega gradiva in stratigrafske inform acije za thorny oyster Mytilus galloprovincialis Lam arck, 1819.
zdaj težko ugotoviti. Stone artefacts are present in large num bers in all layers
and at all depths, but they increase near the boundary
between layers 2 and 3 (spits 12-16).
6 .3 A r h e o l o š k e n a j d b e s t r a t ig r a f s k e g a The pottery, with few exceptions, is prehistoric.
IZKOPAVANJA PROFILA VIKTORJEVE SONDE However, characteristic pieces th a t could be linked ty-
( fa z a Iz A ) pologically with pottery found in the test trench were
(razpredelnice 6.3.1-6.3.8: t. 3, 5 -7 ) not found.
Stone artefacts deserve detailed treatm ent. Simi­
Glavni nam en stratigrafskega izkopavanja je bil, ugoto­ larly, there are som e individual finds th a t I will m ention
viti položaj posam ičnih najdb v profilu najdišča do 5 at the end.
cm natančno. The following characteristic pieces are represented
Z ato je bil ob profilu izkopan blok sedim entov veli- am ong the products: 2 endscrapers, 7 retouched flakes,
Razpredelnica 6.3.1: Viktorjev spodm ol, profil: arheološke najdbe. N avedeno je število kosov.
Table 6.3.1: Viktorjev spodm ol, profile: archaeological finds. The number o f pieces is stated.

Keramika Keramika
Kovinski Kamene Koščene Morski Morske
Globina drobci večji fragm.
Reženj Plast predmeti najdbe najdbe polži školjke
Depth Pottery Pottery
Spil Layer Metal Stone Bone Marine Bivalve sea
(cm) large
objects artifacts artifacts gastropods shells
fragments fragments
1 254 nasutje 0 2 0 173 0 0 0
2 259 disturbed 0 5 0 278 0 0 0
3 264 1 5 0 299 0 0 0
4 269 0 9 2 318 0 0 0
1 and 2
5 274 3 10 3 320 0 0 0
6 279 1 1I 3 368 0 0 1
7 284 0 8 2* 637 0 0 2
8 289 0 5 3 634 0 0 1
9 294 0 0 0 507 1 0 0
10 299 2 0 1 0 626 0 0 4
11 304 0 1 0 603 1 1 5
12 309 0 0 0 874 0 2 0
13 314 0 0 0 1 167 0 1 6
14 319 0 1? 0 716 0 2 0
15 324 0 0 0 981 1 0 3
16 329 0 0 0 746 0 0 1
17 334 3 0 0 0 445 0 0 0
18 339 0 0 0 277 0 0 0
19 353 0 0 0 189 0 0 2
19 99 3 5 57 13 10.158 3 6 25
* I fragment glazirane keramike. / One sherd of glazed ware.

kosti 0,2 x 2 x 1 m. Vse najdbe so bile zbrane po enako 5 retouched blades, 3 trapezes, 22 retouched bladelets,
debelih vodoravnih režnjih, ki sem jih (I. T.) pozneje uskla­ 5 m icropoints, 15 triangles, 8 fragm ents o f m icroliths
dil s plastmi, vizualno določenim i v profilu. Ker je bil and 30 pieces o f technologically interesting debris (Ta­
profil dolg 2 m so bile najdbe zbrane ločeno po režnjih za ble 6.3.2).
njegov levi (terenska oznaka “/1 ”) in desni del (terenska T he endscrapers are fairly unusual, oval-shaped and
oznaka "12”), da bi ugotovili m orebitne koncentracije m ade on retouched flakes (P late 5: 75/10, 76/13).
najdb. Ker so bile najdbe v vseh režnjih enakom erno raz­ The retouched flakes, in addition to use wear retouch,
porejene v obeh delih profila, sem nazadnje oba dela haye also abrupt retouch. O ne flake has a shallow notch.
obravnaval kot prostorsko celoto, najdbe pa stratigrafsko The retouched flakes also include those with cortex.
po režnjih. Ker je bila večina predm etov najdena pri spi­ The rctouchcd blades were all fragmented. Four frag­
ranju na sitih, so brez individualnih koordinat. m ents belonged to the proximal, one to the medial and
Pregled vseh arheoloških najdb je podan v razpre­ two to proximal and m edial parts. T he retouch is either
delnici 6.3.1. Iz nje je razvidno, da sta na najdišču zasto­ use wear or m arginal. Small notches on the edges o f the
pana vsaj dva arheološka nivoja, kot je pravilno ugotovil blades are characteristic, so th at at least one o f the bla­
že Viktor. Za zgornji nivo, ki obsega plast 1 in zgornji des is sim ilar to blades o f the M ontbani type (P late 6:
del plasti 2 so značilne keram ične in kam ene najdbe ter 8 3/6). Two blades have concave form ed parts w here the
nekaj novodobnih kovinskih predmetov. Za spodnji nivo, butt would have been (P late 6: 85/12; 86/16), in a way
ki obsega spodnji del plasti 2 in plast 3, so značilne ka­ that is characteristic for trapezes, though differently from
m ene in koščene najdbe ter najdbe m orskih polžev, med the m ajority o f trapezes found in M esolithic layers of
katerimi prevladuje za m ezolitska najdišča značilna go­ M. Triglavca. T he bulbar end and butt are shaped with
lobica Columbella rustica (Linne, 1758), kot tudi najdbe the aid o f a C lacton notch, but the notch was probably
užitne klapavice MytUusgaUoprovincialis Lam arck, 1819. m ade with pressure and n o t with a blow.
K am niti artefakti so m nožično prisotni v vseh plasteh Only on e o f the trapezes is whole. A fragm ent o f a
in v vseh globinah, vendar se pom nožijo na prehodu m icrotrapeze stan d s o ut (P late 5: 80/16), w hich was
plasti 2 v plast 3 (režnji 12-16). found at the deepest level o f all the trapezes and m icro­
K eram ika je razen redkih izjem prazgodovinska. burins. T he presum ed bulbar end o f two trapezes is co n ­
Č eprav tokrat niso bili najdeni značilni kosi, jo lahko cave shaped with a C lacton notch. Distally, there are
tipološko povežem s keramiko, najdeno v sondi. the rem ains o f a deep notch and fracture plane beside it
K am niti artefakti zaslužijo p o d ro b n o obdelavo. (P late 5: 78/10, 79/12). T he question is w hether the
Prav tako nekatere posebne najdbe, ki jih bom om enil bulbar end was also fractured in a sim ilar way to the
na koncu. distal p art o f the trapeze.
Razpredelnica 6.3.2: Viktorjev spodmol, profil: specifikacija izdelkov.
Razpredelnica 6.3.2: Viktorjev spodmol, profile: specification of products.

Praskala Odbitki Kline Klinice

Globina Mikro
Reženj Plast Endscrapers Flakes Blades rctuširane*
Depth konice*
Spit Layer Na odbitku Teža (g) Retuširani Teža (g) Rctuširane Teža (g) Retouched
(cm) Micro points*
On flake Weight (g) Retouched Weight (g) Retouched Weight (g) bladelets*
1 254 nasutje
2 259 dist.
3 264 1 1,2
1 in 2
4 269 1
1 and 2 2
5 274
6 279 2 0.7; 1.6 2 0,5; 0,3 2
7 284 1 3,3 1 0,1 2
8 289 1 1,5
9 294 2
10 299 2 1 1,3 2 0,710,9 1 0,7
11 304 2 1
12 309 1 0,1 1
13 314 1 1,6 1 0,1 2
14 319 1 0,6 1 1
15 324 3
16 329 5 2
17 334 3
IS 339
19 353
19 99 3 2 2,9 7 5,1 7 3,3 22 5

nadaljevanje / continuation
Trikotniki* Mikroliti* SKUPAJ
Globina Mikro Tehnični
Reženj Plast Triangles* fragmenti Trapezi TOTAL
Depth vbadala primerki
Spit Layer Raznostran. Knakokr. Mieroliths* Trapezes Kosov
(cm) Microburins Technological pieces
Scalene Isocele fragments Pieces
1 254 nasutje 3 3
2 259 disturbed 2 2
3 264 1 1 3
1 in 2 2
4 269 1
1 and 2
5 274 2
6 279 1 7
7 284 2 1 1 7
8 289 1 2
9 294 1 1 4
10 299 2 1 2 1 1 9
11 304 1 1 5
12 309 1 3 6
13 314 1 1 1 6
14 319 1 1 6
15 324 2 1 1 7
16 329 2 2 1 1 13
17 334 3 2 1 3
18 339 1 1
19 353 0
19 99 3 14 1 8 3 5 15 89
* Te/a posameznega kosa je < 0,1 g, razen redkih izjem. / Weight of single piece is < 0.1 g excluding some exceptions.

Med izdelki so zastopani naslednji značilni kosi: 2 M icroburins are technologically connected with tra­
praskali, 7 retuširanih odbitkov, 5 retuširanih klin, 3 tra ­ pezes, o f which, like trapezes, there are surprisingly few.
pezi, 22 retuširanih klinic, 5 m ikro konic, 15 trikotni­ All were found in the upper part o f layer 2. There are only
kov, 8 fragm entov mikrolitov in 20 tehnološko zanim i­ two typical m icroburins, o f which one has a very shallow
vih odpadkov (razpredelnica 6.3.2). notch (P late 5: 81/6, 82/10). O ne specim en has a re­
Praskali sta precej neobičajni, prisiljeni in izdelani touched C lacton notch instead o f the norm al one. O ne
na retuširanem odbitku (t. 5: 75/10, 76/13). further fragm ent o f a m icroburin and one fragm ent o f a
Retuširani odbitki imajo poleg uporabne retuše še stem m ed piece (Plate 6: 84/8) remain, which I classified
strm o retušo. En odbitek ima plitko izjedo. Med retuši- am ong m icroburins because o f the sim ilar technology,
ranim i odbitki so tudi taki s korteksom . although strictly speaking it is not such.
Razpredelnica 6.3.3: Viktorjev spodm ol, profil: specifikacija retuširanih klinic.
Table 6.3.3: Viktorjev spodm ol, profile: specification o f retouched bladelets.
Hrbet in drobtinčasta Drobtinčasta retuša
Drobtinčasta retuša
Cela Baza Pecelj Sredina Konec Hrbet retuša unilateralna
Complete Basal Stemmed Medial Terminal Backed Backed and marginal Marginal retouch
Marginal retouch bilateral
retouch unilateral
0 10 0 11 1 11 4 4 3

Rctuširane kline so bile vse fragm entirane. Štirje Bladelets are numerically the best represented o f mi-
odlomki so pripadali bazi, eden sredini in dva bazi s sre­ croliths. They are exclusively fragments o f bladelets which
dino. Retuša je ali uporabna ali pravilna drobtinčasta. were variously retouched (Table 6.3.3). In addition to ab­
Značilne so m ajhne izjede na robovih klin, tako d a je vsaj rupt retouch, which is the predom inant way of retouching
ena klina podobna klini tipa M ontbani (t. 6: 83/6). Dve bladelets, semi-abrupt and marginal retouches also appear
klini im ata konkavno oblikovan predel, kjer naj bi bil ta­ on one or both edges (Plate 6: 88/15, 89/14, 90/16). A
lon (t. 6: 85/12; 86/16), na način, kot je značilen za trape­ particularity is the alternating abrupt retouch (back) on a
ze, vendar drugače kot pri večini trapezov, najdenih v wide fragment o f the medial part o f a bladelet (spit 5). It is
mezolitski plasti M. Triglavce. Baza in talon sta oblikova­ possible that this fragment belongs to a point (Plate 6: 91/
na s pom očjo klektonske (clacton) izjede, vendar je bila 5). The proximal fragment of a bladelet backed at the bul­
izjeda verjetno narejena s pritiskom in ne z udarcem. bar end and one o f the edges, and marginally retouched on
Med trapezi je sam o en cel. Izstopa fragment mikro the other edge (spit 7) is also unusual.
trapeza (t. 5: 80/16), ki je bil najden najgloblje od vseh The niicropoints were all found in the lower part o f
trapezov in mikro vbadal. D om nevna baza dveh trapezov layer 2 and the upper p art o f layer 3. All have been pre­
je konkavno oblikovana s klektonsko izjedo. Distal no je served m ore or less fragm entarily and were produced
ostanek globoke izjede in prelom ne ploskve ob njej (t. 5: exclusively with the aid o f an ab ru p t retouch (Plate 7:
78/10, 79/12). Vprašanje je, ali je bila tudi baza lomljena 1 0 8 /1 6 -1 1 3 /1 4 ). T he reto u ch can be altern atin g , in
na podoben način kot distalni del trapeza. which two variants appear: on the sam e edge o r on both
S trapezi so tehnološko povezana mikro vbadala, ki edges. A lthough the points can have two points, becau­
jih je tako kot trapezov presenetljivo malo. Vsa so bila se o f the ab ru p t retouch we can n o t speak o f typical Sau-
najdena v zgornjem delu plasti 2. Značilni m ikro vbada­ veterrian points but at m ost o f a variant o f these.
li sta sam o dve pa še od teh ima eno zelo plitko izjedo M icrolithic triangles sensu lato (Table 6.3.4) are
(t. 5: 81/6, 82/10). En prim erek ima nam esto običajne the second m ost num erous p roduct at the site. T heir
retu širane izjede klektonsko. O bstaja še en fragm ent num ber may be underestim ated, since som e o f the m e­
mikro vbadala in en fragm ent peclja (t. 6: 84/8), ki sem dial fragm ents o f m icro bladelets could also be parts of
ga zaradi podobne tehnologije uvrstil med m ikro vbada­ triangles. All triangles are scalene except for one, which
la, čeprav strogo vzeto to ni. is isosceles (P late 7: 105/13). T he m ajority o f specim ens
Najštevilnejše in najpom em bnejše najdbe so mik- belong to the type with retouched hypotenuse. T he re­
roliti. touch on the hypotenuse can be partial (lim ited to the
Med tem i so številčno najbolj zastopane klinice. distal or proximal p art) or com plete, direct or inverse,
Predstavljajo jih izključno fragm enti klinic, ki so bile marginal or abrupt. T he last nam ed is on the proximal
različno retuširane (razpredelnica 6.3.3). Poleg strm e p art on two specim ens and creates a kind o f stem m ed
retuše, pravih hrbtov, k ije prevladujoči način retuširan- piece (P late 6: 94/16; 7: 107/10). T he latter and the mar­
ja klinic, se pojavlja tudi manj strm a (sem iabruptna) in ginal retouch (including denticulates) at the end o f the
d ro b tin č a sta retuša na enem ali obeh robovih (t. 6: hypotenuse would indicate th at the lower p art o f the
88/15, 89/14, 90/16). Posebnost je izm enična strm a re­ triangles was helved. Fragm ents o f triangles found which,
tuša (h rb et) na širokem fragm entu srednjega dela klini­ because o f the dam age, may have been rejected during
ce (reženj 5). M ožno je, d a je ta fragm ent pripadal koni­ the exchange o f parts o f arm atures, also points in this
ci (t. 6: 91/5). N eobičajen je tudi bazalni fragm ent klini- direction. O ne triangle has the hypotenuse entirely ab-

Razpredelnica 6.3.4: Viktorjev spodm ol, profil: specifikacija trikotnikov.

Table 6.3.4: Viktorjev spodm ol, profile: specification o f triangles.

Trikotniki raznostranični
Triangles scalene
Hrbet in Hrbet in Pecelj in
Cel Baza Sredina Konec
drobtinčasta retuša strma retuša drobtinčasta retuša
Complete Basal Medial Terminal
Backed and marginal retouch Backed and abrupt retouch Stemmed and marginal retouch
4 1 1 8 7 1 2
ce s strm o retušo na bazi in enem od robov in drob- ruptly or sem i-abruptly retouched (P late 6: 92/13). This
tinčasto retušo na drugem robu (reženj 7). again raises a question o f the purpose o f these products,
M ikro konice so bile vse najdene v spodnjem delu or a uniform explanation o f their use. It can n o t be ex­
plasti 2 in zgornjem delu plasti 3. Vse so ohranjene bolj cluded th at triangles, too, as with many stone tools, were
ali manj fragm entarno in izdelane izključno s pom očjo used for various purposes.
strm e retuše (t. 7: 108/16-113/14). Retuša je lahko iz­ The m ost triangles were found in the lower p art o f
m enična, pri čem er nastopata obe izvedbi: na istem robu layer 2 and the upper p art o f layer 3. Since triangles,
ali na dveh robovih. Č eprav so konice lahko imele dvoj­ together with sea m olluscs, w hich were all found in the
no konico, zaradi strm ega retuširanja ne m orem o govo­ lower p art o f layer 2 (see Table 6.3.1), are typical o f the
riti o značilni sovterski konici, temveč kvečjemu o njeni M esolithic, the M esolithic horizon can be located in the
različici. vicinity o f the boundary between layers 2 and 3.
M ikrolitski trikotniki sensu lato (ra z p re d e ln ic a F o u r sm all stem m ed p ieces w ere also fo u n d in
6.3.4) so drugi najštevilnejši izdelki na najdišču (t. 6: V iktor’s test tren ch (Plate 3: 3 2 -3 5 ), w hich for th e mo­
92 /13-101/7; 7: 102/15-107/10). Njihovo število je lah­ m ent I have classified as fragm ents o f m icro bladelets,
ko podcenjeno, saj so lahko nekateri središčni odlom ki although they could also belong to triangles.
mikro klinic s hrbtom tudi deli trikotnikov. Vsi trikotniki A m o n g fra g m en ts o f m icrolith s are sp e cim en s
so raznostranični razen enega, k ije enakokrak (t. 7: 105/ which, in view o f the com bination ab ru p t-ab ru p t retouch
13). Večina primerkov pripada tipu z retuširano najdaljšo and a b ru p t-m a rg in a l retouch, could belong to either
stranico. Retuša na najdaljši stranici je lahko delna (om e­ points or triangles. The fragm ent o f a backed piece is
jena na konec ali bazo) ali popolna, direktna ali inverzna, interesting, which was dam aged by a blow at its tip (Pla­
lahko je drobtinčasta ali strma. Zadnja je v dveh primerih te 7; 110/11). I suspect that the fragm ent belongs to a
na bazi in tvori nekakšen pecelj (t. 6: 94/16; 7: 107/10). projectile, e.g., an arrow with a stone point.
Slednje in pa drobtinčasta retuša (z zobci vred) na kon­ Technologically interesting specim ens include mi­
cu najdaljše stranice bi kazalo na to, d a je bil spodnji del croburins and oth er technological pieces. Am ong them
trikotnikov nasajen. V to sm er kažejo tudi najdeni frag­ are parts o f unidentified cores, w hich could help in un­
menti trikotnikov, ki bi bili lahko zaradi poškodb zavrženi derstanding the technological processes connected with
pri zamenjavi delov arm atur. En trikotnik im a najdaljšo obtaining and using them . F urtherm ore, there are burin
stranico v celoti topo retuširano (t. 6: 92/13). To ponov­ spalls here, although it is surprising th a t am ong all the
no postavlja pod vprašaj nam em bnost teh izdelkov ozi­ collected m aterial there is not a single burin. A lthough
rom a enoznačno razlago njihove uporabe. Ni izključe­ there are one flake o f Kombewa type (spit 13) and thin
no, da so se tudi trikotniki, podobno kot veliko kam enih flakes with negative bulb o f percussion (contre-bulbe),
orodij, uporabljali za različne nam ene. found in spits 12-18 (Plate 5: 74/15). P aper thin flakes
Največ trikotnikov je bilo najdenih v spodnjem delu with negative bulb and b u tt in the shape o f a flattened
plasti 2 in v zgornjem delu plasti 3. Ker so trikotniki curve o f norm al distribution could only have been m ade
skupaj z m orskim i polži, ki so bili vsi najdeni v spod­ with pressure on the point, and probably one im m edia­
njem delu plasti 2 (glej razpredelnico 6.3.1), značilni za tely after another. G ood cores were thus exploited to
mezolitik, lahko lociram mezolitski horizont v bližino the m axim um . T he understanding o f thrift by the mak­
meje med plastjo 2 in 3. ers o f the stone products is also dem o n strated by the
V Viktorjevi sondi so bili najdeni tudi štirje majhnicores on flakes (P late 5: 71/12) and the Kombewa flake.
peclji (t. 3: 3 2 -3 5 ), ki sem jih začasno opredelil kot frag­ As in V iktor’s test trench, there were quite a num ­
m ente mikro klinic, čeprav bi lahko pripadali tudi tri­ ber o f therm ally treated pieces in the stratigraphically
kotnikom. excavated sector. A m ong the debris larger than 3 mm,
Med fragmenti mikrolitov so primerki, ki bi lahko, at least 23, o r 2%, were therm ally cracked. A m ong the
glede na kom binacijo h rb et-h rb et in hrbet-drobtinčas- products, 5 or 5.6% were therm ally cracked. It is inte­
ta retuša pripadali bodisi konicam bodisi trikotnikom . resting in this th at both in the test trench and in the
Zanim iv je fragm ent izdelka s hrbtom , k ije bil poškodo­ stratigraphically excavated sector there were no m ajor
van pri udarcu na njegov konec (t. 7: 110/11). D om ne­ rem ains o f hearths. On the o th er hand, there were a lot
vam, da je fragm ent pripadal izstrelku, npr. puščici s o f burned and also calcified bone fragm ents and som e
kam eno konico. scattered fragm ents o f charcoal. I associate therm ally
Tehnološko zanim ivim prim erkom pripadajo mik­ cracked pieces with deliberately therm ally prepared raw
ro vbadala in drugi tehnološki kosi. m aterials and blanks for fu rth er processing.
Med temi so deli tipološko nedoločenih jeder, ki T he m ajority o f stone finds represent debris, which
lahko pom agajo razum eti tehnološke procese, poveza­ is norm al with the working o f stone (Table 6.3.5).
ne z njihovim pridobivanjem in izrabo. Dalje so tu vba- Cores are am ong the technologically m ore interes­
dalni odbitki, čeprav je presenetljivo, da m ed vsem ting debris (P late 5: 6 9 /1 0 -7 3 /1 5 ; Table 6.3.6). As in
zbranim gradivom ni niti enega vbadala. Pa en odbitek the test trench, sm all ones p redom inate in the profile.
Razpredelnica 6.3.5: V iktorjev spodm ol, profil: odpad.
Table 6.3.5: V iktorjev spo dm ol, profile: debris.

Odpadki < 3 mm Odpadki > 3 mm

Izkop Plast Debris < 3 mm Debris > 3 mm
Spit Layer Kosov Teža (g) g/kos Kosov Teža (g) g/kos
(cm) g max g min
Count Weight (g) g/piece Count Weight (g) g/piece
1 254 nasutje 162 0.7 0,0043 10 5,1 0,51 0,8 <0,1
2 259 disturb. 261 1,9 0,0073 16 4,7 0,29 1.5 <0,1
3 264 261 1,8 0,0069 35 16,4 0,47 5,1 <0,1
4 269 284 2,2 0,0077 31 15,3 0,49 2,0 <0,1
1 and 2
5 274 290 1.6 0,0055 26 12.5 0,48 2,0 <0,1
6 279 335 2,4 0,0072 33 34,1 1,03 7,5 <0,1
7 284 576 3,7 0,0064 59 16 0,27 2,0 <0,1
8 289 551 3,2 0,0058 79 50,8 0,64 7,7 <0,1
9 294 434 2,4 0,0055 73 42,3 0,58 10,3 <0.1
10 299 2 505 3,1 0,0061 117 58,5 0,50 6,5 <0,1
11 304 518 3,1 0.0060 80 31,4 0,39 7,8 <0,1
12 309 752 4,5 0,0060 120 53,6 0,45 5,9 <0,1
13 314 1021 5,9 0,0058 141 81,5 0,58 8,5 <0,1
14 319 604 3,5 0,0058 109 51,3 0.47 6,5 <0,1
15 324 876 5.6 0,0064 98 29,4 0,30 3,1 <0.1
16 329 666 4,2 0,0063 79 24,4 0,31 4,0 <0,1
17 334 3 421 2.4 0,0057 24 2,7 0,1 1 0,7 <0,1
18 339 259 1.5 0,0058 18 2,5 0,14 1,5 <0,1
19 353 182 1 0,0055 7 0.8 0 ,1 1 0.2 <0,1
19 99 3 8958 54.7 0,0(161 1155 533,3 0,46 10,3 <0,1

n a d a lje v a n je / c o n tin u a tio n

Razbitine prodnikov* Jedra SKUPAJ
Izkop Plast Shattered pebbles Cores TOTAL
Spit Layer
Kosov Teža (g) g/kos Kosov Teža (g) g/kos Kosov
(cm) g max g min g max g min
Count Weight (g) g/piece Count Weight (g) g/piece Count
1 254 nasutje 1 3 3,00 3,0 3,0 0 0 0 0 0 173
2 259 dist. 1 1 1,00 1,0 1,0 0 0 0 0 0 278
3 264 3 108.4 36,13 73.6 5,5 0 0 0 0 0 299
1 in 2
4 269 3 15.1 5,03 6,2 4,1 0 0 0 0 0 318
1 and 2 2
5 274 6,8 3,40 4,1 2,7 2 8,6 4,30 4,4 4.2 320
6 279 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 368
7 284 1 11.9 11,90 11,9 11,9 1 38.2 38,20 38,2 38.2 637
8 289 3 73,4 24,47 66,0 2, r 1 9,9 9,90 9,9 9,9 634
9 294 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 507
10 299 2 2 29,5 14,75 18,3 11,2 2 32,9 16,45 26,6 6,3 626
11 304 4" 50,2 12,55 29,9 2,0 1 7 7,00 7,0 7,0 603
12 309 1" 7,6 7.60 7,6 7,6 1 4,5 4,50 4,5 4,5 874
13 314 5” 38,1 7,62 15,0 0,8 0 0 0 0 0 1167
14 319 2 27,8 13,90 25,9 1,9 1 12,7 12,70 12,7 12,7 716
15 324 3" 21.8 7.27 13,9 3,0 4 35,2 8,80 21,8 3,5 981
16 329 0 0 0 0 0 1 0,4 0,40 0,4 0,4 746
17 334 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 445
18 339 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 277
19 353 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 189
19 99 3 31 394,6 12,73 73,6 0,8 14 149,4 10,67 38,2 0.4 10158
* Med razbitinami prodnikov so tudi štirje komaj načeti prodniki. Označeni so z ( nongst shattered pebbles are four almost complete.
They are signed with (").

tipa Kombewa (reženj 13) in tenki odbitki z negativom O ne pyram idal core is a real m iniature (P late 5: 77/16).
bulbusa (contre-bulbe), najdeni v režnjih 12-18 (t. 5: 74/ O ne prism atic core (P late 5. 70/10; 72/15), a core with
15). P apirnato tenki odbitki z negativom bulbusa in ta­ crossed blank removals (P late 1. 9 /5 ) and a spherical
lonom v obliki sploščene krivulje norm alne porazdelit­ core (P late 5: 69/10) are novelties. A fu rth er core on a
ve so bili lahko narejeni sam o s pritiskom na točko, in to flake was additionally found (Plate 5: 71/12). U nidirec­
verjetno tik eden za drugim . Tako so bila dobra jedra tional cores (Plate 5: 15) and pyram idal cores are al­
m aksim alno izkoriščena. Na gospodarno vedenje izde­ ready known from V iktor’s test trench. A m ong special
lovalcev kam enih izdelkov kažejo tudi je d ra na odbitkih cores is one on a flake, one com pletely exploited core
(t. 5: 71/12) in odbitek Kombewa. and a fragm ent o f a unidirectional (?) core. Finally, for
Razpredelnica 6.3.6: V iktorjev spodm ol, profil: specifikacija jeder.
Table 6.3.6: V iktorjev spodm ol, profile: specification o f cores.





Weight (g)

W'eight (g)

Weight (g)

W eight (g)

Weight 8g)
Weight (g)

Weight (g)


Teža (g)

Teža (g)

Teža (g)

Teža (g)

Teža (g)

Teža (g)

Teža (g)



1 254 nasutje
2 259 dist.
3 264
1 in 2
4 269
1 and 2
5 274 1 4,2 1 4.4
6 279
7 284 1 38,2
8 289 1 9.9
9 294
10 299 2 1 6,3 1 26,6
11 304 1? 7
12 309 2 4,6; 5,1
13 314
14 319 1 12,7
15 324 1 21,8 1 4,1 1 5,8 1 3,5
16 329 1 0,4
17 334 3
18 339
19 353
19 99 3 2 34,5 3 46,5 3 16,1 1 6,3 I 4,4 1 33,6 3 9,7
* Cores with crossed blank removals.
** Med posebnimi jedri so: 1 jedro na odbitku, 1 povsem izrabljeno jedro in 1 fragment jedra. / Various cores include:
1 flake core, 1 totally exploited core and 1 core fragment.

Podobno kot v Viktorjevi sondi je bilo tudi v strati- the m ost p art flakes were knapped from cores and only
grafsko izkopanem sektorju kar nekaj krakeliranih kosov. in two cases blades.
Med odpadki, večjimi od 3 mm, je bilo vsaj 23 krakelira­ A m ong debris larger than 3 mm, flakes greatly pre­
nih ali 2 %. Med izdelki je bilo 5 krakeliranih ali 5,6 %. Pri dom inate, followed by shatter fragm ents (Table 6.3.7).
tem je zanimivo, da tako v sondi kot v stratigrafsko iz­ I divided shatter fragm ents into those with cortex
kopanem sektorju ni bilo večjih ostankov ognjišč. Po dru­ and those w ithout. As with V iktor’s test trench, there
gi strani pa je bilo veliko zažganih in tudi kalciniranih were alm ost twice as m any shatter fragm ents w ithout
kostnih odlom kov ter nekaj razpršenih drobcev oglja. cortex as those with cortex.
Krakelirane kose povezujem z nam ensko term ično pripra­ The size o f pebbles used could be visually assessed
vo surovine in nastavkov za nadaljno obdelavo. on the basis o f their shatter fragments, which I give indi­
Večino kam enih najdb predstavlja odpadek, kar je vidually here (Table 6.3.5), and o f shatter fragm ents with
običajno za obdelavo kam na (razpredelnica 6.3.5). cortex and flakes with cortex. M ost pebbles, as in V iktor’s
Med tehnološko zanimivejšimi odpadki so jedra (t. test trench, were o f the size o f walnuts to hazelnuts.
5: 6 9 /1 0 -7 3 /1 5 ; razpredelnica 6.3.6). Podobno kot v I divided flakes into ordinary, i.e., w ithout cortex,
sondi tudi v profilu prevladujejo m ajhna. Eno piram i­ and flakes with cortex. I found that the ratio between
dalno je d ro je prav m iniaturno (t. 5: 77/16). Novost je ordinary flakes (w ithout cortex) and flakes with cortex
po eno prizm atično (t. 5. 70/10; 72/15), navzkrižno (t. changed in com parison with V iktor’s test trench. The
1. 9/5 ) in kroglasto jed ro (t. 5: 69/10). N ajdeno je bilo n u m b er o f o rd in ary flakes th is tim e alm o st doubled,
še eno jed ro na odbitku (t. 5; 71/12). E nopolarno (t. 5; which is an unexpected result th at could be ascribed to
15) in piram idalno jed ro poznam o že iz Viktorjeve son­ the great spatial variability o f the finds.
de. Med posebnim i jedri je eno na odbitku, eno povsem Unretouched blades and bladelets are for the most
izrabljeno jed ro in en fragm ent enopolarnega(?) jedra. part Iragm ented (Table 6.3.8). Proximal parts, which are
Z je d er so bili nazadnje odbiti večinom a odbitki in le v exceptionally concave, greatly predom inate am ong the
dveh prim erih kline. fragments. This is in com plete agreem ent with the pictu­
Med odpadki, večjimi od 3 mm, m očno prevladu­ re in V iktor’s test trench. It is therefore difficult to doubt
jejo odbitki, ki jim sledijo razbitine (razpredelnica 6.3.7). the deliberate fracturing o f blades and bladelets and as­
Razbitine sem razdelil na tiste s korteksom in tiste cribe the fragm ents to the operation o f natural forces.
Razpredelnica 6.3.7: Viktorjev spodm ol, profil: specifikacija odpada > 3 mm.
Table 6.3.7: Viktorjev spodm ol, profile: specification o f debris > 3 mm.

Izkop Globina Plast Razbitine Odbitki navadni

Spit Depth Layer Shatter fragments Non-cortical Hakes
Kosov brez korteksa Kosov s korteksom Teža (g) g/kos Kosov Teža (g) g/kos
g max g min Hmax g niin
(cm) Count non-cortical Count cortical Weight (g) g/piece Count Weight (g) g /p to e .
1 254 nasutje 3 1 1.8 0,45 0,8 0,3 0 0 0 0 0
2 259 nasutje 6 3 2,2 0,24 1,3 0,2 5 2,5 0,50 1,5 <0,1
3 264 1 in 2 12 2 4 0,29 1,8 <0,2 12 6,4 0,53 5,1 <0,1
4 269 1 in 2 10 7 15,8 0,93 2,0 0,1 8 2,5 0,31 1.4 <0,1
5 274 1 in 2 3 2 4,2 0,84 2,0 0,2 17 4,2 0,25 0,9 <0,1
6 279 2 9 3 9,1 0,76 7,1 <0,1 11 4,6 0,42 1,9 <0,1
7 284 2 13 6 6 0,32 2,0 <0,1 31 8,0 0,26 1,5 <0,1
8 289 2 14 7 30,6 1,46 7,7 <0,1 48 7,4 0,15 0,8 <0,1
9 294 2 9 4 17,8 1,37 10,3 <0,1 32 4,2 0,13 2,4 <0,1
10 299 2 24 10 28,8 0,85 4,2 <0,1 64 9,8 0,15 3,2 <0,1
11 304 2 16 6 15 0,68 7,8 <0,1 47 7,0 0,15 1,0 <0,1
12 309 2 16 2 7,8 0,43 5,9 <0,1 74 18 0,24 2,9 <0,1
13 314 2 18 1 11,2 0,59 3,3 <0,1 94 32,9 0,35 4,0 <0,1
14 319 2 12 0 10,5 0,88 5,5 <0,1 71 12,3 0,17 1,8 <0,1
15 324 3 12 0 4,9 0,41 1,6 <0,1 66 15,1 0,23 3,1 <0,1
16 329 3 17 1 4,6 0,26 2,0 <0,1 39 13,8 0,35 4,0 <0,1
17 334 3 4 0 0,2 0,05 0,7 <0,1 12 1,0 0,08 0,6 <0,1
18 339 3 5 0 0,3 0,06 0,1 <0,1 11 2,1 0,19 1,5 <0,1
19 353 3 3 0 0,4 0,13 0,2 0,1 4 0,4 0,10 0,1 <0,1
19 99 3 206 55 175,2 0,67 10,3 <0,1 646 152,2 0,24 5,1 <0,1

nadaljevanje / continuation
Odbitki s korteksom Odbitki laminarni Kline nerctuSirane Klinicc neretuširane SKUPAJ
Cortical (lakes Laminar (lakes I Inretouched blades Unretouched hladclcts TOTAL
Kosov Teža (g) g/kos Kosov T eža(g) g/kos Kosov Teža (g) g/kos Kosov Teža (g) Kosov
g max g min g max g min g max g min
Count Weight (g) g/piece Count Weight (g) g/piecc Count Weight (g) g/piecc Count Weight (g) Count
0 0 0 0 0 4 1,2 0,30 0,7 <0,1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8
0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0,00 <0.1 <0,1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16
6 5,5 0,92 2,1 0,3 2 0.1 0,05 <0.1 <0,1 1 0.4 0,40 0,4 0,4 0 0 35
4 1 0,25 1,9 <0,1 1 0.4 0,40 0.4 0,4 1 0,4 0,40 0.4 0,4 1 0 32
4 4,1 1,03 1,5 0,2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 26
10 20,4 2,04 7,5 <0.1 0 0 0 0 0 ' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 33
4 1,2 0,30 0,7 0.2 0 0 0 0 0 2 0,8 0,40 0,6 0,2 3 0,1 59
9 17,9 1,99 6,6 <0,1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0,2 0,10 0,1 0,1 0 0 80
10 6,1 0,61 3,2 <0,1 5 1,2 0,24 0,6 0,1 II 7,4 0,67 2,6 0,1 2 0 73
17 18,8 1.11 6,5 <0,1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1,1 1.10 1,1 l.l 1 0 117
5 7.1 1,42 3,6 0,1 1 0,4 0,40 0,4 0,4 5 1,8 0,36 0,8 0,1 0 0 80
19 22,2 1,17 2,9 <0,1 5 4,7 0,94 1.6 0,8 2 0,8 0,40 0,7 0,2 2 0,1 120
24 37,1 1,55 8,5 <0,1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0,2 0,20 0,2 0,2 3 0,1 141
23 27,3 1.19 6,5 <0,1 0 0 0 0 0 2 1,2 0,60 0,9 0,9 1 0 109
12 7,4 0,62 2,4 <0,1 0 0 0 0 0 5 1,9 0,38 0,6 0,2 3 0.1 98
12 5 0,42 0,3 <0,1 0 0 0 0 0 4 0,9 0,23 0,4 0,1 6 0,2 79
2 0,8 0,40 0,1 <0,1 0 0 0 0 0 3 0,6 0,20 0,3 0,1 3 0,1 24
2 0,1 0,05 0,1 <0,1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7
163 182 1.12 8,5 <0.1 20 8 0,40 1,6 <0.1 4(1 17.7 0,44 2.6 0,1 25 0,7 1155

brez njega. Razbitin brez korteksa je tako kot v V iktorje­ O ne m edial fragm ent o f u n retouched blade has the
vi sondi približno enkrat več. shape o f a trapeze (P late 6: 87/4).
Velikost uporabljenih prodnikov lahko vizualno oce­ Chips sm aller than 3 mm make up the great m ajor­
nim na podlagi njihovih razbitin, ki sem jih tokrat nave­ ity o f debris (Table 6.3.5). T heir distribution in the spits
del posebej (razpredelnica 6.3.5), ter razbitin s korteksom is interesting. In the first and last two spits, th eir num ­
in odbitkov s korteksom . Največ prodnikov je bilo tako ber quickly falls, w hich suggests th a t the deposit o f the­
kot v Viktorjevi sondi v velikosti oreha do lešnika. se finds, w hich are co nnected with the activity o f wor­
Odbitke sem razdelil na navadne, tj. brez korteksa, king stone, was som ew here in between. In fact, the m a­
in na odbitke s korteksom . Ugotovil sem, da s e je spre­ jority o f finds are on the boundary o f layers 2 and 3,
m enilo razm erje med navadnim i odbitki (brez kortek­ where 1 envisaged the M esolithic horizon to be, on the
sa) in odbitki s korteksom v primerjavi z Viktorjevo son- basis o f m icroliths and sea molluscs.
Razpredelnica 6.3.8: Viktorjev spodm ol, profil, specifikacija neretuširanih klin in klinic.
Table 6.3.8: Viktorjev spodm ol, profile, specification o f unretouched blades and bladelets.

Neretuširane klino (kosov) Neretuširane klinice (kosov)

Unretouched blades (count) Unretouched bladelets (count)
Cela Skoraj cela’" Ita/.a Sredina Konec SKUPAJ Cela Skoraj cela* Baza Sredina Konec SKUPAJ
Complete Almost complete* Basal Medial Terminal TOTAL Complete Almost complete* Basal Medial Terminal TOTAL
1 2 27 7 3 4» 6 2 | | 4 2 25

* V tej skupini so primerki, ki imajo odlomljen samo konec. / This category includes only terminally broken blades and bladlets.

do. Število navadnih odbitkov s e je tokrat skoraj podvo­ Stone finds are associated in the stratigraphically
jilo, kar je nepričakovan rezultat, ki ga lahko pripišem excavated sector with som e other occasional finds which
veliki prostorski variabilnosti najdb. were not in V iktor’s test trench. Above all these are two
Neretuširane kline in klinice so večinom a fragmen- perforated and two fragm ented shells o f the dove shell
tirane (razpredelnica 6.3.8). Med fragm enti m očno pre­ Columbella rustica and one shell each o f the seashells
vladujejo bazalni deli, ki so izjem om a konkavno obliko­ Nassarius cuvieri and Fossarus sp. (Table 6.3.1). Then
vani. To se popolnom a ujema s sliko v Viktorjevi sondi. there is a flake (spit 3) with a num ber o f irregular cuts
Z ato bi težko podvomil o nam enskem lomljenju klin in on the ventral side. A unique find is a small band (spit
klinic ter fragm ente pripisal delovanju naravnih sil. 2) m easuring only slightly m ore than 1 mm in diam eter.
En m edialni fragm ent neretuširane kline im a obli­ Spit 5 contained a fragm ent o f w hetstone from sandsto­
ko trapeza (t. 6: 87/4). ne, spit 9 a fragm ent o f a bone needle, spits 11 and 15
Veliko večino odpada predstavljajo luske in odkruš­ each a fragm ent o f used tine (prong o f an antler) (Plate
ki, manjši od 3 mm (razpredelnica 6.3.5). Zanim iva je 7: 114/15).
njihova porazdelitev v režnjih. V prvih in zadnjih dveh T he m a i n r e s u l ts o f t h e S t r a ti g r a p h ie e x c a v a t i o n , in
režnjih se njihovo število hitro zm anjša, kar kaže na to, a d d i t i o n t o t h e b a s i c a i m - s t r a t i g r a p h y - a r e t h e fo llo ­
d a je bilo ležišče teh najdb, ki so povezane z dejavnostjo w ing:
obdelave krem ena, nekje vmes. Dejansko je največ najdb D espite the relatively small volume o f the excava­
na meji plasti 2 in 3, kjer sem na podlagi mikrolitov in ted sedim ents (approx. 0.35 nr1), 89 products and 10,158
m orskih polžev predvidel mezolitski horizont. pieces o f debris were found. In com parison with the test
K am enim najdbam s e je v stratigrafsko izkopanem trench, there are m ore than three tim es as many o f all
sektorju pridružilo še nekaj drugih, redkih najdb, ki jih finds, because the w hole sedim ent was very carefully
ni bilo v Viktorjevi sondi. Predvsem sta to dve preluk­ exam ined several times.
njani in dve fragm entirani hišici m orskega polža Colum- T he stone finds provide a good insight into the site
bella rustica in po ena hišica m orskega polža Nassarius as a whole. The typological classification o f the finds
cuvieri ter Fossarus sp. (razpredelnica 6.3.1). Potem je into the M esolithic is n ot in doubt. T he technological
to odbitek (reženj 3), ki ima na ventralfii strani več ne­ aspects o f w orking stone from the raw m aterial base,
pravilnih vrezov. E nkratna najdba je obroček (reženj 2), through preparation and exploitation o f cores to blanks
ki v prem eru meri sam o nekaj več kot 1 mm. Reženj 5 je and final products, are also know n. T he selection o f
vseboval odlom ek brusa iz peščenjaka, reženj 9 fragm ent p roducts and techniques would be som ew hat increased
koščene igle, reženj 11 in 15 pa po en odlom ek upora­ with a larger excavation (depending on the precision of
bljenega parožka (t. 7: 114/15). the work), and the reliability o f the stratigraphy and o ther
G lavni izsledki stratigrafskega izkopavanja so po­ groupings would also be increased, but the general pic­
leg osnovnega cilja - stratigrafije - naslednji: ture o f all the finds would not essentially change.
Kljub relativno m ajhnem u volum nu odkopanih se­
dim entov (približno 0,35 m ') je bilo najdenih 89 izdel­
kov in 10.158 odpadkov. V primerjavi s sondo je vseh 6 .4 C o m pa r iso n o f t h e R esults o f
najdb več kot trikrat toliko, ker je bil ves sedim ent večkrat In d iv id u a l P h a s e s o f t h e E x c a v a tio n s
in natančneje pregledan. (Tables 6.4.1 -6 .4 .3 )
K am ene najdbe ponujajo dober vpogled v najdišče
kot celoto. Tipološka opredelitev najdb v m ezolitik ni C om parison o f the individual phases o f the excavations,
sporna. Z nani so tudi tehnološki vidiki obdelave kam na connected with various fieldwork m ethods, is very ins­
od surovinske baze, preko priprave in izkoristka jed er tructive since it has a great analogy to archaeological
do nastavkov in končnih izdelkov. Izbor izdelkov in teh ­ practice in general.
nik se bi z večjimi izkopavanji sicer nekoliko povečal Viktor's classical excavations (Viktor phase) gave re­
(odvisno od natančnosti dela), povečala bi se tudi za­ latively few stone finds, which were all larger than 3 mm.
nesljivost stratigrafskih in drugih skupkov, vendar se ne T he w eight o f finds ranged betw een 139 g and 0 .1
bi bistveno sprem enila splošna slika vseh najdb. g, and on average they were 7.95 g.
6 .4 P r im er ja v a r e z u l t a t o v p o s a m e z n ih T here were no special types am ong them , except
FAZ IZKOPAVANJ endscrapers and tru n cated flakes.
(razpredelnice 6.4.1-6.4.3) T he num erous cores were typologically very varied.
T heir weight ranged between 19.3 g and 3.1 g, with an
Prim erjava posam eznih faz izkopavanj, povezanih z raz­ average o f 6.71 g.
ličnimi terenskim i m etodam i, je zelo poučna, saj ima A m ong the debris (pieces w ithout visible traces o f
veliko analogij v splošni arheološki praksi. use) unretouched flakes predom inated, followed by shat­
V iktorjeva klasična izkopavanja (faza V iktor) so ter fragm ents, and in last place, u nretouched blades.
dala relativno malo kam enih najdb, ki so bile vse večje T here was no trace at all o f any m icrolithisation o f
od 3 mm. products.
Teža najdb se je gibala med 139 g in 0,1 g, povpreč­ The review o f p art o f the excavated sedim ents at
no pa so bile težke 7,95 g. the Institute o f A rchaeology (V iktor and IzA phase)
Med njimi razen praskal in odbitkov s prečno retu- radically changed the picture o f the finds obtained on
šo ni bilo posebnih tipov. the basis o f V iktor’s exploratory excavation.
Številna jed ra so bila tipološko zelo raznolika. Nji­ T he num ber o f stone finds increased from 173 to
hova teža s e je gibala m ed 19,3 g in 3,1 g, povprečno pa 2484 (Table 6.4.1), and the quality and com position o f
so bila težka 6,71 g. the collection also fundam entally changed (Table 6.4.2).
Med odpadki (kosi brez vidnih sledov uporabe) so T he weight o f the new finds ranged between 13.1 g
prevladovali neretuširani odbitki, tem so sledile razbiti­ and less th an 0.1 g, and the average was only 0.34 g,
ne, na zadnjem m estu pa so bile neretuširane kline. w hich m eans th at the num ber o f m icroliths and oth er
O kakšni m ikrolitizaciji proizvodov ni bilo ne duha small finds greatly increased. A m ong them , in addition
ne sluha. to already known products, appeared a num ber o f new
Pregled dela izkopanih sedim entov na Inštitutu za types, including m icroliths (p ro d u cts lighter than 0.1 g).
arheologijo (faza V iktor in IzA) je radikalno spremenil There were no novelties am ong cores. Their weight
sliko najdb, dobljeno na podlagi Viktorjevega sondiranja. ranged between 27.6 g in 0.3 g, with an average o f 6.01 g.
Število kam enih najdb se je povečalo od 173 na A m ong debris larger than 5 m m , unretouched fla­
2.484 (razpredelnica 6.4.1), tem eljito sta se sprem enila kes predom inated. S h atter fragm ents and unretouched
tudi kakovost in sestav zbirke (razpredelnica 6.4.2). blades were alm ost equally represented.
Teža novih najdb se je gibala med 13,1 g in manj M icrolithisation o f p ro d u ctio n was indicated by
kot 0,1 g, povprečno pa so bile težke sam o 0,34 g, kar n u m ero u s u n reto u ch ed bladelets an d m icroliths th at
pom eni, da s e je zelo povečalo število mikrolitov in dru­ V ik to r o v erlo o k ed . M icro ch ip s c re a te d d u rin g re­
gih m ajhnih najdb. Med njimi so se, poleg že znanih touching also form ed an im p o rtan t share. V iktor over­
izdelkov, pojavili številni novi tipi, vključno z mikroliti looked these, too.
(izdelki, lažji od 0,1 g). T he Stratigraphie mini-excavation by m em bers o f
Pri jedrih ni bilo novosti. Njihova teža se je gibala the Institute o f A rchaeology (IzA phase) increased the
med 27,6 g in 0,3 g, povprečno pa so bila težka 6,01 g. num ber o f finds even more, especially the sm allest, ob­
Med odpadki, večjim od 5 m m , so prevladovali tained on the basis o f V iktor’s exploratory excavation
neretuširani odbitki. Približno enako so bile zastopane and re-examination o f the sedim ents from the test trench
razbitine in neretuširane kline. (Table 6.4.1).
M ikrolitizacijo proizvodnje so kazale številne nere­ D espite the volume o f excavated sedim ents being
tuširane klinice in mikroliti, ki jih je V iktor spregledal. five tim es smaller, in com parison with the volum e from
Pom em ben delež so imele mikro luske in odkruški, ki V iktor’s test trench, the num ber o f finds rose from 2484
so nastali pri retuširanju. Tudi te je V iktor spregledal. to 10,227, mainly because o f the very precise, triple ex­
Stratigrafsko mini izkopavanje članov Inštituta za am ination o f the sedim ents. Such a m ethod o f working
arheologijo (faza IzA ) je še bolj povečalo število najdb, enabled an assessm ent o f erro r in th e m ethod, w hich is
zlasti najm anjših, pridobljenih na podlagi Viktorjevega considered very reliable, although this is not always the
sondiranja in pregledovanja sedim entov iz sonde (razp ­ case.
redelnica 6.4.1). T he quality image o f the collection again essential­
Kljub petkrat m anjšem u volum nu izkopanih sedi­ ly changed (Table 6.4.2), although this did not alter the
m entov v prim erjavi z volum nom Viktorjeve sonde je typological in terp retatio n th at the review o f the sedi­
število najdb naraslo od 2.484 na 10.227, predvsem za­ m ents from V iktor’s test trench had already enabled.
radi zelo natančnega, trikratnega pregleda sedimentov. T he weight o f th e new finds ranged between 73.6 g
Takšen način d e la je om ogočil oceno napake v m etodi, and less than 0.1 g, on average only 0.11 g.
ki sicer velja za zelo zanesljivo, čeprav to vedno ne drži. T he weight o f the new cores (w ithout th eir shatter
Kakovostna podoba zbirke se je zopet bistveno spre­ fragm ents) ranged between 38.2 g and 0.4 g, with an
menila (razpredelnica 6.4.2), vendar to ni sprem enilo average weight o f 10.67 g.
tipološke razlage, ki jo je om ogočil že pregled sedim en­ A m ong debris larger than 3 mm, unretouched fla­
tov iz Viktorjeve sonde. kes still predom inated, followed by shatter fragm ents,
Teža novih najdb se je gibala med 73,6 g in manj an d th e re w ere very few u n reto u c h ed blades (Table
kot 0,1 g, povprečno pa so bile težke sam o 0,11 g. 6.4.3).
Teža novih jed er (brez njihovih razbitin) s e je giba­ T he m icrolithic co m p o n en t was still strong, alt­
la m ed 38,2 g in 0,4 g, povprečno so bila težka 10,67 g. hough the num ber o f unretouched bladelets fell in com ­
Med odpadki, večjimi od 3 mm, so še vedno prev­ parison with other finds.
ladovali neretuširani odbitki, sledile so razbitine, zelo T he num ber o f m icro chips increased enorm ously
m alo pa je bilo neretuširanih klin (razpredelnica 6.4.3). (from 1097 to 8958, o r by 716%), w hich can be ascribed
M ikrolitska kom ponenta je bila še vedno m očna, to the m ultiple and thus m ore precise exam ination o f
čeprav s e je zm anjšalo število neretuširanih klinic v pri­ the w ashed sedim ents.
merjavi z drugim i najdbam i. If I sum m arise the results o f all phases o f the ex­
Izredno se je povečalo število m ikro lusk in odkruš­ p loratory excavations o f V iktorjev spodm ol, I find, as
kov (od 1.097 na 8.958 ali za 716 %), kar gre pripisati far as the archaeological finds are concerned, two gradi­
večkratnem u in zato natančnejšem u pregledu spranih ents. T he first represents the enorm ous increase in the
usedlin. n um ber o f finds, especially small ones, as a result o f the
Če povzam em izsledke vseh faz sondiranj V iktorje­ m ore careful work. T he o th er represents the enorm ous
vega spodm ola, ugotovim , kar zadeva arheološke najd­ decrease in the size o f finds, the tran sitio n from m a­
be, dva gradienta. Prvega predstavlja skokovito naraščan­ croscopic dim ensions to the m icroscopic, w hich is cle­
je števila najdb, zlasti drobnih, kot posledica bolj na­ ar from the average weight o f the finds. T he finds from
tančnega dela. Drugega predstavlja skokovito zmanjševan­ V iktor phase have an average weight o f 7.95 g, the finds
je velikosti najdb, prehod iz makroskopske dimenzije v from the next phase 0.34 g and the last phase 0.11 g.
mikroskopsko, kar je razvidno iz povprečne teže najdb. T he largest ju m p (from 7.95 g to 0.34 g) is a result o f the
Najdbe Viktorjeve faze so povprečno težke 7,95 g, najd- changed m ethod o f work, the sm aller ju m p (from 0.34 g
to 0.11 g) is connected with the erro r o f the working
m ethod. T his can still be very large. W ith the average
Razpredelnica 6.4.1: Viktorjev spodmol: vsi kameni proizvodi. w eight o f finds we can often assess how accurately the
Table 6.4.1: Viktorjev spodmol: all stone products. work has been carried out in the field and later in the
Faze Odpadek laboratory.
izkopavanj Izdelki Odpadek (ves) (< 3 oz. 5 min) SKUPAJ
Excavation Tools Debris (total) Debris TOTAL
C om parison o f the various phases o f excavations, in
phases (< 3 or 5 mm)
0 173
which different techniques and m ethods were used, clear­
V ik to r 9 164
ly shows th at an interpretation o f sites w hich is based
V ik to r IzA 98 2386 1(197
on finds is very dep en d en t on the m ethod (and accura­
1 /A 69 10 158 8958 10 2 2 7
cy) o f work in the field and later in the laboratory (see
176 12 708 10055 12 884
TOTAL Payne 1972 b).
T he classical m ethod o f co n cu rren t exam ination
Razpredelnica 6.4.2: Viktorjev spodmol: specifikacija izdelkov. o f sedim ents in th e field w ithout wet sieving (V iktor
Table 6.4.2: Viktorjev spodmol: specification o f products.

Faze Praskala
Odbitki s Odbitki Kline Kline s
izkopavanj na odbitku Kline z izjedo
prečno retušo retuširani retušuširane prečno retušo
Excavation Endscrapers oil Notched blades
Truncated flakes Retouched Hakes Retouched blades Truncated blades
phases flake
V ik to r 5 2 2 0 0 0

V ik to r IzA 6 3 8 8 2 2
IzA 2 0 7 7 0 0

SKU PAJ TO TA L 13 5 17 15 2 2

n a d a lje v a n je c o n tin u a tio n

Faze Klinice Mikroliti
izkopavanj Kljun retuširanc Mikro konice Trikotniki Trapezi fragmenti SKUPAJ
Excavation Bee Retouched Micro points Triangles T rapezes Microliths TOTAL
phases hladelets fragments
V ik to r 0 0 0 0 0 0 9

V ik to r IzA 1 30 12 22 1 3 98

IzA 0 22 5 15 3 8 69

SKU PAJ TO TA L 1 52 17 37 4 11 176

Razpredelnica 6.4.3: V iktorjev spodm ol: specifikacija odpadka.
Table 6.4.3: V iktorjev spodm ol: specification o f debris.
Razbitine Odbitki Odbitki
Faze s korteksom Odbitki
Jedra brez korteksa navadni .s korteksom
izkopavanj Shatter laminarni
Cores Shatter fragmnets Flakes Flakes
Excavation phases fragments Makes laminar
noil-cortical noil-cortical cortical
Viktor 17 7 32 31 61 5
Viktor IzA 13 100 57 638 276 4
I/.A 14 206 86 646 163 20
SKUPAJ TOTAL 44 313 175 1315 500 29

nadaljevanje / continuation
Kline neretuširane neretuširane Mikro vbadala Mikro luske SKUPJ
Blades unretouched Bladelets Microhurins Micro scars TOTAL
Excavation phases
Viktor 11 0 0 0 164
Viktor IzA 137 64 9 1088 2386
IzA 40 25 5 8953 10 158
SKUPAJ TOTAL 1X8 89 14 10 041 12 744

be naslednje faze 0,34 g in zadnje faze 0,11 g. Največji phase) gave the worst results. All the finds w hich are
skok (od 7,95 g na 0,34 g) je posledica sprem enjene crucial for a solid “culturological” definition o f the site
m etode dela, manjši skok (od 0,34 g na 0,11 g) pa je were overlooked.
povezan z napako delovne m etode. T aje lahko še vedno Wet sieving and routine re-exam ination o f already
zelo velika. S povprečno težo najdb lahko velikokrat excavated sedim ents (V ictor an d IzA phase) gave all­
ocenim o, kako natančno je bilo delo izvedeno na terenu round b etter results in th a t all finds crucial for the inter­
in pozneje v laboratoriju. pretation o f the site were collected.
The mini Stratigraphie excavation, wet sieving and
Prim erjava rezultatov različnih faz izkopavanja, v kate­ m ultiple exam ination o f the w ashed sed im en ts (IzA
rih so bile uporabljene različne tehnike in m etode, jasno phase) gave even b etter results, enabling in a small spa­
kaže, da je interpretacija najdišča, ki temelji na najd­ ce the sam e interp retatio n as excavations on a space
bah, zelo odvisna od načina (in natančnosti) dela na five tim es bigger with lesser accuracy.
terenu in pozneje v laboratoriju (prim . Payne 1972 b). «■ If the accuracy o f the excavation (read retrieving
K lasična m etoda sprotnega pregledovanja usedlin o f finds) is even m ore reduced, it is necessary to investi­
na terenu brez spiranja (faza V iktor) je dala najslabši gate an extrem ely large space in o rd er to obtain the re­
rezultat. Spregledane so bile vse najdbe, ki so ključne za sult o f equal value to investigations in the IzA phase.
solidno ‘kulturološko’ opredelitev najdišča. W hat can quickly happen is th at the entire site does not
Spiranje in rutinsko pregledovanje že odkopanih suffice and in solving archaeological questions it is ne­
usedlin (faza V iktor in IzA) je dalo vsestransko boljši cessary additionally to excavate sim ilar sites. In the not
rezultat, s tem da so bile zbrane vse najdbe, ki so ključ­ so d istan t past, such a m ethod o f work was th e rule here,
ne za interpretacijo najdišča. according to w hich I m yself also blindly behaved. Today
Še boljši rezultat je dalo mini stratigrafsko izkopa­ it is clear to me th a t such behaviour leads nowhere.
vanje, spiranje in večkratno pregledovanje spranih used­
lin (faza IzA), ki je na m ajhnem prostoru om ogočilo
enako interpretacijo najdišča kot izkopavanja na petkrat
večjem prostoru z m anjšo natančnostjo.
Če se n atančnost izkopavanja (beri zbiranja najdb)
še bolj zm anjša, je treba raziskati izredno velik prostor,
da dobim o rezultat enakovreden raziskavi v fazi IzA. Kaj
hitro se lahko zgodi, da ni zadosti celotno najdišče in da
je pri reševanju arheoloških vprašanj treba raziskati še
podobna najdišča. V ne tako daljni preteklosti je bil tak­
šen način dela pri nas pravilo, po katerem sem se tudi
sam slepo ravnal. D anes mi je jasno, da takšno ravnanje
ne pelje nikamor.
7. R a z l a g a o r o d n ih 7. I n t e r p r e t a t io n o f
TIPOV IN ARMATUR TER T y pes o f T o o l a n d
POSTOPKOV PRI A rm ature a nd
ARM ATUR, N A JD EN IH V P r o d u c t io n o f T o o l s
V ik t o r je v e m and A rm atures
spo d m o lu F o u n d in V ik t o r je v
S po d m o l

Iv a n T u r k & M a t ija T u r k

V prašanje, ki se pogosto zastavlja v zvezi s kam enim A question th at is often raised in co nnection with stone
orodjem , je, kje je bilo izdelano. Od tega naj bi bila med tools is where it was made. On this would depend, am ong
drugim odvisna razlaga vrste najdišča, ki je lahko bilo oth er things, the interp retatio n o f the type o f site, which
ali stalno bivališče (bazno taborišče) ali občasno za­ could be either a p erm an en t residence (base cam p) or
točišče (bivak). occasional shelter (bivouac).
O tem, da so v Viktorjevem spodm olu izdelovali T here is no d oubt th at tools were m ade in V iktor­
orodja, ni dvoma. To dokazujejo tako najdbe jed er in jev spodm ol. This is proved both by the finds o f cores
večjih odpadkov, ki so neposredno povezani z njimi, kot and m ajor debris directly co nnected with them , and the
zelo številne drobne luske in odkruški, ki so nastali pri num ber o f tiny chips w hich are created in shaping pro­
oblikovanju izdelkov. Razen tega so med najdbam i zas­ ducts. In addition, am ong the finds are represented nu­
topani tudi številni polizdelki in nastavki, ki niso bili m erous sem i-products and blanks w hich were n ot used
uporabljeni v nadaljnjem postopku izdelave orodij. O d­ in the fu rth er process o f making tools. D ebris o f all si­
ločilnega pom ena za odgovor na zastavljeno vprašanje zes is undoubtedly o f decisive im portance for the answ er
so nedvom no odpadki vseh velikosti, ki sm o jim doslej to the question raised, to which we have to date devoted
posvečali prem alo pozornosti. O dpadki so nam reč za­ too little attention. Debris, namely, certainly stayed in
nesljivo ostali na kraju, kjer so se opravljale določene the place w here specific activities took place, while pro­
dejavnosti, m edtem ko so bili izdelki lahko odneseni in ducts could be carried o ff and used elsewhere.
uporabljeni drugje.

In the working o f raw materials, three individual pro­
Pri obdelavi surovine so bili uporabljeni trije po­ cedures were used that before the Mesolithic were not
sebni postopki, ki se pri nas pred mezolitikom niso pri­ grasped here, although they were presum ably already
jeli, čeprav so bili dom nevno znani že v poznem paleoli­ known in the late Palaeolithic, such as segm enting blanks
tiku, kot npr. segm entiranje nastavkov in toplotna ob­ and therm al treatm ent o f raw m aterials for making stone
delava surovine za izdelovanje kam enih orodij v Cigan­ tools in Ciganska jam a (see inv. no. 842: medial segment
ski jam i (glej inv. št. 842: m edialni segm ent kline, 945: o f a blade, 945: therm ally cracked backed bladelet, 980:
krakelirana gravetka, 980: krakeliran bazalni segm ent therm ally cracked proximal segment o f a blade).
kline). • T he first particularity is the therm al treatm en t o f
• Prva posebnost je toplotna obdelava surovine v og­ raw m aterials in fire. Evidence o f this is provided by
nju. D okaz zanjo so številni krakelirani kosi, od je­ num erous therm ally cracked pieces, from cores th ­
der preko polizdelkov in nastavkov do orodij. Po­ rough sem i-products and blanks to tools. It is im­
m em bno je, da je v redkih prim erih krakeliran tudi p o rtan t th a t cortex is also cracked on a few therm al­
korteks, kar vsekakor potrjujeje tezo o toplotni ob­ ly cracked pieces, w hich certainly confirm s the the­
delavi surovine prodnika z nam enom , da se izbolj- sis o f the th erm al treatm en t o f raw pebbles for the
šajo njene fizikalne lastnosti za potrebe m ehanske purpose o f improving th eir physical properties for
obdelave. the needs o f m echanical processing.
• D ruga posebnost je obdelava surovine s pritiskan­ • The second particularity is the working o f raw mate­
jem nam esto z običajnim udarjanjem ali s pom očjo rials with pressure instead with the norm al striking
koščenega vmesnika. D okaz zanjo so zelo tenki od­ with a ham m er or with the aid o f a bone interm edia­
bitki in kline, včasih ne dosti debelejši kot papir. ry. Evidence o f this is the very thin flakes and blades,
Talon v obliki zelo sploščene krivulje norm alne po­ som etim es not much thicker than paper. A butt in
razdelitve in kontrabulbus (contre-bulbe) kažeta na the shape o f a very flattened curve o f norm al distri­
to, da so bile kline narejene ena za drugo, ne da bi bution and a contre-bulbe indicate that the blades were
se izdelovalec prem aknil levo ali desno na udarni m ade one after another, w ithout the maker moving
ploskvi jedra. left or right on the striking platform o f the core.
• T re tja p o s e b n o s t je s e g m e n tira n je (lo m lje n je ) • T he third particularity is the segm ented (fragm en­
klin(ic). D okaz zanjo so številni fragm enti klin(ic) ted ) blade(let). Evidence o f this is provided by the
(t. 6: 84/8, 85/12, 87/4, 86/16). num erous fragm ents o f blade(let)s (P late 6: 84/8,
85/12, 87/4, 86/16).
N ekatere kline imajo na talonu izjedo (t. 6: 85/12, 86/
1), druge izjedo lateralno tik nad talonom (t. 6: 84/8). Some blades have a notch on the butt ( Plate 6: 8 5 /12, 86/
Č em u so te izjede služile, nam a ni znano. V sekakor gre 1), others a notch laterally imm ediately above the butt
za posebnost, ki bi jo m orda lahko povezala z izdelovan­ (Plate 6: 84/8). We do not know for w hat these notches
jem trapezov. Pri trapezih je krajša prečna retuša večkrat served. It is certainly a particularity which may perhaps
usločena (t. 5: 79/12). U sločeno prečno retušo na klini be linked with the making o f trapezes. With a trapeze,
zasledim o že v poznem paleolitiku (glej C iganska jam a, the shorter truncation is often convex (Plate 5: 79/12). A
inv. št. 955). Kline z izjedo na talonu se v Italiji (naj­ convex truncation on a blade can already be traced in the
dišče R om agnano III) povezujejo s k astelnovjenom late Palaeolithic (see Ciganska jam a, inv. no. 955). Bla­
(Broglio 1971, sl. 18, 1-2; Broglio 1984, sl. na str. 286: des with notches on the butt in Italy (R om agnano III site)
4 4 -4 5 ). Kline z obem a načinom a um eščanja izjede so are connected with the Castelnovian (Broglio 1971, Fig.
znane tudi v Franciji, med drugim v najdiščih s kastel­ 18, 1-2: Broglio 1984, fig. on p. 286: 4 4 -4 5 ). Blades with
novjenom (Rozoy I978b, 290, t. 204: 16, 230: 6). both m ethods o f inserting a notch are also known in Fran­
M ed odbitki je posebej zanim iv en odbitek tipa ce, am ong others from a site with Castelnovian finds ( Ro­
Kombewa (odbitek, narejen na odbitku, tako da ostane zoy 1978b, 290, Plate 204: 16, 230: 6).
predhodni bulbus). Tovrstni odbitki nam a z naših pa­ Am ong flakes, o f particular interest is one flake o f
leolitskih in m ezolitskih najdiščih niso znani. the Kombewa type (flake m ade on a flake so th at the
previous bulb o f percussion rem ains). Such flakes are
not known in o u r Palaeolithic and M esolithic sites.
Surovina (sl. 7.1):

Prebivalci Viktorjevega spodm ola so se oskrbovali s

Raw material ( Fig. 7 .1):
surovino za izdelavo kam enih orodij v bližnji okolici. Suro­
vinska osnova so bili predvsem manjši roženčevi in tufski The inhabitants o f Viktorjev spodmol supplied them ­
prodniki, velikosti oreha, iz nanosa reke Reke, saj so večji selves with raw materials for making stone tools in the
prodniki v produ in izdankih delno kremenovih konglo­ near vicinity. The raw material bases were mainly small
m eratov v povirju Reke redki. Samo izjem om a so bila ch ert and tuff pebbles, the size o f walnuts, from the allu­
uporabljena tudi stara (m orda paleolitska) jedra (t. 1: 6). vium o f the river Reka, since larger pebbles in the gravel
Najbližja ležišča takšnih prodnikov so v Vremski dolini. and outcrops o f partially calcified conglom erates at the
P rvotno izvorno področje krem enovih in drugih Reka source are rare. Only exceptionally were old (per­
prodnikov so eocenski konglom erati v zgornjem toku haps Palaeolithic) cores also used (Plate 1: 6). The nea­
reke Reke in njenih pritokov (sl. 7.1). N a izdanke teh rest beds o f such pebbles are in the Vreme valley.
konglom eratov naju je prvi opozoril A. Mihevc z Inšti­ The original source o f ch ert and o th er pebbles are
tu ta za raziskovanje krasa v Postojni. Ti prodniki so se Eocene conglom erates in the u pper course o f the river
odložili skupaj s flišem . V flišni bazen so bili tran sp o rti­ Reka and its tributaries (Fig. 7.1). A. Mihevc, from the
rani iz predgorja Julijcev in izvirajo iz kam nin, ki so Institute o f K arst Studies in Postojna, first drew atten­
nastale v triasu in juri (ustni podatek S. Buserja). K. tion to the deposits o f these conglom erates. These pebb­
D robne naju je opozorila, da so lahko podobni prodniki les were deposited together with flysche. They were trans­
tudi v flišnih konglom eratih v spodnjem toku Reke na p orted to the flysche basin from the foothills o f the Jul­
pobočju Vremšice in v vznožju Brkinov. ian Alps and originate from rocks o f the Triassic and
V sekakor ni dvoma, da gre predvsem za surovino Jurassic age (oral data from S. Buser). K. D robne drew
lokalnega izvora. Prisotnost večjega števila vodnih polžev atten tio n th at there could be sim ilar pebbles in flysche
conglom erates in the lower course o f the Reka on the
slopes o f V rem šica and on the flanks o f the Brkini.
T here is certainly no doubt th at it is mainly raw
m aterial o f local origin. T he presence o f large num bers
o f w ater snails in M esolithic spits (see Slapnik, this vo­
lum e) can be explained by the collection o f pebbles in
rivers and stream s. T he snails, w hich were attach ed to
pebbles in th e water, could thus have been brought un­
dam aged to the site, in w hich there was certainly no
running w ater in the Holocene.
We have not been able to analyse the stone arte­
facts m inerologically and geochem ically. So the norm al
raw m aterial com position, w hich is the basis for conclu­
sions about contacts, trade etc. is not available. Identi­
fying different ch erts by eye, as is the custom in archa­
eological circles, seem s to us too risky. We would there­
fore rath er not reach conclusions.
As a curiosity, let us m ention 5 fragm ents o f rock
crystal and one fragm ent o f a backed bladelet from the
sam e rock, all from the M esolithic layer (Fig. 6.2.1).
Rock crystal, which is an ‘exotic’ raw m aterial, first ap­
pears in the Late Palaeolithic. It is fairly com m on in the
M esolithic. Its origin is often sought in the Alps, which
in this case would m ean a link with A lpine areas and
trade with m ore distant places. However, it m ust be stres­
sed th at rock crystal can be found practically throug­
SI. 7.1: Eocenski konglomerat s kremenovimi prodniki. Ilirska
Bistrica. Foto I. Turk. hout Slovenia (Ž orž, Rečnik 1998). It, too, could there­
Fig. 7.1: Eocene conglomerate with chert pebbles. Ilirska Bi­ fore be o f local origin. The nearest well-known sites for
strica. Photo I. Turk. rock crystal are in the vicinity o f C erknica and Idrija,
while they are not for the m om ent known on the Karst.

Cores (Plates 1: 1-7, 8 /5,9/5; 2: 1 0 -1 2 ,5 :6 9 /1 0 , 70/

v m ezolitskih režnjih (glej Slapnik, ta zbornik), lahko
10, 71/12, 72/15, 73/15):
razloživa z nabiranjem prodnikov v rekah in potokih.
Polži, ki so v vodi prilepljeni na prodnike, bi na ta način T he cores are alm ost all small because the pebbles
lahko prišli nepoškodovani v najdišče, v katerem v holo- used were also small. Very sm all potential cores are a
cenu zanesljivo ni bilo tekoče vode. peculiarity (Plates I: 7; 5: 77/16).
K am enih artefaktov m ineraloško in geokemijsko T here are few cores with visible blade or bladelet
nisva m ogla analizirati. Z ato ne podajava običajnega scars. This does not accord with the large num ber o f
surovinskega sestava, k ije podlaga za sklepanje o stikih, blades and bladelets. However it could be interpreted as
trgovanju ipd. D oločanje različnih krem enov na oko, kot m eaning th a t the m ajority o f the cores belong to the last
je v navadi v arheoloških krogih, se nam a zdi preveč phase o f use, when only flakes could still be obtained
tvegano. Z ato sva se mu raje odpovedala. from them .
Kot zanim ivost naj om eniva 5 fragm entov kam ene O ccasional rem ains o f all phases o f use o f cores
strele in en fragm ent nožička s hrbtom iz kam ene strele, are present at the site. T here are practically no whole
vse iz m ezolitske plasti (sl. 6.2.1). K am ena strela, ki vel­ pebbles. T here are many sh atter fragm ents o f pebbles,
ja za ‘eksotično’ surovino, se prvič pojavi že v mlajšem w hich appeared unusable and were thus im m ediately
paleolitiku. V m ezolitiku je dokaj običajna. Njen izvor rejected. Exceptionally, th ere were used old cores (Pla­
se pogosto išče v Alpah, kar bi v tem prim eru pom enilo te I: 6). T here were no prenucleuses, but flakes with
povezavo z alpskim i predeli in trgovanje z bolj oddalje­ traces o f th e initial working o f the pebbles were preser­
nimi kraji. V endar je treba poudariti, da so nahajališča ved (P late 2: 11-12; Plate 5: 74/15). Eight fragm ents
kam ene strele praktično po celi Sloveniji (Ž orž, Rečnik were also found w hich had been created in rejuvenating
1998). Z ato gre lahko tudi v tem prim eru le za lokalno existing cores (P late 2: 10). A large n um ber o f cortical
surovino. N ajbližja dobro znana nahajališča kam ene flakes or flakes with cortex also exist. All this indicates
strele so v okolici C erknice in Idrije, m edtem ko na K ra­ a w orkshop for stone tools w hich was in the overhang
su za zdaj niso poznana. cave and n ot elsewhere.
Jedra (t.l: 1-7, 8/5,9/5; 2: 10-12, 5: 69/10, 70/10, 71/ T he cores are all possible types: unidirectional (Pla­
12, 72/15, 73/15): tes 1: 6, 8/5; 3: 73/15), pyram idal (Plates I: 2; 5: 77/16),
prism atic (Plates 1: 1; 5: 70/10, 72/15), cores with cros­
Jedra so skoraj vsa m ajhna, ker so bili m ajhni tudi
sed blank rem ovals ( nucleus a enlevements croises) (Pla­
uporabljeni prodniki. Posebnost so zelo m ajhna poten­
te 1 :5 , 9 /5 ), spherical (P late 3: 69/10), discus shaped
cialna jed ra (t. 1: 7; 5: 77/16).
(Plate 1: 3, 4, 7), on flakes (P late 3: 71/12) and other
Jeder z vidnimi negativi klin in klinic je malo. To
special cores. T here are a lot o f unform ed cores which
se ne sklada z velikim številom klin in klinic. V endar se
can n o t be placed in any known group. Pyram idal cores
da razložiti s tem , da večina jed er pripada zadnji fazi
are am ong the m ost frequent.
izrabe, ko so bili od njih lahko odbiti sam o še odbitki.
T here are unusual cores w ithout a real striking plat­
V najdišču so prisotni redki ostanki vseh faz izrabe
form , by which this platform is replaced by the edge o f
jeder. Celih prodnikov praktično ni. Veliko je razbitin
the convex surface o f the core. C ores with crossed blank
prodnikov, ki so se izkazali za neuporabne in so bili kot
removals and cores on flakes mainly have edges inten­
taki takoj zavrženi. Izjem om a so bila uporabljena stara
ded for striking.
jed ra (t. 1: 6). P redhodnih jed er (prenukleusov) ni, pač
pa so se ohranili njihovi odbitki s sledovi začetne obdel­
ave prodnikov (t. 2: 11-12; t. 5: 74/15). N ajdenih je bilo Unretouched blades and bladelets:
tudi vsaj 8 odbitkov, ki so nastali pri popravljanju obsto­
U nretouched blades and bladelets represented an
ječih jed er (t. 2: 10). O bstaja tudi veliko robnih odbit­
im p o rtan t p art o f blanks for the making o f tools. In con­
kov oz. odbitkov s korteksom . Vse to kaže na delavnico
trast with flakes, the m ajority o f blades and bladelets
kam enih orodij, ki je bila v spodm olu in ne drugje.
were presum ably used in the further process o f m odify­
Jed ra so vseh m ogočih oblik: enopolarna (t. 1: 6,
ing blanks. For this and o th er reasons, there are few o f
8/5; 3: 73/15), piram idalna (t. 1: 2; 5: 77/16), prizm atič­
them in com parison with unretouched flakes.
na (t. 1: 1; 5: 70/10, 72/15), navzkrižna (nucleus r enle­
T he large m ajority o f blades and bladelets are frag­
vements croises) (t. 1: 5, 9/5), kroglasta (t. 3: 69/10),
m ented, presum ably intentionally. Segmenting (fragm en­
diskasta (t. 1: 3, 4, 7), na odbitku (t. 3: 71/12) in druga
ting) larger pieces was general and com m on in the Me­
posebna jedra. Veliko je neizoblikovanih jeder, ki se ne
solithic (P late 6: 87/4). It was also mainly carried out
dajo um estiti v nobeno poznano skupino. Med najpo­
w ithout a previous notch (P late 5: 81/6, 82/10), which
gostejšim i so piram idalna jedra.
enabled b etter control o f the fracturing with the so-cal­
N eobičajna so jedra brez prave udarne ploskve, pri
led “m icroburin” technique.
katerih to ploskev nadom ešča rob izbočene površine
The m ajority o f fragm ents found belong to the prox­
je d ra . R ob, n a m e n je n o d b ija n ju , im a jo p red v se m
imal p art o f blades and bladelets, w hich m eans th at the
navzkrižna je d ra in je d ra na odbitku.
m edial and distal parts were used for the m anufacture
o f tools and hunting devices.
Proximal and o th er parts o f blades and bladelets
Neretuširane kline in klinice:
are generally very thin. T he butt is plane or faceted and
N eretuširane kline in klinice so predstavljale po­ because o f the negative bulb o f percussion (contre-bul-
m em ben del nastavkov za izdelavo orodij. V nasprotju z be) often has the shape o f a very flattened curve o f nor­
odbitki je bila večina klin in klinic dom nevno uporablje­ mal distribution.
na v nadaljnjem postopku obdelave nastavkov. Z ato in The style o f blades and bladelets is im portant, but
zaradi drugih razlogov je njihovo število v primerjavi z is very difficult to judge because o f the great fragm enta­
neretuširanim i odbitki m ajhno. tion. The general im pression is th at blades and bladc­
Velika večina klin in klinic je fragm entiranih, dom ­ lets were fairly irregular. Specim ens with straight, paral­
nevno nam enom a. Segm entiranje (lom ljenje) večjih ko­ lel edges and ridges or ridge are rare. Seventy-five per­
sov je bilo v m ezolitiku splošno in pogosto (t. 6: 87/4). cent o f blades and bladelets have two dorsal scars, 25%
Izvajalo se je tudi in predvsem brez predhodne izjede (t. have three. It is significant th a t also am ong blades there
5: 81/6, 82/10), k ije om ogočala bolj nadzorovano lom­ are a considerable num ber with three dorsal scars.
ljenje s tako im enovano “m ikrovbadalno" tehniko.
Večina najdenih fragm entov pripada bazalnem u
“ M icroburins” (Plates 2: 21; 5: 81/6, 82/10):
delu klin in klinic, kar lahko pom eni, da so bili sredinski
(m edialni) in končni (term in aln i) deli uporabljeni za M icroburins, ju st like cores and unretouched fla­
izdelavo orodij in lovskih pripomočkov. kes, represent debris in the process ol working the raw
Bazalni in drugi deli klin in klinic so pravilom a zelo m aterials. In addition to ordinary shapes (Plates 2: 21;
tenki. Talon je gladek ali fasetiran in ima zaradi kontra- 5: 81/6, 82/10), o f various sizes, small fragm ents diag­
bulbusa pogosto obliko zelo sploščene krivulje norm al­ nostic o f the m icroburin tech n iq u e were also found.
ne porazdelitve. There were no burins o f th e Krukowski type am ong them,
Pom em ben je stil klin in klinic, ka pa ga je zaradi with the possible exception o f an atypical one (Rozoy
velike fragm entarnosti težko oceniti. Splošen vtis je, da 1978b, 66). It is u n d erstan d ab le th a t th ere are m ore
so bile kline in klinice precej nepravilne. Prim erki z rav­ m icroburins (debris or by-products) th an trapezes (p ro ­
nima, vzporednim a robovom a in grebenom oz. grebeni ducts).
so redki. Klin in klinic z dvem a dorzalnim a ploskvam a
je 75 %, takšnih s trem i pa 25 %. Pom em bno je, da je
tudi med klinicami kar precej takšnih, ki imajo tri dor-
zalne ploskve. T he fact th at there were no burins in Viktorjev spod­
mol is surprising. Even burin spalls were m ore the ex­
ception th an the rule. If we exclude so-called m icro­
“ M ikro vbadala” (t. 2: 21; 5: 81/6, 82/10):
burins, burins were also an exception in the nearby site
M ikro vbadala predstavljajo tako kot je d ra ter nere- o f Pod Č rm ukljo (B rodar 1992, 25, Plates 3 -4 ). The
tuširani odbitki in kline odpadek v procesu obdelave sam e applies for M. Triglavca, but not also Breg (Frelih
surovine. Poleg običajnih oblik (t. 2: 21; 5: 81/6, 82/10) 1986, 27). In general, burins are rare and o f little im por­
različnih velikosti so bili najdeni tudi m ajhni odlom ki, tance in the M esolithic (G .E .E .M . 1972, 331s).
diagnostični za m ikrovbadalno tehniko. Med njimi ni
nobenega vbadala tipa Krukowski, m orda z izjem o ene­
N otches and dcnticulatcs (Plate 6: 83/6, 84/8, 85/12):
ga atipičnega (Rozoy 1978b, 66). Razumljivo je, d a j e
m ikro vbadal (odpadkov) več kot trapezov (izdelkov). Blades with notches a n d /o r denticulates are a real
rarity. O ne specim en o f a M ontbani type bladelet m ust
be m entioned individually (P late 6: 83/6). In two cases,
there is a notch on a flake. In one case, there are denti­
Presenetljivo je dejstvo, da v Viktorjevem spodm o­ culates on a flake. A com m on peculiarity is a notch on
lu ni vbadal, pa tudi vbadalni odbitki so prej izjema kot the butt o r right beside the butt o f a blade (P late 6: 84/
pravilo. Če izločiva t. i. mikro vbadala, so vbadala red­ 8, 85/12). We believe th at the latter can n o t be m istaken
kost tudi v bljižnjem najdišču Pod Č rm ukljo (B rodar for a shoulder.
1992, 25, t. 3 -4 ). Isto velja za M. Triglavco, ne pa tudi
za Breg (Frelih 1986, 27). Splošno gledano so vbadala v
Bee (Plate 2: 23):
m ezolitiku redka in m alo pom em bna (G .E .E .M . 1972,
33 ls). T here is only one bee, m ade on a flake with a com ­
bined tru n catio n and notch (Plate 2: 23).

Izjede in zobci (t. 6: 83/6, 84/8, 85/12):

Endscrapers (Plates 2: 13-17; 5: 75/10, 76/13, 77/16):
Kline z izjedami in/ali zobci so prava redkost. Po­
sebej m orava om eniti en prim erek klinice tipa M ontba- E ndscrapers are the m ost variable group o f tools,
ni (t. 6: 83/6). V dveh prim erih je izjeda na odbitku. V with m ore than a hundred shapes. It is characteristic o f
enem prim eru so na odbitku zobci. Pogostna posebnost our endscrapers that they are m ade on flakes and have a
je izjeda na talonu ali tik ob talonu kline (t. 6: 84/8, 85/ low frontal end (Plates 2: 13-17; 5: 75/10, 76/13). Only
12). Misliva, da slednje ne sm em o zam enjati z izrobo. one en d scrap er is carinated or with a high frontal end.
O ne mini endscraper in the shape o f a core could also
be ranked am ong endscrapers with a high frontal end
Kljun (t. 2: 23):
(P late 5: 77/16). It is not entirely clear w hether it is an
Kljun je en sam, narejen na odbitku s kom biniran­ en dscraper or a core. It is sim ilarly unclear w hether one
jem prečne retuše in izjede (t. 2: 23). specim en is a denticulate en d scrap er or core.
T here are no explicit types am ong the endscrapers,
so th at in certain cases we can only talk about sim ilari­
Praskala (t. 2: 13-17; 5: 75/10, 76/13, 77/16):
ties with “ungiform " (P late 2: 16) and nosed endscra­
Praskala so najbolj variabilna skupina orodij, ki pers (Plates 2: 13; 5: 75/10, 76/13). G enerally speaking,
lahko šteje več sto oblik. Z načilno za naša praskala je, endscrapers are not an im p o rtan t p art o f the inventory
da so narejena na odbitkih in da imajo nizko čelo (t. 2: o f Viktorjev spodm ol, nor do they have particular im­
13-17; 5: 75/10, 76/13). Sam o eno praskalo je gredljas- po rtan ce for the chronological and typological classifi­
to ozirom a z visokim čelom . Med praskala z visokim cation o f the entire m aterial, since they belong in the
čelom bi lahko uvrstila tudi eno mini praskalo v obliki group o f general tools.
je d ra (t. 5: 77/16). Zanj ni popolnom a jasno, ali je jed ro
ali praskalo. Prav tako ni jasn o ali je en prim erek na­
zobčano praskalo ali jedro.
M ed praskali ni izrazitih tipov, tako da lahko v do­ Retouchcd flakes (Plate 2: 18-19):
ločenih prim erih govoriva le o podobnosti z nohtastim
R etouched flakes, like retouched blades, represent
(t. 2: 16) in gobčastim praskalom (t. 2: 13; 5: 75/10, 76/
an unrem arkable and u n im p o rtan t share o f the stone
13). Splošno vzeto praskala niso ravno pom em ben del
inventory o f th e site. T here are also m icrolithic speci­
inventarja V iktorjevega spodm ola, niti nim ajo posebne­
m ens am ong them , presum ably fitted with a truncation.
ga pom ena za kronološko-tipološko opredeljevanje ce­
Scrapers also belong in the group o f retouched fla­
lotnega gradiva, saj sodijo v t. i. skupino splošnih orodij.
kes (G .E .E .M . 1975, 327).
Four flakes are truncated (Plate 2: 18-19). At least
Retuširani odbitki (t. 2: 18-19): two o f them could also be classified am ong tools o f the
“skrobacz” type (P late 2: 19), which m eans scraper in
Retuširani odbitki predstavljajo tako kot retušira-
Polish (Broglio, Kozlowski 1983, 105, Fig. 8: 1-5).
ne kline neznaten in nepom em ben delež v kam enem
Retouched flakes are m ore num erous in the 'Ita lic’
inventarju najdišča. Med njimi so tudi m ikrolitski pri­
M esolithic, and they have a specific role in the chrono-
merki, dom nevno oprem ljeni s prečno retušo.
typological classification o f ‘Italic’ M esolithic assem bla­
V skupino retuširanih odbitkov se uvrščajo tudi
ges (Broglio, Kozlowski 1983, 121, Fig. 26).
strgala (G .E.E.M . 1975, 327).
Štirje odbitki so prečno retuširani (t. 2: 18-19). Vsaj
dva izmed njih bi lahko uvrstila tudi med orodja vrste Retouched blades and bladelets (Plates 2: 24, 26-31; 3:
“sk ro b acz” (t. 2: 19), kar v poljščini pom eni strgalo, 32, 34, 35; 6: 89/14, 90/16):
strgačo (Broglio, Kozlowski 1983, 105, sl. 8: 1-5).
T here are not many o f either. A lm ost all are frag­
V italskem m ezolitiku so retuširani odbitki števil­
m ented. Individual fragm ents may also belong to geo­
nejši, razen tega se jim pripisuje določena vloga pri kro-
m etric form s. Backed specim ens predom inate. Howe­
notipološkem opredeljevanju m ezolitskih inventarjev
ver, there are also differently retouched pieces: with use
(Broglio, Kozlowski 1983, 121, sl. 26).
wear (rare), marginal retouch on one edge, norm ally in
com bination with an abrupt retouch (frequent) and semi-
Retuširanc kline in klinice (t. 2: 24, 26-31; 3: 32, 34, ab ru p t retouch. Two fragm ented blades are slightly obli­
35; 6: 89/14, 90/16): quely tru n cated in a straight line. It can n o t be excluded
th a t they belonged to som e geom etrically designed tool.
Enih in drugih ni veliko. Skoraj vse so fragm entira-
Backed bladelets, w hich have a sim ple m arginal
ne. Posam ezni fragm enti lahko pripadajo tudi geom e­
retouch on the o th er edge, or unretouchcd, are am ong
tričnim oblikam . Prevladujejo prim erki s hrbtom (str­
the com m onest tools (Plates 2: 24, 26-31; 6: 89/14, 90/
ma retuša). V endar so tudi drugače retuširani kosi: z
16). Since they were all fragm ented, the term backed
uporabno retušo (redki), drobtinčasto retušo na enem
blatfelet is used in extremis. Actually, they could be parts
robu, običajno skupaj s hrbtom (pogosti) in polstrm o
o f various m icrolithic tools.
retušo. Dve fragm entirani klini sta rahlo poševno preč­
D ouble backed bladelets with a shoulder (P late 3:
no retuširani v ravni črti. Ni izključeno, da sta pripadali
32, 34, 35) or a stem (P late 3: 33, 36) are a special gro­
nekem u geom etrijsko oblikovanem u orodju.
up. Such m icrolithic tools are unknow n to us from fo­
Klinice s hrbtom , ki imajo drugi rob drobtinčasto
reign and our own M esolithic sites. However, they are
retuširan (enostavna m arginalna retuša), ali neretuširan,
not unknow n in enlarged form in Slovene and o th er si­
so med pogostejšim i orodji (t. 2: 24, 26-31; 6: 89/14,
tes from the Late Palaeolithic (B rodar 1991, Plate 18:
90/16). Ker so vse fragm entirane, je oznaka klinica s
2 6 -3 5 ; 1995, Plate 6: 18, 156).
hrbtom izhod v sili. D ejansko gre lahko za dele različ­
nih m ikrolitskih orodij.
Posebna skupina so klinice z dvojnim hrbtom in z Trapezes (Plates 2: 20; 5: 78/10, 79/12, 80/16):
izrobo (t. 3: 32, 34, 35) ali s pecljem (t. 3: 33, 36). Takšna Trapezes are am ong occasional finds in Viktorjev
mikrolitska orodja nam a niso znana s tujih in naših me­ spodmol. They can be divided into elongated asymmetric
zolitskih najdišč. Vsekakor pa niso povsem neznana v (non-isosceles) (Plate 2: 20; 5: 79/12) and asymmetric
povečani obliki na naših in drugih najdiščih poznega pa­ short (Plate 5: 78/10). A lm ost all were made with the
leolitika (Brodar 1991, t. 18: 26-35; 1995, t. 6: 18, 156). “m icroburin” technique. T he piquant-triedre on the long­
er truncated side is often fractured. Despite a review of
Trapezi (t. 2: 20; 5: 78/10, 79/12, 80/16): all the micro debris, we did not find the broken piquant-
triedre. The shorter, truncated side could have been made
Trapezi sodijo m ed redke najdbe v V iktorjevem in a sim ilar way to the longer one, i.e., with a notch and
spodm olu. Razdeliva jih lahko na asim etrične (neena- fracturing (Plate 2: 20), although this is not usual, since a
kokrake) dolge (t. 2: 20; 5: 79/12) in asim etrične kratke great deal o f data suggests retouch along a snap fracture.
(t. 5: 78/10). Skoraj vsi so bili narejeni z “mikrovbadal- T he shorter, truncated side is always convex.
n o ” tehniko. T riroba konica (piquant-triedre) na daljši All trapezes are relatively large, although there is
prečno retuširani stranici je večkrat odlom ljena. Odlom- one very sm all specim en am ong them , w hich is unfortu­
jen ih trirobih konic kljub pregledu vseh mikro odpad­ nately not w hole (Plate 5: 80/16).
kov nisva našla. Krajša, prečno retuširana stranica je bila D epending on the orientation o f the longer tru n ­
lahko narejena na podoben način kot daljša, tj. z izjedo cation, we distinguish left (P late 2: 20) and right trap e­
in prelam ljanjem (t. 2: 20), čeprav to ni običajno, saj zes (Plate 5: 79/12). Left trapezes predom inate over right
veliko podatkov govori za retušo ob navadnem prelom u. ones, w hich is characteristic o f so u th ern E urope (L öhr
Krajša, prečno retuširana stranica je vedno usločena. 1994). It is sim ilar in M. Triglavca, from where we have
Vsi trapezi so relativno veliki, vendar je med njimi available currently the largest collection o f trapezes in
tudi en zelo m ajhen prim erek, ki žal ni cel (t. 5: 80/16). Slovenia.
G lede na usm erjenost daljše prečne retuše razliku­
jeva leve (t. 2: 20) in desne trapeze (t. 5: 79/12). Levi
Backed and truncated bladelets (dos et troncatures)
trapezi prevladujejo nad desnimi, kar je značilno za južno
(Plates 3: 37-50; 6: 9 2 /13-101/7; 7: 102/15-104/17):
Evropo (L ö h r 1994). P odobno je v M. Triglavci, kjer
razpolagam o s trenu tno največjo zbirko trapezov v Slo­ Backed and truncated bladelets are am ong the m ost
veniji. im p o rtan t M esolithic tools inViktorjev spodm ol (P la­
tes 3: 37-50; 6: 92 /1 3 -1 0 1 /7 ; 7: 102/15-104/17), Mala
Tiglavca and probably also Pod Č rm ukljo.
Klinice s hrbtom in prečno retušo (dos et troncatures)
Backed and tru n cated bladelets, because o f sim pli­
(t. 3: 37-50; 6: 92/13-101/7; 7: 102/15-104/17):
fication, have not been distinguished from triangles. So
Klinica s hrbtom in prečno retušo (skrajšano: hr­ they are norm ally given in the tables together, as M.
bet in prečna retuša) sodi m ed najpom em bnejša mezo- Brodar (1992) did. From a typological point o f view,
litska orodja v V iktorjevem spodm olu (t. 3: 37-50; 6: this is not really correct, but it is practical since, especi­
92 /13-101/7; 7: 102/15-104/17), Mali Tiglavci in ver­ ally with fragm ented pieces, it is difficult to draw the
jetn o tudi v najdišču Pod Č rm ukljo. boundary between triangles and backed and tru n cated
Klinice s hrbtom in prečno retušo zaradi enostav­ bladelets. This is even m ore difficult here because the
nosti nisva ločevala od trikotnikov. Z ato jih v razpredel­ specim ens o f backed and tru n cated bladelets found are
nicah običajno navajava skupaj z njimi, podobno kot je not typical, with the exception o f one from M. Triglavca
to storil M. Brodar (1992). S tipološkega stališča to ni (see Turk et al., this volume).
ravno pravilno, je pa praktično, saj je zlasti pri fragmen- In th e tables, we oriented triangles differently from
tiranih kosih težko potegniti mejo med trikotnikom ter backed and tru n cated bladelets, w hich always have the
hrbtom in prečno retušo. To je še toliko težje, ker pri tru n catio n upw ards (see also publications o f Italian aut­
nas najdeni prim erki klinic s hrbtom in prečno retušo hors, w hich are also not always uniform ).
niso tipični, razen ene izjeme v M. Triglavci (glej Turk et T he ab ru p t retouch is generally unilateral, i.e., only
al., ta zbornik). on one edge. Only in one case is th e ab ru p t retouch
V tabelah sva trikotnike orientirala drugače kot hr­bilateral, i.e., on both edges (P late 6: 92/13). Judging by
bte in prečne retuše, ki imajo prečno retušo vedno zgo­ unidentified double backed fragm ents (P late 6: 91/5),
raj (glej tudi objave italijanskih avtorjev, ki tudi niso ved­ there could be even m ore double backed and truncated
no enotni). pieces. No. 44 in Plate 3 is an unusual specim en, having
H rbet je pravilom a enojen, tj. sam o na enem robu. a straight naturally blunt edge instead o f a second back,
Sam o v enem prim eru je hrbet dvojen, tj. na obeh robo­ and could also belong in this group. T he edge opposite
vih (t. 6: 92/13). Sodeč po nedoločljivih fragm entih z the back is eith er unretouched (Plates 3: 39, 43, 46; 6:
dvojnim hrbtom (t. 6: 91/5), bi lahko bilo kosov z dvoj­ 95/15, 96/7, 100/169), or partially o r even entirely re­
nim hrbtom in prečno retušo celo več. V to skupino bi touched with direct marginal retouch (Plates 3: 37, 4 0 -
lahko sodil tudi nenavaden prim erek št. 44 na t. 3, ki 41, 48; 6: 93/2, 97/2, 98/14, 99/11) or sem i-abruptly re­
ima nam esto drugega hrbta naraven rob. Rob nasproti touched (P late 6: 94/16). T he m arginal retouch does
hrbta je bodisi neretuširan (t. 3: 39, 43, 46; 6: 95/15, not affect the sharpness o f the edge.
96/7, 100/169) bodisi delno ali v celoti retuširan z di­ T he tru n c a tio n is always m ore o r less oblique,
rektno drobtinčasto (t. 3: 37, 40-41, 48; 6: 93/2, 97/2, though n ot so m uch th a t it is possible to talk o f a point.
98/14, 99/11) ali polstrm o retušo (t. 6: 94/16). Drob- S pecim ens with a h o rizontal tru n ca tio n are not known.
tinčasta retuša ne prizadene ostrine roba. T he tru n ca tio n always rises from left to right, except
Prečna retuša je vedno bolj ali manj poševna, ven­ in one case, w hen it is the reverse (P late 7: 104/17).
dar ne toliko, da bi lahko govorila o konici. Primerki z T his is well cap tu red by th e longer tru n ca tio n on tra­
vodoravno prečno retušo niso znani. Prečna retuša se pezes. Such an o rien tatio n o f the tru n c a tio n is th e only
dviguje vedno od leve proti desni, razen v enem prim eru, sign o f stan d ard isatio n o f products, w hich otherw ise
ko je obratno (t. 7: 104/17). To se dobro ujema z daljšo vary co n siderably in shape. U nfortunately, we did not
p rečno retušo na trapezih. Takšna usm erjenost prečne have a large enough hom ogenous sam ple to establish
retuše je edini znak standardizacije izdelka, ki po obliki the variability o f backed and tru n cated bladelets with
sicer precej variira. Za ugotavljanje variabilnosti hrbtov the aid o f typom etry (see Barbaza et al. 1991, 171 ss).
in prečne retuše s pom očjo tipom etrije žal nim ava do­ We therefore leave this to future researchers o f Viktor­
volj velikega hom ogenega vzorca (glej B arbazae/a/. 1991, jev spodm ol.
171 ss). Z ato to prepuščava bodočim raziskovalcem Vik­ Some o f the backed pieces are made with a real gra-
torjevega spodm ola. vette retouch and differ from G ravettian products only
N ekateri hrbti so narejeni s pravo gravetno retušo by the m ore precise retouching and its shape. Fragm ents
in se od gravetjenskih izdelkov razlikujejo sam o po na­ cannot be distinguished from those o f G ravettian origin.
tančnejši izdelavi retuše in po obliki izdelkov. Če gre za
fragm ente, se ne dajo ločiti od gravetjenskih izdelkov.
Triangles (P late 4: 5 2 -5 8 ; 7: 105/13, 106/15, 107/10):

Triangles, together with trapezes and circular seg­

Trikotniki (t. 4: 52-58; 7: 105/13, 106/15, 107/10):
m ents are am ong the m ost typical M esolithic tools from
Trikotniki sodijo poleg trapezov in krožnih segm en­ the group o f geom etric tools (arm atures).
tov med najbolj značilna m ezolitska orodja iz skupine Viktorjev spodm ol is not distinguished in term s o f
geom etrijskih orodij (arm atur). the num ber o f triangles in the narrow er sense o f the
V iktorjev spodm ol se ravno ne odlikuje po številu word, since there are surprisingly few. T he m ajority are
trikotnikov v ožjem pom enu besede, saj jih je presenet­ suspected fragm ented specim ens, with only occasional
ljivo malo. V ečinom a gre za dvomljive fragm entirane whole pieces. Scalene triangles greatly predom inate over
prim erke in redke cele kose. R aznostranični trikotniki isosceles ones. In Italy this is typical o f the Late Mesol-
m očno prevladujejo nad enakokrakim i. To je v Italiji tihic (C astelnovian). Only one specim en can be reliably
značilno za mlajši m ezolitik (kastelnovjen). Med ena­ placed am ong isosceles triangles (Plate 7: 105/13).
kokrake trikotnike lahko zanesljivo um estiva en sam H yperm icrolithic specim ens o f triangles are cha­
prim erek (t. 7: 105/13). racteristic (Plates 4: 53, 57, 58, 7: 107/10).
Z načilni so hiperm ikrolitski prim erki trikotnikov Some triangles have a partial or entirely retouched
(t. 4: 53, 57, 58, 7: 107/10). third side. The retouch is either m arginal (P late 7: 106/
N ekateri trikotniki imajo delno ali v celoti retušira- 15), or sem i-abrupt m arginal (P late 4: 5 7 -5 8 ). W ith the
no tretjo stranico. Retuša je bodisi drobtinčasta, (t. 7: former, the sharpness o f the edge is not affected, with
106/15) bodisi polstrm a m arginalna (t. 4: 57-58). Pri the latter it is.
prvi ostrina roba ni prizadeta, pri drugi pa je.

Segm ents (Plate 4: 51):

Segm enti (t. 4: 51):
C ircu lar segm ents are only putatively represented
Krožni segm enti so v V iktorjevem spodm olu zas­ in V iktorjev spodm ol. O ne fragm ent only may belong
topani sam o dom nevno. Pripada jim lahko en sam frag­ to them , for w hich it is not clear w h eth er it is a seg­
m ent, za katerega ni jasno, ali gre za segm ent ali za hr­ m ent or a backed piece in co n n ectio n with a tru n c a ­
bet v povezavi s prečno retušo (t. 4: 51). tion (P late 4: 51).

Mikro konice (t. 4: 59-68; 7: 108/16, 109/16, 110/11, M icropoints (Plates 4 :59-68; 7: 108/16, 109/16, 110/
111/11, 112/12, 113/14): II, I l l / l l , 112/12, 113/14):

M ikro konice so značilen m ezolitski inventar. V M icropoints are ch aracteristic o f the M esolithic
V iktorjevem spodm olu so dokaj bogato zastopane, in inventory. They are fairly richly represented in Viktor­
sicer tako po številu kot po oblikah. Kaže, da prevladu­ jev spodm ol, in term s o f both num ber and shape. Two
je ta dve obliki: čolničasta (t. 4: 5 9-61) in igličasta (t. 4: shapes ap p ear to predom inate: navicular (P late 4: 5 9 -
62, 65, 67). Potem je tu še enojna (enokoničasta) in 61) and elongated (Plate 4: 62, 65, 67). Here there are
dvojna (dvokoničasta) konica z enojnim ali dvojnim hr­ additionally m icrounipoints and m icrobipoints, with uni-
btom . or bilateral abrupt retouch.
D vojna konica z dvojnim hrbtom je zelo podobna A micro double-backed bipoint is very similar to a
sovterski konici (point de Sauveterre), ki ima glede na Sauveterrian point (point de Sauveterre), which has a se­
retušo vrsto različic (G .E .E .M . 1972). ries o f variants in relation to the retouch (G.E.E.M . 1972).
D vojna konica z dvojnim hrbtom je ena sam a (t. 4: T here is only one double-backed bipoint (Plate 4:
62). Več je enojnih konic z dvojnim hrbtom (t. 4: 6 5 - 62) and m ore num erous double-backed points (P late 4:
67; 7: 111/11). 65-67; 7: 111/11).
M ed konicami so tudi hiperm ikrolitske (t. 7: 113/ T here are also hyperm icroliths am ong the points
14) in takšne, ki imajo poškodbe, značilne za izstrelke (Plate 7: 113/14) and those th a t have dam age charactis-
(t. 7: 110/11). tic o f projectiles (Plate 7: 110/11).
D om nevava, da je dvojna igličasta m ikro konica We suspect th at the elongated m icrobipoint served
služila za trnek, tako da je bila na sredini pritrjena na as a hook, in such a way th at it was attach ed to a line in
vrvico. D om neva je po d p rta z ostanki sladkovodnih rib, the centre. T he suspicion is supported by the rem ains
najdenih v plasteh spodm ola (glej Paunovič v tem zbor­ o f freshw ater fish, found in layers o f the overhang cave
niku). (see Paunovič in this volume).
S konicam i sva izčrpala repertoar m ezolitskih ka­ W ith points we have exhausted the repertoire of
m enih orodij, najdenih v V iktorjevem spodm olu. M esolithic stone tools found in V iktorjev spodm ol.

Neopredeljeni mikroliti (sl. 7.2): Undetermined microliths (Fig. 7.2):

V to skupino sva uvrstila številne fragmente mikrolit- We have included in this group num erous fragm ents
skih orodij, ki se niso dali podrobneje zanesljivo opredeliti. o f m icrolithic tools th at can n o t be determ ined reliably
in more detail.

Koščena orodja (t .7: 114/15. 115/9, 116-118):

Bone tools (Plate7: 114/15. 115/9, 116-118):
K oščena orodja so vsa fragm entirana. V štirih pri­
m erih gre za odlom ke zelo m ajhnih orodij, m orda šiv­ All th e bone tools are fragm ented. In four cases
ank ali igel (t. 7: 114/15. 115/9, 116-118). Del orodja sta they are fragm ents o f very small tools, perhaps needles
lahko bila tudi en odlom ek m očno zglajenega parožka or pins (Plate 7: 114/15. 115/9, 1 1 6 -118). O ne fragm ent
jelena in en odlom ek parožka srnjaka. o f strongly polished red deer an tler tip and a fragm ent
Med pregledanim osteološkim m aterialom je bilo o f roe deer antler tip may also be parts o f tools.
med določljivimi ostanki navadnega jelena 15 % maj­ A m ong the osteological m aterial exam ined, 15% of
hnih fragm entov rogovja. Takšen delež ostankov rogov­ the identifiable rem ains o f ordinary red deer, were frag­
ja kaže na to, d a je bilo rogovje pom em bna surovina za m ents o f antlers. Such a share o f the rem ains o f antlers
izdelovanje različnih orodij. O rodja iz rogovine so bila indicates th at antlers were an im p o rtan t raw m aterial
skupaj z m ajhnim i odpadki najdena v večjem številu v for the m anufacture o f various tools. Tools from antler,
M. Triglavci (Leben 1988 in Turk I. &Turk M., Toškan together with small debris, were found in largest num ­
& Dirjec v tem zborniku). ber in M. Triglavca (Leben 1988 and Turk I. & Turk M„
Toškan, Dirjec in this volum e).

Razne najdbe:
Various finds:
Med raznim i najdbam i sta dva podolgovata brus­
na kam na iz peščenjaka. Eden je bil najden v Viktorjevi A m ong th e v ario u s fin d s are tw o lo n g itu d in al
sondi, drugi v režnju 5. Od režnja 7 navzdol so bili naj­ w hetstones from sandstone. O ne was found in V iktor’s
deni posam ezni koščki surove okre. V režnju 2 je bil en test trench, and the o th er in spit 5. From spit 7 dow n­
obroček (lahko naraven), prem era 1 mm. V režnju 3 je wards, individual pieces o f raw ochre were found. There
bil I cm velik kortikalni odbitek, ki im a na ventralni was a band in spit 2 (perhaps natural) with a diam eter
strani šest vzporednih globokih zarez, po tri in tri sku­ o f 1 mm. In spit 3 there was a 1 cm cortical flake that
paj. O dbitek je odlom ljen vzdolž zadnje zareze. Z ato bi had four parallel cuts on the ventral side, in groups of
bili urezi, ki se običajno razlagajo kot okras, lahko na­ three. T he flake is broken across the ultim ate cut. The
m enjene tudi segm entiranju. cuts, w hich are norm ally interpreted as decoration, may
V različnih režnjih je bil en cel m orski polž in ne­ therefore have served for segm entation.
kaj naluknjanih, ki so obdelani posebej (glej M ikuž, ta In various spits there was one w hole shell o f a m a­
zbornik). rine gastropod and several perforated ones, w hich are
treated separately (see M ikuž, this volum e).

SI. 7.2: Odlomek domnevnega hipermikrolitskega svedra. Foto F.

Fig. 7.2: Fragment of supposed hypermicrolithic borer. Photo F.
8 . P r im e r ja v e 8 . C o m p a r is o n s o f
MEZOLITSKIH NAJDB V M e s o l it h ic F in d s in
V ik t o r j e v e m V ik t o r j e v S p o d m o l
spodm olu z w it h S e l e c t e d S it e s

Iv a n T urk

Prim erjalna m etoda je standardna pri arheološki obde­ T he com parative m ethod is standard in the archaeologi­
lavi gradiva. Z ato sem glavne sklope m ezolitskih najdb cal treatm ent o f m aterial. I therefore com pared the main
iz V iktorjevega spodm ola primerjal s podobnim i sklopi com plex o f M esolithic finds from V iktorjev spodm ol
najdb v dom ačih najdiščih (Breg, Pod Č rm ukljo in M. with a sim ilar group o f finds at Slovene sites (Breg, Pod
Triglavco) te r bljižnjimi in bolj oddaljenim i italijanski­ Č rm ukljo and M. Triglavca) and nearby and m ore dis­
mi najdišči (Pečina na Leskovcu - Grotta Azzurra, Ste- tan t Italian sites (Pečina na Leskovcu - Grotta Azzurra,
našca - Grotta d e ll’Edera, obe na Tržaškem krasu in Stenašca - Grotta d ell’Edera, both on the T riestine K arst
Rom agnano III v Trentski kotlini). Pri tem sem se oprl and R om agnano 111 in th e T rento basin). In this, 1 relied
na geografski prostor (v danem prim eru je to m edite­ on the geographic region (in this case the M editerrane­
ransko in su b m ed iteran sk o o bm očje), ki predstavlja an and sub-M editerranean area), w hich rep resen ts a
m očan povezovalni dejavnik ne glede na čas. powerful linking factor, irrespective o f tim e.
Prim erjave z najdišči severno od Alp se mi ne zdijo C om parison with sites north o f the Alps did not
smiselne, ker gre tam očitno za drugačna kulturna okol­ seem to me to make much sense, since that is a com ple­
ja, ki so izšla iz drugačnih osnov, razen redkih izjem, ki tely different cultural environm ent, deriving from diffe­
se lahko razlagajo tudi kot vplivi iz Sredozem lja, tj. sov- rent foundations, with rare exceptions w hich could also
terjenskega kom pleksa (Kozlowski 1981). Takšna je npr. be interpreted as influences from the M editerranean,
t. i. skupina Sered’ na Slovaškem, ki jo je J. Barta (1972, i.e., the Sauveterrian com plex (Kozlowski 1980). Such,
1980) najprej povezoval s tardenoazjenom , pozneje pa for example, is the so-called S ered’ group in Slovakia,
s sovterjenom . M ikrolitske arm ature te skupine so de­ which J. Barta (1972, 1980) first linked with the Tar-
jansko zelo podobne m ikrolitskim arm aturam v sloven­ denoisian, and later with the Sauveterrian. M icrolithic
skih in italijanskih m ezolitskih najdiščih, zlasti mlajših, arm atu res o f this group are actually very sim ilar to mi­
pa tudi arm aturam v sredozem skem delu Francije, vse crolithic arm atu res in Slovene and ‘Italic’ M esolithic
do A tlantika m ed C entralnim masivom in Pireneji. sites, especially Late M esolithic, as well as arm atu res in
N a vseh prim erjanih najdiščih so bile odkopane in the M editerranean part o f France, as far as the A tlantic
obdelane m ajhne površine (0,4 m 2-8 m 2). Razlike med between the C entral M assif and the Pyrenees.
raziskanim i površinam i in posledično med prostornino In all com parative sites, small areas have been ex­
sedimentov, ki so vsebovali najdbe, so dovolj velike, da cavated and processed (0.4 ir r- 8 n r ). T he differences
lahko vplivajo na m ednajdiščno variabilnost posam ez­ betw een the investigated areas and, consequentially,
nih sklopov najdb. between the volum es o f sedim ents containing finds are
P ro sto rsk o v a ria b iln o st najd b sem n a ta n č n e je sufficiently large th at they could have an im pact on the
proučil na prim eru iz Divjih bab I, kjer imam za takšno inter-site variability o f individual groups o f finds.
proučevanje ustrezno zbrane podatke. Ti se sicer nana­ I studied the spatial variability o f finds m ore care­
šajo na različne najdbe jam skega medveda, vendar je fully in the case of Divje babe I, w here I have adequate
vprašanje prostorske variabilnosti podobno kot pri ar­ d ata collected for such study. T hese relate to various
heoloških ostankih. Krivulje porazdelitve posam eznih finds o f cave bear, but the question o f spatial variability
najdb, dobljene z enakom ernim večanjem raziskanega is sim ilar as with archaeological rem ains. T he distribu­
volum na sedim entov in njegove površine, imajo različ­ tion curves o f individual finds o btained with the gradu­
ne oblike in se med seboj križajo (sl. 8.1 a). Vse to vpli­ al increase in the studied volume o f sedim ents and their
va na to, da se razm erja med posam eznim i najdbam i area, have different shapes and m utually intersect (Fig.
sprem injajo, odvisno od raziskanega volum na in površi­ 8.1 a). All this causes the ratio between individual finds
ne sedim entov (sl. 8.1 b). to change, depending on the volume and area o f sedi­
Prim erjavo med m ezolitskim i najdišči sem izvedel m ents investigated (Fig. 8.1 b).




- o - Mctacarpus 4
o Talus
—♦— Humerus dist.
a Izlužene kosli
I 3 5 7 9 II 13 15 17 19 21 Ltched bones 5 7 9 II 13 15 17 19 21
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Ožgane kosti 10 12 14 16 18 20
povrSina / area Burned bones povrSina / area
( m 2) (m2)

5/. 8.1: Prikaz odvisnosti izsledkov od obsega raziskanih sedimentov na podlagi izbranih podatkov iz najdišča Divje babe 1. a)
Absolutne vrednosti, b) Razmerji dveh absolutnih vrednosti. Vse iz 12 cm debelega sedimentacijskega nivoja plasti 7, ki je
vsebovala največ fosilnih ostankov.
Fig. 8.1: Presentation of the dependence of results on the extent of sediments studied on the basis of selected data from the Divje
babe I site, a) Absolute values, b) Ratio of two absolute values. All from a 12 cm thick sedimentation level of layer 7, which
contained the most fossil remains.

med najdbam i iz celotne ali delne prostornine sedim en­ I m ade the com parisons between M esolithic sites
tov iz vseh m ezolitskih nivojev (blok sedim entov v naj­ between finds from the entire o r partial volume o f sedi­
dišču, sestavljen iz režnjev in/ali plasti) in med najdba­ m ents from all M esolithic levels (block o f sedim ents in
mi iz najbogatejšega mezolitskega nivoja (režnja, ki ob­ a site com posed o f spits a n d /o r layers) and between finds
sega celotno raziskano površino) najdišča. Za takšno from the richest M esolithic level (spit covering the enti­
prim erjavo sem se odločil iz naslednjih razlogov: re investigated area) o f the sites. I decided on such a
Pri najdbah v bloku vpliva na njihovo variabilnost com parison for the following reasons:
bogastvo/revščina posam eznih m ezolitskih nivojev, pri With finds in a block, the richness/poverty o f indivi­
čem er v praksi zelo težko razlikujem o med naravnim i in dual M esolithic levels influences their variability, where­
um etnim i sedim entacijskim i nivoji sensu strictu (glej Turk by in practice it is very difficult to distinguish between
2003). Število in sestav najdb (količina in kakovost) sta natural and artificial sedim entation levels sensu strictu (see
odvisna predvsem od trajanja in jakosti poselitve v času Turk 2003). The num ber and com position o f finds (quanti­
form iranja mezolitskega sedim entacijskega nivoja (ki ga ty and quality) depend mainly on the duration and inten­
enačim z režnjem ) ter od dejavnosti, ki so jih ljudje izva­ sity o f settlem ent at the tim e o f form ation o f the Meso­
jali na najdišču. Šele nato nastopi za arheologijo tako lithic sedim entation level (which is equated with spit) and
zanimiv in pom em ben razvoj ozirom a sprem em ba tra­ on activities that people carried out at the site. Only then
dicije, ki lahko poteka izohrono ali diahrono v prostoru. does developm ent or change o f tradition that can occur
Z a ugotavljanje vseh vzrokov, ki privedejo do variabil­ isochronously or diachronously in the rate, appear that is
nosti predm etov arheološkega proučevanja, pa je ključ­ interesting and im portant for archaeology. For establis­
nega pom ena časovna ločljivost dogodkov, ki je prem o hing all the causes that lead to variability o f objects of
sorazm erna s hitrostjo sedim entacije. Č asovna ločljivost archaeological study, the tem poral division o f events,
je v stratigrafsko nedeljivem bloku sedim entov običajno which corresponds to the rate o f sedim entation, is o f cru­
m ajhna, v stratigrafsko deljivem pa velika. cial im portance. The tem poral resolution in a stratigraphi-
Pri sedim entacijskem nivoju (režnju) z najbogatej­ cally undivided block o f sedim ents is norm ally small, but
šimi najdbam i je vpliv tistih dejavnikov, ki niso poveza­ large in stratigraphically divided ones.
ni z razvojem in tradicijo, na variabilnost najdb m inim a­ W ith the sedim entation level (spit) with the richest
len, saj takšen reženj predstavlja bodisi zelo dolgo bodi- finds, the influence o f the factors that are not connec-
si zelo m očno poselitev v okviru najdišča ali določene­ ted with developm ent and tradition is m inim al, since
ga dela najdišča. Č asovna ločljivost je pri posam eznem such a spit represents either very long or very intense
režnju nedvom no večja kot pri bloku sedimentov. settlem ent in the fram ew ork o f the site or a specific p art
o f the site. Tem poral resolution is undoubtedly greater
with an individual spit than with a block o f sedim ents.
8. 1 P r im e r ja v a s s lo v e n s k im i n a jd iš č i

Prim erjavo m ed dom ačim i najdišči (razpredelnica 8.1) 8. 1 C o m p a ris o n w ith S lo v e n e S ite s
otežuje uporaba različnih terensko-laboratorijskih m e­
tod: nepresejanje usedlin z najdbam i (Breg), suho se­ C om parison am ong Slovene sites (Table 8.1) is m ade
janje na situ s prem erom odprtin 5 mm (Pod Č rm ukljo) difficult by the use o f various fieldwork and laboratory
in m okro sejanje na situ s prem erom odprtin 0,5 mm m ethods: unsieved sedim ents with finds (Breg), dry sie­
(M . Triglavca) in 1 mm (Viktorjev spodm ol). ving on sieves with 5 mm diam eter holes (Pod Č rm ukljo)
and wet sieving on sieves with 0.5 mm (M . Triglavca)
Razmerje med izdelki in odpadki je od najdišča do naj­ and 1 mm (Viktorjev spodm ol) diam eter holes.
dišča zelo različno, kar je nedvom no povezano s teren-
sko-laboratorijsko m etodo in z natančnostjo, s katero se The ratio between products and debris is very different
je ta izvajala. O tem ni sm iselno izgubljati besed, ker je from site to site, w hich is undoubtedly co nnected with
to ja sn o razvidno na podlagi obeh vzorcev iz V iktorje­ fieldwork and laboratory m ethods and with the accura­
vega spodm ola (glej Turk, ta zbornik). Viktorjeva sonda cy with which these are carried out. It is not w orth was­
je bila pregledana bistveno manj natančno kot izkop po ting w ords on this, since it is clearly evident on the basis
režnjih. o f the two sam ples from Viktorjev spodm ol (see Turk,

Razpredelnica 8.1: Kvantitativno-kvalitativna primerjava med slovenskimi mezolitskimi najdišči in Viktorjevim spodmolom (V. s.).
Table 8.1: Quantitative and qualitative comparison between Slovene Mesolithic sites and Viktorjev spodmol (V. s.)

Na jdišče, blok, reženj Opredelitev Odpadki Izdelki Jedra Praskala Sovt. konice Vir
Site, block, spil Phase Debris Tools Cores Endscrapers Sauvt. points Source

K a s te ln o v je n
B r e g (8 m ’) 2525 148 12 61 0 (1 ) F r e lih 1 9 8 6 ( T u r k )
C a s te ln o v ia n
K a s te ln o v je n
P o d Č r m u k l jo (2 m 1) 2750 298 25 8 0 B ro d a r 199 2 (T u rk )
C a s te ln o v ia n
K a s te ln o v je n
M . T r i g la v c a (1 ,5 m 3) 21 8 0 9 274 65 35 17 T u rk
C a s te ln o v ia n
V .s . s o n d a (2 m 3) K a s te ln o v je n ?
2550 107 30 11 12
V .s . te s t tr e n c h (2 m 3) C a s te ln o v ia n ?
V .s. r e ž n ji 1 - 1 9 (0 ,3 m 3) K a s te ln o v je n ?
10 158 89 14 2 5
V .s. s p its 1 - 1 9 ( 0 ,3 m 3) C a s te ln o v ia n ?

N a d a lje v a n je c o n tin u a tio n

Najdišče, blok, reženj Opredelitev Trikotniki Segmenti Trapezi Vir
Site, block, spit Phase Triangles Segments Trapezes Source
K a s te ln o v je n
B r e g (8 m 3) 0 4 (2 ) 12 0 F re lih 1 9 8 6 ( T u r k )
C a s te ln o v ia n
K a s te ln o v je n
P o d Č r m u k l jo (2 m 3) 10 0 8 (13) ? (1 6 ) B ro d a r 199 2 (T u rk )
C a s te ln o v ia n
K a s te ln o v je n
M . T r i g la v c a (1 ,5 m 3) 45 2? 38 68 T u rk
C a s te ln o v ia n
V .s . s o n d a (2 m 3) K a s te ln o v je n ?
22 0 1 9
V .s. te s t tre n c h (2 m 3) C a s te ln o v ia n ?
V .s. r e ž n ji 1 - 1 9 (0 ,3 m 3) K a s te ln o v je n ?
15 0 3 5
V .s . s p its 1 - 1 9 (0 ,3 n r ’) C a s te ln o v ia n ?
T r ik o tn ik i z d r u ž u j e jo d v a tip a o r o d ij: k lin ic e s h r b to m in p r e č n o r e tu š o te r tr ik o tn ik e .
P ri s o v te r s k ih k o n ic a h s o s k o r a j iz k lju č n o ta k š n e , ki im a jo d v o je n h r b e t, p o m a k n je n d a le č p r o ti s r e d in i k lin ic e .
P ri tr ik o tn ik ih p r e v l a d u je j o r a z n o s tra n ič n i n a d e n a k o k r a k im i v r a z m e r ju 2 2 : 1 v M . T r ig la v c i in 36 :1 v V ik to r j e v e m s p o d m o lu .
C a te g o r y tr ia n g le s in c lu d e s tru n c a te d b a c k e d b la d le ts a n d tria n g le s .
C a t e g o r y s a u v e le r r ia n p o in ts in c lu d e s a lm o s t e x c lu s iv e l y d o u b le b a c k e d p o in ts w ith d e e p a b r u p t re to u c h .
T r i a n g le s a r e m o s tly s c a le n e a n d s c a l e n e - is o c e le r a tio is 2 2 :1 in M .T r ig la v c a a n d 3 6 : 1 in V ik to r je v s p o d m o l.
V endar se vpliv m etode na variabilnost arheološ­ this volum e). V iktor’s test trench was exam ined essenti­
kih sestavov običajno ne upošteva. Lep prim er takšnega ally less carefully th an the excavation by spits.
ravnanja je ‘konstruiranje’ m ezolitskih skupin na Balka­ However, the influence o f the m ethod on the varia­
nu in o d n o so v z d ru g im i m e z o litsk im i sk u p in a m i bility o f the archaeological com ponents is not norm ally
(Kozlowski, Kozlowski 1983). Navedel bi lahko še vrsto taken into account. A good exam ple o f such behaviour
podobnih primerov, saj je to splošna arheološka praksa. is “constructing" M esolithic groups in the Balkans and
Pri večjih izdelkih (praskala, trapezi) in odpadkih their relations with o th er M esolithic groups (Kozlowski,
(jedra, m ikro vbadala) razlike med najdišči niso toliko Kozlowski 1983). A series o f sim ilar exam ples could be
povezane z m etodam i terenskega dela kot s preteklo tra­ cited, since this is general archaeological practice.
dicijo in posam eznim i preteklim i tradicionalnim i dejav­ W ith larger products (endscrapers, trapezes) and
nostm i. debris (cores, m icroburins), differences betw een sites
Praskala, jedra in mikro vbadala so povezana z raz­ are n o t so m uch connected with m ethods o f fieldwork
ličnimi dejavnostm i in njihovo intenzivnostjo. as with past tradition and individual past traditional ac­
Trapezi (predvsem izdelani z m ikrovbadalno teh­ tivities.
niko) so zelo verjetno del kastelnovjenske tradicije, saj Endscrapers, cores and microburins are connected
jih sovterjen skoraj ne pozna. To je stratigrafsko in/ali with various activities and th eir intensities.
kronom etrično potrjeno na več najdiščih v Italiji in dru ­ Trapezes (m ainly m ade with m icroburin technique)
gje. Trapezi so tako edini zanesljivi razpoznavni znak are very probably part o f the C astelnovian tradition, since
kastelnovjena (glej Broglio 1984, 311; Spataro 2002, 21). they are alm ost unknow n in the Sauveterrian. T his is
Pojavili naj bi se na prelom u 9. in 8. tisočletja pred se­ stratig rap h ically or ch ro n o m etrically co n firm ed in a
danjostjo (B P) na obm očju od severne Afrike do sred­ num ber o f sites in Italy and elsewhere. T rapezes are thus
nje Evrope (L ö h r 1994, 20), v severni Italiji pa med 7800 the only reliable m ark o f recognition o f the C astelnovi­
in 7500 BP (Broglio 1984, 287) ozirom a okoli 8000 BP an (see Broglio 1984, 311; S pataro 2002, 21). They are
(Kozlowski, D alm eri 2000, 13). thought to have appeared at th e tu rn o f the 9th and 8th
Seveda lahko podvom im o m etodologiji, na podla­ m illennium BP over an area from n o rth ern Africa to
gi katere so bili narejeni takšni sklepi. Pri tem mislim na C entral Europe (L ö h r 1994, 20), and in n o rth ern Italy
povezovanje tipologije in kronom etrije, ki je sicer nuj­ between 7800 in 7500 BP (Broglio 1984, 287) o r aro­
no, vendar ne bi sm elo biti krožno, temveč speljano na und 8000 BP (Kozlowski, Dalm eri 2000, 13).
drugačen, bolj objektiven način, tj. temeljiti bi m oralo We can, o f course, suspect the m ethodology by
na konvergenci rezultatov analiz več različnih, med se­ which such conclusions were reached. I am thinking here
boj nepovezanih podatkov (glej Turk 2003). D rugače o f connecting the typology and chronom etry, w hich is
povedano, analizirani podatki se ne sm ejo podvajati, da necessary but should n ot be rounded but draw n in a
tudi tako ne pride do krožnega argum entiranja. Pom em b­ different, m ore objective m anner, i.e., it should be ba­
no je tudi, da se prim erja izsledke več kot dveh povsem sed on convergences o f results o f analysis o f a num ber
različnih metod. o f different, mutually unconnected data (see Turk 2003).
Zanim ivo je razm erje med trapezi (izdelki) in mik­ Put an o th er way, analysed data should not be redundant,
ro vbadali (odpadki), ki so nastali pri izdelavi trapezov. so th at it does not thus achieve a circular argum ent. It is
Običajno je odpadkov precej več kot izdelkov. Z ato me also im p o rtan t th at the results o f m ore than two com ­
preseneča, da na Bregu poleg trapezov ni bilo najdeno pletely different m ethods are com pared.
nobeno mikro vbadalo. To si lahko razlagam s tem, da The ratio between trapezes (p ro d u cts) and m icro­
najdeni trapezi niso bili izdelani na mestu najdbe, am pak burins (debris) th at were created in the m anufacture o f
drugje, ali da trapezi niso bili narejeni s pomočjo, mik- trapezes is also interesting. T here is norm ally consid­
rovbadalne tehnike. Slednje je bolj verjetno kot prvo, saj erably m ore debris than products. It therefore surprises
noben trapez nim a trorobega trna, značilnega za mikrov­ me th at in Breg, in addition to trapezes, no m icro burins
badalno tehniko. Izjema je en sam fragm ent trapeza iz were found. This could be explained by the fact th a t the
plasti 1-2 in m orda še en trapez iz teh plasti, ki ima retu- trapezes were not m ade at the place o f the finds, but
širan dom nevni trorobi trn (Frelih 1986, t. 1.4; 2: 9). elsew here, or th a t the trapezes were not m ade with the
Kastelnovjenska tradicija trapezov je najm očnejša aid o f a m icroburin technique. T he latter is m ore proba­
v M. Triglavci (glej Turk el al., ta zbornik) in najšibkejša ble than the form er, since none o f the trapezes have a
v Viktorjevem spodm olu. piquant-triedre, typical o f the m icroburin technique. The
Ra/.likc v mikrolitskih orodjih (dvojne konice z dve­ only exception is a fragm ent o f trapeze from layers 1-2
ma hrbtom a, trikotniki, segm enti) med najdišči so pove­ and perhaps a trapeze from these layers w hich has a
zane predvsem z različnim i terensko-laboratorijskim i retouched piquant-triedre (Frelih 1986, Plate I. 4; 2: 9).
m etodam i in z natančnostjo izvajanja teh m etod, v pri­ The C astelnovian tradition o f trapezes is strongest
merih ko gre za isto m etodo. Z ato se jih ne upam pove­ in M. Triglavca (see Turk et al., this volum e) and wea­
zati z določeno preteklo tradicijo. Edino gotovo pa je. kest in V iktorjev spodm ol.
da so segm enti z večine dom ačih mezolitskih najdišč D ifferences in microlithic tools (double-backed bi­
redki. V tem p o g le d u je nerazum ljivo odstopanje Brega points, triangles, segm ents) betw een sites are mainly
od drugih najdišč. N asploh je Breg problem atično naj­ co nnected with different fieldwork and laboratory m et­
dišče, ki kliče po novih raziskavah. To je edino radiom e- hods, and the accuracy with which these m ethods were
trično opredeljeno mezolitsko najdišče v Sloveniji. Nje­ im plem ented in cases when the sam e m ethod was used.
gova l4C starost (6830 ±150 BP (P ohar 1984, 19; Frelih I do not therefore hope to co n n ect them with a specific
1986, 31) oz. 6490 ±150 BP (Frelih 1985) se ne ujema s past tradition. T he only certainty is th at segm ents from
paleobotanično oceno starosti (P ohar 1984, Frelih 1986) the m ajority o f local M esolithic sites are rare. From this
in z arheološkim inventarjem . point o f view, the deviation o f Breg from o th er sites is
Radionietrično določanje starosti zasluži nekaj kri­ incom prehensible. Breg is in general a problem atic site
tičnih pripom b (glej tudi Turk, ta zbornik). w hich calls for new research. This is th e only radiom e-
V tuji literaturi se za Breg stalno navaja napačnotrically defined M esolithic site in Slovenia. Its l4C age
preraču nana l4C letnica iz koledarske letnice BC (po (6830 ±150 BP (P o h ar 1984, 19; Frelih 1986, 31) or.
novejšem dogovoru BCE nam esto BC), kot jo je objavil 6490 ±150 BI’ (Frelih 1985) does not conform to the
Frelih ( 1986, 31, 35) v l4C letnico BP kot jo podajajo V. palaeobotanical assessm ent o f age (P o h ar 1984, Frelih
Pohar (1984) brez vsake oznake BP ali BC, D. Josipo- 1986) and the archaeological inventory.
vič (1992) in sedaj Turk, oba z oznako BP. Ta napačna Radiomctricall.v determined age deserves som e cri­
letnica je 6630 ±150 BP (M üller 1994, 351; M lekuž 2001; tical com m ents (see also Turk, this volume).
Spataro 2002, 20). In the foreign literature, a wrongly calculated l4C
Če je najdišče resnično tako mlado, im a dosti pre­ date from the calendar date BC (by new agreem ent BCE
m alo trapezov. M. Triglavca, kjer se nedvom no stikajo instead o f BC) is constantly cited for Breg, as published
mezolitske in neolitske plasti, ima npr. bistveno več tra­ by Frelih (1986, 31, 35) in l4C date BP as given by V.
pezov in tudi niikro vbadal, v kolikor ne gre za um etno Pohar (1984) w ithout any kind o f sign BP or BC, D.
ustvarjeno m ešanico m ezolitske in neolitske tradicije. Josipovič (1992) and now Turk, both with the sign BP.
E nako velja za italijanska najdišča iz približno istega This wrong date is 6630 ±150 BP (M üller 1994, 351;
kronološkega odseka. M lekuž 2001; S pataro 2002, 20).
N adaljnja še neobjavljena izkopavanja na novi lo­ If the site is really th at recent, it has considerably
kaciji na Bregu, ki jih je vodil M. Budja, so dala za spod­ too few trapezes. M. Triglavca, where there is undoubted­
nji del m ezolitskega horizonta, ki se nahaja 0,5 m pod ly co n tact between M esolithic and N eolithic layers, has
glavnino kastelnovjenskih najdb in keramike, 14C sta-rost for example, m ore trapezes and also m icroburins, inso­
9180 ±50 BP (M lekuž 2001, 47, sl. 4). Nova datacija in far as it is not an artificially created mixed M esolithic
nov profil sta pokazale na težave, ki jih povzročata l4C and N eolithic tradition. T he sam e applies to Italian si-
kronom etrija in koreliranje najdb v prostoru. Sam me­ tes-from approxim ately the sam e chronological section.
nim, da je prva l4C letnica Brega (6830 BP) bistveno F u rth erm o re, as yet unpublished excavations at a
pom lajena in kot takšna nepravilna. N a podlagi te letni­ new location in Breg, lead by M. Budja, gave for the
ce je lahko Breg uvrščen v čas prehoda iz m ezolitika v lower part a l4C age o f 9180 ±50 BP (M lekuž 2001, 47,
neolitik, čas t. i. neolitizacije na obm očju celotne Jad ran ­ Fig. 4). T he new dating and new profile have shown the
ske obale, s Tržaškim krasom vred (glej Im prota, Pes- difficulties w hich l4C ch ronom etry and correlating finds
sina 1998-1999). V endar so odnosi med poznim mezo- in the space cause. I m yself believe th a t the first l4C date
litikom in zgodnjim neolitikom v za nas zanimivem ob­ o f Breg (6830 BP) is essentially too recent and as such
m očju severovzhodne Italije precej nejasni (prav tam ), incorrect. On the basis o f this dating, Breg can be pla­
za kar je po m ojem treba iskati vzrok predvsem v neza­ ced at the transition from the M esolithic to the N eo­
nesljivosti radiom etričnih datum ov in v popolnom a ne­ lithic, a tim e o f neolithisation in the area o f the entire
kritičnem enačenju arheologije in kronom etrije (arheo­ A driatic coast, including the Triestine K arst (see Im­
loških in kronom etričnih podatkov). Večini arheologom , prota, Pessina 1998-1999). However, Ihe relations bet­
pa tudi drugim se zdi, d a je kronom etrija tren u tn o edina ween the late M esolithic and the early N eolithic in the
zanesljiva in vsem ogočna kronološka m etoda, kar pa še for us interesting area o f n o rth east Italy are fairly uncle­
zdaleč ni res. ar (ibid), for which in my opinion it is necessary to seek
Ihe reasons mainly in unreliable radiom etric dating and
a com pletely uncritical eq u atin g o f archaeology and
8.2 P rimerjava z italijanskimi na jdišči ch ro n o m etry (archaeological and chronom etrical data).
To the m ajority o f archaeologists, and it appears to o th­
Prim erjava Viktorjevega spodm ola z bližnjimi najdišči ers, too, ch ro n o m etry is currently the only reliable and
Tržaškega krasa in z bolj oddaljenim referenčnim naj­ o m n ip o ten t chronological m ethod, w hich is far from
diščem R om agnano III (razpredelnica 8.2 in 8.3) je lažja being true.
zaradi podobnih terenskih m etod (m okro sejanje na si-
tih s prem erom luknjic 1 m m ). O težujejo jo edino razli­ 8 . 2 C o m p a r i s o n w i t h It a l i a n S i t e s
ke v površinah in prostorninah raziskanih sedimentov.
Kako raziskana površina in volum en sedim entov A com parison o f Viktorjev spodm ol with nearby sites
vplivata na razm erja med posam eznim i sklopi najdb je on the T riestine K arst and with the m ore distant refe­
razvidno na prim eru Pečine na Leskovcu - G. Azzurra rence site R om agnano 111 (Table 8.2 and 8.3) is easier
(razpredelnica 8.2). A naliza podatkov iz tega najdišča because o f sim ilar fieldwork m ethods (w et sieving on
je lahko problem atična zaradi velikega vpada plasti, ki sieves with diam eter o f hole o f 1 mm). It is only m ade
je na površini 1 m 2 sicer nepom em ben, pridobi pa velja­ difficult by differences in the areas and volum es o f the
vo na večji površini (glej C rem onesi el al. 1984, sl. 2). sedim ents examined.
Žal ni jasno, ali je A. C iccone (1992) v svoji analizi ce­ How the exam ined area and volume o f sedim ents
lotnega m ezolitskega gradiva po (m enda vodoravnih) affect the ratio between individual groups o f finds is cle­
režnjih upoštevala vpad plasti in če g a je , kako je to sto­ ar in the case o f Pečina na Leskovcu - G. Azzurra (Table
rila (za rešitev podobnega vprašanja glej Turk 2003). 8.2). Analysis o f the d ata from this site can be proble­
Razlike v razmerju med odpadki in izdelki med naj­ m atic because o f the large inclination o f layers, w hich is
dišči so predvsem posledica natančnosti pri izvajanju u n im p o rtan t on an area o f I m 2, but gains validity on a
terensko-laboratorijske m etode (npr. tega, ali je bila pri larger area (see C rem onesi et al. 1984, Fig. 2). U nfortu­
pregledovanju spranih sedim entov uporabljena lupa ali nately, it is not clear w hether A. C iccone (1992), in her
ne). analysis o f the entire M esolithic m aterial by (probably
Razlike med večjimi izdelki in odpadki med najdišči h orizontal) spits took into account the dip o f layers and
so skoraj izključno povezane s preteklo tradicijo in z if she did, how it was done (for the solution o f a sim ilar
različno m očnim i preteklim i dejavnostm i na posam ez­ question see Turk 2003).
nem najdišču (sl. 8.2). Differences in the ratios between debris and products
Trapezi so tako evidentno del kastelnovjenske tra­ betw een sites are mainly the result o f accuracy in the
dicije in njen razpoznavni znak (Broglio 1984, 311). To im plem entation o f fieldwork and laboratory m ethods
pom eni, da je en sam trapez lahko odločilen za opre­ (e.g., w hether a magnifying glass was used or not in ex­
delitev najdišča. am ining washed sedim ents).
V Viktorjevem spodm olu so redki trapezi v treh Differences between larger products and debris bet­
nivojih (režnjih), večina mikro vbadal pa je nad njimi. ween sites are alm ost exclusively connected with past
Č e sledim aktualnim tipološko-kronološkim shem am , ni tradition and with different strong past activities at an
dvoma, da je v Viktorjevem spodm olu prisoten kastel- individual site (Fig. 8.2).
novjen. Seveda se lahko vprašam , kakšni izdelki so bili Trapezes are thus evidently p art o f the Castelnovi-
narejeni v drugih najdiščih na podlagi redkih mikro vba­ an tradition and diagnostic o f it (Broglio 1984, 311).
dal v sovterjenu in celo epigravetjenu (npr. v Pečini pri T his m eans th a t a single trapeze can be decisive in clas­
Bjarču in v Riparu Tagliente), ki naj bi bil popolnom a sifying the site.
brez trapezov. O dgovor je znan: trikotniki, segm enti ipd. In V iktorjev sp o d m o l, trap e ze s on th ree levels
(sp its) are rare, and th e m ajority o f m icroburins are
above them . If 1 trace the actual typological and chro­
7500 i nological schem e, there is no d oubt th a t C astelnovian
is present in Viktorjev spodm ol. I can o f course ask w hat
j ? 2500 kind o f products were m ade at o th er sites, on the basis
O o f occasional m icroburins in the Sauveterrian and even
Epigravettian (e.g., in Pečina pri Bjarču or in Riparo
Tagliente), w hich are supposed to be com pletely w ithout
4č 33 2 5 0 trapezes. T he answ er is known: triangles, segm ents etc.
«n £ However, it is known th at the num ber o f m icroburins
increases m ainly proportionately to the num ber o f tra­
§ 75 |46%1 j pezes and falls in inverse proportion to the num ber of
° 50
triangles. T he question o f the m icroburin technique is
* E ä O dpadki
D e b ris
especially pressing if m icroburins from various periods
t i Iz d e lk i
T o o ls
do not differ am ong themselves.
I ■ I Jed ra
The possibility th at in distinguishing Sauveterrian
V i k to r je v s p o d m o l ( 0 ,3 m ’) R ip a ro ( ia b a n ( 0 ,7 m J) C o re s
G r o tta A z z u rr a ( 0 ,2 m 3)
from C astelnovian we are tu rning in the circle o f chro-
S/. 8.2: Razmerje med odpadki, jedri in izdelki v različnih nom etry and archaeological typology in my view can­
mezolitskih najdiščih. not be excluded, so I will discuss this further. In order
Fig. 8.2: Ratio between debris, cores and tools in various to break th e circle, we would have to replace the sim pli­
Mesolithic sites. fied m ethod o f connecting archaeological typology with
Razpredelnica 8.2: Kvantitativno-kvalitativna primerjava med Pečino na Leskovcu - Grotta Azzurra (G. A.) in Viktorjevim spodmolom (V. s.).
Table 8.2: Quantitative and qualitative comparison between Pečina na Leskovcu - Grotta Azzurra (G. A.) and Viktorjev spodmol (V. s.).

2 -
Sovt. Mikro-

pj ° X
S :=, -ö
Najdišče, blok. reženj Opredelitev Odpadki Izdelki Jedra Praskala konice Trikotniki Segmenti Trapezi vbadala Vir

1 oE J

u „

ca > «u -r;

o & ca> rfS


J a>
Site, block, spit Phase Debris Tools Cores Endscrapers Sauv. Triangles Segments Trapezes Micro
points 1 burins

^ •2 E

o </) >.O


G. A. režnji 1—4 (0,2 m ’) K a s te l n o v je n ?



C re m o n e s i 1984

35 22 et al.

4284 50


— r~

G. A. spits 1-4 (0,2 m 3) C a s te ln o v ia n ?

_ —

-o p
° 'S o
cd -r"
V. s. režn ji 1 -1 9 (0 ,3 m 3) K a s te l n o v je n ? 68



V. s. spits 1-19 (0,3 m 3) C a s te ln o v ia n ?
T u rk


K a s te l n o v je n ?

V. s. sonda (2 m 3)



2550 1 07

c °- o
u w e

V. s. test trench (2 m 3) C a s te ln o v ia n ?
v-u iz

«u ■§ 7*
ö <u

p o g o s ta

G. A. režn ji 1 -4 . (0,7 m 3) K a s te l n o v je n ? 01

C iccone 1992

1197 53 60 1 69
freq u en t
EU ^s

G. A. spits l ^ t . (0,7 m 3) C a s te ln o v ia n ?
E 'E

°- s

G. A. režn ji 5-17 (0,8 m 3) S o v te r je n
o D

49 C re m o n e s i et al. 1 9 8 4


7417 263
G. A. spits 5-17 (0,8 m 3) S a u v e t e r r ia n
'C S C sz

G. A. režn ji 5-17 (2,1 m 3) S o v te r je n re d k a


935 64 48 156 C iccone 1992

G. A. spits 5-17 ( 2 ,1 ,m 3) S a u v e t e r r ia n ra r e
o — -a

^ S

G. A. režn ji 1-17 (1,0 m 3)
cd :z r 5 c

a> n

C re m o n e s i 1984
> o £ o <U 3

et al.
>J 'S

84 25
C •=

3 (4 ? )
N .2
3 >a

11701 423 16 9 38
«“* O

G. A. spits 1-17 (1,0 m 3)


G. A. režn ji 1-17 (2,8 m ')


41601 2132 380 108 325 135 C iccone 1992
G. A. spits 1-17 (2,8 m 3)
> 1 1
X) C E S ”

S x E

rt <D — > z
£ O
2 H
u oo

G. A. reženj 4 (1 m 2) K a s te l n o v je n ?



C re m o n e s i

22 et al. 1 9 8 4

G. A. spit 4 (1 m : ) C a s te ln o v ia n ?
^a> eE .S


K a s te l n o v je n ?

G. A. reženj 4 (3,5 m 2)

C iccone 1992




c B

C a s te ln o v ia n ?

G. A. spit 4 (3,5 m 2)

K a s te l n o v je n ?

V. s. reženj 16 (0,4 m 2)
'i ? w </) (U =J c O


T u rk


•g » gc äo
OJ *uT* 'o 3
.ti o cx ‘55 ž U
o > •ti rt

V. s. spit 16 (0,4 m 2) C a s te ln o v ia n ?
s C



S o v te r je n
t- 73

e p G. A. reženj 7 (1 m 2)



C re m o n e s i 1984

1056 38 et al.
a» i


G. A. spit 7 (1 m 2) S a u v e t e r r ia n


S o v te i je n

G. A. reženj 7 (3,5 m 2)


& .



C iccone 1992


o ^

G .A . spit 7 (3,5 m 2) S a u v e t e r r ia n
"O C (fi TD ^ k



"o °

u ‘C c


V. s. reženj 16 (0,4 m 2) K a s te l n o v je n ?


00 > ,

T u rk


V. s. spit 16 (0,4 m 2) C a s te ln o v ia n ?

C "O Tt/1

cd 00 TD


-u _

G. A. reženj 9 (1 m 2) S o v te r je n
u (3



C cD ^<u

947 45 23
(N C re m o n e s i et al. 1984
G. A. spit 9 (1 m 2) S a u v e t e r r ia n
^ «- .E £ rt

hn1) —

S o v te r je n

G. A. reženj 9 (3,5 m 2)




C iccone 1992


<u rt r» bij

G. A. spit 9 (3,5 m 2) S a u v e t e r r ia n
c 1/1

S >* <u

i- <U ^

V. s. reženj 16 (0,4 m 2) K a s te l n o v je n ?

i- C ^ J ž cd ^_

T u rk
rt 7 3 7 -;
o .E

(—< cd —<

!m C ON

V. s. spit 16 (0,4 m 2) C a s te ln o v ia n ?
in V ik to rjev s p o d m o l.
£ o *«o/S ■-ZD
O oi c
^ 1/1 .b
u zz Cl a> _oj

Kozlowski, Dalmeri 2000

.9* 3 C

Broglio. Kozlowski 1983

Broglio. Kozlowski 1983
3 •— O rt O. —w ^> "°

Boschian. Pitti 1984

JO . 2
■S S E(/)«c*-;_ .ü « - « <“* */> rt
Q T3 X3 o = - 1 rt
T' SOJ i2 u- 15 — C _. C oo
,1 rt
u ~<u ^ .c2 «U
rt <U

^ u-
— o. _<u -a oo T3 ^ </j

.£• c '51 c 15
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. JI
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- r5 t i?
E S o o -g oj J= ^ ^
C . t/5
S os > r-, t/Jsc “- 2fe
£ > Jä S -S .2 5 u
Trapezi vbadala


’W ^

Trapezes Micro

763 O' t/~, 00 <N OT o cc J9!
a.' :°
rt* J/J *Ü c ^
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C/3 C/3
^ N
CM •—
> _ rt
X) o :
■a n rt o . —
c ■a w
konice Trikotniki
Sauv. Triangles

§ £ O rt • b
S g* O a> — •l_e nW (U


55 fN


2 « u. O 3 C -
5 "o c o. nl _ gU ^ S ««
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o- rt .rt





</> g

C^* C“•
1 Ü 2(/3 S
o rt o
c 00 o 4
:=. - öo rt
Starejši kastelnovjen

Middle Sauvelerrian
R. Ill layers AC3-AC 9 (?5 rn'l Middle Sauvelerrian

Mlajši kastelnovjen
Early Castelnovian

Late Castelnovian

Srednji sovterjen
Srednji sovterjen

1/5 E




■o •- 0 C 22

£ cm r.C O' <


« c
•■/) u -- t:

c E *H 2 'E*
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1 'i? o. p n m
E *>
o M i00? I-S■—
T3 a °
o "
1 sD. •& T3 rt
R. Ill plasti AC3-AC 9 (?5 nv’)

rt (U 'C
1 1 .1
Najdišče, blok. plast, reženj

R. Gaban plast FA (0.7 m 1)

R. Gaban layer FA (0.7 nr)

•- — C
R. Gaban layer E (1.3 m’)
R. Gaban plast E (1,3 m1)

.2 a) rt
G. E. režnji 6-12 (2,7 nr)
V. s. režnji 1-19 (0,3 nr')

G. E. spits 6-12 (2,7 m3)

V. s. spits 1-19 (0,3 m3)

i: != >
R. Ill plast AC7 (6 m:)
V. s. test trench (2 nv )

V. s. reženj 16 (0.4 nr)

R III layer AC7 (6 nr)
Site, block, layer, spit

V. s. spit 16 (0,4 nr)

•2 'S S.
G. E. reženj 9 (3 nr)

rt > 4X> •
V. s. sonda (2 m1)

G. E. spit 9 (3 nr)

— —
00 c . C « C. ■
rt — o , __ j j r ^ , rt ^ 00
rt 1 ° 5 1 .i “
00 — O >3
E r3 ^rt 5 f S. 7 E ~ C
.. o 0 c c s .2 ^ r-I
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i: —
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V e n d a r je z n a n o , d a š te v ilo m ik ro v b a d a l n a r a š č a ch ro n o m e try w ith a m o re co m p lete m e th o d o f linking

p red vsem p re m o so ra z m e rn o s številom tra p e z o v in sites an d d ata.
up ad a o b ra tn o so ra z m e rn o s številom trikotnikov. V pra­ In view o f th e n u m b e r o f trap e ze s in th e earlier
šanje m ikrovbadalne tehnike je zlasti pereče, če se mik­ an d later C asteln o v ian levels o f th e site, R. G ab an (Ta­
ro vbadala iz različnih obdobij m ed seboj ne razlikujejo. ble 8.3), I w ould classify V iktorjev sp o d m o l in the ear-
M ožnost, da se pri razlikovanju sovterjena od kas- lier phase o f the C astelnovian, and M. Triglavca in its
telnovjena vrtim o v krogu kronom etrije in arheološke later phase, provided th at the trapezes in M. Triglavca
tipologije, po m ojem ni izključena, zato bom o tem še do not belong to the N eolithic layers, or the N eolithic.
razpravljal. D a bi krog presekali, bi m orali poenostav­ The num ber o f m icroburins, calculated by the num ber
ljen način povezovanja arheološke tipologije s kronom e- o f trapezes, conform s to such a classification.
trijo zam enjati z bolj dodelanim načinom za povezovan­ M icroliths are part o f the Sauveterrian and C astel­
je najdišč in podatkov. novian tradition and are crucial for establishing deve­
G lede na število trapezov v starejšem in mlajšem lopm ent trends o f the M esolithic inventory. T he already
kastelnovjenskem nivoju najdišča R. G aban (razpredel­ m entioned spatial variability undoubtedly influences the
nica 8.3) bi Viktorjev spodm ol lahko uvrstil v starejšo different ratios between individual types o f m icroliths
fazo kastelnovjena, M. Triglavco pa v njegovo mlajšo between sites. We will not therefore go further here. W hat
fazo pod pogojem, da trapezi v M. Triglavci ne pripada­ the role is o f segm ents and isosceles triangles, which
jo neolitski plasti oz. neolitiku. S takšno um estitvijo se greatly p red om inate in Sauveterrian layers o f th e Ro­
ujema tudi število mikro vbadal, preračunano na število m agnano III site, would be difficult to judge on the ba­
trapezov. sis o f one or two sites, only. It would be understandable
M ikroliti so del sovterjenske in kastelnovjenske tra­ if isosceles triangles gradually transform ed into scalene
dicije in so ključni za ugotavljanje razvojnih trendov triangles or the reverse, but it is not so (see Barbaza et
m ezolitskih inventarjev. N a različna razm erja med po­ al. 1991, 224). O n the o ther hand, it appears th at towards
sam eznim i tipi mikrolitov med najdišči nedvom no vpli­ the end o f th e M esolithic, isosceles triangles com ple­
va že om enjena prostorska variabilnost. Z ato tukaj ne tely disappear (Broglio, Kozlowski 1983, Fig. 32; Bar­
pridem o daleč. K akšna je vloga segm entov in enakokra­ baza et al. 1991, 241, Fig. 2).
kih trikotnikov, ki m očno prevladujejo v sovterjenskih H y p erm ic ro lith s are a q u estio n in th em selv es,
plasteh najdišča R om agnano III, bi težko sodil sam o na w hich ap p ear in Italy m ainly in the later M esolithic
podlagi enega ali dveh najdišč. Razum ljivo bi bilo, če bi (C astelnovian), i.e., in the A tlantic period. In France,
enakokraki trikotniki sčasom a prešli v raznostranične hyperm icrolithisation o f segm ents (including asym m e­
ali obratno, vendar tem u ni tako (glej Barbaza er a/. 1991, tric ones rem iniscent o f triangles) is already ch aracte­
224). Po drugi strani pa kaže, da proti koncu m ezolitika ristic o f the Early M ontadien (M ontadien ancien), i.e.,
p o v se m iz g in e jo e n a k o k r a k i tr ik o tn ik i (B ro g lio , Dryas III period (Rozoy 1978b, Plate 68, 70) and also
Kozlowski 1983, sl. 32; Barbaza et al. 1991, 241, sl. 2). co n tin u es into the m iddle Sauveterrian (Sauveterrien
Vprašanje zase so hiperm ikroliti, ki se v Italiji pojav­ moyen), i.e., into the Borreal period (B arbaza et al 1991,
ljajo predvsem v m lajšem m ezolitiku (kastelnovjenu), 236, 240s, 251, figures).
tj. v atlantski dobi. V Franciji je hiperm ikrolitizacija seg­ Viktorjev spodm ol, as far as m icroliths are concer­
m entov (tudi asim etričnih, ki spom injajo na trikotnike) ned; differs in som e points o f view from Italian sites, if I
značilna že za starejši m ontadjen (M ontadien ancien), take into account the volume o f exam ined sedim ents. It
tj. drijas (dryas) III (Rozoy 1978b, t. 68, 70) in se na­ appears that il has slightly m ore double-backed bipoints,
daljuje tudi v srednjem sovterjenu (Sauveterrien move n), while Italian sites have more triangles. They include those
tj. v borealu (B arbaza et al 1991, 236, 240s, 251, slike). th a t are absent from Viktorjev spodm ol (e.g. type M ont­
V iktorjev spodm ol se, kar zadeva m ikrolite, v ne­ clus).
katerih pogledih razlikuje od italijanskih najdišč, če upoš­ For a suitable solution o f this and sim ilar questions
tevam p rostornino raziskanih sedimentov. Kaže, da ima we would first have to solve the question o f the relation
rahlo več dvojnih konic z dvem a hrbtom a, m edtem ko between time and space.
imajo italijanska najdišča več trikotnikov. Med njimi so If, for instance, we w anted to establish a reliable
tudi takšni, ki jih v Viktorjevem spodm olu ni (npr. tip ratio between points and triangles within sites and bet­
M ontclus). ween them , we would have to increase the investigated
Z a ustrezno rešitev takšnih in podobnih vprašanj area to the extent th at it exceeded the spatial variability
bi morali najprej rešiti vprašanje odnosa med časom in o f finds. Namely: things vary in space right up until they
prostorom. em brace the entire central area o f their distribution, or
Če bi hoteli ugotoviti npr. zanesljiva razm erja med put an o th er way, until a ‘steady sta te’ is achieved. W hen
konicam i in trikotniki v najdiščih in med njimi, bi m ora­ we also em brace the m arginal areas o f their distribu­
li povečati raziskano površino do mere, ko bi presegli tion, the variability reduces.
prostorsko variabilnost najdb. Nam reč: stvari variirajo All processes and things co nnected with m an, na­
v prostoru vse do tedaj, dokler ne zajam em o celotnega mely, have a specific distribution in space (and tim e)
osrednjega področja njihove razprostranjenosti ali dru­ and are concen trated som ew here; they have a centre or
gače povedano, dokler ne preidejo v ravnotežno stanje a num ber o f centres.
( ‘steady sta te ’). Ko zajam em o tudi obrobno področje So burned bone fragm ents are created in a hearth
razprostranjenosti, se variabilnost umiri. or hearths and are spread from there into space. W hen
Vsi procesi in stvari, ki so povezani s človekom, the space is increased, the num ber o f burned bone frag­
imajo nam reč določeno razprostranjenost v prostoru (in m ents exponentially (o r linearly or in som e other way)
času) in se nekje zgostijo; imajo svoj center ali več cent­ rises until I em brace the entire central p art o f th eir dist­
rov. ribution. W ith transition to the peripheral p art o f the
Tako so ožgani kostni drobci nastali v kurišču ali distribution, the curve flattens and achieves a steady state
kuriščih in se od tam razširili v prostor. Ko prostor po­ (Fig 8.1). From then on, the sample o f burned bone frag­
večujem, število ožganih kostnih drobcev eksponencial- m ents is spatially, and consequently chronologically,
no (ali linearno ali kako drugače) narašča, vse dokler ne representative. All differences connected with other spa­
zajamem vsega osrednjega dela njihove razprostranjenos­ tial representative sam ples would henceforth be mainly
ti. S prehodom na periferni del razprostranjenosti se krivul­ o f a chronological nature.
ja izravna in doseženo je ravnotežno stanje (sl. 8.1). Od The question o f development level, w hich seem s to
tod naprej je vzorec ožganih kostnih drobcev prostorsko me unsolved, is w hether th e finds from the T riestine
in posledično kronološko reprezentativen. Vse razlike, K arst and from V iktorjev spodm ol belong to the Castel-
povezane z drugimi prostorsko reprezentativnim i vzorci, novian or Sauveterrian, regardless o f possible l4C da­
bi bile odslej predvsem kronološke narave. ting (see also Turk, this volum e), w hich norm ally has a
Vprašanje razvojne stopnje, ki se mi ne zdi rešeno, decisive influence on the decision about the (develop­
je, ali pripadajo m ezolitske najdbe s Tržaškega krasa in m ental cultural) classification o f the finds.
iz Viktorjevega spodm ola kastelnovjenu ali sovterjenu, If I im itate Italian colleagues and com pare the finds
ne glede na m ožne l4C datacije (glej tudi Turk, ta zbor­ from th e aforem entioned sites with finds from layers
nik), ki običajno odločilno vplivajo na odločitev o (raz­ A C 9-A C 3 in Rom agnano III, w hich A. Broglio and J.
vojno kulturni) opredelitvi najdb. K. Kozlowski placed in th e m iddle Sauveterrian, I find
Č e posnem am italijanske kolege in prim erjam najd­ m ore im portant differences in the group o f m icroliths.
be iz om enjenih najdišč z najdbam i iz plasti A C 9-A C 3 In Rom agnano III there are essentially m ore segm ents
v R om agnanu III, ki sta jih A. Broglio in J. K.. Kozlowski and no trapezes, both in the block o f sedim ents and in
um estila v srednji sovterjen, ugotovim pom em bnejše th e richest spit (Table 8.3). T here is no difference in
razlike v skupini mikrolitov. V R om agnano III je bistve­ triangles except th at in R om agnano III isosceles speci­
no več segm entov in nič trapezov, in to tako v bloku m ens are considerably m ore com m on.
sedim entov kot v najbogatejšem režnju (razpredelnica In view o f the representation o f segm ents and tra­
8.3). Pri trikotnikih ni razlike razen te, da so v Romag­ pezes, it would be difficult to classify all the K arst sites
nanu III precej bolj pogosti enakokraki primerki. discussed into Sauveterrian o f the R om agnano III type.
Vsa obravnavana kraška najdišča bi glede na zas­ However, they could belong to a local variant or special
to p anost segm entov in trapezov težko uvrstil v sovter­ chronological phase o f the Sauveterrian, since on the
jen tipa R om agnano III. Vendar lahko pripadajo krajev­ basis o f occasional trapezes it is not possible unhesi-
ni različici ali posebni kronološki fazi sovterjena, saj jih tantly to classify them in the C astelnovian. A ccording
na podlagi redkih trapezov ni m ogoče brez pom isleka to claim s o f Italian colleagues, in addition to num erous
uvrstiti v kastelnovjen. Za kastelnovjen so po navedbah trapezes, more regular blades (e.g. M ontbani) and strong­
italijanskih kolegov poleg številnih trapezov značilne tudi er bone craftw ork than in the Sauveterrian are also cha­
pravilnejše kline (npr. M ontbani) in m očnejša koščena racteristic o f the Castelnovian.
o b rt kot v sovterjenu. All this is evident in M. Triglavca, in Breg and in
Vse to je razvidno v M. Triglavci, na Bregu in v the youngest layer o f Pečina pri Bjarču ( Riparo di Biar-
najmlajši plasti Pečine pri Bjarču. Tipično kastelnovjen- zo). G aban rocksheiter ( Riparo Gabun) in the T rento
sko najdišče, ki združuje vse te znčilnosti in bogato basin (Kozlowski, D alm eri 2000) is a typical C astelno­
um etnost v plasti nad sovterjenom pa je spodm ol Ga- vian site w hich unites all these charcteristics and rich
ban v Trentski kotlini (Kozlowski, D alm eri 2000). art in the layers above the Sauveterrian.
9 . O p r e d e l it e v n a j d b 9 . C l a s s if ic a t io n o f
iz V ik t o r je v e g a V ik t o r je v S p o d m o l
spodm ola

Iv an T urk

Pri opredelitvi najdišča je pom em bna njegova časovna In classifying a site, its tem poral and cultural technolo­
in kulturno tehnološka pripadnost. gical affiliation is im portant.
Pri časovni u m estitv i n ajd išč a je na voljo več W ith the chronological classification o f a site, va­
m ožnosti, od katerih nobena ni bolj zanesljiva od dru­ rious possibilities are available, o f w hich none is m ore
gih, je pa glede na okoliščine najprim ernejša za takšno reliable than another, but in relation to the circum stan­
um eščanje sam o ena Te m ožnosti nam ponujajo litolo- ces only on e is m ost suitable for such classification.
gija ozirom a sedim entologija, paleontologija, arheologi­ T hese possibilities are provided by lithology or sedimen-
ja in kronom etrija. tology, palaeontology, archaeology and chronom etry.
Z aradi okrnjenega profila, ki v časovnem interva­ Because o f the curtailed profile w hich, over a peri­
lu, dolgem več tisoč let (o tem ni dvom a na podlagi ar­ od o f tim e several thousand years long (th ere is no doubt
heoloških najdb), ponuja le slab m eter debele sedim en­ about this on the basis o f archaeological finds), only
te, so vse m ožnosti za tem eljito opredelitev najdišča rath er less than a m etre thick sedim ent is offered, all
om ejene na zelo splošne ugotovitve z m ajhno časovno the possibilities for a thorough classification o f the site
in drugo ločljivostjo. Stvar je še toliko bolj zapletena, are lim ited to very general findings with small ch ro n o ­
ker v bližnji okolici ni dobrega referenčnega najdišča za logical and o th er resolution. T he m atter is even more
vse naštete raziskovalne panoge skupaj, am pak kvečje­ com plicated because there is no good reference site in
m u za vsako posebej, pri čem er izstopata arheologija in the near vicinity for all the enum erated research bran­
kronom etrija. ches together, but at m ost for each individually, in which
Z a dobro referenčno najdišče je osnovni pogoj ve­ archaeology and ch ronom etry stand out.
lika gostota najdb in dobra časovna ločljivost, ki je po­ T he basic condition for a good reference point is a
vezana z debelino sedim entov (in hitrostjo sedim entaci­ high d ensity o f fin d s and good tem p o ral resolution,
je). Ta pogoj izpolnjujejo le redka najdišča, med kateri­ which is connected with the thickness o f sedim ents (and
mi je npr. precej oddaljeno najdišče R om agnano III, rate o f sedim entation). Only a few sites fulfil th at condi­
Trento, Italija (Broglio, Kozlowski 1983) z 8 m debeli­ tion, which include, e.g., the fairly distant sites o f Ro­
mi sedim enti, ki vsebujejo najdbe od vključno mezoliti- m agnano III, Trento, Italy (Broglio, Kozlowski 1983)
ka do železne dobe, in bližnje najdišče Podm ol pri Kas­ with 8 m thick sedim ents th at contain finds from M eso­
telcu (Turk et at. 1993) s 7 m debelim i sedim enti, ki lithic to Iron Age inclusive, and the nearer site o f Pod­
vsebujejo najdbe od vključno neolitika do srednjega veka. mol pri K astelcu (Turk et al. 1993) with 7 m thick sedi­
Vendar Podm ol ne izpolnjuje večine drugih pogojev, ki m ents, containing finds ranging from the N eolithic to
se nanašajo na analizo gradiva; Rom agnano III jih izpol­ the M iddle Ages. However, Podm ol does not m eet the
njuje, a ne v celoti, sploh pa ne v smislu, da bi imel ustrez­ m ajority o f o th er conditions relating to the analysis o f
no naravi kom pleksne kronološke problem atike izpelja­ m aterial; Rom agnano III fulfils them but not in entire­
ne analize (glej dalje in Turk 2003) in neodvisno prever­ ty, and not at all in the sense o f having had analyses
jen e izsledke različnih raziskav celotnega gradiva. perform ed ap p ro p riate to the natu re o f the com plex
Z ačasna terenska analiza sedimentov Viktorjevega chronological problem (see below and Turk 2003) and
spodm ola je pokazala, da sta v najdišču vsaj dva sedi- independently verified results o f different studies o f the
m entacijska dogodka, ki se ne ujem ata s plastm i, tako entire m aterial.
kot sem jih določil v profilu. Meja med obem a dogodko­ Prelim inary fieldwork analysis ol'sedim ents o f Vik­
m a je nekako na sredini plasti 2. Za sedim ente, ki pripa­ torjev spodm ol showed th at there had been at least two
dajo starejšem u dogodku, je značilna večja vsebnost sedim entation events at the site, w hich are n ot in con­
klastičnega m ateriala vseh velikosti (razpredelnica 5.1), form ity with the layers as I determ ined them in profile.
kar lahko povežem z m očnejšim preperevanjem in/ali The boundary between the two events is som ew here in
hitrostjo sedim entacije. Teh dveh dogodkov za zdaj ne the m iddle on layer 2. For sedim ents belonging to the
m orem argum entirano povezati s klimo. Več m ožnosti older event, a larger co n ten t o f clastic m aterial is cha-
za takšne povezave ponujata oba akum ulacijska horizo­ racteristic, o f all sizes (Table 5.1), which I could link with
nta: v spodnjem delu plasti 2 in v dnu plasti 3. Z njim a stronger weathering an d /o r higher rate o f sedim entation.
so povezane tudi prevleke sige na arheoloških najdbah, 1 cannot for the m om ent argue the connection o f these
predvsem na kam enih artefaktih, kar kaže na to, da so two events with climate. The accum ulation horizons of­
arheološke najdbe starejše od klime, v kateri so bili po­ fer m ore possibility for such a linkage: in the lower part
dani pogoji za izločanje sige v om ejenem obsegu. Seve­ o f layer 2 and on the bottom o f layer 3. The calcite coa­
da je nem ogoče ugotoviti, v kateri vlažni holocenski kli­ ting on archaeological finds are also connected with them,
m atski fazi je nastal posam ezen akum ulacijski horizont, mainly on stone artefacts, which indicates that the archa­
v kolikor oba horizonta sploh lahko povezujem s spre­ eological finds are older than a climate in which condi­
m em bo vlažnosti. tions were given for the precipitation o f calcite in a limi­
K ar zadeva paleontologijo, ugotavljam naslednje: ted extent. It is o f course impossible to establish in which
Analiza ostankov velikih sesalcev ne ponuja realnih dam p H olocene climatic phase an individual accum ula­
m ožnosti za sprem ljanje sprem em b v okolju in za pos­ tion horizon was created, insofar as two horizons can in
redno časovno um estitev najdišča: je pa pom em bna za general be connected with changes o f humidity.
opredelitev ekonom ije skupnosti, ki so živele v najdišču As far as palaeontology is co ncerned, I find the
(glej Toškan, Dirjec v tem zborniku). following:
Analiza ostankov majhnih sesalcev teoretično do­ Analysis of the remains o f large mammals does not
pušča m ožnost za sprem ljanje okoljskih sprem em b in offer real possibilities o f m onitoring changes in the en­
za posredno časovno um estitev najdišča (glej Toškan, vironm ent and for indirect chronological classification
K.ryštufek v tem zborniku). o f the site; but it is im p o rtan t for defining the econom y
B. Toškan (2002) je ugotovil zanesljive in velike o f the com m unities th a t lived at the site (see Toškan,
razlike med režnji 1-7 (vrh plasti 2, plast I in 2) in režnji Dirjec in this volume).
8 -1 9 (večinski del plasti 2 in plast 3), ki tem eljijo Analysis o f remains o f sm all mammals theoretically
predvsem na zastopanosti gozdnih vrst. Teh je v spod­ allows the o p p o rtu n ity o f m o n itoring environm ental
njem delu profila na splošno več kot v zgornjem delu. changes and indirect chronological classification o f the
Med njimi so tudi take, ki živijo izključno v listnatih site (see Toškan, Krystufek in this volum e).
gozdovih. V endar najdbe hrčka v režnju 11 (plast 2) in B. Toškan (2 0 0 2 ) established reliable and m ajor
18 (plast 3) kažejo tudi na m ožen obstoj stepe, najdbe differences betw een spits 1-7 (to p o f layer 2, layer 1
dinarske voluharice v režnju 15 in 18 (plast 3) pa na and 2) and spits 8 -1 9 (m ajority o f layer 2 and layer 3),
p riso tn o st kam nišč. Povečevanje travnih površin na w hich are based above all on the representation o f for­
račun gozdnih v zgornjem delu profila B. Toškan in B. est species. T here are in general m ore o f these in the
Kryštufek (ta zbornik) razlagata z vplivom človeka na lower part o f the profile than in the upper part. They
naravno okolje, ne pa s klim atskim i sprem em bam i. Na also include those th at live exclusively in deciduous fo­
podlagi ostankov malih sesalcev tako ni m ogoče zanes­ rests. However, finds o f grey ham ster in spit 11 (layer 2)
ljivo sklepati o sprem injanju klime, niti ni m ogoče naj­ and 18 (layer 3) also indicates the possible existence o f
dišča časovno umestiti. steppe, and finds o f M artin o ’s vole in spits 15 and 18 to
Analiza ostankov cktotcrmnih vretenčarjev dopušča the presence o f a stony environm ent. B. Kryštufek and
približno enake teoretične m ožnosti za sprem ljanje spre­ B. Toškan (this volum e) explain the increasing area of
m em b v okolju in za posredno časovno um estitev naj­ grassland at the expense o f forest in the upper p art of
dišča kot analiza ostankov malih sesalcev (glej Pauno­ the profile by the influence o f m an on the natural envi­
vič, ta zbornik). Precej zanesljiv paleoekološki kazalec ronm ent, and n ot clim atic changes. On th e basis o f the
so zelo številni ostanki slepca, ki ves čas odlaganja sedi­ rem ains o f small m am m als, it is thus not possible relia­
m entov kažejo na obstoj bližnjih vlažnih travnikov in bly to reach conclusions about clim atic changes, n o r is
gozda. Preostali ektoterm ni vretenčarji posredno doka­ it possible to place the site in time.
zujejo m ešanico različnih okolij v bližini najdišča: list­ Analysis o f the remains o f cctothcrma! vertebrates
natega gozda in zaplat o d prtih kam nišč ter vlažnih pre­ allows approxim ately the sam e theoretical possibilities
delov. o f m onitoring changes in the environm ent and indirect
Analiza ostankov mehkužcev za zdaj ni dala paleoe- chronological classification o f the site as analysis o f the
koloških in kronoloških rezultatov (glej Slapnik, ta zbor­ rem ains o f small m am m als (see Paunovič, this volum e).
nik) navkljub potencialu, ki naj bi ga te najdbe imele Very num erous rem ains o f slow-worms are a fairly reli­
(Ložek 1967). able palaeological indicator, w hich d em o n strate the ex­
Drugih paleontoloških najdb s pelodom na čelu, ki istence o f nearby dam p m eadow s and forest for the enti­
bi pripom ogle k opredelitvi najdišča, ni bilo ozirom a jih re tim e o f deposition o f sedim ents. Rem aining ectother-
nism o uspeli vzorčiti. mal vertebrates indirectly indicate a m ixture o f various
Izjem a so redki ostanki sem en in oglja, ki sm o jih environm ents in the vicinity o f the site: deciduous for­
zbrali pri sejanju sedim entov (glej Culiberg, ta zbornik). est and patches o f open stonefields and dam p areas.
V endar se je pozneje pokazalo, da so vsaj sem ena izk­ Analysis o f the remains o f m olluscs has not for the
ljučno novodobna in tako bistveno mlajša od plasti, v m om ent given any palaeoecological or chronological
katerih so bila najdena. To opozarja na m ožnost, da tudi results (see Slapnik, this volum e) despite the potential
druge drobne najdbe, razen artefaktov, niso vedno sočas­ th a t such finds could have (Ložek 1967).
ne s sedim entacijo. O ther palaeontological finds, above all o f pollen,
Arheološke najdbe so trenutno najprim ernejše za w hich could co ntribute to defining the site, have not
časovno in druge opredelitve najdišča, pri čem er je ča­ been sam pled, or we have not succeeded in sampling.
sovna opredelitev osnova za vsa nadaljnja sklepanja o O ccasional remains o f seeds and charcoal are an ex­
najdišču. ception, which we collected during the sieving o f the sedi­
Iz stratigrafskega pregleda vseh arheoloških najdb ments (see Culiberg, this volume). However, it later ap­
in najdb sam ih je razvidno, da sta v najdišču vsaj dve peared that at least the seeds are exclusively o f the new
časovno ločeni arheološki fazi: m ezolitska (spodnji del age and thus essentially m ore recent than the layers in
plasti 2 in plast 3) in poneolitska prazgodovinska (plast which they were found. This draws attention to the possi­
1 in zgornji del plasti 2). Fazi ni m ogoče stratigrafsko bility o f other small finds, too, except for artefacts, not
ostro razmejiti, saj so najdbe v obeh na določenem stra- always being contem porary with sedim entation.
tigrafskem odseku (režnji 6 -1 1 ) prem ešane. M ešanje Archaeological finds are currently the m ost suita­
najdb bi bilo lahko posledica zastoja ali vrzeli v sedi­ ble for chronological and o th er classification o f the site,
mentaciji, kar je pričakovati glede na m ajhno debelino w hereby chronological classification is the basis for all
sedim entov. Do tod je rezultat raziskave popolnom a further conclusions about the site.
zanesljiv. Od tod dalje pa je veliko negotovosti. From a S tra tig ra p h ie point o f view o f all th e archa­
G lede na številčnost in pestrost najdb je zanim iva eological finds and the finds themselves, it is clear that
predvsem m ezolitska faza, ki jo bom o z m orebitnim i there are at least two chronologically distinct archaeolo­
novimi izkopavanji, ki bodo povečala število najdb in gical phases: the Mesolithic (lower part o f layer 2 and
popestrila njihov izbor, m orda lahko razdelili na dve layer 3) and post-Neolithic prehistoric (layer 1 and upper
sam ostojni razvojni fazi (starejšo in mlajšo). part o f layer 2). It is not possible sharply to delineate the
V phases, since the finds in specific S tra tig ra p h ie sections
zvezi z m ezolitskim i najdbam i se postavlja vpra­
šanje, katerem u večjem u m ezolitskem u kom pleksu pri­ (spits 6-1 1 ) are mixed. T he mixture o f finds may be a
padajo. G lede na geografske, geom orfološke in ekološ­ result o f a halt or g a p in sedim entation, which is to be
ke povezave z ozem ljem bližnjega Tržaškega krasa, pri­ expected in view o f the small thickness o f the sediments.
de v poštev sam o kom pleks sovterjena - (sauvelerrien, To this point, the results o f research are com pletely reli­
starejši mezolitik) ali kastelnovjena - (castelnovien, mlajši able. From here on, there is great uncertainty.
m ezolitik). O ba kom pleksa sta bila razširjena na istem In view o f the num ber and diversity o f finds, the
velikem obm očju, zlasti južn o in jugozahodno od Alp, M esolithic phase is prim arily o f interest, w hich we will
tako da ni razloga, da ne bi segala tudi v zahodno Slove­ perhaps be able to divide into two developm ent phases
nijo. Tardenoazjenski (tardenoisien) kompleks ne pride (o ld er and younger) with possible new excavations that
v poštev, čeprav ga M. Brodar na prim er predvideva za will increase the num ber o f finds and vary their selec­
zahodno Slovenijo in je v najdišču Pod Č rm ukljo dva tion.
trapeza celo zm otno opredelil kot tardenoajski - (tarde- In connection with M esolithic finds, the question is
nois) konici (B rodar 1992, 26, t. 5: 13-14). Prav tako ne raised o f which m ajor M esolithic com plex they belong
pride v poštev noben drug znan m ezolitski kompleks in to. In view o f the geographic, geom orphologic and ecolo­
za zdaj tudi ne nova avtohtona skupina. gical connections with the territory o f the nearby Triesti-
Ko govorim o mezolitskih kompleksih in povzemam ne Karst, only the Sauveterrian (Early M esolithic) or the
francoske oznake, jih v podrobnostih ne enačim s kom­ Castelnovian (Late M esolithic) complexes enter into con­
pleksi v francoskih loci lipici, tako kot jih ne enačijo ita­ sideration. Both complexes were widespread in the same
lijanski kolegi. Ugotavljam sam o splošno podobnost in large area, especially south and southw est o f the Alps, so
pripadnost. Z ato bi lahko govoril tudi o sovteroidnih, that there is no reason for them not to have also extended
kastelnovoidnih in tardenoaidnih najdbah. to western Slovenia. The Tardenoisian com plex does not
Če relativno m ajhno število trapezov in m ikro vba­ enter into respect, although M. Brodar, for example, envi­
dal ni zgolj naključno, lahko m ezolitske najdbe iz Vik­ sages it for w estern Slovenia and at the Pod Črm ukljo
torjevega spodm ola pripišem sovterjenu. Za kastelnov- site, two trapezes were even wrongly ascribed as Tardenois­
jen je nam reč značilno veliko število asim etričnih trape­ ian points (B rodar 1992, 26, Plate 5: 13-14). Similarly,
zov in m ikro vbadal (Kozlowski, D alm eri 2000, tab. 11 no other known M esolithic com plex can be considered
in 13), ki so dosti pogosti tudi v starejšem neolitiku. and for now also no new auchthonous group.
N eolitika pa v Viktorjevem spodm olu, sodeč po kera­ W hen I speak o f M esolithic com plexes and adopt
m ičnih najdbah, zanesljivo ni, zato ni moglo priti do French designations, I do not equate them in details with
m ešanja m ezolitskih in neolitskih najdb kam ene obrti. com plexes in French loci tipici, ju st as Italian colleagues
Ko sem napisal to in vsa druga poglavja, nisem imel do not equate them . I find only general sim ilarities and
kronom etričnih podatkov o Viktorjevem spodm olu. Ker affiliation. So I can also speak o f Sauveterroid, Castel-
v sondi nism o naleteli na zaključeno celoto oglja v ogn­ novoid and T ardenoid finds.
jišču, temveč sam o na razpršene (zelo m obilne) drobce, If the relatively small num ber o f trapezes and mi­
se zaradi slabih izkušenj z disperznim ogljem v Divjih croburins is not merely coincidental, we can ascribe the
babah I nisem odločil za 14C datiranje oglja. D ruge najd­ Mesolithic finds from Viktorjev spodm ol to the Sauveter-
be (kosti, sem ena) se mi iz enakega razloga kot tudi iz rian. The Castelnovian, namely, is characterised by a lar­
drugih (fizikalno-kemijske lastnosti) niso zdele najpri­ ge n u m b er o f asym m etric trap ezes an d m icro b u rins
m ernejše za datiranje. M ožnost, da bi prišlo do večje (Kozlowski, Dalmeri 2000. Plate II and 13), which are
napake pri datiranju, se mi je zdela precej velika. Z ato also com m on enough in the early N eolithic. However,
sem menil, da bi bil za eventualno določanje 14C starosti judging by pottery finds, there is certainly no N eolithic
še najprim ernejši na kost in/ali artefakt prisigan dovolj in Viktorjev spodm ol, so there could not have been a mix­
velik drobec oglja. ing o f M esolithic and N eolithic finds o f stone craftware.
Pri opredeljevanju m ezolitskih najdišč ne m orem o W hen I wrote this and all oth er chapters, I did not
m im o radiom etričnih podatkov, natančneje l4C kronolo­ have chronological d ata about Viktorjev spodm ol. Sin­
gije. ce in the test trench we did not com e across any closed
Izbor 2279 do vključno leta 1989 objavljenih l4C find o f charcoal in a h earth but only scattered (very
letnic za pozni paleolitik, m ezolitik in zgodnji neolitik m obile) fragm ents, because o f bad experience with scat­
iz vse Evrope (G ob 1990) predstavlja dobro osnovo za tered charcoal in Divje babe 1,1 decided not to l4C date
(g lobalno) kronologijo m ezolitika. O benem ta izbor, the charcoal. O th er finds (bones, seed) did not seem to
analiziran po navedenih obdobjih (G ob 1990, 203 ss in me very suitable for dating for the sam e reason, as well
sl. 3 -5 ) zelo nazorno pokaže, koliko in kakšnih napak as others (e.g. physical and chem ical properties). The
lahko pričakujem o pri l4C datiranju, saj je znano, da so possibility o f there being a m ajor erro r in dating see­
vse l4C letnice pom lajene, nekatere bolj druge manj. med to me too great. I therefore believed th at for pos­
V poznem paleolitiku je bila po seznam u, ki gasible d eterm ination o f the l4C age, a large enough piece
navaja A. G ob, n ap a čn a (beri ev id en tn o p rem lad a) o f charcoal attach ed to bone a n d /o r artefact would be
približno polovica datacij, v m ezolitiku kakšnih 13 % in m uch m ore suitable.
v zgodnjem neolitiku praktično nobena. Red pom ladit­ In determ ining M esolithic sites, we cannot overlook
ve l4C letnic (vse letnice so BP) je lahko tako velik, da radiom etric data, m ore precisely the ,4C chronology.
padejo posam ezna paleolitska najdišča v m ezolitik in The selection o f 2279 l4C dates published up to
nekatera m ezolitska v kovinska obdobja. Starejša ko so and including 1989 for the Late Palaeolithic, M esolithic
najdišča, bolj pereča je nevarnost pom laditve dejanske and Early N eolithic from the w hole o f E urope (G o b
starosti zaradi različnih vzrokov (N elson 1997, 55). 1990) provides a good basis for a (global) chronology
Vzrok za napake v datiranju je zelo težko ugotoviti. Ugo­ o f the M esolithic and, at the sam e tim e, this selection,
tavljanje vzroka se mi niti ne zdi pom em bno. Pom em b­ analysed for the cited periods (G o b 1990, 203 ss and
no je vedeti, d a je neka letnica napačna. Fig. 3 -5 ) very eloquently shows how many and w hat
Za čas zadnjih 13-14 let, ko je bilo nedvom no na­ kind o f m istakes can be expected in 14C dating, since it
rejenih še veliko l4C datacij m ezolitskih najdišč, mi ni is known th at all l4C dates are too recent, som e m ore
znana nobena podrobna statistična analiza teh datacij, than others.
ki bi dopolnila tem eljno študijo A. G oba. Za italijanska A ccording to the list cited by A. G ob, approxim a­
najdišča v pokrajini T rentino Alto Adige se po stanju tely h alf the dates in the late Palaeolithic were wrong
leta 1998 navaja več kot 100 radiom etričnih datum ov za (clearly too recent), som e 13% in the M esolithic and in
obdobje od konca paleolitika do začetka neolitika (Dal- the early N eolithic practically none. T he o rder o f ‘reju­
meri, Lanzinger 2001, 15), kar vsekakor ni ravno velika v enation’ o f l4C dates (all dates are BP) can be so big
številka glede na število najdišč. th a t individual Palaeolithic sites are put into the M eso­
Prepričan sem, da kronom etrija ne ponuja enostav­ lithic and som e M esolithic into the Iron Age. T he older
ne rešitve v smislu enačenja m ezolitskih kompleksov in/ the site, the greater the danger o f ‘rejuvenating’ the ac­
ali skupin s kronom etričnim i enotam i, konkretno radio- tual age, for various reasons (N elso n 1997, 55). The
m etričnim i podatki, ali z biostratigrafskim i enotam i, cause o f the erro r in dating is very difficult to establish.
konkretno pelodnim i zonam i kot s o : ... drijas 111, prebo- Finding the cause does n o t seem to me im portant. It is
real, boreal, atlantik ... Tako kot podobni kompleksi in im p o rtan t to know th a t som e dates are wrong.
skupine najdb niso nujno sočasni, tudi približno enake For the period o f th e last 13-14 years, w hen far
datacije različnih kom pleksov in skupin najdb še ne m ore l4C datings o f M esolithic sites have been done, no
pom enijo, da so ti sočasni, in obratno različne datacije detailed statistical analysis o f these data is known to me
podobnih kompleksov in skupin nujno ne pom enijo, da that would supplem ent the thorough study o f A. G ob.
so ti različno stari. V endar lahko tem u navzlic dovolj M ore th an 100 radiom etric dates for the period from
zanesljivo ocen im o g lobalno l4C sta ro st m ezolitskih the end o f th e Palaeolithic to the start o f the N eolithic
kompleksov, ne glede na vprašljivost posam ičnih staros­ are given for Italian sites in the province o f T rentino
ti, če im am o za to dovolj radiom etričnih podatkov. A lto Adige according to the state in 1998 (D alm eri,
Lanzinger 2001, 15), w hich is not actually such a large
Sovterjen(ski kom pleks) se um ešča na podlagi številnih num ber in view o f the num ber o f sites.
radiom etričnih datacij med 9600 BP in 7800 (ali 7600) I am sure th a t chronom etry does not offer a simple
BP (G o b 1990, 37). To pom eni da pade v ta časovni solution in th e sense o f equating M esolithic com plexes
interval tudi mezolitski nivo v Viktorjevem spodm olu, a n d /o r groups with ch ronom etric units, specifically ra­
če ga na podlagi tipološko-tehnoloških kriterijev opre­ diom etric data or with biostratigraphic units, specifical­
delim kot sovterjenskega. N eposredno datiranje najdišča ly pollen zones such as: ... Dryas III, Preboreal, Boreal,
bi lahko takšno um estitev ovrglo, vendar ne bi nikoli A tla n tic ... Ju st as sim ilar com plexes and groups o f finds
vedel ali je (so) datacija(e) pravilna(e). V prim eru nižje are not necessarily contem porary, even approxim ately
l4C določene starosti, ki bi jo sprejel kot pravilno po th e sam e dating o f sim ilar com plexes and groups does
zgledu ustaljene arheološke prakse, bi m oral najdišče not m ean th a t these are contem p o rary and, conversely,
opredeliti za kastelnovjensko. S tem dejanjem pa bi vsto­ different datings o f sim ilar complexes and groups o f finds
pil v začarani krog kronom etrije in arheološke m etodo­ does not necessarily mean that these are o f different ages.
logije, kjer se, pri najdiščih brez prave stratigrafske loč­ However, in spite o f that, we can sufficiently reliably
ljivosti tipološko-tehnološke značilnosti, ki opredeljuje­ assess th e global l4C age o f M esolithic com plexes, re­
jo arheološke kom plekse in skupine, kom prom isno pod­ gardless o f the questionable nature o f individual ages if
rejajo kronom etriji. Brez prave stratigrafske ločljivosti we have sufficient radiom etric d ata for this.
je velika večina m ezolitskih najdišč južn o od Alp, pri­
m er kom prom isnega in tveganega ravnanja pa sem zasle­ The Sauveterrian (com plex), on the basis o f num erous
dil že v naši neposredni soseščini pri opredeljevanju naj­ radiom etric datings, is placed between 9600 BP and 7800
dišč na Tržaškem krasu (glej G uerreschi 1998, 84). Od (o r 7600) BP (G o b 1990, 37). This m eans that the Me­
uvedbe metod radiom etričnega določanja starosti je tak­ solithic level in V iktorjev spodm ol also falls within this
šno ravnanje, žal, postalo del splošne arheološke prakse. tim e interval, if we classify it as Sauveterrian on the ba­
Č e je kastelnovjen, sodeč po redkih trapezih, zas­ sis o f typological and technological criteria. D irect da­
to p an tudi v V iktorjevem spodm olu, potem ga lahko ting o f the site could overthrow such a placing, but we
nedvom no povežem s kastelnovjensko skupino Tržaškega could never know w hether the dating(s) is/are accurate.
krasa v ožjem smislu in z m editeranskim jedrom kastel- In the case o f a lower l4C d eterm ined age, w hich we
novjena v širšem smislu. would accept as accurate on the exam ple o f established
archaeological practice, the site would have to be defi­
Kastelnovjen s e je razm ahnil po celi Evropi med 8000 ned as C astelnovian. W ith th at act we would enter the
BP in 7800 BP (glej tudi Broglio, Kozlowski 1983; Brog- charm ed circle o f ch ronom etry and archaeological met­
lio 1984, 287; Kozlowski, Dalm eri 2000, 13). Teh dvesto hodology, by which with sites w ithout real S tra tig ra p h ie
let predstavlja mejnik med starejšim in mlajšim mezoli- differentiality, we com prom ise subordinate typological-
tikom (G ob 1990, 50). V mlajšem m ezolitiku se prične technological ch aracteristics by w hich archaeological
tudi neolitizacija Evrope, ki se z redkim i izjemami konča com plexes and g roups are d efin ed , to ch ro n o m etry .
konec 7. tisočletja BP (prav tam ). W ithout real S tra tig ra p h ie differentiality, the great ma­
K astelnovjen je v Franciji in Italiji trajal na podlagi jo rity o f M esolithic sites south o f the Alps are a case o f
številnih l4C datacij od 8140 do 6020 BP (G ob 1990, com p ro m ise and risky behaviour th a t I have already
39). Širše gledano je sestavljen iz več regionalno om e­ outlined in our im m ediate vicinity in classifying sites on
jenih skupin, podobno kot sovterjen (Broglio 1984, 291). the T riestine K arst (see G u erresch i 1989-1999, 84).
M etodologija, k ije bila podlaga za osnovanje skupin, in Since the introduction o f m ethods o f radiom etric da­
od katere je odvisno ugotavljanje podobnosti/različnos­ ting, such behaviour has unfortunately becom e p art of
ti m ezolitskih inventarjev, je po mojem vprašljiva. Če general archaeological practice.
italijanski avtorji im enujejo svoj sovterjen in kastelnov­ If C astelnovian, judging by the few trapezes, is re­
jen ‘italski’ (Bagolini et at. 1983; Alessio et at. 1983; presented in Viktojev spodm ol, then we can undoubted­
Broglio 1984, 291), kakšen je potem naš m ezolitik, če ly link it with the Castelnovian groups o f the Triestine
se v splošnem in podrobnostih razlikuje od ‘italskega’ K arst in the narrow er sense and with the M editerrane­
in od najdišča do najdišča? an core o f the C astelnovian in the w ider sense.

Tukaj prevzeti radiom etrični datum i za m ezolitik južno The Castelnovian flourished throughout Europe between
od Alp se ne ujem ajo povsem z datum i za posam ezna t. 8000 BP and 7800 BP (see also Broglio, Kozlowski 1983;
i. referenčna najdišča v Italiji, kar je statistično gledano Broglio 1984, 287; Kozlowski, Dalm eri 2000, 13). T he­
p o p o ln om a razum ljivo. Večja razhajanja so zlasti pri se two hundred years represent the boundary between
kastelnovjenu, katerega začetek je 4 0 0 -5 0 0 let mlajši the Early and Late M esolithic (G o b 1990, 50). T he
od začetka, ki ga navaja A. G ob (glej Bagolini etat. 1983; N eolithisation o f Europe also started in the Late M eso­
Biagi, S pataro 1999-2000). To bi vsaj ponekod lahko lithic, which with few exceptions was com pleted by the
kazalo na daljšo poselitveno vrzel (glej Biagi, Spataro end o f the 7th m illennium BP (ibid).
1999-2000). O kronom etričnili vrzelih bom spregovo­ The Castelnovian in France and Italy, on the basis
ril v nadaljevanju. o f num erous l4C datings, lasted from 8140 to 6020 BP
(G ob 1990, 39). Seen m ore widely, it is com posed o f a
Ko sem tako arheološko opredelil najdbe in posredno num ber o f regionally restricted groups, sim ilar to the Sau-
določil njihovo starost, mi ostane še kronostratigrafska veterrian (Broglio 1984, 291). The m ethodology th at was
opredelitev plasti z m ezolitskinii najdbam i. Pri tem si the basis for founding groups and from which depends
lahko pom agam sam o s kronom etrijo, pri čem er se do­ the finding o f sim ilarities/differences in the M esolithic
bro zavedam vprašljivosti enačenja kronostratigrafskih inventory, is in my opinion dubious. If Italian authors
ozirom a biostratigrafskih enot s kronom etričnim i eno­ call their Sauveterrian or Castelnovian “ Italic” (Bagolini
tam i, v kolikor to ni pod p rto s statistično analizo resnič­ et al. 1983; Alessio et al. 1983; Broglio 1984, 291), what
no velikega števila podatkov. kind is therefore our Mesolithic, if in general and in de­
Meja med pleistocenom (konec pelodne zone dri- tails it differs from the “ Italic” and from site to site?
jas III) in holocenom (začetkom pelodne zone prebore-
al) je 10 000 BP in ni sporna. Z a preboreal, boreal in T he radiom etric dates for the M esolithic south o f the
atlantik se navajajo različni kronom etrični mejniki. Ven­ Alps taken here do not entirely conform to the dates for
dar se starejši m ezolitik (sovterjenski kompleks) splošno individual, so-called reference sites in Italy, w hich is
postavlja v preboreal in predvsem v boreal, mlajši m ezo­ entirely understandable seen statistically. T here are gre­
litik (kastelnovjenski kom pleks) pa v starejši del atlanti- ater disag reem en ts especially w ith the C astelnovian,
ka. Kakšen je bil razvoj vegetacije, predvsem gozdne, v whose start is 4 0 0 -5 0 0 years later th an the start cited
om enjenih kronostratigrafskih odsekih v Sloveniji, je by A. G ob (see Bagolini et al. 1983; Biagi, Spataro 1999-
ugotovil A. Šercelj (1996), zato ga na tem m estu ne bom 2000). This could at least in p art indicate a longer sett­
ponavljal. M oram pa poudariti, da se rezultati vseh pa- lem ent gap (see Biagi, S pataro 1999-2000). We will
leontoloških analiz v Viktorjevem spodm olu ujem ajo z discuss ch ronom etric gaps below.
ugotovitvam i A. Šerclja o širjenju in sestavu gozda v
obravnavanem obdobju. W hen I thus defined the finds archaeologically and in­
directly determ ined their age, I was left with a ehronostra-
V dosedanjem izvajanju ni bil govor o tardenoazjenu, ki (i graphic determination o f layers with M esolithic finds.
se v naši literaturi večkrat om enja v zvezi z m ezolitikom Only ch ronom etry can assist, in w hich I am well aware
v Sloveniji. Tako je M. Brodar (1979, 27) več let po izko­ o f the dubiousness o f equating ch ronostratigraphic or
pavanju Pod Č rm ukljo napisal, da so naša m ezolitska biostratigraphic units with ch ronom etric units insofar
najdišča tardenoazjenskega značaja. Pri objavi najdb iz as this is not supported by statistical analysis o f a seriou­
Pod Črm uklje je to izjavo nekoliko dopolnil, češ da je sly large am o u n t o f data.
bil mišljen tardenoazjen v širokem smislu (B rodar 1992, The boundary between the Pleistocene (end o f the
29). Kako trdno je bila zakoreninjena misel o tardeno­ D ryas III pollen zone) and the H olocene (start o f the
azjenu dokazuje dejstvo, da je v isti objavi pom otom a Preboreal pollen zone) is 10,000 BP and is not disputed.
opredelil dva trapeza s trorobim trnom (piquant-triedre), Various chronom etric boundaries are stated for the Pre­
izdelana z m ikrovbadalno tehniko, kot tardenojski kon­ boreal, Boreal and Atlantic. However, the earlier Meso­
ici (B rodar 1992, t. 5: 13-14). O blika in retuša obeh lithic (Sauveterrian com plex) is generally placed in the
primerkov, da ne govorim o načinu izdelave artefakta, Preboreal and above all in the Boreal, and the later Meso­
nikakor ne ustrezata značilnostim tardenojske konice lithic (Castelnovian com plex) is the earlier part o f the
(glej Rozoy I978a, 233, sl. I: 17-21; G .E .E.M . 1972, Atlantic. W hat the developm ent o f vegetation, mainly
370 s, sl. 6 -7 ). forest, was in the limited chronostratigraphic sections in
O tardenoidni kom ponenti v Jam i na Sedlu - Grot-Slovenia was established by A. Šercelj (1996), so I will
lu Benussi na Tržaškem krasu in tardenoidnem komplek­ not repeat it here. But I m ust stress that the results o f all
su v R om agnano III je nekoč razmišljal tudi A. Broglio palaeontological analyses in Viktojev spodm ol conform
(1971), vendar je pozneje to misel opustil (Broglio 1984). with A. Sercelj's findings on the spread and com position
Podlaga za takšno in podobna razm išljanja bi bili lahko o f forest in the period under discussion.
trapezi, izdelani v m ikrovbadalni tehniki, ki so dejansko
bogato zastopani tudi v tardenoazjenu (G .E .E .M . 1969), There has not been any discussion here o f the Tardenois-
vendar so sočasno m očno razširjeni v različnih kultur­ ian, w hich is often m entioned in Slovene literature in
nih sredinah od začetka 8. tisočletja pred sedanjostjo connection with the M esolithic in Slovenia. M. Brodar
naprej (L ö h r 1994). Z ato sami po sebi ne predstavljajo (1979, 27) thus several years after excavating Pod Cr-
najdbe z diagnostičnim kronološkim in posredno ‘kul­ mukljo wrote that our M esolithic sites have a Tardenois-
turološkim ’ predznakom . ian character. In publishing the finds from Pod Črm ukljo,
G radivo najdišč, ki g a je proučil M. B r o d a r je osi­ he slightly enlarged on this statem ent, that he had been
rom ašeno z m ikrolitskim i arm aturam i, saj te komaj pre­ thinking o f the Tardenoisian in the wide sense (Brodar
segajo 10 % vseh ugotovljenih orodij (Breg II %, Pod 1992, 29). How firmly the idea o f the Tardenoisian was
Črm ukljo 6 % ali 8 %) , m edtem ko se deleži mikrolit- rooted is shown by the fact that in the same publication,
skih arm atu r v Viktorjevem spodm olu od 26 % do 33 % two trapezes with piquant-triedre, produced with a micro­
in v M. Triglavci 41 % (glej razpredelnico 8.1). J,- G. burin technique, were mistakenly identified as Tardenois­
Rozoy (1978 b, 15) navaja vrednosti 15-25 %, vendar je ian points (B rodar 1992, Plate 5: 13-14). The form and
treba poudariti, da imajo tuja najdišča bistveno več retu- retouch on both specimens, to say nothing o f the way of
širanih odbitkov kot Viktorjev spodm ol in M. Triglavca. making the artefacts, in no way corresponds to typical
Na Bregu in Pod Č rm ukljo prevladujejo večje ar­ Tardenoisian points (see Rozoy 1978a, 233, Fig. I: 17-
m ature, predvsem trapezi, ki lahko delujejo zavajajoče 21; G.E.E.M . 1972, 370 s, Fig. 6 -7 ).
pri opredeljevanju gradiva. V endar med arm aturam i ni A. Broglio (1971) form erly also co n sidered Tar­
oblik, ki so značilne izključno za tardenoazjen (Galiri- denoisian com ponents in Jam a na Sedlu - Grotta Berms-
ski 1997, sl. 23). si on the Triestine K arst and a T ardenoisian com plex in
N ajdbe iz Viktorjevega spodm ola in nove najdbe iz R om agnano III th o u g h he later ab an d o n ed this idea
M. Triglavce so dopolnile podobo, znano iz Pod Črm uk- (Broglio 1984). T he basis for such and sim ilar thinking
lje, in tudi sprem enile razm erje med mikroliti in drugi­ may have been trapezes m ade with a m icroburin techni­
mi orodji v prid m ikrolitom . Splošen značaj teh najdb je que w hich are actually richly represented also in the
sovterjensko-kastelnovjenski, ne pa tardenoazjenski. Celo T ardenoisian (G .E .E .M . 1969), although they are con­
trapezi so bolj podobni sovterjenskim kot tardenoazjen- tem poraneously strongly w idespread in various cultural
skim oblikam (glej G alinski 1997, sl. 15-22 in 23 -3 8 in centres from the beginning o f the 8th m illennium BP
Rozoy 1978b, t. 138c za tardenoazjenske trapeze). Po­ onw ards (L ö h r 1994). So they do not in them selves re­
dobnost z italskim sovterjenom in kastelnovjenom je tako present finds with diagnostic chronological and, indi­
velika, da bi bila vsakršna drugačna razlaga v nasprotju rectly, “culturological” significance.
z ugotovitvami naših sosedov, ki so dom nevno preverje­ The material o f sites that M. Brodar studied is impo­
ne v številnih najdiščih severne Italije. verished o f m icrolithic arm atures, since they barely ex­
K ar zadeva koščene izdelke in um etnost pa sam o ceed 10% o f all established tools (Breg II %, Pod Č r­
tole. Tardenoazjen ima m orda več koščenih izdelkov kot mukljo 6 % or 8 % ), while the share o f m icrolithic arm a­
sovterjen (G alinski 1997, sl. 15-22 in 2 3 -3 8 ). Po tej tures in Viktorjev spodm ol is from 26% to 33 % and in
plati bi lahko bila nekatera slovenska najdišča na neki M. Triglavca 41 % (see Table 8.1). J.- G. Rozoy (1978 b,
način povezana s tardenoazjenom . V endar nas je v zad­ 15)* states values o f 15-25 %, but it m ust be stressed that
njem času tudi kastelnovjen presenetil z bogato košče­ foreign sites have essentially m ore retouched flakes than
no ob rtjo in um etnostjo (Kozlovvski, D alm eri 2000). Viktorjev spodm ol and M. Triglavca.
Mislim, d a je za razlikovanje med sovterjensko-kas- L arger arm atu res p red o m in ate at Breg and Pod
telnovjenskim in tardenoazjenskim kom pleksom poleg Črm ukljo, mainly trapezes, which could be m ore bin­
tipološkega kriterija najzanesljivejši geografski. Alpe ding in classifying m aterial. However, there are no sha­
predstavljajo mejo med obem a kom pleksom a (glej G a­ pes am ong arm atures th at are ch aracteristic exclusively
linski 1997, karta 1) kot tudi področje, kjer so se lahko for the Tardenoisian (G alinski 1997, si. 23).
mešali vplivi, ki so od severa prodirali z ozem lja tarde- T he finds from V iktorjev spodm ol and new finds
noazjena in od juga z ozem lja sovterjena in kastelnovj- from M. Triglavca have supplem ented the picture, known
ena (Broglio 1984, 305). from Pod Č rm ukljo, and also changed the ratio between
m icroliths and other tools in favour o f microliths. The
Na koncu m oram s kronostratigrafskega vidika analizi­ general character o f these finds is Sauveterrian-Castel-
rati še referenčno najdišče Roniagnano III. ki je služilo novian, and not Tardenoisian. Even the trapezes are more
pri opredeljevanju m ezolitskih najdišč na Tržaškem kra­ sim ilar to Sauveterrian that Tardenoisian in shape (see
su (Broglio 1980) in v D olom itih (Broglio 1984, 296) Galinski 1997, Fig. 15-22 and 23 -3 8 and Rozoy 1978b,
in bi ga glede na to lahko uporabil tudi za opredelitev Plate 138c for Tardenoisian trapezes). The similarity with
m ezolitskih najdb v V iktorjevem spodm olu. V endar ‘Italic’ Sauveterrian and Castelnovian is so great that any
m enim , da to ne bi bila prim erna rešitev. N am reč. kind o f other interpretation would be in conflict with the
R om agnano III je resnično izjem no bogato naj­ findings o f our neighbours, which have presumably been
dišče, im a pa kot referenčno veliko pom anjkljivost, ki jo checked in num erous sites in n o rth ern Italy.
italijanski avtorji ne upoštevajo. A. Broglio in S. K. As far as bone products and art are concerned, only
Kozlovvski (1983) sta z analizo m ezolitskega gradiva this. T ardenoisian has perhaps m ore bone products than
ugotovila v najdišču več razvojnih faz. P repričana sta, S auveterrian (G alinski 1997, Fig. 15-22 an d 2 3 -3 8 ).
da so bile vse razvojne faze, razen tiste v plasti AC5, From this aspect, som e Slovene sites could have been in
neprekinjene (prav tam , 144 in op. 10). som e way co nnected with the Tardenoisian. However,
Vse m ezolitske plasti so kronom etrično opredelje­ recently the C astelnovian has also produced surprises,
ne s 17 radiom etričnim i datum i (A lessio 1983, with a rich bone craft and artistry (Kozlowski, Dalmeri
249), ki se dobro skladajo s stratigrafijo. Večje odsto­ 2 0 0 0 ).
panje je opaziti v plasti Ab 1-2, kjer so bili izjem om a I think th at for distinguishing betw een Sauveterri
datirani trije vzorci. Eden od njih odstopa za 350 do a n -C a s te ln o v ia n an d T ard en o isian com plexes, geo­
300 l4C let od drugih dveh. To potrjuje m ožnost za ob­ graphic criteria in addition to typological are the m ost
stoj prikritih napačnih (pom lajenih) datacij in nikakor reliable. T he Alps represent the boundary between the
ni osam ljen prim er v datiranih večplastnih m ezolitskih two com plexes (see Galiriski 1997, m ap 1) as well as an
najdiših v Italiji in drugje (glej Kozlowski, Dalm eri 2000, area in w hich influences could have mixed, w hich would
tab 2; S pataro 2002, 21). Če predpostavljam , da so d ru ­ have advanced from the north from the territory o f Tar­
gi datum i pri najdišču R om agnano III vsaj približno pra­ denoisian and from the south from the territo ry o f Sau-
vilni, ugotovim med njimi pet časovnih vrzeli, ki si tako­ veterrian and Castelnovian (Broglio 1984, 305).
le sledijo od spodaj navzgor (sl. 9.1).
Finally, I m ust analyse from a chronostratigraphic point
• 1. Med plastjo AE 1-4 (starejša faza sovterjena) in o f view the reference site Romagnano 111. w hich served
AC 8 -9 (srednja faza sovterjena) je vrzel, dolga 400 in defining M esolithic sites on the Triestine K arst ( Brog­
l4C let. V tem času s e je odložila (interstratificirala) lio 1980) and in the D olom ites (Broglio 1984, 296) and
aluvialna plast AD med obe datirani plasti s sovter- in view o f th a t could also be used for classifying M eso­
jenskim i najdbam i. Aluvialna plast AD zelo verjet­ lithic finds in Viktorjev spodm ol. However, I believe that
no predstavlja ‘tren u tn i' dogodek v smislu ločljivos­ this would not be a suitable solution. Namely:
ti l4C m etode. N a časovno vrzel torej ni mogla vpli­ R om agnano III is really an exceptionally rich site,
vati, razen če je bila s tem dogodkom povezana ero­ but as a reference has a great many deficiencies which
zija neznane debeline sedimentov, ki so ali niso vse­ Italian authors do not take into account. A. Broglio and
bovali sovterjenske najdbe starejše faze. S. K. Kozlowski (1983) found with the analysis o f the
• 2. Med plastjo AC 5 -6 (srednji sovterjen) in AC 4 M esolithic m aterial in the site a num ber o f phases. They
(srednji sovterjen) je vrzel, dolga 350 l4C let. A. Brog- are sure th a t all developm ent phases, except those in
lio in S. K. Kozlowski (1983, 124) na podlagi anali­ layer AC5, were unbroken (ibid, 144 and op. 10).
ze m ezolitskega gradiva ugotavljata v plasti AC 5 All M esolithic layers are chronom etrically defined
‘nepravilen značaj sovterjena’. Vzrok za nepravilnost with 17 radiom etric dates (A lessio et al. 1983, 249),
bi lahko bila po mojem časovna vrzel. which accord well with the stratigraphy. G reater devia­
• 3. Med plastjo AC 2 (mlajši sovterjen) in AC 1 (m laj­ tion can be seen in layer A b 1-2, where three sam ples
ši sovterjen) je vrzel, dolga 440 l4C let. V sestavu were exceptionally dated. O ne o f them deviates by 350
sovterjenskega inventarja so na tem kronološkem od­ to 300 l4C years from the o th er two. This confirm s the
seku, podobno kot na prejšnjem, vidni večji ali manjši possibility o f the existence o f hidden errors (rejuvena­
odm iki (Broglio, Kozlowski 1983, sl. 2 6 -3 3 ), ki pa tio n ) o f the dating and is by no m eans an isolated ex­
jim A. Broglio in S.K. Kozlowski tokrat ne posveča­ am ple in dating multi-layer M esolithic sites in Italy and
ta posebne pozornosti. elsew here (see Kozlowski, D alm eri 2000, Tab 2; Spata­
• 4. Med plastjo AB 3 (pom ešan sovterjen in kastel- ro 2002, 21). If a presum e th at o th er dates at the Ro­
novjen) in AB 1-2 (starejši kastelnovjen) je vrzel, m agnano III site are at least approxim ately correct, 1
dolga 2 9 0 -6 4 0 l4C let. V m ezolitskem inventarju so find am ong them five tim e gaps, w hich follow from be­
na tem kronološkem odseku opazni večji ali manjši low upw ards (Fig. 9.1):
odm iki (prav tam , sl. 2 6 -3 3 ), ki jih A. Broglio in
S.K. Kozlowski ne om enjata. Mezolitske najdbe v • 1. Between layer AE 1-4 (earlier phase o f the Sau-
plasti AB 3 so po njunem m nenju pom ešane, na kar veterrian) and AC 8 -9 (m iddle phase o f the Sauve-
ju je napotil rezultat klasterske analize zastopanosti terrian ) there is a gap 400 14C years long. D uring
posam eznih m ezolitskih najdb (prav tam , sl. 35 in this tim e, the alluvial layer AD was deposited (inter­
36). P o m eša n o st najdb raz lag a ta z vrzeljo med stratified) between the two dated layers with Sauve-
plastjo ACI in AB 1-2 (prav tam , op. 9). G lede na terrian finds. The alluvial layer AD probably repre­
l4C datacije in dom nevno pom ešanost najdb v plasti sents a ‘m o m en tary ’ event in the sense o f the distin­
AB 3 m enim , da je takšna stratigrafska um estitev guishing capacity o f the l4C m ethod. It could not
vrzeli napačna. Vrzel je kvečjemu med plastjo AB 3 have influenced the tim e gap, therefore, unless the
in AB 1-2. ero sio n o f an u n k n o w n th ic k n ess o f sed im en ts,
• 5. Med plastjo AB 1-2 (starejši kastelnovjen) in which did or did not contain Sauveterrian finds o f
A A 1 -2 (m lajši kastelnovjen) je vrzel, dolga 3 2 0 - the earlier phase, was co nnected with this event.
2. Between layers AC 5 -6 (m id-Sauveterrian) and
AC 4 (m id-Sauveterrian) is a gap o f 350 l4C years.
A. Broglio and S. K. Kozlowski (1983, 124), on the
basis o f analysis o f M esolithic m aterial, find an ‘ir­
regular ch aracter o f Sauveterrian’ in layer AC 5. The
cause o f the irregularity may the the tim e gap.
3. Between layers AC 2 (later Sauveterrian) and AC
I (later S auveterrian) is a gap o f 440 l4C years. In
the com position o f the Sauveterrian inventory, in
this chronological section, as in the previous one,
greater or lesser shifts are visible (Broglio, Kozlowski
1983, Fig. 2 6 -3 3 ), but to which A. Broglio and S.K.
Kozlowski do not devote p articular attention.
4. Between layers AB 3 (m ixed Sauveterrian and
C astelnovian) and AB 1-2 (earlier C astelnovian) is
a gap o f 2 9 0 -6 4 0 l4C years. G reater or lesser shifts
are visible in the M esolithic inventory in this chro­
n o l o g ic a l s e c t i o n ( ib id , Fig. 2 6 -3 3 ), w h i c h A. Brog­
lio and S.K. Kozlowski do not m ention. The Meso­
lithic finds in AB 3, in their opinion, are mixed, to
w hich the result o f c l u s t e r analysis o f the represen­
tation o f i n d iv i d u a l M esolithic finds ( i b id , Fig. 35
and 36) pointed. They interpret the mixture o f finds
by gap b e t w e e n layers AC1 and AB 1-2 ( ib id , op.
I I 9). In view o f l4C dating and the suspected mixture
Hiatus H iatus X E o f finds in lay er AB 3, 1 b e lie v e t h a t such a Strati­
graphie placing o f the gap is mistaken. The gap is at
H iatus the m ost b e t w e e n lay e rs AB 3 and AB 1-2 .
5. Between layers AB 1-2 (earlier C astelnovian) in
Sl. 81: R om agnano 111: m ikrolitske a rm atu re (N -R ) in hiati.
AAI -2 (later C astelnovian) is a gap o f 3 2 0 -3 7 0 l4C
P rirejeno po Broglio, Kozlowski 1983, sl. 27.
years. In the Castelnovian inventory in this chrono­
Fig. 8.1: R o m agnano 111: M icrolithic a rm a tu re s (N -R ) and
logical section larger or sm aller shifts are similarly
hiatuses. M odified a fte r Broglio, Kozlowski 1983, Fig. 27.
visible (ibid. Fig. 2 6 -3 3 ).

Because o f the possibility o f num erous gaps in the

370 l4C let. V kastelnovjenskem inventarju so na tem M esolithic layers o f the Rom agnano 111 site, which could
kronološkem odseku prav tako vidni večji ali manjši cover from 5 4 -6 6 % o f the tim e span in which all M eso­
odm iki (prav tam , sl 2 6 -3 3 ). lithic layers were deposited (9 8 3 0 -6 4 8 0 BP), it is sen­
seless to divide the Sauveterrian and Castelnovian in­
Z aradi m ožnosti številnih vrzeli v m ezolitskih plasteh ventories into phases as A. Broglio and S. K. Kozlowski
najdišča Rom agnano III, ki obsegajo od 54 -6 6 % časa, propose. Such a division would be com pletely artificial,
v katerem so se odložile vse mezolitske plasti (9 8 3 0 - since in the profile o f the site there could be at least
6480 BP), je nesm iselno deliti sovterjenske in kastelnov- three m ore layers having sim ilar properties to those the
jenske inventarje na faze kot jih predlagata A. Broglio in authors find for the developm ent phases in layer AB 3.
S. K. Kozlowski. T akšna delitev je lahko popolnom a But they do not take this layer into account in the divi­
um etna, kajti v profilu najdišča so lahko še najm anj tri sion into phases because o f the suspected m ixture o f
plasti, ki imajo podobne lastnosti, kot sta jih avtorja raz­ finds from two different tim e periods.
vojnih faz ugotovila v plasti AB 3. To pa je plast, ki jo pri A sim ilar story o f ch ronom etric gaps and circular
delitvi na faze ne upoštevata zaradi dom nevne pome- ev id en c e is re p e a te d in th e n earb y site o f G ab a n
šanosti najdb iz dveh različnih časovnih obdobij. (Kozlowski, D alm eri 2000) and probably elsewhere.
P o d o b n a zg o d b a o k ro n o m e trič n ih v rze lih in It is clear that developm ent which is supposed to
krožnih dokazih se ponovi pri bližnjem najdišču G aban have taken place tem porally everywhere the sam e is not
(Kozlowski, D alm eri 2000) in verjetno še kje. the only cause o f th e variability o f the M esoltihic inven­
Jasno je, da ni edini vzrok za variabilnost mezo- tory. It is true that it is closely linked with tim e. Succes­
litskega inventarja razvoj, ki bi časovno potekal povsod sive events and their tem poral separability are therefore
enako. Res pa je, d a je tesno povezan s časom . Z ato sta extremely im portant for understanding the developm ent.
zaporedje dogodkov in njihova časovna ločljivost izred­ At the Rom agnano III site, all categories o f M eso­
no pom em bna za razum evanje razvoja. lithic finds m ore or less vary, which is norm al. In the
V najdišču R om agnano III vse kategorije mezolit-nearby site o f Predestel, w hich has a M esolithic layer
skih najdb bolj ali manj variirajo, kar je običajno. V alm ost 4 m thick, sim ilar categories o f com parable Me­
bližnjem najdišču Predestel, ki im a skoraj 4 m debele solithic finds th at have been l4C dated to the sam e tim e
m ezolitske plasti, podobne kategorije primerljivih me- interval, vary differently (Alessio 1983, 248) and so on.
zolitskih najdb, ki so l4C datirane v isti časovni interval, If we w anted to obtain a m ore o r less reliable deve­
variirajo drugače (Alessio 1983, 248) in tako naprej. lopm ent phase o f the M esolithic in a particular region,
Če bi hoteli dobiti kolikor toliko zanesljive razvoj­ we would have to behave as I indicated in the case o f
ne faze m ezolitika v neki regiji, bi m orali ravnati tako, Divje babe 1 (Turk 2003). We would thus need at least
kot sem nakazal na prim eru Divjih bab I (Turk 2003). 2 0 -3 0 sim ilar sites as R om agnano III, w hich would also
Potrebovali bi torej vsaj 2 0 -3 0 podobnih najdišč kot je have to be sedim entologically processed suitably, w hich
R om agnano III. ki bi m orala biti tudi sedim entološko Rom agnano III is certainly not. It would also be neces­
prim erno obdelana, kar Rom agnano III zanesljivo ni. sary to change a fair am ount in the heads o f those who
Treba bi bilo tudi m arsikaj sprem eniti v glavah tistih, ki are active in the field, since any kind o f question starts
so dejavni na terenu, kajti vsakršna problem atika se zač­ to be resolved in the field and also ends there, if m atters
ne reševati na terenu in se tam tudi konča, če stvari niso are not posed as the problem dem ands. Individuals al­
zastavljene tako, kot to zahteva problem . Na to so po­ ready drew attention to this m ore than 30 years ago ( Pay­
sam ezniki opozarjali že pred več kot 30 leti (Payne 1972 ne 1972 b), but this w arning had little im pact.
b), a so ta opozorila bore malo zalegla. D espite th e deficiencies o f the R om agnano III re­
Kljub pom anjkljivostim referenčnega najdišča Ro­ ference site, there are (could be) the following differen­
m agnano III, so (lahko) v inventarju sovterjenskih in ces in the inventory o f Sauveterrian and C astelnovian
kastelnovjenskih plasti naslednje razlike: layers:

• V kastelnovjenu je več retuširanih klin kot odbitkov • In th e C astelnovian, there are m ore retouched bla­
(Broglio, Kozlowski 1983, sl. 26), kar je lahko pove­ des than flakes (Broglio, Kozlowski 1983, Fig. 26),
zano s povečano proizvodnjo klin (prim . Broglio which can be connected with the increased produc­
1984, 287). tion o f blades (see Broglio 1984, 287)
• V kastelnovjenu je manj segmentov, trikotnikov, sov­ • T here are fewer segm ents, triangles, Sauveterrian
terjenskih konic in veliko trapezov (prav tam , sl. 27). points and large trapezes in the C astelnovian (ibid,
Z izdelavo trapezov so povezana mikro vbadala. Zato Fig. 27). M icroburins are connected with the m a­
bi m oralo biti v kastelnovjenu njihovo število večje, king o f trapezes. So th eir num ber should be greater
kar je vidno v najdišču G aban (Kozlowski. Dalm eri in the Castelnovian, w hich is evident at the G aban
2000, tab. 11). site (Kozlowski, D alm eri 2000, Plate 11).
• V kastelnovjenu je manj enakostraničnih trikotnikov • T here are fewer isosceles triangles in th e C astelno­
(prav tam , sl. 32). vian (ibid. Fig. 32).

V prašanje je, koliko se te razlike ponavljajo pri d ru ­ How do these differences appear at oth er sites from
gih najdiščih iz istega časa, ki im ajo profile sestavljene the sam e tim e, w hich have a profile com posed o f a num ­
iz več plasti. V najdišču G aban, ki je blizu R om agnana ber o f layers? In th e G aban site, w hich is close to Rom ­
III, gornje navedbe nesporno veljajo sam o za razm erje agnana III, the above statem ent indisputably applies only
retuširane kline/odbitki in za trapeze, manj za druge for the ratio o f retouched blades/flakes and for trap e­
m ikrolite (Kozlowski, D alm eri 2000, tab. 12-13). Z ato zes, less for other m icroliths (Kozlowski, D alm eri 2000,
bi bilo m etodološko zgrešeno, če bi m ezolitska najdišča, Plate 12-13). It would therefore be m ethodologically
ki im ajo tako kot V iktorjev spodm ol om ejeno število deficient if M esolithic sites w hich have a lim ited num ­
plasti, kronološko opredelil sam o na podlagi radiom e- ber o f layers, like Viktojev spodm ol, were to be ch ro n o ­
trije in podobnosti/različnosti z m ezolitskim inventar­ logically classified only on the basis o f radiom etry and
jem najdišč, kot sta na prim er R om agnano III in G aban, sim ilarities/differences with the M esolithic inventory o f
ne da bi se prej na ustrezen način prepričal, kako zanes­ sites such as Rom agnano III and G aban, w ithout in a
ljive so faze razvoja v ‘referenčnem ’ profilu, in tako pos­ suitable way previously checking how reliable are the
redno preveril tudi radiom etrične datacije. evolutionary phases in the ‘reference’ profile and thus
indirectly also checking the radiom etric dating.
10. V p r a š a n j e iz v o r a 10. T h e Q u e s t io n
IN NADALJEVANJA of O r ig in a n d
SLOVENSKEGA C o n t in u a t io n o f t h e
MEZOLITIKA S l o v e n e M e s o l it ic

Iv a n T u r k

V Sloveniji ni nobenega najdišča, kjer bi bile v strati- T here is no site in Slovenia in which finds from the late
grafskem zaporedju najdbe iz poznega paleolitika, ki ga Paleolithic, which is represented in our near and distant
v naši bližnji in daljni okolici predstavlja epigravetjen - surrounding by E pigravettian, and (early) M esolithic
(epigravettien), in (zgodnjega) m ezolitika, ki ga preds­ represented by the Sauveterrian, are in S tra tig ra p h ie se­
tavlja sovterjen - (sauveterrien). Prav tako ni najdišč, v quence. Similarly there is no site in w hich one could
katerih bi lahko našli lokalne razvojne faze gravetjena, find local developm ent phases o f the G ravettian, Sauve­
sovterjena in kastelnovjena - (castelnovien), ker imajo terrian and Castelnovian, because all sites have one or
vsa najdišča eno, največ dve arheološki plasti. Med nji­ at m ost two archaeological layers. Only a lew o f them
mi so sam o redka kronom etrično opredeljena (Ovčja have been chronom etrically defined (Ovčja jam a, Lu­
jam a, Lukenjska jam a, Breg). Med posam eznim i najdišči kenjska jam a, Breg). M ajor chronological gaps can also
lahko pričakujem tudi velike časovne praznine. Vse to be expected betw een individual sites. All this causes
povzroča težave v kronologiji, ki je osnova za sklepanje problem s in chronology, which is the basis for conclu­
o tem , kako je potekal razvoj. D odatne težave povzroča­ ding how developm ent progressed. In appropriate field­
jo neustrezne terenske m etode. Z ato se lahko vprašam , work m ethods also cause difficulties. I can therefore ask
ali je razprava o izvoru in nadaljevanju m ezolitika v Slo­ w hether discussion on the origin and continuation o f
veniji sploh smiselna. Sm iselna je sam o toliko, da z njo the M esolithic in Slovenia makes any sense. It is only
podam svoja teoretska izhodišča za bodoče delo. sensible insofar th a t 1 use it to provide my own theoreti­
V vprašanju razvoja bi se lahko naslonil na dom ne­
cal starting points for future work.
ve italijanskih kolegov, vendar ne bi imel zagotovila, da In questions o f developm ent, I can rely on the con­
je razvoj pri nas potekal podobno kot v severni Italiji. jectu res o f Italian colleagues, but I would have no assu­
N ajbližje najdišče s stratificiranim i najdbam i iz rance that developm ent here took place similarly as in
epigravetjena in m ezolitika (sovterjena) je Pečina pri n o rth ern Italy.
Bjarču v dolini N adiže - Riparo di Biarzo (G uerreschi The nearest site with stratified finds from the Epi­
1996). Plasti s paleolitskimi in m ezolitskim i najdbam i gravettian and M esolithic (Sauveterrian) is Pečina pri
so debele približno 1 m. K ončni epigravetjen Bjarča je Bjarču {Riparo di Biarzo) in the N adiža valley (G u erres­
kronološko določen z l4C datacijo in s paleobotanični- chi 1996). T he layers with Palaeolithic and M esolithic
mi podatki. A. G uerreschi je na podlagi prim erjav z že finds are approxim ately 1 m thick. T he final Epigravet­
opredeljenim i najdišči sovterjenske najdbe dom nevno tien in Bjarč is chronologically determ ined with l4C da­
prip isal srednji fazi (italskega) sovterjena. Z anje so ting and with palaeobotanical data. On the basis o f com ­
značilni redki segm enti in številni raznostranični trikot­ parison with already defined sites o f Sauveterrian finds,
niki, podobno kot za kraška najdišča. Razm erje med A. G uerreschi putatively assigned the finds the m iddle
segm enti in trikotniki je približno 1:5, v bolj oddalje­ phase o f the ( ‘Italic’) Sauveterrian. It is characterised
nem Rom agnanu III pa je to razm erje 1:2. Trapezov v by occasional segm ents and num erous scalene triang­
Bjarču ni, so pa m ikro vbadala. V endar so trapezi prisot­ les, similarly as for K arst sites. T he ratio between seg­
ni v mlajših plasteh skupaj s keramiko. m ents and triangles is approxim ately 1:5, and in more
Povezava italskega m ezolitika s končnim epigrave- d istant Rom agnanu III, this ratio is 1:2. T here are no
tjenom je precej m očna pri nekaterih vrstah mikrolit- trapezes in Bjarč but there are m icroburins. However,
skih orodij, ki vključujejo tudi geom etrične oblike, pri there are trapezes present in later layers, together with
m ikrovbadalni tehniki in še kje. A. G uerreschi (1983) pottery.
je zato zagovarjal dom nevo o neposrednem izvoru me­ The link o f the ‘Italic’ M esolithic with the final
zolitika iz lokalnega končnega epigravetjena. A. Broglio Epigravettian is fairly strong with som e types o f micro-
(1984, 310) je bil v tem pogledu previdnejši, vendar tak­ lithic tools, w hich also include geom etric form s, with
šne m ožnosti razvoja ni v celoti zavrnil. m icroburin technique and oth er things. A. G uerreschi
D oločene povezave lahko obstajajo tudi z neoliti- (1983) therefore argued a presum ption on th e direct
kom (Broglio 1984, 311), čeprav jih na podlagi novejše origin o f the M esolithic from the local final Epigravetti-
p rim erjalne analize kam enih artefaktov v italijanskih an. A. Broglio (1984, 310) was m ore cautious from th at
najdiščih naj ne bi bilo (Biagi el al. 1993, 58, 64). N anje point o f view, although he did not entirely reject such a
kažejo npr. trapezi, m ikrovbadalna tehnika, ravne dolge possibility o f developm ent.
kline in še kaj. Za zgodnji neolitik so ponekod značilni T here could also be specific links with th e N eo­
trapezi z ventralno ploskovno (paralelno) retušo ob krajši lithic (Broglio 1984, 311), although on the basis o f m ore
prečni retuši (L ö h r 1994, 20 s). Takšnih trapezov ni niti recent analyses o f stone artefacts in Italian sites, such is
v Viktorjevem spodm olu niti v M. Triglavci. not thought to be the case ( Biagi et al. 1993, 58, 64). It
Pri slovenskih mezolitskih najdiščih je težko govo­ is indicated by, for example, trapezes, m icroburin tech­
riti o izvoru in nadaljevanju m ezolitika predvsem zaradi nique, straight, long blades and o th er things. T he early
d om nevno velikih časovnih vrzeli med najdišči, ki pri­ N eolithic is ch aracterised in places by trap ezes with
padajo poznem u paleolitiku, celotnem u m ezolitiku in ventral parallel retouch together with sh o rt truncation
zgodnjem u neolitiku. Potem so tu že om enjene težave, (L ö h r 1994, 20 s). T here are no such trapezes in either
povezane s terenskim i m etodam i in njihovo ustreznostjo, Viktorjev spodm ol o r M. Triglavca.
in skrom na raziskanost večine najdišč, posledica česar W ith Slovene M esolithic sites, it is difficult to speak
je pom anjkanje podatkov, ki dopolnjujejo podobo naj­ o f the origin and continuation o f the M esolithic, mainly
dišč in njihovega časa, vključno z radiom etričnim i po­ because o f the suspected large tim e gaps between sites
datki. D om nevne povezave m ed poznim paleolitikom belonging to the Late Palaeolithic, the entire M esolithic
in mezolitikom je kljub vsemu sm iselno iskati predvsem and the Early N eolithic. T h ere are th en th e already
pri dveh paleolitskih najdiščih: Ciganski jam i in Polj- m entioned difficulties co n n ected with fieldwork m et­
šiški cerkvi. M. Brodar (1991, 38) je uvrstil Cigansko hods and their suitability, and the m odest investigation
jam o v gravetjen, ne čisto na konec poledenitve, Poljši- o f the m ajority o f sites, a consequence o f w hich is a lack
ško cerkev pa v pozni paleolitik nekje proti koncu poz­ o f data, including radiom etric data, w hich supplem ent
nega glaciala ( Brodar 1995, 13, 16). image o f the sites and th eir tim es. Suspected links bet­
G lavno vez m ed našim epigravetjenom in m ezoliti­ ween the Late Palaeolithic and M esolithic can nevert­
kom predstavljata m ikrolitizacija orodij in strm a retuša heless be sensibly sought mainly at two Palaeolithic si­
(h rbet), vključno s t. i. "gravetjensko ali gravetno retu­ tes: Ciganska jam a and Poljšiška cerkev. M. Brodar (1991,
šo”, ki ima svoje nadaljevanje v m ezolitiku. Z ato sama 38) classified Ciganska jam a into the G ravettian, not
m ikrolitska orodja, oprem ljena s takšno retušo, niso za­ quite at the end o f th e Last Glacial, and Poljšiška cerkev
nesljiv kronološki kazalec. V podrobnejši prim erjavi into the Late Palaeolithic, som ew here tow ards the end
m oram , žal zaradi neustreznih terenskih m etod po mo­ o f the Late G lacial (B rodar 1995, 13, 16).
jem kriteriju postaviti v drugi plan m ikrolite in hiperm i- M icrolithisation o f tools and backed pieces, inclu­
krolite in se osredotočiti na orodja, ki m erijo v dolžino ding so-called "gravettian or gravette (crossed) retouch",
in širino vsaj 10 mm. w hich has its co n tin u atio n in the M esolithic, provide
D om nevno obstaja več povezovalnih oblik, ki se the main link between our Epigravettian and the M eso­
bodo dale v bodoče potrditi in razvrstiti glede na po­ lithic. So m icrolithic tools fitted with such a retouch arc
m em bnost (sl. 10.1). not a reliable chronological indicator. In a m ore detai­
Kot prvo om enjam praskala posebnih oblik (noh- led com p ariso n , u n fo rtu n ately because o f u nsuitable
tasta, krožna), izdelana na kratkih nastavkih. fieldwork m ethods by my criteria, I m ust put m icroliths
Potem so tu konice s poševno prečno retušo, ki vel­ and hyperm icroliths in the background and focus on
jajo drugje za zelo m lado paleolitsko pridobitev. M očno tools that m easure at least 10 mm in length and width.
razširjene naj bi bile šele v mlajši dobi drijasa (dryas), Presum ably a num ber o f linking form s exist that
prav na koncu paleolitika (G .E.E.M . 1972, 367). Podob­ will in the future allow confirm ation and classification
ne konice so bile najdene v Ciganski jam i (B rodar 1991, in relation to im portance (Fig. 10.1)
t. 19: 16,21:20: 15). M. Brodar (1991, 37) jih je označil First o f all. I cite endserapers o f special shapes (e.g.
kot gravetirano orodje, ki nim a ravnega, am pak konvek­ ungiform , circular), m ade on sh o rt blanks.
sno usločen hrbet, ki se konča s konico. Z ato predlaga Then there are points with oblique truncation, which
zanje poim enovanje upognjena konica. V endar M. Bro­ are considered elsew here to be a very late Palaeolithic
dar te konice ne om enja v povezavi z “znanilci prihod­ advance. They are only thought to be w idespread in the
njega kulturnega razvoja", s čim er misli različne mezo- younger D ryas period at the end o f the Palaeolithic
litske komplekse (prav tam ). Konice s poševno prečno (G .E .E .M . 1972, 367). Similar points were found in Cig­
retušo, predvsem kratke, so zastopane tudi v inventarju anska jam a (B rodar 1991, Plates 19: 16, 21: 20: 15). M.
Poljšiške cerkve (B rodar 1995, t, 2: 365: 5: 434 in 465). Brodar (1991,37) characterised them as G ravettian tools
M. Brodar (1995. 14) jih je označil kot “prim erke z gra- w hich do not have a straight but convex back ending in
velno retušo”, m edtem ko celoten značaj najdb po nje­ a point. He therefore proposes calling it a curved point.
govem odstopa od gravetjena. V naših mezolitskih naj- However, M. Brodar does not m ention these points in
19/16 19/21 16/17 16/22 16/29

19/19 19/20 18/26 18/31 19/26

434 424



Sl. 10.1: "P rotom ezolitske" oblike orodij v slovenskih poznopaleolitskih najdiščih. Risbe in oznake risb po M. B rodarju (1991 in
Fig. 10.1: “P ro to m eso lith ic ” form s o f tools in Slovene L ate Palaeolithic sites. D raw ings and signs on draw ings according to M.
B rodar (1991 and 1995).

diščih je takšna konica precej redka. Po en prim erek je co nnection with “characterisers o f future cultural deve­
m orda znan v previsu Pod Č rm ukljo (B rodar 1992, t. 4: lo p m en t” by which he is thinking o f various M esolithic
23) in na Bregu (Frelih 1986, t. 2: II). Nekoliko spre­ com plexes (ib id ). Points w ith an oblique tru n ca tio n ,
m enjena sta dva analogna prim erka z Brega (prav tam, mainly short, are also represented in the inventory o f
t. 3: 6, 15). Poljšiška cerkev (B ro d ar 1995, Plates 2; 365; 5: 434 and
Tretja povezovalna oblika je (m ikrolitska) konica z 465). M. Brodar (1995, 14) characterised them as “spe­
ravnim hrbtom (G .E.E.M . 1972, 367, sl.3 ), ki je v bistvu cim ens with a gravette reto u ch ”, while the overall cha­
popolnom a enaka kot gravetjenska konica. To pom eni, racter o f finds in his opinion deviates from the Gravett-
da im a lahko tudi gravetjensko retušo. Z ato je M. Bro­ ian. Such a point is fairly rare in our M esolithic sites.
dar (1992, 26) šest mikrolitov iz najdišča Pod Č rm ukljo T here is perhaps one specim en each known from the
uvrstil m ed g rav e tiran e klinice, pri č e m e r d o p u šč a overhang cave o f Pod Č rm ukljo (B rodar 1992, Plate 4:
m ožnost, da gre pri enem ali dveh prim erkih za frag­ 23) and in Breg (Frelih 1986, Plate 2: 11). Two analo­
m ent trikotnika. V C iganski jam i so konice z ravnim gous specim ens from Breg are slightly altered (ibid, Pla­
hrbtom (gravetjenske) relativno pogoste (B rodar 1991, te 3: 6, 15).
36). V Poljšiški cerkvi je ena sam a (B rodar 1995, t. 5: T he third linking form is a (m icrolithic) point with
424), ki jo je M. Brodar (1995, 14) opredelil kot nožiček a straight back (G .E .E .M . 1972, 367, Fig.3 ), w hich is in
s hrbtom . Pod Č rm ukljo ni bila najdena nobena mikro- essence entirely th e sam e as a gravette point. T his m e­
litska konica. V Viktorjevem spodm olu in M. Triglavci ans th a t it can also have a gravette retouch. So M. Bro­
m ikrolitske konice sicer so, vendar med njimi ni konic z dar (1992, 26) classified six m icroliths from Pod Č r­
ravnim hrbtom . Vse konice imajo nam reč dvojen hrbet. mukljo am ong gravette bladelets, in which he allowed
Pri tem je zanimivo, d a je bil en m edialni odlom ek mik- the possibility th at one o r two specim ens were actually
rolita z dvojnim hrbtom (inv. št. 837) najden tudi v zgorn­ fragm ents o f triangles. In C iganska jam a, points with
ji gravetjenski plasti v Ciganski jam i (B rodar 1991, t. 18: straight backs (gravettian point) are relatively com m on
17). M. Brodar ga posebej ne obravnava, saj g a je pripi­ (B rodar 1991, 36). In Poljšiška cerkev there is only one
sal skupini nožičkov s topim hrbtom (B rodar 1991, 36). (B rodar 1995,Plate 5 :4 2 4 ), w hich M. Brodar (1995, 14)
V Ciganski jam i prevladujejo relativno veliki mikroliti. defined as a backed bladelet. No m icrolithic points were
M ajhni so redki, vendar dajo slutiti, da je bila mikroliti- found in Pod Črm ukljo. A lthough there are m icrolithic
zacija celo večja od ugotovljene. Spiranje deponiranih points in Viktorjev spodm ol and M. Triglavca, none of
sedim entov Brodarjevih izkopavanj bi nedvom no oboga­ them are points with a straight back. All the points, in
tilo naše vedenje o vlogi m ikrolitov in m orebitnih hiper- fact, are double backed. It is interesting in this that one
m ikrolitov v tem ključnem najdišču. m edial fragm ent o f a m icrolith with a double back (inv.
Č e trta povezovalna o blika je č o ln iča sta konica no. 837) was also found in the upper G ravettian layer in
(G .E.E.M . 1972, 367 ss, sl. 4). V Ciganski jam i je možnih Ciganska jam a (B rodar 1991, Plate 18: 17). M. Brodar
kar nekaj prim erkov (B rodar 1991, t. 16: 17, 22, 29). V does not deal with it individually, since he ascribed it to
Poljšiški cerkvi je en sam prim erek, ki g a je M. Brodar the group o f bladelets with sem i-abrupt retouch (Bro­
(1995, t. 2: 396) opredelil za koničasto klinico. Redki dar 1991, 36). In C iganska jam a, relatively large m icro­
takšni prim erki so bili najdeni tudi v Viktorjevem spod­ liths predom inate. T here are a few small ones, and they
molu in M. Triglavci. give rise to the suspicion that m icrolithisation was even
Peta povezovalna oblika je klinica s hrbtom in preč­ fu rth er advanced than has been established. Wet sieving
no retušo. To geom etrijsko orodje prištevam med raz- deposited sedim ents o f B rodar’s excavation would un­
nostranične trikotnike, da se izognem težavam pri razli­ doubtedly enrich our knowledge o f the role o f m icro­
kovanju med pravim i trikotniki ter klinicam i s hrbti in liths and possible hyperm icroliths at this key site.
prečno retušo. Dve klinici s hrbtom in prečno retušo sta T h e f o u rth lin k in g fo rm is a n a v icu la r p oin t
bili najdeni v Ciganski jam i (B rodar 1991, t. 19: 19-20). (G .E .E .M . 1972, 367 ss, si. 4). T here are several pos­
M. Brodar (1991,37) je eno umestil med izrabljene kose, sible specim ens in Ciganska jam a (B rodar 1991, Plate
o drugi (inv. št. 574) pa pravi, d a j e blizu iztegnjenega 16: 17, 22, 29). In Poljšiška cerkev there is only one spe­
trikotnika in d a je ‘znanilec prihodnjega kulturnega raz­ cim en, which M. Brodar (1995, Plate 2: 396) classified
voja', tako kot segm ent (inv. št. 1460) in prim erek, ki as a pointed bladelet. O ccasional such specim ens were
‘spom inja na konico tard en o is’ (B rodar 1991. 37, t. 19: also found in Viktorjev spodm ol and M. Triglavca.
17, 26). Mislim, da slednji prim erek niti m alo ne spo­ The fifth linking form is a backed and truncated
minja na tardenojsko konico, saj mu m anjkajo vsi za to bladelet. I include this geom etric tool am ong scalene
k o n ic o z n a č iln i e le m e n ti (glej R ozoy 1978, 233; triangles in order to avoid difficulties in distinguishing
G .E.E.M . 1972, 370 ss). V Poljšiški cerkvi ni nobene between real triangles and backed and tru n cated blade­
klinice s hrbtom in prečno retušo, kar je glede na časov­ lets. Two backed and tru n cated bladelets were found in
no um estitev najdišča precej nenavadno. So pa takšni Ciganska jam a (B rodar 1991, Plate 19: 19-20). M. Bro­
prim erki relativno pogosti Pod Č rm ukljo (B rodar 1992, d ar (1991, 37) placed one am ong shouldered pieces, and
t. 5: 27-28, 30-31, 3 3 -3 4 , 37-38, 43) in predvsem v says about the o th er (inv. no. 574) th at it is close to an
Viktorjevem spodm olu in v M. Triglavci (t. 8: 7-11, 18- extenuated triangle and that it is ‘a harbinger o f future
20; 9: 21-22, 2 7 -3 0 idr.), kjer so, kot rečeno, um eščeni cultural developm ent’, ju st as a segm ent (inv. no. 1460)
v skupino raznostraničnih trikotnikov. Sedanja podoba and a specim en that is ‘rem iniscent o f a Tardenoid po in t’,
Viktorjevega spodm ola in M. Triglavce je odsev terenske (B rodar 1991, 37, Plate 19: 17, 26). I think th at the last
m etode, saj so se klinice s hrbti in prečno retušo od pa­ exam ple is in no sense rem iniscent o f a Tardenoid point,
leolitika do m ezolitika izrazito pom anjšale (mikrolitizi- since all the characteristic elem ents o f such a point are
rale), tako da lahko v posam ičnih prim erih govorim o o missing (see Rozoy 1978, 233; G .E.E.M . 1972, 370 ss).
m ezolitskih hiperm ikrolitih. No backed and tru n cated bladelets were found in Polj­
V vprašanju m ikrolitizacije v slovenskih najdiščih šiška cerkev, w hich is very surprising considering the
se ne strinjam z razm išlanjem M. Brodarja (1995, 16), tim e setting. However, such specim ens are fairly com ­
ki ni upošteval vpliva terenske m etode na ugotovljeno m on in Pod Č rm ukljo (B rodar 1992, Plate 5: 2 7 -2 8 ,
stopnjo mikrolitizacije. 30-31, 3 3 -3 4 , 3 7 -3 8 , 43) and above all in V iktorjev
Šesta povezovalna oblika so izrobljene kline. Te so spodm ol and in M. Triglavca (Plates 8: 7-11, 18-20: 9:
pogoste v Ciganski jam i (B rodar 1 9 9 1 ,3 8 ,t. 18:26 -3 5 ), 21-22, 2 7 -3 0 etc.), where, as has been said, they are
manj pogoste v Poljšiški cerkvi (B rodar 1995, 15, t. 6: placed in the group o f scalene triangles. T he present
18, 156) in Pod Č rm ukljo (B rodar 1992, 26, t. 5: 9, 12). appearance o f Viktorjev spodm ol and M. Triglavca is a
V Viktorjevem spodm olu jih ni, razen na m ikrolitskih reflection o f the fieldwork m ethod, since backed and
arm aturah, so pa prisotne v M. Triglavci (t. 18: 181, 183— tru n cated bladelets becam e significantly sm aller from
184). the Palaeolithic to the M esolithic (m icrolithisation) so
Kot zadnjo povezovalno obliko m oram ponovno th at in certain cases we can talk about M esolithic hy-
om eniti krožne segm ente, ki pa so, kot trenutno kaže, v perm icroliths.
Sloveniji zelo redki tako v poznem paleolitiku (B rodar O n th e question o f m icrolithisation at Slovene si­
1991, t. 19: 26) kot v celotnem znanem m ezolitiku (F re­ tes, 1 do not agree with the thinking o f M. B rodar (1995,
lih 1986, t. 5:1-4; Brodar 1995, t. 2: 163, 5: 470). Z m anj­ 16), which does not take into acco u n t the influence o f
ševanje deleža krožnih segm entov je sicer značilno za fieldwork m ethod in establishing the level o f m icrolithi­
m lajše faze italskega m ezolitika (B roglio, Kozlowski sation.
1983), vendar mislim, da v Sloveniji in naTržaškem kra­ Shouldered blades are th e sixth linking form. T he­
su to ni povezano s časom , temveč gre prej za značiln­ se are frequent in Ciganska jam a (B rodar 1991, 38, Pla­
ost tega prostora. Krožni segm enti se tu enostavno niso te 18: 2 6 -3 5 ), less frequent in Poljšiška cerkev (B rodar
prijeli. 1995, 15, Plate 6: 18, 156) and Pod Č rm ukljo (B rodar
1992, 26, Plate 5: 9, 12). T here are none in Viktorjev
spodm ol, except m icrolithic arm atures, but they are pre­
sent in M. Triglavca (Plate 18: 181, 183-184).
As the last linking form, I m ust again m ention cir­
cular segm ents, which at the m om ent ap p ear to very rare
both in the Late Palaeolithic (B rodar 1991. Plate 19:
26) and in the entire known M esolithic (Frelih 1986,
Plate 5:1-4; Brodar 1995, Plates 2: 163, 5: 470). A re­
duction o f the share o f circular segm ents is however
characteristic o f the later phases o f the Italic M esolithic
(Broglio, Kozlowski 1983), but I think th at in Slovenia
and on the T riestine K arst this is not co nnected with
tim e but is rath er a characteristic o f this region. C ircu­
lar segm ents simply did not take hold here.
11. N a j d b e k r e a m ik e 11. F in d s o f P o t t e r y

Iv a n T u r k & A nton V elušček

N ajdbe keramike sicer ne sodijo v m ezolitik, ki je pred­ T he finds o f pottery do not belong to the M esolithic,
m et te knjige, vendar vseeno zaslužijo nekaj stavkov. w hich is the subject o f this book, but they nevertheless
Dejstvo je, da je bilo najdišče občasno poseljeno deserve a few sentences.
ali vsaj obiskano tudi v pom ezolitskem obdobju. Iz raz­ The fact is th a t the site was occasionally settled or
predelnice 6.3.1 je razvidno, da se keram ične najdbe gos­ at least visited also in the post-M esolithic period. It is
tijo v zgornjem delu plasti 2. Plast 3 (m ezolitik) je po­ clear from Table 6.3.1 that the pottery finds are denser
polnom a brez ostankov keramike. in the u pper p art o f layer 2. Layer 3 (M esolithic) is com ­
Količina najdene keramike je m ajhna (145 kosov pletely w ithout rem ains o f pottery.
ali 1,5 kg, vse manjši fragm enti). Skoraj vsa keram ika je T he am o u n t o f pottery found is small (145 pieces
nedvom no prazgodovinska. Podrobneje kronološko-tipo- or 1.5 kg, all sm aller fragm ents). A lm ost all the pottery
loško se ne da opredeliti, čeprav sva ugotovila nekatere is undoubtedly prehistoric. It cannot be defined in m ore
elem ente kaštelirske keramike. Takšna keram ika je gle­ detail chronologically-typologically, although we iden­
de na bližino kaštelirja pričakovana (glej Novakovič, Turk tified som e fragm ents o f Iron Age castellieri pottery. In
1991). Nekaj kosov keram ike ni prazgodovinskih. En view o f the proxim ity o f settlem ent from this period,
fragm ent pološčene novodobne ali antične keramike je such p o ttery is to be expected (see N ovakovič, Turk
bil najden v režnju 7, kar kaže na določeno mešanje najdb 1991). Some pieces o f pottery are not pre-historic. O ne
iz različnih obdobij. fragm ent o f glazed new era or Rom an pottery was found
A rheološka stratigrafija je tako lahko nadvse po­ in spit 7, w hich indicates a certain mixing o f finds from
d obna tisti z najdišča Pod Č rm ukljo (B rodar 1992, 25). various periods.
A rchaeological stratigraphy may be thus above all
sim ilar to th at at the Pod Č rm ukljo site (B rodar 1992,
12. M a k r o sk o psk i 12. P lant M acro-

M etka C uliberg

V analizo sm o sprva dobili m akroskopske rastlinske os­ We first obtained for analysis m acroscopic plant rem ains
tanke, ki so bili poleg arheološkega in kostnega m ateria­ that had been collected together with archaeological and
la zbrani iz nestratificiranega sedim enta sonde V iktorje­ bone material from unstratified sedim ent o f the test trench
vega spodm ola (faza V iktor in IzA). Rezultati analiz so o f Viktorjev spodm ol (Viktor and IzA phase). The results
navedeni ločeno v razpredelnici 12.1, kjer sta podana le o f analysis are given separately in Table 12.1, in which
seznam in število vseh ugotovljenih vrst semen ter sez­ only a list and the num ber o f all identified species o f seed
nam z antrakotom sko analizo ugotovljenih drevesnih vrst are given, a list with tree species identified by anthracoto-
in številom analiziranih primerkov oglja. Ponovno son­ mic analysis and num bers o f analysed specim ens o f char­
diranje profila iz Viktorjevega spodm ola, ki sta ga izved­ coal. A new investigation o f a profile o f Viktorjev spod­
la J. Dirjec in I. Turk (faza IzA), je bilo izpeljano strati- mol, which was done by J. Dirjec and I. Turk (IzA pha­
grafsko po režnjih, debelih 5 cm. Poleg večjega števila se), was carried out stratigraphically by spits 5 cm thick.
koščic, pešk, oreškov in zrn različnih plodov, sm o v se­ In addition to a large num ber o f small bones, pips, nuts
dim entu našli tudi precej manjših koščkov lesnega oglja.V and seeds o f various fruits, we also found in the sedim ent
razpredelnici 12.2 so navedeni rezultati analiziranih rast­ a fair num ber o f small pieces o f wood charcoal. Table
linskih ostankov po posam eznih režnjih. Pri identifika­ 12.2 gives the results o f the analysed plant rem ains by
ciji sem en ozirom a lesnega oglja sm o uporabljali določe- individual spits. In the identification o f seeds or wood
valne ključe po Bertschu (1941), K atzu et al. (1965), charcoal, we used the identification key according to Bert-
Schw eingruberju (1978) in zbirko recentnih sem en in sch (1941), Katz et al. (1965), Schw eingruber (1978) and
recentnega oglja Biološkega inštituta Jovana Hadžija. the collection o f recent seeds and recent charcoal o f the
Jovan Hadži Biological Institute.

12. 1 S e m e n a in p l o d o v i
12. 1 S e e d s a n d f r u i t s
Prevladujejo koščice t. i. koščičastih plodov, za katere je
značilno, da im ajo zunanji del sočen, om esenel, osred­ Stones o f so-called stone fruits predom inated, w hich are
nji del pa je trda koščica, ki se v ugodnih edafskih raz­ characterised by the ou ter parts being soft, pulpy, and
merah lahko dalj časa ohrani tudi nezoglenela. Take plod­ the central p art being a hard stone which, under favou­
ove im ajo rum eni dren {C om us m as L.), rdeči dren (Cor- rable edaphic conditions, can also be preserved uncar­
m issanguinea L.), češnja {Prunusavium L.) in sliva {Pru­ bonised for extended periods. C o rn elian ch erry (Cor-
nus domestica L.). Tudi plod robide {Riibus fruticosus nus m as L.), dogw ood {Cornus sanguinea L.), ch erry
L.) sodi med koščičaste plodove, le da so pri njem števil­ (Primus avium L.) and plum {Prunus domestica L.) have
ni m ajhni koščičasti plodiči zrasli v t. i. birni plod. Navi­ such seeds. T he fruit o f blackberry (Rubus fruticosus L.)
dezno podobni, m orfološko pa drugačni plodovi so ja ­ also belongs am ong stone fruits, except th at in its case,
gode vinske trte ( Vitis vini/era L.) in črnega bezga (Sam - num erous small stone fruits grow into a aggregate fruit.
bucus nigra L.). Tudi jagode imajo om esenelo oplodje v The berries o f grape (Vitis vinifera) and elder (Sam bu-
katerem pa je navadno več sem en. Poleg naštetih semen cus nigra L.) are apparently similar, but m orphological­
večinom a užitnih plodov so bili med najdbam i še plo­ ly different fruits. Berries, too, have a pulpy fruit in which
diči javorja {Acer sp. L.), vendar brez krilc, in sem ena there are norm ally a num ber o f seeds. In addition to the
robinije {Robinia pseudoacacia L.), ki so se iztresla iz aforem entioned seeds o f mainly edible fruits, am ong the
strokov. finds were the seeds o f m aple (Acer sp. L.), but without
the wings, and even the seeds o f false acacia (Robinia
pseudoacacia L.), which had been shaken from the pods.
Razpredelnica 12.1: V iktorjev spodm ol, rastlinski ostanki iz 12.2 C harcoal
nestratificiran eg a sedim enta sonde (faza V iktor in IzA).
Table 12.1: V iktorjev spodm ol, p lant rem ains from u n strati­ The specim ens o f charcoal were for the m ost part small,
fied sedim ents o f the test trench (V iktor and V iktor and IzA
from 0.5 to 1 cm and even smaller. Seventy specim ens
p hases).
were examined. The largest shares o f all the analysed pie­
S em ena O g lje ces o f charcoal have the anatom ic characteristics o f m an­
S eeds C h a rco a l na ash (Fraxinus ornus L.), maple (Acer sp.) and oak (Quer­
P inus sp. 1 cus sp.). Pine (Pinus sp.), hornbeam ( Carpinus sp.), hop
C arpinus sp. 3 hornbeam ( Ostrya carpinijolia Scop.) were also represen­
C o rn u s m as
F ra xin u s sp. 6 ted, and there was one specim en each o f charcoal with
C o rn u s sanguined
Q uercus sp. 3
S a m b u c a s nigra 74 the characteristics o f the wood o f lime ( Tilia sp.), poplar
Tilia sp. 1
R ubus fr u tic o s u s 13 (Populus sp.) and spruce ( Picea sp.). Some specim ens had
P opulus sp. 1
R o b in ia p seu d o a c a cia 24 a strongly dam aged internal structure, so that it was not
listavec / caducifol. indet. 21
iglavec / conif. indet. 3 possible to identify a distinct tree species.

Razpredelnica 12.2: V iktorjev spodm ol, stratigrafsko opredeljene najdbe rastlinskih ostankov (faza IzA).
Table 12.2; V iktorjev spodm ol, stratigraphically defined finds o f p lan t rem ains (IzA phase).

R e že n j / S p it S e m e n a / S eeds O g lje / C h a rc o a l
C o rn u s m a s 4 0 + 1 7 p oškodovanih / dam aged
C ornus sa nguinea 8 + Vi
2 P ru n u s a vium 2
P runus dom estica 2
R obinia p seu d o a ca cia 9
A c e r (ca m p estre) 13
C o rn u s m as 48
C o rn u s sa nguinea 6 + Vi
P runus d om estica 2 + /' 2
3 A cer 2
Vitis vinifera 4
A c e r 2 Vi
R obinia pseu d o a ca cia 8
C ornus m a s 18
C ornus sa nguinea 3 O strya c a rpinifolia 1
Vitis vinifera 2 F ra xin u s o rn u s 1
A cer 3
C o rn u s m as 5 F ra xin u s 2
C ornus sa nguinea '/2 P in u s 1
V itis vinifera 1 K alcificiran o lesno o glje / C alcin ated charcoal -
R obinia pseu d o a ca cia 3 n edo lo čljiv o / u nidentifiable 1
C ornus m as V2
C ornus sanguinea 1 O stiy a carp in ifilia 1
6 P ru n u s aviu m 1 Q uercus 2
V itis vinifera 1 F ra xin u s o rn u s 2
R obinia p seu d o a ca cia 3
A cer 3
C ornus m as 3 + fragm . Q uercus 1
7 A cer 1 F ra xin u s 1
R obinia p seu d o a ca cia 2 P icea 1
P inus 2
C ornus m as 2
8 A cer 1
R obinia p seu d o a ca cia 1
C o rn u s m a s 19
9 C ornus sa nguinea 1 F raxinus 1
R obinia pseu d o a ca cia 1
10 C arpinus 1
Q uercus 2
F ra xin u s 2
12 Q uercus 1
A cer 3
P in u s 1
15 C o rn u s m as 1 listavec / caducifol. indet. 1
16 Q uercus sp.
1 2 .2 O g lje 12.3 D isc u ssio n a n d c o n c l u s io n s

Prim erki oglja so večinom a m anjše velikosti, od 0,5 do T he seeds collected from the sedim ent in Viktorjev spod­
1 cm in celo še manjši. Pregledanih je bilo 70 vzorcev. mol are in our opinion recent or sub-recent. All, wit­
Največji delež od vseh analiziranih koščkov oglja ima hout exception, nam ely are uncarbonised. T he species
anatom ske značilnosti malega jesena (Fraxinus ornus L.), com position further strongly influenced such a conclu­
javorja (Acer sp. L.) in hrasta ( Quercus sp. L.). Z astopa­ sion. In p articular soil conditions, the stones o f fruit
ni so še bor (Pinus sp. L.), gaber ( Carpinus sp. L), črni and o th er seeds can in fact be preserved very long, even
gaber ( Ostrya carpinifolia Scop.), po en prim erek oglja if they are not carbonised, as is confirm ed by sim ilar
pa im a lastnosti lesa lipe (Tilia sp. L.), topola (Populus finds from Eneolithic pile-dweller sites on the Ljubljana
sp. L.) in sm reke (Picea sp. A. Dietr.), nekaj pa jih je barje (Ljubljana m oor). Stones o f cornelian cherry (Cor­
im elo tako m očno poškodovano notranjo strukturo, da nus m as L.), blackberry and raspberry (Rubusfruticosus
jim ni bilo m ogoče določiti pripadnosti drevesni vrsti. L„ Rubus idaeus L.) and the pips o f grape (Vitis vinife­
ra), have been preserved there for several thousand years
(C uliberg, Šercelj 1980, Jeraj 2002). However, these
12.3 R a z p r a v a in s k l e p i seeds were only found in archaeological layers and so
m ore or less chronologically defined. It is evident from
Semena, zbrana iz sedim enta v Viktorjevem spodm olu, Table 12.2 th at the concentration o f seeds in the profile
so po našem m nenju recentna ozirom a subrecentna. Vsa o f Viktorjev spodm ol is the highest precisely in the up­
brez izjeme so nam reč nepooglenela. N a takšno opre­ per cuts and it decreases with depth. It is also the sam e
delitev pa je še m očneje vplivala njihova vrstna sestava. with the fruit stones o f dogw ood, o f w hich there are the
Koščice plodov in druga sem ena se v posebnih talnih m ost o f all the seeds, since they are found in all strata,
razm erah res lahko ohranijo zelo dolgo, tudi če so ne- together with other seeds. T he reason th at we identified
zoglenela, kar potrjujejo podobne najdbe iz eneolitskih the plant rem ains as recent or sub-recent was also the
koliščarskih najdišč na Ljubljanskem barju. K oščice large num ber o f seeds o f false acacia (Robinia pseudoa­
drnulj, plodov rum enega drena ( Cornus m as L.), robide cacia L.), w hich is a very w idespread tree species here
in m aline (Rubusfruticosus L., Kubus idaeus L.) ter peške but we know it was only brought from N orth A m erica
vinske trte (Vitis vinifera L.), so se tam ohranile več ti­ at the beginning o f the 17th century. T he seeds o f Robi­
soč let (Culiberg, Šercelj 1980, Jeraj 2002). Toda ta se­ nia were found in the ninth spit, as well. Seeds also stop
m ena so bila ugotovljena le v arheoloških plasteh in tako there, and accordingly they can n o t be older th an 300 to
že bolj ali manj kronološko opredeljena. Iz razpredelni­ 400 years. T here were only two exceptions, the stone o f
ce 12.2 pa je razvidno, d a je koncentracija sem en v pro­ a cherry
in the fifteenth spit and a very small unripe oak
filu v Viktorjevem spodm olu največja prav v zgornjih acorn (Quercus) in the sixteenth spit. T he m ajority of
režnjih, v globino pa upada. Tako je tudi s koščicami the tree and shrub species w hose seeds were identified
drnulj, ki jih je med vsemi sem eni največ, saj jih najde­ thrive in forest, at forest m argins or in open spaces in
m o v vseh stratum ih skupaj z drugimi sem eni. Da sm o the vicinity o f the site. Even the seeds o f cultivated fruit
rastlinske ostanke opredelili za recentne ozirom a subre- species (plum , grape), because o f the proxim ity o f sett­
centne, je v veliki meri odločalo tudi seme robinije (Robi- lem ents, are in no way unusual. It is very probable that
nia pseudoacacia L.), ki je pri nas sicer že zelo razširje­ the fruits were food for various anim als, w hich brought
na drevesna vrsta, vem o pa, da s o jo v Evropo prinesli iz them to the site and probably also to the lower layers o f
Severne Amerike šele v začetku 17. stoletja. In prav seme the sedim ent, and the seeds o f m aple and false acacia
robinije je ugotovljeno tudi v devetem režnju. Tam se could have been carried by the wind.
najdbe sem en tudi nehajo in potem takem ne m orejo biti From the unstratified sedim ent o f the test trench
starejše od 300 do 400 let. Izjemi sta bili le še ena košči­ o f V iktorjev spodm ol (Table 12.1) the fruit stones o f
ca drena v petnajstem režnju in zelo m ajhen, nedozorel blackberry (R ubusfruticosus L.) and elder (Sam bucus
hrastov želod ( Quercus sp.) v šestnajstem režnju. Veči­ nigra L.) were additionally found after wet sieving, whi­
na drevesnih in grm ovnih vrst, katerih sem ena so bila le with the later S tra tig ra p h ie excavations not a single
ugotovljena, uspeva v gozdu, ob robu gozda ali na odpr­ specim en o f either species was found. It may have been
tih površinah bližnje okolice najdišča. Tudi sem ena th at these seeds were carried into the sedim ent or even
sadežev gojenih vrst (sliva, vinska trta ) zaradi bližine only o n to the surface o f the sedim ent later, even after
naselij niso nič nenavadnega. N ajverjetneje je, da so bili the excavations, perhaps with bird excrem ent.
ti sadeži hrana raznih živali, ki so jih tudi zanesle do The wood charcoal was diffusely spread throughout
najdišča in najbrž tudi v nižje plasti sedim enta, plodove the sedim ent. A ccording to the anatom ical ch aracteris­
javorja in robinije pa je lahko prinesel veter. tics, we d eterm ined for each specim en the affiliation o f
Iz nestratificiranega sedim enta sonde Viktorjeve­ the tree species and identified a relatively large variety
ga spodm ola (razpredelnica 12.1) so bile po m okrem o f species. However, all the species that we found also
izpiranju najdene še koščice plodov robide (Rubus fruti- com pose the forests o f this region today, and they could
cosus L.) in črnega bezga (Sam bucus nigra L.), m edtem sim ilarly have thrived here in the near and even distant
ko pri poznejših stratigrafskih izkopavanjih ni bil ugo­ past, even in the M esolithic. In the stratified spits o f the
tovljen niti en prim erek ene ali druge vrste. Lahko da so profile there is no particularly m arked distinguishing
ta sem ena prišla v sedim ent ali celo le na površino sedi­ succession in the d ev elo p m en t o f forest v egetation,
m enta še pozneje, celo že po izkopu, m orda s ptičjimi though certainly it was present over such a long period.
iztrebki. Oak ( Quercus) and ash (Fraxinus) and maple (Acer),
Lesno oglje je bilo difuzno razpršeno po sedim entu. which predom inate from the 11th to the 15th spits per­
Po anatom skih značilnostih sm o vsakem u vzorcu do­ haps also indicate a phase o f som ehow degraded prim ary
ločili pripadnost drevesni vrsti in ugotovili relativno ve­ mixed oak forest (Q uercetum mixtum), in which there
liko pestrost vrst. Vendar vse vrste, ki sm o jih ugotovili, was also pine (Pinus) (Šercelj 1996). Such anthropozoi-
tudi danes sestavljajo gozdove tega obm očja, prav tako cally induced vegetation could be placed chronologically
pa so lahko tu uspevali tudi v bližnji in celo daljni prete­ at the beginning o f the A tlantic period, which would cor­
klosti, celo že v m ezolitiku. V stratificiranih režnjih prof­ respond to the Late M esolithic, but certainly 14C dating
ila ni zaznati posebno razločne sukcesije v razvoju gozd­ o f the charcoal, especially from these but also from other
ne vegetacije, gotovo pa je v tako dolgem obdobju bila spits, would be required for further discussion.
prisotna. In the u pper layers, the co n ten t com position o f the
H rast ( Quercus) in jesen ( Fraxinus) ter javor (Acer), charcoal did not essentially change. All these species
ki prevladujejo od II. do 15. režnja m orda kažejo tudi are still represented, except th at from th e 6th spit up­
na fazo nekoliko okrnjenega prim arnega m ešanega hras­ w ards they are joined by hop hornbeam ( Oslrva carpini­
tovega gozda (Q uercetum m ixtum ), v katerem je bil še folia), w hich is characteristic o f over-lighted degraded
bor (Pinus) ( Šercelj 1996). Takšno vegetacijo bi kronolo­ forest o f overgrowing pastures. It is also interesting that
ško lahko postavili v začetek atlantika, kar bi ustrazalo am ong the charcoal found there was no specim en o f
m lajšem u m ezolitiku, vsekakor pa bi za nadaljnjo disku­ beech (Fagus), w hich one would have expected, especi­
sijo bile potrebne 14C datacije oglja zlasti iz teh, kot tudi ally in the older layers.
iz drugih režnjev. Even in the case o f the charcoal not having been
V zgornjih plasteh se vsebinska sestava oglja bist­re-deposited, because o f the small num ber o f specim ens
veno ni sprem enila, vse te vrste so še vedno zastopane, it would be difficult to reach any conclusions about ty­
le da se jim od 6. režnja navzgor pridruži še črni gaber pes o f forest associations o r th eir successions, and still
(Oslrva carpinifolia), k ije značilen za m očno presvetlje­ m ore difficult to define them chronologically w ithout
ne degradirane gozdove zaraščajočih se pašnikov. Z ani­ radiocarbon dating.
mivo je tudi, da m ed najdenim ogljem ni bilo nobenega
prim erka bukve ( Fagus L.), saj bi to pričakovali vsaj v
starejših plasteh.
Tudi v prim eru, da oglje ni bilo presedim entirano,
bi zaradi m ajhnega števila vzorcev težko govorili o tip­
skih gozdnih združbah ozirom a njihovih sukcesijah, in
še teže bi jih časovno opredelili brez radiokarbonske
datacije in arheoloških najdb.
13. H o l o c e n s k i 13. H o l o c e n e L a n d
KOPENSKI IN and F reshw ater
( G a stro po d a ) v ( G a s t r o p o d a ) in
V ik t o r j e v e m V ik t o r je v S p o d m o l
spo d m o lu
R ajko S lapnik

Viktorjev spodm ol se nahaja v vznožju Vremščice (1027 Viktorjev spodm ol is located in the foothills o f Vremšči­
m ) v dolini reke Reke na robu Parka Škocjanske jam e. ca (1027 m ) in the valley o f the river Reka on the edge
Izoblikoval se je v plastnatih rudistnih apnencih. Spod­ o f Škocjanske jam e (Škocjan Caves) Park. It was for­
mol je ostanek porušenega jam skega sistem a reke Reke. med in bedded rudist lim estone. The overhang cave is
O dpira se proti J-JV in je večji del dneva lepo osončen, the rem ains o f a collapsed cave system o f the river Reka.
hkrati pa dobro zavarovan pred burjo. It opens tow ards to S -S E and is sunlit for m ost o f the
Polži se pogosto zatekajo v vhodne dele jam in spod­ day, as well as being well protected from the ‘burja’, or
molov, kjer je zračna vlažnost relativno visoka. V več­ n o rth wind.
jem številu se zadržujejo na stenah, kjer jih veliko tudi Snails often w ander into the en trance part o f caves
pogine (G irod 2001). Prazne hišice padejo na tla in ne­ and overhang caves, where the hum idity is relatively high.
katere med njimi ostanejo nepoškodovane in lepo ohran­ They cling in large num bers to the walls, where many o f
jen e v plasteh. them also die (G irod 2001). T he em pty shells fall to the
Ločevanje in zbiranje malakološkega m ateriala iz ground and som e o f them rem ain undam aged and well
presejanih in posušenih vzorcev je bilo to k rat pri tovrst­ preserved in th e layers.
nih raziskavah v Sloveniji prvič n atančno izvedeno. Z S eparating and collecting m alacological m aterial
uporabo lupe z enkratno povečavo so bili odbrani vsi še from sieved and dried sam ples was carefully carried out
tako m ajhni delci polžjih hišic. Interpretacija dobljenih for the first tim e in Slovenia in such research. W ith the
rezultatov (B oato, Bodon, G iovanelli, M ildner 1989; use o f a magnifying glass with double m agnification, even
Bole et al. 1990: Fechter, Falkner 1989; Kerney, C am e­ small particles o f snail shells were collected. T he inter­
ron, Jungbluth 1983) temelji na prim erjavi z rezultati pretation o f th e results obtained (B oato, Bodon, G iova­
dobljenimi v izkopaninah v najbližjih jam ah v Italiji (Peči­ nelli, M ildner 1989; Bole el al. 1990; Fechter, Falkner
na pri Bjarču - Riparo di Biarzo, ob N adiži in Stenašca - 1989; Kerney, C am eron, Jungbluth 1983) is based on
Grotta d ell’E dera, na Tržaškem krasu) (G iovanelli, 1996; com parison with results obtained in excavations in the
G iovanelli, Rizzi Longo, Štolfa, Z ucchi Štolfa 1986; closest caves in Italy ( Pečina pri Bjarču - Riparo di Biar­
G irod 1996; 2001; 2001-2002), recentnem u m aterialu, zo. by the river N adiža - Natisone and Stenašca - Grotta
nabranem u v neposredni okolici spodm ola, in malako- d e ll’Edera, in the T riestine K arst) (G iovanelli, 1996;
favni v Parku Škocjanske jam e, k ije bila natančno razis­ G iovanelli, Rizzi Longo, Stolfa, Z ucchi Stolfa 1986;
kana v zadnjih letih (Bole, Slapnik 1998; Č arni et al. G irod 1996; 2001; 2 0 0 1 -2 0 0 2 ), recent m aterial collec­
2002; Slapnik, 2002). ted in the im m ediate vicinity o f the overhang cave, and
m alacofauna in Škocjanske jam e Park, which has been
carefully studied in recent years (Bole, Slapnik 1998;
13.1 M eto d e dela Č arni et al. 2002; Slapnik, 2002).

L eta 1999 je bil sistem atično izkopan ozek pas profila

(20 x 200 x 100 cm ) Viktorjeve sonde v istoim enskem 13.1 M e th o d s o f W o rk
spodm olu (faza IzA). Vodoravni režnji debeline 5 cm
so bili posam ično odstranjeni. Sledilo je m okro sejanje In 1999, a narrow band o f the profile was excavated (20
na sitih z velikostjo luknjic 3 mm in 1 mm ali 0,5 mm. x 200 x 100 cm ) in V iktor’s test trench in Viktorjev spod­
O stanki hišic H elix pom ada so bili izločeni in niso pose­ mol (IzA phase). H orizontal spits 5 cm thick were rem o­
bej obravnavani v statistični analizi. N a Biološkem inšti- ved individually. Wet sieving on sieves with a diam eter
tutu ZRC SAZU sm o ostanke hišic in hišice najprej na­ o f holes o f 3 mm and 1 mm or 0.5 mm followed. The
makali 2 x po 15 min v m očno razredčenem kalijevem rem ains o f shells o f Helix pom atia were separated and
hidroksidu (K O H ), jih nato sprali z vodo in posušili. were n ot dealt with individually in the statistical analy­
Sledila je determ inacija izločenih celih in polom ljenih sis. We first soaked the rem ains o f th e shells twice for
hišic polžev in školjk iz posam eznih režnjev. N a osnovi 15 m inutes each at the Biological Institute ZRC SAZU
prim erjav ostankov hišic s celimi hišicam i sm o določili in greatly diluted potassium hydroxide (K O H ), and then
vse polom ljene in juvenilne hišice. Pri statistični obdel­ washed them in w ater and dried them . A determ ination
avi sm o ostanke hišic (ohranjena manj kot polovica hiši­ o f the separated w hole and broken shells o f snails from
ce) in polom ljene hišice (o h ran jen a več kot polovica individual spits followed. O n the basis o f com parison of
hišice) obravnavali enakovredno s celimi hišicami. the rem ains o f shells with w hole shells, we identified all
broken and juvenile shells. In the statistical processing,
we treated the rem ains o f shells (less th an half o f the
1 3 .2 R ezultati shell preserved) and broken shells (m ore than h alf the
shells preserved) the sam e as w hole shells.
Rezultati analize so podani v razpredelnicah 13.1-13.3
in sl. 13.1.
1 3 .2 R esults

13.2.1 P R E G L E D VRST T he results o f analysis are given in Tables 13.1-13.3 and

(razpredelnici 13.1, 13.2, sl. 13.1-13.3) Fig. 13.1.

Sadarji (Cochlostom atidac) so polžki z razm erom a maj­

hnim i, do 1 cm visokim i, ozko stožčastim i hišicam i. 13.2.1 REVIEW O F SPECIES
V ečinom a živijo sam o na apnencih, zato jih najlažje (Tables 13.1, 13.2, Figs. 13.1-13.3)
najdem o ob vlažnem vrem enu, ko lazijo po skalah. N aj­
pogostejša in najbolj razširjena vrsta je sedm erospiralni Cochlostom atidae are snails with relatively small, up to
sadar (Coclostoma septemspirale), k ije severno dinarska 1 cm high, narrow coniform shells. T he m ajority live
vrsta. V Parku Škocjanske jam e so bile ugotovljene tudi only on lim estone, so it is easiest to find them in dam p
nekatere druge vrste tega rodu (tržaški sadar ( C. tergesti- w eather when they are lying on rocks. T he com m onest
num ), okrašeni sadar (C. gracile) in stopničasti sadar (C. and m ost w idespread species is Coclostoma septemspira­
scalarinum), zato lahko upravičeno predvidevam o, da le, w hich is a n o rth ern D inarid species. C ertain oth er
nedoločljivi ostanki hišic pripadajo tudi nekaterim tem species o f this family have been found in Škocjan Caves
vrstam . V Viktorjevem spodm olu je sedm erospiralni sa­ Park (C. tergestinum, C. gracile and C. scalarinum), so
dar v vseh režnjih prevladujoča vrsta. V 2. in 3. plasti v we can justifiably expect that undeterm ined rem ains o f
režnjih od 6 do 18 sm o našteli več kot 200 hišic in nji­ shells also belong to som e o f these species. In Viktorjev
hovih ostankov v posam eznem režnju. Več kot polovico spodm ol, Coclostoma septemspirale is the predom inant
vseh hišic (56,29 %) v izkopu pripada sedm erospiral- species in all spits. In layers 2 and 3 in spits from 6 to
nem u sadarju, ki je dom inantna vrsta tudi v Stenašci 18, we counted m ore than 200 shells and their rem ains
(4321 hišic oz. 36 %). V Pečini pri Bjarču pa je prevla­ in individual spits. M ore th an half o f all shells (56.29% )
doval sivi stolpičasti sadar ( Coclostoma henricae) z 52,36 % in th e excavation belong to Coclostoma septemspirale,
do 85,25 %. w hich is also the p redom inant species in Stenašca (4321
Lepa okrogloustka (Pomatias elegans) iz družine shells or 36 %). In Pečina pri Bjarču Coclostoma henri­
okrogloustk (Pom atiasidae) je m editeranska in zahod- cae predom inated with 52.36 % to 85.25 %.
no-evropska vrsta. Pri nas je splošno razširjena na Pri­ Pomatias elegans from the family Pom atiasidae is a
m orskem , v notranjosti pa na toplih prisojnih pobočjih. M editerranean and w estern E uropean species. It is gene­
D o 1,5 cm visoka stožčasta hišica ima izrazita spiralna rally w idespread here in Prim orska, and in the interior
rebrca in prek njih še radiarna, tako je površina hišice on w arm , sunny slopes. The up to 1.5 cm high coniform
m režasta. Ustje je skoraj okroglo in ga zapre z m očnim shell has pronounced spiral ribs and radials so th a t the
apnenim pokrovčkom . Ugotovljena je bila v izkopih v surface o f the shell is reticulate. T he m outh is alm ost
vseh treh jam ah: v V iktorjevem spodm olu (0,76 %), v circular and it closes it with a strong operculum . It was
Stenašci (34 %) in v Pečini pri Bjarču (0,28 % do 34,25 found in excavations in all three caves: In Viktorjev spod­
%). V Viktorjevem spodm olu je bilo najdenih več ostan­ mol (0.76 %), in Stenašca (34 %) and in Pečina pri Bjarču
kov hišic v režnjih od 8 do 16. (0.28 % to 34.25 %). In Viktorjev spodm ol m ore rem ains
D robne in valjaste hišice im a kopenska družin a o f shells were found in spits 8 to 16.
konic (Aciculidae). Iz rodu Acicula sta pri nas najpogos­ The family o f the land snails Aciculidae has tiny,
tejši dve vrsti. G ladka, rjava in do 3 mm visoka je vitka cylindrical shells. Two species from the Acicula family
Razpredelnica 13.1: Geografska razširjenost vrst in njihova prisotnost v izkopih v Viktorjevem spodm olu (V S), Pečini pri Bjarču
- Riparo di Biarzo (R B) in Stenašci - Grotta dell'Edera (G E ) (?=velika verjetnost, da se vrsta pojavlja).
(alp., ju. evr.=alpska, južnoevropska; alp., zah. evr.=alpska, zahodnoevropska; alp„ karp.=alpska, karpatska; alp., med.=alpska,
mediteranska; centr., vzh. evr.=centralna, vzhodnoevropska; endemit=endem ična; evr.=evropska; evr., m. az.=evropska, maloa­
zijska; holarkt.=holarktičn a; jadr.=jadranska; ju. alp., ju. evr.= ju žn oalp ska, ju žn oevrop sk a; ju. alp .= ju žn oalp sk a; ju.
evr. “ju žn oevrop sk a; ju. vzh. a lp .= ju ž n o v z h o d n o alpska; ju. vzh. alp., d in .= ju žn o v zh o d n o alpska, dinarska; ju. vzh.
evr.=južnovzhodno evropska; m ed.“ mediteranska; med. vzh. evr.=mediteranska vzhodnoevropska; sev. zah. din.=severnozahodno
dinarska; sr. evr.=srednjeevropska; sr. ju. evr.=srednje južnoevropska; sr. vzh. evr.=srednje vzhodnoevropska; vzh. alp.=vzhodno
alpska; vzh. alp., balk.“vzhodnoalpska, balkanska; vzh. alp., din.“vzhodnoalpska, dinarska; zah. evr.“zahodnoevropska; zah.
med.= zahodno mediteranska; zah. palearkt.= zahodno palearktična).
Table 13.1: Geographical distribution o f species and their presence in excavations in Viktorjev spodm ol (V S), Pečina pri Bjarču
- Riparo di Biarza (R B) and Stenašca - Grotta dell’Edera (G E ) (?=great probability that the species appears).
(alp., jug. evr.=Alpine, southern European; alp., zah. evr.=Alpine, western European; alp., karp.=Alpine, Carpathian; alp.,
med.“ Alpine, Mediterranean; centr., vzh. evr.=central, eastern European; endemit=endemic; evr.=European; evr., m. az.=European,
Near East; holarkt.=holarctic; jadr.=Adriatic; ju. alp., ju. evr.“southern Alpine, southern European; ju. alp.=southern Alpine; ju.
evr.=southern European; ju. vzh. aIp.=south-east Alpine; ju. vzh. alp., din.“ south-eastern Alpine, Dinarid; ju. vzh. evr.=south-
eastern European; m ed.“ Mediterranean; med. vzh. evr.=Mediterranean eastern European; sev. zah. din.“ north-western Dina­
rid; sr. evr.=Central European; sr. ju. evr.=central southern European; sr. vzh. evr.=central eastern European; vzh. alp.=eastern
Alpine; vzh. alp., balk.“eastern Alpine, Balkan; vzh. alp., din.“eastern Alpine, Dinarid; zah. evr.=western European; zah.
med.“ western Mediterranean; zah. palearkt.“ western Palearctic).

V rste / T axa A real VS RB GE

C och lostom a tidac
Cochlostoma septemspirale (Razoumovsky, 1789) ju. evr. + +
Cochlostoma henricae (Strobel, 1851) vzh. alp. ? +
P om atiasid ae
Pomatias elegans (O.F. Mtiller, 1774) med. zah. evr. + > •
A cicu lid ae
Acicula lineata banki Boeters & Gittenberger, 1989 vzh. alp. +
Renea spectabilis (Rossmässler, 1839) ju. vzh. alp. din. +
H ydrobiidae
Sadleriana fhtminensis (Küster, 1852) ju. vzh. alp. +
C och licop id ae
Cochlicopa lubrica (O.F. Müller, 1774) holarkt. + + +
P vram id u lid ae
Pyramidula rupestris (Draparnaud, 1801) alp. med. + +
V ertigin id ae
Truncatellina claustralis (Gredler, 1856) ju. evr. +
Vertigopusilla O.F. Miiller, 1774 evr. m. az. + +
O rcu lid ae
Odontocyclas kokeili (Roßmäßler, 1837) ju. evr. +
Walklea rossmaessleri (Roßmäßler, 1838) endemit +
Sphyradium doliolum (Bruguiere, 1792) ju. evr. + + +
Orcula dolium (Draparnaud, 1801) alp. karp. + +
Pagodulina subdola (Gredler, 1856) ju. alp. + +
Argna biplicata (Michaud, 1831) ju. vzh. alp. +
Agardhiella truncatella (L. Pfeiffer, 1846) vzh. alp. din. +
Spelaeodiscus Iwuffeni (F. Schmidt, 1855) endemit +
Granaria illvrica (Roßmäßler, 1837) ju . alp., ju .evr. + + +
Chondrina avenacea (Bruguiere. 1792) zah. evr. alp. + +
Acantliinula aculeata (O.F. Müller. 1774) zah. palearkt. +
Vallonia pulchela (O.F. Miiller, 1774) holarkt. + +
Cliondriila tridens (O.F. Müller, 1774) ju. vzh. evr. + + +
V rste / Taxa Areal VS RB GE
Cochlodina fragm. +
Cochlodina laminata (M ontagu, 1803) evr. + + +
Cochlodina costata (Pfeiffer, 1828) ju. vzh. alp. + +
Cochlodina dubiosa (C lessin, 1882) v/.h. alp. + + +
Cochlodina triloba (Boettger, 1877) med. +
Macrogastra fragm. +
Macrogastra plicatula (Draparnaud, 1801) sr. evr. + + +
Macrogastra ventricosa (Draparnaud, 1801) sr. evr. + +
Macrogastra attenuata (Roßmäßler, 1835) sr. evr. + +
Ruthenica filograna ( Roßmäßler, 1836) vzh. evr. + + +
Erjavecia bergeri (Roßmäßler. 1836) v/.h. alp. +
J ulica schmidti (L. Pfeiffer, 1841) ju. v/.h. alp. +
ClausHia dubia Draparnaud, 1805 sr. evr. +
Cecilioides acicula (O.F. Müller, 1774) zah. evr. +
Poiretia cornea (Brumati, 1838) jadr. + + +
T estacell idae
Testacella scutulum Soverby, 1823 med. +
P u n ctid ae
Punctum pygmaeum (Draparnaud, 1801) holarkt. +
D iscidav
Discus perspectivus (M egerle von M iihlfeldt, 1816) vzh. evr. + +
V itrin id ae
Vitrinobrachium breve (Ferussac, 1821) sr. vzh. evr. + +
Z on itid ae
Vitrea fragm. +
Vitrea diaphana erjaveci (Brusina, 1870) sev. zah. din. +
Vitrea subrimata (Reinhardt, 1871) alp. ju .evr. +
A egopis fragm. +
A egopis verticillu s (Lamarck, 1822) v/.h. alp. balk + + +
Aegopis gemonensis kusceri A.J. Wagner, 1912 endemit 7 +
A egopis gem onensis gem onensis (A. Ferussac, 1832) ju. vzh. alp. 7
A egopin ella sp. + +
Aegopinella minor (Stabile, 1864) centr. vzh.evr. +
O xychilus sp. + +
Oxvchilus cfr. Draparnaudi (Back, 1837) zah. med. +
Umax sp. + + +
Lehmannia sp. +
Brady Inienidae
Fruticicola fruticum (O.F. Müller, 1774) evr. + +
Hygrom iidae
Trichia hispida (Linnaeus, 1758) evr. + +
Tricliia leucozona leucozona (C. Pfeiffer, 1828) ju. v/.h. alp. + +
Monachoides incarnatus (O.F. Müller, 1774) s r . ju. e v r . +
Monacha cartusiana (O.F. M ü l l e r , 1774) m e d . v zh . evr. + + +
Helicodonta obvoluta (O.F. Müller, 1774) sr. e v r. + + +
H elicidae
Campylaea fragm. +
Cainpvlaea illyrica (Stabile, 1864) ju. v z h . a l p . d i n . + + +
Kosicia intermedia (A. Ferussac, 1832) ju. v z h . a l p . + + +
Cepaea nemoralis ( L in n a e u s , 1758) j u . evr. + + +
Helix pomatia L in n a e u s , 1758 s r. j u . e v r . + +
Helix cincta O.F. M iille r , 1 7 7 4 m ed. •) +

konica (A. gracilis), ki je precej razširjena. Le v zahodni are m ost com m on here. A. gracilis is sm ooth, brown and
Sloveniji pa najdem o črtasto konico (A. lineata banki) z up to 3 mm high and is fairly w idespread. A. lineata ban­
drobnim i, žlebičastim i in neenakom erno razporejenim i ki, with tiny, grooves and unequal distribution o f lines
Razpredelnica 13.2: Viktorjev spodmol: število hišic in ostankov hišic določene vrste v posam eznem režnju, vsota in odstotek
hišic posam ezne vrste v odvisnosti od vseh hišic.
Table 13.2: Viktorjev spodmol: number o f shells and remains o f shells o f specific species in individual spits, total o f all shells and
percentage o f shells o f individual species in relation to all shells.

Nasutje Plast 1 in 2 Plast 2 Plast 3 SKUPAJ

Disturbed Layer 1-2 Layer 2 Layer 3 TOTAL
Št. hiš.
1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 1» II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Shell %
Cochlostoma septem. 49 102 41 65 91 244 329 351 162 216 219 400 576 404 526 486 400 281 104 5046 56,29
Pomatias elegans 1 1 1 1 4 6 13 7 7 10 5 5 6 1 68 0,76
Acicula linčata banki 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 11 0,12
Sadleriana fluminensis 8 6 0 43 19 34 2 62 7 181 2.02
Cochiicopa lubrica 1 1 2 0,02
Pyramiduia rupestris 1 3 2 6 0,07
Truncatellina elaustralis 2 2 0,02
Vertigo pusilla 5 8 1 1 2 9 2 1 2 31 0,35
Sphyradium doliolum 1 1 3 5 7 12 6 25 11 6 1 78 0,87
Orcula dolitini 1 13 3 1 18 0.20
Pagodi/lina subdola 1 1 0,01
Agardliiella Irimcalelia 3 1 2 2 1 7 4 1 2 2 1 26 0,29
Speiaeodiscus hauffeni 1 1 0.01
Granaria illyrica 1 7 5 10 6 17 64 53 21 15 12 15 11 14 13 22 14 27 8 335 3,74
Chondrina avenacea 4 5 2 1 2 24 12 3 7 1 2 4 9 3 1 1 81 0,90
Aeanthinuia actdeata 2 14 11 5 1 4 6 5 1 1 1 51 0,57
Vallonia pulcheia 1 1 2 1 2 3 3 3 3 3 22 0,25
Chondrula Iridens 2 2 0,02
Cochlodina fragm. 11 7 6 5 8 9 28 70 27 80 24 151 174 143 209 82 141 25 64 1264 14,10
Cochlodina laminata 0 8 6 3 8 2 27 2 56 0,62
Cocldodina costata 4 1 4 6 25 8 4 52 0,58
Cochlodina dubiosa 19 1 20 0,22
Macrogastra fragm. 1 5 2 3 4 2 24 33 18 42 1 18 79 163 212 52 130 10 898 10,02
Macrogastra plicatula 1 5 3 5 14 31 5 7 20 10 3 4 108 1,20
Bulgarica vetusta 2 2 0,02
Ruthenica filograna 2 3 5 1 2 52 3 8 12 27 68 15 14 5 217 2 42
Cecilioides acicula 1 4 3 1 4 12 7 8 3 4 5 1 53 0,59
Poiretia cornea 1 1 0,01
Punctum pygmaeum 2 1 3 0,03
Discus perspectivus () 0 0 1 3 2 0 8 5 10 10 18 24 3 3 4 91 1.02
Vitrea fragm. 1 1 1 3 0,03
Vitrea diaphana erjaveci 2 4 1 7 0,08
Vitrea subrimata 1 3 2 2 7 4 1 2 1 23 0,26
Aegopis fragm. 2 2 0,02
Aegopis verticiiius 1 3 1 5 0,06
Aegopis gemonensis g. 3 3 0,03
Aegopinella fragm. 1 2 4 13 9 17 4 3 12 4 2 71 0,79
Umax sp. 1 5 3 2 1 2 1 3 2 3 1 5 29 0,32
Fruticicola fruticum 3 2 8 1 2 16 0.18
Trichia liispida 1 1 3 2 1 8 0,09
Trichia leucozona 1 1 0,01
Monacha cartusiana 1 0 2 1 4 0.04
Helicodonla obvoluta 1 6 2 9 0,10
Campylaea fragm. 3 1 4 4 6 3 1 3 25 0.28
Campylaea illyrica 1 3 1 2 1 1 2 1 12 0.13
Cepueu nemoraiis 1 1 1 3 0,03

črtam i na površini. V talnem vzorcu okrog spodm ola on the surface is only found in w estern Slovenia. Both
sm o našli obe vrsti v približno enakem razm erju, m ed­ species were found in roughly the sam e p ro p o rtio n in
tem ko je bila v izkopih ugotovljena le črtasta konica z soil sam ples around the overhang cave, while in the ex­
0,12 %. N obena od konic ni bila ugotovljena v obeh ita­ cavations, only A. linčala banki was found, with 0.12 %.
lijanskih jam ah. N either species was found in the two Italian caves.
Sadlerijana (Sadleriana) (H ydrobiidae) je izvirski Sadleriana (H ydrobiidae) is a spring w ater genus
rod s trem i vrstam i, ki jih najdem o v izvirih in hladnih with three species, found in springs and cold stream s in
potokih v zahodni in južni Sloveniji. Najbolj razširjena w estern and southern Slovenia. S. flum inensis is m ost
Plast Reženj G lobina (cm) Število vrst Število hišic Indeks 1 Razpredelnica 13.3: Primerjava po­
L ayer Spit D epth (cm) T axa count Shell count Index 1 sameznih plasti v odvisnosti od števi­
nasutje 1 254 6 68 11,33 la vrst in števila hišic.
disturbed 2 259 13 159 12,23 Table 13.3: Comparison of individual
3 264 10 81 8.10 layers in relation to number of spe­
1 in 2 cies and number of shells.
4 269 10 97 9,70
1 and 2
5 274 9 121 13,44
6 279 13 311 23,92
7 284 12 456 38,00
8 289 15 500 33,33
9 294 13 267 20,54
2 10 299 16 379 23,69
11 304 17 383 22,53
12 309 18 677 37,61
13 314 22 1066 48,45
14 319 26 764 29,38
15 324 27 1100 40,74
16 329 26 1021 39,27
3 17 334 24 744 31,00
18 339 16 541 33,81
19 344 14 213 15,21

je rečna sadlerijana (S. fhu n in en sis), ki ima do 5 mm w idespread, w hich has a coniform shell up to 5 mm high.
visoke, stožčaste hišice. V režnju 5 in režnjih od 11 do In spit 5 and spits II to 18, 181 (2.01 %) rem ains o f
18 je bilo ugotovljenih 181 (2,01 %) ostankov hišic reč­ shells o f this species were found. Its presence and high
ne sadlerijane. N jena prisotnost in visok delež postav­ share put V iktorjev spodm ol in a special place.
ljata Viktorjev spodm ol na posebno mesto. Pond snails (Lym naeidae), as the nam e suggests,
M lakarji (Lym naeidae) so, kot pove ime, prebivalci are inhabitants o f ponds and standing and slow moving
mlak in stoječih ter počasi tekočih vod. Ker niso zahtev­ w aters. Since they are not dem anding, they can also be
ni, jih najdem o tudi v vodah, kjer so življenjske razm ere found in w aters in which living conditions are very un­
zelo neugodne. D okaj razširjen in za neugodne razm ere favourable. Galba truncatula, w hich grows up to 1 cm, is
odporen je mali m lakar (Galba truncatula), ki zraste do fairly w idespread and resistant to unfavourable condi­
1 cm. Pogosto lazi ob vodah po blatu in rastlinah. V 15. tions. It often creeps along mud and plants beside wa­
izkopu je bil najden ostanek hišice, kar kaže na nekakšno ter. T he rem ains o f shells were found in spit 15, w hich
povezavo z vodo. indicates som e kind o f link with water.
D ružina polžic (Cochlicopidae) ima le tri vrste rodu The Cochlicopidae has only three species o f the ge­
polžica ( Cochlicopa). To so polži s podolgovatim i oval­ nus Cochlicopa. These are snails with longish oval glitte­
nimi in bleščečim i hišicami, visokimi le do 7 mm. G lad­ ring shells up to 7 mm high. Cochlicopa lubrica measures
ka polžica (Cochlicopa hibrica) meri do 7 mm. Je vrsta, up to 7 mm in height. It is a species that lives in relatively
ki živi na razm erom a vlažnih m estih. N ajdem o jo v dam p places. It is found in the lowlands, especially on
nižinah, zlasti v naplavinah pa tudi v tanatocenozah v alluvia but also in tanatocenoses in springs. Only two shells
studencih. Le po 2 hišici sta bili najdeni v Stenašci in v each were found in Stenašca and in Pečina pri Bjarču and
Pečini pri Bjarču ter tudi v Viktorjevem spodm olu, in to also in Viktorjev spodmol, in spits 10 and 15.
v 10. in 15. režnju. Only Pyramidula rupestris from the Pyramidulidae
Iz družine piram idic (Pyram idulidae) pri nas živi family lives here. Ecologically it is especially interesting,
skalna piram idica ( Pyramidula rupestris), ki je ekološko since it is found on rocks from the sea to the highest peaks
posebno zanim iva, ker jo najdem o na skalah od morja o f the Alps. The species is small, the low pyramidal shells
pa tja do najvišjih vrhov v Alpah. Vrsta je m ajhna, nizko m easure barely 3 mm. Some shells were found in layers
piram idaste hišice merijo komaj 3 mm. Nekaj hišic je o f Štenašca (6) and in Viktorjev spodmol (6 or 0.07 %).
bilo najdenih v plasteh v Stenašci (6) in v Viktorjevem Snails from the Vertiginidae family are very tiny.
spodm olu (6 oz. 0,07 %). Species o f the genus Vertigo are very com m on. The shel­
Z elo drobni so polži iz družine vertiginid (Vertigi- ls are small, m easuring only up to 2.5 mm, they are roun­
nidae). Zelo pogostne so vrste rodu Veriigo. Hišice so ded and have 3 to 11 teeth in the m outh. Vertigo pusilla
m ajhne, m erijo le do 2,5 mm, so zaobljene in imajo v is com m onest in deciduous forest, but in less dam p pla­
ustju 3 do II zobcev. Levozaviti vrtenec (Vertigopusilla) ces. It was present in Viktorjev spodm ol in spits 2 to 8
je «ajpogostejši v listnatih gozdovih, vendar na manj and also in spits 12 and 16. Its share is 0.35 %. It is
Sl. 13.1: Cochlostoma septemspirale (1), Pomalia elegans (2), Sadleriana fluminensis (3), Vertigo pusilla (4), Sphyradium doliolum
(5), Agardhiella truncateUa (6), Granaria illyrica (7) in Chondriana avenacea (8). Merila so podana v mm. Foto M. Grm.
Fig. 13.1: Cochlostoma septemspirale (1), Pomatia elegans (2), Sadleriana fluminensis (3), Vertigo pusilla (4), Sphyradium dolio­
lum (5), Agardhiella truncateUa (6), Granaria illyrica (7) and Chondriana avenacea (8). Measurements are given in mm. Photo
M. Grm.

vlažnih mestih. V Viktorjevem spodm olu je bil prisoten m uch less ch aracteristic in Stenašca, w here only one
v režnjih 2 do 8 ter tudi v 12. in 16. režnju. Njegov delež shell was found.
je 0,35 %. Precej manj je značilen v Stenašci kjer je bila T he genus Truncatellina has a narrow spiral, only
najdena le ena hišica. up to 2 mm high shell. Only 2 shells o f Truncatellina
Ozke, stolpičaste in le do 2 mm visoke hišice ima claustralis were found in spit 6. T he species is very com ­
rod debelnic ( Truncatellina). Sam o 2 hišici svetle debel- m on in soil sam ples around the overhang cave and has a
nice ( Truncatellina claustralis) sta bili najdeni v 6. režnju. share o f 15.07 % in o th er places. The sm allness o f the
V talnem vzorcu okrog spodm ola je vrsta zelo pogosta shell conditions the rarity o f finds in Viktorjev spodm ol
in je z deležem 15,07 % na drugem mestu. M ajhnost and its absence in Stenašca and in Pečina pri Bjarču.
hišic pogojuje njene redke najdbe v Viktorjevem spod­ A m ong O rculidae, the species Sphyradium dolio­
molu in njeno odsotnost v Stenašci in v Pečini pri Bjarču. lum is m ost com m on. The shell is up to 5.5 mm high. It
Med sodčkastim i polži (O rculidae) je najpogostej­ is interesting th at the shells have rounded tops and wi­
ša vrsta mali sodčkasti polž ( Sphyradium doliolum). Vi­ den below the top, and the coil narrow s slightly towards
šina hišic je do 5,5 mm. Z anim ivo pa je, da imajo hišice the m outh. It appears in the layers in all three caves. In
zaobljen vrh in so pod vrhom razširjene, proti ustju pa Viktorjev spodm ol it is regular in spits II to 19. Its sha­
se svitek nekoliko zoži. Pojavlja se v plasteh v vseh 3 re is not negligible, since with 78 rem ains o f shells it
jam ah. V Viktorjevem spodm olu pa je reden v režnjih represents 0.87%. In spit 15, Orcula dolium stands out
od 11 do 19. Njegov delež ni zanem arljiv saj z 78 ostan­ with 13 shells, and this species was also found only in
ki hišic predstavlja 0,87 %. V 15. režnju s 13 hišicami Viktorjev spodm ol (0.2 %).
izstopa veliki sodčkasti polž ( Orcitla dolium ) ki je bil The genus Pagodulina, from the family Pagodiilini-
tudi najden le v Viktorjevem spodm olu (0,2 %). dae co n tain s considerably sm aller species, m easuring
Precej m anjše vrste ima rod pagodice (Pagodulina), only up to 3.5 mm. T he ribbed shells are rounded cylin­
iz družine Pagodulinidac m erijo le do 3,5 mm. Rebraste drical and have a silky gleam. They have teeth and folds
hišice so zaobljeno valjaste in se svilnato svetijo. G lobo­ deep in the m outh, w hich are im p o rtan t for system atic
ko v ustju imajo za sistem atsko razdelitev pom em bne division. They live in litter and light soil. Only one bro­
zobce in gube. Živijo v stelji in rahli zemlji. V i l . režnju ken shell o f Pagodulina subdola was found in spit 11.
je bila najdena le polom ljena hišica ju žn e pagodice (Pa­ From the Pupillidae family were found Agardhiella
godi/lina subdola). truncatella with 26 broken shells distributed with 1 to
V several specim ens in th e m ajority o f spits, and Spelaeo­
družini pupilid (Pupillidae) sta bila najdena Agard-
liiella truncatella s 26 polom ljenim i hišicami, ki so bile discus hauffeni with a shell in spit 11.
razporejene z 1 do nekaj primerkov po večini režnjev, in The m ore pointed dark red-brown Chondrina ave­
jam ski plošček (Spelaeodiscus hauffeni) z I hišico v 11. nacea, with seven folds in the m outh, from the Chondri-
režnju. nidae family, norm ally appears on lim estone rocks. It
Iz družine ovsark (C hondrinidae) se na apnenih was m ost num erous in spits 6 and 7. Except in spits 11,
skalah običajno pojavlja bolj zašiljena tem no rdečkasto- 12 and 19, it appears in all o th er excavations. Its share
rjava ovsarka ( Chondrina avenacea) s 7 gubam i v ustju. is 0.9 %. Only three shells were found in Stenašca. Gran­
N ajštevilčnejša je bila v 6. in 7. režnju. Razen v 11., 12. aria illyrica, with very changeable, light brown, 6-11 mm
in 19. režnju se pojavlja v vseh drugih izkopih. Njen delež high shells w hich are cylindrical, and the top o f the coil
je 0,9 %. V Stenašci so bile najdene le 3 hišice. N a toplih, is vaulted conical. It has 8 folds in the m outh. It appears
prisojnih legah v notranjosti Slovenije, in povsod v Pri­ in all 3 caves and is fairly com m on. In Viktorjev spod­
m orju živi ilirska sirotica ( Granaria illyrica) z zelo spre­ mol, in term s o f num ber o f shells found, spits 7 and 8
menljivimi, svetlo rjavimi, 6 - 11 mm visokimi hišicami, dom inate. W ith 3.72 % share it is am ong species that
ki so valjaste, vrh svitka pa je obokano stožčast. V ustju characterise individual spits. Granaria illyrica is modestly
je 8 gub. Pojavlja se vseh 3 jam ah in je precej pogosta. V represented in Pečina pri Bjarču. A considerable num ­
Viktorjevem spodm olu po številu najdenih hišic dom ­ ber o f shells was found in Stenašca.
inirata 7. in 8. reženj. S 3,72 % deležem sodi med vrste, Species from the G rass Snail family (Valloniidae)
ki označujejo posam ezne režnje. Ilirska sirotica je sk­ are very w idespread. T he genus Vallonia has som e very
rom no zastopana v Pečini pri Bjarču. Precej več hišic je w idespread species w hich are found en masse, particu­
bilo najdenih v Stenašci. larly in alluvium deposits. T he shells are disc-shaped,
Zelo razširjene vrste so iz družine travnih polžev they have a wide umbilicus and a round m outh with thick­
(Valloniidae). Rod Vallonia im a nekaj zelo razširjenih ened lip. T he d iam eter o f the shell is up to 2.7 mm.
vrst, k ijih zlasti v naplavinah najdem o m nožično. Hiši­ Vallonia pulchella is the com m onest. It is found from
ce so sploščene, imajo širok popek in zaokroženo ustje lowlands to the high m ountains. It was m ost frequent in
z odebeljenim ustnim robom . Prem er hišic je do 2,7 mm. spits 14 to 17 (0.25 %). T hree shells were found in Peči­
N ajpogostejši je gladki travni polž ( Vallonia pulchella). na pri Bjarču, but it was not recorded in Stenašca.
N ajdem o ga od nižin do visokih gora. Pogostejši je bil v Enidae has five genera and only 6 species in Slove­
režnjih 14 do 17 (0,25 %). V Pečini pri Bjarču so našli 3 nia. Chondrula tridens, w hich appears in excavations in
hišice, v Stenašci pa ni bila evidentirana. all three caves, is w idespread in w arm , sunny locations,
D ružina požrešnikov (E n id ae) im a v Sloveniji 5 especially in Prim orska. Two rem ains o f shells were
rodov in le 6 vrst. Po toplih prisojnih legah, še posebej found in Viktorjev spodm ol in spit 2.
na Prim orskem , je razširjen trizobi požrešnik (<Chondru- Clausiliidae are a very com m on family adapted to
la tridens), ki se pojavlja v izkopih v vseh treh jam ah. V the m ost varied living conditions. All are characterised
V iktorjevem spodm olu sta bila v 2. režnju najdena 2 by a narrow, high spindle-shaped sinistral coiled shells
ostanka hišic. and thus have the m outh on the left side. They have
Z elo pogosta in najrazličnejšim življenskim razm e­ folds in the m outh which are im p o rtan t for system atic
ram prilagojena družina so zaklepnice (C lausiliidae). Za identification and also special plates by w hich the aper­
vse je značilno, da im ajo ozke, visoke, vretenaste hišice, ture is closed. T he family is divided into several sub­
ki so zavite na levo in im ajo zato ustje na levi strani. V families and a large num ber o f genera. A lot o f broken
ustju im ajo gube, ki so pom em bne za sistem atiko, pa and even m ore rem ains o f shells (14.1 %), to w hich it
tudi posebno ploščico, s katero zapro ustje. D ružina je was not possible to determ ine species affiliation, belong
razdeljena na nekaj poddružin in veliko rodov. Veliko to the genus Cochlodina. They dom inate in layers 2 and
polom ljenih in še več ostankov hišic (14,1 %), ki jim ni 3 in spits 12 to 16. We classified w hole shells and those
mogoče določiti vrstno pripadnost, pripada rodu Cochlo- with undam aged apertu res into three species w hich are
dina. D om inirajo v 2. in 3. plasti v režnjih 12 do 16. com m on in this p art o f Slovenia. Cochlodina lam inata
Cele hišice in take z nepoškodovanim ustjem sm o uvr­ and Cochlodina dubiosa were also found in excavations
stili v tri vrste, ki so običajne v tem delu Slovenije. G lad­ in Pečina pri Bjarču and S tenašca, w hile Cochlodina
ka zaklepnica (Cochhdina lam inata) in dvomljiva zaklep- costata also appears in soil sam ples in front o f the cave.
nica (Cochlodina dubiosa) sta bili najdeni tudi v izkopih Species o f the genus Macrogastra have oval or roun­
v Pečini pri Bjarču in Stenašci, m edtem ko se rebrasta ded apertures, w ithout a groove at the base o f the aper­
zaklepnica ( Cochlodina costala) pojavlja tudi v talnem ture. It is characteristic o f all species an d sub-species of
vzorcu pred jam o. this genus are characterised by a horizonal rib or strong
O valno ali zaokroženo ustje, brez žleba na bazi stripes. They represent an 11.22 % share in excavations.
ustja, imajo vrste rodu Macrogastra. Za vse vrste in pod­ All w hole shells and shells with undam aged aperture
vrste tega rodu je značilno, da imajo na hišicah vzdolžna belong to M. plicatula, with folds by th e m argin o f the
rebra ali m očne proge. V izkopih predstavljajo 11,22 % aperture. T he species prevails in layers 2 and 3 (1.2 %).
delež. Vse cele hišice in hišice z nepoškodovanim us­ It is also present in Pečina pri Bjarču and Stenašca. Re­
tjem pripadajo gubasti zaklepnici (M . plicatula), z guba­ m ains o f shells probably also belong to M. ventricosa,
mi ob ustnem robu. Vrsta prevladuje v 2. in 3. plasti (1,2 w hich was also found in Pečina pri Bjarču. T he shells
%). Prisotna je tudi v Pečini pri Bjarču in Stenašci. Os­ are up to 1.9 cm high. It has only a small fold in the
tanki hišic verjetno pripadajo tudi trebušasti zaklepnici m outh. Two shells o f Bulgarica vetusta were also found
(M. ventricosa), k ije bila najdena tudi v Pečini pri Bjarču. in spit 16, which is a so u th ern E uropean species. It in­
Hišice so visoke do 1,9 cm. V ustju ima le m alo gub. V habits the sub-M editerranean area here.
16. režnju sta bili najdeni tudi 2 hišici vitke zaklepnice Ruthenica filogram a is am ong th e sm allest o f the

SI. 1.12: Cochlodina lam inata (1 ), Cochlodina costata (2 ), Macrogastra plicatula (3 ), R uthenica filograna (4), Discus p e rsp ective
(5 ) in Aegopinella sp. (6 ). M erila so p odana v m m . Foto M. G rm .
Fig. 13.2: Cochlodina lam inata (1 ), Cochlodina costata (2 ), Macrogastra plicatula (3 ), Ruthenica filograna (4 ), Discus perspectivus
(5 ) and Aegopinella sp. (6). M easurem ents are given in m m . P h o to M. G rm .
(Bulgarica vetusta), ki je južno evropska vrsta. Pri nas Macrogastra in Slovenia, the shell o f w hich is only up to
naseljuje subm editeransko regijo. 9 mm heigh, strongly ribbed with a wide apex. It is fairly
Med naše najm anjše zaklepnice sodi ljubka zaklep- frequent in layers 2 and 3 and with 2.41 % represents a
nica {Ruthenica filogram a), ki ima le do 9 mm visoke, significant share. It is also present in sm aller num bers
m očno rebraste hišice s širokim vrhom . Je precej po­ in Pečina pri Bjarču and Stenašca.
gosta v 2. in 3 plasti in z 2,41 % predstavlja nezam erljivi Ferussaciidae are a family o f snails with narrow glass
del. V znatno m anjšem številu je prisotna tudi v Pečini shaped shells. Cecilioides acicula lives in earth and lit­
pri Bjarču in Stenašci. ter. T he species was only found in Viktorjev spodm ol. It
Ferussaciidae so družina polžev z ozkim i in ste­ appears regularly in layers 2 and 3 from spits 8 to 19.
klastimi hišicami. V zemlji in stelji živi igličasta ahatni- Fifty-three (0.59 %) rem ains o f shells were found.
ca ( Cecilioides acicula). V rsta je bila ugotovljena le v Poiretia cornea, from the family O leacinidae has a
Viktorjevem spodm olu. Pojavlja se v drugi in tretji plas­ relatively soft, yellowy brown, up to 5 cm high shell. It
ti redno od 8. do 19. režnja. N ajdenih je bilo 53 (0,59 feeds mainly on o th er snails, w hose shells it dissolves
%) ostankov hišic. with an acid secreting saliva and removes the soft parts
Ž elodčarka oz. sredozem ska roparica (Poiretia cor­ with a strong radula. The species is frequent in warm
nea) iz družine O leacinidac ima razm erom a nežno, ru­ parts o f w estern Slovenia. A few shells (1 -6 ) ap p ear in
m enorjavo in do 5 cm visoko hišico. H rani se predvsem each o f the three caves.
z drugimi polži, ki jim s kislim izločkom slinavk raztopi Punctidac are small or very small snails with an
hišico in z m očno strgačo pospravi m ehke dele. Vrsta je oval shell, very wide um bilicus, and on the surface they
pogosta v toplih predelih zahodne Slovenije. S po nekaj are striped or finely ribbed. A m ong the very small and
hišicam i ( 1 -6 ) se pojavlja v vseh treh jam ah. generally w idespread species is Punctum pygmaeu. The
Pikčarji (P unctidae) so majhni ali zelo m ajhni polži shells o f this species are up to 0.8 mm high, and the
s sploščenim i hišicami, zelo širokim popkom , na površi­ diam eter to 1.6 mm. They are found in forests, on m ea­
ni pa so progaste ali drobno rebraste. Med zelo m ajhne dow s, u n d e r fallen leaves an d ro ttin g w ood, in th e
in splošno razširjene vrste sodi pikčar (Punctum pygma- lowlands and high in the m ountains. T he fragility and
eum). Hišice te vrste so visoke do 0,8 mm, prem er pa je sm allness o f the shell is probably why they were only
do 1,6 mm. N ajdem o jih v gozdovih, na travnikih, pod found in Viktorjev spodm ol. T hree shells were found in
odpadlim listjem in trhlim lesom, v nižinah in visoko v spits 11 and 16.
planinah. Verjetno je krhkost in m ajhnost hišic vzrok, Discus perspectivus from the D iscidae family has an
da so bile najdene le v Viktorjevem spodm olu. V 11. in up to 7 mm wide, hairy shell. It appears in layers 2 and
16. režnju so bile najdene 3 hišice. 3. It predom inates in spits 15 and 16. Its share is more
Do 7 mm široke, dlakaste hišice ima gredljasta raz- th an 1%, which is in co n trast to the only 2 shells from
projica (Discus perspectivus) iz družine razprojic (D isci- Pečina pri Bjarču and no shells in Stenašca.
dae). Pojavlja se v 2. in 3. plasti. Prevladuje v 15. in 16. The family o f Zonitidae has 8 genera here and a
režnju. N jen delež je več kot I %, kar je v nasprotju z le large num ber o f species. A m ong the sm aller is the order
2 hišicam a iz Pečine pri Bjarču in nobeno hišico v Ste­ Vitrea, with tran sp aren t oval shells not larger than 5 mm.
našci. V. subrimata is generally w idespread, found in forests
D ružina pasarjev (Z onitidae) ima pri nas 8 rodov am ong leaves, u n d er rocks, am ong shrubs and on m ea­
in veliko vrst. Med m anjše sodi red kristalic (Vitrea) s dows. It lives in the m ountains to an altitude o f 2500 m.
prosojnim i, sploščenim i hišicami, ki niso večje od 5 mm. The sub-species V. diaphana erjaveci, w idespread in wes­
S plošno razširjena je luknjasta kristalica ( V. subrimata). tern Slovenia, is related. Shells and unidentified broken
N ajdem o jo v gozdovih med listjem, pod kam enjem, med shells o f the two species ap p ear in small num bers in
grm ovjem in na travnikih. V gorah živi do višine 2500 layers 2 and 3. V. subrimata predom inates with 0.26 %.
m. S orodna je podvrsta Erjavčeva kristalica ( V. diapha- The up to 1.3 cm large, oval, greenish or brown shelled
na erjaveci), razširjena v zahodni Sloveniji. H išice in species Aegopinella nitens lives in forests u n d er rotten
nedoločene polom ljene hišice obeh vrst se pojavljajo v wood and stones. T he rem ains o f shells (0.79 %), found
m anjšem številu v 2. in 3. plasti. D om inira luknjasta kris­ in spits from 10 to 18 probably belong to this species
talica z 0,26 %. and the related species Aegopinella minor, w hich also
V gozdovih pod trhlim lesom in kam ni živi do 1,3ap p e ars in th e su b -M ed iterran ean space. T h e genus
cm velika, sploščena, z zelenkastim i ali rjavimi hišicami Oxychilus with 4 species that live scattered through Slo­
vrsta širokousti bleščeči polž (Aegopinella nitens). O s­ venia is related and similarly shaped. N ine broken shel­
tanki hišic (0,79 %), najdenih v režnjih od 10 do 18, ls were found in spits 7, 14 and 15. The largest species
najverjetneje pripadajo om enjeni vrsti ter sorodni vrsti o f this family is Aegopis verticillus, the diam eter o f the
(Aegopinella minor), ki se tudi pojavlja v subm editerans- shell is up to 3.5 cm. T he low, coniform shell has a fine­
kem prostoru. ly reticulate sculpture on the u pper side, and the lower
Soroden in oblikovno podoben rod je rod Oxychi- side is sm ooth and shining. T he species is very wides-
lus s 4 vrstam i, ki živijo raztresene po Sloveniji. Devet pread, m ost in the lower parts o f the Alps, in the foot­
polom ljenih hišic sm o našli v 7., 14. in 15. režnju. hills and on Kras (K arst). Only a few (7 ) rem ains o f
Največja vrsta te družine je navadni pasar (Aegopis shells were found in spits 13, 14, 15 and 17. Some o f
verticillus), prem er hišice je do 3,5 cm. Nizko stožčasta them may also belong to Aegopis gemonensis gem onen­
hišica ima na zgornji strani drobno m režasto skulpturo, sis and Aegopis gemonensis kusceri. Both ap p ear on Kras.
spodnja stran pa je gladka in bleščeča. Vrsta je zelo raz­ A. gemonensis kusceri was found in Pečina pri Bjarču.
širjena, najbolj v nižjih predelih Alp, v predgorjih in na The family o f Limnacidae are large slugs, because
krasu. N ajdenih je bilo le nekaj (7) ostankov hišic v 13., the shell is atrophied and is only preserved as a tiny
14., 15. in 17. režnju. N ekateri med njimi bi lahko pripa­ platelet hidden u nder a mantle. Lim nacidae are distin­
dali tudi hum inskem u (Aegopis gemonensis gem onensis) guishable by the m antle, and the respiratory pore is on
in kuščerjevem u pasarju (Aegopis gemonensis ktisceri). th e right side in the last half o f the m antle. U m a x cine­
O ba se pojavljata na krasu. Kuščerjev pasar je bil naj­ reoniger\ is the com m onest here, and can be m et throug­
den v Pečini pri Bjarču. hout the forests in dam p weather. It grows up to 20 cm,
D ružina slinarjev (Lim nacidae) so veliki goli polži, is norm ally black but can also be striped, grey, brown or
ker jim je hišica zakrnela in je ohranjena le kot drobna even redish. U m a x flavus, w hich is considerably sm al­
ploščica, ki je skrita pod ščitom . Slinarji se med seboj ler, predom inates on the Karst. Sm aller plates (2 6 ) were
ločijo po ščitu, ki ima koncentrične gube, dihalnica pa found in the m ajority o f spits, only in each o f spits 10,
je na desni strani na zadnji polovici ščita. Pri nas je naj­ 12 and 14 was a larger plate found.
pogostejši črni slinar { U m a x cinereoniger), ki ga ob Bradybaena fruticum is the only snail here from the
vlažnem vrem enu srečam o povsod po gozdovih. Z raste fam ily B rabybaenidae. T h e shells o f th is species are
do 20 cm , navadno je črn, najdem o pa tudi prodaste, sm ooth, rounded and slightly depressed, w hitish or yel­
sive, rjave in celo rdečkaste. N a krasu prevladuje rum e­ lowish, occasionally also pink, tran sp aren t, up to 2.5
ni slinar (U m a x flavus), ki je precej manjši. V večini cm wide, with a wide um bilicus. T he species is com ­
režnjev so bile najdene m anjše ploščice (26) le v režnjih m onest in sunny positions overgrown with shrubs. A
10, 12 in 14 sm o našli po eno večjo ploščico. few shells were found in each o f spits 11 to 18. Only in
G rm ovni polž ( Bradybaena fruticum ) je pri nas edi­ spit 15 were 8 broken shells found. O ne shell was found
ni polž iz družine grmovnih polžev (Brabvbaenidae). Hi­ in each o f the first four layers o f Pečina pri Bjarču.
šice te vrste so gladke, zaokrožene in malo sploščene, The family I lygromiidac, which is divided into seve­
belkaste ali rum enkaste, redkeje rahlo rožnate, prosojne, ral sub-families, has a very large num ber o f species. A few
široke so do 2,5 cm, s širokim popkom. Vrsta je najpogos­ broken shells o f hairy snails o f the genus Trichia in layers
tejša na prisojnih legah, poraslih z grmovjem. N ajden je 2 and 3 belong to Trichia hispida and Trichia leucozona.
bil od 11. do 18. režnja s po nekaj hišicami. Le v 15. režnju M onacha carthusiana lives in warm and open posi­
je bilo najdenih 8 polomljenih hišic. V Pečini pri Bjarču tions. Its slightly depressed shells are thin and tran sp a­
so našli v prvih štirih plasteh po eno hišico. rent, and they grow to 1.5 cm . Four broken shells were
Zelo veliko vrst ima družina listnih polžev (Hygro- found in spits 10, 14 and 15. M. carthusiana was also
m iidae), ki so razdeljeni v nekaj poddružin. Nekaj po­ found in Pečina pri Bjarču and Stenašca.
lom ljenih hišic dlakavih polžev rodu Trichia v 2. in 3. The family llclicid a c has a very large num ber o f
plasti pripada navadnem u dlakavem u polžu ( T. hispida) species. T he com m onest and m ost w idespread is Cam­
in dlakavem u polžu (Trichia leucozona). pylaea illyrica. T he brown, depressed and glittering shel­
Na toplih in odprtih legah živi kartuzijanka (M o ls have a diam eter up to 3.5 cm. It prefers living in fores­
nacha carthusiana). Njene nekoliko sploščene hišice so ted m ountain world but is also found in lowlands, espe­
tanke in prosojne, zrastejo pa do 1,5 cm. V 10., 14. in 15. cially am ong shrubs. Kosicia interm edia also appears
režnju so bile najdene 4 polomljene hišice. K artuzijanka am ong in determ inable rem ains. T he rem ains o f both
je bila ugotovljena tudi v Pečini pri Bjarču in Stenašci. species were found in all three layers.
Zelo veliko vrst ima družina vrtnih polžev (H elici- T he genus Cepaea has three species here. C. nem o­
dae). N ajpogostejši in najbolj razširjen je ilirski stenski ralis has 2.5 cm wide and up to 2 cm high shells, which
polž (Campylaea illyrica). Rjave sploščene in bleščeče are variously coloured and various underlying colours.
hišice imajo prem er od 3,5 cm. N ajraje živi v gozdovih The ap ertu re margin and the surrounding o f the um bili­
gorskega sveta, najdem o pa ga tudi v nižinah, zlasti v cus are always dark brown. T he basic colour o f the shell
grm ičih. Med nedoločljivim i ostanki se pojavlja tudi is norm ally yellow, but also whitish to reddish shells are
koroški stenski polž ( Kosicia intermedia). O stanki hišic found and o f course a large num ber o f interm ediate co­
obeh vrst so bili najdeni v vseh treh plasteh. lours and shades. T he dark spiral bands are very variab­
Rod malih vrtnih polžev ( Cepaea) ima pri nas tri le. T here are I to 5 o f these. T hree broken shells were
vrste. G ozdni polž (C. nemoralis) ima 2,5 cm široke in found in spits 9, 14 and 16. It was m uch com m oner in
do 2 cm visoke hišice, ki so različno pisane in različnih the excavations in Pečina pri Bjarču, but only one in
osnovnih barv. U stni rob in okolica popka sta vedno fragm ents was found in Stenašca.
SI. 13.3: Cecilioides acicula (1 ), Campylaea illyrica (2 ) in Helix pom atia (3 ). M erila so p odana v m m. F oto M. G rm .
Fig. 13.3: Cecilioides acicula (1 ), Campylaea illyrica (2 ) in H elix pom atia (3). M easurem ents are given in m m . Photo M. G rm .

tem norjava. O snovna barva hišice je navadno rum ena, T he large garden snail (H elix pom atia) is the lar­
najdem o pa tudi belkaste do rdečkaste hišice in seveda gest snail here. T he shell is up to 4.5 cm high and has a
veliko vmesnih barvnih prehodov in odtenkov. Zelo spre­ sim ilar w idth. It is norm ally brown or greyish, often with
menljivi so tem ni spiralni pasovi. Teh je l do 5. V režnjih darker, unclear bands. T he species lives everywhere in
9, 14, in 16 so bile 3 polom ljene hišice. Veliko pogostej­ forests and shrubs. Fragm ents ap p ear in the m ajority o f
ši je bil v izkopih v Pečini pri Bjarču, v Stenašci pa je bil spits in V iktorjev spodm ol. Fragm ents were also found
ugotovljen le v fragm entih. in Pečina pri Bjarču, while in Stenašca they found a lot
Veliki vrtni polž {H elixpom atia) je naš največji polž. o f shells o f Helix cincta. T he latter was also found in the
Hišica je visoka do 4,5 cm in toliko tudi široka. Navad­ vicinity o f Viktorjev spodm ol, so som e o f the fragm ents
no je rjava ali sivkasta, pogosto s tem nejšim i nejasnim i probably also belong to this species.
pasovi. Vrsta živi povsod po gozdovih in grm iščih. V In the fraction o f sedim ents 0 .5 -3 mm, there were
V iktorjevem spodm olu se pojavlja v fragm entih v večini a lot o f tiny fragm ents o f snail shells th at could not be
režnjev. F ragm entarno je bila ugotovljena tudi v Pečini identified in all spits except the deepest.
pri Bjarču, m edtem ko so v Stenašci našli veliko hišic
pasastega vrtnega polža ( Helix cincta). Slednji je bil naj­
den tudi v okolici Viktorjevega spodm ola, zato verjetno 13.3 C o n c l u s i o n s a n d D isc u ssio n
nekateri fragm enti pripadajo tudi tej vrsti. (Fig. 13.4)
V frakciji sedim enta 0,5 -3 mm je bilo v vseh režnjih,
razen v najglobljih, veliko drobcev polžjih hišic, ki se V iktorjev spodm ol is located in the w estern sub-Medi-
niso dali opredeliti. terranean region o f Slovenia. T he proxim ity o f the M ed­
iterranean, the D inarid region and the eastern p art of
the Alps has a direct im pact on the horological distribu­
13.3 S klepi in d isk usija tion o f m alacofauna. In the layers o f V iktorjev spodm ol,
(sl. 13.4) there are the m ost species w hich have a larger area o f
distribution in parts o f E urope centred on the M editer­
Viktorjev spodm ol leži na zahodnem subm editeranskem ranean, southern, eastern, w estern or central Europe.
obm očju Slovenije. N eposredni vpliv na horološko raz­ These are followed by E uro-M editerranean, central and
poreditev m alakofavne im ajo bližina Sredozem lja, di­ southern E uropean species, D inarid species and eastern
narskega obm očja in vzhodnega dela Alp. V plasteh v A lpine-D inarid species. Because o f the proxim ity o f the
V iktorjevem spodm olu je največ vrst, ki imajo večje are- sea and extensive therm ophyllic slopes facing the sout­
ale v delih Evrope s težiščem v Sredozemlju, južni, vzhod­ hwest, there is a relatively large share o f M editerranean
ni, zahodni ali srednji Evropi. Sledijo evropskom edite- and southern European species in the wider sense. Analy­
ranske, srednje- in južnoevropske vrste, dinarske vrste sis o f the collected m aterial confirm s the recent mala­
in v zhodnoalpsko-dinarske. Z arad i bližine m o rja in cofauna o f the narrow er region in w hich Viktorjev spod­
obsežnih term ofilnih pobočij, ki so obrnjena proti jugo­ mol is located. All species found in the layers in Viktor­
zah odu, je raz m ero m a velik delež m e d iteran sk ih in jev spodm ol inhabit the w ider area o f Škocjanske jam e
južnoevropskih vrst v širšem sm islu.A naliza zbranega Park. We also found the m ajority o f species in soil sam ­
m ateriala potrjuje recentno malakofavno ožjega območ- ples in the im m ediate vicinity o f the overhang cave.
ja, kjer leži Viktorjev spodmol.Vse vrste, ki so bile ugo­ On the basis o f the results obtained, we can state
tovljene v plasteh v Viktorjevem spodmolu naseljujejo širše th at layers 2 and 3 are malacologically richer than the
obm očje Parka Škocjanske jam e. Večino vrst sm o našli topsoil and layers 1 and 2. This is nicely reflected in the
tudi v talnem vzorcu v neposredni okolici spodmola. num ber o f species in individual spits (Table 13.3). Spits
Na osnovi dobljenih rezultatov lahko trdim o da sta from 10 to IK are the species richest. They co ntain from
2. in 3. plast m alakološko bogatejši od nasutja in plasti 15 to 27 species. T he num ber o f shells does not increase
1 in 2. To lepo odseva v številu vrst in številu hišic v in pro p o rtio n to the num ber o f species (index 1), which
posam eznih režnjih (razpredelnica 13.3). Režnji od 10 indicates certain changes in the space.
do 18 so vrstno najbogatejši. V njih se pojavlja od 15 do T he presence o f Sadleriana flum inensis in layers 2
27 vrst. S številom vrst ne raste sorazm erno tudi število and 3 and the rem ains o f shells o f Galba truncatula in
hišic (indeks 1), kar kaže na določene sprem em be v pro­ spit 15 could be explained in a num ber o f ways. The
storu. snails may have been carried into the cave with w ater
Prisotnost rečne sadlerijane v 2. in 3. plasti in ost­ brought by people, o r w ater links existed in the past. No
anka hišice malega m lakarja v 15. režnju si lahko razla­ spring o r w ater source is been found now in the im m edi­
gam o na več načinov. Ali so bili polži zanešeni v jam o z ate vicinity o f the overhang cave.
vodo, ki s o jo tja prinašali ljudje, ali pa je v preteklosti In V iktorjev spodm ol, the ch aracteristic species
obstajala vodna povezava. Sedaj v neposredni bližini (not taking Helix pomatia into account, which in quantity
spodm ola ni ugotovljen noben izvir oz. studenec. o f rem ains collected exceeds the mass o f all o th er spe­
V V iktorjevem spodm olu so značilne vrste (neu-cies) are Cochlostoma septemspirale (56.29 %), Cochlo­
poštevaje H elixpom atia ki po količini zbranih ostankov dina fragm. (14.1 %), Macrogastra fragm. (10.02 %), Gran­
presega m aso vseh drugih vrst) Cochlostoma septemspi- aria illyrica (3.74 %), Ruthenica filograna (2.42 %), Sad­
rale (56,29 %), Cochlodina fragm. (14,1 %), Macrogastra leriana flum inensis (2.02 %), Macrogastra plicatula (1.20
fragm. (10,02 %), Granaria illyrica (3,74 %), Ruthenica %), Discus perspectivus (1.02 %) and Chondrina avena­
filograna (2,42 %), Sadleriana flu m in e n sis (2,02 %), cea (0.9 %). T he situation in Pečina pri Bjarču, w hich is
Macrogastra plicatula (1,20 %), Discus perspectivus (1,02 the closest site with stratified finds from the Epigravet-
%) in Chondrina avenacea (0,9 %). Zelo podobno je stanje tian and M esolithic (Sauveterrian) and w hich is located
tudi v Pečini pri Bjarču, k ije najbližje najdišče s stratifi- on the left bank o f N adiža ( Natisone) close to Špeter
ciranim i najdbam i iz epigravetjena in m ezolitika (sov- (San Pietro al Natisone), is very similar. There, too, the
terjena) in ki leži na levem bregu N adiže (N atisom ) bli­ layers with Palaeolithic and M esolithic finds are approx­
zu Špetra ( San Pietro aI Natisone). Tudi tam so plasti s imately 1 m thick. It is slightly different in Stenašca,
paleolitskim i in m ezolitskim i najdbam i debele približno which is located on Kras not far from Trst {Trieste), clo-
1 m. Nekoliko drugačne je v Stenašci, ki leži na Krasu, & to the border with Slovenia. T he species Cochlostoma
nedaleč od T rsta, blizu meje s Slovenijo. V izkopih v septemspirale and Pomatias elegans predom inate in the
skoraj enakem številu prevladujeta vrsti Cochlostoma excavations with alm ost the sam e num bers.
septemspirale in Pomatias elegans. O f 43 taxa (species and sub-species) identified in
Od določenih 43 taksonov (vrst in podvrst) v Vik­ Viktorjev spodm ol, 34 in Stenašca and 37 in Pečina pri
torjevem spodm olu, 34 v Stenašci in 37 v Pečini pri Bjarču, 17 o f them ap p ear in all three overhang caves
Bjarču je se jih 17 pojavlja v vseh treh previsih (razpre­ (Table 13.1).
delnica 13.1). A com parison o f the share o f leading species in
Prim erjava deleža vodilnih vrst v izkopu v V iktor­ the excavation in Viktorjev spodm ol and in topsoil sam ­
jevem spodm olu in v talnem vzorcu (sl. 13.4) kaže dru ­ ples (Fig. 13.4) shows different ecologically dem anding
gačne ekološke zahteve vrst. Cochlostoma septemspirale species. Cochlostoma septemspirale is the predom inating
je prevladujoča vrsta v spodm olu in v talnem vzorcu. species in the overhang cave and in soil sam ples. Spe­
Vrste, ki se pojavljajo v spodm olu z le nekaj hišicami, se cies th at ap p ear in the overhang cave with only a few
redko zatekajo v zaklonjena m esta, kot so večje skale, shells rarely creep into sheltered places such as large
stene, spodm oli. So izrazito talne živali. rocks, cliffs, overhang caves. They are explicitly soil ani­
Na podlagi določenega m ateriala v posam eznih mals.
režnjih ni m ogoče n atan č n eje opred eliti razlik m ed O n the basis o f specific m aterial in individual spits
režnji, ki so posledica tem peraturnih, klim atskih, vege­ it is not possible to determ ine m ore precisely differenc­
tacijskih in drugih sprem em b, ki so se dogajale v nepos­ es between spits, w hich are a result o f tem perature, cli­
redni okolici spodm ola. Velikost sonde, načini zbiranje m ate, vegetation and o th e r changes occu rrin g in the
malakološkega m ateriala, m ajhnost hišic in opredelje­ im m ediate vicinity o f the overhang cave. The size o f the
vanje v večini prim erov polom ljenih hišic in njihovih test trench, the m ethod o f collecting the m alacological
ostankov ne om ogočajo natančne kvalitativne in kvanti­ m aterial, the sm allness o f the shells and identifying in
tativne analize posam eznih plasti v Viktorjevem spod­ the m ajority o f cases broken shells and their rem ains do
molu kot celostnem objektu. Veliko število ostankov hi- not enable exact qualitative and quantitative analysis o f
šic nas vodi v dom nevo, d a je bil lahko veliki vrtni polž individual layers in Viktorjev spodm ol as an overall ob­
um etno zanesen v jam o in je služil kot vir hrane. ject. T he large num ber o f rem ains o f the H elix pomatia
give rise to the suspicion th at it may have been artificial­
ly brought into the cave and served as a food source.




40 -

□ vs
■ TV .A & X » •< £ & A 0, \Y > • .X i> \\^ *0-

/ /
/ / / /
^vv < / i / «*///
/ / / /

jr &
/ /

/ / / / /

SI. 13.4: Prim erjava deleža vodilnih vrst v V iktorjevem spodm olu (V S) in v v talnem vzorcu (T V ).
Fig. 13.4: C o m p ariso n o f sh ares o f leading species in V iktorjev spodm ol (V S) and in topsoil sam ples (T V ).

Zahvala: Acknowledgement:
Ivan Turk in Janez Dirjec sta skrbno izločila iz vzor­ Ivan Turk and Janez Dirjec carefully separated the
cev polžje hišice in njihove ostanke ter mi jih izročila v snail shells and their rem ains from the sam ple and gave
obdelavo, za kar sem jim a zelo hvaležen. Za nasvete in them to me for processing, for w hich I am very grateful.
pom oč pri opredeljevanju se najtopleje zahvaljujem dr. I would like w arm ly to thank Dr. M aria M anuela G io­
Marii M anueli G iovannelli iz Prirodoslovnega m uzeja v vannelli from M useo F riu lan o di S toria N atu rale in
U dinah (M useo Friulano di Storia N aturale). Za teh­ U dine for advice and help in identification. I am grate­
nično pom oč pa gre zahvala Janji Valentinčič. ful to Janja Valentinčič for technical help.
1 3 .4 . D odatek: 1 3 .4 . A p p e n d ix :

V as j a M i kuž

Poleg številnih ostankov kopenskih polžev so bili v Vik­ In addition to num erous rem ains o f land snails, the oc­
torjevem spodm olu najdeni tudi redki ostanki m orskih casional rem ains o f m arine gastropods and bivalves were
polžev in školjk. Ti so pom em bni, ker dokazujejo pove­ also found in Viktorjev spodm ol. T hese are im portant
zave prebivalcev Viktorjevega spodm ola z Jadranskim because they show a link between the in h ab itan ts o f
m orjem . Vsi ostanki m orskih polžev in školjk nam reč Viktorjev spodm ol and the A driatic Sea. All the rem ains
pripadajo vrstam , ki živijo v Jadranskem morju. o f seashells, namely, belong to species th at live in the
O d šestih polžev pripadajo 4 golobici Columbella A driatic Sea.
malica (L inne, 1758), ki živi v plitvem obalnem morju. O f six gastropods, 4 belong to Columbella rustica
Od teh so bili trije preluknjani, en pa je tako fragmenti- (L inne, 1758), w hich lives in shallow coastal waters.
ran, da se ne da ugotoviti, ali je bil preluknjan ali ne. Vsi T hree o f them were perforated, and one so fragm ented
so bili najdeni v režnjih 12-14. Poleg tega je bil najden that it could not be established w hether it had been per­
tudi po en prim erek ‘cuvierove vrše’ Nassarius cuvieri forated or not. All were found in spits 12-14. In addi­
(Payraudeau, 1826) v režnju 11 in ‘kopača’ Fossarus sp. tion one specim en o f Nassarius cuvieri (P ayraudeau,
v režnju 14 s preluknjano hišico. Prvi živi na peščenem 1826) was found in spit II and one o f Fossarus sp. in
dnu in je pogost v plitvinah, drugi pa med kam enjem v spit 14 with a perforated shell. T he first lives on a sandy
litoralu. bottom an d is com m on in shallow s, and the second
Školjčne lupine so bile najdene v različnih režnjih. am ong rocks in the littoral.
V režnju 6 en m ajhen nerazpoznaven del lupine, v režnju Mussel shells were found in various spits. In spit 6
7 dva nerazpoznavna fragm enta lupine, v režnju 8 en a small unrecognisable part o f a shell, in spit 7 two un­
nerazpoznaven del lupine, v režnju 10 trije nerazpoznavni recognisable fragm ents o f shell, in spit 8 one unrecogni­
deli lupin in en fragm ent školjke rodu M ytilus, v režnju sable part o f a shell, in spit 10 three unrecognisable parts
II pet nerazpoznavnih fragm entov lupin, v režnju 13 o f shells and a fragm ent o f mussel o f the genus Mytilus,
šest nerazpoznavnih fragm entov lupin, v režnju 15 trije in spit 11 five unrecognisable fragm ents o f shell, in spit
nerazpoznavni fragm enti lupin, v režnju 16 en večji frag- 13 six unrecognisable fragm ents o f shell, in spit 15 th-

Columbeila Nassarius Fossarus

Si. 13.4.1: M orski polži, najdeni v V iktorjevem spodm olu. Od leve proti desni: Columbella rustica, Nassarius cuvieri in Fossarus
sp. M erila so p o d a n a v m m. F oto M. G rm .
Fig. 13.4.1: M arine g astropods found in V iktorjev spodm ol. From left to right: Columbella rustica, Nassarius cuvieri and Fossarus
sp. M easurem ents are given in m m. P hoto M. G rin.
m ent lupine, ki pripada užitni klapavici Mytilus gallo- ree unrecognisable frgam ents o f shell, in spit 16, one
provincialis Lam arck, 1819. N ajdba predstavlja spodnji larger fragm ent o f shell belonging to the edible Blue
del sklepnega roba desne lupine. O m enjena vrsta je v Mussel Mytilusgalloprovincialis Lam arck, 1819. T he find
Jadranskem morju med školjkami najbolj razširjena. Živi represents the lower p art o f th e right shell. T he m entio­
ob m orskih obalah v coni bibavice, izjem om a do globi­ ned species is am ong the m ost w idespread m ussels in
ne 4 m, in ob ustjih rek. V režnju 19 sta bila najdena dva the A driatic Sea. It lives by the sea coast in the tidal
nerazpoznavna fragm enta školjčne lupine. zone, exceptionally to a d ep th o f 4 m, an d by river
N ajverjetneje pripadajo fragm enti školjčnih lupin m ouths. Two unrecognisable fragm ents o f mussel shells
v vseh režnjih vrsti, ki je ugotovljena v režnju 16. were found in spit 19.
T he fragm ents o f mussel shells in all spits proba­
bly belong to the species identified in spit 16.
14. O sta n k i EKTOTERMNiH 14. R e m a in s o f
VRETENČARJEV V E c t o t h e r m ic
V ik to rje v e m V e r t e b r a t e s in
spo d m o lu V ik t o r je v S p o d m o l
M aj a P A U N O v ič f

Pri pregledovanju m okro presejanih sedim entov sondira­ D uring the exam ination o f the wet sieved sedim ents of
nja Inštituta za arheologijo Z R C SAZU - faza IzA (frak­ the test tren ch o f th e In stitu te o f A rchaeology ZRC
cije, m anjše od 3 m m ), so bili med drugim pobrani tudi SAZU - IzA phase (fraction sm aller than 3 m m ) am ong
številni ostanki ektoterm nih vretenčarjev. Vse najdbe so oth er things num erous rem ains o f ectotherm ic vertebra­
bile d okum entirane po režnjiih, ločeno za levi in desni tes were collected. All finds were docum ented by spits,
del odkopanega profila. Ker lokacija teh najdb v tako separately for the left and the right parts o f the excava­
m ajhnem tlorisu ni pom em bna, sem pri analizi upošte­ ted profile. Because the location o f these find is not
vala sam o porazdelitev najdb v režnjih ozirom a njihovo im portant on a small ground area, I only took into ac­
stratigrafijo, ne pa tudi porazdelitve v tlorisu. Pri strati- count in the analysis the distribution o f the finds in spits,
grafski analizi sem upoštevala izključno plasti, ki sem or their stratigraphy, and not also their distribution on
jih po navodilih I. Turka korelirala z režnji. Pri tem plast the ground plan. In the Stratigraphie analysis, I took into
1 d ejansko predstavlja nasu tje do globine - 2 5 9 cm account exclusively layers, w hich 1 correlated with spits
(reženj 1 in 2), preostale plasti pa predstavljajo naravno according to the instructions o f I. Turk. In this, layer I
sedim entacijo. actually represents artificially redeposited sedim ents to
Plast 1/2 združuje režnje 3 -5 in sega do globine a depth o f -2 5 9 cm (spits 1 and 2), and the rem aining
-274 cm, plast 2 združuje režnje 6-14 in sega do globi­ layers represent natural sedim entation.
ne -319 cm , plast 3 pa združuje režnje 15-19 in sega do Layer 1/2 unites spits 3 -5 and extends to a depth
d na sonde na globini -3 5 3 cm (glej Turk, sl. 5.1, ta zbor­ o f -274 cm , layer 2 unites spits 6 -1 4 and extends to a
nik). depth o f -319 cm , and layer 3 unites spits 15-19 and
M ed drugim i drobnim i ostanki (glej Culiberg, ta extends to the bottom o f the trench to a depth o f -3 5 3
zbornik; Slapnik, ta zbornik in Toškan & Kryštufek, ta cm (see Turk, Fig. 5.1, this volum e).
zbornik) je bilo analiziranih več kot 5.000 ostankov ek­ Among oth er very small rem ains (see Culiberg, this
toterm nih vretenčarjev, različno porazdeljenih v režnjih volume; Slapnik, this volume and Toškan & Kryštufek,
in plasteh. this volum e), m ore than 5000 rem ains o f ectotherm ic
Med skeletnim i deli prevladujejo vretenca (ok. 80 vertebrates were analysed, variously distributed in spits
%), sledijo lobanjske kosti (ok. 10 %). Drugi postkrani- and layers.
alni deli skeleta in luske (squam ae) so relativno slabo Vertebrae predom inated am ong skeletal parts (cca.
zastopani v analiziranem vzorcu (sl. 14.1), ki je bil vzet 80%), followed by cranial bones (cca 10%). O ther post-
iz 0,3 m 3 sedim enta. Pri tem je treba pripom niti, da je cranial parts o f the skeleton and osteoscutes (squam ae)
bil v analizo vključen le neznaten del lusk, saj je bilo teh are relatively poorly represented in the analysed sam ple
zbranih kar 58.000. V endar tudi ta številka ni prava, ker (Fig. 14.1), w hich was taken from 0.3 m 3 o f sedim ent. Il


SI. 14.1: Številčna zatopanost

skeletnih delov in lusk ektoterm­
nih vretenčarjev v plasteh 1, 1/
v e rte b ra e p o stc ra n iu m sq u a m a e
2, 2 in 3.
Fig. 14.1: Numerical representa­
tion of skelelel parts and oste­
oscutes of ectothermic vertebra­
tes in layers 1, 1/2, 2 and 3.

vse niso bile pobrane. Največ (20.000) jih je bilo v plas­ should be noted th a t only an insignificant p art o f the
ti 1/2. osteo scu tes was included in th e analysis, since som e
58,000 o f these were collected. However, even this num ­
Identifikacijo ostankov sem izvedla s prim erjanjem re- ber is n o t correct, since not all were collected. T here
centnega gradiva v zbirki Zavoda za paleontologiji/ i geo­ were the m ost (20,000) in layer 1/2.
logiji/ Kvartara (Z agreb) in z uporabo ključev za določe­
vanje (B achm ayer & M linarsky 1977, Paunovič 1991, 1 perform ed identification o f the rem ains by com pari­
Rauscher 1992, Szyndlar 1984, Torke 1981). Z aradi ve­ son with recent m aterial in the collection o f the Institu­
likega števila m očno poškodovanih vretenc in lobanjskih te o f Quaternary Palaeotology and Geology (Z agreb) and
kosti (posebno zgornjih čeljustnic in dentale) sem lah­ by use o f an identification key (B achm ayer & M linarsky
ko analizirala približno 90 % gradiva. V m nogih prim e­ 1977, Paunovič 1991, R auscher 1992, Szyndlar 1984,
rih je bila določitev dvomljiva, ali pa je bila m ožna sam o Torke 1981). Because o f the large n um ber o f greatly
na višjem taksonom skem nivoju. dam aged v ertebrae an d cranial bones (especially the
u pper jaw and dentale) I could only analyse about 90%
o f the m aterial. In many cases, the decision was suspect
A) RIBE (PISC E S) or was only possible on a higher taxonom ic level.

Med pobranim i ostanki ektoterm nih vretenčarjev je bilo

sam o 30 ostankov rib (sl. 14.2). Vsi so fragm entarni, tako A) FISH (PISC E S)
da sem lahko sam o en žrelni zob pripisala klenu Squali-
us. Vendar vsi fragmenti nedvomno pripadajo skupini slad­ Am ong the rem ains o f ectotherm ic vertebrates collec­
kovodnih rib, najverjetneje krapovcem (Cyprinidae). ted, there were only 30 rem ains o f fish (Fig. 14.2). All
are fragm entary, so that 1 could only ascribe one tooth
to Squalius. However, all the fragm ents undoubtedly
B) DVOŽIVKE (A M PH IB IA ) belong to the group o f freshw ater fish, probably cypri-
nids (C yprinidae).
O stanki doživk so v m ajhnem številu enakom erno raz­
porejeni po vseh plasteh (sl. 14.3). Relativno veliko je
(pravih) žab (30), m edtem ko sta sam o dva ostanka kras­ B) A M PH IBIA N S (A M PH IB IA )
tač. Z aradi slabe ohranjenosti ostankov sem lahko 16
kosti določila sam o kot A m phibia in/ali C audata (repa­ T he rem ains o f am phibians were equally distributed in
te dvoživke). Štiri p o stk ran ialn e kosti sem pripisala small num bers through all layers (Fig. 14.3). T here were
m očeradu ( Salam andra sp.). a relatively high num ber o f (co m m o n ) frog (30), but
only two rem ains o f toad. Because o f the p o o r state of
preservation o f the remains, 16 bones could only be iden­
C) KUŠČARICE (LACERTILIA) tified as A m phibia a n d /o r C audata (tailed am phibians).
I ascribed four post-cranial bones to Salam ander ( Sala-
V analizirani fosilni združbi, predvsem v plasti 2, prev­ mandra sp.).
laduje slepec (Angiiisfragilis) s 1267 ostanki, ki pripada­
jo značilnim zobnim kostem, luskam in vretencem (sl.





8 ■

2 •
SI. 14.2: Absolutni deleži določl­
0• jivih in nedoločljivih rib v plas­
plast / layer I p la s l/ layer 1/2 plast / layer 2 plast / layer 3
teh 1, 1/2, 2 in 3.
01 S q u aliu s 1 Fig. 14.2: Absolute shares of
13 C y p rin id ae identifiable and unidentifiable
S3 P isces 12 fish in layers 1, 1/2, 2 and 3.
Sl. 14.3: Absolutni deleži določl­
jivih in nedoločljivih dvoživk v
plasteh 1, 1/2, 2 in 3.
Fig. 14.3: Absolute shares of
identifiable and unidentifiable
amphibians in layers I, 1/2, 2
and 3.

Amphibia A nura Ranidae Kana R. esculenta /i. viridis Caudata Salam andra

14.4). Poleg številnih ostankov (2154), ki sem jih do­ C) LIZARDS (LACERTILIA)
ločila sam o kot ostanke kuščarjev, je tudi veliko najdb
(223) rodu Lacerta (predvsem m artinček L agilis). Samo In the analysed groups o f fossil, m ainly in layer 2, slow-
ena kost v plasti I pripada rodu Tarentola (gekon) in worm (AnguisfragiUs) predom inated with 1267 rem ains
ena v plasti 2 rodu Agam a (hardun). w hich belong to characteristic teeth bones, osteoscutes
and vertebrae (Fig. 14.4). In addition to num erous re­
V delu presejanega sedim enta sonde Viktorjevegam ains (2154), w hich I identified only as rem ains o f li­
spodm ola (faza V iktor in IzA) so bili najdeni še štirje zards, there were also a large num ber o f finds (2 2 3 ) o f
koščeni fragm enti (dentale, verjetno pa tudi zgornja če- the genus Lacerta (m ostly sand lizard L. agilis). A single
Ijustnica), vsi s plevrodontnim i zobm i, ki jih je B. Krystu- bone in layer 1 belongs to the genus Tarentola (geckos)
fek pripisal vrsti Lacerta c f viridis (zelenec). and one in layer 2 to the genus Agam a (agam ids).
Viktorjev spodm ol je izjem en zaradi najdb derm al- Four bone fragm ents (dentale, probably also up­
nih ploščic slepca. Teh je na tisoče v vsakem režnju, per jaw ) were found in p art o f the sieved sedim ents o f
predvsem pa v m ezolitskih režnjih. the test trench o f Viktorjev spodm ol (V iktor and IzA
pfi’ase), all pleurodontic teeth, w hich B. Kryštufek ascri­
bed to the species Lacerta c f viridis (green lizard).
D) KAČE (SE R P E N T E S ) Viktorjev spodm ol is exceptional because o f the find
o f derm al plates o f slow-worm. T here were thousands
V vzorcu so bila najdena tudi kačja vretenca, in sicer v o f these in each spit, above all in the M esolithic spits.
vseh plasteh (sl. 14.5). Pripadajo gožem (Natrix - belou­
ška in/ali kobranka, Elaphe - gož in/ali njegovi sorodni­
ki), ki najraje živijo ob vodi. M odras ( Vipera ammody- 1)) SN A K ES (S E R P E N T E S )
tes) je zastopan z enim vretencem , najdenim v plasti I.
V ertebrae o f snakes were also found in the sam ple, in all
V plasti 1 so bili 3 ostanki rib, 18 ostankov dvoživk, 256 layers (Fig. 14.5). They belong to colubrids ( Natrix, El­
ostankov kuščarjev in 20 ostankov kač. Tri zelo poško­ aphe), th a t like to live by water. V iper ( Vipera ainmody-
dovane kosti sem lahko pripisala neopredeljenim slad­ tes) is represented by one vertebra, found in layer 1.
kovodnim ribam. O sem najst kostnih ostankov dvoživk
sem določila takole: 2 kot prave žabe (R anidae), 7 kot Layer 1 co n tain ed 3 rem ains o f fish, 18 rem ains o f am p­
Rana sp., I kot zelena žaba {Rana esculenta), I kot zele­ hibians, 256 rem ains o f lizards and 20 rem ains o f sna­
na krastača ( Bitjo viridis) in I kot Salam andra sp. N a­ kes. T hree very dam aged bones could be ascribed to
ta n čn e je nedoločljive so bile 3 kosti dvoživk. K osti unidentified freshw ater fish. Eighteen bone rem ains o f
kuščarjev pripadajo v 249 prim erih slepcu (Angl/isJragi- am phibians were identified thus: 2 as true frog (R ani­
lis), v enem prim eru gekonu ( Taremtola), v 46 prim erih dae), 7 as Rana sp., I as com m on E uropean frog ( Rana
m artičku (Lacerta agilis) v 35 prim erih Lacerta sp. in v esculenta), 1 as E uropean green toad (Rana esculenta)
174 prim erih neopredeljenim kuščarjem . Kačja vreten­ in 1 as salam ander (Salam andra sp.) T hree bones o f
ca pripadajo v enem prim eru m odrasu ( Vipera am m ody- am phibians were not identifiable m ore exactly. Bones
tes), v dveh prim erih progastem u gožu ( Elaphe quatuor- o f lizards belong in 249 cases to slow-worm (Anguis fra-
lineata), v 3 prim erih navadnem u gožu (E. longissima). gilis), in one case to gecko (Taremtola), in 46 cases to

3000 Sl. 14.4: Absolutni deleži določl­

jivih in nedoločljivih kuščaric v
2500 plasteh I. 1/2, 2 in 3.
Fig. 14.4: Absolute shares of
2000 identifiable and unidentifiable
o lizards in layers 1, 1/2, 2 and 3.



L a certilia L acerta A gam a T a ren to la A nguis

302 306
1174 1267
□ 1/2 504 627
174 249

v 6 prim erih Natrix sp., v 7 prim erih belouški ( Natrix sand lizard (Lacerta agilis) in 35 cases to Lacerta sp.
natrix) in v enem prim eru neopredeljeni kači. and in 174 cases to unidentified lizards. V ertebrae of
V plasti 1 so bile tako enakovredno zastopane ev­ snakes belong in one case to viper ( Vipera am m odytes),
ropske in evroazijske vrste. in two cases to four-lined snake (Elaphequatuorlineata),
V m ešani plasti 1-2 sem ugotovila sam o 2 ribji vre­ in 3 cases to A esculapian snake (E. longissima), in six
tenci. Dvoživke so bile predstavljene s 7 kostmi, ki pri­ cases to Natrix sp„ in 7 cases to grass snake (Natrix na­
padajo Rana sp. in s 7 ostanki, ki se niso dali natančneje trix) and in one case an unidentified snake.
taksonom sko opredeliti. Med številnimi poškodovanim i E uropean and E uroasian species were equally re­
ostanki kuščarjev jih 627 pripada slepcu (Anguis fragi- presented in layer I.
lis), 83 Lacerta sp., 9 zelencu (L. viridis), 9 m artinčku In the mixed layer 1-2 I ascertained only 2 fish
(L. agilis), 504 pa je bilo tako poškodovanih, da se niso vertebrae. A m phibians were represented with 7 bones
dali opredeliti. belonging to Rana sp. and 7 th at could not be m ore ex­
Tudi v tej plasti so zastopane tako evropske kot ev­ actly identified taxonom ically. A m ong thre num erous
razijske vrste. dam aged rem ains o f lizards, 627 belonged to slow-worm
V plasti 2 sem od skupno 14 ostankov rib en zob (Anguis fragilis), 83 to Lacerta sp., 9 to E uropean green
pripisala klenu (Squalius sp.), enega krapovcem (Cypri- lizard (L. viridis), 9 to sand lizard (L. agilis), and 504
nidae), m edtem ko sem 12 frag m en tarn o ohranjenih were so dam aged that they could not be identified.
ostankov lahko pripisala le sladkovodnim ribam . O stan ­ In this layer, too, both E uropean and E uroasian
ki dvoživk pripadajo v 6 prim erih repatim dvoživkam species were represented.
(C audata), v 6 primerih Rana sp., v enem prim eru brezre­ In layer 2, o f a total o f 14 rem ains o f fish, I ascri­
pim dvoživkam (A nura) in v 4 prim erih zgolj dvoživkam. bed one to o th to dace ( Squalius sp.), one to cyprinids
N ajv ečje kuščarjev: 1267 fragm entiranih ostankov pri­ (C yprinidae), while I could only ascribe 12 fragm enta-
pada slepcu (Anguis fragilis), en hardunu (Agama sp.), rily preserved rem ains to freshw ater fish. Rem ains of
3 pravim kuščaricam (Lacerta sp.), 26 m artinčku (L. am phibians belong in 6 cases to tailed am phibians/sala­
agilis), 8 zelencu (L. viridis), 1174 ostankov kuščarjev m anders (C au d ata), in six cases to Rana sp., in one case
pa nisem m ogla opredeliti. Med ostanki redkih kač sta to the order o f frogs and toads (A n u ra) and in 4 cases
belouška in/ali kobranka (Natrix sp.) zastopani s 25 in only to am phibians. T here were m ost lizards: 1267 frag­
goži (Elaphe sp.) s 34 vretenci, 51 kačjih vretenc pa se m en tary rem ains o f slow-worm (Anguis fragilis), one
niso dali opredeliti. agam id (Agania sp.), 3 tru e lizard (Lacerta sp.), 26 sand
Tudi za to plast so značilni številni ostanki plazil­ lizard (L. agilis), 8 E uropean green lizard (L. viridis),
cev, z verjetno evropskim i biogeografskimi značilnost­ and I was unable to identify 1174 lizard rem ains. A m ong
mi. the rem ains o f occasional snakes, there were 25 rem ains
Med manj številnimi ostanki v plasti 3 jih dvoje o f grass snake a n d /o r dice snake (Natrix sp.), 34 verte­
pripada krapovcem (C yprinidae), 9 neopredeljenim slad­ brae o f rat snake (Elaphe sp.), and 51 snake vertebrae
kovodnim ribam, 7 pravim žabam (Rana sp.), I zeleni could not be identified.
krastači (Bufo viridis) in 4 neopredeljenim dvoživkam. N um erous rem ains o f reptiles with probable Euro­
O stanki kuščarjev so še vedno dokaj številni: 306 frag­ pean biogeographic characteristics are also typical of
m entiranih ostankov pripada slepcu (Anguis fragilis), 2 this layer.
Sl. 14.S: Absolutni deleži do­
ločljivih in nedoločljivih kač
v plasteh I, 1/2, 2 in 3.
Fig. 14.5: Absolute shares of
identifiable and unidentifi­
able snakes in layers 1, 1/2, 2
and 3.

Serpentes N atrix K quatuor.

zelencu (Lacerta viridis) in 2 m artinčku ( L. agilis), 302 A m ong the less num erous rem ains in layer 3, two
ostanka kuščarjev pa se nista dala natančneje opredeli­ belong to cyprinids (C yprinidae), 9 to unidentified fres­
ti. O sem inštirideset kačjih vretenc pripada v 15 prim e­ hw ater fish, 7 to true frogs (Rana sp.), I to European
rih belouški in/ali kobranki ( Natrix sp.) in v 12 prim erih green toad (Bii/b viridis) and 4 to unidentified am phibi­
gožem {Elaphe sp.), preostalo ni bilo opredeljivo. ans. T he rem ains o f lizards are still fairly num erous: 306
N ajdbe v plasti 3 so evropskega značaja. fragm ented rem ains o f slow-worm (Anguis fragilis), 2
green lizard (Lacerta viridis) and 2 sand lizard (L. agi­
Sestav fosilnih najdb iz Viktorjevega spodm ola je težko lis), and 302 lizard rem ains could not be identified more
opredeliti iz dveh razlogov: 1.) zaradi anatom sko/osteo- exactly. Forty-eight snake vertebrae belong in 15 cases
loških značilnosti ektoterm nih vretenčarjev in 2.) zara­ to Natrix sp. and in 12 cases to rat snake (Elaphe sp.),
di dejstva, da se je v sedim entih ohranil le manjši del the rem ainder being unidentifiable.
njihovih skeletnih ostankov. V analiziranem vzorcu prev­ Finds in layer 3 are o f a E uropean character.
ladujejo ostanki, ki sem jih pripisala višjim taksonom -
skim kategorijam rib, dvoživk, kuščarjev in kač ali nji­ T he com position o f fossil finds from Viktorjev spodm ol
hovim rodovom. Te ostanke predstavljajo predvsem vre­ I s difficult to define for two reasons: I.) because o f the
tenca, ki so dejansko najštevilnejša (predvsem repna) an ato m ic/o steo lo g ical ch aracteristics o f ec to th e rm ic
pri kuščarjih in kačah. Z aradi tega je zelo težko oceniti vertebrates and 2.) because only sm aller parts o f their
najm anjše število osebkov (N Š O ) ektoterm nih vretenčar­ skeletal rem ains have been preserved in the sedim ents.
jev po plasteh ali kako drugače. Če ga ocenim na podla­ Rem ains predom inate in the analysed sam ple th at I as­
gi števila in oblike lobanjskih kosti, dobim relativno niz­ cribed to higher taxonom ic categories o ffis h , am phibi­
ke številke (27 za plast 1, 105 za plast 1-2, 175 za plast an, lizards and snakes or their genuses. T hese rem ains
2 in 42 za plast 3). Č e ga ocenim na podlagi števila vre­ are m ainly o f vertebrae, w hich are actually the m ost
tenc - pri katerih ni m ogoče ugotoviti, ali pripadajo is­ num erous (m ainly tail) with lizards and snakes. Becau­
tim osebkom - je lahko najm anjše število kač in kuščar­ se o f this it is very difficult to assess the m inim um num ­
jev v plasti 1 tudi 513, 1089 v plasti 1-2, 2312 v plasti 2 ber o f individuals (M N I) o f ectotherm ic vertebrates by
in 784 v plasti 3. Te številke so precenjene, kajti, če v layers o r in any o th er way. If I estim ate them on the
oceni izhajam tudi iz postkranilanih ostankov (dolge basis o f the num ber and form o f cranial bones, 1 get a
kosti), postane jasno, da je najm anjše število osebkov relatively low num ber (27 for layer I, 105 for layer 1-2,
pri kačah in kuščarjih 19 v plasti 1, 18 v plasti 1-2, 13 v 175 for layer 2 and 42 for layer 3). If I estim ate them on
plasti 2 in 17 v plasti 3. the basis o f the num ber o f vertebrae - in which it is
D ejansko najm anjše število osebkov je nekje vmes im possible to ascertain w hether they belong to the sam e
m ed najnižjim in najvišjim številom analiziranih najdb. individual - the sm allest num ber o f snakes and lizards
Njegova ocena je m ogoča izključno na podlagi točno is 513 in layer I, 1089 in layer 1-2, 2312 in layer 2 and
določenih najdb (razpredelnica 14.1). 784 in layer 3. These num bers are exaggerated, since if
Izhajajoč iz rezultatov določitve in analize najdb in the assessm ent I also derive from post-cranial rem ains
nižjih vretenčarjev, pripada večina ostankov v vseh ra­ (long bones) it becom es clear th a t the sm allest num ber
ziskanih nivojih slepcem (A nguidae), ki so dom inantna o f individuals o f snakes and lizards is 19 in layer 1, 18 in
vrsta v najdišču. D ruge vrste so zastopane z relativno layer 1-2, 13 in layer 2 and 17 in layer 3.
m ajhnim številom ostankov. T he actual m inim um num ber o f individuals issom e-

Razpredelnica 14.1: Viktorjev spodm ol, ocenjeno najmanjše where in between the lowest and highest num ber o f analy­
število osebkov (N Š O ). sed finds. Its estim ate is only possible on the basis o f
Table 14.1: Viktorjev spodm ol, assessm ent o f the minimum exactly identified finds (Table 14.1).
number o f individuals (M N I).

Plast (NŠO) Deriving from the results o f identifiaction and analysis

Layer (MNI) o f finds o f lower vertebrates, the m ajority o f the rem ains
1 1-2 2 3 in all investigated layers belong to A nguidae (lateral-form
lizards, slow worm s, glass snakes), w hich are the dom i­
Dvoživke nant species at the site. O ther species are represented
11 7 12 8
Amphibians by relatively small num bers o f rem ains.
Kuščarji Such an accum ulation o f the rem ains o f slow-worm
29 64 130 31
can be explained mainly by its way o f life (L apini et al.
13 43 59 27 1999). In w arm , dry periods o f the year, slow-worms
SKUPAJ could find the necessary shade and m oisture in V iktor­
53 114 205 71
TOTAL jev spodm ol. It is known th at slow-worms overw inter in
existing cavities and tunnels about 1 m long, 3 0 -7 0 cm
T a k šn o a k u m u la c ijo o s ta n k o v s le p c a la h k o below the surface. T heir rem ains are therefore rath er
razložim o predvsem z njegovim načinom življenja (La- m ore recent than the sedim ents and other finds and ar­
pini etal. 1999). V toplih in sušnih obdobjih leta bi slep­ chaeological rem ains in th e layers o f Viktorjev spodm ol.
ci nam reč lahko našli potrebno senco in vlago v Viktor­ T he num erous skeletal rem ains scattered in all archaeo­
jevem spodm olu. Z nano je, da slepci prezim ujejo v ob­ logical layers show that many generations o f slow-worms
stoječih votlinah in rovih, dolgih približno 1 m, 30 -7 0 used the sam e hibernation quarters, th a t they are an
cm globoko pod zemljo. Z ato so njihovi ostanki nekoli­ a u to ch th o n o u s elem ent in the fossil accum ulation of
ko mlajši od sedim entov in drugih najdb ter arheoloških Viktorjev spodm ol and th at they rem ained in the vicini­
ostankov v plasteh Viktorjevega spodm ola. Številni ske­ ty o f dam p m eadow s and forest.
letni ostanki, raztreseni v vseh arheoloških nivojih kažejo, It is a different case with fish, salam anders, snakes
da so slepci veliko generacij uporabljali isti bivalnozi- and lizards. O n the basis o f th e state o f preservation
movalni prostor, da so avtohton elem ent v fosilni združbi and num ber o f rem ains, I can conclude th a t they are
Viktorjevega spodm ola in da so v bližini obstajali vlažni alo ch th o n o u s and th at they represent the rem ains o f
travniki in gozd. captured prey o f birds o f prey a n d /o r oth er predators.
D rugače je z ribami, m očeradi, kačam i in kuščarji. Indirectly they also show a m ixture o f various environ­
Na podlagi ohranjenosti in števila ostankov lahko skle­ m ents in the vicinity o f the site: deciduous forest and
pam , da so alohtoni in da predstavljajo ostanke plena patches o f open stonefields or dam p parts (sw am ps, ri­
ujed in/ali drugih plenilcev. P osredno dokazujejo tudi ver valleys, etc.) with a sim ilar but not th e sam e m icro­
m ešanico različnih okolij v bližini najdišča: listnatega clim ate as today. In Slovenia, namely, fir had already
gozda in zaplat o d p rtih kam nišč ali vlažnih predelov joined the beech forests at the start o f the A tlantic peri­
(m očvirje, rečna dolina itd.) s podobno, če ne enako od (Abieti-Fagetum phase) and from then on fir-beech
mikroklim o, kot je danes. V Sloveniji s e je bukovim goz­ forest was do m in an t (Šercelj 1996). Such forest vegeta­
dovom nam reč že v začetku atlantske dobe pridružila tion also enabled the survival o f the described groups of
jelka (faza Abieti-Fagetum) in od tedaj dalje je bukov- ectotherm ic vertebrates from the M esolithic, o r A tlan­
jelov gozd dom inanten (Šercelj 1996). Takšna gozdna tic, until today.
vegatacija je tudi om ogočila preživetje opisanih skupin
ektoterm nih vretenčarjev od m ezolitika oz. atlantika do Acknowledgement:
danes. The editor o f this volume would like to thank Boris
Kryštufek for help in arranging the contribution o f the
Zalivala: late Maja Paunovič, who was unfortunately unable to
U rednik tega zbornika se zahvaljuje Borisu Kryštu- collaborate further in the preparation o f her m anuscript
feku za pom oč pri urejanju prispevka pokojne Maje Pau­ for print.
novič, ki žal ni m ogla več sodelovati pri pripravi svojega
rokopisa za tisk.
1 5 .O st a n k i m a l i h 1 5 .S m a l l M a m m a l s
SESALCEV ( I n SECTTVORA, ( I n s e c t iv o r a ,
C h iro pter a , R o d e n t ia ) C h ir o pter a , R o d e n t ia )
v V ik t o r je v e m in V ik t o r je v
spo d m o lu spodm ol

B orut T o škan & B o r is K rystufek

Med arheološkim sondiranjem na najdišču Viktorjev spod­ The archaeological probe excavations at V iktorjev spod­
mol pri Škocjanskih jam ah se je, poleg drugega, nabralo mol near the caves Škocjanske jam e (south-w estern Slo­
veliko ostankov malih sesalcev. Sonda je, sodeč po arheo­ venia) resulted, am ong others, also in rich m aterial o f
loških najdbah, zajela obdobje kastelnovjena (pribl. 8600 small m am m als. The probe covers the Castelnovian (ca.
do pribl. 7400 let pred sedanjostjo) in posteneolitsko praz­ 8,600 to ca. 7,400 yr. BP) to the post-Eneolithic Prehis­
godovinsko obdobje (Turk, ta zbornik). Po zaslugi arheo­ tory (Turk, this volum e). A rchaeologically reasonably
loško razm erom a dobro datiranih mezolitskih režnjev iz­ reliable stratigraphy o f the M esolithic layers enabled a
kopani m aterial om ogoča d ober vpogled v stru k tu ro d eep er insight into a small m am m al assem bly at the
združbe malih sesalcev starejšega holocena, ko človekov beginning o f the H olocene, when hum an im pact on the
vpliv na okolje dom nevno še ni bil močan. Vsaj do nivoja environm ent was presumably still weak. No less than 3,543
rodu je bilo mogoče določiti 3.543 ostankov (razpredel­ rem nants were determ ined to at least the generic level
nica 15.1). Z največjim deležem so zastopani glodalci (Table 15.1). Rodents strongly predom inated (= 92.3 %),
(92,3 %), m edtem ko predstavlja sedem določljivih pri­ while bats, on the oth er hand, were represented by me­
merkov netopirjev komaj 0,2 % vseh determ iniranih frag­ rely seven fragm ents (= 0.2 %). O nly recent species were
mentov. V vzorcu so zastopane izključno recentne vrste, found and m ajority o f them still occur in Slovenia, al­
od katerih jih večina še vedno naseljuje obm očje Sloveni­ beit not necessarily in the vicinity o f V iktorjev spodm ol.
je (čeprav ne nujno tudi okolico Viktorjevega spodm ola). N o tab le exceptions are M artino’s vole (Dinaromys bog­
V tem pogledu so izjeme dinarska voluharica ( Dinaromys danovi), blind m ole ( Talpa caeca), and grey ham ster
bogdanovi), sredozemski krt (Talpa caeca) in sivi hrček (Cricetulus migratorius). In this report, only th e main
( Cricetulus migratorius). V prispevku podajam o ključne results are given. For a m ore detailed elaboration, which
izsledke analize ostankov malih sesalcev iz Viktorjevega includes also com prehensive list o f m aterial and biom e­
spodmola. Bolj poglobljen vpogled, s celotnim seznamom trics, see Toškan (2002).
determ iniranih ostankov in njihovih meritev vred, pa po­
daja Toškan (2002). Viktorjev spodm ol (know n also as Podjam ca) near the
caves Škocjanske jam e, south-w estern Slovenia (eleva­
Viktorjev spodm ol (znan tudi kot Podjam ca) pri Škoc­ tion 415 m a.s.I.) is p art o f a collapsed cave system o f
janskih jam ah (415 m n.m.v.) je ostanek večjega p odrte­ the river Reka. It is situated in the sub-M editerranean
ga jamskega sistema reke Reke. Leži v subm editeranskem region o f Slovenia, on the very north-w estern border o f
obm očju Slovenije, na sam em severozahodnem robu the Balkan peninsula. T he main source o f the accum u­
Balkanskega polotoka. Poglavitni dejavnik akum ulacije lation o f sm all m am m al rem n an ts was evidently owl
ostankov malih sesalcev so bile najverjetneje sove. Se­ p ellets. S am p les th u s re fle c t p r e d a to r ’s p referen c e
stava vzorca tako odseva preferenco plenilca do posa­ tow ards prey (A ndrew s 1990).
meznih kategorij plena (A ndrew s 1990). Subfossil small m am m al rem nants were collected
Subfosilni ostanki malih sesalcev so bili pridoblje­ during the third, i.e. the final stage o f excavations (p h a­
ni med tretjo, zadnjo fazo izkopavanj (faza IzA), ko je se IzA), w hen a mini S tra tig ra p h ie excavations o f plots
bilo izvedeno mini stratigrafsko izkopavanje s pravokotni­ 0.2 x 1 m with a depth o f 5 cm as basic sam ples have
kom 0,2 x 2 m kot osnovno enoto in režnji debeline 5 cm been perform ed (cf. Turk, this volum e). In total, 36 such
(glej Turk, ta zbornik). V celoti je bilo izkopanih 19 tak­ sam ples (spits in subsequent text) were removed. The
šnih enot (režnjev oz. izkopov). S edim ent je bil v celo­ sedim ent was thieved (m esh sizes o f 3 mm, 1 mm, and
ti spran skozi sita z velikostjo luknjic 3 m m , 1 mm in 0.5 mm, respectively) and small mammal rem nants were
0,5 mm. O stanki malih sesalcev so bili pobrani iz sedi- extracted from a sediment fraction of particles 0.5-3.0 mm.
m entne frakcije velikosti od 0,5 do 3 mm. N abrani vzor­ The m aterial consisted o f isolated teeth, maxillae, m an­
ci so vsebovali zobe, spodnje in zgornje čeljustnice ter dibles, and postcranial rem nants. Postcranial m aterial
postkranialne skeletne elem ente; slednjih v analizo ni­ was not subjected to further analysis. M aterial was m ea­
sm o vključili. O stanke malih sesalcev sm o določali in sured and determ ined u nder a dissecting m icroscope at
merili pod stereom ikroskopom pri različnih povečavah. various m agnifications. C o m parative recen t m aterial
Prim erjalni recentni m aterial izvira pretežno iz Sloveni­ (m am m al collection o f the N atural H istory M useum o f
je in s sosednjih obm očij Balkana (zbirka Prirodoslov­ Slovenia) originates mainly from Slovenia and adjacent
nega m uzeja Slovenije, L jubljana). K vantitativne pri­ regions o f the Balkan peninsula. Q uantitative com pari­
merjave med taksoni tem eljijo na številu določenih pri­ sons am ong taxa were based on a N um ber o f Identified
merkov {Num ber o f Identified Specimens, N1SP) ter naj­ Specim ens (N IS P ) and on a M inim um N um ber o f Indi­
m anjšem številu osebkov ( M inim um Num ber o f Individu­ viduals (M N I); c f G rayson (1984) and Klein & Cruz-
als, M N I); za podrobnosti glej G rayson (1984) ter Klein Uribe (1993) for fu rth er details. W ithin the fram ew ork
in Cruz-U ribe (1993). V okviru biom etrične analize sm o o f biom etric analysis we d eterm ined the existence o f
obstoj statistično značilne heterogenosti med posam ez­ statistically characteristic heterogeneity am ong indivi­
nimi vzorci ugotavljali s Scheffejevim in neparam etrič- dual sam ples using th e Scheffe test and the nonparam e-
nim Kruskal-W allisovim testom (S tatS o ft Inc. 1995). tric Kruskal-Wallis test (StatS oft Inc. 1995). Pooling o f
Režnje (izkope), ki so si bili podobni v vrstni sestavi ma­ spits on the basis o f their sim ilarity in small m am m al
lih sesalcev, sm o združevali in pri tem upoštevali rezulta­ assem blies was d o n e by a M u ltid im en sio n al Scaling
te večdimenzionalnega skaliranja (Multidimensional Sca­ (StatS oft Inc. 1995). Clustering o f allochronic and allo-
ling-, StatSoft Inc. 1995). Alohrone in alopatrične primerja­ patric sam ples was based on a m atrix o f Euclidean dis­
ve sm o opravili z analizo grozdov (Cluster Analysis', Stat­ tances (C lu ster Analysis; StatSoft Inc. 1995). Statisti­
Soft Inc., 1995), k ije temeljila na diagnonalno simetrični cal calculations were run in StatSoft 1997, STATIST1-
matriki podobnosti (evklidske razdalje). Statistična ob­ CA for W indows, version 5.1.
delava je bila narejena s programskim paketom StatSoft Cheek-teeth are abbreviated as follows: P - prem o­
1997, STAT1STICA za Windows, verzija 5.1. lars, M - molars; capitals indicate upper teeth and small
V besedilu označujem o kočnike kot: P - predmelja- letters indicate the lower ones. T he num ber denotes the

Razpredelnica 15.1: Najmanjše število determiniranih ostankov žužkojedov (Insectivora), netopirjev (Chiroptera) in glodalcev
(R odentia) iz najdišča Viktorjev spodm ol.
Table 15.1: Minimum number o f identified remnants o f insectivores (Insectivora), bats (Chiroptera) and rodents (R odentia)
from the site Viktorjev spodm ol. RPS - recently perturbated sediment.

Globina Volumen
Reženj Depth Volume I’last SKUI’A.I
Insectivora Chiroptera Rodentia
Spit (cm) (ml) Layer TOTAL

1 254 235 nasutje 5 0 46 51

2 259 180 RPS 11 0 101 112
3 264 275 15 0 127 142
4 269 300 1& 2 17 0 127 144
5 274 345 15 0 164 179
6 279 415 30 0 127 157
7 284 535 23 0 159 182
8 289 450 11 0 127 138
9 294 375 13 0 128 141
10 299 475 2 18 0 125 143
11 304 430 10 0 149 159
12 309 555 14 2 162 178
13 314 770 14 1 203 218
14 319 685 9 0 156 165
15 324 635 15 1 237 253
16 329 570 12 0 279 291
17 334 685 3 15 2 342 359
18 339 535 9 0 319 328
19 353 325 8 1 194 203
x 264 7 3272 3543
ki, M - meljaki; velike tiskane črke označujejo gornje zobe, position o f a particular tooth in the to o th row (an terio r
male pa spodnje. Položaj posam eznega meljaka v zobnem —> posterior). N om enclature o f m olars is based on Van
nizu je označen s številko (anteriorno —» posteriorno). D er M eulen (1973; a rv ic o lin s) an d N ie th a m m e r &
N om enklatura meljakov voluharic je povzeta po Van Der Krapp (1978 for m urins and 1982 for cricetins). All di­
M eulenu (1973), miši in hrčkov pa po N ietham m erju in m ensions are in millimetres.
K rappu (1978, 1982). Vse dimenzije so v milimetrih.

15. 1 R e s u l t s
15. 1 R e z u l t a t i
O rder Insectivora Gray, 1827
Red Insectivora Gray, 1827 Family Soricidae Fischer, 1817
D ružina Soricidae Fischer, 1817

Sorex alpinus Schinz, 1837

Sorex alpinus Schinz, 1837
Two rostral fragm ents with the m ajority o f teeth still in
G orski rovki pripadata dva rostrum a, ki sta vsebovala alveoli evidently belonged to the A lpine shrew. T he com ­
večino zob. Hipokon M l ni bil pigm entiran, zaradi če­ m on shrew Sorex araneus was excluded on the basis o f
sar sm o lahko izključili prisotnost gozdne rovke Sorex M I hypocone not being pigm ented.

Sorex araneus Linnaeus, 1758

Sorex araneus Linnaeus, 1758
R em nants o f the com m on shrew (th ree m andibles and
O stanke gozdne rovke (tri spodnje čeljustnice in trije three isolated cheek-teeth) were from spits 15 to 18 (Fig.

SI. 15.1: Ostanki rovk iz Viktorjevega spodmola. Fragment desne spodnje čeljustnice (a) Sorex araneus (reženj 15) in (b) Sorex
minutus (reženj 17). Grizalna površina kočnikov (c) Crocidura leucodon (P4-M I: reženj 15) in (d) Crocidura suaveolens (P4-
M2; reženj 7). Labialna stran 4. zgornjega predmeljaka (P4; isti osebek kot na slikah c in d) pri (e) Crocidura leucodon in (0
Crocidura suaveolens. Črta ustreza dolžini 1 mm (c-f) oziroma 5 mm (a-b).
Fig. 15.1: Shrew remnants from Viktorjev spodmol. Fragments of right mandible in (a) Sorex araneus (spit 15) and (b) Sorex
minutus (spit 17). Occlusal surface of cheek teeth in (c) Crocidura leucodon (P4-M 1; spit 15) and (d) Crocidura suaveolens (P4-
M2; spit 7). Labial side of 4"' upper premolar (P4; same specimens as on Figs. c and d) in (e) Crocidura leucodon and (f)
Crocidura suaveolens. Scale bar = 1 mm (c-f) or 5 mm (a-b).
izolirani kočniki) sm o našli v režnjih 15 do 18 (sl. 15.1 15.1 a). M aterial was too fragm ented to allow biom etri­
a). Zaradi fragm entiranosti biom etrična obdelava ni bila cal com parisons.
m ogoča.

Sorex m inutus Linnaeus, 1766

Sorex m inutus Linnaeus, 1766
T he pygmy shrew was represented by two isolated cheek­
O stanki male rovke obsegajo dva izolirana kočnika in teeth and ten m andibles (Fig. 15.1 b). C oronoid pro­
deset spodnjih čeljustnic (sl. 15.1 b). Kavljasti podalj­ cess was preserved only in a single m andible. T he coro­
šek je v celoti ohranjen le pri eni izmed m andibul. Koro- noid height (= 2.79) was slightly lower th an in recent S.
noidna višina (= 2,79) je bila sicer nekoliko m anjša od m inutus from Slovenia (range= 3.0-3.6 mm; N =39), ho­
recentnih S. m inutus iz Slovenije (variacijska širina = 3,0- wever, it m atched the fossil m aterial from the Interple-
3,6 mm; N=39; K.ryštufek 1991), sklada pa se s fosilnim niglacial (O IS 3) layers o f Divje babe I (Kryštufek 1997).
m aterialom iz interpleniglacialnih (O IS 3) plasti Divjih
bab I (Kryštufek 1997).
Sorex alpinus / araneus

Sorea- alpin us! araneus T hirteen rem nants o f red-toothed shrews did n o t allow
assignm ent to the species level. O n the basis o f m easu­
T rinajst ostankov rdečezobih rovk ni bilo m ogoče do­ rem ents o f six m andibular fragm ents and seven isolated
ločiti do vrste. N a podlagi dim enzij šestih fragm entov cheek-teeth we excluded S. m inutus, however, fu rth er
spodnjih čeljustnic in pa sedm ih izoliranih kočnikov smo separation between the com m on and the A lpine shrew
sicer lahko izključili prisotnost vrste S. minutus, ne pa was not possible.
tudi ločili med gorsko in gozdno rovko.

Crocidura leucodon (H erm ann, 1780)

Crocidura leucodon (H erm ann, 1780)
Bi-coloured white-toothed shrew was represented by 11
Poljski rovki pripada 11 izoliranih kočnikov, tri spodnje isolate cheek-teeth, th ree m andibles, an d tw o rostral
čeljustnice in dva rostrum a. Po obliki obeh razpoložljivih parts. The P4 shape did not m atch the condition in either
P4 sm o izključili m ožnost, da bi m aterial pripadal C. C. suaveolens or C. russula (Fig. 15.1: c, e) T he length of
suaveolens ali C. russula (sl. 15.1: c, e). Izm erjena dolžina
niza spodnjih meljakov edine dobro ohranjene spodnje Razpredelnica 15.2: Opisna statistika za skupno dolžino spod­
čeljustnice je om ogočila prim erjavo s fosilnim m ateria­ njih meljakov ( m l-m 3) v štirih vzorcih poljskih rovk Crocid-
lom iz jam e Divje babe I (zahodna Slovenija), z recent- ura leucodon. Vzorci: 1 - recentna C. leucodon, Slovenija; 2 -
nimi prim erki C. leucodon iz Slovenije in z m anjšo pod­ recentna C. leucodon narentae, Bosna in Hercegovina, Črna
gora in Makedonija; 3 - fosilni vzorec iz Divjih Bab 1 (plast
vrsto C. leucodon narentae Bolkay, 1925 iz Bosne in
2-5; tj. pribl. 40.000 - 35.000 let p.s.), 4 - subfosilni prime­
H e rc e g o v in e , Č r n e g o re te r z a h o d n e M a k ed o n ije
rek iz Viktorjevega spodmola (reženj 11). Podani so velikost
(Kryštufek 1997). Prim erek iz V iktorjevega spodm ola vzorca (N), povprečje (M), standardna deviacija (SD) in va­
je sicer najbliže povprečni vrednosti za C. leucodon na­ riacijska širina (min. - max.). Vrednosti za vzorce 1-3 so
rentae, je pa še vedno v okviru variacijske širine recent- povzete po Krystufku (1997).
ne C. leucodon iz Slovenije (razpredelnica 15.2). Table 15.2: Descriptive statistics for the length of mandibular
molar row (m l-m 3 ) in four samples of bi-coloured white­
toothed shrew Crocidura leucodon. Samples: 1 - recent C. leu­
Crocidura suaveolens (Pallas, 1811) codon from Slovenia; 2 - recent C. leucodon narentae from
Bosnia & Herzegovina and Macedonia; 3 - fossil sample from
Divje babe I (layers 2-5; age ca. 40,000-35,000 yr. BP); 4 -
V rtna rovka je bila v vzorcu zastopana z osm im i izolira­
subfossil specimen from Viktorjev spodmol (spit 11). Given
nimi kočniki, sedm im i spodnjim i čeljustnicam i in rost- are sample size (N), mean (M), standard deviation (SD) and
rum om (sl. 15.1: d, 0- D olžina edinega popolnega niza range (min-max). Samples 1-3 are from Krystufek (1997).
spodnjih meljakov (reženj 16), je znašala 3,89 mm. S
tem se ta rovka uvršča znotraj variacijske širine za re- Vzorec
N M SD m in-m ax
centno vrsto C. suaveolens s Sečoveljskih solin, JV Slo­
venija (razpon= 3,42-3,91; povprečje=3,72; N=24). 1 13 4,50 0,134 4 ,2 4 ^,7 7
2 13 4,34 0,180 3,99-4,56
3 9 4,46 0,091 4,33-4,58
4 1 4,31 - -
D ružina Talpidae Fischer, 1817 the lower m olar row o f the only well preserved m andi­
ble allowed com parison with th e fossil m aterial from
Ta!pa europaea/caeca the site Divje babe I (w estern Slovenia), as well as with
the recent C. leucodon from Slovenia and the sm aller
Subfosilni ostanki krtov iz Viktorjevega spodm ola obse­ subspecies C. leucodon narentae Bolkay, 1925 from Bo­
gajo le izolirane kočnike, zato zanesljivo razlikovanje med snia & H erzegovina, M ontenegro, and w estern M ace­
navadnim krtom Talpa europaea Linnaeus, 1758 in sre­ donia (K ryštufek 1997). T he specim en from Viktorjev
dozem skim krtom T. caeca Savi, 1822, ni bilo mogoče. spodm ol approached the m ean for C. leucodon naren­
Č eprav se razlikujeta v velikosti ( T. europaea je večji), se tae, however, it still felt w ithin the range for the recent
vrednosti dolžine in širine meljakov med obem a vrsta­ C. leucodon from Slovenia (Table 15.2).
m a pravilom a na veliko prekrivajo. Še najboljše razliko­
vanje so om ogočale dim enzije m l in m2 (Toškan 2002).
N a osnovi velikosti m l sm o v vzorcu potrdili prisotnost Crocidura suaveolens (Pallas, 1811)
ostankov obeh vrst (sl. 15.2).
T he lesser w hite-toothed shrew was represented by eight
Navadni krt danes naseljuje pretežni del Evrope, tudi Slo­ isolated cheek-teeth, seven m andibles and a rostrum ( Fig.
venijo, kjer je splošno razširjen (Kryštufek 1991). Po dru­ 15.1: d, 0- Length o f the only com plete m andibular m olar
gi strani ima sredozemski krt tipično m editeransko raz­ row (spit 16) m easured 3.89 mm and as such m atched
širjenost z nekaterim i reliktnimi populacijami bolj na se­ the range for the recent C. suaveolens from Sečoveljske
veru. V Sloveniji ne živi, pa tudi za mlajši pleistocen Slo­ so lin e , s o u th -w e ste rn S lo v en ia ( r a n g e = 3 .4 2 - 3 .9 1 ;
venije Rakovec (1973) navaja le T. europaea. Ostanki T. m ean=3.72; N=24).
caeca so sicer znani iz wiirma SV Italije (npr. Brecce di
Soave pri Veroni; Bon el al. 1991) in nekdanje Jugoslavije
(M alez 1986), vendar so tudi tam razm erom a redki. Family Talpidae Fischer, 1817

Talpa europaea / caeca

Red C hiroptera Blum enbach, 1779
Subfossil mole material from Viktorjev spodm ol contai­
O stanki netopirjev so bili izjem no redki (skupno pet ned only isolated cheek-teeth, w hich did not allow reli­
able separation between the com m on mole Talpa europa­
* ea Linnaeus, 1758 and the blind m ole T. caeca Savi, 1822.
1,5 In spite o f the size differences (with T. europaea being
bigger), ranges o f the two overlap considerably. Best se­
1.4 paration was achieved on the basis o f m 1 and m2 dim en­
sions (Toškan 2002). Size o f m 1 suggested that both spe­
T. caeca
1,3 cies are represented in our material (Fig. 15.2).
T he com m on mole populates the m ajority o f Europe,
1,2 including Slovenia. O n the o th e r hand, the range o f the
blind m ole is restricted to the M editerranean regions
T europaea with few relict isolates fu rth er north. It does not occur
in Slovenia, however. Besides, Rakovec (1973) cites only
T. europaea for the U pper Pleistocene in Slovenia. Rem­
1,6 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,4 2 ,(> 2,8 nants o f T. caeca are reported, albeit com paratively rare­
d o lž in a / le n g th ni I ly, for the W iirmian o f the north-eastern Italy (e.g. Brec­
ce di Soave near Verona; Bon el at. 1991) as well as from
Sl. 15.2: Odnos med širino in dolžino prvega spodnjega melja- the territory o f the form er Yugoslavia (M alez 1986).
ka pri krtih. Poligona obkrožata vrednosti za 29 recentnih T.
europaea iz zahodne Slovenije (prekinjena črta) in 30 recent­
nih T. caeca iz Bosne in Hercegovine, Črne gore ter Kosova O ld er C h iro p tera Blum enbach, 1779
(sklenjena črta). Pike predstavljajo subfosilne primerke iz Vik­
torjevega spodmola. Bat rem nants were extrem ely rare (altogether five cheek­
Fig. 15.2: Scatter plot of breadth of the first lower molar against
teeth and fragm ents o f the lower and u pper jaw s). Isola­
its length in moles. Polygons enclose scores for 29 recent T.
europaea from western Slovenia (broken line) and 30 recent ted teeth and fragm ented m aterial m ade d eterm ination
7? caeca from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Ko­ difficult o r even im possible (as was the case with two
sovo (straight line). Dots indicate subfossil specimens from isolated teeth).
Viktorjev spodmol.
meljakov ter fragm enti spodnje in zgornje čeljustnice). Family V espertilionidae Gray, 1821
Zaradi narave vzorca (izolirani zobje, velika fragnien-
tiranost) je bila natančna določitev težavna, v dveh pri­ Myotis blythii (Tom es, 1857)
merih pa celo nem ogoča.
The lesser mouse-eared bat was represented by an isola­
ted M I from spit 17. This species prefers warm regions,
D ružina V espertilionidae Gray, 1821 which are not densely overgrown with trees and shrubs.
Majority o f recent localities in Slovenia are from the sub-
M volis blythii (Tom es, 1857) M editerranean region, albeit it was collected also on the
southern slopes o f the Alps (Krystufek & Cerveny 1997).
O strouhem u netopirju smo pripisali izoliran M 1 iz režnja
17. Živi v toplih obm očjih, ki niso gosto porasla z drev­
jem in grmičevjem. V Sloveniji je v glavnem vezan na sub- Myotis emarginatus (Geoffroy, 1806)
m editeransko območje, zabeležen pa je bil tudi na južnih
pobočjih Julijskih Alp (Krystufek in Cerveny 1997). A lower jaw fragm ent and an isolated m olar were ascri­
bed to G eoffroy’s bat. Species prefers w ooded habitats
(K urten 1968), w here it seeks w arm sites; hibernaculas
Myotis emarginatus (Geoffroy, 1806) are in caves (K rystufek 1991).

O stanki vejicatega netopirja obsegajo fragm ent spodnje

čeljustnice in izoliran meljak. G re za netopirja, ki ima Pipistrellus ex. gr. pipistrellus (S chreber 1774)
raje gozdne habitate (K urten 1968), zadržuje se na toplih
m estih, prezim uje pa v jam ah (K rystufek 1991). Maxillary fragm ent from spit 15 belonged to one o f the
two sibling species; Pipistrellus pipistrellus (S ch reb er
1774) o r P. pygmaeus (Leach, 1825). Both species occur
Pipistrellus ex. gr. pipistrellus (S chreber 1774) in Slovenia (Presetnik et al. 2001), the available m ateri­
al from Viktorjev spodmol, however, did not allow further
Fragm ent zgornje čeljustnice iz režnja 15 pripada eni allocation.
od dveh vrst dvojčic Pipistrellus pipistrellus (Schreber,
1774) ali P. pygm aeus (Leach, 1825). O be živita v Slove­
niji (Presetnik el al. 2001), m aterial pa ne om ogoča na­ Eptesicus serotinus (Schreber 1774)
daljnje uvrstitve.
Serotine was represented in our m aterial by a single M 1
from spit 17. This bat is mainly a tree species, preferring
Eptesicus serotinus (Schreber, 1774) open w oodland; finds are fairly com m on also in buil­
dings and caves (K rystufek 1991). Recent records place
Pozni (širokokrili) n eto p irje bil v vzorcu zastopan z M 1 it at num erous sites all over Slovenia.
iz režnja 17. V osnovi gre za drevesno vrsto (rad ima
od p rto gozdnato krajino), pojavlja pa se tudi v stavbah
in jam ah (K rystufek 1991). V Sloveniji je znan z več O rder Rodentia G riffith, 1827
nahajališč. Family Sciuridae Gray, 1821

Sciurus vulgaris Linnaeus, 1758

Red R odentia G riffith, 1827
D ružina Sciuridae Gray, 1821 Red squirrel was represented by two isolated cheek-teeth;
p4 and M3. In its m easurem ents (length x width=3.93 x
Sciurus vulgaris Linnaeus, 1758 4.48) the latter fits the range for the recent S. vulgaris
from Slovenia (range=3.69-4.13 x 3.97-4.48; N =I7).
Veverici sm o pripisali po en p4 in M3. Slednji se po
dim enzijah (dolžina x širina=4,00 x 4,31) sklada z vred­
nostm i za recentno vrsto S. vulgaris iz Slovenije (varia- Family M uridae llliger, 1815
cijska širina=3,69-4,13 x 3,99-4,48; N= 17). Subfamily C ricetinae Fischer, 1817

Crieetulus migratorius (Pallas, 1773)

Three isolated m olars (M l, M2, and m l; Fig. 15.3; a, b)

from spits 11 and 18 evidently represented the grey ham ­
D ružina M uridae Illiger, 1815
ster. M olar dim ensions (length x w idth) were as follows:
Poddružina C ricetinae Fischer, 1817
m 1= 1.86 x 1.14, M 1= 1.94 x 1.25, and M 2=l.40 x 1.25.
These values fit the range o f the slightly larger fossil Allo­
Cricetulus migratorius (Pallas, 1773)
cricetus bursae Schaub, 1930, reported from Bulgaria and
H ungary and are, as such, above the maximum for C.
Sivi hrček je bil zastopan s tremi izoliranimi meljaki (M l,
migratorius from Moldova (recent) as well as from vari­
M2 in m l; sl. 15.3: a, b) iz režnjev 11 in 18. D im enzije
ous U pper Pleistocene sites o f south-eastern Europe and
(dolžina x širina) om enjenih zob so naslednje: m 1= 1,86
the N ear East (cf. Toškan & Kxyštufek, in press). Howe­
x 1,14, M 1= 1,94 x 1,25 in M 2= l,40 x 1,25. N avedene
ver, Mayhew (1978) and Hir (1993) warn that dim en­
vrednosti se sicer ujem ajo s tistim i za nekoliko večjo
sions o f isolated m olars are not necessarily a suitable cri­
fosilno vrsto Allocricetus bursae Schaub, 1930, ki jih
terion for distinguishing between the two species. Bes­
navajajo za m aterial iz Bolgarije in M adžarske ter tako
ides, C. migratorius tends to be larger in fossil samples
presegajo tiste za vrsto C. migratorius iz Moldavije (re-
than in recent populations. Even in recent ham sters the
c e n tn o ) in različnih m lajšepleistocenskih najdišč JV
m olar size reflects th eir geographic origin, elevation,
Evrope in Bližnjega vzhoda (glej Toškan in Kryštufek, v
(m icro)clim ate, and habitat (Popov 1994; Vohralik 1999).
tisku). Vendar pa Mayhew (1978) in Hir (1993) opozar­
M olar m orphology provides hardly any clues which
jata, da dim enzije izoliranih meljakov niso prim eren kri­
would allow reliable allocation o f specim ens into the
terij za zanesljivo razlikovanje med obem a navedenim a
proper species. Even m ore so, Bartolom ei (1964), May­
vrstam a. K tem u prispeva tudi dejstvo, da so bili fosilni
hew (1978) and Popov (1989) entirely discard the mo­
meljaki vrste C. migratorius večji od recentnih in da nji­
lar m orp h o lo g y as a tax o n o m ic ch aracter. T chernov
hove dim enzije odsevajo tudi geografsko širino, nadm or­
(1968) and N ietham m er (1982), on the oth er hand, sta­
sko višino, (m ikro)klim o ter vrsto habitata (Popov 1994;
te the p o sterio r cingulum to be well developed in C.
Vohralik 1999).
migratorius but absent or weak at best in A. bursae. By
Sicer pa je razlikovanje med obem a vrstam a pro­
this character, the M 1 from Viktorjev spodm ol repre­
blem atično tudi ob upoštevanju m orfoloških lastnosti
sents C. migratorius (Fig. 15.3 a). T he very last C entral
meljakov. Bartolom ei (1964), Mayhew (1978) in Popov
E uropean records o f A. bursae date to the Early Wiirmi-
(1989) celo menijo, da razlike m ed vrstam a v m orfolo­
an o f H ungary (Jänossy 1986), while C. migratorius is
giji meljakov nim ajo taksonom ske vrednosti. Po drugi
present throughout the entire Pleistocene (cf. Toškan in
strani Tchernov (1968) in N ietham m er (1982) navaja­
Krystufek, in press). From the im m ediate vicinity o f
ta, d a je posteriorni cingulum MI pri C. migratorius do­
Viktorjev spodm ol, fossil / subfossil C. migratorius is
bro razvit, pri A. burse pa navadno odsoten ali kvečjemu
' known from the cave Pečina pod Muzarji pri G abrovcu
nakazan. N a osnovi te značilnosti M 1 iz Viktorjevega
(Grotta dell'Orso; Late W ürm / Early H olocene; Bon et.
spodm ola lahko pripišem o vrsti C. migratorius (sl. 15.3
at. 1991) and from the cave C iganska ja m a pri Briščikih
a). N enazadnje so najmlajši znani ostanki vrste A. bur­
(Grotta degli Zingari; Preboreal; Bartolom ei 2001).
sa e iz sre d n je E v ro p e d a tir a n i v z a č e te k w ü rm a
(M adžarska; Jänossy 1986), m edtem ko je bil C. migra­
torius prisoten skozi celoten mlajši pleistocen (glej Toš­
Subfamily A rvicolinae Gray, 1821
kan in Kryštufek, v tisku), njegovi ostanki pa so bili naj­
deni tudi v bližnjih Pečinah pod M uzarji pri G abrovcu -
Chionomys nivalis (M artins, 1842)
Grotta deirOrso; pozni w ürm /zgodnji holocen; Bon et
al. 1991) in v Ciganski jam i pri Briščikih (Grotta degli
Snow vole was represented in 17 spits (= 89.5 %). In m 1
Zingari; preboreal; Bartolom ei 2001).
length o f the m aterial from Viktorjev spodm ol fit well
the recent sam ple from the Julian Alps but did not reach
the large size o f a nearby population from the m ountain
Poddružina A rvicolinae Gray, 1821
Snežnik (Table 15.3). O f the five m l m orphotypes lis­
ted by N adachow ski ( 1984a), only two were recorded in
Chionomys nivalis (M artins, 1842)
Viktorjev spodm ol: nivalid ( N = 13) and nivalid/ rattice­
pid (N =3). Both m orphotypes (Fig. 15.3: c, d) also dom i­
S n ežn a v o luharica je bila za sto p a n a v 17-ih režnjih
nate in recent Ch. nivalis sam ples from the Julian Alps
(= 89,5 %). Po dolžini prvega spodnjega m eljaka se pri­
and from Snežnik, respectively ( Kryštufek 1990), as well
merki iz Viktorjevega spodm ola ujem ajo z recentnim i
as in the U pper Pleistocene m aterial from Divje babe 1
Ch. nivalis iz Julijskih Alp, ne dosegajo pa vrednosti re­
(Toškan 2002).
centnih prim erkov s Snežnika (razpredelnica 15.3). Od
petih m orfotipovm l, kijih navajaNadachovvski ( 1984a),
sta bila v Viktorjevem spodm olu zastopana dva: nivalid/
ratticepid (N = 3) in nivalid (N= 13). N avedena m orfotipa
(sl. 15.3: c, d) sta najpogostejša tudi v vzorcu recentnih Arvicola terrestris (Linnaeus, 1758)
Ch. nivalis iz Julijskih Alp in s Snežnika (Kryštufek 1990)
ter fosilnih primerkov iz m lajšepleistocenskih plasti Div­ Fifty-three m olars o f the w ater vole were found in the
jih bab I (Toškan 2002). m aterial from Viktorjev spodm ol. N o significant diffe­
rence (a t p < 0.05) was detected in M3 length between
subfossil specim ens from V iktorjev spodm ol and the
Arvicola terrestris (L innaeus, 1758) recent w ater voles from Slovenia. However, M3 was sig­
nificantly longer in the U pper Pleistocene m aterial from
Veliki voluhar je v m aterialu iz Viktorjevega spodm ola Divje babe I than in Viktorjev spodm ol as well as in the
zastopan s 53 meljaki. Razlike v dolžini M3 med subfosil- recent sam ple from Slovenia (Table 15.4). N adachow ­
nimi primerki iz Viktorjevega spodmola in recentnim ma­ ski ( 1984a) reports a sim ilar trend in size decrease during
terialom iz Slovenije niso statistično značilne (pri p < 0,05), the W ürm and the H olocene in the m aterial from Ba­
so pa subfosilni (predvsem pa recentni) M3 krajši od mlaj­ cho Kiro (N=41).
šepleistocenskih primerkov iz najdišča Divje babe I (razp­ Six out o f seven M3 specim ens were ascribed to a
redelnica 15.4). O podobnem trendu zmanjševanja dolžine m ore com plex m orphotype exitus (sensu N adachow ski
tretjega zgornjega meljaka v času vvtirma in holocena po­ 1984a), while a single one fit the diagnosis for a sim pler
roča tudi Nadachowski ( 1984a) za velikega voluharja iz m orphotype terrestris (Fig. 15.3: e, f). In N adachow ski’s
bolgarske jam e Bacho Kiro (N=41). opinion (1984a) the form er m orphotype reflects mild
A naliza m orfotipov je pokazala, da lahko šest M3 clim ate. Similar ratio o f the two m orphotypes was found
od sedm ih iz Viktorjevega spodm ola pripišem o komp­ in recent A. terrestris from the m ountain Žirovski vrh
le k sn ejšem u m o rfo tip u exltiis ( sensu N ad ach o w sk i (N = 14). On the o th e r hand, recent sam ple from the
1984a), le enega pa preprostejšem u m orfotipu terrestris, m o u n tain Čaven (N = 16) an d th e U p p er P leistocene
ki ga N adachow ski (1984a) povezuje z m ilejšo klim o m aterial from Divje babe 1 (N = 9) showed a higher sha­
(sl. 15.3: e, f). Razm erje med m orfotipom a je podobno re o f terrestris m orphotype (Toškan 2002).
ugotovljenem u pri recentnih A. terrestris z Žirovskega
vrha ( N= 14), m edtem ko je v vzorcu w ürm skih prim er­
kov iz Divjih bab I (N = 9) ter recentnih s Č avna (N = 16) Clethrionomys glareolus (Schreber, 1780)
prevladoval m orfotip terrestris (Toškan 2002).
Bank vole was present in all 19 spits and was, with 694
m olars, by far the m ost com m on vole in Viktorjev spod­
Clethrionomys glareolus (Schreber, 1780) mol (Table 15.10). Such a com m onness partly reflects
the fact th at each bank vole’s m olar could be ascribed
O stanke gozdne (rdeče) voluharice sm o našli v vseh 19-
ih režnjih. S skupno 649-imi zobm i je v m aterialu iz Vik­
Razpredelnica 15.4: O pisna statistik a za dolžin o M3 v treh
to rjevega sp o d m o la daleč n ajp o g o ste jša v o lu h arica
vzorcih velikega voluharja Arvicola terrestris. H om ogeni seti
(razpredelnica 15.10). K temu je sicer do neke mere pris­
te m e ljijo na S c h e ffe je v e m te s tu . K ru s k a l-W a lliso v te s t
pevalo tudi dejstvo, da je C. glareolus eden redkih pred- ( H= 13,22) kaže na sta tistič n o z n a č iln o h e te ro g e n o st m ed
vzorci (pri p < 0,01). Vzorci: 1 - re ce n tn a A. terrestris, Slove­
nija (Ž irovski vrh (N = 14) in Č aven (N = 16)); 2 - subfosilni
Razpredeinica 15.3: Opisna statistika za dolžino m I v treh vzor­ vzorec iz V iktorjevega spodm ola, 3 - fosilni vzorec iz Divjih
cih snežne voluharice Chionomys nivalis. Homogeni seti te­ bab 1 (zgodnji glacial - interp len ig lacial). KV - koeficient
meljijo na Scheffejevem testu. Vzorci: 1 - recenten iz Julij­ variacije; za druge okrajšave glej tabelo 2.
skih Alp: 2 - subfosilni vzorec iz Viktorjevega spodmola, 3 - Table 15.4: D escriptive statistics for M3 length in th ree sam p­
recenten s Snežnika. KV - koeficient variacije; za druge okraj­ les o f the w ater vole Arvicola terrestris. H om ogeneous sets are
šave glej tabelo 2. based on Scheffe test. Kruskal-W allis test (H = 13.22) d enotes
Table 15.3: Descriptive statistics for ml length in three samp­ significant heterogeneity am ong sam ples (at p < 0.01). Sam p­
les of the snow vole Chionomys nivalis. Homogeneous sets les: 1 - recent from Slovenia: pooled sam ples from Mt. Ž irov­
are based on Scheffe test. Samples: I - recent from the Julian ski vrh (N = 14) and Mt. Č aven (N = 16); 2 - subfossil from the
Alps; 2 - subfossil from the site Viktorjev spodmol; 3 - re­ site V iktorjev spodm ol; 3 - fossil from Divje babe I (E arly
cent from Mt. Snežnik. KV - Coefficient of variation; for other G la cial-In terp len ig lac ial). KV - C o efficien t o f variation; for
abbreviations see Table 15.2. o th e r abbreviations see Table 15.2.

Homogeni seti Homogeni seti

Vzorec Vzorec
N M m in-m ax SI) Homogeneous N M m in-m ax SD
Sample Sample
sets sets
1 35 2,84 2,53-3,19 0,157 X 1 30 2,34 1,98-2,58 0,134 X
2 16 2,76 2,58-2,96 0,130 X 2 6 2,43 2,24-2,55 0,126 X X
3 16 3,07 2,74-3.44 0,202 X 3 10 2,55 2,20-2,70 0,151 X
stavnikov svoje poddružine brez stalno rastočih meljakov. to this species due to th e ch aracteristic shape o f the
Prisotnost korenin in značilna oblika skleninskih grebe­ enam el pattern and also by its rooted condition. In Mi-
nov sta nam reč om ogočala zanesljivo določitev vseh mel­ crotus voles, only m I allowed taxonom ic allocations into
jakov, ne le m 1 kot pri večini drugih voluharic v vzorcu. a species or a species group.
V dolžini m l prim erki iz Viktorjevega spodm ola T he m I from Viktorjev spodm ol did not differ sig­
presegajo recentne iz Slovenije, m edtem ko njihova pri­ nificantly in length from the U pper Pleistocene speci­
merjava s fosilnimi m I iz Divjih bab I ni pokazala statis­ m ens from Divje babe 1 but was longer than in recent
tično značilnih razlik (razpredelnica 15.5). Janžekovič bank voles from Slovenia (Table 15.5). Janžekovič (1996)
(1996) sicer ugotavlja, da recentne gozdne voluharice found positive B ergm ann’s respond in cranial size in
iz Slovenije in s sosednjih območij kažejo pozitiven Berg- recent bank voles from Slovenia and adjacent regions.
m annov odziv, vendar v prim eru našega m ateriala naj­ It does not seem likely, however, th at the large size o f
brž ne m orem o sklepati na korelacijo med velikostjo Viktorjev spodm ol m aterial was related to the clim ate
(dolžino m l) in klimo v tedanjem nahajališču. Trend o f the site. Tem poral decrease in m 1 length is docum en­
zm anjševanja dolžine m l je sicer pri fosilnih C. glareo­ ted also in fossil bank voles from Bulgaria (N adachow ­
lus iz Bolgarije opazil tudi N adachow ski (1984a). ski 1984a).
A naliza m orfotipov M3 v m aterialu iz Viktorjeve­ The prevailing M3 m orphotype in Viktorjev spod­
ga sp o d m o la je p o k azala na p revlado tip a com plex mol was the complex one (m ainly its lypica variant; Fig.

SI. 15.3: Meljaki hrčkov (Cricetinae) in voluharic (Arvicolinae) iz Viktorjevega spodmola. Cricetulus migratorius: (a) I. zgornji
meljak (reženj 1 1); (b) 1. spodnji meljak (reženj 18). Chionomys nivalis, 1. spodnji meljak: (c) morfotip “nivalid” (reženj 3); (d)
morfotip “nivalid - ratticepid" (reženj 7). Arvicola terrestris, 3. zgornji meljak: (e) morfotip “terrestris" (reženj 5); (f) morfotip
“exitus" (reženj 7). Clethrionomys glareolus, 3. zgornji meljak: (g) morfotip “complex - typica" (reženj 3); (h) morfotip "simp­
lex" (reženj 11). (i) 1. spodnji meljak Microtits arvalis/agrestis (reženj 2). (j) 2. zgornji meljak Microtus agrestis (reženj 11). (k) I.
spodnji meljak Microtus subterraneus/liechtensteini (reženj 3). Dinaromys bogdanovi: (1) 2. zgornji meljak (reženj 18); (m) 3.
spodnji meljak (reženj 15). Črta ustreza dolžini 1 mm.
Fig. 15.3: Molars of hamsters (Cricetinae) and voles (Arvicolinae) from Viktorjeve spodmol. Cricetulus migratorius: (a) Is' upper
molar (spit 11); (b) I5' lower molar (spit 18). Chionomys nivalis, I'1lower molar: (c) "nivalid" morphotype (spit 3); (d) "nivalid-
ratticepid" morphotype (spit 7). Arvicola terrestris, 3rd upper molar: (e) "terrestris" morphotype (spit 5); (f) “exitus” morphoty­
pe (spit 7). Clethrionomys glareolus, 3rd upper molar: (g) "complex-typica” morphotype (spit 3); (h) "simplex” morphotype
(spit 11). (i) lsl lower molar of Microtus arvalis/agrestis (spit 2). (j) 2IHl upper molar of Microtus agrestis (spit 11). (k) I'1 lowe
molar of Microtus subterraneus/liechtensteini (spit 3). Dinaromys bogdanovi: (1) 2nd upper molar (spit 18); (m) 3rd lower molar
(spit 15). Scale bar=l mm.
(predvsem podtipa typica\ sl. 15.3: g, h), kar je sicer 15.3: g, h). T he sam e condition is characteristic o f re­
značilno tudi za recentne gozdne voluharice iz Sloveni­ cent bank voles from Slovenia as well as o f the U pper
je in pa fosilne iz Divjih bab 1 (razpredelnica 15.6). Pleistocene m aterial from Divje babe I (Table 15.6).

Microtus agrestis/arvalis Microtus agrestis / arvalis

Arvikolidne prve spodnje meljake z ločenim a dentinski- Arvicoline m I with separate dentine fields o f triangles
ma poljem a T4 in T5 sm o našli v vseh 19-ih režnjih (sl. T4 and T5 were found in all 19 spits (Fig. 15.3 i). On
15.3 i). Na osnovi oblike anterokonidnega kompleksa jih the basis o f the shape o f the an teroconid com plex they
lahko vse pripišem o poljski voluharici Microtus arvalis were all ascribed to either com m on vole Microtus arva­
(Pallas, 1779) ali travniški voluharici M. agrestis (Linnae­ lis (Pallas, 1779) or to field vole M. agrestis (Linnaeus,
us, 1761). Zanesljivo razlikovanje med obem a vrstam a 1761). Reliable distinction between the two species is
om ogoča le M2, ki ima pri travniški voluharici dodaten possible on the basis o f M2, w hich has an additional
posterolingvalni trikotnik (T5; sl. 15.3 j), čeprav je tudi ta
znak podvržen časovni in geografski variabilnosti (Ko­
walski 1970: Nadachowski 1985; Krystufek 1986). Raz­ Razpredelnica 15.5: Opisna statistika za dolžino m 1 v petih
m erom a veliko število M2 z dodatnim posterolingvalnim vzorcih gozdne voluharice Cletlirionomys gtareolus. Homoge­
trikotnikom T5 v vzorcu iz Viktorjevega spodm ola (N=30) ni seli temeljijo na Seheffejevem testu. Kruskal-Wallisov test
(H=24,32) kaže na statistično značilno heterogenost med
vseeno kaže na prisotnost travniške voluharice.
vzorci (p < 0,001). Vzorci: 1 - recentni iz Slovenije; 2 - sub-
Prve spodnje meljake sm o določali po znakih, ki jih
fosilni vzorec iz Viktorjevega spodmola; 3 - fosilni vzorec iz
predlaga Nadachowski ( 1984b). Ker sta pri M. arvalis tri­ Divjih bab I (interpleniglacial; OIS 3); 4 - fosilni vzorec iz
kotnika T4 in T5 približno enako velika, pri M. agrestis pa Divjih bab 1 (zgodnji glacial/interpleniglacial), 5 - fosilni
je T5 večji od T4, om ogoča količnik med dolžinam a tri­ vzorec iz Divjih bab I (zgodnji glacial; OIS 5). Podani so ve­
kotnikov (T 4/T 5) glede na dolžino m l dokaj učinkovito likost vzorca (N), povprečje (M), variacijska širina (min. -
razlikovanje obeh vrst. Na osnovi tega znaka ugotavljamo, max.), standardna deviacija (SD) in koeficient variacije (KV).
da sta v m aterialu iz Viktorjevega spodm ola prisotni obe Table 15.5: Descriptive statistics for ml length in five samples
vrsti, od katerih je M. arvalis pogostejša (sl. 15.4). Danes of the bank vole Cletlirionomys glareolus. Homogeneous sets
are based on Scheffe test. Kruskal-Wallis test (H=24.32) deno­
na obm očju obravnavanega najdišča ne živi nobena od
tes significant heterogeneity among samples (at p < 0.001).
teh dveh voluharic (Krystufek 1991).
Samples: 1 - recent from Slovenia; 2 - subfossil from the site
Viktorjev spodmol; 3 - fossil from Divje babe I (Interpleni­
glacial; OIS 3); 4 - fossil from Divje babe I (Early Glacial /
Microtus liechtensteini/subterraneus Interpleniglacial); 5 - fossil from Divje babe I (Early Glacial;
OIS 5). See Tables 15.2 and 15.4 for further explanation.
Pri determinaciji subfosilnih pitymoidnih prvih spodnjih
Homogeni seti
meljakov (sl. 15.3 k) smo upoštevali dve recentni vrsti: vrt­ Vzorec
N M m in-m ax SD Homogeneous
no voluharico Microtus subterraneus (de Salys-Longchamps, Sample
1836) in ilirsko voluharico M liechtensteini (Wettstein, 1927; 1 104 2,29 1,79-2,60 0,196 X
za taksonomijo in nom enklaturo glej Spitzenberger 2001). 2 1 12 2,37 1,98-2,93 0,147 X
Njune meljake smo našli v 17-ih režnjih. 3 1 17 2,40 2,11-2,76 0,153 X
Microtus subterraneus in M. liechtensteini se razliku­ 4 92 2,41 2,05-2,96 0,182 X
5 38 2,40 2,13-2.81 0,176 X
jeta po krom osom skem številu, morfološko pa sta si zelo

Razpredelnica 15.6: Frekvence zastopanosti (%) posameznih morfotipov M3 pri treh vzorcih gozdne voluharice Cletlirionomys
glareolus. Vzorci: 1 - fosilne iz Divjih bab I (würm); 2 - subfosilne iz Viktorjevega spodmola; 3 - recentne iz zahodne Slovenije.
Podane so tudi velikosti posameznih vzorcev (N). Za definicijo morfotipov glej besedilo in sliko 3.
Table 15.6: Frequency of occurrence (%) of various M3 morphotypes in the bank vole Cletlirionomys glareolus. Samples: 1 -
fossil from Divje babe I (Würm); 2 - subfossil from the site Viktorjev spodmol; 3 - recent from western Slovenia. Given are
sample sizes (N). See text and Fig. 15.3 for definition of morphotypes.

T IP A (TYPE A) I IP lil (Type B l) T IP B2 (Type B2) T IP B3 (Type B3)

N Simplex Complex Comple x-typica Complex-duplicata
N % N % N % N %
1 65 11 16.9 1 1,5 35 53,8 18 27.8
103 26 25,2 10 9,7 55 53,4 12 11.7
3 30 5 16,7 7 23,3 10 33,3 8 26.7
podobni. N a osnovi izoliranih zob zanesljivo ločevanje postero-lingual triangle (T5; Fig. 15.3 j). However, even
med njima ni mogoče. Po velikosti se vrsti sicer razlikuje­ this ch aracter is subject to tem poral and geographic va­
ta (M. liechtensteini je večji), vendar se vrednosti dolžine riation ( c f Kowalski 1970; N adachow ski 1985; Kryštu-
prvega spodnjega meljaka na veliko prekrivajo (Kryštu- fek 1986). D espite all this, a fairly large num ber o f M2
fek 1997). Subfosilni primerki iz Viktorjevega spodm ola with the additional postero-lingual triangle T5 (N = 30)
so manjši od recentnega m ateriala obeh vrst iz Slovenije does prove the presence o f M. agrestis at the site V iktor­
(razpredelnica 15.7). N a osnovi dolžine m l lahko torej jev spodm ol.
sklepam o, da so v analiziranem subfosilnem materialu
ostanki M. subterraneus. N avedena dom neva pa, kolikor Species identity o f m 1 was assessed by the m ethod pro­
je pravilna, preseneča. D anes je nam reč na obm očju Vik­ posed by N adachow ski (1984b). Triangles T4 and T5
torjevega spodm ola prisoten le M. liechtensteini, m edtem are approxim ately o f the sam e size in M. arvalis, while
ko je arealni rob M. subterraneus pom aknjen približno 50 in M. agrestis T5 tends to be larger than T4. T he quo­
km SV v osrednjo Slovenijo (Kryštufek 1991). tient o f the lengths o f the two dental fields (T4 / T5),
plotted against m I length, allows fairly good separation
between the two species. On the basis o f this approach,
Dinaromvs bogdanovi (M artino et M artino, 1922) one can conclude th at both species are present in the
m aterial from Viktorjev spodm ol with M. arvalis being
Dinarski voluharici sm o pripisali dva M2 in en m3 (sl. m ore com m on (Fig. 15.4). N either o f these voles lives
15.3: 1, m). D olžina M2 subfosilnih prim erkov (= 2,32 in this region today.
in 2,36) je v okviru variacijske širine za recentne popu­
lacije D. bogdanovi iz Bosne in Hercegovine, Hrvaške in
s Kosova (variacijska širina: 2,09-2,43; povprečje: 2,27; Microtus liechtensteini / subterraneus
N =30). D inarska voluharica je reliktna vrsta, ki danes
naseljuje dinarsko in šarsko-pindsko gorstvo nekdanje For the pitym oid m l m aterial from Viktorjev spodm ol
Jugoslavije, od Velebita na severu do G aličiče na jugu. (Fig. 15.3 k) we considered the possibility o f represen­
Trije meljaki iz Viktorjevega spodm ola predstavljajo prvo ting one o f the two recent species in Slovenia: Microtus
holocensko najdbo om enjene vrste zunaj njenega današn­ subterraneus (de Salys-Longchamps, 1836) or M. liech­
jega areala razširjenosti (Toškan in Kryštufek, v tisku). tensteini (W ettstein, 1927; c f S pitzenberger 2001, for
discussion on taxonom y and nom enclature). Pitymoid
m olars were found in 17 spits.
1,00 A/, arvalis
Microtus subterraneus and M. liechtensteini are two sib­
ling species, w hich differ clearly in th eir karyotypes,
however, isolated m olars alone do not allow reliable al­
location to the species. T he two recent species differ in
ri- 0,70 size ( M. liechtensteini is bigger), the ranges o f m 1 length,
however, overlap greately (K ryštufek 1997). Subfossil
m aterial from Viktorjev spodm ol is sm aller than any o f
the recent species from Slovenia (Table 15.7). T he m l
length thus suggests the presence o f M. subterraneus in
0,40 the subfossil m aterial. Such a conclusion, if correct, is
2 ,2 2,4 2,8 3,0 3,2 3.4 surprising. Namely, only M. liechtensteini is known now
d o lž in a / le n g th m 1
to populate the vicinity o f Viktorjev spodm ol, while the
Sl. 15.4: Odnos med količnikom trikotnikov T4 in T5 kot ime­ range border o f M. subterraneus is shifted into central
novalcem (T4/T5) in dolžino prvega spodnjega meljaka pri Slovenia ca. 50 km towards north-w est (Kryštufek 1991).
Microtus agrestis/arvaiis. Poligona obkrožata vrednosti za 45
recentnih M. agrestis (sklenjena črta) in 45 recentnih M. ar­
valis (prekinjena črta) iz osrednje Slovenije (povzeto po Dinaromys bogdanovi (M artin o et M artino, 1922)
Krystufek, 1997). Pike označujejo subfosilne primerke M.
agrestisIarvalis iz Viktorjevega spodmola.
M artin o ’s vole was represented by two M2 and a single
Fig. 15.4: Scatter diagram plot of the quotient of triangles T4
with T5 as denominator (T4/T5) against the length of the m3 (Fig. 15.3: I, m). T he M2 length o f two subfossil
first lower molar in Microtus agrestis/arvalis. Polygons enclo­ specim ens (= 2.32 and 2.36, respectively) is within the
se scores for 45 recent M. agrestis (straigth line) and 45 re­ range o f the recent populations from Bosnia & H erze­
cent M. arvalis (broken line), both from central Slovenia (af­ g o v in a , C r o a tia , an d K o so v o ( r a n g e = 2 .0 9 - 2 .4 y ;
ter Krystufek 1997). Dots indicate subfossil Microtus agres- mean=2.27; N =30). At present, M artin o ’s vole is a re­
tislarvalis from Viktorjev spodmol. lict species, restricted to the m ountains o f the Dinaric
Poddružina M urinae Illinger, 1815 A lps and o f the Š ara-P in d h o s range, from the m oun­
tain Velebit in the n o rth to the m ountain G aličiča in the
Apodem us flavicollis/sylvaticus/agrarius south. The three m olars from V iktorjev spodm ol are the
first H olocene evidence on th e species o ccurrence out­
Rod Apodemus K aup, 1829 je v subfosilnem m ate­ side its actual range (Toškan & Kryštufek, in press).
rialu iz V iktorjevega spodm ola zastopan s kar 1.708
meljaki. G lede na njihovo velikost in obliko jih lahko
pripišem o trem vrstam : rum enogrli miši A. flavicollis Subfamily M urinae Illinger, 1815
(M elchior, 1834), navadni belonogi miši A. sylvaticus
(Linnaeus, 1758) in dim asti (ognjeni) miši A. agrarius Apodemus flavicollis / sylvaticus / agrarius
(Pallas, 1771). P risotnost slednje dokazujejo štirje M2,
ki so brez m ezolabialne grbice (t3; sl. 15.5: a, b), kar je G enus Apodemus Kaup, 1829 is represented in th e ma­
zanesljiv tak so n o m sk i znak (N ie th a m m e r in K rapp terial from V iktorjev spodm ol by no less th an 1,708
1978). Z izjem o M2 pa so razlike v morfologiji zob pri molars. On the basis o f their size and m orphology we
om enjenih treh vrstah zelo m ajhne (M ayhew 1978; Ko­ ascribed them to th ree recent species: yellow-necked
walski in N adachow ski 1982; Popov 1989). Ločim o jih m ouse A. flavicollis (M elchior, 1834), long-tailed field
lahko predvsem po velikosti, vendar tudi tu prihaja do m ouse A. sylvaticus (Linnaeus, 1758), and striped field
precejšnjega prekrivanja. Upoštevati je treba tudi veliko m ouse A. agrarius (Pallas, 1771). Apodemus agrarius is
geografsko in časovno variabilnost (P asquier 1974; glej represented in the m aterial by four M2, w hich lack the
Mayhew 1978). Naši podatki kažejo, da dimenzije M l meso-labial tubercle t3 (Fig. 15.5: a, b); such a condi­
om ogočajo boljše razlikovanje med recentnim a vrstam a tion is diagnostic for the species (N ieth am m er & Krapp
kot dimenzije m 1 (Toškan 2002). N a osnovi dimenzij obeh 1978). D ifferences in the rem aining m olars are slight
zob v obravnavanem vzorcu lahko potrdim o prisotnost (M ayhew 1978; Kowalski & N adachow ski 1982; Popov
vseh treh navedenih vrst, pri čem er so ostanki A. flavicol­ 1989). T he three species differ in size but the ranges,
lis najštevilčnejši (razpredelnica 15.8 in sl. 15.6). however, overlap broadly. Besides, all species show tem ­
poral and spatial variation in size (P asquier 1974; cf.
Mayhew 1978). In o u r results, dim ensions o f M I prov­
Micromys m inutus (Pallas, 1771) ide b etter separation than m I dim ensions do (Toškan
2002). M olar size suggests the presence o f all three spe­
Pritlikavi miši sm o pripisali fragm ent spodnje čeljustni- cies in V iktorjev spodm ol, with A. flavicollis being the
ce iz režnja 4. D olžina m aksilarnega zobnega niza (m 1- m ost com m on (Table 15.8, Fig. 15.6).

Razpredelnica 15.7: Opisna statistika za dolžino ml v petih

vzorcih Microtus subterraneus/liechtensteini. Homogeni seti Micromys m inutus (Pallas, 1771)
temeljijo na Scheffejevem testu. Vzorci: 1 - recentni M. liech-
tensteini iz Slovenije; 2 - recentni M. subterraneus iz osrednje
A single m andibular fragm ent from spite 4 was ascribed
Slovenije; 3 - subfosilni vzorec iz Viktorjevega spodmola; 4 -
to the harvest m ouse. M andibular tooth-row ( m l -m 3 )
fosilni vzorec iz Divjih bab I (interpleniglacial; OIS 3); 5 -
fosilni vzorec iz Divjih bab 1 (zgodnji glacial: OIS 5). Za raz­ length (=2.70) is within the range for recent M. m inutus
lago glej tabeli 2 in 4. Vrednosti za vzorce 1, 2 in 4 so povzete from the form er Yugoslavia (ran g e= 2 .5 1-2.85; m ean =
po Krystufku (1997). 2.68; N= 17). T he sam e conclusion holds for m I dim en­
Table 15. Z- Descriptive statistics for m 1 length in five samples sions (Toškan 2002).
of Microtus subterraneus / M. liechtensteini. Homogeneous sets
are based on Scheffe test. Samples: 1 - recent M. liechtenstei­
ni from Slovenia; 2 - recent M. subterraneus from central Slo­ Rattus rattus (Linnaeus, 1758)
venia: 3 - subfossil sample from the site Viktorjev spodmol; 4
- fossil sample from Divje babe I (Interpleniglacial; OIS 3);
T he black rat is represented by three isolated molars.
5 - fossil sample from Divje babe I (Early Glacial; OIS 5).
See Tables 15.2 and 15.4 for further explanation. Samples I, D im ensions o f m 1 from spit 6 fit the values o f recent
2 and 4 are from Krystufek (1997). rats from the form er Yugoslavia and do not attain the
size o f the brown rat R. norvegicus (Table 15.9). Similar­
Homogeni seti
Vzorec ly, the m orphology o f M 1 and m I (Fig. 15.5: c, d) show­
N M m in-m ax SD Homogeneous
Sample ed the peculiarities o f the black rat (W olf et at. 1980;
3 51 2,55 2.28-2,30 0,154 X Pucek 1981). Subfossil black rat m aterial from V iktor­
2 30 2,65 2,23-2,85 0.129 X X jev spodm ol is am ong the earliest evidence for the spe­
5 9 2,68 2,51-2,93 0,119 X X cies in Europe (Toškan & Kryštufek, in press).
1 33 2,76 2,48-3,15 0,154 X
4 25 2.69 2,39-3,16 0.174 X
Sl. 15.5: Meljaki miši (Murinae) iz Viktorjevega spodmola, (a) Zgornji meljaki Apodemus agrarius (reženj 4). (b) 2. zgornji
meljak Apodemus flavicollis/sylvatiais (reženj 2). Rattus rattus: (c) 1. zgornji meljak (reženj 7); (d) 1. spodnji meljak (reženj 6).
Črta ustreza dolžini 1 mm.
Fig. 15.5: Molars of mice and rats (Murinae) from Viktorjev spodmol, (a) upper molars of Apodemus agrarius (spit 4). (b) 2ml
upper molar of Apodemus flavicollis/sylvatiais (spit 2). Rattus rattus: (c) Is' upper molar (spit 7); (d) I'1 lower molar (spit 6).
Scale bar = 1 mm.

m 3) je znašala 2,70 mm. S tem se um ešča znotraj varia- Family G liridae Thom as, 1897
cijske širine za recentno vrsto M. m inutus iz nekdanje
Ju g o slav ije (v a ria c ijsk a š irin a = 2 ,5 1 -2 ,8 5 ; povpreč- Glis glis (L innaeus, 1766)
je=2,68; N=17). Enako velja za dim enzije prvega spod­
njega meljaka (Toškan 2002). T he edible d o rm o u se is rep resen ted by 258 isolated
cheek-teeth. Length o f m andibular m olars fit th e range
for recent G. glis from Slovenia (N = 30). However, speci­
Rattus rattus (Linnaeus, 1758) mens from Viktorjev spodm ol had significantly narro­
wer m l than the recent anim als (Kruskal-W allis test: p
Č rni podgani pripadajo trije izolirani meljaki. D im enzi­ < 0.01). Exclusion from statistical testing o f three outli­
je prvega spodnjega m eljaka iz režnja 6 se ujem ajo z ers (cf. Fig. 15.7) did not affect the above stated results.
vrednostm i za recentno vrsto R. rattus iz nekdanje Jugo­
slavije in ne dosegajo tistih za recentno R. norvegicus z
istega obm očja (razpredelnica 15.9). Tudi v morfologiji Muscardinus aveUanarius (L innaeus, 1758)
se prvi spodnji in prvi zgornji meljak (sl. 15.5: c, d) ne
razlikujeta od recentne črne podgane (W olf et al. 1980: Subfossil rem nants o f the com m on dorm ouse (59 cheek­
Pucek 1981). Subfosilni ostanki črne podgane iz Vik­ te eth ) were found in spits 8 to 19. Kryštufek (1997)
torjevega spodm ola predstavljajo eno najstarejših najdb shows th at the U pper Pleistocene com m on dorm ice from
om enjene vrste v Evropi (Toškan in Kryštufek, v tisku). Divje babe I have longer m I than the recent m aterial
from Slovenia. Similarly big are subfossil dorm ice from
Viktorjev spodm ol (Fig. 15.8), w hich attain larger di­
D ružina G liridae Thom as, 1897 m ensions than a sam ple o f 14 recent specim ens from
Slovenia (Kruskal-W allis test p < 0.001). Exclusion from
Glis glis (L innaeus, 1766) the analysis o f an outlier from spit 12 did not affect the
above stated conclusion.
O stanki navadnega polha obsegajo 258 izoliranih koč-
nikov. V dolžini prvih spodnjih meljakov se m aterial iz
V iktorjevega spodm ola ujem a z vrednostm i recentne
vrste G. glis iz Slovenije (N =30), m edtem ko so v širini
m l analizirani subfosilni prim erki statistično značilno
• N 12-13
manjši (Kruskal-W allisov test: p<0,01). Takšen rezultat • N 14-15
• N 16-17
T3 I n ia 19
se bistveno ne sprem eni, tudi če tri izstopajoče prim er­ M
u • N
ke (sl. 15.7) izključim o iz analize. A n - 21

Razpredelnica 15.8: Opisna statistika za dolžino M 1 v šestih 0.9

vzorcih belonogih miši Apodemus. Homogeni seti temeljijo
na Scheffejevem testu. Kruskal-Wallisov test (H=210,98) kaže 0,8
1,4 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,4
na statistično značilno heterogenost med vzorci (pri p <
d o lž in a / le n g th M I
0,001). Številke vzorcev: I - recentni A. epimelas iz Hrvaške;
2 - recentni A. agrarius iz JZ Slovenije; 3 - recentni A. flavi- SI. 15.6: Odnos med širino prvega zgornjega meljaka in nje­
collis iz osrednje Slovenije; 4 - recentni A. sylvaticus iz osred­ govo dolžino pri belonogih miših. Poligoni obkrožajo vred­
nje Slovenije; 5 - subfosilni vzorec iz Viktorjevega spodmola nosti 35 recentnih A. flavicollis (sklenjena črta) in 35 recent-
(režnji 1-7), 6 - subfosilni vzorec iz Viktorjevega spodmola nih A. sylvaticus (prekinjena črta) iz osrednje Slovenije (pov­
(režnji 8-19). Za razlago glej tabeli 2 in 4. zeto po Kryštufku 1997) ter 30 recentnih A. agrarius (pikčas­
Table 15.8: Descriptive statistics for M 1 length in six samples ta črta) iz JZ Slovenije. Pike predstavljajo subfosilne primer­
of Apodemus mice. Homogeneous sets are based on Scheffe ke iz Viktorjevega spodmola. N označuje število primerkov.
test. Kruskal-Wallis test (H= 210.98) denotes significant he­ Fig. 15.6: Scatter diagram plot of breadth of the first upper
terogeneity among samples (at p < 0.001). Samples: I - re­ molar against its length in wood mice. Polygons enclose sco­
cent A. epimelas from Croatia; 2 - recent A. agrarius from SW res for 35 recent A. flavicollis (straigth line), 30 recent A. syl­
Slovenia; 3 - recent A. flavicollis from central Slovenia; 4 - vaticus (broken line), both from central Slovenia (after Kryštu-
recent A. sylvaticus from central Slovenia; 5 - subfossil sam­ fek 1997), and 30 recent A. agrarius (dotted line) from SW
ple from Viktorjev spodmol (spits 1-7); 6 - subfossil sample Slovenia. Dots indicate subfossil specimens from Viktorjev
from Viktorjev spodmol (spits 8-19). See Tables 15.2 and spodmol.
15.4 for further explanation.

Homogeni seti
N M inin-m ax SD Homogeneous Dryomys nitedula (Pallas, 1779)
1 34 2,46 2,23-2,60 0,096 X Ten isolated cheek-teeth belonged to the forest d o rm o u ­
2 34 2,17 1,98-2,36 0,099 X se. Five subfossil m 1 from Viktorjev spodm ol (range=
3 33 2,03 1,89-2,25 0,081 X X 1.06-1.10; m ean = l.0 7 ) were well within the range for
4 30 1,85 1,75-2,00 0,060 X
th e re c e n t D. n ited u la fro m S lo v en ia an d C ro a tia
5 164 1,96 1,56-2,24 0.130 X
6 328 2,00 1,52-2,28 0.124 X (ra n g e = l.0 7 - 1.14; mean=1.10; N=14).

Razpredelnica 15.9: Opisna statistika za dolžino ml pri pod­ 15.2 D iscussion

ganah Rattus. Vzorci: 1 - recentni R. rattus v združenem vzor­
cu iz Slovenije (N=12), Hrvaške (N=3), Srbije (N=4) ter Črne The subfossil material from Viktorjev spodm ol contained
gore (N=3); 2 - recentni R. norvegicus v združenem vzorcu iz at least 827 specim ens o f small m am m als which belong­
Slovenije ( N = 13). Hrvaške (N=2) in Srbije (N=4); 3 - subfo­ ed to at least 29 species from six families (Table 15.10).
silni R. rattus iz Viktorjevega spodmola (reženj 6). Za razlago On the basis o f species com position, spits were roughly
glej tabelo 2. grouped into two clusters: the upper (spits 1-7) and the
Table 15.V: Descriptive statistics for ml length in rats Rattus.
lower one (spits 8-19; Fig. 15.9). The lower cluster is ar-
Samples: I - recent R. rattus in a pooled sample from Slove­
chaeologically dated as being o f Castelnovian age (ca.
nia (N=I2), Croatia (N=3), Serbia (N=4), and Montenegro
(N=3); 2 - recent R norvegicus in a pooled sample from Slo­ 8,600 to ca. 7,400 yr. BP; Broglio & Im prota 1995) while
venia (N 13), Croatia (N=2) and Serbia (N=4); 3 - subfossil the upper cluster mainly accum ulated during the post-
R. rattus from Viktorjev spodmol (spit 6). See Table 15.2 for Eneolithic Prehistoric tim es (Turk, this volume).
further explanation. Because o f a som ehow isolated position o f spits
Vzorec 12, 15, 17, 18, and 19 (cf. Fig. 15.9) we also considered
N M niin-max
Sample the possibility o f the existence o f a third cluster (m ainly
1 22 2,12 2,43-2,93 containing spits 17-19, but possibly also 15-19). Howe­
2 19 3,02 2,87-3,19 ver, after a closer exam ination o f data we rejected this
3 1 2,85 - option. T he above m entioned spits differed from the rest
Muscardinus avellanarius (Linnaeus, 1758) mainly in the presence o f bats, M artin o ’s vole, bank vole,
and com m on shrew. All these m am m als were present in
Subfosilne ostanke podleska (59 izoliranih kočnikov) o th er spits as well, but only exceptionally. On the oth er
sm o našli v režnjih 8-19. Krystufek (1997) navaja, da hand, all these taxa were represented in spits u nder con-
so v dolžini m l m lajšepleistocenski prim erki iz Divjih
bab I statistično značilno večji od recentnih podleskov 2,2
iz Slovenije. Podobno sliko dajo tudi subfosilni prvi spod­
nji meljaki iz Viktorjevega spodm ola (sl. 15.8), ki prav 2,1
tako statistično značilno presegajo vrednosti 14-ih re­
- 2,1
centnih podleskov iz Slovenije (Kruskal-W allisov test: 2
p < 0,001). Izstopajoči prim erek iz režnja 12 na navede­
ne rezultate bistveno ne vpliva.

's 2 ,0
Dryomys nitedula (Pallas, 1779)
D revesnem u polhu sm o pripisali deset izoliranih kočni­
kov. V dolžini m 1 se pet subfosilnih prim erkov iz Vik­ 1,8 1,9 1,9 2 ,0 2 ,0 2,1 2,1 2,1 2 ,2 2 ,3
torjevega spodm ola (variacijska širina= 1,06-1,10; pov- dolžina / length M 1
p rečje= l,07) prekriva z variacijsko širino za recentno
SI. 15.7: Odnos med širino prvega spodnjega meljaka in nje­
vrsto D. nitedula iz Slovenije in Hrvaške (variacijska širi-
govo dolžino pri navadnem polhu Glis glis. Poligon obkroža
na= 1,07-1,14; povprečje= 1,10; N=14). vrednosti za 30 recentnih G. glis iz Slovenije. Pike predstavl­
jajo subfosilne primerke iz Viktorjevega spodmola.
Fig. 15.7: Scatter diagram plot of breadth of the first lower
1 5 .2 R azprava molar against its length in edible dormouse. The polygon en­
close scores for 30 recent G. glis from Slovenia. Dots indicate
S ubfosilno gradivo iz V iktorjevega spodm ola obsega subfossil specimens from Viktorjev spodmol.
ostanke najm anj 827 primerkov malih sesalcev, ki pripa­
dajo vsaj 29 vrstam iz šestih družin (razpredelnica 15.10). 1,35
N a osnovi vrstne sestave vzorcev iz posam eznih režnjev
lahko te v grobem združim o v dve skupini: zgornjo ses­ 1,30

tavljajo režnji 1-7, spodnjo pa režnji 8 -1 9 (sl. 15.9).

E 1,25
Spodnja skupina je z arheološkim i najdbam i datirana v
kastelnovjen (pribl. 8600 do pribl. 7400 let pred sedan­
§ 1,20
jo stjo (BP); Broglio in Im prota 1995, ozirom a od 8140
do 6020 BP; Turk, ta zbornik), m edtem ko naj bi se 1,15
pretežni del sedim enta iz zgornjih sedmih režnjev odložil
v prazgodovinskem obdobju, najverjetneje v železni dobi 1,10

(Turk in Velušček, ta zbornik).

Sprva sm o na osnovi nekoliko izolirane lege izko­
1 ,50 1,55 1,60 1,65 1 ,7 0 1,75
pov 12, 15, 17, 18 in 19 s slike 15.9 razmišljali o obliko­
dolžina / length m 1
vanju še tretje skupine režnjev (tj. 17-19 ali celo 15-
19), vendar pa sm o po podrobnejši analizi takšno raz­
SI. 15.8: Odnos med širino prvega spodnjega meljaka in nje­
mišljanje opustili. O dstopanje om enjenih petih režnjev
govo dolžino pri podlesku Muscardinus avellanarius. Poligo­
gre nam reč pripisati predvsem ostankom netopirjev, di­ na obkrožata vrednosti 14 recentnih M. avellanarius iz Slove­
narske voluharice ter gorske in gozdne rovke, ki jih v nije (sklenjena črta) in 4 fosilnih M. avellanarius iz interple-
drugih režnjih (razen dveh izjem ) nism o našli. N ašteti niglacialnih (OIS 3) plasti Divjih bab 1 (prekinjena črta). Pike
taksoni so v navedenih režnjih pravilom a zastopani le s predstavljajo subfosilne primerke iz Viktorjevega spodmola.
po enim fragm entom , sam o v enem prim eru (reženj 15) Križec (+) označuje izstopajoči subfosilni primerek iz Vik­
pa z več kot dvem a (S. aranetis: NISP=3; MNI=2; gl. torjevega spodmola (reženj 12).
tabelo 15.10). Ob tako nizki frekvenci pojavljanja pa se­ Fig. 15.8: Scatter diagram plot of breadth of the first lower mo­
lar against its length in common dormouse. Polygons enclose
veda ne gre zanem ariti m ožnosti, d a je odsotnost om en­
scores for 14 recent M. avellanarius from Slovenia (straigth line)
je n ih vrst v d ru g ih v zo rcih p o sle d ic a nak lju čja pri
and 4 fossil M. avellanarius from Interpleniglacial (OIS 3) lay­
vzorčenju. Še pom em bnejši razlog za ohranitev enotne ers of Divje babe I (broken line). Dots indicate subfossil speci­
skupine režnjev 8-19 pa vidim o v tem, d a je ocena pa- mens from Viktorjev spodmol. The cross (+) indicates the sub­
leookolja na osnovi ekologije vrst, zastopanih v režnjih fossil outlier from Viktorjev spodmol (spit 12).
8 -1 4 in 15-19 v glavnem zelo podobna. Tako ima npr. sideration mainly by a single rem n an t each, and only
Dinaromys bogdanovi soroden ali celo identičen habitat the com m on shrew achieved higher frequency in spit 15
kot Chionomys nivalis (K rystufek 1987), ki je prisoten (N ISP=3; MNI=2; cf. Table 15.10). Because o f such low
skoraj skozi celoten profil. Tudi dve rovki (Sorex alpimis frequency their absence in o th er spits was possibly due
in S. araneus) sta danes v Sloveniji večinom a sintopični s to a sam ple bias. Besides, paleoecology o f spits 8-14
S. m inutus (Krystufek 1991), katere ostanke sm o v Vik­ and 15-19, as deduced from the ecological requirem ents
torjevem spodm olu našli tudi še v režnjih 9, 10 in 12. o f individual species, is seemingly not distinct, which
V spodnji skupini režnjev (tj. 8 -1 9 ) je zastopanihprovides strong evidence for considering the cluster o f
kar 27 vrst malih sesalcev. Veliko vrstno pestrost lahko spits 8 -1 9 as a single entity. Thus, Dinaromys bogdanovi
razum em o kot kazalec mile klime (to potrjuje tudi pri­ shows similar, if not identical, habitat selection as Chino-
sotnost krta, vrtne rovke ter toploljubnih netopirjev) in mys nivalis ( Krystufek 1987) which is present throughout
m ozaičnega ekosistem a (Popov 2000; Janžekovič in Čas nearly the entire profile. The two shrews (Sorex alpinus
2001). V vzorcu s 37-odstotnim deležem prevladujejo and S. araneus) are in Slovenia also mainly syntopic with
ostanki rodu Apodemus (sl. 15.10 a). N a osnovi posa­ S. m inutus (Kryštufek 1991). Rem nants o f the latter were
m eznih izoliranih zob sicer ni m ogoče zanesljivo ločiti found in Viktorjev spodm ol also in spits 9, 10, and 12.

Razpredelnica 15.10: Najmanjše število osebkov (MN1) v vzorcih iz Viktorjevega spodmola po režnjih. Za vsak reženj je podan
volumen (Vol.) sedimenta (frakcije 0,5 do 3 mm), iz katerega so bili pobrani ostanki malih sesalcev. Senčena polja kažejo na
prisotnost taksona v režnju.
Table 15.10: Minimum Number of Individuals (MNI) in samples from Viktorjev spodmol according to a spit. For each spit is
given the volume (Vol.) of a sediment (fractions 0.5 to 3 mm) from which small mammal remnants were collected. Shaded
fields show the presence of a taxon in a given spit.

Reženj / Spit 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 I
C. suaveolens 1 1 2 4
C. leucodon 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8
S. minutus 1 1 1 3 3 9
S. alpinus 1 1
S. araneus 1 1
S. alpinus/araneus
T. caeca/europaea 1 1 3 5 1 7 4 3 2 7 1 2 2 1 40
M. emarginatus 1 1
M. blythi 1 1
P. pipistrellus 1 1
E. serrotinus 1 1
Chiroptera indet.
C. glareolus 1 3 2 1 3 2 3 3 5 3 7 5 3 6 12 21 28 16 124
A. terrestris 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 17
Cli. nivalis 2 2 I 1 3 3 5 1 18
M. agrestis/arvalis 4 7 12 20 14 7 12 9 4 3 6 6 2 3 4 2 8 14 3 140
M. lieeht./subterr. 1 3 1 2 1 3 3 8 3 2 4 2 10 7 5 13 2 70
D. bogdanovi 1 1 2
Arvicolinae indet.
C. migratorius 1 1
A. flav./sylv./agr. 9 9 13 9 16 20 25 13 14 14 15 14 36 20 17 23 21 13 13 314
M. minutus 1 1
R. rattus 1 1
C. glis 1 1 2 2 3 1 2 9 6 9 3 3 3 1 46
D. nitedula 1 1 1 2 5
M. avellanarius 1 1 2 2 2 2 5 2 3 1 21
S. vulgaris 1 1
SKUPAJ / TOTAL 15 19 37 42 39 44 51 34 35 41 38 44 49 34 50 60 72 84 39 827
Vol. (ml) 235 180 275 300 345 415 535 450 375 475 430 555 770 685 635 570 685 535 325 10.030
treh vrst, so pa meritve m l in M l pokazale številčno No less than 27 species were identified in the lo­
prevlado ostankov na gozd vezane A. flavicollis nad A. wer cluster (spits 8 -1 9 ). High species diversity possibly
sylvaticus (preferira odp rte habitate) in A. agrarius, k ije reflects mild clim ate (w hich is evident e.g. by the pre­
med tem i trem i vrstam i dom nevno najredkejša. Skupaj sence o f a mole, lesser w hite-toothed shrew, and som e
z ostanki polhov ( Glis gl is, Dryomys nitedula in Muscar- term ophilous bats) and a m osaic stru ctu re o f the habi­
dinus avellanarius), rdečezobih rovk (Sorex alpinus, S. tat (Popov 2000; Janžekovič & Čas 2001). T he m ost
m inutus in S. araneus) ter Clethrionomys glareolus pred­ com m on were the rem ains o f the genus Apodemus (= 37
stavljajo tako na gozd vezane vrste približno 50-odstot- %; Fig. 15.10 a). A lthough isolated m olars were not al­
ni delež vseh ostankov iz m ezolitskih režnjev V iktorje­ ways ascribable to one o f the three species represented
vega spodm ola (sl. 15.10 a). Z gozdnato pokrajino lah­ in our sam ple, dim ensions o f m I and M I suggest A. f la ­
ko povežem o tudi Sciurus vulgaris. vicollis to be the d o m in an t species. C o n trary to A. sylva­
Paleoekološka slika režnjev 1-7, se precej razliku­ ticus, which prefers open habitats, A. flavicollis is a typi­
je od zgoraj opisane. Predvsem je očiten upad deleža cal forest dweller in Slovenia; A. agrarius was evidently
gozdnih vrst (< 30 %), povečal pa s e je delež vrst, veza­ rare in the V iktorjev spodm ol sam ple. T ogether with
nih na odp rte habitate (sl. 15.10 b). Tako se je delež dorm ice (G. glis, Muscardinus avellanarius and Dryomys
ostankov Microtus agrestis/arvalis kar potrojil. Z m anj­ nitedula), reed-toothed shrew s (Sorex alpinus, S. m inu­
šanje dim enzij M l in m 1 rodu Apodemus v primerjavi z tus and S. araneus), and Clethrionomys glareolus, the
v red n o stm i iz m ezolitskih režnjev (S ch effejev test; forest dwelling species com prise ca. 50 % o f all the rem ­
p< 0,05) tolm ačim o kot posledico povečanega deleža nants in the M esolithic spits o f Viktorjev spodm ol (Fig.
ostankov na pretežno o dprte habitate vezane A. sylvati­ 15.10 a). Presence o f a forest hab itat is fu rth er proved
cus. Od gozdnih vrst je občutno upadel delež Clethrio­ by Sciurus vulgaris.
nomys glareolus (< 5 %) in Glis glis (= 3,6 %), m edtem Paleoecology o f spits I -7 differs significantly from
ko Dryornis nitedula in M uscardinus avellanarius v zgor­ the one described above. T he m ost evident is a decrease
njih sedm ih režnjih sploh nista več zastopana. Podobno in forest dwelling species (< 30 %) with a sim ultaneous
iz zgornjih režnjev povsem izginejo vrste rodu Sorex. increase in m am m als o f open habitats (Fig. 15.10 b).
O pazovane sprem em be v vrstni sestavi niso posledica Share o f Microtus agrestis / arvalis showed a three fold
m etodološke napake (tj. rabe odstotkov za opis vrstne increse from the lower cluster to the upper one. D ecrea­
sestave združbe), saj sm o upad vselej zabeležili le pri se o f M 1 and m 1 size in the genus Apodemus (Scheffe
gozdnih vrstah (sl. 15.11). test; p < 0.05) is interpreted by the increase in a sam ple
N a osnovi nekdanjih združb malih sesalcev lahko of/1, sylvaticus, which prefers open habitats. A m ong oth-
torej dom nevam o, d a je v m ezolitiku v okolici V iktorje­ »■ er forest dwellers, a decrease was docum ented also in
vega spodm ola prevladoval listnat oz. mešan gozd. Sklep Clethrionomys glareolus (< 5 %) and Glis glis (= 3.6 %),
je konsistenten z izsledki palinoloških analiz. Pelodni while Dryomys nitedula and M uscardinus avellanarius
disappeared entirely from the u p p erm o st seven spits.
Similarly, all Sorex shrew s disappeared from the same
1,4 spits. T he above m entioned changes in the species com ­
1,2 position are not an artefact o f a m ethodological approach
1,0 (i.e. using the percentages) since the decline was invari­
0,8 ably detected only in the w oodland taxa (Fig. 15.11).
0,6 Species com position o f a small m am m al assembly
0,4 at V iktorjev spodm ol during the M esolithic thus sug­
0,2 gests the prevalence o f a deciduous forest. Such a co n ­
0,0 clusion is co n sisten t with the results o f palinological
- 0,2 studies. Pollen diagram m e from a core at Škocjanski
-0,4 zatok near the estuary o f the river Rižana near Koper
- 0,6 shows the p red om inance o f a deciduous forest and a
- 0,8 - low share o f non-arboreal pollen (C uliberg 1995; Šer-
- 2,0 1,5 1,0 -0,5 0,0 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0
I. celj 1996). Similar conclusions were drawn by Broglio
(1980) w ho studied palinology and faunal rem ains on
Sl. 15.9: Dvodimenzionalni prikaz končne razporeditve mat­ the neighbouring T riestine Karst.
rike, pridobljene z večdimenzionalnim skaliranjem Jaccardo-
Small m am m al assem blies suggest sim ilarly co n ­
vih koeficientov med 19-imi režnji Viktorjevega spodmola.
co rd an t idea on the environm ent as do pollen and char­
Najmanjša obtežitev (stress) ne presega vrednosti 0,1.
Fig. 15.9: Two dimensional plot of final configuration matrix coal studies also for the Prehistoric period (N eo lith ic-
obtained by Multidimensional scaling of Jaccard’s coefficients Iron Age). Namely, pollen analyses o f cores from Škoc­
between 19 spits from Viktorjev spodmol. Numbers indicate janski zatok (C uliberg 1995; Šercelj 1996), Zajezeri-
spits. Minimum stress does not exceed 0,1. Vodenjak near the village Podgorje (C uliberg 1995), and
diagram vrtine Škocjanski zatok ob izlivu reke Rižane P rapoče in the C roatian p art o f Č ičarija (A ndrič 2002),
blizu K opra kaže na vodilno vlogo pretežno listnatega as well as paleovegetation studies at sites Acijev spod­
gozda, m edtem ko je bil delež nedrevesnega peloda (in mol (Turk et al. 1992) and Podmol pri K astelcu (Turk et
torej o d p rtih površin) razm erom a m ajhen (C uliberg al. 1993) invariably detected an increase in open habi­
1995; Šercelj 1996). Podobno je na osnovi palinoloških tats. Šercelj (1996) dem onstrates sim ilar trend also in
in favnističnih podatkov ugotovil tudi Broglio (1980) za vegetation near Sečoveljske soline. Shrink in forests was
Tržaški kras. presum ably due to hum an activity (Sala 1977; Biaggi et
Do ujem ajočih se sklepov sm o prišli na osnovi os­ a l 1993; Pessina & Rottoli 1996; Boschin & Riedel 2000;
tankov malih sesalcev in peloda/oglja tudi ob oceni nek­ A ndrič 2002, etc.). T he end o f the M esolithic and start
danjega okolja v prazgodovini (tj. neolitik-železna doba). o f the N eolithic coincide with the decreased im p o rtan ­
Palinološke analize vrtin Škocjanski zatok (C uliberg ce o f hunting and food gathering but with an adequate
1995; Šercelj 1996), Zajezeri - Vodenjak pri vasi Pod­ increase in agricultural activity and in livestock bree­
gorje (C uliberg 1995) in Prapoče v hrvaški Čičariji (An- ding. D uring the sam e period Kras becam e a geographic
drič 2002) ter paleovegetacijske raziskave v okviru naj­
dišč Acijev spodm ol (Turk et at. 1992) in Podmol pri
K astelcu (Turk et al. 1993) nam reč vse kažejo na po­ VIKTORJEV SPODMOL
(režnji / spits 8 - 1 9 )
večan obseg o d prtih površin. Enak trend kaže tudi vege­
tacija v ozadju Sečoveljskih solin (Šercelj 1996). Z a na­ OSTALO /R E ST ; 6.8%

vedeno zm anjšanje gozdnih površin je dom nevno od­

govoren človek (Sala 1977; Biagi et al. 1993; Pessina in
Rottoli 1996; Boschin in Riedel 2000; A ndrič 2002 idr.).
Konec m ezolitika in nastop neolitika nam reč povezuje­
m o z zm anjševanjem pom ena lova in nabiralništva ter
ustreznim povečevanjem vloge poljedelstva in živinore­
je. V istem obdobju je postal Kras tudi geografsko in
geopolitično tranzitno ozemlje, saj so postajali trgovski
stiki na dolge razdalje med SV Italijo ter osrednjo in
vzhodno Evropo povsem običajni (Biagi et al. 1993).
Z ato je bil občasno precej gosto naseljen, to pa je odseva­ b VIKTORJEV SPODMOL
lo tudi v njegovi podvrženosti deforestaciji (C uliberg (režnji / spits I - 7)
N aravna gozdna vegetacija je bila m očno prizade­
glareolus; 4.6%
ta predvsem okrog dalj časa trajajočih naselij, kajti pol­
X O', gibt; 3.6%
jedelstvo, na Krasu pa predvsem živinoreja, sta terjala Apodemus sp . .

obsežno krčenje gozda (C uliberg 1995). O stanki veli­

kih sesalcev iz Viktorjevega spodm ola (Toškan in Dir-
jec, ta zbornik) kažejo, d a je med dom ačim i živalmi pre­
vladovala drobnica. T aje imela zelo velik pom en tudi za
skupnosti številnih drugih sočasnih najdišč s Krasa, kot
so Podm ol pri Kastelcu (Turk et al. 1992), Acijev spod­
M liechlensteini / subtcrraneus; 4.4"/»
mol pri Petrinjah (Turk et al. 1993), M itrejeva jam a pri
Devinu - Grotta del Mitreo (Petrucci 1997) in Stenašca
SI. 15.10: Relativna pogostnost ostankov posameznih takso-
pri Praproti - Grotta deli'Edera (Boschin in Riedel 2000).
nov malih sesalcev iz mezolitskih (a) in prazgodovinskih (b)
Po drugi strani nekoliko manj antropozoogena slika pe- sedimentov Viktorjevega spodmola. Deleži so izračunani kot
lodnega diagram a iz Podm ola pri K astelcu kaže na to, količnik med MNI posamezne vrste in MN1 vseh vrst v obrav­
da so bili lokalno (npr. na pobočjih Slavnika) dom nev­ navanem obdobju prisotnih vrst. Delež na odprte habitate
no še vedno prisotni gozdovi (C uliberg 1995). vezanih vrst je obarvan s sivo, vezanih na gozd pa z belo.
V zorec iz m ezolitskih režnjev Viktorjevega spod­ Kompleks Apodemus flavicollislsylvaticus/agrariiis je označen
m ola (tj. režnji 8 -1 9 ) se v pogledu vrstne sestave skoraj s črno.
ne razlikuje od sočasnih akum ulacij iz različnih najdišč Fig. 15.10: Relative abundance of each several small mammals’
taxons from Mesolithic (a) and Prehistoric (b) sediments of
Tržaškega krasa (Bon et al. 1991; B artolom ei 2001).
Viktorjev spodmol. Shares are calculated as quotients of MNI
Ugotovitev ne preseneča, saj so razdalje med najdišči
of each several taxon from Mesolithic or Prehistoric sediments
m ajhne. Povsem drugačno sliko pa pokaže prim erjava as denominator against the MNI of all species from the same
subfosilne favne z recentno iz istega obm očja. Da bi iz­ period. The share of open area dwellers is showed in grey and
ključili vpliv vzorčenja, sm o subfosilno favno prim erjali that of forrest-associated small mammals in white. The share
z vzorcem izbljuvkov lesne sove. Ti so bili pobrani v of the complex Apodemus flavicollislsylvaticuslagrarius is black.
Sokolaku pri Škocjanskih jam ah, nedaleč od Viktorjeve­ and geopolitical node in a tran sit as trade betw een the
ga spodm ola (Lipej in G jerkeš 1996). north-eastern Italy and central and eastern E urope in­
Kot je razvidno s slike 15.12 se recentna favna očit­ tensified to such an extant to becom e a com m on practi­
no razlikuje ne le od m ezolitske (V iktorjev spodm ol: ce (Biaggi et at. 1993). Because o f th e above m entioned
režnji 8-19; najdišča Tržaškega krasa), temveč tudi od reasons, Kras used to be fairly densely populated already
p ra z g o d o v in sk e (V ik to rje v s p o d m o l: rež n ji 1 -7 ). in th e P rehistoric period, w hich only accelerated the
O pažanja lahko vsaj delom a razložim o z vegetacijskimi deforestation (C uliberg 1995).
sprem em bam i na K rasu v zadnjih 7000 letih, torej z Because agriculture an d even m ore so livestock
antropozoogenim krčenjem gozda (Šercelj 1996; A ndrič breeding resulted in extensive deforestation, the natural
2 002). Kot navedeno, lahko om enjenem u dejavniku forest vegetation was m ost strongly affected around the
najverjetneje pripišem o že razlike v vrstni sestavi vzor­ m ore p erm a n en t settlem en ts (C uliberg 1995). Large
cev iz m ezolitskih in prazgodovinskih režnjev V iktorje­ m am m al rem nants from Viktorjev spodm ol (Toškan &
vega spodm ola. V zadnjih 3000 letih pa s e je obseg člo­ Dirjec, this volum e) show th a t C aprinae were the m ost
vekovega posega v okolje še dodatno povečal. Na Krasu com m on dom estic anim als. Sheep and goat were o f pri­
je ekonom ija tem eljila predvsem na reji drobnice. Tako me im portance also for a num ber o f o th er co n tem p o ra­
so paša, krčenje grm ičevja in nam erni požigi gozdov v ry sites on Kras, e.g. Podm ol near Kastelec (Turk et al.
kombinaciji s poletno sušo, sprožili velike sprem em be v 1992), Acijev spodm ol near Petrinje (Turk et al. 1993),
vegetaciji in erozijo tal (C uliberg 1995; Šercelj 1996), M itrejeva ja m a ( Grotta del Milreo; Petrucci 1997), and
posledično pa tudi zm anjšanje vrstne pestrosti favne S tenašca near P rap ro t ( Grotta d e ll’E dera; B oschin &
m alih sesalcev. Tako ne preseneča, da je sestava vzorca Riedel 2000). Pollen d iag ram m e from Podm ol n ear
iz prazgodovinskih režnjev Viktorjevega spodm ola bolj K astelec, on the o th er hand, shows less anthropo-zoo-
podobna recentni favni iz notranjosti Slovenije (Ljubljan­ genic im pact on the environm ent thus suggesting forests
sko barje; Kryštufek 1980) kot pa tisti, ki danes poselju­ to be locally present on m ore rem ote sites, e.g. on the
je Kras (sl. 15.12). slopes o f the m ountain Slavnik (C uliberg 1995).
Naši rezultati so v skladu s sklepi o osirom ašenju M esolithic small m am m al assembly from Viktorjev
vrstne diverzitete malih sesalcev na m editeranskem ob­ spodm ol (spits 8 -1 9 ) does not differ in its species com ­
m očju D inaridov kot posledici človekove degradacije position from co ntem porary accum ulations in various


T. europaea / caeca M. agrestis / arvalis M. multiplex / subter. C. gtareolus M. avellanairus

SI. 15.11: N ajm anjše število osebkov (M N I) n ekaterih bolje z a sto p a n ih tak so n o v m alih sesalcev iz V iktorjevega spodm ola,
p re ra č u n an o na en o ten volum en sed im en ta frakcije velikosti 0,5 d o 3 m m na reženj (tj. 1000 m l). Pike označujejo režnje, v
katerih je bila dan takson sicer zastopan (tj. N IS P > 0 ), vendar je bil M N I=0. Z a globine režnjev glej razp red eln ico 5.1 (Turk, ta
zb o rn ik ).
Fig. 15.11: M inim um n u m b er o f individuals (M N I) for som e o f the m ost a b u n d a n t sm all m am m als’ laxons from V iklorjev
spodm ol, calculated for the unit volum e o f sedim ent fraction o f particles 0 .5 -3 .0 m m for each spit (i.e. 1000 m l). D ots indicate
spits, w here rem n an ts o f a taxon were found (i.e. N IS P > 0 ), although M N I=0.
parts o f Triestine Karst ( Bon et al. 1991; Bartolomei 2001).
Such a conclusion does not pose as a surprise since all
the localities are close to each other. However, very diffe­
2 rent picture is obtained when the subfossil fauna is com ­
pared to the recent one. To minimise the sampling error
we com pared the subfossil fauna with a tawny owl pellet
sample collected at Sokolak near Škocjanske jam e, not
4 far from Viktorjev spodm ol (Lipej & Gjerkeš 1996).
Recent small m am m al assem bly differs from the
M esolithic ones (spits 8 -1 9 from V iktorjev spodm ol but
also o th er T riestine K arst sites) as well as from th at of
th e Prehistoric period (spits 1-7 from V iktorjev spod­
1,9 2,ü 2,1 2,2 2,3 2,4 2,5 2,6 2,7 2,8 2,9
m ol). Such differences could be attributed, at least p art­
različnost / linkage distance
ly, to the vegetation changes during the last seven mil­
Sl. 15.12: Dendrogram, ki povzema na evklidskih razdaljah lennia in Kras, i.e. by an anthropo-zoogenic deforesta­
temelječo matriko različnosti med tremi subfosilnimi in dve­ tion (Šercelj 1996; A ndrič 2002). As already stated,
ma recentnima združbama malih sesalcev. Številke vzorcev: d e fo re s ta tio n w as p re su m a b ly th e m ain fa c to r re ­
1 - Tržaški kras (mezolitik): Pečina na Leskovcu pri Sama- sponsible already for the im poverishm ent in small m am ­
torci - Grotla Azzurra, Pečina Podkičer pri Trebčah - Grotta mal species richness from the M esolithic to the Prehis­
di Trebiciano, "Pečina Lonza" pri Repnu - Grotta Lonza (vsi
toric period. However, the hum an im pact increased even
Bon el al. 1991) in Ciganska jama pri Breščikih - Grotta degli
more profoundly following next m illennia. Econom y in
Zirtgari (Bartolomei 2001); 2 - Viktorjev spodmol (režnji 8-
19; mezolitik); 3 - Viktorjev spodmol (režnji 1-7; prazgodo­ K ras continued to be based mainly on C aprinae bree­
vina); 4 - Ljubljansko barje (recentno); Kozlarjeva gošča, ding. Pastural econom y associated with shrub removal
Bevke in Sarsko (Kryštufek 1980); 5 - Sokolak pri Škocjan­ and intentional forest burning resulted, together with
skih jamah (recentno; Lipej in Gjerkeš 1996). sum m er draughts, in significant changes in vegetation
Fig. 15.12: Dendrogram summarising dissimilarities matrix and in soil erosion (C uliberg 1995; Šercelj 1996). H abi­
based on Euclidean distances for three subfossil and two re­ tat degradation also caused a sharp decrease in small
cent small mammal assemblages. Identifying numbers of sam­ m am m al species richness. It is thus not surprising that
ples: 1 - Triestine Kart (Mesolithic): the Pečina na Leskovcu
the small m am m al fauna from Prehistoric spits o f Vik­
near Samatorca (Grotta Azzurra), Podkičer cave near Trebče
torjev spodm ol m ore closely resem bles the recent fauna
(Grotta di Trebiciano),"Pečina Lonza” at Repno (Grotta Lon­
za', all Bon el. al. 1991) and Ciganska jama near Breščiki (Grot­ from cen tral Slovenia (L jubljansko barje; K rystufek
ta degli Zingarr, Bartolomei 2001); 2 - Viktorjev spodmol 1980) th an the present fauna o f Kras (Fig. 15.12).
(spits 8-19; Mesolithic); 3 - Viktorjev spodmol (spits 1-7; O ur results are com patible with the suggested im po­
Prehistory); 4 - Ljubljansko barje (recent): Kozlarjeva gošča, verishm ent in species com position o f the small m am ­
Bevke and Sarsko (Krystufek 1980); 5 - Sokolak near Škoc­ mal assem blies in the M editerranean part o f the Dina-
janske jame (recent; Lipej & Gjerkeš 1996). ric Alps as a result o f hum an caused hab itat degrada­
tion during the H olocene (K ryštufek & G riffiths 1999).
T he process was evidently w idespread in the M editerra­
habitatov v holocenu (K rystufek in G riffiths 1999). Pro­ nean an d is d o cu m en ted e.g. for Israel by T chernov
ces je bil v Sredozem lju očitno splošno razširjen in g a je (1968). On the o th er hand, local extirpation in south­
npr. za Izrael dokum entiral tudi Tchernov (1968). Po w estern Slovenia o f at least two species ( Cricetulus mig-
drugi strani pa lokalnega izum rtja v jugozahodni Slove­ ratorius and Dinaromys bogdanovi) can not be explained
niji najm anj dveh vrst ( Cricetulus migratoritts in Dinaro- in the sam e way. Evidently, habitat degradation was the
mys bogdanovi) ne m orem o razložiti z degradacijo okol­ m ost im portant but not the only clue w hich shaped the
ja. O čitno je bila degradacija habitatov resda najpom em b­ small m am m al species com position along the M editer­
nejši, ne pa tudi edini dejavnik, ki je vplival na vrstno ranean coast during the H olocene.
sestavo v združbi malih sesalcev v holocenu.

Zahvala: We thank Ivan Turk for forw arding for fu rth er ela­
Zahvaljujeva se Ivanu Turku, ki nam a je odstopil v b oration the m aterial, w hich resulted from the excava­
obdelavo gradivo, zbrano med izkopavanji v Viktorjevem tions at V iktorjev spodm ol w hich he su p erin ten d ed .
spodm olu. H valežna sva Janezu Dirjecu, ki ga je sorti­ A cknow ledgem ents are extended to Jan ez D irjec for
ral in pripravil za nadaljnjo obdelavo. B. Toškan je o pra­ sorting the m aterial. B. Toškan perform ed this research
vil delo v okviru podiplom skega usposabljanja, ki ga fi­ while receiving grant for a post-graduate training from
nancira M inistrstvo za šolstvo, znanost in šport. the M inistry o f education, science and sport.
15.3 D o d a te k 15.3 S upplement

N eposredno pred predajo besedila v tisk sm o dobili v Just before sending the text to print, we additionally re­
določitev tudi ostanke malih sesalcev iz V iktorjevega ceived the identified rem ains o f small m am m als from
spodm ola, ki so bili pobrani z najbolj grobega sita (veli­ Viktorjev spodm ol, which had been collected with the
kost luknjic 3 m m ). Nove najdbe so za 5,2 odstotka po­ coarsest sieve (size o f hole 3 m m ). T he new finds in­
večale skupno število (vsaj) do nivoja rodu določljivih creased by 5.2 percent the total num ber o f rem ains of
ostankov malih sesalcev. Z aradi časovne stiske dodatn e­ small m am m als identified at least to the level o f genus.
ga vzorca (še) ni bilo m ogoče celostno analizirati, zato Because o f tim e pressure, it has not yet been possible to
na tem m estu podajam o le seznam zastopanih taksonov analyse the additional sam ple entirely so here we prov­
s pripadajočim številom določenih prim erkov (N IS P). ide only a list o f taxa represented, with the relevant num ­
Z izjem o fragm entirane spodnje čeljustnice navadnega ber o f identified specim ens (N IS P ). W ith the exception
netopirja Myotis myotis (B orkhausen, 1797) iz režnja 19 o f a fragm ented lower jaw o f greater mouse-eared bat
so v novopridobljenem vzorcu zastopane izključno vr­ {Myotis myotis (B orkhausen, 1797)) from spit 19, the
ste, katerih ostanke sm o našli tudi že v sedim entni frak­ newly ob tain ed sam ple co n tain ed exclusively species
ciji velikosti 0,5 do 3 mm. Poleg tega kaže opozoriti na w hose rem ains had already been found in the sedim en­
veliko podobnost med obem a vzorcem a tudi v kvantita­ tation fraction o f size 0.5 mm to 3 mm. In addition, it is
tivnem razm erju med ostanki gozdnih (prevladujejo v w orth highlighting the great sim ilarity between th e two
režnjih 8 -1 9 ) in na o dprte habitate vezanih vrst (šte­ sam ples, in term s o f the quantitative ratio between re­
vilčnejši v režnjih 1-7), kar nedvom no potrjuje v pris­ m ains o f forest (predom inating in spits 8 -1 9 ) and open
pevku predstavljeno paleookoljsko podobo Krasa v me- habitat species (m ore num erous in spits 1-7). T he lat­
zolitiku in poznejših prazgodovinskih obdobjih. ter undoubtedly confirm s the paleo-environm ental ap­
pearance o f the Kras in M esolithic and later Prehistoric
periods presented in the contribution.

Razpredelnica 15.11: Število določenih primerkov (NISP) posameznih taksonov malih sesalcev, zastopanih v vzorcu iz Viktorje­
vega spodmola, pobranem na situ z velikostjo luknjic 3 mm. Podan je tudi volumen sedimenta, iz katerega so bili ostanki malih
sesalcev pobrani.
Table 15.11: Number of identified specimens (NISP) of individual taxa of small mammals represented in the sample from
Viktorjev spodmol, collected in a sieve with size of hole 3 mm. The volume of sediment from which the remains of small
mammals were collected is also given. »■

Režnji / Spits 1-7 Ue/.nji / Spits 8-19 S K U P A J/T O T A L

'l'akson / Taxon
Erinaceus sp. 2 — 2
C. suaveolens — 1 1
S. alpinus / araneus — 2 2
Talpa europaea / caeca 32 11 43
Myotis myotis — 1 1
S. vulgaris 1 1 2
C. migratorius — 4 4
G. glis 1 3 4
A. terrestris 9 21 30
M. agrestis / arvalis 4 6 10
M. subterraneus / liecht. 1 1 2
Ch. nivalis — 15 15
C. glareolus 3 22 25
D. bogdanovi — 2 2
Apodemus flav./sylv./agr. 15 37 52
SK U PAJ/TO TAL 68 127 195
Vol. (1) 480 (= 41,0 %) 690 (= 59,0 %) 1 170 (= 100 %)
1 6 .0 s ta n k i v e lik ih 1 6 .R e m a i n s of L a rg e
s e s a lc e v v M a m m a l s in

B orut T oškan & Janez D ir jec

V okviru sondiranja najdišča Viktorjev spodm ol pri Škoc­ W ithin the fram ew ork o f the test excavation o f V iktor­
janskih jam ah se je , poleg drugega, nabralo tudi 12.376 jev spodm ol by Škocjanske ja m e (Škocjan Caves), in
ostankov velikih sesalcev. Vsaj do nivoja rodu jih je bilo addition to o th er finds, 12,376 rem ains o f large m am ­
m ogoče določiti 584 (tj. 4,7 %) in te sm o pripisali 22-im mals were collected. O f these, 584 (i.e. 4.7%) could be
vrstam iz osmih družin (razpredelnica 16.1). Z izjemo identified at least to the level o f genus and were ascri­
losa in izum rlega tura lahko vse navedene vrste v Slove­ bed to 22 species from eight families (Table 16.1). W ith
niji najdem o še danes. Sicer pa lahko izkopani sedim ent the exception o f elk and the now extinct aurochs, all the
časovno um estim o v dve obdobji: starejše je z arheološ­ m entioned species can be still found in Slovenia today.
kimi najdbam i d atiran o v kastelnovjen (castelnovien; T he excavated sedim ents can be placed in two tim e pe­
pribl. 8600 do pribl. 7400 let pred sedanjostjo (BP); riods; th e older is dated with archaeological finds to the
Broglio in Im prota 1995, ozirom a od 8140 do 6020 BP; C astelnovian (approx. 8600 to approx. 7400 BP); Brog­
Turk, ta zbornik), m edtem ko naj bi se pretežni del used­ lio in Im prota 1995, or from 8140 to 6020 BP; Turk, this
lin iz mlajše faze odložil v prazgodovinskem obdobju, volume), while the predom inant p art o f the sedim ents
najverjetneje v starejši železni dobi (Turk in Velušček, from the younger phase were deposited in the P rehisto­
ta zbornik). ric period, probably in the Early Iron Age (Turk and
O bravnavani osteodontološki m aterial je bil zbran Velušček, this volum e).
v treh zaporednih fazah izkopavanj, pri katerih so bile T he osteodontological m aterial dealt with was col­
uporabljene različne tehnike in m etode (glej Turk, ta lected in three successive phases o f excavation, in which
zbornik). Sprva je bilo opravljeno klasično izkopavanje different techniques and m ethods were used (see Turk,
s sprotnim pregledovanjem usedlin na terenu brez spira­ this volum e). At first, classical excavation was perfor­
nja (faza V iktor), sledilo je spiranje in rutinsko pregle­ m ed with sim ultaneous exam ination o f the sedim ents
dovanje že odkopanih usedlin (faza V iktor in IzA), ob in the field w ithout sieving (V iktor phase), followed by
koncu pa je bilo izvedeno še mini stratigrafsko izkopa­ wet sieving and routine exam ination o f the already exca­
vanje (osnovna enota kvadrat 0,2 x 1 m; reženj debeline vated sedim ents (V iktor and IzA phase). Finally a mini
5 cm ) s spiranjem in večkratnim pregledovanjem spra­ Stratigraphie excavation was perform ed (basic unit 0.2
nih usedlin (faza IzA). Pri spiranju so bila uporabljena x 1 m; thickness o f spits 5 cm ) with wet sieving and
sita z velikostjo luknjic 3 mm, 1 m m in 0,5 mm. U pošte­ m ultiple exam ination o f the sieved sedim ents (IzA pha­
vaje te kriterije sm o v tri sklope razdelili tudi izkopane se). For sieving, screens with hole sizes o f 3 mm, 1 mm
ostanke (razpredelnica 16.1). and 0.5 mm were used. The excavated rem ains were di­
Pri določitvi subfosilnih kostnih in zobnih elem en­ vided into the three phases taking into account these
tov so nam bili v pom oč fosilni in recentni prim erjalni criteria (Table 16.1).
m aterial iz Slovenije (zbirki Inštituta za arheologijo ZRC In the identification o f sub-fossil rem ains and te­
SAZU in K atedre za paleontologijo N T F U niverze v eth elem ents, we were assisted by fossil and recent com ­
Ljubljani) te r podatki iz literature (npr. Boessneck 1972; parative m aterial from Slovenia (collections o f the In­
Schm id 1972; Payne 1985; Prum m el in Frisch 1986; stitute o f A rchaeology Z R C SAZU and the D ep artm en t
Hillson 1986; 1992). Določali sm o ostanke vseh skelet­ o f Palaeontology o f the NTF, University o f Ljubljana)
nih elem entov z izjem o reber ter večine vretenc; od sled­ an d d a ta from th e lite ra tu re (e.g. B oessneck 1972;
njih sm o determ inirali le atlas in epistropheus. Med preg­ Schm id 1972; Payne 1985; Prum m el and Frisch 1986;
ledovanjem m ateriala sm o beležili tudi prim erke s sle­ Hillson 1986; 1992). We identified the rem ains o f all
dovi zverskih zob in človekovega delovanja (vrezi, zase- skeletal elem ents w ith th e exception o f ribs and the
kanine, ožganost). O cene starosti živali ob zakolu/uple- m ajority o f vertebrae; o f the latter, we identified only
nitvi so temeljile na analizi obrabe zob (H aberm ehl 1961; atlas and epistropheus. A m ong the m aterial examined,
Payne 1973; 1987; Rolett in Chiu 1994) ter na deležu we also recorded specim ens with gnawing m arks and
fragm entov z nezraščenim a epi- in diafizo (Silver 1972; traces o f hum an action (cu t m arks, chop m arks, bur-
M oran in O ’C o n n o r 1994). Pri biom etrični analizi smo ning). A ssessm ents o f the age at death o f the anim als
upoštevali sm ernice, ki jih je objavila Von D riescheva were based on analysis o f tooth wear (H aberm ehl 1961;
(1976). O b tem kaže poudariti, da dim enzije posam ez­ Payne 1973; 1987; Rolett and Chiu 1994) and on the
nih skeletnih elem entov (glej prilogo) in podatke o sta­ share o f fragm ents with unfused epi- and diaphyses (Sil­
rostni strukturi v vzorcu zastopanih živali podajam o le ver 1972; M oran and O ’C o n n o r 1994). In biom etric
inform ativno. Skrom no število najdb nam reč ne dopušča analysis, we followed the guidelines published by Von
oblikovanja reprezentativnih vzorcev, ki bi v zadovoljivi D riesch (1976). It is w orth stressing th at the dim ensions
meri povzemali intraspecifično variabilnost obravnava­ o f individual skeletal elem ents (see annexes) and data
nih populacij. on the age stru ctu re o f anim als represented in the sam ­
K vantitativne prim erjave med taksoni tem eljijo na ple are given only informatively. T he m odest num ber o f
številu določenih prim erkov {Number o f Identified Spe­ finds, namely, does not allow the form ation o f represen­
cimens, N1SP). Kljub nekaterim šibkim točkam , k ijih tative sam ples w hich would satisfactorily sum m arise the
N ISP vsekakor ima (glej npr. Klein in Cruz-U ribe 1993), intra-specific variability o f the populations treated.
se nam reč zdi uporaba bolj sofisticiranih kazalcev abun­ Q uantitative com parisons between taxa are based
dance v prim eru tako skrom nih vzorcev manj prim erna on the num ber o f identified specim ens (N IS P ). D espite
alternativa. Pri statističnih analizah sm o uporabljali ne- som e weak points w hich N ISP certainly has (see e.g.,
p aram etričn e prijem e (S pearm anov r, / 2-test, M ann- Klein and Cruz-U ribe 1993), the use o f m ore sophisti­
W hitneyjev U-test; StatSoft, Inc. 2001), saj podatki niso cated indicators o f ab undance in the case o f such m o­
norm alno porazdeljeni, kršena pa je tudi hom ogenost dest sam ples seem s a less suitable alternative. W ith sta-

Razpredelnica 16.1: Število določenih primerkov (NISP) posameznih taksonov velikih sesalcev, zastopamih v Viktorjevem spod­
molu, za vsako od treh faz izkopavanj. Identifikacija simbolov: vzorec 1 - faza Viktor, vzorec 2 - faza Viktor in IzA in vzorec 3
- faza IzA. Za obrazložitev glej besedilo.
Table 16.1: Number of identified specimens (NISP) of individual taxa of large mammals represented in Viktorjev spodmol, for
each of the three phases of excavation. Identification of symbols: sample 1 -Viktor phase, sample 2 -Viktor and IzA phase and
sample 3 -IzA phase. See text for explanation.

Vzorec / Sam ple 1 Vzorec / Sam ple 2 Vzorec / Sam ple 3 S K U P A J / TOTAL
Takson / Taxon
Cervus elaphus 84 38,0 10 11,1 74 27,3 168 28,8
Sus sp. 56 25,2 15 16,7 76 27,6 147 25,3
Lepus europaeus 15 6,8 30 33,3 58 21,2 103 17,6
Meles metes 10 4,5 5 5.6 15 5,5 30 5,1
Ovis s. Capra 5 2,3 6 6,7 12 4,4 23 3,9
Ovis aries 4 1,8 2 0,7 6 1,0
Capra hircus 2 0,9 2 0,3
Vulpes vulpes 8 3,6 9 10 5 1,8 22 3,8
Capreolus capreolus 8 3,6 3 3,3 10 3,7 21 3,6
Bos taurus 10 4,5 1 0,4 11 1.9
Bos cf. primigenius 4 1,8 4 0,7
Bos sp. 1 0,4 1 0,2
Felis sp. 6 2,7 4 4,4 2 0,7 12 2,0
Canis familiaris 1 0,5 7 2,6 8 1,4
Ursus arctos 3 1,4 5 5,6 1 0,4 9 1,5
Martes sp. 3 1.4 3 3,3 6 2,2 12 2,0
Lutra lutra 1 0,5 1 0.4 2 1.0
Alces atces 1 0,4 1 0,3
Lynx lynx 1 0,5 1 0,2
Mustela putorius 1 0,4 1 0,2
221 100 90 100 273 100 584 100
N vseh fragmentov
640 5.294 6.442 12.376
N of all fragments
% določljivega
34,5 % 1,7 % 4,2 % 4,7 %
% determinable
variance. Statistična obdelava je bila narejena s program s­ tistical analyses, we used n o n -param etric tech n iq u es
kim paketom StatSoft 2001, STAT1STICA za W indows, (S p earm an ’s r, x 2-test, M ann-W hitney U-test; StatSoft,
verzija 6.0. Inc. 2001), since data are not norm ally distributed, and
V besedilu označujem o kočnike kot: P - predmel-the hom ogeneity o f variance is also infringed. Statisti­
jaki, M - meljaki; velike tiskane črke označujejo gornje cal processing was done with the softw are StatSoft 2001,
zobe, m ale pa spodnje. Položaj posam eznega m eljaka v STATISTICS for W indows, version 6.0.
zobnem nizu je označen s številko (anterio rn o —> poste- In the text we characterise cheek-teeth as: P - pre­
riorno). molars, M - molars; capitals signify upper teeth, small
letters lower teeth. The num ber denotes the position o f a
particular tooth in the tooth-row (anterior —> posterior).
16.1 T aksonomija

Red: Zajci in žvižgači (L agom orpha) 16.1 T axonom y

D ružina: Zajci in kunci (L eporidae)
O rder: Rabbits and Pikas (L agom orpha)
Lepit s europaeus Pallas, 1778 Family: Rabbits and H ares (L eporidae)

Gradivo: Lepus europaeus Pallas, 1778

• Faza Viktor, plast s keramiko: hum erus (1 fragm ent),
fem ur (4 fr.), tibia (1 fr.): prem ešano: m andibula (2 Material:
fr.), dens (2), calcaneus, ulna (1 fr.), phalanx 1 • V iktor phase, layer with pottery: hum erus (1 frag­
• Faza V iktor in IzA: dens (2), hum erus (1 fr.), ulna m ent), fem ur (4 fr.), tibia (1 fr.); mixed: m andibula
(1 fr.), m etacarpus, ossa coxae (1 fr.), tibia (1 fr.), (2 fr.), dens (2), calcaneus, ulna (1 fr.), phalanx I
os tarsale, m etatarsus (7 fr.), m etapodium (5 fr.), • V iktor and IzA phase: dens (2), hum erus (1 fr.), ulna
phalanx 1 (4), phalanx 11 (4) (1 fr.), m etacarpus, ossa coxae (1 fr.), tibia (1 fr.),
• Faza IzA: 58 ostankov (gl. razpredelnico 16.2) os tarsale, m etatarsus (7 fr.), m etapodium (5 fr.),
phalanx I (4), phalanx II (4)
O sta n k i poljskega zajca z a se d a jo s 17,6-odstotnim • IzA: 58 rem ains (see Table 16.2)
deležem tretje m esto med vsemi taksoni, zastopanim i v
Viktorjevem spodm olu (razpredelnica 16.1). V zgornjih Rem ains o f hare, with a 17.6 percent share, occupy third
(prazgodovinskih) režnjih stratigrafskega izkopavanja place am ong all taxa represented in V iktorjev spodm ol
profila Viktorjeve sonde (tj. faza IzA) je zajec s 40-odstot- (Table 16.1). In the u pper (P reh isto ric) spits o f th e stra-
nim deležem celo daleč najbolje zastopana vrsta (sl. tigraphically excavated profile o f V iktor’s test trench (i.e.
16.5b). Dolge kosti so pravilom a zdrobljene, nism o pa IzA phase) hare, with a 40 percent share, is even by far
zasledili nikakršnih sledov vrezov, zasekanin ali zverskih the m ost represented species (Fig. 16.5b). Long bones
zob. are generally fragm ented, but we found no trace o f cuts,
Z aradi odsotnosti nepoškodovanih dolgih kosti smo chop m arks or gnawing.
se pri determ inaciji srečali s problem atiko ločevanja med Because o f the absence o f undam aged long bones,
poljskim zajcem in kuncem Oryctolagus cuniculus Lin- we had difficulty distinguishing between hare and rab­
bit Oryctolagus cuniculus Linnaeus, 1758. Clutton-Brock
(1999) suspects th at th e rabbit was only introduced to
cen tral E urope from the Pyrenean p eninsular by the
Rom ans, on the basis o f w hich its presence in M eso­
lithic and Prehistoric layers o f Viktorjev spodm ol would
be excluded. T he only sufficiently well preserved m an­
dible (IzA phase: spit 5) corresponds m orphologically
with hare (Fig. 16.1; Kryštufek 1991) and is thus in full
agreem ent with this. T he sam e is tru e for the length o f
the tooth-row o f the aforem entioned specim en (i.e. 18
m m ), w hich lies w ithin the range seen in recent L. euro­
paeus (1 7 -2 0 mm; Lavocat 1966) and thus exceeds va­
Sl. 16.1: Spodnja čeljustnica (lateralno) poljskega zajca Lepus
lues for recent O. cuniculus (11-16 mm; Lavocat 1966).
europaeus iz Viktorjevega sp odm ola (faza IzA: reženj 5).
Merilo je podano v cm. Foto M. Grm.
In the M esolithic layers o f Pečina na Leskovcu (Grotta
Fig. 16.1: Mandible (lateral aspect) o f hare Lepus europaeus Azzurra; Cremonesi et al. 1984) on the T riestine K arst
from Viktorjev spodm ol (IzA phase: spit 5). M easurements and Pečina pri Bjarču ( Riparo di Biarzo; Rowley-Conwy
are given in cm. Photo M. Grm. 1996) in th e valley o f the N adiža (N atisone), two frag-
Razpredelnica 16.2: Število določenih primerkov (N IS P ) za vsakega od taksonov velikih sesalcev, zastopanih v Viktorjevem
spodm olu po skeletnih elem entih. Podatki se nanašajo izključno na ostanke iz faze IzA.
Table 16.2: Num ber o f identified specim ens (N IS P ) for each taxon o f large mammal represented in Viktorjev spodm ol by
skeletal elem ents. Data refer exclusively to remains from the IzA phase.

indet. metapodium
ossa sesamoidea

ostali tarsaiia
m etacarpalia

m etatarsalia
os m axillare

phalanx III
rog / antler

m andihula

phalanx II


phalanx I
hum erus

os coxae
carpal ia



fem ur


L. europaeus i 2 5 1 2 1 7 6 1 1 2 5 2 3 7 9 3 58

M. m eles 2 9 1 1 1 1 15

M. putorius 1 1

M artes sp . 2 2 1 1 6

L lutra 1 1

V. vulpes 3 1 1 5

C. fa m ilia ris 2 1 1 2 1 7

U. arctos 1 1

F elis sp. 1 1 2

S us sp . i 4 1 28 3 1 3 5 10 8 1 2 3 6 76

C. elaphus 20 1 9 1 1 2 4 3 4 6 8 1 2 3 2 1 3 3 74

C. capreolus 5 1 1 1 1 1 10

A. a Ices 1 1

O vis s. Capra 5 1 3 1 1 1 12

O. aries 1 1 2

B. taunts 1 1

Bos sp . 1 1

20 4 6 73 1 4 6 4 5 5 11 25 28 12 4 3 5 0 6 5 4 8 17 15 273

naeus, 1758. Clutton-Brock (1999) sicer dom neva, da m ents o f rabbit skeleton were found. N evertheless, in
naj bi kunca s Pirenejskega polotoka v osrednjo Evropo view o f the com plete absence o f this species in M eso­
prenesli šele Rimljani, na osnovi česar bi lahko njegovo lithic and Prehistoric layers o f n o rth east Italy (Bon el
p risotnost v m ezolitskih in prazgodovinskih plasteh Vik­ al. 1991) the possibility th at both the aforem entioned
torjevega spodm ola izključili. Skladna s tem je tudi edi­ M esolithic rabbit records are actually a contam ination
na dovolj dobro ohranjena spodnja čeljustnica iz režnja can n o t be excluded.
5 (faza IzA), ki morfološko povsem ustreza poljskemu
zajcu (sl. 16.1; Krystufek 1991). Naveden prim erek se
tudi v dolžini zobnega niza (18 m m ) uvršča znotraj vari- O rder: C arnivores (C arnivora)
acijske širine za recentno vrsto L. europaeus (1 7 -2 0 mm; Family: Bears (U rsidae)
Lavocat 1966) ter tako presega vrednosti za recentne O.
cuniculus (11-16 mm; Lavocat 1966). V mezolitskih plas­ Ursus arctos Linnaeus, 1758
teh Pečine na Leskovcu s Tržaškega krasa - Grotta Az-
zurra (C rem onesi el al. 1984) in Pečine pri Bjarču v Material:
dolini N adiže - Riparo ili Biarzo ( Rowley-Conwy 1996) • V iktor phase, layer w ithout pottery: hum erus (1 fr.);
sta bila sicer najdena dva fragm enta kunčjega skeleta, mixed: phalanx 11(1 fr.), phalanx III (1 fr.)
vendar pa ob sicer vsesplošni odsotnosti om enjene vr­ • V iktor and IzA phase: os sesam oideum (4 ), phalanx
ste v mezolitskih in prazgodovinskih plasteh severovzhod­ III ( I fr.)
ne Italije (Bon el al. 1991) ne m orem o izključiti možnosti, • IzA phase: os m etacarpus
da gre v prim eru obeh zgoraj om enjenih m ezolitskih
kunčjih najdb dejansko za kontam inacijo. F inds o f brown bear represent only 1.5 p ercent o f all
identified specim ens in the entire sam ple from V iktor­
jev spodm ol. O ther contem porary sites on the Kras (e.g.,
Red: Zveri (C arnivora) C rem onesi et al. 1984; M eluzzi el al. 1984; Pohar 1990,
D ružina: Medvedi (U rsidae) Turk et al. 1993) and Istria (M iracle et al. 2000; 2002)
show a sim ilar picture. In none o f the aforem entioned
Ursus arctos Linnaeus, 1758 cases does the share o f brown bear exceed five percent,
and is often entirely absent from the excavated m ateri­
Gradivo: al. C om m unities o f th at tim e clearly did n ot often choo­
• Faza Viktor, plast brez keramike: hum erus ( I fr.); se to hunt bear, and the occasional specim en taken may
prem ešano: phalanx II (1 fr.), phalanx III (1 fr.) also have been the result o f defensive activity (B artosie­
• Faza V iktor in IzA: os sesam oideum (4), phalanx wicz 1999).
III (I fr.)
• Faza IzA: os m etacarpus
Family: Dogs (C anidae)
N ajdbe rjavega m edveda predstavljajo v celotnem vzor­
cu iz Viktorjevega spodm ola le poldrugi odstotek vseh Can is fam iliaris Linnaeus, 1758
določljivih primerkov. P odobno sliko kažejo tudi druga
sočasna najdišča s K rasa (npr. C rem onesi et al. 1984; M aterial:
Meluzzi et al. 1984; Pohar 1990, Turk el al. 1993) in • V iktor phase, layer w ithout pottery: epistropheus (1
Istre (M iracle et al. 2000; 2002). V vseh navedenih pri­ fr.)
merih nam reč delež rjavega medveda nikoli ne presega • IzA phase: 7 fragm ents (Table 16.2)
petih odstotkov, večkrat pa v izkopanem m aterialu sploh
ni bil zastopan. Takratne skupnosti se očitno za lov na Dog is the only dom estic anim al in the M esolithic spits
medveda pravilom a niso odločale, redki uplenjeni pri­ o f Viktorjev spodm ol, and its rem ains are rare in the
merki pa bi bili lahko tudi rezultat obram bnega dejanja entire profile. A not entirely ossified epistropheus from
(B artosiew icz 1999). the layer w ithout pottery (V iktor phase) belonged to a
younger anim al. T he sam e could be said o f the phalanx
11 from spit 8 (IzA phase), w hich because o f the unfu­
D ružina: Psi (C anidae) sed proxim al epiphysis we ascribed to a dog only a few
m onths old (Silver 1972).
Ca n is fam iliaris Linnaeus, 1758

Gradivo: Vulpes vulpes (Linnaeus, 1758)

• Faza Viktor, plast brez keramike: epistropheus (1
fr.) M aterial:
• Faza IzA: 7 fragm entov (razpredelnica 16.2) • V iktor phase, layer with pottery: dens (4); mixed:
dens (2), cranium (1 fr.)
Pes predstavlja edino dom ačo žival v m ezolitskih režnjih • V iktor and IzA phase: dens (2), m andibula (1 fr.),
Viktorjevega spodm ola, a so njegovi ostanki redki v ce- ulna (I fr.), m etacarpus (2), astragalus, calcaneus,
lotenem profilu. Še ne v celoti osificiran epistropheus iz m etatarsus
plasti brez keramike (faza V iktor) je pripadal mlajši živa­ • IzA phase: 5 fragm ents (Table 16.2)
li. P odobno lahko rečem o za phalanx II iz režnja 8 (faza
IzA), ki sm o ga zaradi nezraščene proksim alne epifize z Rem ains o f fox represent 3.8 percent o f all identified
diafizo pripisali šele nekajm esečnem u psu (Silver 1972). specim ens. The distribution o f the finds along the prof­
ile (IzA phase) indicates th eir co n cen tratio n in Prehis­
toric spits. A sim ilar p attern o f distribution was also
Vulpes vulpes (Linnaeus, 1758) found with rem ains o f hare. It is w orth m entioning that
fox may well have co ntributed to the accum ulation of
Gradivo: the latter, since it was probably its m ost im p o rtan t pre­
• Faza Viktor, plast s keramiko: dens (4); prem ešano: d ato r (Kryštufek 1991).
dens (2), cranium (1 fr.)
• Faza V iktor in IzA: dens (2), m andibula (1 fr.), ulna
(1 fr.), m etacarpus (2), astragalus, calcaneus, m eta­ D ružina: M arten (M ustelidae)
• Faza IzA: 5 fragm entov (razpredelnica 16.2) M ustela putorius Linnaeus, 1758

O stanki lisice predstavljajo 3,8-odstotni delež vseh do­ M aterial:

ločljivih primerkov. Porazdelitev najdb vzdolž profila • IzA phase: os carpale
(faza IzA ) kaže na njihovo koncentracijo v prazgodo­ The os carpale from spit 4 is the only find o f the re­
vinskih režnjih. Podoben vzorec je bil ugotovljen tudi m ains o f E uropean polecat. Dog is its m ost im p o rtan t
pri ostankih poljskega zajca. Pri tem kaže om eniti, d a je p redator (K ryštufek 1991), so its presence in Viktorjev
k akum ulaciji slednjih lahko pom em bno prispevala prav spodm ol is not necessarily co nnected with m ankind.
lisica, saj je bila ta verjetno njegov najpom em bnejši ple­
nilec (K ryštufek 1991).
Martes ex. gr. marteslfoina

D ružina: Kune (M ustelidae) M aterial:

• V iktor phase, layer with pottery: radius ( I fr.), me­
Mustela putorius Linnaeus, 1758 tapodium (2 fr.)
• V iktor and IzA phase: dens (3 )
G radivo: • IzA phase: 6 fragm ents (Table 16.2)
• Faza IzA: os carpale
Rem ains o f pine m arten Martes martes (Linnaeus, 1758)
K arpalna kost iz režnja 4 je edini najdeni ostanek na­ and beech m arten M. foina (Erxleben, 1777) together
vadnega dihurja. Njegov najpom em bnejši plenilec je pes represent two percent o f all finds from Viktorjev spod­
(K ryštufek 1991), tako da tudi v tem prim eru njegova mol (Table 16.1 ). D istinguishing between these two spe­
p risotnost v Viktorjevem spodm olu ni nujno neposred­ cies on the basis o f fragm ented postcranial skeletal ele­
no povezana s človekom. m ents is difficult, so we lim ited ourselves here to deter­
m ination to the level o f genus. Only beech m arten is
found today on the Kras, being a great deal less particu­
Martes ex. gr. martes/foina lar in term s o f choice o f habitat th an the predom inantly
forest bound pine m arten (K ryštulek 1991).
• Faza Viktor, plast s keramiko: radius (1 fr.), meta-
podium (2 fr.) Meles meles (Linnaeus, 1758)
• Faza V iktor in IzA: dens (3)
• Faza IzA: 6 fragm entov (razpredelnica 16.2) Material:
• V iktor phase, layer with pottery: m andibula ( I fr.),
O stanki kune zlatice Martes martes (Linnaeus, 1758) in hum erus; layer w ithout pottery: m andibula (1 fr.);
kune belice M .foina (Erxleben, 1777) predstavljajo sku­ mixed: os m axillare (1 fr.), atlas ( I fr.), phalanx II,
paj dva odstotka vseh najdb iz Viktorjevega spodm ola astragalus (I fr.), ulna (1 fr.), m etacarp u s (I fr.),
(razpredelnica 16.1). Ločevanje med navedenim a vrsta­ m etapodium (1 fr.)
ma na osnovi fragm entiranih postkranialnih skeletnih • V iktor and IzA phase: dens (3 ), phalanx II (2 )
elem entov je težavno, zato sm o se v našem prim eru • IzA phase: 15 fragm ents (Table 16.2)
omejili na determ inacijo le do nivoju rodu. D anes naj­
dem o na Krasu sam o kuno belico, ki je glede izbire ha­ Badger, with a share o f 5.1 percent, is the m ost repre­
bitata veliko manj izbirčna kot pretežno na gozdove ve­ sented carnivore species in Viktorjev spodm ol. W olf and
zana kuna zlatica (K ryštufek 1991). lynx in addition to m an may have co ntributed to the
accum ulation o f its rem ains. N or can the possibility o f
deaths in the lair be ignored (Kryštufek 1991). We found
Meles meles (L innaeus, 1758) no tra c e o f h u m an activ ity (c u ts, c h o p m a rk s) o r
carnivore’s gnawing on any o f the finds. In the dim en­
Gradivo: sions from Table 3, the m andible and hum erus from
• Faza V iktor, plast s keramiko: m andibula (1 fr.), Viktorjev spodm ol lie at the lower boundary o f the range
hum erus; plast brez keramike: m andibula (1 fr.); pre­ seen in M. meles from the Swiss N eolithic site o f See-
m ešano: os maxillare (1 fr.), atlas ( I fr.), phalanx II, berg Burgäschisse-Süd (B oessneck et al. 1963).
astragalus (1 fr.), ulna (1 fr.), m etacarpus (1 fr.),
m etapodium ( I fr.)
• Faza V iktor in IzA: dens (3), phalanx II (2) Lutra lutra (L innaeus, 1758)
• Faza IzA: 15 fragm entov (razpredelnica 16.2)
M aterial:
Jazbec je s 5,1-odstotnim deležem najbolje zastopana • V iktor phase, layer w ithout pottery: fem ur (I fr.)
zverska vrsta v Viktorjevem spodm olu. Ob človeku so k • IzA phase: tooth
akum ulaciji njegovih ostankov lahko prispevali tudi volk
in ris. Z anem ariti ne gre niti m ožnost pogina v jazbinah T he fem ur o f O tter from the M esolithic layer o f V iktor­
(K rystufek 1991). N a nobeni od najdb nism o našli sle­ jev spodm ol was com pletely ossified and thus presum a­
dov človekovega delovanja (vrez, zasekanina) oz. zver­ bly belonged to an anim al m ore th an three years old
skih zob. V dim enzijah iz tabele 3 se spodnji čeljustnici (Z eiler 1988). A lthough we did not find traces o f cuts,
in hum erus iz Viktorjevega spodm ola uvrščajo na spod­ we assum e th a t they were hunted m ainly for the pelt
njo mejo variacijske širine za vrsto M. meles iz švicarske­ and the m eat was o f secondary im portance (Zeiler 1987).
ga neolitskega najdišča Seeberg B urgäschisse-Süd (Bo-
essneck et al. 1963).
Family: C ats (Felidae)

Lulra hitra (Linnaeus, 1758) Felis cf. silvestris Schreber, 1777

G radivo: M aterial:
• Faza Viktor, plast brez keramike: fem ur ( I fr.) • V iktor phase, layer with pottery: fem ur (1 fr.); layer
• Faza IzA: dens w ithout pottery: hum erus ( I fr.); mixed: dens (2),
m andibula (1 fr.), phalanx III
Fem ur vidre iz m ezolitske plasti V iktorjevega spodm ola • V iktor and IzA phase: dens, ulna (1 fr.), astragalus,
je bil že popolnom a osificiran in je tako pripadal dom ­ phalanx II, phalanx III
nevno več kot tri leta stari živali (Z eiler 1988). Čeprav • IzA phase: dens, astragalus
nism o našli sledi vrezov, pričakujem o, da so jih lovili
predvsem zaradi kožuha, m edtem ko naj bi imelo meso D istinguishing between wild and dom estic cat Felis ca­
šele drugoten pom en (Z eiler 1987). m s Linnaeus, 1758, is fairly difficult on the basis o f post-
cranial skeletal elem ents. T he identification o f cat re­
m ains from V iktorjev spodm ol as F. silvestris is thus ba­
D ružina: M ačke (Felidae) sed mainly on th e fact th at the oldest com pletely do­
m esticated form s o f th is species in E urope are only
Felis cf. silvestris Schreber, 1777 known from the second h alf o f the first m illennium BC
(Bökönyi 1974; Clutton-Brock 1999). The dim ensions
Gradivo: o f the distal p art o f the hum erus from the M esolithic
• Faza Viktor, plast s keramiko: fem ur (1 fr.); plast layer (V iktor phase), w hich clearly exceed the values for
brez keramike: hum erus (1 fr.); prem ešano: dens (2), the species F. catus are also in agreem ent with this.
m andibula (1 fr.), phalanx III

Razpredelnica 16. J: Dim enzije ostankov jazbeca Meles meles iz Viktorjevega spodm ola (faza IzA). Z izjem o Vzm 2 (=višina
spodnje čeljustnice za m 2) so dimenzije povzete po Von Drieschevi (1976). Podatki za jazbeca iz najdišča Burgäschisee-Siid so
povzeti po Jequierju (1 963). Za identifikacijo okrajšav glej prilogo.
Table 16.3: D im ensions o f remains o f badger Meles meles from Viktorjev spodm ol (IzA phase). With the exception o f Vzm2
(=height o f the mandible behind m 2) dim ensions are taken from Von Driesch (1976). Data for badger from the site Burgäschi-
see-Stid are taken from Jequier (1 963). See annex for identification o f abbreviations.

Skeletni element Dimenzija Vrednost (mm) Burgäschisee-Siid

Skeletal element Dimension M easure (mm) (mm)
Vzm2 17 17,7-20,7
mandibula ml L I4 ,5 -I6 (n = 2 ) 15,4-17,7
mlB 7 (n=2) 6 ,8-8,5
BFcd 32,5 -

BFcr 24 —
H 22 -

Lad 7,5 -

BT 20,5-21 (n=2) -

Bp 23,5 25,7-29,6
humerus Bd 31 28-32,7
GL 98,5 98,0-113,4
Dp 28 8.7-10,1
Bp 7
phalanx I Bd 5
GL 13,5
• Faza V iktor in IzA: dens, ulna (1 fr.), astragalus, Lynx lynx (Linnaeus, 1758)
phalanx II, phalanx III
• Faza IzA: dens, astragalus M aterial:
• V iktor phase, mixed: phalanx II (1 fr.)
Ločevanje med divjo in dom ačo m ačko Felis talus Lin­
naeus, 1758, je na osnovi postkranialnega skeleta dokaj The second phalanx obtained during the introductory
težavno. Določitev mačjih ostankov iz Viktorjevega spod­ phase o f test excavation at Viktorjev spodm ol (V iktor
m ola za F. silvestris je tako temeljila predvsem na dejstvu, phase), is th e only find o f lynx from this site. Rem ains
da so najstarejše povsem udom ačene oblike om enjene o f this species are also reported from som e o th er co n ­
vrste v Evropi znane šele iz druge polovice prvega tisoč­ tem porary sites in this region, e.g., Pod Č rm ukljo by
letja pred K ristusom (B ökönyi 1974; C lutton-B rock Šembije (P ohar 1986) and Želvina jam a by Briščiki (Grat­
1999). Skladne s tem so tudi dim enzije distalnega dela ia della tartaruga; C rem onesi 1984) on the T riestine
hum erusa iz m ezolitske plasti (faza V iktor), ki očitno Karst, though they are never num erous. The m odesty o f
presegajo vrednosti za vrsto F. catus. the finds unfortunately does n ot allow an assessm ent o f
the size o f anim als, but it can nevertheless be assum ed
th at they did n o t achieve the size o f anim als living today
Lynx lynx ( Linnaeus, 1758) in Slovenia. T he latter, namely, are the descendants o f
six individuals o f the large C arp ath ian sub-species L. I.
Gradivo: carpathicus Kratochvil and Šollm ann, 1963, which were
• Faza Viktor, prem ešano: phalanx 11(1 fr.) introduced into Kočevski Rog in 1973 (K rystufek 1991),
au to ch th o n o u s lynx having been previously exterm ina­
D ruga prstnica, pridobljena med uvodno fazo sondira­ ted in Slovenia.
nja v Viktorjevem spodm olu (tj. faza V iktor), je edina
najdba risa s tega najdišča. O sicer vedno m aloštevilnih
ostankih te vrste poročajo tudi iz nekaterih drugih sočas­ O rder: Even-toed ungulates (A rtiodactyla)
nih najdišč s tega obm očja, npr. Pod Črm uklje pri Šem­ Family: Pigs (Suidae)
bijah (P o h a r 1986) in Ž elvine ja m e pri Briščikih na
Tržaškem krasu - Grotta detla tartaruga (C rem onesi S us ex. gr. scrofal domesticus
1984). Skrom nost najdb žal ne dopušča ocene velikosti
tak ratnih živali, kljub tem u pa lahko dom nevam o, da te Material:
niso dosegale danes živečih risov v Sloveniji. Slednji so • Viktor phase, layer with pottery: cranium (2 fr.), dens
nam reč potom ci šestih osebkov po velikosti izstopajoče (2), m andibula (2 fr.), radius (1 fr.), m etacarpus,
karpatske podvrste L. I. carpathicus Kratochvil in Šol- m etapodium (2 fr.), phalanx I, ; layer w ithout pot­
Imann, 1963, ki s o jih v Kočevskem Rogu naselili leta tery: cranium ( 1 fr.), os maxillare (3 fr.), dens (4 ),
1973 (K ryštufek 1991). Avtohtoni ris je bil nam reč pred radius (1 fr.), m etacarp u s (2 ), ossa coxae (1 fr.),
tem v Sloveniji iztrebljen. fibula (1 fr.), astragalus, m etapodium (2 fr.), pha­
lanx I , : mixed: os maxillare (2 fr.), dens ( 14), radius
(1 fr.), ulna (1 fr.), ossa ca rp alia (2 ), calcaneus,
Red: Sodoprsti kopitarji ali parkljarji (A rtiodactyla) phalanx I (2 fr.), phalanx III (2 )
D ružina: Prašiči ali svinje (Suidae) • V iktor and IzA phase: m andibula (1 fr.), dens (6),
os carpale, m etacarpus, os sesam oideum (3 ), m eta­
S us ex. gr. scrofaldomesticus podium ( I fr.), phalanx I, phalanx 111 (1 fr.)
• IzA phase: 76 rem ains (Table 16.2)
• Faza Viktor, plast s keramiko: cranium (2 fr.), dens Rem ains o f the genus Sus represent approxim ately one
(2), m andibula (2 fr.), radius ( I fr.), m etacarpus, q u arter o f all finds from V iktorjev spodm ol (Table 16.1).
m etapodium (2 fr.), phalanx I, ; plast brez keram i­ D istinguishing between wild boar (Sus seroja Linnaeus,
ke: cranium (1 fr.), os maxillare (3 fr.), dens (4), 1758) and dom estic pig (S. domesticus Erxleben, 1777)
radius (1 fr.), m etacarpus (2), ossa coxae (1 fr.), only on the basis o f bone rem ains is very difficult (Her-
fibula (1 fr.), astragalus, m etapodium (2 fr.), pha­ re 1972). D ifferences between the two species in the
lanx I, ; prem ešano: os m axillare (2 fr.), dens (14), m orphology o f skeletal elem ents are small and lim ited
radius (1 fr.), ulna (1 fr.), ossa carpalia (2), calcane­ to elem ents th a t are either rare (e.g. canine teeth ) or
us, phalanx I (2 fr.), phalanx III (2) very fragm ented (skulls; Bökönyi 1974). In the case o f
• Faza V iktor in IzA: m andibula (1 fr.), dens (6), os Viktorjev spodm ol, we could confirm with certain ly the
carpale, m etacarpus, os sesam oideum (3), m etapo­ presence o f rem ains o f both species in this way (Fig.
dium (1 fr.), phalanx I, Phalanx III (I fr.) 16.2), but could not assess the num erical relation bet-
• Faza IzA: 76 ostankov (razpredelnica 16.2)

O stanki rodu Sus predstavljajo približno četrtino vseh

najdb iz V iktorjevega spodm ola (razpredelnica 16.1).
Ločevanje med divjim (Sus scrofa Linnaeus, 1758) in
dom ačim (S. domesticus Erxleben, 1777) prašičem je le
na podlagi kostnih ostankov zelo težavno (H erre 1972).
Razlike m ed obem a vrstam a v m orfologiji skeleta so
nam reč m ajhne in om ejene na elem ente, ki so v arheo­
loških vzorcih največkrat bodisi redki (npr. podočniki)
bodisi zelo fragm entirani (lobanja; Bökönyi 1974). V
prim eru Viktorjevega spodm ola sm o sicer na ta način
lahko z gotovostjo potrdili prisotnost ostankov obeh vrst
(sl. 16.2), ne pa tudi ocenili številčnega razm erja med
njima. Za kaj takega so se izkazali kot neprim erni tudi
izsledki biom etrijske analize izkopanega m ateriala ter
ocena starostne strukture v vzorcu zastopanih osebkov
(ra zp red e ln ic a 16.4; A lbarella in S erjeantson 2002).
Metacarpus 111 in IV ter astragalus iz faze V iktor (plast
brez keram ike) po dim enzijah lahko v Sloveniji z veliko
verjetnostjo pripišem o divjem u prašiču (glej Bökönyi
1995), kar bi lahko rekli tudi o metacarpus II iz faze
V iktor (plast s keramiko). G ledano v celoti pa je vzorec
Sl. 16.2: Ostanki divjega prašiča Sus scrofa iz Viktorjevega
veliko prem ajhen, da bi dopuščal oceno obsega prekri­ spodmola. Legenda: A - metacarpus lil (medialno; faza Vik­
vanja med populacijam a obeh vrst (Payne in Buli 1988; tor: plast brez keramike), B - metacarpus IV (medialno; faza
Bökönyi 1995). Z aradi navedenega naših pričakovanj, Viktor: plast brez keramike), ter C - metacarpus II (lateral­
da je dom ači prašič v Viktorjevem spodm olu zastopan no; faza Viktor: plast s keramiko). Merila so podana v cm.
le v prazgodovinskih režnjih, tako še ne m orem o z go­ Foto M. Grm.
tovostjo potrditi. Fig. 16.2: Remains o f wild boar Sus scrofa from Viktorjev spod­
mol. Legenda: A - m etacarpus 111 (m edial aspect; Viktor
phase: layer without pottery), B - m etacarpus IV (m edial
aspect; Viktor phase: layer without pottery), and C - meta­
D ružina: Jeleni (C ervidae)
carpus II (lateral aspect; Viktor phase: layer with pottery).
M easurements are given in cm. Photo M. Grin.
Cervus elaphus Linnaeus, 1758

• Faza Viktor, plast s keramiko: os cornu (4 fr.), dens, ween them . The results o f biom etric analysis o f the ex­
m andibula (2 fr.), hum erus (2 fr.), ossa m etacarpa- cavated m aterial and assessm ent o f the age stru ctu re in
lia ( 4 fr.), ossa m etatarsalia (4 fr.), m etapodium (3 the sam ple o f individuals represented (Table 16.4; Alba­
fr.), phalanx I (1 fr.); plast brez keramike: os cornu rella and Serjeantson 2002) also appeared unsuitable.
( I fr.), os maxillare ( I fr.), m andibula (4 fr.), dens, T he metacarpus III and IV and astragalus from the Vik­
scapula (1 fr.), hum erus (2 fr.), ulna (1 fr.), ossa to r phase ( layer w ithout pottery) in term s o f dim ensions
m etacarpalia (9 fr.), ossa carpalia ( I fr.), ossa coxae in Slovenia can be ascribed with great probability to wild
(2 fr.), ossa m etatarsalia (3 fr.), m etapodium (5 fr.), boar (cf. Bökönyi 1995), w hich could also be said o f the
ossa tarsalia (1), phalanx I (5 fr.), phalanx III (2); metacarpus 11 from the V iktor phase (layer with pottery).
prem ešano: os cornu (2 fr.), dens (3), radius (1 fr.), N evertheless, viewed as a whole, the sam ple is a great
ossa carpalia (2), ossa m etacarpalia (2 fr.), astraga­ deal too small to allow an assessm ent o f the ratio bet­
lus (3), calcaneus, phalanx I (2 fr.), phalanx II (2 ween the two species (Payne and Bull 1988: Bökönyi
fr.), ossa coxae ( I fr.), ossa m etatarsalia (1 fr.), me­ 1995). Because o f the aforem entioned, we can n o t with
tapodium (1 fr.), ossa sesam oidea (2) certain ty confirm our expectations th at dom estic pig is
• Faza V iktor in IzA: os cornu (1 fr.), dens, epistrop­ represented in Viktorjev spodm ol only in the Prehisto­
heus, ossa tarsalia (1 fr.), phalanx I (6 fr.) ric spits.
• Faza IzA: 74 ostankov (razpredelnica 16.2)

O stanki navadnega jelena predstavljajo največji, skoraj

30-odstotni delež vseh izkopanih kosti in zob v celot-
nem vzorcu (razpredelnica 16.1). Podobno sliko kažejo Family: D eer (C ervidae)
tudi številna druga m ezolitska in prazgodovinska naj­
dišča na Krasu (npr. Riedel 1975; C rem onesi etal. 1984; Cervus elaphus Linnaeus, 1758
Pohar 1990; Turk el al. 1993; Petrucci 1997; Boschin in
Riedel 2000) in v Istri (M iracle et al. 2000; M iracle M aterial:
2002), kjer je jelen prav tako najbolje zastopana vrsta • V iktor phase, layer with pottery: os cornu (4 fr.),
(lovnih) velikih sesalcev. V okviru V iktorjevega spod­ dens, m andibula (2 fr.), hum erus (2 fr.), ossa meta-
m ola so bili ostanki C. elaphus pogosti predvsem v me- carpalia ( 4 fr.), ossa m etatarsalia (4 fr.), m etapodi­
zolitski plasti (faza IzA: režnji 10-19), kjer predstavlja­ um (3 fr.), phalanx I ( I fr.); layer w ithout pottery:
jo skoraj polovico vseh najdb. Po drugi strani so v prazgo­ os cornu (1 fr.), os m axillare (1 fr.), m andibula (4
dovinskih režnjih (faza IzA; režnji 1-7) s komaj 10-od- fr.), dens, scapula (1 fr.), hum erus (2 fr.), ulna (I
stotnim deležem veliko manj številni. Ugotovitev je priča­ fr.), ossa m etacarpalia (9 fr.), ossa carpalia (I fr.),
kovana, saj se je v prazgodovini s pojavom živinoreje in ossa coxae (2 fr.), ossa m etatarsalia (3 fr.), m etapo­
poljedelstva pom en lova postopno zm anjševal. dium (5 fr.), ossa tarsalia ( I ), phalanx I (5 fr.), pha­
Delež kosti s še nezraščenim a epi- in diafizo je za­ lanx III (2); mixed: os cornu (2 fr.), dens (3 ), radius
nem arljiv (1,5 %). Merljivih ostankov je prem alo, da bi (1 fr.), ossa carpalia (2), ossa m etacarpalia (2 fr.),
lahko ocenili velikost preteklih populacij; jelen je nam ­ astragalus (3 ), calcaneus, phalanx I (2 fr.), phalanx
reč zelo variabilna vrsta (K ryštufek 1991). Prim erjava II (2 fr.), ossa coxae ( I fr.), ossa m etatarsalia (1 fr.),
dim enzij izkopanih primerkov iz Viktorjevega spodm o­ m etapodium (1 fr.), ossa sesam oidea (2)
la s tistim i iz švicarskega neolitskega najdišča Seeberg • Viktor and IzA phase: os cornu ( I fr.), dens, epistrop­
Burgäschisse-Süd (Boessneck et al. 1963) pa je pokaza­ heus, ossa tarsalia (1 fr.), phalanx I (6 fr.)
la, da so slednji pravilom a nekoliko večji. Kolikor je naš • IzA phase: 74 rem ains (Table 16.2)
vzorec reprezentativen, potem bi lahko sklepali, da me-
zolitski jeleni po velikosti niso presegali poznejših, pra­ Rem ains o f red deer represent the largest, alm ost 30%
zgodovinskih živali iste vrste. D o podobnih zaključkov share o f all excavated bones and teeth in the w hole sam ­
je za obm očje Tržaškega krasa prišel tudi Riedel (1975). ple (Table 16.1). N um erous o th er M esolithic and Pre­
historic sites on the Kras (e.g., Riedel 1975; Crem onesi
el at. 1984; Pohar 1990; Turk et al. 1993; Petrucci 1997;
Alces alces (Linnaeus, 1758) Boschin and Riedel 2000) and in Istria (M iracle et al.
2000; M iracle 2002) show a sim ilar picture, w here red
Gradivo: - d e e r is sim ilarly the m ost represented species o f (h u n ­
• Faza IzA: dens ted) large m am m al. In the context o f V iktorjev spod­
mol, the rem ains o f C. elaphus are frequent above all in
Levi četrti spodnji predm eljak (dolžina: 28 mm; širina the M esolithic layer ( IzA phase: spits 10-19), where they
19,5 m m ) je edini ostanek losa v vzorcu iz Viktorjevega represent alm ost h alf o f all finds. On the o th er hand in

Razpredelnica 16.4: Število prašičjih (Sus sp.) kosti z (ne)zraščenima epi- in diafizo po starostnih skupinah. Posamezno skupino
sestavljajo skeletni elementi, ki popolnoma osificirajo v istem starostnem obdobju. Podatki o obdobju zraščanja epi- in diafiz so
povzeti po Silverju (1972).
Table 16.4: Number of domestic pig/wild boar (Sus sp.) bones with (un)fused epiphyses by age groups. Individual groups consist
of skeletal elements that are completely ossified in the same age period. Data on the period of fusing of epiphyses is taken from
Silver (1972).

D oba Starost (v letih) E pifiza zraščena E pifiza ni zraščena SK U P A J

P eriod A ge (in years) E pip hysis fused E pip hysis not I'uscd TOTAL

0-1 2 - 5
1-2 1 2 3
2-3 1 4 5
3- — — —

S K U P A J/TOTAL 4 6 10
0-1 6 — 6
1-2 6 5 11
2-3 5 6 11
3- 1 1
S K U P A J/TOTAL 18 12 30
spodm ola (sl. 16.3). O braba grizalne površine kaže, da Prehistoric spits (IzA phase: spits 1-7) they are very
je zob pripadal odrasli živali. O izoliranih najdbah losa m uch less num erous, with a ten p ercent share. T he fin­
na K rasu poročajo tudi z m ezolitskih najdišč M ala Trig- ding is expected, since in the Prehistoric period th e im­
lavca pri Divači (P ohar 1990) in Jam a na Sedlu pri Šem- po rtan ce o f hunting was gradually reduced with the ap­
polaju na Tržaškem krasu - Grolta Benussi ( Riedel 1975). pearance o f anim al husbandry and arable farming.
The share o f bones with unfused epiphyses is neg­
Capreolus capreolus (Linnaeus, 1758) ligible (1.5 %). T here are too few m easurable rem ains to
be able to assess the size o f form er populations: red deer,
Gradivo: nam ely is a very variable species (K ryštufek 1991). C om ­
• Faza Viktor, plast s keramiko: atlas (1 fr.), ossa me- parison o f the dim ensions o f the excavated specim ens
tatarsalia (1 fr.); plast brez keramike: scapula (1 fr.), from V iktorjev spodm ol with those from the Swiss N eo­
ossa coxae (2 fr.); prem ešano: dens, ossa tarsalia lithic site Seeberg Burgäschisse-Süd (B oessneck el al.
(1), phalanx 1 (2 fr.) 1963) indicate th a t the latter were generally som ew hat
• Faza V iktor in IzA: m etapodium (1 fr.), phalanx 1 larger. Insofar as our sam ple is representative, then we
(1 fr.), phalanx lil (1 fr.) could conclude th at M esolithic deer were not larger than
• Faza IzA: 10 ostankov (razpredelnica 16.2) Prehistoric anim als o f this species. Riedel (1975) cam e
to a sim ilar conclusion for the area o f the Triestine Karst.
Skupno 21 ostankov srne predstavlja slabe štiri odstot­
ke vseh izkopanih kosti in zob. Pretežni del najdb izhaja
iz m ezolitskih režnjev, podobno kot to velja tudi za pre­ Alces alces (Linnaeus, 1758)
ostali dve pom em bni lovni vrsti (jelena, divjega prašiča).
Z izjem o m etapodija iz faze V iktor in IzA, so bili vsi M aterial:
drugi izkopani fragm enti že popolnom a osificirani. • IzA phase: dens

T he left fourth lower prem olar (length: 28 mm; width

D ružina: Votlorogi (Bovidae) 19.5 m m ) is the only rem ains o f m oose in the sam ple
from Viktorjev spodm ol (Fig. 16.3). T he w orn gnawing
Ovis s. Capra surface indicates th a t th e to o th belonged to an adult
anim al. Isolated finds o f m oose on the Kras are also
G radivo (* - C. hircus, ** - O. aries): reported from M esolithic sites Mala Triglavca by Divača
• Faza Viktor, plast s keramiko: ossa tarsalia (1), hum e­ (P o h ar 1990) and Jam a na Sedlu by Šem polaj (Grotta
rus (1 fr.**), ossa m etacarpalia (1 fr.**), fem ur (1 Benussi', Riedel 1975) on the Triestine Karst.
fr.**), tibia (1 fr.**): prem ešano: dens (4), d e n s( 1*)

Capreolus capreolus (Linnaeus, 1758)

• V iktor phase, layer with pottery: atlas ( I fr.), ossa
m etatarsalia (1 fr.); layer w ithout pottery: scapula
(1 fr.), ossa coxae (2 fr.); mixed: dens, ossa tarsalia
(1), phalanx 1 (2 fr.)
• V iktor and IzA phase: m etapodium (1 fr.),phalanx
I (1 fr.), phalanx 111 (1 fr.)
• IzA phase: 10 rem ains (Table 16.2)

A total o f 21 rem ains o f roe deer represent less than

four percent o f all excavated bones and teeth. T he pre­
dom inant part o f finds derive from M esolithic spits, as
also applies for the o th er two im p o rtan t hunted species
(red deer, wild boar). W ith th e exception o f the m etapo­
dium from the V iktor and IzA phase, all o th e r excava­
Sl. I6..1- Levi četrti spodnji predmeljak losa A Ices alces iz Vik­
torjevega spodmola (faza IzA: reženj 6). Merilo je podano v ted fragm ents were com pletely ossified.
cm. Foto M. Grm.
Fig. 16.3: Left fourth lower molar of moose Alces alces from
Viktorjev spodmol (IzA phase: spit 6). Measurements are gi­
ven in cm. Photo M. Grm.
• Faza V iktor in IzA: dens (5), phalanx I (1 fr.) Family: A ntelopes, gazelles, cattle, sheep, goats, and
• Faza IzA: 14 ostankov (razpredelnica 16.2) relatives (Bovidae)

Od skupno 31 ostankov, ki sm o jih pripisali drobnici,

jih je bilo m ogoče le osem določiti do nivoja vrste. Tako Ovis s. Capra
je bila ovca ( Ovis aries Linnaeus, 175B) zastopana s šes­
timi, koza (Capra hircus Linnaeus, 1758) pa z dvem a M aterial (* - C. hircus, ** - O. aries):
najdbam a. Skrom no število ostankov sicer onem ogoča • V iktor phase, layer with pottery: ossa tarsalia (1),
oceno vloge ene in druge vrste v takratni živinoreji. Kaže hum erus (1 fr.**), ossa m etacarpalia (1 fr.**), femur
pa om eniti, da ostanki ovce prevladujejo tudi v drugih ( I fr.**), tibia (1 fr.**); mixed: dens (4 ), dens (1*)
prazgodovinskih najdiščih na Krasu (C rem onesi el al. • V iktor and IzA phase: dens (5), phalanx I (1 fr.)
1984; Petrucci 1997; Boschin in Riedel 2000). • IzA phase: 14 rem ains (Table 16.2)
V skladu s pričakovanji sm o vseh 31 ostankov po­
brali bodisi iz prazgodovinskih režnjev bodisi iz sedi­ O f a total o f 31 rem ains th at can be ascribed to ovicapri-
m enta, kjer so bile najdbe prem ešane. N a osnovi ocene nes, it was only possible to ascribe a species to eight. So
starostne strukture živali ob zakolu (razpredelnica 16.5) sheep ( Ovis aries Linnaeus, 1758) are represented with
se zdi, da sekundarni produkti reje drobnice niso imeli six and goat ( Capra hircus L innaeus, 1758) with two
večjega pom ena. Od sicer skupno komaj 15 ustrezno finds. T he m odest num ber o f rem ains do not allow an
o hranjenih skeletnih elem entov jih nam reč devet še ni evaluation o f the role o f either species in then animal
imelo zraščene epi- in diafize. Ker osem od navedenih husbandry. It is w orth m entioning that the rem ains of
devetih ostankov pri drobnici popolnom a osificira pri sheep also predom inate in other Prehistoric sites on the
starosti m ed 12 in 36 m esecev (M oran in O ’C o n n o r Kras (C rem onesi et al. 1984; Petrucci 1997; Boschin
1994) lahko upravičeno dom nevam o, da so šle te živali and Riedel 2000).
v zakol pred dopolnitvijo tretjega leta starosti. Po drugi In line with expectations, we collected all 31 re­
strani vseh šest fragm entov z že zraščenim a epi- in diafi- m ains either from Prehistoric spits or from sedim ents
zo iz našega vzorca popolnom a osificira preden žival w here the finds had been mixed. O n the basis o f an ass­
dopolni 24 mesecev starosti, kar zopet dopušča možnost, essm ent o f the age stru ctu re o f anim als at death (Table
da so ostanki pripadali živalim, mlajšim od treh let. V 16.5) it appears th at secondary products o f rearing ovi-
kolikor bi bil naš vzorec reprezentativen, bi navedene caprines did not have m ajor im portance. O f a total o f
ugotovitve lahko razum eli kot razm erom a zanesljiv ka­ barely 15 suitably preserved skeletal elem ents, namely,
zalec pretežno v produkcijo mesa usm erjene reje ovc in .■nine did not have fused epiphyses. Since in ovicaprines
koz (Jarm an 1975; Boschin in Riedel 2000). Edini ustrez­ eight o f the nine aforem entioned rem ains com pletely
no ohranjen spodnji meljak je dom nevno pripadal med ossify at an age between 12 and 36 m onths (M o ran in
štiri in osem let stari živali (Payne 1973; 1987) O ’C o n n o r 1994) we can justifiably assum e th at these
anim als were killed before the age o f three years. On the
other hand all the skeletal elem ents represented in this
Bos cf. primigenius Bojanus, 1827 sam ple with fragm ents having epiphyses fused with di-
aphyses (N =6), tend to ossify com pletely before the ani­
Gradivo: mal is 24 m onth old. T he latter again allows the possibi­
• Faza Viktor, plast brez keramike: dens, phalanx I lity th at the rem ains belonged to anim als younger than
(2), phalanx III three years. Insofar as our sam ple is representative, the
• Faza IzA: dens aforem entioned finding could be understood as a relati-

Razpredelnica 16.5: Število ostankov drobnice (Ovis s. Capra) z (ne)zraščenima epi- in diafizo po starostnih skupinah. Posamez­
no skupino sestavljajo skeletni elementi, ki popolnoma osificirajo v istem starostnem obdobju. Podatki o obdobju zraščanja epi-
in diafiz so povzeti po Moran in O’Connor (1994).
Table 16.5: Number of remains of ovicaprines (Ovis s. Capra) with (un)fused epiphyses by age groups. Individual groups consist
of skeletal elements that are completely ossified in the same age period. Data on the period of fusing of the epiphyses are taken
from Moran and O’Connor (1994).

S tarost (v letili) Kpifi/.a zraščen a Kpifi/.a ni z raščen a SK U PA .I

A ge (in years) E p ip h ysis fused K piphysis not fused TOTAL
0-1 — 1 1
1-2 5 5 10
2-3 3 — 3
3- 1 - 1
Dva zoba in tri prstnice iz V iktorjevega spodm ola po vely reliable indicator o f th e rearing o f sheep and goats
vsej verjetnosti pripadajo pragovedu (sl. 16.4). Do takš­ being oriented to th e production o f m eat (Jarm an 1975;
nega sklepa sm o prišli na osnovi dimenzij navedenih frag­ Boschin and Riedel 2000). The only adequately preser­
m entov (priloga), ki se uvrščajo znotraj variacijske širi­ ved lower m olar is presum ed to have belonged to an
ne za neolitskodobna pragoveda iz Švice in D anske (Pay­ animal between four and eight years (Payne 1973; 1987).
ne 1972a). Posam ezni ostanki te vrste so znani tudi iz
dveh najdišč pri Divači, oddaljenih le nekaj kilom etrov
od V iktorjevega spodm ola, nam reč iz Male Triglavce Bos cf. primigenius Bojanus, 1827
(mezolitik; Pohar 1990) in Trhlovce (prazgodovina; Turk,
neobjavljeno) ter tudi iz Istre (M iracle 2000). M aterial:
• V iktor phase, layer w ithout pottery: dens, phalanx I
(2). phalanx III
Bos taurus Linnaeus, 1758 • IzA phase: dens

Gradivo: Two teeth and three phalanges from Viktorjev spodm ol

• Faza V iktor, plast s keram iko: m andibula (1 fr.), in all likelihood belong to aurochs (Fig. 16.4). We cam e
epistropheus (1 fr.), vertebae cervicales (1 fr.), ossa to such a conclusion on the basis o f the dim ensions o f
coxae (1 fr.), phalanx I (1 fr.), phalanx II (1 fr.); the aforem entioned fragm ents (annex) w hich lie within
prem ešano: dens ( I fr.), astragalus, phalanx III the range o f N eolithic aurochs from Sw itzerland and
• Faza IzA: dens D enm ark (Payne 1972a). Individual rem ains o f this spe­
cies are also known from two sites by Divača, only a few
D om ačem u govedu sm o skupno pripisali le 11 (1,9 %) kilom etres from Viktorjev spodm ol, nam ely Mala Trig-
lavca (M esolithic; Pohar 1990) and Trhlovca (P rehisto­
ric; Turk, unpublished) and also from Istria (M iracle
2000 ).

Bos taurus Linnaeus, 1758

M aterial:
• V iktor phase, layer with pottery: m andibula (1 fr.),
epistropheus (1 fr.), vertebae cervicales (1 fr.), ossa
coxae (I fr.), phalanx I (I fr.), phalanx II (1 fr.);
mixed: dens (I fr.), astragalus, phalanx III
A i_____ i B
• IzA phase: dens

Only 11 (1.9 %) finds were ascribed to dom esticated

cattle. The rem ains were collected either from Prehisto­
ric spits or from sedim ents in w hich finds were mixed.
Similar low shares o f bones and teeth o f this species are
also reported from other contem porary sites on the Kras
(Riedel 1975; Turk et al. 1992; Turk etal. 1993; Petrucci
1997; Boschin and Riedel 2000). The finding is also
entirely in agreem ent with the thesis th a t sheep and go­
ats were the main anim als reared in this region from the
C N eolithic onwards.

Sl. 16.4: Phalanx I (proksimalna sklepna površina; A in B) ter

phalanx 111 (lateralno; C) iz Viktorjevega spodmola, ki dom­ 16.2 D is c u s s io n
nevno pripadata turu Bos primigenius. Material je bil pobran
med fazo Viktor v plasti brez keramike. Merila so podana v
T he main problem s with w hich we were confronted in
cm. Foto M. Grm.
an attem pt to interpret the excavated rem ains o f large
Fig. 16.4: Phalanx I (proximal aspect; A and B) and phalanx
III (lateral aspect; C) from Viktorjev spodmol, presumed to m am m als from V iktorjev spodm ol, were th e m odest
belong to aurochs Bos primigenius. Material was collected num ber o f finds and relatively small area on w hich they
during the Viktor phase in the layer without pottery. Measu­ were collected. Both, o f course, are negatively reflected
rements are given in cm. Foto M. Grm. on the representative nature o f the sam ple, w hich also
najdb. O stanki so bili pobrani bodisi iz prazgodovinskih raises a question about individual interpretations offered
režnjev bodisi iz sedim enta, kjer so bile najdbe prem e­ in this contribution. The correspondence o f our findings
šane. O podobno nizkih deležih kosti in zob te vrste with the findings o f researchers o f various other contem ­
poročajo tudi iz drugih sočasnih najdišč na Krasu (R ie­ porary sits o f the Slovene and Triestine Karst increase
del 1975; Turk et al. 1992; Turk et al. 1993; Petrucci their weight, but the difficulties connected with the use
1997; Boschin in Riedel 2000). Ugotovitev je navsezad­ o f dissimilar techniques and m ethods o f excavation should
nje povsem v skladu s tezo, da sta bili na tem obm očju not be overlooked. M ethods o f obtaining samples that
od neolitika naprej poglavitni živinorejski panogi ovče­ are not com parable, namely are incompatable.
reja in kozjereja. M uch the sam e could be said o f the m aterial itself
from Viktorjev spodm ol, since it was collected with the
use o f various techniques and m ethods o f excavation.
16.2 R a zp rav a T he fairly diverse data on the num erical status o f indivi­
dual species (Table 16.6 and Fig. 16.5) already draws
Poglavitna problem a, s katerim a sm o se srečevali pri attention to the trap o f unifying sam ples obtained during
poskusu interpretacije izkopanih ostankov velikih sesal­ various phases o f test excavation. So, e.g., the share of
cev iz V iktorjevega spodm ola, sta bila skrom no število red deer rem ains in the Prehistoric sedim entat o f Vik­
najdb in relativno m ajhna površina, s katere so bile te tor phase is alm ost 34% while rem ains o f the sam e ani­
pobrane. O boje seveda negativno odseva v reprezenta­ mal in the Prehistoric spits o f IzA phase are only 9 per­
tivnosti vzorca, kar postavlja pod vprašaj tudi posam ez­ cent o f all finds. In assessing the relative frequency of
ne v tem prispevku ponudene interpretacije. U jem anje individual taxa, we therefore used exclusively d ata from
naših ugotovitev z ugotovitvami raziskovalcev z različ­ the IzA phase (Table 16.7). Only the latter, namely, is
nih drugih sočasnih najdišč slovenskega in tržaškega distinguished by the use o f exact techniques and m et­
krasa sicer poveča njihovo težo, vendar pa pri tem ne hods o f excavation, including wet sieving.

Razpredelnica 16.6: Število določenih primerkov (NISP) v Viktorjevem spodmolu zastopanih taksonov velikih sesalcev, prido­
bljenih med posamezno fazo izkopavanj. Identifikacija simbolov: vzorec 1 - faza Viktor (plast s keramiko), vzorec 2 - faza
Viktor (plast brez keramike), vzorec 3 - faza Viktor in IzA (ponovno pregledan nestratificiran sediment iz faze Viktor), vzorec
4 - faza Viktor in IzA (pobrano s sit s premerom luknjic 10 mm) ter vzorec 5 - faza Viktor in IzA (pobrano s sit s premerom
luknjic 3 mm). Za obrazložitev glej besedilo.
Table 16.6: Number of identified specimens (NISP) of individual taxa of large mammals represented in Viktorjev spodmol,
obtained during individual phases of excavation. Identification of symbols: sample 1 - Viktor phase (layer with pottery), sample
2 - Viktor phase (layer without pottery), sample 3 - Viktor and IzA phase (re-examination of unstratified sediments from
Viktor phase), sample 4 - Viktor and IzA phase (collected on sieves with 10 mm hole diameter) and sample 5 - Viktor and IzA
phase (collected on sieves with 3 mm hole diameter). See text for explanation.

V zo rec 1 V zo rec 2 V zo rec 3 V zo rec 4 V zo rec 5 SK U PA J

T ak son
Sam pie 1 Sam p ie 2 Sam pie 3 S am pie 4 S am pie 5 TOTAL
T axon
C. elaphus 21 33,9 39 57,2 24 26,1 9 28,1 1 1,7 94 30,1
Sits sp. 12 19,3 17 25,2 27 29,3 4 12,5 11 18,6 71 22,7
L. europaeus 7 11,3 8 8,7 5 15,6 25 42,3 45 14,4
V. vulpes 5 8,1 3 3,3 7 21,9 2 3,4 17 5,4
M. metes 2 3,2 1 1,5 7 8,7 5 8,5 15 5,1
C.capreolus 2 3,2 3 4.3 3 3,3 2 6,2 1 1,7 11 3,5
Felis sp. 1 1.6 1 1,5 4 4,3 1 3,3 4 6,8 11 3,5
Ovis s. Capra 1 1,6 4 4,3 2 6,2 4 6,8 11 3,5
O. aries 4 6,5 4 1,3
C. hircus 1 1,6 1 1,1 2 0,6
R. taurus 6 9,7 4 4,3 10 3,2
Bos cf. primigenius 4 5,8 4 1,3
U. arctos 1 1,5 2 2,2 2 6,2 3 5,1 8 2,6
Maries sp. 3 3,3 3 5,1 6 1,9
C. familiaris 1 1,5 1 0,3
L. lynx 1 l.l 1 0,3
L. lutra 1 1,5 1 0,3
SK U PAJ/TO TA L 62 100 68 100 91 100 32 100 59 100 312 100
gre spregledati težav povezanih z uporabo neenakih teh ­ Separate data for Prehistoric and M esolithic groups
nik in m etod izkopavanj. N a neprim erljiv način prido­ o f spits are m ore inform ative than the frequency o f finds
bljeni vzorci nam reč niso združljivi. o f individual taxa in th e w hole sample. For this pu rp o ­
Podobno bi lahko trdili tudi o sam em m aterialu iz se, it was first necessary to determ ine the boundary bet­
Viktorjevega spodm ola, saj je bil zbran z uporabo različ­ ween the two com plexes, w hich was not simple. On the
nih tehnik in m etod izkopavanj. N a pasti pri združevanju basis o f the archaeological finds, I. Turk (this volum e)
vzorcev, pridobljenih med različnimi fazami sondiranja, established that it could sensibly be put som ew here wit­
opozarjajo že dokaj različni podatki o številčnosti posa­ hin the group o f spits from six to nine, w hereby the lat­
m eznih vrst (razpredelnica 16.6 in sl. 16.5). Tako npr. te r is already certainly “M esolithic”. On the oth er hand,
delež jelenjih ostankov v prazgodovinskem sedim entu faze th e picture show n by th e rem ains o f sm all m am m als
V iktor dosega skoraj 34 odstotkov, m edtem ko predstav­ puts the division between spits seven and eight (Toškan
ljajo ostanki iste živali v prazgodovinskih režnjih faze IzA and Kryštufek, this volum e). We decided to consider
le devet odstotkov vseh najdb. Pri oceni relativnih frek­ Prehistoric all those finds from spit seven upw ards and
venc posam eznih taksonov smo v tem prispevku tako upo­ M esolithic all those collected from below spit nine. Bo­
rabili izključno podatke iz faze IzA (razpredelnica 16.7). nes and teeth from the "disputed” spits eight and nine
Le slednjo nam reč odlikuje uporaba natančnih tehnik in were thus excluded from the analysis.
m etod izkopavanj, vključno s spiranjem sedimentov. The high share o f rem ains o f red deer (44 %) and
Bolj kot pogostnost najdb posam eznih taksonov v wild boar (38 %) in spits 10-19 confirm s the m ajor im­
celotnem vzorcu so izpovedni ločeni podatki za prazgo­ p o rtan ce o f hunting for M esolithic com m unities o f this
dovinsko in m ezolitsko skupino režnjev. V ta nam en je region (Fig. 16.5a). M any o th er contem p o rary sites on
bilo najprej treba določiti mejo med obem a sklopom a, the K ras (e.g., Riedel 1975; C rem onesi et at. 1984; Po­
kar pa ni bilo preprosto. N a osnovi arheoloških najdb je har 1990; Boschin and Riedel 2000) and in Istria (M ira­
I. Turk (ta zbornik) ugotovil, da bi jo bilo sm iselno posta­ cle et al. 2000; M iracle 2002) show a sim ilar expected
viti nekje znotraj skupine režnjev od šest do deset, pri picture. In all the aforem entioned cases, the rem ains o f
čem er je slednji že zagotovo “m ezolitski". Po drugi stra­ red deer are far the m ost num erous, while wild b oar and
ni postavlja slika, ki jo kažejo ostanki malih sesalcev, roe deer alternate in second and third place. O f dom es­
ločnico med izkopa sedem in osem (Toškan in Kryštu- tic anim als, only dog was represented in M esolithic spits,
fek, ta zbornik). V našem prim eru sm o se tako odločili, although it m ust be rem em bered th at reliably distinguis­
da prištejem o k prazgodovinskim vse tiste najdbe, ki so hing between wild and dom estic pig was often n ot pos­
bile pobrane iz zgornjih sedm ih, k m ezolitskim pa vse sible. However, d ata on the rem ains o f dom estic ani-

Razpredelnica 16.7: Število določenih primerkov (N ISP ) v Viktorjevem spodm olu zastopanih taksonov velikih sesalcev po režnjih.
Podatki se nanašajo izključno na ostanke iz faze IzA.
Table 16.7: Number o f identified specim ens (N ISP ) o f individual taxa o f large mammals represented in Viktorjev spodm ol, by
spits. Data refers exclusively to remains from phase IzA.

Takson \ Reženj SKUPAJ

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 IK 19
Taxon \ Spit TOTAL
L.europaeus 2 5 13 10 14 6 2 1 2 I 1 1 58
M. metes 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 15
M. pulorius 1 1
Martes sp. 2 1 1 1 1 6
L. hitra 1 1
V. vulpes 1 1 1 1 1 5
C. familiaris 1 1 2 1 2 7
U. aretos 1 1
Felis sp. 1 1 2
Sus sp. 2 3 6 1 4 2 4 4 2 7 1 14 10 11 4 1 76
C. elaphus 1 1 1 5 1 1 6 9 10 9 15 9 5 1 74
C. capreolus 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 10
A. alces 1 1
Ovis s. Capra 1 2 4 4 1 12
O. aries 1 1 2
ti. laurus 1 1
Bos sp. 1 1
SKUPAJ/TOTAL 10 13 23 21 31 13 5 9 17 14 19 17 30 23 19 5 3 1 0 273
tiste, ki so bile pobrane iz spodnjih desetih režnjev. Kos­ mals (with the exception o f dog) are relatively small in
ti in zobe iz "sp o rn ih ” izkopov osem in devet sm o torej num ber also in M esolithic layers o f other co n tem p o ra­
izključili iz analize. ry sites on the Kras and in Istria, and they are generally
Visoka deleža ostankov jelena (44 %) ter divjega lim ited to the period o f transition from the M esolithic
prašiča (38 %) v režnjevih 10-19 potrjujeta velik pomen to the N eolithic. T his also, o f course, allows the possibi­
lova za m ezolitske skupnosti tega obm očja (sl. 16.5a). lity o f contam ination or dubious tem poral setting o f finds
P odobno pričakovano sliko kažejo tudi m noga druga (e.g., Riedel 1975).
sočasna najdišča na Krasa (npr. Riedel 1975; Crem one- T he picture shown by the rem ains o f large m am ­
si et al. 1984; Pohar 1990; Boschin in Riedel 2000) in v m als from spits one to seven is essentially different.
Istri (M iracle et al. 2000; M iracle 2002). V vseh navede­ Above all, the undisputed presence o f rem ains o f do­
nih prim erih so nam reč daleč najštevilčnejši prav o stan ­ m estic anim als (ovicaprines, cattle) m ust be m entioned,
ki jelena, m edtem ko se na drugem in tretjem m estu iz­ and the share o f the previously predom inant red deer is
m enjujeta divji prašič in srna. Od dom ačih živali je bil v clearly sm aller (by 35%). R ather less extensive is the fall
mezolitskih režnjih zastopan le pes, čeprav je treba spom ­ in num bers o f the rem ains o f th e genus Sus, which can
niti, da zanesljivo ločevanje med divjim in dom ačim pra­ be ascribed to the fact th a t a significant share o f finds
šičem pogosto ni bilo mogoče. Sicer pa so podatki o o f the abovem entioned genus in the Prehistoric sam ple
ostankih dom ačih živali (z izjem o psa) razm erom a m a­ can certainly be ascribed to dom estic pig. D espite the
loštevilni tudi v m ezolitskih plasteh drugih sočasnih suspicion th at hunting was still relatively im portant long
najdišč s K rasa in Istre, pa še ti so pravilom a om ejeni na after the end o f the M esolithic (C h ap m an and M üller
obdobje prehoda iz m ezolitika v neolitik. To pa seveda 1990), th e m ain differences estab lish ed betw een the
dopušča tudi m ožnost kontam inacije oz. vprašljive ča­ Castelnovian and Prehistoric sam ples can certainly be
sovne um estitve najdb (npr. Riedel 1975). ascribed to the increased im portance o f livestock rea­
ring and arable farming. Perhaps we can also explain in
this light the exceptional increase in the num ber o f ex­
cavated rem ain s o f hare (Fig. 16.5b). R egardless o f
w hether the main factor o f their accum ulation in Vik­
torjev spodm ol was man o r som e carnivore (e.g., fox,
wild cat), such a clear ju m p is very probably an indica­
L. europaeus; 2% to r o f specific changes in the palaeo-environm ent: i.e., a
M meles; 6% spread o f open habitats as a result o f arable farm ing and
C. familiar is; 2% the rearing o f ovicaprines. A num ber o f palinological
analyses (e.g., Culiberg 1995; Šercelj 1996; A ndrič 2002)
point in this direction, and Toškan and Krystufek (this
volum e) cam e to a sim ilar conclusion about the palaeo-
C. elaphus; 44% environm ent on the basis o f rem ains o f small m am m als
from Viktorjev spodm ol.
b REŽNJI/SPITS 1 -7 The use o f percentages for expressing quantitative
Sus sp.; 17%
relations between rem ains o f individual taxa in the sam­
ple is a generally used method in zooarchaeology, but it
M. meles; 5% conceals m ajor traps. So, e.g., the appearance o f remains
C. familiaris; 4% X , o f new species inevitably causes a reduction o f the share
V. vulpes; 4% / o f those already present, although their absolute num ­
bers actually remain unchanged (cf. Payne 1972a). Ta­
king such “phan to m ” changes into account in the shares
o f individual species, can o f course lead to very wrong
conclusions. In order that this should not happen in our
case, we also com pared the M esolithic and Prehistoric
samples from the IzA phase in absolute num ber o f re­
m ains of individual taxa (N ISP). As is clear from Fig.
Sl. 16.5a, b: Relativna frekvenca ostankov (% N ISP ) posam ­
16.6, the results entirely confirm the findings already pre­
eznih v Viktorjevem spodm olu zastopanih taksonov velikih
sesalcev. Podatki se nanašajo izključno na ostanke iz faze sented; the absence o f dom estic animals (except dog) from
IzA: režnji 10-19 (a) in 1-7 (b). M esolithic spits and a fall in num bers o f finds o f hunted
Fig. 16.5a, b: Relative frequency o f remains (% N ISP ) o f in­ game (red deer, wild boar, roe deer) with the arrival the
dividual taxa o f large mammals represented in Viktorjev spod­ Prehistoric period. There is also a clear leap in the num ­
mol. Data refer exclusively to remains from the IzA phase: bers o f rem ains o f hare in the upper seven spits.
spits 10-19 (a) and 1-7 (b).
NISPO 5 10 15 0 5 10 0 5 0 5 0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15 0 5 0 10 20 30 40


L. europaeus M. metes Sus sp. C. capreol.

Ovis/Capra V vulpes C. elephus S M A K RO FAV N A

SI. 16.6: Število določenih fragmentov (N ISP ) nekaterih taksonov velikih sesalcev v Viktorjevem spodmolu, po režnjih. Podatki
se nanašajo izključno na ostanke iz faze IzA.
Fig. 16.6: Number o f individual fragments (N ISP ) o f certain taxa o f large mammals in Viktorjev spodm ol, by spits. Data refer
exclusively to remains from the IzA phase.

Slika, ki jo kažejo ostanki velikih sesalcev iz režnjev 16.3 Taphonom y

ena do sedem je bistveno drugačna. Predvsem m oram o
om eniti nesporno prisotnost ostankov dom ačih živali The main factor o f accum ulation o f anim al rem ains in
(drobnica, govedo), očitno manjši pa je tudi delež prej Viktorjev spodm ol was certainly man. By m eans o f tap-
vodilnega jelena (za kar 35 %). N ekoliko manj obsežen honom ic analysis we thus tried am ong o th er things to
je upad številčnosti ostankov rodu Sus, kar lahko pripi­ in terp ret the reasons for people using the overhang cave
šem o dejstvu, da gre v prazgodovinskem vzorcu pom em ­ at th at tim e. For th at purpose, we established the relati­
ben delež prašičjih najdb zagotovo pripisati dom ačem u ve frequency o f appearance o f various groups o f skeletal
prašiču. Kljub dom nevi, d a je bil na K rasu lov razm ero­ elem ents in the excavated material, whereby we took into
ma pom em ben še dolgo po koncu m ezolitika (C hap m an account exclusively the rem ains o f ungulates (Suidae,
in M üller 1990), lahko pretežni del ugotovljenih razlik Cervidae, Bovidae) from the IzA phase. We determ ined
m ed kastelnovjenskim in prazgodovinskim vzorcem pri­ the following groups; h o rn s/an tlers, teeth, skull (inclu­
pišem o prav povečanem u pom enu živinoreje in polje­ ding cranium, os maxillare, m andibula), ossa coxae, up­
delstva. M orda lahko v tej luči razložim o tudi izjem no per parts o f the foreleg (scapula, humerus, radius, ulna),
povečanje števila izkopanih ostankov zajca (sl. 16.5b). lower parts o f the foreleg (ossa carpalia, ossa metacarpa-
N e glede na to, ali je bil poglavitni dejavnik njihove aku­ lia), upper parts o f the rear leg (J'emur, patella, tibia, f i ­
mulacije v Viktorjevem spodm olu človek ali pa kaka zver bula), lower p art o f the rear leg (astragalus, calcaneus,
(npr. lisica, divja m ačka), je nam reč tako očiten skok ossa m etatarsalia) and phalanges. We did not include in
zelo verjeten kazalec določenih sprem em b v paleooko- our analysis parts o f th e back and neck, w hich are often
Iju: tj. širjenje o d prtih habitatov kot posledica poljedelst­ m entioned in the literature, since we did not identify
va in reje drobnice. V to sm er kaže več palinoloških ana­ vertebrae (except atlas and epistropheus). As is clear from
liz (npr. C uliberg 1995; Šercelj 1996; A ndrič 2002), Fig. 7, teeth and phalanges were m ost num erous in the
podobne ocene paleookolja pa sta na osnovi ostankov sample, rem ains from the m eatiest parts o f the body (ossa
malih sesalcev iz Viktorjevega spodm ola oblikovala tudi coxae, upper parts o f front and rear legs) were relatively
Toškan in Kryštufek (ta zbornik). rare. We also found a fair num ber o f red deer an tler in
U poraba odstotkov za izražanje kvantitativnih raz­ M esolithic spits (above 15 % N ISP), while in the exami­
merij m ed ostanki posam eznih taksonov v vzorcu je ned Prehistoric sedim ents they were not present at all.
danes v zooarheologiji splošno uporabljena m etoda, ki Nevertheless, viewed overall, differences between the two
pa skriva veliko pasti. Tako npr. pojav ostankov nove vrste sub-sam ples were n o t statistically significant (a= 0 .0 5 ).
neogibno povzroči zm anjšanje deleža tistih že prisotnih, In the m aterial excavated from Viktorjev spodm ol
čeprav o staja njihova ab solutna številčnost dejansko (IzA phase) therefore, rem ains o f those parts o f an ani­
nesprem enjena (glej Payne 1972a). U poštevanje takšnih mal containing small am ounts o f m eat and fat predom i­
“fantom skih” sprem em b v deležih posam eznih vrst pa nate. At the sam e tim e, it can be seen from Fig. 16.7
lahko seveda privede do tudi zelo napačnih sklepov. Da th at the num ber o f "m eatier” skeletal elem ents is relati­
se to v našem prim eru ne bi zgodilo, sm o mezolitski in vely low. Such a ratio between individual groups o f oste-
prazgodovinski vzorec iz faze IzA prim erjali tudi v ab­ odontological finds is norm ally linked to hunting posts
solutnem številu ostankov posam eznih taksonov (N ISP). (e.g., M artin 1991; Rowley-Conwy 1996; M iracle et a i
Kot je razvidno iz slike 16.6 rezultati v celoti potrjujejo 2000). However, this is not the only possibility. The small
že predstavljene ugotovitve: odsotnost dom ačih živali (z num ber o f excavated long bones could also be ascribed
izjem o psa) iz m ezolitskih režnjev ter upad številčnosti to the limited area from which finds were collected (alto­
najdb lovnih živali (jelen, divja svinja, srna) z nastopom gether barely 0.3 m 2) and the use o f specific skeletal
prazgodovinskih obdobij. Razviden je tudi skok v števi­ elem ents as raw m aterial for making tools. We m ust also
lu ostankov poljskega zajca v zgornjih sedm ih režnjih. take account o f the activities o f dogs and o th er carnivo­
res. These could have an essential im pact on the distri­
bution o f bones in a space, including those on which
16.3 T a fo n o m ija gnawing m arks are not visible at all (K ent 1981). To­
gether with the aforem entioned possibilities, it seem s
Poglavitni dejavnik akum ulacije živalskih ostankov v sensible to m ention an o th er in the case o f Viktorjev spod­
Viktorjevem spodm olu je bil zagotovo človek. S tafonom- mol: that a large proportion o f the long bones have sim p­
sko analizo sm o tako poskušali m ed drugim razbrati ly been destroyed. Wet sieving the excavated m aterial
vzrok zadrževanja takratnih ljudi v spodm olu. V ta na­ during the IzA phase, namely, enabled an insight o f the
men sm o ugotavljali relativne frekvence pojavljanja raz­ average size an d weight o f bone fragm ents. In order to
ličnih skupin skeletnih elem entov v izkopanem m ateria­ obtain a rath er better insight into this segm ent o f the
lu, pri čem er sm o upoštevali izključno ostanke parkljar­ tap h o n o m ic analysis, we divided the finds into two size
jev (Suidae, Cervidae, Bovidae) iz faze IzA. Skupine smo classes: fragm ents from 3 to 10 mm and those above 10
opredelili takole: rogovje, zobje, glava (vključuje crani­ mm. As is evident from D iagram 16.8, rem ains sm aller
um, os maxillare, m andibula), okolčje (ossa coxae), zgor­ than 10 mm predom inate in term s o f num ber o f pieces
nji del prednjih nog (scapula, humerus, radius, ulna), spod­ per spatial unit, in both M esolithic and in Prehistoric
nji del prednjih nog (ossa carpalia, ossa metacarpalia),
zgornji del zadnjih nog {femur, patella, tibia, fibula), spod­
nji del zadnjih nog (astragalus, calcaneus, ossa metatarsa-
lia) ter prsti (phalanges). V literaturi sicer večkrat om enj­
ena predela vratu in hrbta v našo analizo nism o vključili,
saj vretenc (z izjemo atlasa in epistropheusa) nism o do­
ločevali. Kot je razvidno iz slike 7, so bili v našem vzor­ 2
cu najštevilčnejši zobje in prstnice, razm erom a redki pa
so bili ostanki iz sicer najbolj m esnatih delov telesa
(okolčje, zgornji deli prednjih in zadnjih nog). V m ezo­
litskih režnjih sm o našli tudi precej veliko število frag­
m entov jelenjih rogov (nad 15 % N ISP), m edtem ko ti v NISP:

pregledanem prazgodovinskem sedim entu sploh niso bili I >25% I 1 7 -2 5 %

prisotni. Kljub tem u pa gledano v celoti, razlike med H 1 0 -1 5 % □ 5 -1 0 %

o b em a p o d v z o rc e m a niso bile s ta tis tič n o z n a č iln e □ 1 -5% □ »%

(a= 0 ,0 5 ).
V izkopanem m aterialu iz Viktorjevega spodm ola Man-Whitncy U test: U j 40,000 z = 0,756 p - 0,450
(faza IzA) torej prevladujejo ostanki tistih delov živali,
ki vsebujejo m ajhne količine mesa in m aščob. Hkrati
lahko iz slike 16.7 razberem o, d a je število bolj “m esna­ SI. 16.7: Pogostnost (% N ISP ) ostankov posam eznih skupin
skeletnih elem entov v prazgodovinskem ( I ) in mezolitskem
tih ” skeletnih elem entov razm erom a nizko. Takšno raz­
(2 ) vzorcu iz Viktorjevega spodm ola - faza IzA. Opredelitev
m erje med posam eznim i skupinam i osteodontoloških
posam eznih skupin skeletnih elem entov je podana v besedi­
najdb navadno povezujem o z lovskimi postajam i (npr.
M artin 1991; Rowley-Conwy 1996; M iracle et al. 2000). Fig. 16.7: Frequency (% N ISP ) o f remains o f individual groups
V endar pa to ni edina m ožnost. M ajhno število izkopa­ o f skeletal elem ents in the Prehistoric ( I ) and M esolithic (2)
nih dolgih kosti bi lahko pripisali tudi om ejeni površini, sam ples from Viktorjev spodm ol - IzA phase. Specification
s katere so bile pobrane najdbe (skupaj komaj 0,3 n i2) o f individual groups o f skeletal elem ents is given in the text.
ter uporabi določenih skeletnih elem entov kot surovine sub-samples. It is w orth adding here th a t rem ains larger
za izdelavo orodij, upoštevati pa m oram o tudi aktivnost than 5 centim etres only sporadically ap p ear in excava­
psov in drugih zveri. Te nam reč lahko bistveno vplivajo ted m aterial, by w hich there is no statistically signifi­
na razporeditev kosti v prostoru, tudi tistih, na katerih can t difference betw een the two sub-sam ples (M ann-
ostanki zob sicer sploh niso opazni (K ent 1981). Ob W hitney U-test: p > 0.05).
navedenih m ožnostih pa se zdi v prim eru Viktorjevega In view o f the clear fragm entation o f the m aterial
spodm ola sm iselno om eniti še eno: d a je bil nam reč ve­ it certainly makes sense to ask about factors th a t are
lik del dolgih kosti preprosto uničen. Spiranje izkopane­ responsible for this. In o rder to assess the role o f post-
ga m ateriala med fazo IzA je nam reč om ogočalo vpog­ depositional disintegration o f bones on th e surface and
led v povprečno velikost in m aso kostnih fragmentov. in the sedim ent (cf. Von E ndt and O rtn er 1984) we thus
Da bi dobili nekoliko boljši vpogled v ta segm ent tafo- first analysed th e preservation o f the bone substances.
nom ske analize, sm o najdbe razdelili v dva velikostna It appeared th at on the surface o f excavated bones there
razreda: fragm enti velikosti od 3 do 10 mm te r tisti nad is generally no trace o f w eathering. On the basis o f cri­
10 mm. Kot je razvidno iz razpredelnice 16.8, po številu teria th at Behrensm eyer (1978) presented for the quanti­
kosov na prostorninsko enoto prevladujejo ostanki, manj­ fication o f this type o f surface changes on bones, we
ši od 10 m m , in to tako v m ezolitskem , kot tudi v praz­ classified the m ajority o f finds at the level o f nought or
godovinskem podvzorcu. Pri tem kaže tudi dodati, da se one. We were also interested in the extent o f interdepen­
nad pet centim etrov veliki ostanki v izkopanem m ateri­ dence between the frequency o f individual skeletal ele­
alu pojavljajo le sporadično, pri čem er med obem a pod- m ents in the sam ple and th eir structural density. Inso­
vzorcem a ni statistično značilnih razlik (M ann-W hitney- far as mainly physical and chem ical factors in the sedi­
jev U-test: p > 0,05). m ent influenced the crum bling o f bone material, it would
G lede na očitno fragm entiranost m ateriala se je be sensible to expect am ong identified fragm ents a lar­
vsekakor sm iselno vprašati o dejavnikih, ki so odgovor­ ge num ber o f rem ains with a relatively high structural
ni za to. S ciljem oceniti vlogo poodložitvenega razpa­ density, since these are m ore persistent (Lym an 1985;
danja kosti na sedim entu in v njem (glej Von E ndt in 1999). We perform ed analysis separately for the M eso­
O rtn er 1984) sm o tako najprej analizirali ohranjenost lithic (N = 102) and Prehistoric (N = 89) sub-samples from
kostne substance. Izkazalo se je, da na površini izkopa­ the IzA phase, w hereby we took data on the structural
nih kosti pravilom a ni zaslediti očitnejših znakov razpa­ density o f individual skeletal parts from Lyman (1999).
danja, ki bi ga lahko pripisali izpostavljenosti sprem inja­ We tested the dependence between the frequency o f in­
jočim se m ikroklim atskim pogojem. N a osnovi kriteri­ dividual skeletal elem ents in the sam ple and their struc­
jev, ki jih je za kvantifikacijo navedenih površinskih spre­ tural density with non-param etric statistical m easure­
m em b na kosti predstavila B ehrensm eyerjeva (1978), m ent o f correlation (S p earm an ’s r). The results exclu­
sm o večino najdb nam reč uvrstili v stopnjo nič in ena. ded the existence o f strong statistically significant cor­
Zanim al nas je tudi obseg soodvisnosti med pogostnostjo relations both in the M esolithic (S p earm an ’s r = -0.30;
posam eznih skeletnih elem entov v vzorcu in njihovo p > 0.05) and in the Prehistoric (S p earm an ’s r = 0.39; p
strukturno gostoto. V kolikor bi nam reč na drobljenje < 0.05) sub-samples.
kostnega m ateriala vplivali predvsem fizikalni in kemič­ The value o f the C om pleteness Index (C l), which
ni dejavniki v sedim entu, bi bilo med določljivimi frag­ attem pts to assess the influence o f abiotic post-deposi-
menti sm iselno pričakovati veliko število ostankov z re­ tional factors on the fragm entation o f bones by analysis
lativno veliko stru k tu rn o gostoto, saj so ti obstojnejši o f the com pleteness o f skeletal elem ents th a t are unlike­
(Lynian 1985; 1999). A nalizo sm o opravili ločeno za ly to have been fragm ented by m an or anim als (i.e., ossa
m ezolitski ( N= 102) in prazgodovinski (N = 89) vzorec carpalia and rarsalia; M arean 1991), is also in agreem ent
iz faze IzA. pri čem er sm o podatke o strukturni gostoti with this. The high value for the w hole sam ple from Vik-

Razpredelnica 16.8: Povprečno število in masa živalskih ostankov na volumensko enoto sedimenta mezolitskih oz. prazgodovin­
skih režnjev Viktorjevega spodmola (faza IzA). Podatki so podani za ostanke dveh velikostnih razredov: 3-10 mm ter nad 10
Table 16.S: Average number and weight of animal remains per volumetric unit of sediment of Mesolithic and Prehistoric spits of
Viktorjev spodmol (IzA phase). Data are given for the remains of two size classes: 3-10 mm and above 10 mm.

Enota Vel. razred Režnji 1-7 Režnji 10-19

X2 test
Unit Size class Spits 1-7 Spits 10-19
N/dnv' 3-10 mm 239,3 330,4
U 2- 0,653 p>0,884
N/dnv 10- mm 79,7 123,7
g/dnr' 3-10 mm 44,2 85,6
} X = 0,036 p>0,998
g/dm 1 10- mm 59,6 1 16,2
posam eznih skeletnih delov povzeli po Lymanu (1999). torjev spodm ol ( 0 = 8 8 .5 %) can certainly be understood
Soodvisnost med pogostnostjo posam eznih skeletnih as additional evidence for the thesis th at th e fragm enta­
elem entov v vzorcu in njihovo strukturno gostoto smo tion o f the bone m aterial in this case can n o t be ascribed
testirali z n eparam etrično statistično m ero korelacije to post-depositional factors, but mainly to th e planned
(Spearm anov r). Rezultati so izključili obstoj om em be activity o f man. By the breaking o f the bones, he m ore
vrednih statistično značilnih korelacij tako v mezolit- easily reached the fat th at rem ained in them even after
skem (Spearm anov r = -0,30; p > 0,05) kot tudi prazgo­ the removal o f the bone m arrow (e.g., Jones and M et­
dovinskem (Spearm anov r = 0,39; p < 0,05) vzorcu. calfe 1988). Fragm ented ep i-an d diaphyses o f long bo­
Skladna s tem je tudi vrednost indeksa celovitosti nes may have been used for the preparation o f a soup or
(C I; Completness Index), ki poskuša oceniti vpliv abiot- "bone ju ic e” (Rowley-Conwy 1996), and the rem ainder
skih poodložitvenih dejavnikov na drobljenje kosti z as fuel. O f course, th e skeletal elem ents th a t contain
analizo celovitosti tistih skeletnih elem entov, katerih m ore fat would be m ore interesting for this. T his is well
razbijanje s strani človeka in živali ni verjetno (tj. ossa illustrated by data in Fig. 16.7, in w hich precisely less
carpalia in tarsalia\ M arean 1991). Njegovo visoko vred­ “m eaty” rem ains and rem ains with sm aller fat contents
n o s t za c e lo te n v z o re c iz V ik to rje v e g a sp o d m o la predom inate.
(CI=88,5 %) lahko nedvom no razum em o kot dodaten T he decision on the fragm enting o f bones is obvi­
dokaz v prid tezi, da fragm entiranosti kostnega m ateria­ ously connected with the return o f energy th at this be­
la v našem prim eru ne gre pripisati poodložitvenim dejav­ haviour provided and, o f course, with the quantity of
nikom, temveč predvsem načrtnem u delovanju človeka. food then available in the com m unity. We can thus ex­
Ta je z razbijanjem kosti laže prišel do m aščob, ki so pect th a t such fragm entation would have been m ore in­
ostale v njih tudi še po odstranitvi kostnega m ozga (npr. tensive in periods o f food shortage o r w hen the energy
Jones in M etcalfe 1988). Z drobljene epi- in diafize dol­ value o f prey was less (Jones and M etcalfe 1988). In
gih kosti je lahko uporabil za pripravo nekakšne ju h e ali order to determ ine possible such differences between
“koščenega so k a” ( bone juice; Rowley-Conwy 1996), rem ains from M esolithic and Prehistoric spits o f the IzA
preostanek pa tudi kot kurivo. Seveda so bili pri tem phase, we com pared the average w eight o f fragm ents o f
bolj zanim ivi tisti skeletni elem enti, ki vsebujejo več the two sub-sam ples (Table 16.9). It appeared th a t there
m aščobe. To pa se lepo ujem a s podatki na sliki 16.7, is no m ajor difference between them , although fragm ents
kjer prevladujejo prav manj “m esnati” ostanki ter o stan ­ from Prehistoric excavations are nevertheless statistically
ki z m anjšo vsebnostjo m aščob. significantly larger (Fig. 16.8). It is th erefo re w orth
Razum ljivo je, d a je bila odločitev o razbijanju kos­ asking w hether the established extent o f difference is
ti povezana z vračanjem energije, ki g a je to početje obe­ already such th a t it would be sensible to interpret it as a
talo, ter seveda s količino takrat razpoložljive hrane v result o f planned greater o r lesser intensity o f fragm en­
skupnosti. Tako lahko pričakujem o, d a je bilo drobljen­ ting bones. It is doubtful, namely, th at the extraction of
je intenzivnejše v obdobjih pom anjkanja hrane oz. ka­ fat from the on average barely 0.4 g lighter (and thus
dar je bila energetska vrednost plena m anjša (Jones in correspondingly sm aller) fragm ents is essentially m ore
Metcalfe 1988). Z nam enom ugotoviti m orebitne tovrst­ effective.
ne razlike med ostanki iz m ezolitskih in prazgodovin­ Il can also be concluded from Fig. 16.8 th at the
skih režnjev faze IzA sm o prim erjali povprečno maso burned fragm ents are within the sam e size class, being
fragm entov obeh podvzorcev (razpredelnica 16.9). Iz­ either only slightly sm aller (size class above 1 cm ) or
kazalo se je, da večjih razlik med njim a sicer ni, so pa even som ew hat larger (3 -1 0 m m ) than those th at are

Razpredelnica /6.9,- Opisna statistika za povprečno število koščenih fragmentov na reženj mezolitskega (r. 10-19) in prazgo­
dovinskega (r. 1-7) podvzorca. Podani sta tudi povprečni masi fragmentov (X). Podatki se nanašajo izključno na ostanke iz faze
Table 16.9: Descriptive statistics for the average number of bone fragments in spits of the Mesolithic (spits 10-19) and Prehisto­
ric (spits 1-7) sub-samples. The average weights of fragments are also given (X). Data refer exclusively to remains from the IzA

Fragmenti 3-11) mm Fragmenti nad 10 mm Določljivi fragmenti

Režnji Statistike
Fragm ents 3 -1 0 mm Fragments over 10 mm Determ inable fragm ents
Spits Statistics
Me 78 0,21 26 1,21 9,5 1,59
25-75 % 54-88 0,19-0,22 23-27 1,03-1,41 6-12 1,08-2,57
(N= 13)
min-max 26-119 0,16-0,32 15-34 0,90-2,48 1-19 0,30-6,63
Me 187 0,17 70 0,99 7,5 4,79
25-75 re­ 88-215 0,09-0,18 16-84 0,80-1,17 1-12 2,26-7,53
(N= 17)
mi n-max 33-329 0,05-0,2 1 4-164 0,23-1,93 0-20 0.11-14,08
fragm enti iz prazgodovinskih izkopov vseeno statistič­ not burnt. T he finding is interesting bearing in m ind
no značilno večji (sl. 16.8). Vredno s e je torej vprašati, th at exposure to high tem p eratu re (fire) reduces the
ali je ugotovljen obseg razlik že tolikšen, da bi ga bilo hardness o f bones, thus the creation o f a mass o f small
sm iselno interpretirati kot posledico n ačrtno večje oz. charred fragm ents from o u r sam ple could be ascribed
manjše intenzivnosti drobljenja kosti. O bstajajo nam reč mainly to fragm entation o f already b urned fragm ents
dvomi o tem, da je ekstrakcija m aščobe iz v povprečju because o f the activity o f post-depositional abiotic fac­
komaj 0,4 g lažjega (in torej ustrezno m anjšega) frag­ tors. A fter all, burned bones can n o t always be linked to
m enta bistveno učinkovitejša. the preparation and eating o f food, but can also be o f
Iz slike 16.8 lahko razberem o tudi to, da so ožgani post-depositional origin (S tiner and K uhn 1995). Ho­
fragm enti znotraj istega velikostnega razreda bodisi le wever, taking into account the findings from Fig. 16.8,
m alenkost manjši (razred velikosti nad 1 cm ) bodisi celo it seems at least m ore probable to suspect th a t m an was
nekoliko večji (3 -1 0 m m ) od tistih neožganih. Ugotovi­ responsible for the creation o f th e p redom inant p art o f
tev je zanim iva ob upoštevanju dejstva, da izpostavljen­ the small charred fragm ents, with the deliberate brea­
ost visokim tem peraturam (ognju) zm anjša trdnost kos­ king o f still unburned bones, by w hich exposure to fire
ti. Tako bi lahko nastanek m nožice m ajhnih ožganih would only have been secondary.
drobcev iz našega vzorca pripisali predvsem drobljenju It m ust be stressed at the end also the num erous
večjih že ožganih fragm entov zaradi delovanja poodlo- bone fragm ents less th an 3 m m th at belong exclusively
žitvenih abiotskih dejavnikov. N avsezadnje ožgane kosti to large m am m als. These fragm ents are in all M esolithic
ni m ogoče vedno povezovati s pripravo in uživanjem spits. On the basis o f the num ber o f specim ens calcified
hrane, saj so bili lahko koščeni drobci izpostavljeni og­ and charred in fire, we conclude th a t at least som e of
nju tudi pozneje (Stiner in Kuhn 1995). V endar pa se the bone fragm ents, if n o t all, were created synsedimen-
zdi ob upoštevanju ugotovitev iz slike 16.8 vseeno ver­ tationally. This m eans th at sm all bone fragm ents were
jetnejša domneva, d a je za nastanek pretežnega dela drob­ not created exclusively by w eathering in the post-sedi-
nih ožganih fragm entov odgovoren človek z načrtnim m entational period, as is norm ally interpreted, but m ain­
razbijanjem še neožganih kosti, pri čem er naj bi bila iz­ ly by the deliberate breaking o f bones.
postavljenost ognju šele sekundarna. We quantified bone fragm ents sm aller than 3 mm
N a k o n ču je treba om eniti tudi številne kostne frag­ in spits 11 and 13 in the fraction o f sedim ent lm m < x <
m ente, m anjše od 3 m m , ki pripadajo izključno velikim 3 mm. In spit 11, there was 1.2 g or 165 bone fragm ents
sesalcem . Ti fragm enti so v vseh m ezolitskih režnjih. (4.1 weighted % o r 5.7 b.f./m l) in 29 ml o f s e d im e n t,
Na podlagi številnih v ognju kalciniranih in ožganih pri­ and in spit 13 there was 1.1 g or 138 bone fragm ents
merkov sklepam o, da so vsaj nekateri kostni drobci, če (4.4 weighted % o r 5.5 b.f./m l). In the Pleistocene lay­
ne vsi, nastali sinsedim entno. To pom eni, da m ajhni ers o f Divje babe I the shares o f the sam e bone frag­
kostni fragm enti niso nastali izključno s preperevanjem m ents in archaeologically sterile layers was 2 weighted
v postsedim entnem obdobju, kot običajno razlagajo, tem ­ %, and in archaeological layers 3.1 w eighted % (layer 2),
več predvsem z nam ernim drobljenjem kosti. 3.5 weighted % (layer 7), 4.2 weighted % (layer ? 12-13)
K ostne fragm ente, m anjše od 3 mm, sm o kvantifi- and 3.4 w eighted % for the h earth in layer 19/20.
cirali v režnju II in 13 v frakciji sedim enta lm m < x < 3 The small bone fragm ents differ in term s o f colour,

a 0,4
□ m e d ia n a 0 m e d ia n a
0 2 5 % -7 5 % 2,5 □ 2 5 % -7 5 %
I ru /p o n / range 1 ra z p o n / range
0.3 2,0

- 0,2
JE: 10

0,1 0,5
0 ,0
o ž g a n i f ra g m e n ti n e o ž g a n i fra g m e n ti SKUPAJ o ž g a n i fra g m e n ti n e o ž g a n i fra g m e n ti SKUPAJ
( ),( )
b u r n e d F r a g m e n ts n o n b u rn e d fra g m e n ts TOTAL -0,5 b u r n e d f ra g m e n ts n o n b u rn e d fra g m e n ts TOTAL

M a n n - W h i t n c y t1 te s t: M a n n - W h itn e y I J te s t: M n n n - W h itn e y U te s t: M a n n - W h itn e y U te s t: M a n n - W h itn c y II te st: M a n n - W h itn e y 11 te st:

/ 4 .1 6 p - 0 ,0 0 0 / = 2 ,8 9 p *» 0 ,0 0 4 / - 3 .0 7 p 0 ,0 0 0 -1 ,0 Z 1,63 p = 0 ,1 0 6 Z = 1 ,4 0 p 0 .1 6 1 Z = 2 ,2 8 p - 0 ,0 2 1
- 0,1

1-7 10-19 1-7 10-19 1-7 10-19 1-7 10-19 1-7 10-19 1-7 10-19
režn ji / sp its režn ji / sp its

SI. 16.8a, b: Povprečna masa ožganih in neožganih fragmentov kosti in zob velikostnega razreda 0,3 do 1 cm (a) oz. nad 1 cm
Fig. 16.Sa, b: Average weight of burnt and unburnt fragments of bones and teeth of size class 0.3 to 1 cm (a) or above 1 cm (b).
mm. V režnju 11 je bilo v 29 ml sedim enta 1,2 g ali 165 w hich we associate with various sedim entation m icro­
kostnih drobcev (4,1 težna % ali 5,7 k.d./m l), v režnju environm ents. They include those coloured green. Be­
13 pa je bilo v 25 ml sedim enta 1,1 g ali 138 kostnih cause o f the suspicion o f patinating we analysed two
drobcev (4,4 težna % ali 5,5 k.d./m l). V pleistocenskih specim ens chemically. T he analysis showed th at the sus­
plasteh Divjih bab 1 so deleži enakih kostnih drobcev v picion was not well founded. T he chem ical elem ents in
arheološko sterilnih plasteh 2 težn a %, v arheoloških the green coloured bones are represented in the follo­
plasteh pa 3,1 težna % (plast 2), 3,5 težna % (plast 7), wing order; Ca, P, Ar, K, Fe, Mn, Zn, Ti and Cu. The
4,2 težna % (plast ? 12- 13) in 3,4 težna % za ognjišče v analysis was perform ed by Žiga Šm it (Jo žef Štefan In­
plasti 19/20. stitute, Slovenia), for w hich we are very grateful.
M ajhni kostni drobci se razlikujejo po barvi, kar
povezujemo z različnimi sedim entnim i mikrookolji. Med
njimi so tudi zeleno obarvani. Z aradi sum a bakrenega 16.4 Paleoeconomy
volka sm o dva prim erka kem ično analizirali. A naliza je
pokazala, da sum ni bil utem eljen. K emični elem enti so An assessm ent o f th e econom ic base o f past com m uni­
v zeleno obarvanih kosteh zastopani v naslednjem vrst­ ties from V iktorjev spodm ol is not possible since the
nem redu: Ca, P, Ar, K, Fe, Mn, Zn, Ti in Cu. A nalizo je m ass o f available m aterial is too small for such an ass­
opravil Žiga Šm it (Inštitut Jožefa Stefana, Slovenija), za essm ent. We can, however, undoubtedly state th a t hun­
kar se mu najlepše zahvaljujeva. ting was the main source o f anim al m eat and fats for
M esolithic man. Similarly, it can n o t be doubted th a t red
deer had a leading role in term s o f gam e, followed by
16.4 P aleoekonom ija wild boar and probably roe deer. T hat small anim als (e.g.,
wild cat, fox, badger, hare) were hunted mainly for their
O cena ekonom ske baze preteklih skupnosti iz V iktorje­ fur can also n ot be disputed. In co nnection with so-cal-
vega spodm ola ni mogoča, saj je m nožina razpoložljivega led small game, we can justifiably ask to w hat extent the
m ateriala za kaj takega prem ajhna. Brez dvom a lahko num ber o f finds can sensibly be linked with m ankind at
sicer trdim o, d a je bil za mezolitskega človeka lov pogla­ all. Many o f the enum erated anim als could have used
vitni vir živalskih m aščob. Prav tako ne gre dvomiti o the overhang cave and its im m ediate surroundings as a
vodilni vlogi jelena med lovnimi živalmi, ki sta mu sledi­ lair or hunting ground (e.g. M iracle 1997). On the basis
la še divji prašič in verjetno srna. Tudi to, da so m anjše o f the rem ains o f large m am m als, we can only say little
živali (npr. divja m ačka, lisica, jazbec, zajec) plenili so far about the season, length and purpose o f m ankind
predvsem zaradi njihovih kožuhov, ne bi sm elo biti spor­ Being in the overhang cave.
no. Se pa lahko v zvezi s t. i. m ajhnim plenom upraviče­ In the case o f the Prehistoric sub-sample, the ques­
no vprašam o, v kolikšni meri je številčnost najdb sploh tions w ithout clear answ ers are even m ore num erous.
sm iselno povezovati s človekom. Mnoge od naštetih živa­ From available bone m aterial, namely, a m ore reliable
li so nam reč lahko spodm ol in njegovo bližnjo okolico assessm ent o f the im portance o f individual species o f
uporabljale kot brlog ali lovišče (npr. M iracle 1997). Na dom estic anim als within the then com m unity cannot
osnovi ostankov velikih sesalcev lahko za zdaj le malo be concluded, still less the purpose for which they rea­
povem o npr. tudi o sezoni, dolžini in nam enu zadrže­ red them . On the basis o f d ata from Tables 16.1 and
vanja človeka v spodm olu. 16.4, it could be concluded th at the then m ost im por­
V prašanja brez jasnih odgovorov so še številnejša v ta n t dom estic anim al was sheep and th at secondary pro­
prim eru prazgodovinskega podvzorca. Iz razpoložljivega ducts o f rearing ovicaprines did not have m ajor im por­
kostnega m ateriala nam reč ni m ogoče zanesljiveje oce­ tance for the people then. T he presum ed age o f anim als
niti pom ena posam eznih vrst dom ačih živali znotraj in V iktorjev spodm ol at the tim e o f death was relatively
takratnih skupnosti, še manj pa nam en, s katerim s o jih low, w hich indicates the breeding o f ovicaprines direc­
gojili. N a osnovi podatkov iz razpredelnic 16.1 in 16.4 ted at m eat production. Both theses correspond well with
bi sicer lahko sklepali, d a je bila takrat najpom em bnejša d ata from certain o th er nearby co n tem p o rary sits on
dom ača žival ovca in da sekundarni produkti reje drob­ the Kras (e.g., Turk el al. 1992; Turk el al. 1993; Petruc­
nice za ta k ra tn e ljudi še niso imeli večjega pom ena. ci 1997; Boschin and Riedel 2000). However, they can­
D om nevna starost živali ob zakolu je bila nam reč v Vik­ not actually be confirm ed w ithout the analysis o f addi­
torjevem spodm olu razm erom a nizka, kar kaže na rejo tional m aterial (cf. Payne 1972a).
drobnice usm erjeno v produkcijo mesa. O be tezi se lepo
ujem ata tudi s podatki iz nekaterih drugih približno
sočasnih najdišč s Krasa (npr. Turk el al. 1992; Turk et 16.5 A lopatric C om pa riso n
al. 1993; Petrucci 1997; Boschin in Riedel 2000). Ven­
dar pa njuna dejanska potrditev brez analiz dodatnega T he tem poral d eterm in atio n o f finds from the upper
m ateriala ni m ogoča (glej Payne 1972a). seven spits o f Viktorjev spodm ol (IzA phase) is fairly
16.5 A l o p a t r i Cn e p r i m e r j a v e loose. We m ust be aware in this th a t essential differenc­
es exist between different tim e periods o f prehistory, in,
e.g., the im portance o f breeding livestock, th eir level of
developm ent, th e (non)exploitation o f various seconda­
0,00A 1,00
ry products, and n o t least, also in the role o f hunting
itself (e.g., Bökönyi 1974). All this is, o f course, reflec­
ted in the specificity o f archaeozoological sam ples o f
0 ,2 5 / ,0,75 different periods, w hich are n ot therefore com pletely
com parable. Because o f this, in this contribution we have
lim ited ourselves in the presentation o f a com parison of
C. elaphus 0 ,5 0 / \0 ,5 0 majhen plen our findings with those from a num ber o f o th er co n tem ­
\ small prey
porary sites in the region exclusively to the tem porally
satisfactorily placed M esolithic sam ple (IzA phase). We
0,75 0,25 are far from thus avoiding all the difficulties. Above all,
m ention m ust be m ade o f the problem o f different met­
hods and techniques o f excavation and sam pling used
1,00 0,00 at individual sites. T his is potentially a very disruptive
0,00 0,25 0,50 0,75 1,00
Sus sp.
factor, w hich could have an essential im pact on the fi­
nal conclusions (e.g., Payne 1972b). Because o f the afo­
Sl. 16.9: Deleži ( % N1SP) ostankov jelena (Cervus elaphus), rem entioned, we also did not state the num ber o f re­
prašiča (Sus sp.) in majhnega plena (tj. Lepus, Muslela, Mar­ m ains o f each individual species individually. Instead o f
tes, Metes, Lutra, Felis, Lynx in Vulpes) v paleontoloških vzor­ this, we preferred to com pare th e share o f red deer and
cih iz različnih najdišč Krasa in sosednjih regij. Zvezdica (*) (w ild) boar, together with roe deer th e th en two main
označuje najdišča, kjer je bil material pred pregledovanjem
hunted animals, with the share o f all so-called small game
spran. Identifikacija simbolov: 1 - Viktorjev spodmol (režnji
together (Lepus, Mustela, Martes, Meles, Lutra, Felis, Lynx
10-19), 2 - Pupičina peč pod Učko (N=5.177; Miracle 1997),
3 - Pod Črmukljo pri Šembijah (N=30; Pohar 1986), 4 - Breg- and Vulpes).
Škofljica pri Ljubljani (N= 107; Pohar 1984), 5 - Mala Trig- It appeared th a t th e m ajority o f the sites form a
lavca pri Divači (N=370; Pohar 1990), 6 - Šebrn Abri pod uniform group (Fig. 16.9). T he M esolithic sam ple from
Učko (N= 521; Miracle et al. 2000), 7 - Želvina jama pri V iktorjev spodm ol also does n ot essentially differ. It is
Briščikih - Grotta detla tartaruga (N= 130; Cremonesi 1984), tru e th at in our case the share o f rem ains o f th e genus
8 - Grotta Lonza (N=130; Meluzzi et al. 1984), 9 - Pečina na Sus is slightly higher than elsewhere, but this could also
Leskovcu pri Samatorci - Grotta azzurra (N=222; Cremonesi be a result o f overestim ation because o f the way o f quanti­
et al. 1984), 10 - Jama na Sedlu pri Šempolaju - Grotta Be-
fying the finds. A m ong the group o f 50 excavated re­
nussi (N=671; Riedel 1975), 11 - Pečina pri Bjarču v dolini
m ains o f wild boar, som e 32 percent o f all finds were
Nadiže - Riparo di Biarzo (N=972; Rowley-Conwy 1996), 12
- Stenašca pri Praproti - Grotta dell'Edera (N=142; Boschin
teeth (with red deer only 6.8%). T he same applies to
in Riedel 2000) ter 13 - Riparo Gaban pri Trentu (N=461; phalanges, o f w hich we counted 17 (34 %; Table 16.2).
Kozlowski in Dalmeri 2002). Since we expressed the num ber o f rem ains o f individual
Fig. /6.9.- Shares (% N ISP ) o f remains o f red deer ( Cervus taxa with the num ber o f identified specim ens (N IS P ),
elapliits), boar (S u s sp.) and small game (i.e., Lepus, Mustela, we did n ot attem pt to assess to how m any anim als the
Martes, Metes, Lutra, Felis, L ynx and Vulpes) in palaeontolo­ excavated skeletal elem ents could belong (cf. G rayson
gical sam ples from various sites on the Kras and neighbou­ 1984). C ertainly such a large share o f boar teeth am ong
ring regions. An asterisk (*) marks a site where the material
all the excavated finds o f this species allows th e possibi­
was sieved before examination. Identification o f symbols; 1 -
lity th a t these actually belonged to a relatively small
Viktorjev spodm ol (spits 10-19), 2 - Pupičina peč below Učka
(N = 5 .177; M iracle 1997), 3 - Pod Črm ukljo by Šem bije num ber o f anim als.
(N =30; Pohar 1986), 4 - Breg-Škofljica by Ljubljana (N = 107;
Pohar 1984), 5 - Mala Triglavca by Divača (N =370; Pohar
1990), 6 - Šebrn Abri below Učka (N = 521; Miracle et at. 16.6 In s te a d o f a C o n c lu s io n
2000), 7 - Želvina jama by Briščiki - Grotta della tartaruga
( N= 130; Cremonesi 1984), 8 - Grotta Lonza (N =130; M eluz­ We already m entioned th at the relatively m odest num ­
zi et al. 1984), 9 - Pečina na Leskovcu by Samatorca - Grotta ber o f available finds from Viktorjev spodm ol p ut in
azzurra (N =222; Crem onesi et at. 1984), 10 - Jama na Sedlu
question many o f the theses and interpretations presen­
by Šempolaj - Grotta B enussi ( N=671; Riedel 1975), II - Peči­
ted above. T here was the additional difficulty th a t the
na pri Bjarču in the valley o f the Nadiža - Riparo di Biarzo
(N =972; Rowley-Conway 1996), 12 - Stenašca by Praprot -
m aterial was collected in three successive phases o f ex­
Grotta dett'Edera ( N - 142; Boschin and Riedel 2000) and 13 cavations, using different techniques and m ethods. The
- Riparo Gaban by Trento (N=461; Koztowski and Dalmeri fact that they could not be com pared m eant that we were
2 0 0 2 ). prevented from creating a uniform (and thus larger) sam-
Č asovna opredelitev najdb iz zgornjih sedm ih režnjev ple. On the o th er hand, precisely because o f such a m et­
Viktorjevega spodm ola (faza IzA) je dokaj ohlapna. Pri hod o f excavation, we could analyse th e advantages and
tem se m oram o zavedati, da obstajajo med različnimi weaknesses o f individual m ethods used, so th at we could
časovnim i obdobji prazgodovine bistvene razlike v npr. also draw attention to som e traps o f w hich we are som e­
pom enu živinoreje, njeni razvojni stopnji, (ne)izkori- tim es too little aware in our circles.
ščanju različnih sekundarnih produktov in ne nazadnje T here is no doubt that the sim ultaneous collection
tudi v sami vlogi lova (npr. Bökönyi 1974). Vse to seve­ o f bones and teeth during th e excavation itself is not a
da odseva v specifičnosti arheozooloških vzorcev raz­ suitable m ethod for collecting the rem ains o f small mam­
ličnih obdobij, ki zato niso povsem primerljivi. Zaradi mals. Very sim ilar applies for the sam pling o f m acrofau­
tega sm o v tem prispevku predstavljeno prim erjavo na­ na, since only wet sieving o f the sedim ents enables (alt­
ših ugotovitev s tistim i iz več drugih sočasnih najdišč v hough does not also guarantee!) the creation o f a repre­
regiji omejili izključno na časovno zadovoljivo um eščen sentative sample. In order to d em onstrate this statem ent,
m ezolitski vzorec (faza IzA). S tem pa še zdaleč nism o below we will present som e com parisons between sam ­
zaobšli vseh težav. Predvsem m oram o om eniti proble­ ples obtained by classical excavations (i.e., V iktor pha­
matiko različnih m etod in tehnik izkopavanj ter vzorčenj, se) and those obtained by re-exam ination o f sedim ent
ki so bile uporabljene na posam eznih najdiščih. G re already exam ined during the V iktor phase, but this tim e
nam reč za potencialno zelo m oteč dejavnik, ki lahko previously wet sieved (V iktor and IzA phase).
bistveno vpliva na končne sklepe (npr. Payne 1972b). Perhaps the clearest advantage o f sieving is th at we
Z aradi navedenega tudi nism o navajali številčnosti os­ obtain a larger num ber o f finds, and thus o f course in­
tankov vsake posam ezne vrste posebej. N am esto tega crease the inform ative value o f the sam ple itself. In ad­
sm o delež jelena in (divjega) prašiča, ob srni takratnih dition, it should not be overlooked th at wet sieving es­
dveh poglavitnih lovnih živalih, raje prim erjali z deležem sentially changes the ratio between the shares o f skele­
vsega t. i. m ajhnega plena skupaj ( Lepus, M ustela, Mar­ tal elem en ts o f individual species (T able 16.10; Fig.
tes, Me les, Lutra, Felis, Lynx in Vulpes). 16.10). T hus the classical way o f collecting the rem ains
Izkazalo se je, da večji del najdišč oblikuje enotno from sedim ents enables obtaining a larger share o f long
skupino (sl. 16.9). Od nje se bistveno ne razlikuje niti bones o f large m am m als (e.g., red deer, bison, pig) and
m ezolitski vzorec iz V iktorjevega spodm ola. Res je si­ lower and u pper jaws, while all o th er skeletal elem ents
cer, da je v našem prim eru delež ostankov rodu Sus ne­ were clearly underestim ated. Re-exam ination o f excava­
koliko višji kot drugje, vendar bi to lahko bila tudi posle­ ted sedim ents by a professionally m ore proficient ex­
dica precenjenosti zaradi načina kvantifikacije najdb. am iner contributed to a partial com pleting o f the sam ­
M ed skupno 50 izkopanim i ostanki divjega prašiča je ple, in the main by the addition o f isolated teeth and a
bilo nam reč kar 32 odstotkov vseh najdb zob (pri jelenu sm all n u m b er o f phalanges, carpal an d tarsal bones,
le 6,8 %). Podobno velja za prstnice, ki sm o jih našteli mainly o f larger anim als. Only with wet sieving and exa­
17 (34 %; razpredelnica 16.2). Ker sm o številčnost os­ m ination o f the m aterial under a dissecting m icroscope
tankov p o sa m ez n ih tak so n o v izrazili s številom d o ­ was it possible to collect from the sedim ent the m ajor­
ločenih prim erkov (N IS P ), nism o poskusili oceniti, ko­ ity o f rem ains o f sm aller anim als (Lepus, Mustela, Mar­
likim živalim bi izkopani skeletni elem enti lahko pripa­ tes, Meies, Lutra, Felis, L ynx and Vulpes) and the rem ain­
dali (glej G rayson 1984). V sekakor pa tako velik delež ing phalanges, and carpal and tarsal bones. It is therefo­
prašičjih zob med vsemi izkopanim i najdbam i om enj­ re clear that w ithout sieving we can n o t avoid undere­
ene vrste dopušča m ožnost, da so ti dejansko pripadali stim ating the n um ber o f sm aller skeletal elem ents in
razm erom a m ajhnem u številu živali. relation to the larger.
Classical excavation and sam pling o f m aterial wit­
hout sieving thus norm ally also leads to an underesti­
16.6 N a m e s to s k le p a m ation o f the share o f bones and teeth o f sm aller ani­
mals in relation to larger ones. T he extent o f the error
O m e n ili sm o že, da ra z m e ro m a s k ro m n o šte v ilo depends on w hich m ethod o f quantification o f rem ains
razpoložljivih najdb iz Viktorjevega spodm ola postavlja we choose; from this point o f view, N ISP is undoubted­
pod vprašaj m noge zgoraj predstavljene teze in inter­ ly the least suitable. However, even the use o f indices,
pretacije. D odatno težavo predstavlja dejstvo, da je bil such as the m inim um num ber o f anim als (M N 1) or the
m aterial zbran v treh zaporednih fazah izkopavanj, ki so m inim um num ber o f anim al units (M A U ) does not ex­
se razlikovale po uporabljenih tehnikah in m etodah. clude erro r if the m ost frequent skeletal elem ent in the
Njihova neprim erljivost je nam reč pozneje onem ogoča­ sam ple (on which their calculation is norm ally based)
la oblikovanje enotnega (in s tem večjega) vzorca. Smo was not efficiently collected. Irrespective o f the method
pa po drugi strani prav zaradi takega načina izkopavanj o f quantification, we can therefore justifiably expect that
lahko n atančno analizirali prednosti in slabosti posam ­ by using sam pling w ithout wet sieving, we are a priori
ezne uporabljene m etod, s tem pa tudi opozorili na ne- rejecting the possibility o f creating a representative sam-
katere pasti, ki se jih v naših krogih včasih prem alo za­ pie. Thus, in the case o f rem ains from V iktor phase, the
vedamo. share of fragm ents o f smaller anim als is barely 20%, while
N obenega dvom a ni, da sprotno pobiranje kosti in after the addition o f all rem ains obtained by wet sie­
zob med sam im izkopavanjem ni prim erna m etoda za ving, it was alm ost doubled (Fig. 16.11).
zbiranje ostankov m alih sesalcev. Z elo podobno velja Finally, a few w ords about the technique o f excava­
tudi za vzorčenje m akrofavne, saj le spiranje sedim enta tion by spits with constant, previously specified dim en­
skozi sita om ogoča (čeprav ne tudi zagotavlja!) obliko­ sions o f spit. In general, anim al rem ains are grouped on
vanje reprezentativnega vzorca. Da bi dokazali um estn­ the basis o f phases defined with archaeological finds.
ost navedene trditve bom o v nadaljevanju predstavili Such grouping implies the idea th at each characteristic
nekaj prim erjav med vzorcem , pridobljenim s klasični­ change in a sam ple o f bones corresponds to a characte­
mi izkopavanji (tj. fazo V iktor), in tistim , ki sm o ga do­ ristic change in e.g., pottery, stone tools, etc., that, in
bili s ponovnim pregledovanjem med fazo V iktor enkrat o th er words, within the sam e archaeological phase, cha­
že pregledanega sedim enta, a sm o ga tokrat predhodno racteristic change e.g., in the form o f livestock rearing,
sprali skozi sita (tj. fazo V iktor in IzA). the im portance o f individual secondary products or the
M orda je najočitnejša prednost spiranja ta, da tako roles o f hunting, are not likely. It is not difficult to un­
pridobim o večje število najdb, s tem pa se seveda po­ d erstand why such thinking is dubious. From th at point
veča izpovedna vrednost sam ega vzorca. Poleg tega ne o f view it is better th a t we analyse different m aterials
gre spregledati, da spiranje bistveno sprem eni razm erja from the sam e site (e.g., pottery, chert, bones etc.) inde­
med deleži skeletnih elem entov posam eznih vrst (raz­ pendently o f each other. N ot least, precisely in V iktor­
predelnica 16.10; sl. 16.10). Tako je klasično pobiranje jev spodm ol such a m ethod o f excavation during th e IzA
ostankov iz sedim enta sicer om ogočalo pridobitev več­ phase, with su b seq u en t analysis o f rem ain s o f small
jega dela dolgih kosti velikih živali (npr. jelena, goveda, m am m als, enabled the identification o f the boundary
prašiča) ter spodnjih in zgornjih čeljustnic, vse druge between ecologically two com pletely different sam ples
kategorije pa so bile očitno podcenjene. Ponovno preg­ (cf. Toškan and Kryštufek, this volum e) (Fig. 16.12). It
ledovanje prekopanega sedim enta s strani strokovno bolj is interesting to note th at the aforem entioned boundary
podkovanih pregledovalcev je prispevalo k delni izpo­ does not corresp o n d with the “archaeological” bounda­
polnitvi vzorca, v glavnem z dodatkom izoliranih zob ry between the M esolithic and Prehistoric spits as given
ter manjšega števila prstnic, karpalnih in tarzalnih kosti by Turk (this volum e). It is tru e th at a sufficiently large
predvsem večjih živali. Šele s spiranjem in pregledovan­ sam ple is needed for such a conclusion, but even if the
jem m ateriala pod lupo pa je bilo m ogoče iz usedlin num ber o f finds is not as large as we would like it to be,
pobrati večino ostankov m anjših živali (Lepus, Mustela, such an “im partial” approach can draw attention to cer­
Martes, Metes, Lutra, Felis, Lynx in Vtilpes) ter preostanek tain peculiarities w hich can be additionally analysed sub­
prstnic, karpalnih in tarzalnih kosti. O čitno je torej, da se sequently. It would thus certainly be interesting in the
brez spiranja ne m orem o izogniti podcenjevanju številč­ future to study the division shown in Fig. 16.6 between
nosti manjših skeletnih elementov na račun večjih. the u p p er and lower p arts o f the graph, w hich flows
K lasično izkopavanje in vzorčenje m ateriala brez som ew here along spit seven. Insofar as it is not an arte­
spiranja tako navadno privede tudi do podcenjevanja fact o f the oscillation o f the total num ber o f finds, it

Razpredelnica 16.10: Učinkovitost pobiranja živalskih ostankov pri prvem (sonda 1.) in drugem (sonda 2.) pregledovanju nespra-
nega sedimenta iz faze Viktor ter pri tretjem pregledovanju istega vzorca po predhodnem spiranju (S.). Za obrazložitev glej
Table 16.10: Effectiveness of collecting animal remains during the first (test trench I ) and second (test trench 2) examination of
non-sieved sediments from Viktor phase and with a third examination of the same sample after prior wet sieving (S.). See text
for explanation.

Majhen plen
Bos sp. Sus sp. Ovis / Capra Cervus
Small prey
M aterial
Sonda Sonda Sonda Sonda Sonda
Trench S. Trench S. Trench S. Trench S. Trench S.
1. 2. 1. 2. 1. 2. 1. 2. 1. 2.
Izolirani zobje 2 2
I 1 - 6 16 1 - 6 3 1 - 5 11
Isolated teeth
Sp. in zg. čeljustnica 2 2 2
1 - - 5 1 - - - 7 - - -
Maxilla & mandibula
Dolge kosti, metapodiji 2 2
- - - 11 4 - - 32 5 - 13 7 19
Long bones, metapodia
Prstnice, karp., tarz. kosti
4 5 - 3 6 11 1 1 - 10 10 7 - 5 14
Phalan., carp., tars, bones
SI. 16.10: Učinkovitost pobiran­
ja živalskih ostankov pri prvem
(črni stolp iči) in drugem (sivi
stolp iči) pregledovanju nespra-
nega sedim enta iz faze Viktor ter
pri tretjem pregledovanju istega
vzorca po predhodnem spiranju
(prazni stolpiči). Za obrazložitev
glej besedilo.
Fig. 16.10: Effectiveness o f collec­
ting animal remains with the first
(b la c k c o lu m n ) and se c o n d
(grey colu m n ) exam ination o f
not-sieved sedim ents from Viktor
phase and with the third exami­
nation o f the same sample after
previous wet sieving (em pty co­
lumn). See text for explanation.

C. elaphus

eu 20

majhen plen
small prey:

izolirani zobi sp. in zg. dolge kosti prstnice, karp.

čeljustnica in tarz. kosti
loose teeth mandible long bones phalanges, carp,
and maxillae and tarsal bones

deleža kosti in zob m anjših živali na račun večjih. Ob­ could be perhaps interpreted as a boundary between the
seg napake je sicer odvisen od tega, kateri način kvantifi­ Mesolithic and the Prehistoric sample. It is interesting to
kacije ostankov izberemo; v tem pogledu je brez dvoma note that its position in such a case would correspond with
najmanj primeren NISP. Vendar pa tudi uporaba indeksov, the above m entioned boundary between the two samples
kot sta najm anjše število osebkov (M N I) ali pa najmanjše o f small mammals.
število živalskih enot (M AU), ne izključuje napak, če naj­
pogostejši skeletni elem ent v vzorcu (na katerem navad­
no temelji njihov izračun) ni bil učinkovito pobran. Ne Acknowledgement:
glede na način kvantifikacije lahko torej upravičeno priča­ We thank Ivan Turk, who enabled us to study the
kujemo, da se bom o z vzorčenjem brez spiranja a priori sub-fossil material, assisted us throughout with encoura­
odrekli m ožnosti oblikovanja reprezentativnega vzorca. gem ent and also m ade constructive com m en ts on the
Tako je bilo tudi v prim eru ostankov iz faze Viktor, k jer je first version o f the text. We would like to thank Prof. dr.
bil delež fragm entov manjših živali komaj 20-odstoten, Vida P ohar for enabling access to the com parative oste-
po dodatku vseh ostankov, ki sm o jih pridobili s spiran­ ological collection o f the D epartm ent o f Palaeontology
jem , pa se je skoraj podvojil (sl. 16.11). within the fram ew ork o f the N atural H istory Technical
Ob koncu še nekaj besed o tehniki izkopavanja po Faculty.
Sl. 16.11: D elež (% N ISP ) os­
tankov nekaterih v Viktorjevem
trench: sp od m olu zastop an ih takso-
nov, pobranih pri klasičnem
pregledovanju materiala (son ­
screen: da) in pri ponovnem pregledo­
vanju istega materiala po spi­
ranju (sito).
SKUPAJ: Fig. 16.11: Share (% N ISP) o f
remains o f som e taxa represen­
50% 75% 100% ted in Viktorjev spodm ol, with
classical examination o f mate­
Bos sp. □ O vis / C apra □ majhen plen rial (trench) and with re-exa­
Sus sp. □ Cervus sm all prey mination o f the same material
after wet sieving (screen).

izkopih s konstantnim i, vnaprej definiranim i dimenzija­

mi režnjev. V splošnem se živalski ostanki grupirajo na TRAVNIŠKE VRSTE I GOZDNE VRSTE
osnovi faz, opredeljenih z arheološkim i najdbami. Tak­ MEADOW-DWELLERS | FOREST-DWELLERS
šno grupiranje implicira razmišljanje, da se vsaka značil­
na sprem em ba v vzorcu kosti časovno ujema z značilno
sprem em bo npr. v keramiki, kam nitem orodju ipd., da
torej znotraj iste arheološke faze značilne sprem em be npr.
v obliki živinoreje, pom enu posam eznih sekundarnih pro­
duktov ali pa vlogi lova niso verjetne. Povsem razumljivo
je, d a je takšno razmišljanje sporno. S tega vidika je bolje,
da različne m ateriale iz istega najdišča (npr. keramiko,
kremen, kosti ipd.) analiziram o neodvisno drug od dru­
gega. N e nazadnje je v Viktorjevem spodm olu prav tak­
šen način izkopavanj med fazo IzA pri poznejši analizi
ostankov malih sesalcev omogočil identifikacijo meje med
dvema ekološko povsem različnima vzorcem a (glej Toš-
kan in Kryštufek, ta zbornik) (sl. 16.12). Zanimivo pri
tem je, da se ta ne ujema z “arheološko" mejo med mezo-
litskimi in prazgodovinskimi režnji, kot jo podaja Turk
(ta zbornik). R esje sicer, d a je za podobne sklepe nujno
potreben dovolj obsežen vzorec. A tudi če število najdb
ni tako veliko, kot bi si želeli, lahko z “neodvisnim ” pris­
topom opazim o posebnosti, ki jih je m ogoče dodatno
analizirati v nadaljevanju. Tako bi bilo v bodoče vsekakor
zanimivo dodatno proučiti na sliki 16.6 nakazano ločni­
co med zgornjim in spodnjim delom grafa, ki poteka nek­
je vzdolž režnja sedem. Koliko ne gre za artefakt nihanja
skupnega števila najdb, bi jo bilo m orda mogoče interpre­
tirati tudi kot mejo med mezolitskim in prazgodovinskim Mikrofavna Makrofavna I Mikrofavna Makrofavna
vzorcem. Zanimivo pri tem je, da bi se njena lega v tem Microfauna Macrofauna I Microfauna Macrofauna
prim eru popolnom a ujemala z zgoraj om enjeno mejo med
obem a vzorcem a malih sesalcev.
SI. 16.12: Vertikalna porazdelitev ostankov na travniške in
gozdne habitate vezanih vrst seslacev v Viktorjevem spodm o­
lu, faza IzA.
Z ahvala: Fig. 16.12: Vertical distribution o f remains o f meadow- and
Zahvaljujeva se Ivanu Turku, ki nam a je omogočil forest-dwelling mammal species in Viktorjev spodm ol, phase
študij subfosilnega m ateriala, nam a ves čas pom agal s IzA.
spodbudnim i pogovori in kritično kom entiral tudi prvo
verzijo besedila. Za om ogočen dostop do prim erjalne
osteološke zbirke K atedre za paleontologijo v okviru
N aravoslovno tehniške fakultete gre najina zahvala prof.
dr. Vidi Pohar.
16.7 D odatek 16.7 S upplement

U porabljene okrajšave: A bbreviations used:

Bd - največja širina distalnega konca Bd -g reatest breadth o f the distal end

BFcd - največja širina facies articularis caudalis BFcd -g reatest breadth o f the caudal articular surface
BFcr - največja širina facies articularis cranialis BFcr -g reatest breadth o f the cranial articular surface
BG - širina cavitas glenoidalis BG -b re ad th o f the glenoid cavity
Bp - največja širina proksim alnega konca Bp -g reatest breadth o f the proximal end
BPC - največja širina processus coronoideus-a BPC -g reatest breadth across the coronoid process
D C - največja globina capul fem uris D C -g reatest depth o f the caput fem uris
Dd - največja globina distalnega konca Dd -g reatest depth o f the distal end
D D - najm anjša globina diafize DD -sm allest depth o f the diaphysis
Dl - največja globina lateralne polovice D1 -g reatest depth o f the lateral half
DLS - največja diagonalna dolžina tem eljne plošče DLS -g reatest diagonal length o f the sole
Dm - največja globina m edialne polovice Dm -g reatest depth o f the medial half
DPA - globina processus anconaeus-a DPA -d e p th across the processus anconaeus
GB - največja širina GB -g reatest breadth
G L - največja dolžina G L -g reatest length
GL1 - največja dolžina lateralne polovice GL1 -g reatest length o f the lateral half
G L m - največja dolžina m edialne polovice G L m -g reatest length o f the medial h alf
G L P - največja dolžina processus articularis G L P -g reatest length o f the glenoid process
H - višina (height) H -h eig h t
LA - dolžina acetabulum-a z vključenim robom LA -len g th o f the acetabulum including the lip
Lad - dolžina arcus dorsalis Lad -en g th o f the dorsal arch
Ld - dolžina hrbtne površine Ld -len g th o f the dorsal surface
L G - dolžina cavitas glenoidalis-a LG -len g th o f the glenoid cavity
M21 - dolžina zobnega niza zgornjih meljakov pri jelenu M21 -len g th o f the upper m olar row; Cervus
M22 - dolžina zobnega niza zgornjih predm eljakov pri M22 -len g th o f the upper prem olar row; Cervus
jelenu "M23 -g reatest inner length o f the orbit; Cervus
M23 - največja notranja dolžina orbite pri jelenu M9 - length o f the lower prem olar row; Cervus
M9 - dolžina zobnega niza spodnjih predm eljakov pri m3L -len g th o f m3
jelenu m3B -b re ad th o f m3
m 3L - dolžina m3 MBS -m id d le breath o f the sole
m3B - širina m3 SLC -sm allest length o f the neck o f the scapula
MBS - širina osrednjega dela tem eljne plošče
SLC - najm anjša dolžina collum scapulae
Priloga 16.7.1: Dimenzije izmerjenih ostankov jelena (Cervns elapluis). Podani so mediana (Me), variacijska širina (min- max.)
ter število meritev (n). Dimenzije in so povzete po Von den Drieschevi (1976). Vse meritve so v mm.
Table 16.7.1: Dimensions of measured remains of red deer (Cervus elaphus). Given are median (Me), range (min-max.) and
number of measurements (n). Dimensions are according to Von den Driesch (1976). All measurements are in mm.

Fa/.a V zo rec E lem en t D im en zija M ed ia n a (n)

m in -m a x
P hase S am p le E lem en t D im en sio n M ed ia n (n)
humerus BT 5 6 (1 ) -
plast s keramiko
metacarpus Bd 4 2 (1 ) —
layer with sherds
phalanx 1 Bd 20,5 (1) —

M2I 122,5 (1) —

os m axillare M22 7 6 (1 ) —

M23 5 0 (1 ) —

M9 4 8 (1 ) —

m andibula m3L 31,25 (2) 31-31,5

m3B 14(2) 14-14
LG 4 2 (1 ) —
plast brez keramike GLP 5 8 (1 ) —

layer without sherds humerus BT 5 2 (1 ) —

metatarsus Bp 3 7 (1 ) —

os centrotarsale GB 4 7 (1 ) —

Bp 2 1 ,5 (2 ) 21 -2 2
Viktor phalanx 1
Bd 21 (3) 20,5-21,5
Ld 50,25 (2) 50-50,5
phalanx 111 DLS 52,5 (2) 52-53
MBS 16,25 (2) 16-16,5
U p 2 3 (1 ) —
phalanx I
Bd 2 3 (1 ) —

ossa coxae LA 61 (1) —

GL1 53,5 (3) 53,5-54,5

GLm 50 (3) 4 9 ,5 -5 0
prem ešano
astragalus D1 29 (3) 28-29,5
Dm 30 (3) 29-31
Bd 33,5 (3) 33-33,5
GL 119,5 (1) —
GB 39,5 (1) —

os centrotarsale GB 4 6 (1 ) —

režnji 1-7 phalanx 1 Bd 2 1 ,5 (1 ) —

spits 1-7 os centrotarsale GB 4 2 ,5 (1 ) —

LG 39,5 (1) —

scapula BG 40.5 (1) —

SLC 3 9 (1 ) —

BPC 2 9 (1 ) -
DPA 4 7 (1 ) -

radius Bp 5 7 (1 ) -
režnji 10-17 metacarpus Bd 4 7 ,5 (1 ) —

spits 10-17 Bp 19,5 (2) 19-20

phalanx I
GL 5 4 (1 ) -

Bp 21 (2) 2 0 -2 2
phalanx 11 Bd 19(3) 17-20
GL 41 (1) -

calcaneus GB 3 7 (1 ) —

os centrotarsale GB 4 2 ,5 (1 ) -
Priloga 16.7.2: D im enzije izm erjenih ostankov srn e ( Capreolus capreolus). D im enzije in so povzete po Von den D rieschevi
(1976). Vse m eritve so v m m.
Table 16.7.2: D im ensions o f m easured rem ains o f roe d eer ( Capreolus capreolus). D im ensions are a ccording to Von den D riesch
(1976). All m easurem ents are in m m .

Faza Vzorec Element Dimenzija Vrednost

Phase Sample Element Dimension Measure
B Fcr 32
plast s keram iko BFcd 34
V iktor layer w ith sherds H 29
LAd 22,5
Prem ešano / disturbed phalanx 1 Bp 11
phalanx 1 Bd 9
režnji 10-19 Ld 13,5
spits 10-19 phalanx III DLS 15,5
M BS 6

Priloga 16.7.3: D im enzije izm erjenih ostankov psa (Canis fam iliaris). D im enzije so povzete po Von den D rieschevi (1976). Vse
m eritve so v mm.
Table 16.7.3: D im ensions o f m easured rem ains o f dog ( Canis fam iliaris). D im ensions are acco rd in g to Von den D riesch (1976).
All m easurem ents are in mm.

Faza Vzorec Element Dimenzija Vrednost

Phase Sample Element Dimension Measure
Bp 8
režnji 1-7
phalanx 11 Bd 7,5
spits 1-7
IzA GL 15
režnji 10-19
phalanx I Bp 12
spits 10-19

Priloga 16.7.4: D im enzije izm erjenih ostankov dom ačega goveda (B os taurus). D im enzije so povzete po Von den D rieschevi
(1976). Vse m eritve so v mm.
Table 16.7.4: D im ensions o f m easured rem ains o f d om estic cattle (Bos taurus). D im ensions are according to Von den D riesch
(1976). All m easurem ents are in mm.

Faza Vzorec Element Dimenzija Vrednost

Phase Sample Element Dimension Measure
m andibula M9 56,5
phalanx 1 Bd 32,5
plast s keram iko
V iktor Bp 30
layer w ith sherds
phalanx II Bd 25,5
GL 44

Priloga 16.7.5: D im enzije izm erjenih ostankov tu ra (Bos cf. prim igenius). Podani so m ediana (M e), variacijska širina (m in -
m ax.) ter število m eritev (n ). D im enzije so povzete po Von den D rieschevi (1976). Vse m eritve so v mm.
Table 16.7.5: D im ensions o f m easured rem ains o f a urochs (Bos cf. prim igenius). G iven are m edian (M e), range (m in -m a x .) and
n u m b er o f m easurem ents (n ). D im ensions are a ccording to Von den D riesch (1976). All m easurem ents are in mm.

Faza Vzorec Element Dimenzija M ediana (n)

nun - max
Phase Sam ple Element Dim ension M edian (n)
plast brez keram ike phalanx I if 4 0 (2 ) 4 0 -4 0
V iktor
layer w ithout sherds phalanx 111 M BS 3 4 (1 ) -
Priloga 16.7.6: D im enzije izm erjenih ostankov divje m ačke (Felis silvestris). D im enzije so povzete po Von den D rieschevi (1976).
Vse m eritve so v mm.
Table 16.7.6: D im en sio n s o f m easured rem ains o f wild cat (Felis silvestris). D im en sio n s are a cc o rd in g to Von den D riesch
(1976). All m easurem ents are in mm.

Faza Vzorec Element Dimenzija Vrednost

Phase Sam ple Klement Dimension M easure
plast s keram iko Bp 17
fem ur
layer w ith sherds DC 7
V iktor
plast brez keram ike Bd 24
hum erus
layer w ithout sherds BT 17,5
IzA režnji 1-7 / spits 1-7 astragalus GL 14

Priloga 16.7.7: D im enzije izm erjenih ostankov poljskega zajca (Lepus eiiropaeus). Podani so m ediana (M e), variacijska širina
(m in - m ax.) te r število m eritev (n ). D im enzije so povzete po Von den D rieschevi (1976). Vse m eritve so v m m.
Table 16.7.7: D im en sio n s o f m easured rem ain s o f hare ( Lepus europaeus). G iven are m edian (M e), range (m in -m a x .) and
n u m b er o f m easurem ents (n ). D im ensions are according to Von den D riesch (1976). All m easurem ents are in mm.

Faza Vzorec Element Dimenzija M ediana (n)

m in-m ax
Phase Vzorec Element Dimension Median <n)
plast s keram iko / layer w ith sherds hum erus Bd 12 (1 ) —
V iktor
Prem ešano / disturbed calcaneus GB 1 1 (1) —

višina za m2
m andibula 1 8 (1 ) -
height behind m 2
radius Bp 9,75 (2) 9,5 -1 0
Bp 6 (2 ) 6 -6
phalanx I
režnji 1-7 Bd 4 (2 ) 4 -4
IzA spits 1-7 Bp 5 (5) 4 -5 ,5
phalanx 11
Bd 3 (5) 3 -4
Bd 1 6 .5 (1 ) —
Dd 10(1) —

astragalus GL 16(3) 1 5 -1 6
režnji 1 0 - 1 9 / s p i ts 10-19 fem ur DC 9 -

Priloga 16.7.8: D im enzije izm erjenih ostankov kune (M artes sp.). Podani so m ediana (M e), variacijska širina ( m in - m ax.) ter
število m eritev (n ). D im enzije so povzete po Von den D rieschevi (1976). Vse m eritve so v mm.
Table 16.7.8: D im ensions o f m easured rem ains o f m arten (M artes sp.). G iven are m edian (M e ), range (m in -m a x .) and num ber
o f m easurem ents (n ). D im ensions are according to Von den D riesch (1976). All m easurem ents are in m m.

Faza Vzorec Element Dimenzija M ediana (n)

m in-m ax
Phase Sam ple Element Dimension Median (n)
prem ešano
V iktor radius Bp 7 (1 ) --
d isturbed
režnji 1-7
hum erus BT 11,25 (2) 10,5-12
spits 1-7
režnji 10-19 GL 2 0 (1 ) —
spits 10-19 GB II (1) -
Priloga 16.7.9: D im enzije izm erjenih ostankov d robnice ( Ovis s. Capra). Z vezdica (* ) označuje ostanke ovce ( Ovis aries). D im en­
zije so povzete po Von den D rieschevi (1976). Vse m eritve so v m m .
Table 16.7.9: D im ensions o f m easured rem ains o f ovicaprines (Ovis s. Capra). An asterisk (*) m arks the rem ains o f sheep ( Ovis
aries). D im ensions are according to Von den D riesch (1976). All m easurem ents are in mm.

Faza Vzorec Element Dimenzija Vrednost

Phase Sample Element Dimension Value
os centrotarsale GB 25
plast s keram iko
V iktor Bd 22
layer w ith sherds tibia
Dd 19,5
V iktor IzA sito (10 m m ) / sieve (10 mm9 m3 m 3L 20,5
radius 1:,, 25
lip 11
Bd 10,5
režnji 1-7 phalanx I GL 33
spits 1-7 SD 9
DD 8
Bp 40
fem ur *
DC 18

Priloga 16.7.10: D im enzije izm erjenih ostankov rjavega m edveda ( Ursus arctos). D im enzije so povzete po Von den D rieschevi
(1976). Vse m eritve so v mm.
Table 16.7.10: D im ensions o f m easured rem ains o f brow n b ear ( Ursus arctos). D im ensions are a ccording to Von den D riesch
(1976). All m easurem ents are in mm.

Faza Vzorec Element Dimenzija Vrednost

Phase Sample Element Dimension Measure
V iktor plast brez keram ike / layer w ithout sherds hum erus BT 60
Bp 15
Bd 19,5
IzA režnji 1 0 - 1 9 / s p i ts 10-19 m etacarpus 11 GL 76
' SD 12
DD 9,5
Priloga 16.7.11: D im enzije izm erjenih ostankov p rašiča (S u s sp.). Podani so m ed ian a (M e), variacijska širina (m in - m ax.) ter
število m eritev (n). D im enzije so povzete po Von den D rieschevi (1976). Vse m eritve so v mm.
Table 16.7.11: D im ensions o f m easured rem ains o f dom estic pig / wild b o a r (Sus sp.). G iven are m edian (M e), range (m in -m a x .)
and n um ber o f m easurem ents (n ). D im ensions are according to Von den D riesch (1976). All m easurem ents are in mm.

Faza Vzorec Klement Dimenzija M ediana (n)

m in-m ax
Phase Sample Klement Dimension Median (n)
metacarpus V GL 74(1) —

B, . 15,5(1) -

plast s keramiko Bd 11 (1) —

layer with sherds phalanx I GL 31,5(1) —

SD 10(1) -

DD 11 (1) -

radius Bp 3 1,5 (1) -

Viktor metacarpus III lip 20(1) -

metacarpus IV Bp 20(1) —

plast brez keramike GLI 53(1) -

layer without sherds GLm 47(1) -

astragalus D1 28,5 (1) -

Dm 30,5 (1) —

Bd 30 (1) —

premešano / disturbed radius Bp 34(1) -

Bp 19,5(1) —

režnji 1-7 phalanx I Bd 19(1) —

spits 1-7 GL 30(1) -

phalanx III MBS 17(1) —

metatarsus IV lip 20,5 (2) 18,5-23,5

IzA UP 18,75 (2) 18-19,5
phalanx 11 Bd 14,5 (3) 13,5-14,5
režnji 10-17
GL 28,25 (2) 27-29,5
spits 10-17
MBS 13,5 (2) 12-15
phalanx III Ld 34(1) —

DLS 33(1) -

Priloga 16.7.12: D im enzije izm erjenih ostankov lisice (Vulpes vulpes). Dim enzije so povzete po Von den D rieschevi (1976). Vse
m eritve so v mm.
Table 16.7.12: D im ensions o f m easured rem ains o f fox ( Vulpes w ip es). D im ensions are a ccording to Von den D riesch (1976). All
m easurem ents are in m m .

Kaza Vzorec Klement Dimenzija Vrednost

Phase Sample Klement Dimension Measure
plast s keram iko m IL 15
V iktor ml
layer w ith sherds in IB 6
ulna BPC 10
sito (10 mm) GL 31
V iktor IzA calcaneus
sieve (10 m m ) GB 11
astragalus GL 18
Bp 16
režnji 1-7 Bd 21,5
fem ur
spits 1-7 DC 12
I/.A GL 128
Bp 6
režnji 10-19
phalanx II Bd 5
spits 10-19
GL 11
17. Č l o v e š k i o s t a n k i v 17. H u m a n R e m a in s in
V ik t o r j e v e m V ik t o r je v S p o d m o l
spodm olu

Iz t o k Š tam felj & Iv a n T u r k

Pri pregledovanju sedim enta Viktorjeve sonde so bili D uring th e exam ination o f the sedim ent o f V iktor’s test
najdeni po ena druga prstnica (m edialna falanga) roke trench, a m edial phalange each o f a hand and a foot and
in noge ter spodnji levi m lečni sekalec (glej Štamfelj et the lower left milk incisor were found (see Štamfelj et
al. v tem zborniku). Pri stratigrafskemu izkopavanju prof­ al. in this volum e). D uring the Stratigraphie excavation
ila sonde sta prišli na dan še po ena prva prstnica (prok- o f the profile o f the test trench, a fu rth er (proxim al)
sim alna falanga) roke in noge v režnju 10 in 12'. Obe phalange each o f hand and foot cam e to light in spits 10
prstnici sta bili najdeni v južnem vogalu sonde pod veli­ and 12'. Both phalanges were found in the south co rn er
kim blokom na robu sonde, ki leži v plasti 2. D om ne­ o f the test trench beneath a large block on the edge o f
vam o, d a je lastnik prstnic pokopan pod om enjenim blo­ the trench, w hich lies in layer 2. We suspect th at the
kom. ow ner o f th e phalanges was buried beneath th e m entio­
M edtem ko m lečni sekalec pripada otroku, ki je ned block.
umrl v starosti 4 do 9 let, pripadajo prstnice osebi, ki je W hile the milk incisor belongs to a child th at died
um rla v starosti več kot 17 let. Starost sm o soločili na at an age o f 7 to 8 years, the phalanges belong to a per­
podlagi popolnom a zraščenih epifiz z diafizo (Bouville son w ho died at an age o f m ore than 17 years. We deci­
1987, sl. 11). G re torej za dve osebi. ded the age on the basis o f the com pletely fused epiphy­
A rheološka starost in pripadnost najdb se zgolj na sis and diaphysis (Bouville 1987, Fig. 11). T here are thus
podlagi stratigrafije ne da zanesljivo ugotoviti. M ožno two persons.
je, da najdbe izvirajo iz m ezolitskega ali halštatskega T he archaeological age and affiliation o f the finds
groba nekje v bližini. can n o t be reliably determ ined only on the basis o f stra­
tigraphy. It is possible th a t the finds derive from a Me­
solithic or H alstatt grave som ew here in the vicinity.

Pri natančni določitvi prstnic nama je pomagala prof. Marija 1 Prof. Marija Stefančič assisted in exact identification o f the
Stefančič, za kar s e ji najlepše zahvaljujeva. phalanges, for which we are very grateful.
18. N a m e s t o s k l e p a 1 8 .In te a d o f a
C o n c l u s io n

Iv a n T u r k

Viktorjev spodm ol sodi v vseh pogledih med bogatejša Viktorjev spodm ol is from all points o f view am ong the
m ezolitska najdišča južn o od Alp in ga lahko postavim richer M esolithic sites south o f the A lps and can be set
ob bok najdiščem v severni in severovzhodni Italiji (Tren- alongside sites in n o rth ern and north-eastern Italy (Tren-
tino Alto Adige, Tržaški kras). G lede na stroške teren­ tino A lto Adige, T riestine K arst). In view o f the costs o f
skih raziskav, ki so bili praktično nični, je izkupiček ve­ fieldwork, w hich were practically nil, the output is large
lik, če ga prim erjam z nekaterim i podobnim i, sodobni­ if we com pare it with som e similar, m odern and therefo­
mi in zato zelo dragim i izkopavanji drugje. Tu ne mis­ re very expensive excavations elsewhere. I am not th in ­
lim sam o na arheološke najdbe, temveč tudi na paleon- king only o f archaeological finds here but also palaeon­
tološke, ki so pom em bne za rekonstrukcijo nekdanjega tological finds, w hich are im p o rtan t for a reconstruc­
okolja. tion o f the palaeoenvironm ent.
Kot prim er navajam m oderno raziskano obsežno As an example, I cite the recently researched ex­
piano m ezolitsko najdišče R ottenburg Siebenlinden se­ tensive M esolithic open air site o f Rottenburg Sieben­
verno od Alp, kjer so izkopavanja trajala več mesecev in linden n o rth o f the Alps, w here excavations lasted seve­
rezultirala v m onografski objavi najdišča (K ind 2003). ral m onths and resulted in a m onograph publication of
Nem ški arheologi so našli in analizirali 138 oz. 99 mi- the site (K ind 2003). The G erm an archaeologists found
krolitov (K ind 2003, tab. 3 2-33; sl. 67, 69, 71-73), ki and analysed 138 or 99 m icroliths (K ind 2003, Tab. 32 -
so bistveno večji in tudi drugačni kot m ikroliti v Viktorj­ 33; Fig. 67, 69, 7 1 -7 3 ), w hich are essentially bigger and
evem spodm olu, kjer je bilo teh najdb 72 oz. 58 na also different from the m icroliths in V iktorjev spodm ol,
100-krat manjši površini. Paleontološke najdbe brez rast­ where there were 72 or 58 on an area 100 tim es smaller.
linskih ostankov štejejo v najdišču Siebenlinden 3.503 Palaeontological finds w ithout plant rem ains num ber
ostankov. Od tega 2.105 določjivih, ki pripadajo II vr­ 3,503 in the site Siebenlinden. O f this 2,105 were iden­
stam velikih sesalcev, 3 vrstam malih sesalcev, 4 vrstam tified, and belonged to 11 species o f large m am m al, 3
ptic, eni vrsti ribe in eni vrsti školjke (K ind 2003, 195ss, species o f small m am m al, 4 species o f bird, one species
tab. 81). V Viktorjevem spodm olu sm o na 100-krat manj­ o f fish and one species o f shell (K ind 2003, 195ss, Tab.
ši površini našli 23.984 ostankov favne. O d tega 6.076 81). In Viktorjev spodm ol, on an area 100 tim es sm al­
določljivih ostankov (b rez 58.000 derm aln ih ploščic ler, we found 23,984 rem ains o f fauna. O f this, 6,076
kuščarjev), ki pripadajo 14 vrstam velikih sesalcev, 30 were identified (w ithout 58,000 osteoscutes o f lizards),
vrstam malih sesalcev, 13 vrstam m rzlokrvnih vretenčar­ w hich belong to 14 species o f large m am m al, 30 species
jev in 47 vrstam mehkužcev. To je jasen dokaz, da je o f small m am m al, 13 species o f cold blooded vertebra­
Viktorjev spodm ol fenom en, kot so fenom en tudi druga tes and 47 species o f mollusc. This is clear evidence that
podobna najdišča južn o od Alp. Biodiverziteta in bujn- Viktorjev spodm ol is a phenom enon, as other sim ilar
ost življenja južn o od Alp nista primerljivi z osirom aše­ sites south o f the Alps are phenom ena. T he biodiversity
nim svetom na severni strani Alp, vsaj ne v danem pri­ and luxuriance o f life south o f the Alps are not com pa­
meru. Z ato je velik nesm isel, da razlagam o naše najdbe rable with the im poverished world on the n o rth ern side
s pom očjo dognanj današnjega razvitega sveta na drugi o f the Alps, at least not in the given case. It is therefore
strani Alp in se ne oprem o na lastno znanje in lastne a great nonsense to interpret our finds with the aid o f
bogate vire, preden nam jih drugi izkoristijo tako rekoč events o f today’s developed world on the o th er side o f
pred nosom . T rdno sem prepričan, da bi lahko drugi the Alps and not to rely on our own knowledge and our
marsikaj zvedeli od nas in se tudi m arsičesa od nas nauči­ own rich sources, before others exploit them, so to speak,
li in ne obratno. u nder our noses. I am firm ly convinced that others could
learn a good deal from us, rath er than the reverse.
2. del / P art 2

M ala T riglavca

1. U v o d 1. I n t r o d u c t i o n

Iv a n T urk

M. Triglavca je izrazit spodm ol v manjši vrtači na Di- M. Triglavca is a pronounced overhang in a small col­
vaškem krasu, ki g a je za arheološke potrebe prvi opisal lapsed doline on the karst o f Divača, which was first des­
in izmeril F. Leben (1988). Z ato ga na tem m estu ne cribed and m easured for archaeological purposes by F.
bom ponovno opisoval. Leben (1988). 1 will not therefore describe it again here.
M. T riglavcoje v letih 1979-1985 izkopaval F. Le­ F. Leben (1988) excavated M. Triglavca in 1979-
ben (1988), in je poleg V. Poharjeve (1990) in S. Petru- 1985, and a p a rt from V. P ohar (1 9 9 0 ) and S. Petru
jeve (1997) objavil edine prim arne podatke o najdbah v (1997), published the only prim ary data about finds in
njej. N a njegovo pobudo je 1. Turk pozneje presejal in it. On L eben’s initiative, 1. Turk later wet sieved and ex­
pregledal deponirane sedim ente t. i. m ezolitskega hori­ am ined the deposited sedim ent o f the so-called M eso­
zonta (L eben 1988, sl. 9). Ta je po Lebnovi terenski lithic horizon (Leben 1988, Fig. 9). According to L eben’s
dokum entaciji vseboval vsaj 3 plasti (plasti 8-10 po ozna­ field d o cum entation, this co ntained at least three layers
kah iz leta 1981 ozirom a plasti B 1-B3 po oznakah iz (layers 8 -1 0 according to m arkings from 1981 or layers
leta 1983) v skupni debelini I m. V elaboratu iz 1. 1983, B 1-B 3 according to markings from 1983) to a total thick­
ki ga hrani arhiv Inštituta za arheologijo Z R C SAZU ness o f 1 m. In a rep o rt from 1983, w hich is kept in the
(inv. št. 16), je F. Leben takole opisal mezolitski hori­ archive o f the Institute o f A rchaeology ZRC SAZU (inv.
zont: “N ajnižji holocenski horizont predstavlja tem nej­ no. 16), F. Leben described the M esolithic horizon as
ša gruščnata in oglena do 1 m eter debela plast (3 ,5 0 - follows: "T he lowest H olocene horizon presents a dar­
4,50 m ) s sivimi pepelnatim i vložki in dvem a vidnejši­ ker rubble and charred layer up to 1 m thick (3 .5 0 -4 .5 0
ma ostankom a kurišč. Ta horizont je kulturno starejši m ) with grey ashy deposit and two m ore visible rem ains
od neolitskega, je brez keram ičnih najdb, pač pa je v o f h earth s. T his h o rizo n is culturally o ld er th an the
njem polno ostankov cervidne favne in rožena, koščena Neolithic, is w ithout pottery finds, but full o f rem ains
ter m ikrolitska orodja (kopače sekirastih oblik, kladiva, o f deer fauna and antler, bone and m icrolithic tools (axe
tolkači, dleta).” N avedba v oklepaju se nanaša na orod­ shaped diggers, ham m ers, pestles, b u rin s)”. T he p art in
ja iz jelenovega rogovja in ne na mikrolite. brackets relates to tools from deer horn and not to mi-
Sedim enti m ezolitskih plasti niso bili nikoli natanč­ croliths.
neje opisani, je pa V. Pohar naredila analizo vzorcev, T he sedim ents o f M esolithic layers were never ex­
vzetih iz profila (neobjavljeno). actly described, but V. Pohar m ade an analysis o f sam p­
Ker o sedim entih z m ezolitskim i najdbam i ni bilo les taken from the profile (unpublished).
podatkov, sm o sam oinciativno vzorčili in pregledali 21 Since there was no data on sedim ents with Meso­
kg sedim enta iz dom nevno nedotaknjene niezolitske plas­ lithic finds, on o u r own initiative we sam pled and ex­
ti v dnu Lebnovega izkopa v zadnjem delu spodm ola. am ined 21 kg o f sedim ent from the suspected undistur­
Ugotovili sm o, da v sedim entu prevladuje debel grušč z bed M esolithic layer on the flo o r o f L eben’s trench in
manjšim i bloki. Srednjega in drobnega grušča je malo. the back p art o f the overhang. We found th at coarse
D robnejši klasti so bodisi o stro ro b i bodisi rah lo do gravel p re d o m in a te d in th e se d im e n t, w ith sm aller
m očno zaobljeni. Veliko je kalcitnih konkrecij do veli­ blocks. T here was little m edium or fine gravel. Sm aller
kosti grušča (m ed njimi tudi cevčice, ki nastanejo okoli clasts were either sharp edged or lightly to strongly roun­
koreninic) in odlom kov polžjih lupinic. ded. T here were a lot o f calcite concretions to the size
Ena od značilnosti vzorca sedim enta so sferični, to the gravel (including tubular concretions created aro­
kom paktni, zem ljeni agregati do velikosti graha. Pešče­ und rootlets) and fragm ents o f snail shells.
na frakcija je sestavljena skoraj izključno iz konkrecij. V Spherical, com pact, soil/earth aggregates up to the
njej ni agregatov, ostrorobi klasti pa so zelo redki. size o f a pea are one o f the characteristics o f the sedi­
N ajdbe v vzorcu sedim enta predstavlja 8 večjih m ent sam ple. The sand fraction consists alm ost exclusi­
kam enih artefaktov in 9 m ikro lusk, 16 m ajhnih frag­ vely o f concretions. T here are no aggregates in it, and
m entov keramike, 321 nedoločljivih kostnih fragmentov. sharp-edged clasts are very rare.
11 ostankov gozdnega jelena ( Cervus elaphus), 4 ostan­ Finds in the sam ple am o u n t to 8 larger stone arte­
ki svinje (Sus scrofa), 3 ostanki drobnice (Ovis s. Ca­ facts and 9 m icroflakes, 16 small fragm ents o f pottery,
pra), 1 ostanek poljskega zajca (Lepus europaeus), os­ 321 unidentified bone fragm ents, II rem ains o f red deer
tanki sesalske m ikrofavne (sivi hrček ( Cricetulus migra- (Cervus elaphus), 4 rem ains o f wild boar (S u s scrofa), 3
torius), g o zdna voluharica ( Clethrionomys glareolus), rem ains o f kine (Ovis s. Capra), 1 rem ain o f hare (Lepus
navadni polh (Glis glis), belonoge miši (Apodemus sp.), europaeus), rem ains o f m am m alian m icrofauna (grey
ostanki herpetofavne (navadni slepec - Anguis fragilis, ham ster (Cricetulus migratorius), bank vole (Clethriono­
idr.) in ostanki m alakofavne (kopenski polži in m orske mys glareolus), dorm ouse ( Glis glis), field m ice (Apode­
školjke). m us sp.), rem ains o f ectotherm ic vertebrates (slow worm
Sedim enti v Lebnovi deponiji dom nevno pripada­ - Anguis fragilis, e tc .) and rem ains o f m alacofauna ( land
jo mezolitski plasti. To potrjujejo tako najdbe Lebnovih snails and sea shells).
izkopavanj kot najdbe ponovno pregledanega vzorca te The sedim ents in L eben’s deposits presum ably be­
deponije. Ponovno pregledani vzorec je zajel 1.677 kg long to the M esolithic layer. T his is confirm ed both by
sedim enta, kar je le manjši del deponije. Z ato je Lebno­ the finds o f L eben's excavations and the finds from the
va ekipa nehote spregledala veliko več m ezolitskih najdb, re-exam ination o f a sam ple o f the deposits. T he re-exa-
kot jih tu objavljamo. Te so še vedno varno spravljene v m ination o f the sam ple included 1,677 kg o f sedim ent,
deponiji, vse dokler bo zaščita arheološkega najdišča v w hich is only a m inor p art o f the deposits. So L eben’s
M. Triglavci učinkovita. V nasprotnem prim eru bo M. team u nintentionally overlooked far m ore M esolithic
Triglavco doletela usoda številnih drugih podobnih naj­ finds than are here published. These are still safely sto­
dišč v Evropi - izropanje in uničenje. red until the archaeological site in M. Triglavca is effec­
Splošen vtis o presejanem deponiranem sedim entu tively protected. O therw ise, M. Triglavca will suffer the
z značilnim i m ezolitskimi najdbam i je: fate o f num erous o th er sim ilar sites in E urope - pilla­
Prevladujejo grušč in manjši bloki, kar govori o izra­ ged and destroyed.
zito skeletnem sedim entu. G rušč in bloki so vsi ostroro- The general impression o f the sieved deposited sedi­
bi, površine niso preperele. O snovo predstavlja v glav­ m ents with typical M esolithic finds is: Gravel and sm al­
nem črna, v manjši meri tudi rdečerjava prst. V frakciji ler blocks predom inate, which testifies to explicitly ske­
drobnega grušča m očno prevladujejo ostrorobi klasti nad letal sedim ent. T he gravel and small blocks are all sharp-
konkrecijami, kom paktnim i sferičnimi agregati, fragm en­ edged, and the surfaces are not w eathered. The m atrix
ti polžjih lupinic in kostnim drobirjem . K ostnih drob­ com p o n en t is for the m ost p art black, to a lesser extent
cev, m anjših od 3 mm, je malo. also red-brown soil. In the fraction o f fine gravel, sharp-
A rheološke najdbe predstavljajo: kam niti artefakti edged clasts greatly predom inate above co m p act con­
(22.886 kosov ali 3,12 kg, od tega 348 orodij ali 0,22 cretion, spherical aggregates, fragm ents o f snail shells
kg), fragm enti keramike (280 kosov ali 0,82 kg), ožgani and small bits o f bone. T here are few bone fragm ents
in kalcinirani kostni drobci (več tisoč kosov), okra (več sm aller than 3 mm.
sto koščkov), 34 prelu k n jan ih hišic m orskih polžev Archaeological finds are: stone artefacts (22,886
(p retežno golobice - Columbella rustica, eno koščeno item s or 3.12 kg, o f w hich 348 tools or 0.22 kg), frag­
šilo, ena fragm entirana koščena piščal, en fragm entiran m ents o f pottery (280 item s or 0.82 kg), charred and
cevast obroč in dve prevrtani m ikro jagodi. calcified bone fragm ents (m ore than 1000 item s), och­
Paleoantropološke najdbe predstavlja en zgornji levi re (m ore than 100 pieces), 34 perforated shells o f sea
m lečni sekalec (glej Štamfelj et al. v tem zborniku). m olluscs (m ainly gastropod - Columbella rustica, one
Paleontološke najdbe predstavljajo: ostanki sesalske bone awl, one fragm ented bone flute, one fragm ented
m akrofavne (več deset tisoč nedoločljivih kostnih frag­ tubular band and two drilled micro-beads.
m entov in vsaj 566 določljivih kosov), sesalska mikro- Paleoanthropological finds are represented by one
favna (več tisoč nedoločljivih kosti in čez tisoč določlji­ u pper left milk m olar (see Štamfelj et at. in this volu­
vih zob), redki ostanki ptic, ostanki herpetofavne (m ed me).
drugim več sto derm alnih ploščic navadnega slepca), Paleontological finds are: rem ains o f m am m alian
redki ostanki rib (vretenca, zobje in luske), ostanki ko­ m acrofauna (several tens o f thousand o f unidentifiable
penskih polžev (več tisoč poškodovanih hišic in zakrne­ bone fragm ents and at least 566 identified item s), m am ­
lih ostankov hišic, od katerih jih je precej določljivih, in malian m icrofauna (several tho u san d unidentified bo­
več sto tisoč nedoločljivih fragm entov hišic), ostanki nes and m ore than one thousand identified teeth), a few
školjk, tudi m orskih (118 fragm entov lupin, pretežno rem ains o f birds, rem ains o f ectotherm ic vertebrates (in­
klapavice (M ytilus sp.) drobci oglja in nepoškodovana cluding several hundred derm al plates - osteoscutes o f
sem ena (več sto različnih sem en, tudi zoglenelih). Vse slow w orm ), occasional rem ains o f fis h (vertebrae, te­
paleontološke najdbe je pobral in začasno razvrstil J. eth and scales), rem ains o f land snails (several thous­
Dirjec. and dam aged shells and atrophied shells o f which a co n ­
Vse naštete najdbe na tem m estu ne bodo deležne siderable num ber are identifiable and m ore than one
sistem atične obdelave na način, kot so ga bile deležne h u n d red th o u san d u n id en tified fragm ents o f shells),
najdbe iz V iktorjevega spodm ola, ker ne m orem o kot rem ains o f oth er molluscs, including seashells (118 frag­
posam ezniki večkrat kršiti form alni program Inštituta m ents o f shell, predom inantly m ussels (M ytilus sp.) frag­
za arheologijo in vseh form alnih program ov ustanov in m ents o f charcoal and undam aged seeds (m ore th an a
inštitutov zunanjih sodelavcev. Z ato ponovno poudar­ hundred different seeds, including carbonised). All the
jam o, d a je bil obetavni projekt raziskav v Viktorjevem paleontological finds were collected and provisionally
spodm olu (tedaj še Podjam ci) zavrnjen zaradi prenizke classified by J. Dirjec.
uvrstitve v evalvacijskem postopku. zadeva M. Trig- All the enum erated finds will n ot be subject to sys­
lavco, je bila in bo kot najdišče izčrpana in objavljena v tem atic treatm en t as were finds from V iktorjev spod­
drugih raziskovalnih program ih, ki so zadostili standar­ mol, since we can n o t as individuals go too far outside
dom za uvrstitev na nacionalni seznam projektov. Ker the form al program m e o f the Institute o f A rchaeology
tukajšnji avtorji nism o odgovorni za te form alno spreje­ and all the form al program m es o f the foundations and
te projekte, je naš prispevek zgolj rezultat dobre volje in institutes o f external associates. So we stress again that
dobre nam ere. V sekakor pa bo stroka pridobila veliko the prom ising research project in V iktorjev spodm ol
več, ko bodo objavljeni izsledki projektov, katerih stan­ (th en still Podjam ca) was rejected because o f to o few
dardi glede na to, da so bili uvrščeni na nacionalni sez­ points in the evaluation procedure. M. Triglavca has been
nam projektov, visoko presegajo našo raven. and will be draw n on and published as a site in other
research program m es, w hich satisfy standards for inclu­
sion in the national list o f projects. Since the authors
involved here are not responsible for these form ally ac­
cepted projects, our contribution is only a result o f good
will and good intentions. C ertainly the profession will
obtain a great deal m ore w hen the results o f projects are
published w hose standards, having been included in the
national list o f projects, can greatly exceed o u r m eans.
2. A rheološke n a jd b e 2. A r c h a e o l o g ic a l
F in d s

M a tija T urk & Iv a n T urk

Inventar kam enih orodij, najdenih med izkopavanji, naj The inventory o f stone tools found during the excavations
bi bil relativno skrom en, zlasti v primerjavi s koščenimi was relatively modest, especially in com parison with bone
izdelki. F. Leben (1988) je objavil 5 m ezolitskih kam e­ products. F. Leben (1988) published 5 M esolithic stone
nih artefaktov in več koščenih orodij. D. Josipovič (1992, artefacts and a num ber o f bone tools. D. Josipovič (1992,
52) navaja, d a je neobjavljenih še nekaj desetin artefak­ 52) states that several tens o f artefacts rem ain unpublis­
tov, S. Petru (1997, 84s) pa govori o nekaj več kot 100 hed, and S. Petru (1997, 84s) speaks o f m ore than 100
tipološko določljivih orodjih, med katerim i poim ensko typologically identified tools, including m entioning indi­
navaja praskala, trapeze, puščične konice, vbadala, mik- vidually endscrapers, trapezes, arrow tips, burins, micro­
ro vbadala, svedre, kline z izjedo, odbitek z izjedo in burins, borers, notched blades, a notched flake and trun­
odbitke s prečno retušo. V Lebnovem dnevniku izkopa­ cated flakes. In Leben’s diary o f the excavation, which is
vanj, ki ga hrani Inštitut za arheologijo (arhivska št. kept by the Institute o f A rchaeology (archive no. A 1 15),
A 115), piše, da so zadnje leto izkopavanj presejali vse he writes that in the last year o f the excavation they sie­
ta k ra t odkopane m ezolitske sedim ente in sedim ente, ved all the then excavated M esolithic sedim ents and sedi­
odkopane leto prej. Po navedbah v dnevniku so tako našli m ents excavated the previous year. A ccording to state­
približno 750 odbitkov in najmanj 20 artefaktov, med m ents in the diary, they thus found approxim ately 750
njimi, sodeč po risbi, tudi odlom ek konice z dvojnim flakes and at least 20 artefacts, including, judging by the
hrbtom . Petrujeva navaja, da so v m ezolitskih plasteh drawing, a fragm ent o f a double-backed point. Petru sta-
M. Triglavce našli približno 800 kosov litičnega inven­ „ tes th at in the M esolithic layers o f M .Triglavca they found
tarja. Vse najdbe še niso objavljene, zato ne bodo pred­ approxim ately 800 items o f lithic inventory. All the finds
m et tega zbornika, ki se ukvarja izključno z najdbam i iz are not yet published, so they will not be the subject of
ponovno pregledanih sedimentov. this publication, which deals exclusively with finds from
Ponovni pregled dela že pregledanih sedim entov je a re-examination o f the sediments.
pokazal, da so bila kam ena orodja očitno m očno pod­ Re-examination o f part the already exam ined sedi­
cenjena, koščena pa posledično precenjena. O najdišču m ents showed that stone tools had clearly been greatly
sm o imeli zato napačno predstavo. underestim ated, and bone ones consequently overestima­
U streznejša slika, ki je sicer delna, vendar dovolj ted. We therefore had a very mistaken concept o f the site.
zanesljiva in verodostojna, je naslednja: A m ore ap propriate picture, which although parti­
V presejanem delu sedim entov je bilo n ajdenihal is sufficiently reliable and trustw orthy is the following:
22.886 kam enih artefaktov, od tega 22.538 odpadkov in In the sieved p art o f the sedim ents, 22,886 stone
348 izdelkov. Skupna teža vseh kam enih artefaktov je artefacts were found, o f which 22,538 were debris and
3,12 kg, od tega 2,90 kg odpadkov in 0,22 kg (n atan čn e­ 348 products. T he total weight o f all artefacts is 3.12 kg,
je 218,4 g) izdelkov. Izdelkov je sam o 1,5 % (kosi) oziro­ o f w hich 2.90 kg is debris and 0.22 kg (m o re precisely
m a 6,9 % (teža). Če bi hotel dobiti popolno kvantitativ­ 218.4 g) products. P roducts make up only 1.5 % (pie­
no sliko Lebnovih izkopavanj, bi m orala presejati ves ces) o r 6.9 % (weight). If we wished to obtain a com ple­
sedim ent t. i. m ezolitske plasti, kjer se nadejava še ne­ te quantitative picture o f L eben’s excavation, we would
kajkrat toliko najdb. have to sieve all the sedim ents o f the so-called M eso­
Izdelki in tehnološki primerki so zastopani, kot je lithic layer, w here we would hope for several tim es as
prikazano v razpredelnici 2.1. many finds again.
Med orodji m očno prevladujejo (po vrstnem redu) P roducts and technological specim ens are repre­
trikotniki sensu lato, retuširani odbitki, trapezi, praskala sented as shown in Table 2.1.
in kline z izjedo. A m ong tools the following greatly predom inate (in
Na odbitkih so vse vrste retuš, vendar m očno prev­ order): triangles sensu lato, retouched flakes, trapezes,
laduje polstrm a direktna retuša. K ar 6 retuširanih od­ endscrapers and notched blades.
bitkov je krakeliranih. T here were all types o f retouch on the flakes, alt-
Razpredelnica 2.1: Z asto p a n o st izdelkov in nekaterih tehnoloških prim erkov v pregledanem sedim entu M. Triglavce.
Table 2.1: R epresentation o f pro d u cts and som e technological specim ens in the re-exam ined sedim ent o f M. Triglavca.

V rsta izdelka Kosov T eža (g)* g/kos g inaks. g niin.

C lasification o f tools C ount W eight (g)* g/piece g max g mill
P rask ala / E ndscraper 37 50,8 1,6 6,0 0,5
a) na odbitku / on Hake 24 42,0 1,7 6,0 0,5
b) na klini / on blade 3 2,1 0.7 0,9 0,6
c) fragm enti / fragm ented 5 6,7 1,3 1,6 0,7
O dbitki retu širan i/ R etouched flakes 40 33,8 0,8 4,5 0,1
K line retuširane / R etouched blades 19 8,4 0,4 1,9 0,1
O dbitki s prečno retušo / T runcated flakes 2 1,1 0,5 0,9 0,2
K line s prečno retušo / T ru n cated blades 5 1,9 0,4 0,6 0,2
O dbitki z izjedo / N otched flakes 4 5,8 1,5 1.8 0,7
K line z izjedo / N otched blades 35 17,8 0,5 2,8 0,1
S v e d e r (luknjač) / B orer (Perforator) 1 1.0 1,0 1.0 1,0
S trgala / S crapers 2 8.9 4,5 5,7 3,2
K linice retuširane / R etouched bladelets 15 0,8 0,05 <0.1 <0.1
M ikro konice / M icropoints 18 1,9 0,11 0.5 <0,1
T rikotniki / T riangles 45 4,3 0,09 0,3 <0,1
a) raznostranicni / scalenes 40 3.7 0,09 0,2 <0,1
b) enakokraki / isoceles 5 0.6 0,12 0,3 <0,1
M ikroliti fragm enti / M icroliths fragm ents 20 0,5 0,03 0,1 <0,1
T rapezi / T rapezes 39 13,1 0,3 0,9 0,1
TTrapezi fragm enti / ?T rapezes fragm ents 6 1.6 0,3 0,7 0,1
M ikro v b ad ala / M icroburins 67 11.9 0,2 0,8 <0,1
T ehnični prim erki / T echnical pieces 82 - - - -

a) odbitki z negativom b u lb u sa / flakes with

31 5,8 0,2 0,7 <0,1
negative b ulb o f p ercussion
b) klin(ic)e z negativom bulbusa / blades and | |
31 8.1 0,3 <0,1
bladelets w ith negative b ulb o f percussion
c) deli jeder / core fragm ents 20 37,8 1,9 9,8 0,3
SK U PA J brez m ikro vbadal in teh. prim .
286 151.7 - - -
T O T A L w ithout m icroburins and techn. pieces
*Teže so natančne ± 0,lg.
‘ Weight is accurate to ± O.lg.
OPOMBA: Mikro vbadala in t.i. tehnični primerki dejansko sodijo med odpad.
NOTE: M icroburins and technical pieces are in fact part o f debris.

Kline so retuširane z direktno drobtinčasto, pol- hough sem i-abrupt direct retouches greatly predom ina­
strm o in strm o retušo, običajno sam o na enem robu. ted. Six o f the retouched flakes had been therm ally tre­
Sam o v enem prim eru im am o inverzno retušo. Med re- ated.
tuširanim i klinicami m očno prevladuje strm a retuša (h r­ The blades are retouched with direct m arginal re­
bet) nad drugim i retušam i. Med retuširanim i klinami in touch, semi-abrupt and abrupt retouch, normally only on
klinicami sta tudi dva krakelirana prim erka. V zorec frag­ one edge. Only on one specim en is there an inverse re­
m entarnosti se pri retuširanih klinah in klinicah bistve­ touch. Among retouched bladelets, backed bladelets gre­
no razlikuje od vzorca fragm entarnosti neretuširanih klin atly predom inate over other types o f retouching. Two o f
in klinic, ki so služile kot nastavki za izdelavo različnih the retouched blades and bladelets have been therm ally
orodij. Vsi deli retuširanih klin in klinic so nam reč ena­ treated. The sample o f fragm entation with the retouched
kom erneje zastopani (razpredelnica 2.2), kar povezuje­ blades and bladelets essentially differs from the sample
mo z naključnim (nenam enskim ) fragm entiranjem . o f fragm entation o f unretouched blades and bladelets,
O dbitki in kline s prečno retušo so običajno strm o since they served as blanks for the production o f various
retuširani. K rakeliranih primerkov ni. tools. All parts o f retouched blades and bladelets, nam e­
Kline in odbitki z izjedo predstavljajo v skoraj po­ ly, are equally represented (Table 2.2), which we associa­
lovici prim erov ponesrečene poskuse lomljenja klin z te with coincidental (unintentional) fragm entation.
m ikrovbadalno tehniko. N am esto ob izjedi se je klina Flakes and blades are norm ally backed. T here are
odlom ila nekoliko nad njo. Med klinami in odbitki z iz­ no therm ally cracked specim ens.
jedo je tudi 6 krakeliranih primerkov. Blades and flakes with notch in alm ost half o f ca­
Mikro konice so razen pri redkih izjem ah retušira- ses represent an unsuccessful attem p t at fracturing a
ne s strm o retušo na obeh robovih. K rakeliranih prim er­ blade using a m icroburin technique. Instead o f fractur­
kov ni. ing at the notch, the blade broke slightly above it. Am ong
Trikotniki, h katerim prištevava tudi klinice s hrb­ bladelets and flakes with notch there are also 6 therm al­
tom in prečno retušo (dos et troncatures), so izdelani s ly cracked specim ens.
pom očjo strm e retuše, redkeje polstrm e. Raznostranič- M icropoints, with rare exceptions, are retouched
ni trikotniki oz. hrbti in prečne retuše m očno prevladu­ with an ab ru p t retouch on both edges. T here are no ther­
jejo nad enakokrakim i trikotniki. Med raznostraničnim i mally cracked specim ens.
trikotniki sta tudi dva krakelirana prim erka. Večina tri­ Triangles, in which we also include tru n cated back­
kotnikov ima odlom ljeno bazo (razpredelnica 2.3). Po­ ed bladelets (dos el troncatures), are m ade with the aid
dobno je v Viktorjevem spodm olu. Z ato sklepava, da so o f an abrupt retouch, rarely a sem i-abrupt one. Scalene
bili trikotniki prilepljeni na leseno puščico s hrbtom tako, triangles o r tru n cated backed bladelets greatly predom i­
da je bila baza spredaj, kratka prečna retuša pa je delo­ nate over isosceles triangles. T here are two therm ally
vala kot zobec pri harpuni. Bazalni deli so se pri zadet­ cracked specim ens am ong the scalene triangles. M ost
kih poškodovali, zato je bilo treba trikotnike večkrat za­ o f the triangles have a fractured base (Table 2.3). It is
m enjati. To so lovci storili dom a, kjer so izdelovali tudi sim ilar in Viktorjev spodm ol. We therefore conclude that
nadom estne dele za vse vrste lovnih in drugih pripo­ the triangles were attach ed to a w ooden arrow by the
močkov. back so th a t the base was to the fore, and the sh o rt tru n ­
Trapezi so poleg trikotnikov in m ikro konic naj­ cation o perated like the barb on a h arpoon. T he basal
značilnejši izdelki m ezolitske kam ene obrti. Razen red­ parts were dam aged when they struck, so the triangle
kih izjem so vsi izdelani s t. i. m ikrovbadalno tehniko. had to be replaced several tim es. T he h u n ters did this at
Izraz uporabljava kljub njegovi neprim ernosti, saj gre v hom e, w here they also m ade spare parts for all kinds of
bistvu za lomljenje klin ob izjedi z nam enom dobiti tra­ hunting and other accessories.
pezu podoben segm ent kline z ostrim trnom (piquant- Together with triangles and m icropoints, trapezes
■triedre), ki je dom nevno služil kot ost puščice. N ekatere were the m ost characteristic p roduct o f M esolithic sto­
osnovne značilnosti trapezov so prikazane v razpredelni­ ne flaking. W ith few exceptions, they are all produced
ci 2.4. Med trapezi je tudi 5 krakeliranih primerkov. with the m icroburin technique. We use the term despite
S truktura o d pada je prikazana v razpredelnicah its unsuitability, since they are essentially broken blades
2.5-2.9. K.ot običajno m očno prevladujejo mikro odpad­ with a notch in order to get a segm ent o f the blade with
ki (odpadki, manjši od 3 m m ). Med jedri so najpogos­ a sh arp trihedral point (piquant-triedre), w hich presu-
tejša neizoblikovana in enopolarna jedra. Ta so največ­ mably served as the arrow tip. Some basic characteris­
ja. D ruga jedra (piram idalna, prizm atična in navzkrižna) tics o f trapezes are show n in Table 2.4. Five o f the tra­
so bistveno m anjša. Med preostalim odpadom prevla­ pezes are therm ally cracked.
dujejo neretuširani odbitki in razbitine prodnikov. Nere- T he stru ctu re o f debris is shown in Tables 2.5-2.9.
tuširanih klin in klinic je relativno malo. R azbitine s As is usual, m icro debris (debris sm aller than 3 m m )
korteksom in neretuširani odbitki s korteksom so pravi­ greatly predom inates. U nform ed and unidirectional co­
lom a precej večji od razbitin in navadnih neretuširanih res are the m ost frequent o f the cores. They are the lar­
odbitkov brez korteksa. Razlika v velikosti bi bila lahko gest. O th er cores (pyram idal, prism atic and cores with
tehnološko pogojena. Takšne razlike ni pri neretušira­ crossed blank rem ovals) are essentially smaller. Am ong
nih klinah in klinicah, med katerimi je izredno malo celih oth er debris, u n retouched flakes and sh atter fragm ents
primerkov. D om nevava, da so bile neretuširane kline in o f pebbles predom inate. T here are relatively few unre-

Razpredelnica 2.2: Specifikacija retuširanih klin in klinic v pregledanem sedim entu M. Triglavce.
Table 2.2: Specification o f retouched blades and bladelets in the re-exam ined sedim ent from M. Triglavca.

H rbet in D robtinčasta D robtinčasta

Kline d ro b tin časta retuša retuša
Klinice Cela Baza Pecelj Sredina Konec H rb e t retuša u n ilateraln a bilateraln a
Blades C om plete Basal Stem M edial T erm inal Backed Backed and M arginal M arginal
Bladelets m arginal retouch retouch
retouch unilateral bilateral
Kline 2 2 2
0 6* 8 3 4 0
Klinice T
3 4 1 4 3 8 4 0
3 10 3 12 6 12 6 2
* Trije bazalni deli klin predstavljajo kline, ki jim je bil dejansko odlomljen sam o konec.
* Three basal parts o f blades in fact represent the blades which were only term inally broken.
klinice nam enom a polom ljene (segm entirane), sredine touched blades and bladelets. S hatter fragm ents with
in konci, ki jih je najm anj, pa uporabljeni kot nastavki cortex and unretouched flakes with cortex are generally
za izdelavo različnih orodij (npr. trikotnikov). Podobno considerable bigger th an sh atter fragm ents and ordina­
stanje poznam o tudi iz Viktorjevega spodm ola in verjet­ ry unretouched flakes w ithout cortex. D ifferences in size
no m arsikaterega mezolitskega najdišča. Z ato ni to nič may have been technologically conditioned. T here are
neobičajnega. V nobenem prim eru pa ne gre za naravno not such differences with unretouched blades and bla­
lomljenje klin in klinic, saj bi drugače ne bilo takšnih delets, am ong w hich there are exceptionally few whole
nesorazm erij m ed zastopanostjo bazalnih in drugih nji­ specim ens. We suspect th at the unretouched blades and
hovih delov. Med segm entiranim i klinami in klinicami bladelets were deliberately broken (segm ented), and the
je skoraj desetina krakeliranih. centres and ends, o f w hich there are the least, used as
Med odpad sodijo tudi mikro vbadala. Nastavki za blanks for making various tools (e.g., triangles). We re­
izdelovanje orodij, katerih odpadek so t. i. mikro vbadala, cognise a sim ilar state also from V iktorjev spodm ol and
so bile skoraj izključno kline. Od 81 mikro vbadal je samo probably m any o th er M esolithic sites. So th a t is not­
9 primerkov s korteksom in 6 krakeliranih. Relativno ve­ hing unusual. In no case are blades and bladelets natu­
liko število mikro vbadal om ogoča njihovo strukturiran­ rally broken, since otherw ise there would not be such
je, ki je prikazano v razpredelnici 2.9. M očna prevlada d isproportion in the representation o f proximal and oth­
delov baze in konca kline nad njenim sredinskim delom er parts. A lm ost a tenth o f the segm ented blades and
kaže, da so bili ti deli klin uporabljeni kot končni nastavki bladelets had been therm ally cracked.
za izdelke. V danem prim eru so bili to predvsem trapezi s M icroburins are included in the debris. Blanks for
trirobim trnom (piquant-triedre) na daljši prečno retuši- making tools were alm ost exclusively blades. O f 81 mi­
rani stranici. U sm erjenost mikro vbadal je podobna us­ croburins, there were only 9 specim ens with cortex and
merjenosti daljše stranice trapezov s prečno retušo. V obeh six therm ally cracked. T he relatively large num ber of
prim erih nam reč m očno prevladujejo levi primerki, kar m icroburins enables their structure to be shown, which
je lahko povezano z delno standardizacijo postopka iz­ is done in Table 2.9. T he strong prevalence o f proximal
delave trapezov na že opisani način. and distal parts o f blades over their m edial p art shows
th at these parts o f the blades were used as final blanks
for products. In the given case they were mainly trape­
Tehnologija: zes with trihedral point on the longer tru n cated side.
T he o rien tatio n o f the m icroburins is sim ilar to th at of
Tehnološki postopki, uporabljeni pri obdelavi surovine, the longer tru n cated side o f trapezes. In both cases, left-
so bili podobni, kot sm o jih ugotovili v Viktorjevem spod­ handed specim ens predom inate, w hich could be co n ­
molu. Številni krakelirani odpadki (m ed njimi tudi eno nected with partial standardisation o f th e procedure o f
je d ro ) in izdelki kažejo, da je bila surovina to p lo tn o production o f trapezes in the already described m an­
obdelana pred odbijanjem in retuširanjem . Velike razli­ ner.
ke v velikosti razbitin in odbitkov s korteksom in brez
njega kažejo, da so bile pri izkoriščanju jeder uporablje­
ne različne tehnike, vsaka z določenim nam enom . N aj­ Technology:
bolj izpopolnjena tehnika je bila tista, s katero se dobijo
kot papir tanki odbitki in kline (glej I. Turk in M. Turk, T he technological procedures used in th e working o f
ta zbornik). Zanje je značilen talon v obliki zelo splošče- raw m aterials were sim ilar to those found in Viktorjev
ne krivulje norm alne porazdelitve in poleg bulbusa še spodm ol. C onsiderable therm ally cracked debris (inclu-

Razpredelnica 2.3: Specifikacija trikotnikov v pregledanem sedim entu M. Triglavce.

Table 2.3: Specification o f triangles in the re-exam ined sedim ent from M. Triglavca.

H rb et in d ro b tin č a sta
H rb et in strm a
T rik o tn ik i Cel Baza S red in a K onec retu ša*
retu ša*
T riangles C om plete Basal M edial T erm in al Backed a n d m arg in al
D ouble-backed*
5 0 0 0 3 1
Raznostranični 3 3
Scalenes 22
17 28 16
* Mišljena je retuša na najdaljši stranici trikotnika, ki običajno ni retuširana.
* Marginal and other retouch is mostly on longest side o f triangle, which remains usually unretouched.
k o n tra-bulbus (t. 19: 257). Takšne kline so bile pogosto ding one core) and products show th a t the raw m aterial
segm entirane in so dom nevno služile za izdelavo različ­ was therm ally treated before segm enting and retouching.
nih geom etričnih hiperm ikrolitov. Sodeč po bazalnih T he large differences in th e sizes o f shatter fragm ents
delih m ikro vbadal so bili nastavki za trapeze sam o izje­ and flakes with cortex and w ithout it, show th at various
m om a pridobljeni s to tehniko. Skoraj vsi bazalni deli techniques were used in the exploitation o f cores, each
m ikro vbadal so masivni in imajo velik talon, kar lahko for a specific purpose. T he m ost com plete technique
pom eni, da so trapeze (projektile?) nam enom a izdelo­ was th at by which they obtained paper thin flakes and
vali na debelejših klinah, ki so jih dobili z direktnim odbi­ blades (see I. Turk and M. Turk, this volum e). A cha­
janjem. Debelejši projektili so trpežnejši od tankih in imajo peau de gendarme platform is characteristic o f it and in
zaradi večje mase tudi boljše balistične lastnosti. addition to a bulb o f percussion also a negative bulb
Segm entiranje klin je potekalo na dva načina: z (Plate 19: 257). Such blades were often segm ented and
običajnim lomljenjem na upogib in z manj običajnim presum ably served for the production o f various geom e­
lom ljenjem s pom očjo izjede. Posledica lom ljenja na tric hyperm icroliths. Judging by the proxim al parts of
upogib so gladke, ravne prelom ne ploskve z zavihkom. the m icroburins, blanks for trapezes were only exceptio­
R ezultat lomljenja s pom očjo izjede so mikro vbadala nally obtained with this technique. A lm ost all the prox­
in trapezi s trirobim trnom . Kaže, da je bil glavni na­ imal parts o f th e m icroburins are solid and have a large
men lom ljenja s pom očjo izjede, dobiti oster trn na dalj­ platform , w hich could m ean that trapezes (projectiles?)
ši prečno retuširani stranici trapeza, ki se je dom nevno were deliberately produced on thicker blades, which they
uporabljal kot ost puščice. Izjeda je bila narejena bodisi obtained with direct percussion. Thicker projectiles are
z nizom retuš (običajno strm ih) bodisi s klektonsko re- m ore resistant th a t thin ones and because o f th e larger
tušo. Z adnjo sm o našli sam o v štirih prim erih. O be teh­ weight also have b etter balistic properties.
niki sta se uporabljali tudi pri segm entiranju klinic, kar Segmenting blades was done in two ways: with a
dokazujejo najdbe pigmejskih m ikro vbadal. norm al bending fracture and with less norm al fracturing
Velika redkost so kline, ki imajo izjedo na talonu with the aid o f a notch. The results o f bending fractures
ali izrobo lateralno tik nad talonom (t. 18: 184). Izjeda are sm ooth, level fractures faces with revers. The results
(klektonska) na talonu je sam o na enem od pravokotni- o f fracturing with the aid o f a notch are m icroburins and
ških trapezov. Izjed tik nad talonom ni. V tem se M. trapezes with trihedral point. It appears th at the main
Triglavca razlikuje od V iktorjevega spodm ola, kjer so purpose o f fracturing with the aid o f a notch is to get a
izjede na talonu in tik nad talonom pogostejše. sharp spike on the longer truncated side o f the trapeze,
-which was presumably used as a the arrow tip. T he notch
was m ade either with a series o f retouches (norm al ab-
Surovina: rubt) or with a C lacton retouch. We only found the latter
in four specimens. Both techniques were also used in seg­
S plošno vzeto je surovinski sestav vseh kam nitih najdb m enting bladelets, as ‘pigmy’ m icroburins dem onstrate.
zelo pester, saj so med njimi zastopani različni m ateria­ Blades th a t have a notch on the faceted platform
li in barve. or shoulder laterally imm ediately above it (P late 18: 184)
Surovina so bili izključno roženčevi, tufski in drugi are a rarity. T here is a notch (C lacto n ) on the faceted
prodniki, lokalnega izvora. Sam o en ali dva trapeza in platform only on one rectangular trapeze. T here is no
ena klina (t. 12: 45; 13: 82; 17: 149) so nedvom no izdela­ notch im m ediately above the faceted platform . M. Trig­
ni iz ‘uvoženih’ surovin, vendar med njimi ni belo patini- lavca, where there are notches on the lacted platform
ranega sileksa. K am ena strela kot surovina ni prisotna. and im m ediately above it fairly infrequently, differs in
Za določene izdelke se niso izbirale posebne surovine. this from Viktorjev spodm ol.

Razpredelnica 2.4: Specifikacija trapezov v pregledanem sedim entu M. Triglavce.

Table 2.4: Specification o f trapezes in the re-exam ined sedim ent from M. Triglavca.

O b lik a - tip P reč n a retu.ša

(po G .E .E .M . 1969) Kosov Levi Desni K ra tk i Dolgi T ru n c a tio n
F orm - T ype C ount L eft R ight S h o rt E longated m a jh n a velika
(a fte r G .E .E .M . 1969) sm all larg e
Sim etrični / S ym m etric 6 2 4 4 2 0 0
A sim etrični / A sym m etric 23 18 5 4 19 0 0
P ravokotniški / R ectangular 9 8 1 6 3 0 0
R om basti / R hom bic 1 1 0 1 0 0 0
?Fragm enti / ?Fragm ented 6 0 0 0 0 4 2
S K U PA J brez fragm .
39 29 1» 15 24 0 0
T O T A L w ithout fragm ents
K ar zadeva surovino in preskrbo z njo, ni bistvene Raw materials:
razlike med M. Triglavco in Viktorjevim spodm olom kot
verjetno tudi ne s Pod Črm ukljo, je pa precejšnja razlika G enerally speaking, the raw m aterial com position o f all
med skupino om enjenih najdišč in Bregom, kjer je med stone finds is very varied, with various m aterials and
izdelki precej belo patiniranega sileksa. Njegova najbližja colours represented am ong them .
nahajališča so v naplavinah N adiže (ustni podatek itali­ Raw m aterials are exclusively chert, tuff and other
janskih kolegov). pebbles o f local origin. Only one or two trapezes and one
blade (Plates 12: 45; 13: 82; 17: 149) are undoubtedly
produced from “im ported” raw materials, although there
Je d ra (t. 8 -9 ): was no white patinated flint am ong them. Rock crystal is
not present as a raw material am ong them . They did not
Jedra, predvsem večja so bila delno pobrana že med iz­ choose particular raw materials for specific products.
kopavanji F. Lebna. Z ato so njihove najdbe iz pregle­ As far as raw materials and their supply are concer­
danega sedim enta sam o delno reprezentativne. ned, there is no essential difference between M. Triglavca
Je d ra so relativno m ajhna, prilagojena velikosti and Viktorjev spodm ol, nor probably Pod Crmuklja, but
surovine, tj. prodnikov. Samih prodnikov ni, je pa veliko there is a more considerable difference between the afo­
njihovih razbitin, m ed njim i je m alo večjih in veliko rem entioned group o f sites and Breg, where there is con­
m ajhnih kosov (razpredelnica 2.7). Kljub um etni selek­ siderable white patinated ch ert/flin t am ong the products.
ciji so prisotne vse faze izrabe jeder, od predhodnega Its nearest origins are in th e alluvium deposits o f the
jedra (prenukleusa) (t. 8 :278) do popolnom a izrabljenih N adiža - Natisone (oral data from Italian colleagues).
je d er in različnih odbitkov, ki so nastali pri njihovem
popravljanju. Veliko je tudi odbitkov s korteksom (raz­
predelnica 2.7). Vse to kaže na obstoj ‘kam noseških’ de­ Cores (Plates 8 -9 ):
lavnic v sam em spodm olu, podobno kot v Viktorjevem
spodm olu. T akšne delavnice d o d atn o p o d p ira velika Cores, above all larger ones, were already partially col­
količina kam nitih odpadkov vseh velikosti. lected during the excavations o f F. Leben. So the finds
M ed jedri m očno prevladujejo neizoblikovana in from the re-examined sedim ent are only partially repre­
enopolarna, ki so povprečno enkrat večja od drugih oblik sentative.
je d er (razpredelnica 2.6). Negativi klin so vidni sam o C ores are relatively small, adapted to the size of
na 9 enopolarnih jedrih (t. 8: 265-266; 9: 267-2 6 8 ). the raw m aterial, i.e., pebbles. T here are no pebbles as
Od drugih enopolarnih in vseh neizoblikovanih je d er so such, but there are a great many shatter fragm ents from
bili odbiti sam o odbitki. Med neizoblikovanim i jedri je them , a few big ones and lots o f small pieces (Table 2.7).
tudi nekaj povsem izrabljenih m ajhnih jeder. D espite the artificial selection, all phases o f use o f co­
Številčno približno izenačena so prizm atična (t. 9: res are present, from provisional cores (prenucleuses)
274), piram idalna (t. 9: 2 6 9 -2 7 2 ) in navzkrižna jedra (Plate 8: 278) to com pletely exhausted cores and vari­
(t. 8: 277; 9: 275-276). Med temi je več takih, od kate­ ous flakes created during th eir repair. T here are also a
rih so bile odbite kline in klinice. Nekaj piram idalnih lot o f cortical flakes (Table 2.7). All this indicates the
jed er je prav m iniaturnih (t. 9; 270-272). existence o f a “m asonry w orkshop” in the overhang it­
Kljub velikemu številu je d er je videti, kot da bi bila self, as at Viktorjev spodm ol. T he idea o f such work­
ta v M. Triglavci tipološko sirom ašnejša od tstih v Vik­ shops is additionally sup p o rted by th e large am o u n t o f
torjevem spodm olu. Tako ni kroglastih in diskastih je­ stone debris o f all sizes.
der ter jed er na odbitku. Tudi odbijanje z roba nam esto U nshaped and unidirectional cores greatly predom i­
z udarne ploskve dejansko ni znano. Pač pa je eno jed ro nate am ong the cores, w hich are on average twice the

Razpredelnica 2.5: S tru k tu ra o dpada v pregledanem sedim entu M. Triglavce.

Table 2.5: S tru ctu re o f debris in the re-exam ined sedim ent from M. Triglavca.

Vsi o d p ad k i Kosov T eža (g) g/kos g m aks. g min.

All d eb ris C ount W eight (g) g/piece g max g mill
<3 mm (mikro) / <3 mm (micro) 16640 56,4 0,003 <0,01 <0,01
>3 mm (makro) / >3 mm (macro) 3969 858 0.5 9,8 <0,1
Razbitine prodnikov >3 mm / Shattered pebbles > 3 mm 1155 1045,2 0,9 48,1 0,1
Jedra >3 mm / Cores > 3 mm 73 754,8 10,3 49.4 0,5
SKUPAJ/TO TA L 21837 2714,4 - - -

OPOMBA: Med odpadke so vključeni vsi tehnični primerki in mikro vbadala v razpredelnici 2.1.
NOTE: Debris includes all technical pieces and microburins from Table 2.1.
in vsaj 5 razbitin prodnikov krakeliranih na kortikalni size o f o th er form s o f core (Table 2.6). Blade scars are
strani, kar priča o term ični obdelavi prodnikov in jeder. visible on only 9 unidirectional cores (Plates 8: 2 6 5 -
Iz nekaterih razbitin prodnikov in ostankov jed er so bila 266; 9: 2 6 7 -2 6 8 ). Only flakes had been removed from
n arejena p reprosta strgala (t. 19: 2 2 2 -2 2 3 ). Č esa po­ th e o th e r u n id irectio n al an d all th e unsh ap ed cores.
dobnega v Viktorjevem spodm olu nism o ugotovili. Am ong the unshaped cores there are also som e com ple­
Ker je med različnim i razbitinam i prodnikov veli­ tely exhausted small cores.
ko zelo slabega k rem ena, ki je bil n edvom no takoj Prism atic (P late 9: 274) and pyram idal cores (Pla­
zavržen, so m orali prebivalci M. Triglavce nositi v spod­ te 9: 2 6 9 -2 7 2 ) and cores with crossed blank removals
m ol cele prodnike, ne da bi jih pred tem preizkusili ali (Plates 8: 277; 9: 2 7 5 -2 7 6 ) were in roughly equal num ­
naredili iz njih predhodna jedra. To je bilo mogoče, ker bers. A num ber o f them had had blades and bladelets
prodniki niso bili veliki, nahajališča pa so bila v bližini, removed. Some o f the pyram idal cores are real m iniatu­
se pa v se k ak o r ni sp la ča lo , če so d im o po količini res (P late 9: 27 0 -2 7 2 ).
zavrženih prodnikov takoj po testiranju. D espite the large num ber o f cores, it can be seen
th at those in M. Triglavca are typologically impoveris­
hed in com parison with those from Viktorjev spodm ol.
Neretuširane kline in klinice (t. 18: 243-249; 19: 25 0 - T here are thus no spherical or disc cores o r flake cores.
256) Even striking with the edge instead o f a striking plat­
form is actually unknow n. However, one o f the cores
Z anje velja podobno, kot sva že ugotovila v Viktorjevem and at least 5 sh atter fragm ents o f pebbles are therm ally
spodm olu. M edtem ko so lam inarni odbitki večinom a cracked on the cortical side, w hich testifies to th e th er­
celi, je večina klin in klinic fragm entiranih oz. segmenti- mal treatm ent o f pebbles and cores. Simple scrapers had
ranih. Med fragm enti m očno prevladujejo bazalni deli been m ade from som e sh atter fragm ents and rem ains o f
(razpredelnica 2.8). To je vzorec, ki ga poznam o tudi v cores (P late 19: 2 2 2 -2 2 3 ). We did not find anything
Viktorjevem spodm olu in ki potrjuje dom nevo, da so sim ilar in Viktorjev spodm ol.
bile neretuširane kline in klinice nam enom a lomljene. Since am ong the various shatter fragm ents o f pebb­
U darne ploskve so gladke ali fasetirane in običajno les there was a lot o f very bad ch ert, w hich was un­
m ajhne. Posebnost so zelo tanke kline s kontra-bulbu- doubtedly rejected immediately, the inhabitants o f M.
som in gladkim talonom , ki pa so vse fragm entirane oz. Triglavca m ust have carried pebbles to th e overhang
segm entirane. Te kline, ki niso pogoste, bi lahko prim er­ w ithout previously testing them or m aking prenuclei
jali s klinami, odbitim i na način M ontbani, ki so značil­ •from them . This was possible because the pebbles were
ne za končni tardenoazjen ( Tardenoisien fin a l) v Franci­ not large, and they were found in the vicinity, but cer­
ji (Rozoy 1979a, 370, sl. 2). tainly did not pay judging by the am o u n t o f pebbles re­
G lede na veliko število bazalnih in drugih delov bi jected im m ediately after testing.
pričakovala več izdelkov, narejenih iz nastavkov klin in
klinic, kot jih je bilo dejansko najdenih. Z ato dom neva­
va, da vsi izdelki niso ostali v najdišču. Unrctouched blades and bladelets (Plates 18: 243-249;
19: 2 5 0 -2 5 6 )

“ M ikro vbadala” (t. 14: 170-171, 2 5 8 -2 6 4 , 2 84-28 3 , Sim ilar applies for them as we established in Viktorjev
296): spodm ol. W hile lam inar flakes are for th e m ost part
whole, the m ajority o f blades and bladelets are fragm en­
M ikro vbadal je toliko, da je m ožno narediti nekatere ted o r segm ented. A m ong fragm ents, proxim al parts
sklepe. O tem , da gre za odpadek, ne dvomiva, za razli­ greatly predom inate (Table 2.8). This is a p attern that
ko od predhodnih raziskovalcev, ki se z vprašanjem , ali we also recognise in Viktorjev spodm ol and w hich con-

Razpredelnica 2.6: Struktura jeder v pregledanem sedimentu M. Triglavce.

Table 2.6: Structure of cores in the re-examined sediment from M. Triglavca.

Vrsta jedra Kosov Teža (g) g/kos g maks. g min.

Core type Count W eight (g) g/piece g max g mi n
Neizoblikovana/ Amorphous 34 387,6 1 1,4 46,8 1.4
Enopolama / Unidirectional 20 249,6 12,5 49,4 2,0
Piramidalna / Pyramidal 6 20,1 3,4 10,4 0,5
Prizmatična / Prysmatic 6 36,7 6,1 10,0 3,6
Navzkrižna / With crossed blank removals 7 60,8 8,7 14,6 1,8
SKU PAJ/TO TAL 73 754,8 - - -
gre za orodje (vbadalo) ali odpadek, niso ukvarjali (npr. firm s the suspicion th at unretouched blades and blade-
Brodar 1992, 26). Velika večina m ikro vbadal je nam reč lets were deliberately segm ented.
popolnom a nepoškodovana, to pa pom eni, da niso bila T he striking platform s are sm ooth o r faceted and
uporabljena. M ed trapezi, ki so nedvom no izdelki, je norm ally small. A particularity is very thin blades with
tretjina (14 kosov) takih, ki imajo odlom ljeno konico a negative bulb and sm ooth plane, but w hich are all frag­
trirobega trna. Tem je treba dodati še 9 različnih frag­ m ented o r segm ented. These blades, w hich are not fre­
mentov, ki dom nevno pripadajo trapezom . Med mikro quent, could be com pared with blades rem oved by the
vbadali ni fragmentov, so sam o poškodbe vbadalnega M ontbani m ethod, w hich are typical o f the Tardenoi-
roba. To lahko pom eni, da so bila vsaj nekatera upora­ sien fin a l in France (Rozoy 1979a, 370, Fig. 2).
bljena (prim erjaj Petru 1997, 85). In view o f the large num ber o f proxim al and other
M ikro vbadala se delijo na bazalna (t. 14:259,264), parts, we would expect m ore products m ade from blanks
sredinska (t. 14: 2 8 3 -2 8 4 ) in končna (t. 14: 258, 2 6 0 - o f blades and bladelets than were actually found. It m ust
263), tj. glede na to, na katerem delu kline so. N adalje be assum ed th a t all products did not rem ain at the site.
se lahko delijo na leva (t. 14: 262, 264) in desna, tj. gle­
de na to, na kateri strani kline je bila narejena izjeda.
Izjede so bile pravilom a narejene z direktno strm o “ M icroburiiis” (P late 14: 170-171, 2 5 8 -2 6 4 , 284-283,
retušo. V redkih prim erih je na m ikro vbadalih klekton- 296):
ska izjeda (t. 14: 259). Ugotovila sva, da prevladujejo
bazalna oz. končna in desna (v smislu delitve trapezov T here are sufficient m icroburins to reach som e conclu­
so to leva) vbadala (razpredelnica 2.9). Ugotovitev je sions. We do not doubt that these are debris, in contrast
skladna s potencialno dolžino klin in desničarstvom . to previous researchers w ho did not deal with the ques­
N am reč: zaradi m ajhnih prodnikov večina klin ni bila tion o f w hether they are tools (burins) or debris (e.g.
daljša od dveh, treh centim etrov. Z ato s o jih lahko lomi­ Brodar 1992, 26). T he large m ajority o f m icroburins,
li sam o enkrat s pom očjo izjede in večkrat brez nje. Izje­ namely, are com pletely undam aged, w hich m eans that
do desničarji podzavestno naredijo na desni hrbtni stra­ they were unused. A m ong trapezes th at are undoubted­
ni ne glede na to, kako je klina usm erjena glede na bazo ly products, a third (14 pieces) have a broken tip o f the
in konec. Kaže, da so tako dom nevni desničarji kot le­ trihedral point. To these m ust be added a fu rth er 9 vari­
vičarji približno enako obračali kline enkrat z bazo pro­ ous fragm ents w hich presum ably belong to trapezes.
ti sebi, drugič z bazo od sebe. D om nevnih desničarjev T here are no fragm ents am ong the m icroburins, there is
je bilo sam o enkrat toliko kot levičarjev, kar je vsekakor only dam age to the burin edge. This could m ean th a t at
zanim iva ugotovitev. Pojav dom nevnega desničarstva in least som e were used (see also Petru 1997, 85).
levičarstva ima tudi svoje geografske razsežnosti (L ö h r M icroburins are divided into proximal (Plate 14:
1994), ki so la h k o p o g o je n e z r a z lič n im i v p liv i 259, 264), medial (Plate 14: 2 8 3 -2 8 4 ) and distal (Plate
družbenega okolja v času in prostoru. 14: 258, 2 6 0 -2 6 3 ), i.e., in relation to w hich p art o f the
Sredinska mikro vbadala so skrajno redka in ved­ blade they are. They are fu rth er divided into left (Plate
no v kombinaciji z navadnim prelom om , k ije bil posle­ 14: 262, 264) and right, i.e., in relation to the side o f the
dica upogiba. To kaže, da so bile nekatere kline, ki so blade on w hich the notch was made.
služile kot nastavki za trapeze, predhodno segmentira- N otches were norm ally m ade with a direct abrupt
ne. S seg m en tira n je m je bila o d stra n je n a b az a (ali retouch. In a few specim ens a C lacton notch had been

Razpredelnica 2.7: Struktura odpada > 3 mm (brez delov jeder) in razbitin prodnikov v pregledanem sedimentu M. Triglavce.
Table 2.7: Structure of debris > 3 mm (without parts of cores) and shatter fragments of pebbles in the re-examined sediment
from M. Triglavca.

Vrsta odpada Kosov Teža (g) g/kos g milks, g min.

Debris Count W eight (g) g/piece g max g min
Razbitine prodnikov s korteksom / with cortex 474 721,2 1,52 48.1 <0,1
Shattered pebbles brez korteksa / without cortex 681 324,0 0,47 6,8 <0,1
Odbilki s korteksom / with cortex 708 302,6 0,43 6,4 <0,1
Flakes bre/ korteksa / without cortex 2439 254,2 0.10 9,8 <0,1
Odbitki laminarni s korteksom / with cortex 53 48,2 0,90 2,4 <0,1
Laminar flakes brez korteksa / without cortex 26 9,9 0,38 1.5 <0,1
Kline neretuširane s korteksom / with cortex 160 153,1 0,96 2,7 <0,1
Unretouched blades brez korteksa / without cortex 381 355,6 0,93 2,2 <0,1
Klinice neretuširane
s korteksom / with cortex 14 0.7 0.05 <0,1 <0,1
Unretouched bladelets
SKUPAJ /TO TAL 5007 2172,6 - - -
konec?) kline, na prelom u pa so pozneje izdelali krajšo m ade on m icroburins (P late 14: 259). We ascertained
prečno retušo trapeza. Skladno s takšno razlago je veli­ that proximal and distal and right (in term s o f division
ko število bazalnih odlom kov neretuširanih klin (raz­ o f a trapeze these are left) m icroburins predom inated
predelnica 2.8). (Table 2.9). T he finding is in accordance with the po­
V zvezi z velikostjo m ikro vbadal sva ugotovila, da
tential lengths o f blades and righthandedness. In oth er
prevladujejo zelo majhni prim erki, med katerim i so tudi words, because the pebbles were small, the m ajority o f
pigm ejska mikro vbadala. N adalje sva ugotovila, da je blades were n o t longer than two or three centim etres.
mikro vbadal (odpada) prem alo v primerjavi s trapezi So they could be fractured only once with the aid o f a
(izdelki). R azm erje m ikro vbadala / trapezi je v M. Trig- notch, o r m ore tim es w ithout it. R ighthanders subcons­
lavci 1,5 v Pečini na Leskovcu (Grotta Azzurra) 13,5 in v ciously make a notch on the right side, irrespective o f
Riparo Gaban 18,6 (glej I Turk, ta zbornik, razpredelni­ how the blade is oriented in relation to the bulbar end
ca 8.2 in 8.3). Poleg tega nam a ni uspelo sestaviti niti and tip. It appears th at both the suspected righthanders
enega mikro vbadala in trapeza. To pom eni, da je bilo and left handers turned the blade roughly the sam e once
izdelanih veliko trapezov, ki se niso nikoli vrnili na naj­ with the bulbar end tow ards them and once with it away
dišče ali, da je veliko mikro vbadal zapustilo najdišče. from them . T here were only twice as many righthanders
Slednje se nam a zdi manj verjetno kot prvo. N am reč: o as lefthanders, which is at least an interesting finding.
trapezih lahko dom nevam o, da so končali kot osti puščic. The phenom enon o f th e suspected righthanders and left­
Z ato je sm iselno, da se mnogi niso vrnili v najdišče, tj. handers also has a geographic aspect ( Löhr 1994), which
bazno taborišče. Z a m ikro vbadala ni razlage, čem u bi may have been conditioned by various influences o f the
služila zunaj najdišča. Če bi se dejansko uporabljala kot social environm ent in tim e and space.
vbadala (d letca in/ali p erfo ra to rji), bi z njimi delali Medial m icroburins are extrem ely rare and always
predvsem v najdišču, tj. dom a, ne pa na lovno-nabiral- in com bination with a snap fracture, w hich was a result
nih pohodih. Sploh so t. i. vbadala zelo dvomljivo orod­ o f flex. This shows th at som e blades that served as blanks
je in so v m ezolitiku nepom em bna. for trapezes, had been previously segm ented. W ith seg­
m enting, the bulbar end (o r distal end) o f the blade was
removed and a sh o rter truncation o f trapeze subsequent­
Vbadala: ly produced on the fracture. T he large num ber o f proxi­
mal fragm ents o f unretouched blades accords with such
V novo pridobljenem gradivu M. Triglavce ni vbadal, ra­ an explanation (Table 2.8).
zen enega diedričnega. V množici neretuširanih odbitkov We found th a t very sm all specim ens o f m icroburins
tudi ni t. i. vbadalnih odbitkov, razen m orda dveh, treh. predom inated, including pygmy m icroburins. We further
ascertained that the num ber o f m icroburins (debris) was
too small in com parison with the trapezes (products).
Izjede in zobci (t. 14: 164-169, 172-177, 179: 16: 118; T he ratio m icroburins/trapezes in M. Triglava is 1.5, in
17: 149-153; 18: 154-163): Pečina na Leskovcu (Grotta Azzurra) 13.5 and in Riparo
Gaban 18.6 (see I Turk, this volume, Table 8.2 in 8.3).
V M. Triglavci so sam o izjede brez zobcev. Te so bile In addition, we did n ot succeed in refitting even one
narejene predvsem na klinah oz. klinicah (t. 14: 164— m icroburin and trapeze. This m eans th at a great many
169, 172-175; 16: 118; 17: 149, 150-153; 18: 154-163,) trapezes were m ade th at never returned to the site, or
in sam o izjem om a na odbitkih (t. 14: 176, 177, 179). To that a great many m icroburins were removed from the
dejstvo skupaj z velikim številom prelom ov tik nad izje­ site. T he latter seem s less likely than the former. T rape­
do ali pod njo (t. 14: 164-169, 172-174; 17: 152) kaže na zes presum ably ended up as arrow heads. It is understan-

Razpredelnica 2.8: Struktura neretuširanih klin in klinic v pregledanem sedimentu M. Triglavce.

Table 2.8: Structure of unretouched blades and bladelets in the re-examined sediment from M. Triglavca.

Kline Neretuširane kline (kosov) Neretuširane klinice (kosov)

klinice Unretouched blades (count) Unretouehed bladelets (count)
Blades Cela Baza Sredina Konec SKUPAJ Cela Baza Sredina Konec SKUPAJ
bladelets Complete Basal M edial Terminal TOTAL Complete Basal Medial Terminal TOTAL
S korteksom 2 2
77 40 41 160 3 3 6 14
With cortex
Brez korteksa
12 178 109 82 3KI 8 15 31 17 71
Without cortex
14 255 149 123 541 10 18 34 23 85
drugačno vlogo izjede, kot sm o jo vajeni npr. v paleoliti­ dable that many did not return to the site, i.e., base camp.
ku. Izjeda je v M. Triglavci služila predvsem za izdelavo T here would be no reason for m icroburins to be used
trapezov s trirobim trnom s pom očjo lomljenja. Č e se away from the site. If they were actually used as burins
takšen lom ni posrečil, so nastali odpadki, ki so prikaza­ (chisel a n d /o r perforator) they would have worked with
ni v t. 14: 164-169, 172-174. Včasih se je poskus pones­ them mainly at the site, i.e., hom e, and not on the hunt
rečil celo dvakrat zapored (t. 14: 173). o r foraging. Burins are in general very dubious tools and
O vseh drugih klinah z izjedo je težko reči, da so u n im p o rtan t in the M esolithic.
vse mezolitske glede na to, kako so bile najdene. Ravna
in dolga, popolnom a direktno in delno inverzno retu-
širana klina (t. 17: 149) dom nevno ni m ezolitska, am ­ Burins:
pak neolitska. Izdelana je iz surovine nelokalnega izvo­
ra. P osebnost sta dve klinici m ikrolitskih m er z izjedami T here are no burins in the newly obtained m aterial from
(t. 16: 118: 18: 161), od katerih predvsem ena zaradi bi­ M. Triglavca, except for one single dihedral burin. T he­
lateralne izjede spom inja na klinice tipa M ontbani. Ven­ re are also only two or three possible burin spalls in the
dar sta izjedi za tip M ontbani prem alo odm aknjeni dru­ m ass o f u nretouched flakes.
ga od druge (R ozy 1978a, 256, sl. 7).

N otches and denticulates (Plates 14: 164-169, 172-177,

Sveder (t. 16: 298: 19: 225): 179: 16: 118; 17: 149-153: 18: 154-163):

Sveder je en sam, narejen na odbitku (t. 19: 225). Temu T here are only notches w ithout denticulates in M. Trig­
je treba dodati še en potencialni niikro sveder (t. 16: lavca. These were m ade m ainly on blades or bladelets
298). P odobno kot v Viktorjevem spodm olu so bila ta (Plates 14: 164-169, 172-175: 16: 118; 17: 149, 150-153;
orodja v m ezolitiku M. Triglavce nepom em bna. 18: 154-163,) and only exceptionally on flakes (Plate
14: 176, 177, 179). T his fact, together with the large num ­
b er o f fractures im m ediately above the notch o r below it
Praskala (t. 19: 186-189: 20): (Plates 14: 164-169, 172-174; 17: 152) suggests a diffe­
rent role o f the notch than we have been accustom ed to
Praskala so narejena večinom a na odbitkih razen red­ in, e.g., the Palaeolithic. The notches at M. Triglavca
kih primerkov, ki so bili narejeni na segm entiranih ali served mainly for the production o f trapezes with tri­
fragm entiranih klinah (t. 19: 188, 189: 20: 191 in m orda hedral point, by m eans o f fracturing. If such a fracture
192). N e glede na nastavek, iz katerega so narejena, so was unsuccessful, debris was created, as show n in Plate
14: 164-169, 172-174. An attem p t was som etim es un­
successful twice in succession (Plate 14: 173).
Razpredelnica 2.9: Struktura mikro vbadal v pregledanem se­ It is difficult to say th at all the o th er blades with a
dimentu M. Triglavce. notch are M esolithic in view o f how they were found.
Table 2.9: Structure of microburins in the re-examined sedi­ We suspect th at the straight and long, com pletely direct
ment from M. Triglavca. and partially inversely retouched blade (Plate 17: 149)
Mikro is not M esolithic but N eolithic. It is m ade o f raw m ate­
Baza Sredina Konec SKUPAJ
vbadala rial o f non-local origin. Two blades o f m icrolithic m ea­
Basal Medial Terminal I’OTAL
Microburins surem ents with notches are a particularity (Plates 16:
S korteksom
1 0 7 8 118; 18: 161), one o f w hich in p articular is rem iniscent
With cortex
Brez korteksa o f a M ontbani type bladelet because o f the bilateral
30 8 21 59
Without cortex notches. However, the notches are too close together
SKUPAJ for the M ontbani type (Rozy 1978a, 256, Fig. 7).
31 8 28 67

Usmerjenost* Baza Sredina Konec SKUPAJ

Orientation* Basal Medial Terminal TOTAL Borers (Plate 16: 298; 19: 225):
20 5 18 43
Lel'l There is only one borer, m ade on a flake (Plate 19: 225).
Desni It is necessary to add to that a further potential micro
11 3 10 24
borer ( Plate 16:298). As in Viktorjev spodmol, these tools
31 8 28 67 were unim portant in the M esolithic at M. Triglavca.
* Usmerjenost mikro vbadal je kompatibilna z usmerjenostjo tra­
pezov. / * Orientation of microburins is compatible with orien­
tation of trapezes.
različno dobro izdelana. N a kar osm ih praskalih so os­ Endscrapers (Plates 19: 186-189; 20):
tanki korteksa. E no praskalo je krakelirano. Oblikovno
izstopajo eno ozko praskalo (t. 19: 189) in dve gredljasti The endscrapers have been m ade lor the m ost p art on
(t. 20: 216, 217). Tri praskala imajo precej ravno čelo flakes, with a few exceptions m ade on segm ented or frag­
(t. 20: 203, 204, 207), tako da bi jih lahko pripisala od­ m ented blades (Plates 19: 188, 189; 20: 191 and per­
bitkom tipa ‘skrobacz’. Za nekatera praskala so značilni haps 192). Irrespective o f the blank from w hich they
precej oglati zaključki čelnega dela (t. 19: 187; 20: 198, were m ade, they are variously well made. T here are the
210, 211, 214), kar je prej posledica površne izdelave kot rem ains o f cortex on eight endscrapers. O ne endscra-
nam ere izdelati takšno čelo. K ar nekaj praskal je poško­ per had been therm ally cracked. O ne narrow endscra-
dovanih (t. 20: 178, 218-221). V prašanje je kdaj in kako per (Plate 19: 189) and two carinated ones (P late 20:
so nastale poškodbe. 216, 217) stand out in term s o f design. T hree endscra­
Nekaj posebnega je praskalu podoben izdelek, ki pers have a fairly straight front (P late 20: 203, 204, 207),
ima kljub visokem u čelu kot nož oster polkrožen rob so th at they could be ascribed to flakes o f the ‘skrobacz’
(t. 20: 241). Tehnika, s katero je bil ostri rob izdelan je type. Some o f the endscrapers are characterised by a
precej nenavadna: gre za več stopenj položnih retuš, ki fairly angular ends o f front (Plates 19: 187; 20: 198,210,
so bile vse zalom ljene kakih 3 mm od roba. Skratka pra­ 211, 214), w hich is m ore likely a result o f superficial
va m ojstrovina obdelave krem ena. m anufacture than intention to produce such a front. A
good few o f the endscrapers are dam aged (P late 20: 178,
218-221). It is a question w hen and how th e dam age
Retuširani odbitki (t. 19: 134, 135, 143, 145, 222, 223, occurred.
229, 230, 232): A product like an en d scrap er w hich, despite the
high front, has a very sharp sem i-circular edge (Plate
Retuširani odbitki so v M. Triglavci relativno pogostejši 20: 241) is som ething special. T he technique by which
(15 % vseh izdelkov) kot v Viktorjevem spodm olu (do­ th e very sharp edge was produced is fairly unusual: it is
brih 9 % vseh izdelkov). V endar je to lahko artefakt raz­ a num ber o f levels o f invasive retouches w hich were all
lično velikih vzorcev. Med retuširane odbitke prištevava hinge fractured som e 3 mm from the edge. A real m as­
poleg vseh drugih (t. 19: 134, 143, 145, 229, 230, 232) terpiece o f worked flint.
tudi strgala (t. 19: 222, 223) in odbitke s prečno retušo
(t. 19: 135). V inventarju M. Triglavce so retuširani od­
bitki številčno zastopani v enakem vrstnem redu, kot so Retouched flakes ( Plate 19: 134, 135, 143, 1 4 5 ,222,223,
navedeni. Pri tem je treba poudariti, d a je vseh zanem ar­ 229, 230, 232):
ljivo malo.
R etouched flakes are relatively m ore com m on in M.
Triglavca (15 % o f all products) than in Viktorjev spod­
mol (a good 9 % o f all products). However, this may be
a product o f the different sizes o f sam ple. A m ong re­
touched flakes we include in addition to all others (Pla­
te 19: 134, 143, 145, 229, 230, 232) also scrapers (P late
19: 222, 223) and tru n cated flakes (Plate 19: 135). In
the inventory o f M. Triglavca, retouched flakes are nu­
merically represented in the sam e order as they are ci­
ted. It m ust be stressed there are negligibly few o f all o f
them .

Retouched blades and hladelets ( Plates 16: 104-106, 110,

112-114, 116, 299; 17: 121-133; 18: 138-140, 144, 181-

T here are essentially fewer retouched blades and blade-

lets th an retouched flakes (Table 1.1). T here are a few
specim ens am ong the blades with a tru n catio n (Plate
Sl. 2.1: Prikaz nasaditve trapezov in trikotnikov na toporišča 18: 138-140, 144) and even fewer with a shoulder (P late
puščic. Risba I. Turk. 18: 183, 184). O ther blades are retouched on one or both
Fig. 2.1: Demonstration of helving trapezes and triangles to edges w ith use, m arginal, sem i-ab ru p t o r a b ru p t re­
the shaft of an arrow. Drawing by I. Turk. touches (Plates 16: 104-106, 110, 112-114; 17: 121-129).
Retuširane kline in klinice (t. 16: 104-106, 110, 112-114, T he retouch is only exceptionally inverse (Plate 17: 123,
116, 299; 17: 121-133: 18: 138-140, 144, 181-185): 125). T hree proximal segm ents o f blades with parallel
retouch dorsally on th e bulbar end itself are a peculiari­
Retuširanih klin in klinic je bistveno manj kot retuširanih ty (Plate 17: 282).
odbitkov (razpredelnica 1.1). Med klinami so redki pri­ Bladelets m ainly have an ab ru p t retouch (back)
merki s prečno retušo (t. 18: 138-140, 144) in še redkejši while the o th er edge is unretouched or retouched with
z izrobo (t. 18: 183, 184). Druge kline so retuširane po marginal or semi-abrupt retouch (Plate 16: 110-112, 116).
enem ali obeh robovih z uporabno, drobtinčasto, polst- There is only one bilateral abrupt retouch (Plate 16: 113).
rm o ali strm o retušo (t. 16: 104-106, 110, 112-114: 17:
121-129). Retuša je sam o izjem oma inverzna (t. 17: 123,
125). Posebnost so trije bazalni segmenti klin, ki imajo Trapezes (Plates 12: 4 5 -6 0 , 61-83, 2 9 2 -2 9 5 ; 14: 141 -
dorzalno na sami bazi lam elarno retušo (t. 17: 282). 142, 146-148):
Klinice im ajo predvsem strm o retušo (hrbet), m ed­
tem ko je drugi rob neretuširan ali retuširan z drobtinčas­ M. Triglavca is currently the site with the highest num ­
to ali polstrm o retušo (t. 16: 110-112, 116). Bilateralna ber o f trapezes in Slovenia. We can therefore reach some
strm a retuša je sam o ena (t. 16: 113). provisional conclusions.
T he m ajority o f trapezes are m ade with the m icro­
burin technique. T hree specim ens are exceptions (Pla­
Trapezi (t. 12: 45-60, 61-83, 292-295; 14: 141-142, 146- tes 12: 45, 59, 13: 65), o f w hich there is an elongated
148): asym m etric trapeze inversely retouched on a shorter base
(Plate 12: 59). All the specim ens were produced with
M. Triglavca je trenutno najdišče z največjim številom norm al (direct, sem i-abrupt) truncation, O ne sh o rt sym­
trapezov v Sloveniji. Z ato lahko narediva nekaj začas­ m etrical specim en (P late 12: 45), w hich is m ade from
nih sklepov. non-local raw m aterial, is o f suspected N eolithic age,
Večina trapezov je narejenih z m ikrovbadalno teh­ although there were also such trapezes in the M esolithic
niko. Izjema so trije prim erki (t. 12: 45, 59, 13: 65), od (Rozoy 1978b, Plate 138 c).
katerih je dolgi asim etrični trapez inverzno retuširan na Analogous specim ens o f inverse retouch on the base
krajši bazi (t. 12: 59). Vsi prim erki so bili izdelani z are in the m aterial o f the site at Breg, w here one o f the
običajno (direktno, polstrm o) prečno retušo. En kratki trapezes has an inversely retouched longer base (Frelih
sim etrični prim erek (t. 12: 45), k ije narejen iz nelokal- 1986, Plate 2: 14). T here are also analogies for short
ne surovine, je dom nevno neolitske starosti, čeprav so sym m etrical trapezes that do not show traces o f m icro­
takšni trapezi tudi v m ezolitiku (Rozoy 1978b, t. 138 c). burin techniques in the trapezes at the Breg site (Frelih
A nalogni prim erki za inverzno retušo na bazi so v 1986, Plate 2: 13).
gradivu najdišča na Bregu, kjer ima eden od trapezov Trapezes can be divided into sym m etrical (equila­
inverzno retuširano daljšo bazo (Frelih 1986, t. 2: 14). teral) elongated (Plate 12: 4 6 -4 7 ) and short (Plate 12:
Tudi analogije za kratke sim etrične trapeze, ki ne kažejo 45, 4 8 -4 9 ), asym m etrical (n o t equilateral) elongated
sledov m ikrovbadalne tehnike, so v trapezih na najdišču (Plate 12: 59; 13: 66-81, 83) and short (Plate 13: 61-
Breg (Frelih 1986, t. 2: 13). 64), rectangular elongated (Plate 12: 51-54, 58, 60) and
Trapeze lahko deliva na sim etrične (enakokrake) sh o rt (P la te 12: 5 5 -5 7 ) an d rh o m b ic (P late 13: 82)
dolge (t. 12: 4 6 -4 7 ) in kratke (t. 12: 45, 4 8 -4 9 ), asim e­ (G .E .E .M . 1969). Some o f the asym m etrical trapezes
trične (neenakokrake) dolge (t. 12:59; 13: 66-81, 83) in (Plate 13: 70, 7 4 -7 5 ) are very sim ilar to Montclus trape­
kratke (t. 13: 6 1-64), pravokotniške dolge (t. 12: 51-54, zes, others (P late 13: 68, 76) again to Teviec trapezes
58, 60) in kratke (t. 12: 5 5 -5 7 ) ter rom baste (t. 13: 82) from French M esolithic sites (G .E .E .M . 1969, Fig. 9),
(G .E.E.M . 1969). N ekateri asim etrični trapezi (t. 13:70, except that our trapezes were m ade exclusively with a
7 4 -7 5 ) so zelo podo b n i trap e zo m M ontclus, drugi m icroburin technique. Because o f the great d istan ce
(t. 13: 68, 76) zopet trapezom Teviec s francoskih me- between the sites, such com parisons are m ore or less
zolitskih najdišč (G .E .E .M . 1969, sl. 9), le da so bili m eaningless, and sim ilarities are merely a result o f con­
naši trapezi narejeni izključno z m ikrovbadalno tehni­ vergent developm ent trends.
ko. Z aradi velike oddaljenosti med najdišči so takšne An unusual “trap eze” o f small dim ensions, with a
prim erjave bolj ali manj nesm iselne, podobnosti pa so small straight tru n catio n and retouched point (P late 13:
dom nevno posledica konvergentnih razvojnih trendov. 295) m ust be m entioned as a particularity. T he speci­
Kot posebnost m orava navesti neobičajen “trap ez” men was presum ably m ade with a m icroburin techni­
m ajhnih dim enzij, z ravno m ajhno prečno retušo in re- que. T here is an analogue at the Breg site (Frelih 1986,
tuširanim trnom (t. 13: 295). Prim erek je bil dom nevno Plate 2: 9).
narejen z m ikrovbadalno tehniko. Analogen je na naj­ The m icroburin technique was norm ally used with
dišču Breg (Frelih 1986, t. 2: 9). a large tru n catio n with all types o f trapeze, but with a
M ikrovbadalna tehnika je bila pravilom a uporablje­ small tru n catio n only in individual cases with certain
na pri veliki prečni retuši pri vseh tipih trapezov, pri types (P late 12: 47, 58; 13: 77). T here are none on asym­
m ajhni prečni retuši pa sam o v posam eznih prim erih m etrical and rhom bic trapezes.
pri nekaterih tipih (t. 12: 47, 58; 13: 77). Ni jo na asim e­ T he m ajority o f trapezes are left hand according to
tričnih kratkih trapezih in rom bastih trapezih. L ö h r’s classification (Table 2.4; Plate 12: 51), which
Večina trapezov je po Löhrovi klasifikaciji leva m eans that the notch was m ade on the right hand side
(razpredelnica 2.4; t. 12: 51), kar pom eni, d a je bila izje­ o f the blade (Plate 14: 264).
da narejena na desni strani kline (t. 14: 264). T here is a very pronounced tendency for elonga­
Zelo je izražena tendenca po dolgih prim erkih, kar ted specim ens, which m eans th at the trapezes have an
pom eni, da imajo trapezi podaljšano konico, ki se konča extended point ending with a trihedral point (Table 2.4;
s trirobim trnom (razpredelnica 2.4; t. 12: 51; 13: 67, Plates 12: 51; 13: 67, 74). This is not pronounced except
74). Ta je neizrazit razen v enem prim eru, ko je precej in one specim en when it is fairly large (Plate 13: 67).
velik (t. 13: 67). K onica trna je pogosto odlom ljena. Če T he tip o f the point is often broken. If it is preserved
je v celoti ohranjena, ni retuširana, razen izjem oma. whole, it is only exceptionally retouched.
M ajhna prečna retuša je lahko skoraj ravna (t. 12: A small tru n catio n can be alm ost straight (Plate
12: 58) to greatly curved (P late 13. 74). A large or small
base is only exceptionally retouched (Plates 12: 59; 13:
Razpredelnica 2.10: M. Triglavca, mere celih trapezov. 75). T he retouch is always inverse and does not reduce
Table 2.10: M. Triglavca, measurements of whole trapezes. the sharpness o f the basal edge.
Inv. štev. Dol/inu (mm) Širinu (mm) Dehelina (mm) D am ages to trapezes are especially interesting. A
Inv. no. Length limn) Width (mm) Thickness (mm) trihedral point can be sm oothly fractured (P late 13: 68,
MT 45 14,8 13,2 3,9 74), either entirely (rarely) or only at the lip (frequent).
MT 46 14 8,5 2
In two cases, the trapeze had fractured below a large
MT 47 19 10.5 2
MT 48 14 10 2,5 truncation (Plate 13:83). On one case the trihedral point
MT 49 12 10 2 suffered only m inor dam age to the tip, in an o th er it is
MT 50 15 11 com pletely fractured. In five cases we suspect th at the
MT 51 20,8 11 3,4
trapeze was broken ju st above a small tru n catio n o r a
MT 52 17 11,4 5,8
MT 53 16,4 10,2 2,6 little below it (Plate 14: 141, 146-148). If the docum en­
MT 54 16,2 10 2,6 ted fragm ents actually belong to a trapeze, it could have
MT 55 17,8 11,4 3,2 -been broken during use as an arrow. We suspect that
MT 56 13,2 10,4 1.9 both trapezes and triangles could have been used as ar­
MT 57 11 10,5 2
MT58 14 9
rowheads, as shown in Fig. 2.1.
MT 59 19.5 10,8 2,5 T he various dam ages to trapezes m ust certainly be
MT 60 16,2 10 2,9 studied systematically, and an attem p t m ade to establish
MT6I 15 10 3 how and why they occurred.
MT 62 14 11 2,2
2 Typom etric analysis o f undam aged trapezes found
MT63 11,8 9,2
MT64 11 7 2,5 at M. Triglavca gave interesting results (Table 2.10; si.
MT 65 11.8 7,4 i ? 2 . 2 ).
MT 66 10 8,2 2 We analysed the relation between length and width,
MT 67 27 10 ~>o
w hich roughly d eterm ines the shape or distinguishes
MT 68 19 10,9 3,2
MT 69 15,4 10.8 3 between sh o rt and wide and long and narrow trapezes.
MT 70 13.8 8,8 2,8 T he norm al frequency o f distribution o f the quotient
MT 71 13,2 7 2 o f length and width (see curve S in the diagram and the
MT 72 12 6,9 2 ‘bell’ shape o f the histogram, which is not typical o f a
MT 73 12,4 7,5 3
MT 74 10 3,8
norm al distribution according to the results o f the Shapi­
MT 75 17,8 8 2,3 ro W ilk's W-test) can be explained in two ways depen­
MT 76 17.4 8,6 2,3 ding on the length o f settlem ent o f the site. It m ust be
MT 77 13,8 9.8 2,8 stressed th at the m ajority o f ratios relating to metric data
MT 78 12.5 9 2,2
o f stone and bone artefacts have a sim ilar distribution.
MT 79 13,2 9 2,8
MT 80 11,2 8 1.9 If there was a short, single settlem ent, the trapezes
MT 81 9,5 8 1,5 probably represent a deviation from the basic type (p ro ­
MT 82 22 13,2 3,8 bable variety), w hich is m ost frequently in a value o f
MT 83 12,2 8 2
length o f 1.5 width (trapezes no. 48, 77, 79, 52, 61, 58,
MT 16 14,5 2,7
MT 17 9,8 2,5 55 a n d /o r 78 or 64).
MT 16,5 9,5 2,7 If there was long settlem ent, or a num ber o f short
MT 13,5 7,5 2 settlem ents over an extended period, the trapezes pro-
58) do m očno vbočena (t. 13. 74). Velika ali m ajhna baza bably represent a developm ent link from trapeze no. 57,
je sam o izjem om a retuširana (t. 12: 59; 13: 75). Retuša je o f equal length and breadth, to trapeze no. 67, which is
vedno inverzna in ne zmanjšuje ostrine baznega roba. alm ost three tim es as long as wide, or developm ent in the
P osebno zanim ive so poškodbe trapezov. Trirobi opposite direction. It is impossible to determ ine which
trn je lahko gladko odlom ljen (t. 13: 68, 74), in sicer v shape in such a case was at the beginning and which at
celoti (redko) ali sam o na koncu (pogosto). V dveh pri­ the end o f the developm ent cycle. A ccording to this deve­
m erih se je trap ez odlom il pod veliko p rečno retušo lopm ent scheme, a trapeze with a ratio between length
(t. 13: 83). Trirobi trn je pri tem v enem prim eru utrpel and width o f approxim ately 1.5 was used most.
sam o m anjšo poškodbo vršička, v drugem prim eru pa If the trapezes are arrow heads, the m ost com m on
se je v celoti odlom il. V petih prim erih dom nevava, da type o f arrow head could be helved mainly longitudinal­
se je trapez odlom il tik nad m ajhno prečno retušo ali ly and only exceptionally transversely. F or transverse
m alo pod njo (t. 14: 141, 146-148). Če dokum entirani helving, trapezes with a length to width ratio less than
fragm enti dejansko pripadajo trapezom , bi se lahko od­ 1.5 were mainly suitable. T he shape o f the trapeze may
lomili med uporabo kot npr. osti puščic. D om nevava, have been connected with the m ethod o f attachm ent.
da so se tako trapezi kot trikotniki uporabljali za puščič- Transversely attach ed trapezes also do not need a tri­
ne osti na način kot je prikazan na sl. 2.1. hedral point.
V bodoče bo vsekakor treba sistem atično proučiti
različne poškodbe na trapezih in poskušati ugotoviti,
kako in zakaj so nastale. Truncated backed bladelets ( Plates 10:7-11, 13, 15, 18-
T ip o m etričn a analiza nepoškodovanih trapezov, 20; II: 21-22, 25, 2 7 -3 5 , 3 7 -4 0 , 290; 12: 41-44, 291;
najdenih v M. Triglavci, je dala zanim iv rezultat (raz­ 16: 120):
predelnica 2.10; sl. 2.2).
A nalizirala sva odnos med dolžino in širino trap e­ T runcated backed bladelets have ju st as im portant a role
zov, ki v grobem določa obliko oz. ločuje med kratkim i in the inventory o f M. Triglavca as they do in Viktorjev
in širokim i ter dolgimi in ozkimi trapezi. spodmol. The m ajority o f specim ens are not typical, but
N o rm a ln o fre k v e n č n o p o ra z d e lite v k o lič n ik a this is not a consequence o f style, or its bad copying.
dolžine in širine (glej krivuljo S v diagram u in zvončas­ A m ong the num erous atypical bladelets, backed and trun­
to obliko histogram a, ki po rezultatu Shapiro-W ilkovega cated, there is also one typical specim en (Plate 11: 290).
W -testa za norm aln o porazdelitev ni značilna) lahko In Table 2.1 we treat tru n cated backed bladelets as
razloživa na dva načina, odvisno od trajanja poselitve triangles, because it is n ot entirely clear to us w hether
najdišča. Pri tem je treba poudariti, da im a podobno they are two different products or merely a sim plifica­
porazdelitev večina razm erij, ki se nanašajo na m etrič­ tion o f the procedure o f producing such an arm ature. In
ne podatke kam enih in koščenih artefaktov. th e plates, triangles are oriented differently to tru n ca­
Če gre za kratko, en kratno poselitev, predstavljajo ted backed bladelets.
trapezi najverjetneje odstopanje od osnovnega tipa (m or­ T here are a large num ber o f dam aged specim ens
da variante), ki je najpogostejši v vrednosti dolžina je am ong the truncated backed bladelets. T he part at which
1,5 širine (trapezi št. 48, 77, 79, 52, 61, 58, 55 in ali 78 the two longer sides o f a triangle m eet is norm ally frac-
ali 64). tu re d (P la te s 10: 18-20; 11: 2 1 -2 2 ). It is therefore diffi-

3 .0

f 6
jy 2.0 Ž 5
59 47 •

56 62 »J
45 • 2

0 .0 0 .2 0 .4 0 .6 0 .8 1.0 1,2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 .0 2 .2 2 .4 2 .6 2 .8 3 .0
0 .5 0.1 0 .3 0 ,5 0 ,7 0 ,9 1.1 1,3 1,5 1,7 1,9 2,1 2 ,3 2 ,5 2 ,7 2 ,9
5 7 4 5 4 9 5 6 6 2 6 3 7 8 4 8 7 7 7 9 52 61 58 55 6 4 6 5 5 4 6 0 82 7 2 5 9 4 7 5 1 7 6 7 5 6 7
R a z m e rje (11.: Si. / R a tio l e n g th : w id th
Inv. šte v . / In v e n to ry no. X < * C a te g o ry B o u n d a ry

SI. 2.2: Odnos med dolžino in širino trapezov v M. Triglavci.

Fig. 2.2: Ratio between length and breadth of trapezes in M. Triglavca.
Če gre za dolgo poselitev ali večje število kratkih cult to decide the original shape o f the product. Some
poselitev v daljšem času, predstavljajo trapezi najverjet­ o f the fractures are shaped as if created by a blow (Pla­
neje vezni razvoj od trapeza št. 57 enake dolžine in širi­ tes 10: 7, 20; 12: 43). It is interesting th a t they also have
ne do trapeza št. 67, ki je skoraj 3-krat tako dolg kot dam age to th e point o f co n tact o f th e longest and sh o rt­
širok, ozirom a razvoj v obratni smeri. N em ogoče je nam ­ est side (Plates 10: 7; 12: 43). Both could be linked to
reč ugotoviti, katera oblika je bila v tem prim eru na začet­ the use o f these products as blades on arrows, attached
ku in katera na koncu razvojnega ciklusa. V takšni raz­ by the back o f the second longest side to a w ooden shaft
vojni shem i se je največ uporabljal trapez, ki im a raz­ so th at the p art at w hich the two longest sides m eet is
merje m ed dolžino in širino približno 1,5. tu rn ed upw ards (Fig. 2.1). Less usual are fractures at
Če so trapezi puščične osti, je bil najpogostejši tip the point at w hich the longest and sh o rtest sides m eet
puščice lahko nasajen predvsem vzdolžno in sam o izje­ (P late 10: 14, 17) and fractures in th e vicinity o f the
m om a prečno. Z a p rečno nasajanje so bili prim erni m iddle o f the bladelet (P late 16: 120).
predvsem trapezi, ki imajo razm erje med dolžino in širi­ M anyt o f the backs are m ade with a gravette (cros­
no m anjše od 1,5. Tako bi bila oblika trapeza puščice sed) retouch (Plate 10: 18; II: 24, 30), which in this
lahko povezana z načinom nasaditve. Prečno nasajeni case is only a technical expression w ithout chronologi­
trapezi tudi ne potrebujejo trirobega trna. cal im plications. T he back is always associated with a
truncation. T he longest side is not norm ally retouched
(Plate 10: 8). W hen it is, it is backed once, along the
Klinice s hrbtom in prečno retušo (t. 10: 7-11, 13, 15, entire length (P late 11: 37). In o th er cases the retouch
18-20; 11: 21-22, 25, 27-35, 3 7 -4 0 , 290; 12: 41-44. is marginal, partial or total (Plates 10: 7, 9, 11, 20; 11:
291; 16: 120): 24, 32; 12: 42), exceptionally also sem i-abrupt (P late
11: 26, 39). T he m ajority o f retouches on the longest
Klinica s hrbtom in prečno retušo ima v inventarju M. side did not essentially reduce th e cutting capacity of
Triglavce prav tako pom em bno vlogo kot v Viktorjevem the edge o f the side. If the products were used as ar­
spodm olu. Večina prim erkov ni tipična, vendar to ni rowheads, for the m ost p art the retouches contributed
posledica sloga, oz. njegove slabe kopije. Med številni­ to their greater effectiveness.
mi atipičnim i klinicam i s hrbtom in prečno retušo je T runcated backed bladelets are all sizes, but m ain­
tudi en tipičen prim erek (t. II: 290). ly within the limits o f m icroliths. Som e specim ens are
V razpredelnici 2 .1 obravnavava hrbte s prečno re­ hyperm icrolithic (pigm y) (Plates 10: 15; 11:33, 35) and
tušo kot trikotnike, ker nam a ni popolnom a jasno, ali in their sm allness exceed all m icrolithic artefacts known
gre za dva različna izdelka ali sam o za poenostavitev to date in Slovenia.
postopka izdelave kakšne arm ature. V tabelah so trikot­ M. Brodar (1992, 27; 1995, 16) dealt with the phe­
niki obrnjeni drugače kot klinice s hrbtom in prečno nom enon o f m icrolithisation in Slovene Palaeolithic and
retušo. M esolithic sites and cam e to certain conclusions on the
Med klinicami s hrbtom in prečno retušo je veliko basis o f com parison am ong sites. We personally believe
poškodovanih primerkov. O bičajno je odlomljen del, kjer th a t the debate on the m icrolithisation o f products in
naj bi se stikali obe daljši stranici trikotnika (t. 10: 18- Slovenia will ripen when all late Palaeolithic and M eso­
20; 11: 21-22). Z ato je težko sklepati o prvotni obliki lithic sites have been exam ined with the sam e field m et­
izdelka. N ekateri odlom i so oblikovani tako (t. 10: 7, hods and the same precision.
20; 12: 43), da bi lahko nastali zaradi udarca. Zanim ivo
je, da nastopajo tudi skupaj s poškodbo stičišča najdalj­
še in najkrajše stranice (t. 10: 7; 12: 43). O boje bi se Triangles (Plates 10: 1-6, 16-17, II: 2 3 -2 4 , 26, 36):
dalo nekako povezati z uporabo teh izdelkov kot rezilc
na puščici, prilepljenih s hrbtom druge najdaljše strani­ Triangles, strictly speaking, are not very frequent am ong
ce na leseno toporišče, tako d a je bil del, kjer se stikata products at M. Triglavca. C ertainly there are relatively
obe najdaljši stranici, obrnjen navzgor (sl. 2.1). Manj fewer than at Viktorjev spodm ol, as is clear from the
običajni so odlom i stičišča najdaljše in najkrajše strani­ ratio triangles/trapezes, w hich is 0.4 in M. Triglavca and
ce (t. 10: 14, 17) in prelom i v bližini sredine klinice 2.5 in Viktorjev spodm ol. T he com parison is interesting
(t. 16: 120). because both products were arm atu res w hich presum a­
Veliko hrbtov je narejenih z gravetno retušo (t. 10: bly served as arrow heads. If they were n ot helved to­
18; 11: 24, 30), ki je v danem prim eru sam o tehnični gether, it m eans two types o f arrow w hich could have
izraz brez kronološkega predznaka. H rbet je vedno po­ been used at th e sam e tim e but for different game. We
vezan s prečno retušo. N ajdaljša stranica običajno ni can therefore expect specific differences in the ratios
retuširana (t. 10: 8). V prim erih ko je retuširana, je sam o between the two products, created gradually in line with
enkrat s strm o retušo, in to po celotni dolžini (t. 11: 37). changing hunting habits and econom ic factors.
V preostalih prim erih je retuša drobtinčasta, delna ali Deriving from the findings o f Italian colleagues.
totalna (t. 10: 7, 9, 11, 20; 11: 24, 32; 12: 42), izjemo- th at a rise in th e num ber o f trapezes and fall in isosceles
m am tudi polstrm a (t. 11: 26, 39). Večina retuš na naj­ triangles are characteristic o f the developm ent o f the
daljši stranici ni bistveno zm anjšala rezilnih sposobnos­ M esolithic, the ratio isosceles triangles/trapezes is also
ti roba stranice. Če so bili izdelki uporabljeni za pušči­ interesting. This ration is 0.1 in M. Triglavca and 0.25
ce, so retuše kvečjemu pripom ogle k njihovi večji učin­ in Viktorjev spodm ol.
kovitosti. If the differences in one or the oth er ratio are ex­
Klinice s hrbtom in prečno retušo so vseh velikos­ plained chronologically and the difference in the volu­
ti, vendar v glavnem v m ejah mikrolitov. N ekateri pri­ me o f sedim ent exam ined, w hich is not large, is n ot ta­
merki so hiperm ikrolitski (pigm ejski) (t. 10: 15; 11: 33, ken into account, the finds in V iktorjev spodm ol, for
35) in po svoji m ajhnosti presegajo vse doslej znane which relatively num erous triangles and relatively few
m ikrolitske artefakte v Sloveniji. trapezes is characteristic, are older than the finds in M.
S pojavom m ikrolitizacije v slovenskih paleolitskih Triglavca, for w hich the reverse is the case.
in m ezolitskih najdiščih s e je ukvarjal M. Brodar (1992, The ratio triangles/trapezes also changes in the Late
27: 1995, 16) in podal določene sklepe na podlagi pri­ M esolithic (C astelnovian), judging by th e site Riparo
merjav med najdišči. Sam a sva menja, da bo razprava o Gaban (Kozlowski, D alm eri 2000, Tab. 13). In the early
m ikrolitizaciji izdelkov v Sloveniji zrela, ko bod o vsa C astelnovian this ratio was 2.5 and in the late 0.18. T he­
m lajšepaleolitska in m ezolitska najdišča pregledana z re were thus gradually fewer triangles and ever m ore tra­
enako terensko m etodo in z enako natančnostjo. pezes.
Triangles are divided into isosceles (Plate 10: 1-5)
and scalene (Plates 10: 14, 16; 11: 23-24, 26, 36). Among
Trikotniki (t. 10: 1-6, 16-17, 11: 2 3 -2 4 , 26, 36): the scalene we also cam e across som e fragm ents whose
sides greatly converged (P late 10: 6, 12), although they
Trikotniki, strogo vzeto, niso ravno pogosti med izdelki do n ot necessarily belong to triangles. O ne scalene tri­
v M. Triglavci. V sekakor jih je relativno manj kot v Vik­ angle is very sim ilar to a M ontclus triangle. (G .E.E.M .
torjevem spodm olu, kar je razvidno iz razm erja trikotni­ 1969, si. 3).
ki/trapezi, ki je v M. Triglavci 0,4, v V iktorjevem spod­ T here are occasional specim ens am ong b oth scale­
m olu pa 2,5. Prim erjava je zanimiva, ker gre pri obeh ne and isosceles triangles th a t have an ab ru p t retouch
izdelkih za arm ature, ki so dom nevno služile kot osti on the longest side (Plates 10: 3; 11: 37). It is hard to
puščic. Če jih niso nasajali skupaj, gre za dve vrsti puščic, imagine w hat these were used for. The com m onest are
ki so se lahko uporabljale hkrati, vendar za različno div­ triangles with partial m arginal or sem i-abrupt retouch
jad. Z ato lahko pričakujem o določene razlike v razm er­ on the longest side (Plates 10: 2, 5, 17; 11: 2 4 ,2 6 ), which
ju med obem a izdelkom a, ki so nastajale sčasom a sklad­ is m ore often at the distal th an proxim al end.
no s sprem injanjem lovskih navad in ekonom skih dejav­ T he typom etry o f triangles and tru n cated backed
nikov. bladelets gave sim ilar results as with trapezes. Various
Izhajaoč iz ugotovitev italijanskih kolegov, da sta form s o f geom etric arm ature are co nnected or put an­
za razvoj m ezolitika značilna porast trapezov in upad oth er way, one form o f the sam e arm ature flows into
enakokrakih trikotnikov, je zanim ivo tudi razm erje ena­ an o th er (see Barbaza etal. 1991, 223 s). How to explain
kokraki trikotniki/trapezi. To razm erje je v M. Triglavci this continuous transform ation is an o th er m atter.
0,1 in v Viktorjevem spodm olu 0,25.
Če razlike v enih in drugih razm erjih razloživa kro­
nološko in ne upoštevava razlike v prostornini raziska­ Segm ents (Plate 16: 242, 303):
nih sedimentov, ki ni velika, so najdbe v Viktorjevem
spodm olu, za katere so značilni relativno številni trikot­ N ot a single one o f the products could w ithout doubt be
niki in relativno m aloštevilni trapezi, starejše od najdb defined as a segm ent. Two solid flakes with convex back,
v M. Triglavci, za katero je značilno ravno obratno. but w ithout a com plete arc, are m ost sim ilar to segm ents
R azm erje trik o tn ik i/trap e zi se sprem inja tu d i v (Plate 16: 242, 303). Some tru n cated backed bladelets
m lajšem m ezolitiku (kastelnovjenu), če sodim o po naj­ have such a convex tru n catio n that they are rem iniscent
dišču Riparo Gaban (Kozlovvski, D alm eri 2000. tab. 13). o f segm ents (P late 12: 4 1 -4 2 ), although they are cer­
V zgodnjem kastelnovjenu je bilo to razm erje 2,5, v poz­ tainly not, because the arc is incom plete.
nem pa 0,18. Trikotnikov je bilo torej sčasom a vedno
manj, trapezov pa vedno več.
Trikotniki se delijo na enakokrake (t. 10: 1-5) in Points (Plate 17: 301):
raznostranične (t. 10: 14, 16; II: 23-24, 26, 36). Med
raznostranične sva prištela tudi nekaj fragmentov, kate­ T here is only one point, w hich is dam aged (P late 17:
rih stranici se m očno približujeta (t. 10: 6, 12), čeprav 301). It is m ade with a very oblique truncation. T he side
ni nujno, da ti pripadajo trikotnikom . En raznostranični opposite the tru n catio n is m arginally retouched.
trikotnik je zelo podoben trikotniku M ontclus (G .E.E.M . M icropoints (Plates 15; 16: 97-101, 297):
1969, sl. 3).
Tako med enakokrakim i kot raznostraničnim i tri­ M icropoints are often dam aged, som etim es so m uch that
kotniki so redki prim erki, ki im ajo najdaljšo stranico their classification can be debatable.
strm o retuširano (t. 10: 3; 11: 37). Č em u so služili, si In term s o f shape, we distinguish elongated - ‘need-
težko predstavljava. Pogostejši so trikotniki z delno drob- le-shaped’ (P late 15: 89) and ‘navicular’ m icro points
tinčasto ali polstrm o retušo na najdaljši stranici (t. 10: (P late 15: 90). T he ‘needle’ shape greatly predom inates
2, 5, 17; 11: 24, 26), k ije večkrat pri koncu trikotnika over the navicular. T he m ajority o f points are double
kot pri bazi. (bipoints) and double backed. We suspect th a t needle-
Tipom etrija trikotnikov in klinic s hrbtom ter preč­ shaped bipoints were hooks w hich had a string attach ­
no retušo je dala podoben rezultat kot pri trapezih. Raz­ ed in the centre. Single points could have served mainly
lične oblike geom etričnih arm atu r so vezne, ali drugače as arrow tips. T he design o f m icropoints in M. Triglavca
povedano, ena oblika iste aram ture vezno preide v d ru ­ does not essentially differ from th a t o f m icropoints in
go (glej Barbaza el al. 1991, 223 s). Kako razložiti to Viktorjev spodm ol and m icropoints at sites on the Triesti-
veznost, pa je že drugo vprašanje. ne Karst. In m ost cases it is a m atter o f a local variant of
the ‘S auveterrian’ point, w hich is m ost sim ilar to the
rare French “D ard ” sub-type (G .E .E .M . 1972, 370, sl.
Segm enti (t. 16: 242, 303): 5:10).
A specim en o f a backed m icropoint which is dis-
Med izdelki ni niti enega, ki bi ga lahko nedvoum no tally sem i-abruptly retouched into a point (Plate: 16:297)
opredelili kot krožni segm ent. K rožnem u segm entu sta is rath er special. T he specim en is not w hole but we can
še najbolj podobna dva m asivna odbitka z usločenim say th at it is m ost sim ilar to som e m icrogravette points
hrbtom , ki pa nim a popolnega loka (t. 16: 242, 303). in Ciganska jam a or pointes d 'hires (B rodar 1991, Plate
N ekatere klinice s hrbtom in prečno retušo imajo preč­ 16; G .E.E.M . 1972, Fig. 4).
no retušo tako izbočeno, da zato spom injajo na segm ent
(t. 12: 41 -4 2 ), čeprav to zagotovo niso, ker lok ni po­
poln. Bone and other products (Figs. 2.3, 2.4, 2.6):

T he bone and above all an tler industry o f M. Triglavca

Konice (t. 17: 301): - h a s several tim es been highlighted as a particularity in
the M esolithic m aterial partially published to date. We
K onica je sam o ena in še ta poškodovana (t. 17: 301). therefore think th at it is necessary to publish from the
Izdelana je z m očno poševno prečno retušo . Stranica m aterial o f th e excavations o f F. Leben also the over­
nasproti prečne retuše je drobtinčasto retuširana. looked or deliberately never m entioned phalanges o f red
deer with holes found in 1984 in quadrats 5-7. A proxi­
mal phalange, with a circular hole on the dorsal side
M ikro konice (t. 15; 16: 9 7 -1 0 1 ,2 9 7 ): and barely visible hollow on the opposite, ventral side
(Fig. 2.3 a -b ), was found at a depth o f -2 5 0 cm , and a
M ikro konice so pogosto poškodovane, včasih do tolik­ medial phalange, with a heart-shaped hole on the late­
šne mere, da je opredelitev lahko sporna. ral side w ithout any hollow on the opposite, m edial side
G lede na obliko ločim o igličaste (t. 15: 89) in čol- (Fig. 2.3 a -b ), was found at a depth o f -3 4 9 cm.
ničaste konice (t. 15: 90). Igličasta oblika m očno prev­ W hile the first phalange may be N eolithic in view
laduje nad čolničasto. Večina konic je dvojnih (dvoko- o f the depth, th e second could be M esolithic for the
ničastih ali bikoničnih) in z dvojnim hrbtom . D om neva­ sam e reason.
va, da so bile dvojne igličaste konice trnki, ki so imeli Both specim ens belong in a design sense am ong
vrvico pritrjeno na sredini. Enojne konice so lahko služile classical Palaeolithic whistles (see Dauvois 1989), which
predvsem kot konice puščic. Oblikovno se m ikro konice are a rarety in the M esolithic (Rozoy 1978b, 1006), so
v M. Triglavci bistveno ne razlikujejo od m ikro konic v th at the finds in M. Triglavca already deserve every at­
V ik to rjev em sp o d m o lu in m ik ro konic v n a jd išč ih tention because o f this.
Tržaškega krasa. V večini prim erov gre za lokalno vari­ In the case o f the proximal phalange, because o f
an to t. i. sovterske konice, ki je še najbolj podobna red­ the hollows (see proximal phalange o f a pig with two
kem u francoskem u “podtipu D ard ” (G .E .E .M . 1972, hollows, Fig. 2.6: 285) we d oubt th at the holes are m an
370, sl. 5:10). made, but with the medial phalange there are no grounds
Nekaj posebnega je prim erek m ikro konice s hrb­ for such doubts (for the question o f holes in bones see
tom , ki je te rm in a ln o p o lstrm o retu šira n a v konico Turk et al. 2001 and H orusitzky 2003).
(t.: 16:297). Prim erek sicer ni cel, vendar lahko rečeva, Both holes are unusual in being pierced o r pun-
da je še najbolj podoben nekaterim m ikrogravetskim ched and not drilled as we could reasonably expect for
konicam v Ciganski jam i ali konicam Istres (pointes such a late period (for techniques o f m anufacture see
d'Istres) (B rodar 1991, t. 16; G .E.E.M . 1972, sl. 4). Turk el al. 2003). However, alm ost all the holes in the
Columella shells found at M. Triglavca are clearly pier­
ced or punched (see also M ikuž and Turk in this volu­
Koščeni in drugi izdelki (sl. 2.3, 2.4, 2.6): m e). Such shells were presum ably a popular orn am en t
in the M esolithic. It appears th at this sim ple and effecti­
Koščena in predvsem rožena industrija M. Triglavce je ve way o f m aking holes was retained for a long tim e,
bila v dosedanjih delnih objavah mezolitskega gradiva and was used mainly for making holes in various ‘hulls’,
večkrat izpostavljena kot posebnost. Z ato misliva, da je including bone shell (cortical bone).
treba iz gradiva izkopavanj F. Lebna objaviti tudi spregle­ M ore im portant than the two phalanges is the frag­
dani ali nam enom a nikoli om enjeni prstnici (falangi) na­ m ent o f a b ird’s bone diaphysis with one hole and the
vadnega jelena z luknjo, najdeni leta 1984 v kvadratih 5 - rem ains o f an o th er two, w hich are at right angles to the
7. G re za prvo (v anatom skem smislu) prstnico z okroglo first (Fig. 2.4). We suspect th at it is a small flute, alt­
luknjo na dorzalni strani in komaj vidno vdolbinico na hough the position o f the holes was rath er unusual. If
nasprotni ventralni strani (sl. 2.3 a -b ), najdeno na glo­ the lateral holes served for a string, it could have been a
bini -2 5 0 cm, in za drugo prstnico s srčasto luknjo na pen d an t in the shape o f a whistle. T he preserved hole is
lateralni strani brez vsake vdolbinice na nasprotni medi- undoubtedly artificial, because it was hollowed out obli­
alni strani (sl. 2.3 a -b ), najdeno na globini -349 cm. quely to the axis o f the diaphysis, so th at th e shape is
rem iniscent o f a rhom bus. T he two parallel sides and a
third have an edge in the shape o f a funnel, from the
m edular surface outw ards. The surface o f the funnel is
in relief, w hich suggests hollowing. Such an edge could
also be form ed with etching but the hole in th at case
would be rounder, and the surface sm oother. T he parti­
ally preserved holes are alm ost circular and slightly dis­
placed. O ne has p art o f th e rim o f sim ilar funnel shape
as the preserved hole. T he o th er has p art o f the rim pre­
served sim ilar to a drilled hole.
The walls o f th e diaphysis are 0.5 mm thick, and
the diam eter 4 .5 -5 .0 mm. T he largest preserved length
is 20 mm. T he bone is highly polished, presum ably from

SI. 2.3 b: Preluknjani prva in druga prstnica na vadnega jele­

Sl. 2.3 a- Preluknjani prva in druga prstnica navadnega jele­ na. Merilo v cm. Izkopavanja F. Lebna. Foto M. Zaplati!.
na. Izkopavanja F. Lebna. Risba D. Knific Lunder. Fig. 2.3 a -b : Pierced proximal and medial phalange o f red
Fig. 2.3 a-b: Pierced proximal and medial phalange o f red deer. M e a su rem e n ts are given in cm. F. Leben excavation.
deer. F. Leben excavation. Drawing D. Knific Lunder. Pho to M. Zaplatil.
Sl. 2.4: P r e l u k n ja n a ptič ja

diafiza (piščal ali obesek v
oblik i p iščali?), n a jd e n a v
po no v n o pregle danem sedi­
m entu M. Triglavce. Merilo
j e p o d a n o v c m . . F o t o M.
G rm .
Fig. 2.4: Pierced bird’s diap-
hysis (flute or pe n d an t in the
shape o f a flute?) found in
re-examined sediments o f M.
Tirglavca. M easurem ents are

m given in cm. Photo M. Grm .

M edtem ko je prva prstnica glede na globino lahko
neolitske starosti, je druga glede na globino lahko mezo-
O ba prim erka sodita oblikovno med klasične pa­
leolitske žvižgavke (glej Dauvois 1989), ki so v mezoliti-
ku redkost (Rozoy 1978b, 1006), tako da najdbi v M.
Triglavci že zaradi tega zaslužita vso pozornost.
Če lahko pri prvi prstnici zaradi vdolbinice (glej
prvo prstnico svinje z dvema vdolbinicam a, sl. 2.6: 285)
podvom iva o tem , da je luknjo naredil človek, pa pri
drugi prstnici takšen dvom ni utem eljen (za vprašanje
lukenj v kosteh glej Turk etat. 2001 in H orusitzky 2003).
N enavadno pri obeh luknjah je to, da sta prebiti ali
predrti in ne izvrtani kot bi za tako pozni čas upravičeno
pričakovali (za tehniko izdelave glej Turk el al. 2003).
Vendar so evidentno prebite ali predrte tudi skoraj vse
luknjice na hišicah golobice, najdene v M. Triglavci (glej
tudi Mikuž in Turk, ta zbornik. Ta polžje bil v mezolitiku
dom nevno priljubljen okrasek. Kaže, da se je ta prepro­
sta in učinkovita tehnika izdelovanja lukenj obdržala zelo
dolgo in da so jo uporabljali predvsem za luknjanje različ­ Sl. 2.5: Mikro jagodi, najdeni v ponovno pregledanem sedi­
nih lupin, kam or sodi tudi kostna lupina (kortikalna kost). mentu M. Triglavce. Zgoraj: bela kalcitna jagoda, kemično
Pom em bnejši od obeh prstnic je fragm ent ptičje očiščena ( 1 - 2 ) . Spodaj: črna, neočiščena jagod a s tanko kal­
citno prevleko ( 3 - 4 ) . Merilo je p o d a n o v mm. Foto F. Cim er­
diafize z eno luknjo in ostanki še dveh, ki sta pravokotni
na prvo (sl. 2.4). Domnevava, da gre za m ajhno piščal,
Fig. 2.5: Micro beads found in re-examination o f the sediments
čeprav je položaj lukenj nekoliko neobičajen. Če sta stran­
o f M. Triglavca. Upper: white calcite bead, chemically clea­
ski luknji služili za vrvico, gre lahko za obesek v obliki ned ( 1 - 2 ) . Lower: black, uncleaned bead with a thin calcite
piščali. O hranjena luknja je nedvom no um etna, ker je coating ( 3 - 4 ) . M easurem ents are given in mm. Photo F. Ci­
bila izdolbena poševno na os diafize, tako da po obliki m erm an.
Sl. 2.6: Prva p rstn ica svije z
odtiskom z oba na medialni in
lateralni strani (285), koščeno
šilo ( 2 8 6 ) , k o š č e n o b r o č e k
( 2 8 7 ) in dve ka m n iti jag odi
(288, 289). Vse 1:1, št. 288 in
289 tudi 2:1. Risba D. Knific
Fig. 2.6: Proximal pha lange o f
a pig with impression o f teeth
on the medial a n d lateral sides
(2 8 5 ), bo ne awl (2 8 6 ), bone
h o o p ( 2 8 7 ) a n d tw o s t o n e
beads (288, 289). All 1:1, no.
285 288 a nd 289 also 2:1. Drawing
D. Knific Lunder.

spom inja na romb. Dve vzporedni stranici in tretja im a­ use. High polishings are visible in places on the hollo­
jo rob v obliki lijaka, in sicer od m edularne površine wed funnel o f the preserved hole and on the edge o f one
navzven. Površina lijaka je reliefna, kar kaže na dolbi jen- o f the partially preserved holes.
je. Takšen rob bi lahko nastal tudi pri jedkanju, vendar O th er bone finds include a fragm ent o f an awl and
bi bila luknja v tem prim eru bolj okrogla, površina pa a h o o p /b an d (Fig. 2.6: 286, 287). An alm ost identical
bolj gladka. D elno ohranjeni luknji sta skoraj okrogli in band from antler was found in the Sauveterrian layer at
rahlo zam aknjeni. Ena ima del oboda podobne lijakaste the site Riparo Gaban (Kozlowski, D alm eri 2000, 22,
oblike kot ohranjena luknja. D ruga im a ohranjeni del Fig. 22b). T he band would be am ong ‘sta n d ard ’ M eso­
oboda podoben izvrtani luknji. lithic products.
Stene diafize so debele 0,5 mm, njen prem er je 4,5 Two drilled m icro beads (Fig. 2.5; 2:6: 288, 289)
do 5,0 mm. Največja ohranjena dolžina je 20 mm. Kost are unusual and rare finds. T he larger, m easuring 3.75
je m očno zglajena, dom nevno tudi zaradi uporabe. M oč­ mm, is m ade o f calcite. It is slightly conical viewed from
ne zgladitve so vidne ponekod na izboklinah lijaka o hran­ the side. The hole is drilled from both sides. T he smal­
jene luknje in na robu ene od delno ohranjenih lukenj. ler, 3 mm in diam eter, is m ade from a black rock. Its
Druge koščene najdbe predstavljata fragm ent šila in edges are m ore rounded, the shape m ore regular. The
obročka (sl. 2.6: 286, 287). Skoraj enak obroček iz rogo- hole was not drilled and is slightly exocentric. Both beads
vine je bil najden v sovterjenski plasti najdišča Riparo are top products, m ade with a hyperm icrolithic ‘drillbit’
Guban (Kozlowski, Dalmeri 2000, 22, sl. 22b). Obroček o f a diam eter o f 1 mm. D espite careful exam ination o f
naj bi sodil med ‘standardne’ mezolitske izdelke. the sedim ents, we found at m ost one specim en o f such
N eobičajni in redki najdbi sta dve prevrtani mikro a ‘drillbit’, o f doubtful value, m ade on a backed m icro­
jagodi (sl. 2.5; 2:6: 288, 289). Večja, ki v prem eru meri point (Plate 16: 298).
3,75 mm, je narejena iz kalcita. G ledano od strani je We know o f a good parallel to the two m icro beads
rahlo konična. Luknja je z obeh strani povrtana. M anj­ in the C astelnovian layer o f Stenašca ( Grotta dell'Edera)
ša, ki v prem eru meri 3 mm, je narejena iz črne kam ni­ on the Triestine K arst (Biagi et al. 1993, 48, 61). There
ne. N jeni robovi so bolj zaobljeni, oblika pravilnejša. are also typological, although not also chronological,
Luknja ni povrtana in je rahlo ekscentrična. O be jagodi parallels to them in M esolithic sites on the Ljubljansko
sta vrhunska izdelka, narejena s hiperm ikrolitskim i svedri barje, M aharski prekop (B regant 1974, sl. 2 -3 ) and abo­
prem era 1 mm, ki jih kljub natančnem u pregledovanju ve all H očevarica (oral d ata A. Velušček). Sim ilar beads,
sedim entov nism o našli. Našli sm o kvečjemu en prim e­ but bone and considerably larger were also found in the
rek dvomljive vrednosti, izdelan na mikro konici s hrb­ N eolithic layer o f the R om agnano III site and in the
tom (t. 16: 298) grave R om agnano-L oc in Italy (Broglio 1971, Fig. 19:
D obro vzporednico za obe mikro jagodi poznava v 3 -4 ).
kastelnovjenski plasti Stenašce na Tržaškem krasu (Bia- D espite the mass o f rem ains o f red deer, only one
gi et al. 1993, 48, 61). Tipološke, ne pa tudi kronološke d eer’s canine tooth (pearl to o th ) was found, but which
vzporednice zanju so tudi v eneolitskih najdiščih Lju­ had been so dam aged by fire th at it was im possible to
bljanskega barja, M aharskem prekopu (Bregant 1974, sl. tell w hether it had been drilled o r not. It is known th at a
2 -3 ) in predvsem H očevarici (ustm eni podatek A. Ve­ drilled d eer’s canine was also a p opular elem ent o f je ­
luščka). Podobne jagode, vendar koščene in precej več­ wellery in th e M esolithic.
je, so bile najdene tudi v neolitski plasti najdišča Ro-
m agnano 111 in v grobu R om agnano-L oc v Italiji (Brog-
lio 1971, sl. 19: 3 -4 ).
Kljub m nožičnim ostankom navadnega jelena, je
bil najden en sam jelenov podočnik ( ‘g randl’), ki pa je
bil tako poškodovan v ognju, da se ne ve ali je bil prevr­
tan ali ne. Z nan o je, da so bili prevrtani jelenovi podoč­
niki priljubljeni del nakita tudi v mezolitiku.
3. M alako fa v n a 3. M alacofauna

V asja M ikuž & Iv a n T u r k

M ed m orskim i polži m očno prevladujejo hišice morske The shells o f Columbella rustica (Linne, 1758) greatly
golobice (Columbella rustica (L inne, 1758). Vse so pre­ predom inate am ong seashells. All are pierced (32 spe­
luknjane (32 prim erkov). Tem hišicam je treba dodati cim ens). To these shells m ust be added a fu rth er 9 frag­
še 9 fragm entiranih, o katerih ne vem o točno, ali so bile m ented ones, w hich we do not know exactly w hether
preluknjane ali ne. Med izkopavanji F. L ebna je bila naj­ they were drilled or not. D uring F. L eben’s excavations,
dena sam o ena preluknjana hišica golobice in še ta pri only one pierced Columbella shell was found, and even
obdelavi vzorca sedim entov (Pohar, Josipovič 1992. t. this while processing a sam ple o f sedim ent (Pohar, Jo­
1:4). sipovič 1992. Plate I: 4).
Hišice so različno preperele. N ekako polovica jih T he shells are variously w eathered. A bout h alf have
je ‘svežega’ videza, kot da bi bile pravkar p obran e v a “fresh" appearance, as if only ju st collected in the sea.
m orju. D ruga polovica je bolj ali manj m očno prepere­ The o th er h alf are m ore o r less strongly w eathered. It is
la. V prašanje je, ali so preperele v najdišču ali na morski a question w hether they were w eathered at the site or
obali. Šest prim erkov (2 preluknjani hišici in 5 fragm en­ on the sea coast. Six specim ens (2 pierced shells and 5
tov hišic), je tem n o sivih, kar je posledica redukcije. fragm ents o f shells) are dark grey, w hich is a result of
Hišice so se lahko reducirale v posebnem sedim entnem reduction. T he shells can be reduced in a p articular se­
okolju že v m orju (taki prim eri so znani pri fosilnih dim entary environm ent, even in the sea (such examples
m ehkužcih) ali v ognjišču, naključno ali kot kulinarična are known in fossil shells) or in a hearth, coincidently
poslastica. Zanim ivo je, da so podobno reducirani tudi o r as a culinary delicacy. It is interesting th a t num erous
številni fragm enti hišic kopenskih polžev, ki so precej fragm ents o f shells o f land snails, w hich are considera­
večji od golobice. Če bi golobico uživali, bi m orali zara­ bly bigger than Columbella shells, are sim ilarly reduced.
di njenega ozkega ustja nujno naluknjati ali zdrobiti hi­ If they w anted to eat these m arine gastropods, because
šico. o f its narrow aperture, they would have to make a hole
Vse luknje so prebite in zelo variirajo v velikosti in or sm ash the shell.
obliki. V treh prim erih je lupina hišice na strani z luknjo All the holes were punched and vary greatly in size
ravno zbrušena, tako da hišica lepo stoji. Tako brušenje and shape. In three cases the shell has been polished on
hišic bi im elo svoj smisel, če bi hišice služile npr. za the side o f the hole so that the shell stands nicely. Such
igro. polishing o f shells would make sense if the shell served
G lede na ugotovljeno meniva, da hišice golobic niso e.g., for a game.
bile sam o nakit, kot običajno mislijo in razlagajo (Po­ In view o f the above, we believe th at Columbella
har, Josipovič 1992; B rodar 1992; D alm eri, F iocchi shells were not ju st jew ellery as they are norm ally consi­
1998), am pak so lahko služile tudi drugim nam enom : dered an d explained (P ohar, Josipovič 1992; B rodar
od kulinaričnih do razvedrilnih, lahko celo različnim 1992; D alm eri, Fiocchi 1998), but could also serve o th­
hkrati. er purposes: from culinary to en tertain m en t, even vari­
O bstaja še m ožnost, ki je od vseh najbolj verjetna. ous sim ultaneously.
Takšne ali podobne poškodbe na hišicah polžev pozna­ T here is an o th er possibility that is the m ost proba­
m o tudi iz geološke preteklosti. Baluk in Radwariski ble o f all. Such or sim ilar dam age to shells o f snails is
(1996) predstavljata iz srednjem iocenskih skladov Polj­ also known from the geological past. Baluk and Rad-
ske zelo podobne poškodbe na hišicah različnih vrst wariski (1996) present very sim ilar dam age to shells o f
polžev. Takšne poškodbe pa so posledica plenilcev, sto- various kinds o f snail from the M iddle M iocene layers
m atopodnih rakov iz družine Squillidae, ki se hranijo z o f Poland. Such dam age is th e result o f predators, sto-
m ehkužci, in živijo tudi v današnjih m orjih. Tudi pri fo­ m atopod shrim ps from the Squillidae family, w hich feed
silnih hišicah se vidijo poškodbe na določenem izbranem on m olluscs, and also live in the sea today. W ith fossil
delu hišice, kjer jo je predator z udarci svojih trnastih shells, too, dam age to certain chosen parts o f shells is
grabilnih nog najlažje razbil in m ehke dele izvlekel ter visible, where the p red ato r m ost easily fractured it with
pojedel. Povsem enake prim ere im am o tudi pri nas na a blow o f its sharp pincers and drew out and ate the soft
istih polžjih vrstah in v enako starih kam ninah (okrog parts. There are identical examples here in the sam e snail
15 m ilijonov let) v najdiščih blizu Šentjerneja na D o­ species and in the sam e age o f rocks (around 15 million
lenjskem. years) in sites close to Šentjernej in Dolenjsko.
Po pregledu dela avtorice Y. T aborin (1993), ki A fter a review o f th e work o f Y. Taborin (1993),
obravnava luknje na hišicah in lupinah različnih terciar­ w ho treats holes in shells o f various T ertiary molluscs
nih m ehkužcev in nekaterih skeletih drugih organizm ov and som e skeletons o f other organism s from Palaeolithic
iz paleolitskih najdišč Francije, misliva, d a je med njimi sites in France, we believe th at there are som e exam ples
nekaj primerov, ki so m orda delo naših prednikov, v glav­ am ong them which are perhaps the work o f our forebe­
nem pa gre za poškodbe najrazličnejših m orskih plenil­ ars, but for the m ost p art this is dam age by very varied
cev. Torej so naši predniki iskali med fosilnimi m ehkužci sea p red ato rs. So our forebears sought am ong fossil
takšne, ki so že imeli najrazličnejše plenilske poškodbe molluscs those th a t already had various predation da­
na hišicah ali lupinah, kar se nam a zdi tudi precej verjet­ mage to the shells, which also seem s to us fairly likely.
no. We exam ined u nder the m icroscope and also sec­
Pod lupo sva pregledala eno belo in eno sivo frag- tioned one w hite and one grey fragm ented Columbella
m entirano hišico, ki sva ju tudi prerezala. shell.
Bela hišica je bila že “dalj časa” zapuščena ob m or­ The w hite shell had already been abandoned by the
ski obali na kar sklepava po naravno odlom ljenih in zgla­ seash o re“for an extended p erio d ”, which we concluded
jenih robovih hišice. Pod m ikroskopom se vidijo števil­ by the nature o f the fractured and polished edges o f the
ne zelo drobne luknjice endolitskih organizm ov iz sku­ shell. U nder the m icroscope could be seen num erous
pine briozojev ali pa spužev. very tiny holes o f endolithic organism s from the group
Siva hišica ima bolj sveže odlom ljene robove, malo o f Bryozoa o r sponges.
zglajene in na njej ni luknjic endolitskih organizmov. T he grey shell has m ore freshly broken edges, only
Na zunanji strani zadnjega zavoja hišice je v vzdolžni slightly polished and th ere are no holes o f endolithic
sm eri poglobljena nazobčana linija, ki predstavlja ple­ organism s on it. T here is a deep line o f teeth m arks on
nilsko poškodbo nekdanjega ustja. Plenilec (določena the outside o f the last whorl o f th e shell in a longitudi­
vrsta rakovic) ni uspel priti do m ehkih delov in p o lž je nal direction, w hich represents predation dam age to the
svojo hišico regeneriral. Prav takšne prim ere poznam o form er m outh. The p red ato r (a certain species o f cru sta­
tudi pri številnih fosilnih vrstah. cean) did not succeed in reaching the soft parts and the
V prerezu “sive hišice” ozirom a na njeni steni ni
•shell regenerated. Such exam ples are also known with
vidnih nikakršnih poškodb (razpok, porušitev), ki bi lah­ num erous fossil species.
ko nastale zaradi m očnejšega segrevanja. Siva barva je In the cross section o f the “grey shell”, or on its
najverjetneje posledica anaerobnega okolja, v katerem walls, there is no visible dam age (cracks, crum bling),
je dalj časa ležala polžja hišica (blato z razpadajočo or­ w hich would have been created by strong heating. The
gansko substanco, močvirje, m orda vlažen pepel). grey colour is m ore likely the result o f the anaerobic
Poleg hišic golobice je bilo pri pregledovanju de­ environm ent in which the snail shell lay for a long tim e
ponije sedim entov najdenih še 9 hišic drugih m orskih (m ud with com posting organic substance, swamp, per­
polžev. Dve celi in z m ajhno luknjo ter ena fragm entira- haps dam p ash).

Smaragdia Cerithium

SI. 3.1: Najdbi morskih polžev

Smaragdia viridis in Ceritliiiim
sp. v pre gledanem sedimentu
M. Triglavce. Merilo je po da­
no v mm. Foto M. G rm .
Fig. 11: Finds o f sea molluscs
Smaragdia viridis a nd Cerillii-
um sp. In the exam ined sedi­
m ent o f M. Triglavca. T h e me­
a s u r e m e n t is given in m m .
Photo M. G rm .
na pripadajo vrsti Smaragdia viridis (Linne, 1758), ena, In addition to Columbella shells, 9 shells o f other
sam o delno ohranjena, pa vrsti Cerithium sp. (sl. 3.1). sea m olluscs were found in the exam ined deposits o f
Po ena poškodovana hišica je opredeljena kot Littorina sedim ents. Two whole and with small holes and one frag­
neritoides (Linne, 1758) in kot ? Tornus sp. Slednja je m ented belong to the species Smaragdia viridis (Linne,
preluknjana in tem no sive barve. Tri m očno fragmenti- 1758), and one, only partially preserved to the species
rane hišice niso določljive. Ena od njih je tem no sive Cerithium sp. (Fig. 3.1). O ne each dam aged shell was
barve. identified as Littorina neritoides (Linne, 1758) and ? Tor­
Med školjkami je največ ostankov (116 m ajhnih in nas sp. The latter is pierced and dark grey. T hree greatly
2 večja fragm enta lupine) užitne klapavice (M ytilus sp.) fragm ented shells were n o t identified. O ne o f them is
in en fragm ent lupine rodu Pecten. D oločeni ostanki dark grey.
pripadajo tako izključno m orskim vrstam školjk. A m ong th e m ussels there are m ost rem ains (116
Ostankov kopenskih polžev je več deset tisoč, če small and 2 larger fragm ents o f shell) o f edible oyster
štejeva vse fragm ente. Verjetno so zastopane vse vrste, (M ytilus sp.) and one fragm ent o f shell o f the genus Pec­
ki so bile določene v Viktorjevem spodm olu. ten. T he identified rem ains belong exclusively to sea
Hišice m anjših polžev (teh je več tisoč) so bolj ali species o f shell.
manj cele, hišice večjih pa so pravilom a vse fragmenti- T here are several tens o f th o u san d o f rem ains o f
rane. land snails if we co u n t all the fragm ents. Probably all
V sedim entu je bilo ogrom no koščkov tankih polžjih the species identified for Viktorjev spodm ol are repre­
hišic, ki dom nevno pripadajo večjim vrstam kopenskih sented.
polžev, pa tudi precej ploščic zakrnelih hišic golih polžev. T he shells o f sm aller snails (several thousand o f
Veliko fragm entov večjih hišic in redke ploščice these) are m ore or less whole, but the shells o f larger
zakrnelih hišic so tem no sive barve, ki nastane v reduk­ ones are generally all fragm ented.
cijskem okolju. Z ato dom nevava, da se je veliko hišic po T here was a huge num ber o f pieces o f thin snail
naključju znašlo v ognjišču ali pa so polže ljudje pekli shells in the sedim ent, w hich presum ably belong to lar­
na žerjavici s hišicam i vred. N a ražnju so se občasno ger specim ens o f species o f land snail, as well as a signi­
dom nevno znašli tudi goli polži. ficant num ber o f plates o f atrophied shells o f slugs.
O stanki hišic velikih kopenskih polžev se pojavlja­ A lot o f the fragm ents o f the larger shells and occa­
jo v velikem številu v številnih m ezolitskih najdiščih sional plates o f the atrophied shells are grey in colour
širom po Evropi. Večinoma gre za jam ska najdišča, kjer w hich is typical o f a reduction sedim entary environm e­
bi lahko polži prezim ovali. D ruga razlaga je, da so v nt. We therefore suspect th at m any shells found there
m ezolitiku polži predstavljali del vsakodnevne prehra­ way by chance into the hearth or that people baked snails
ne ali da so jih ljudje uživali pri slovesnih pojedinah (glej o f the hot em bers together with the shells. T he occasio­
npr. M iracle 2002). To razlago podpirajo dom nevno nal slug presum ably found itself on a spit, too.
ožgane hišice v Viktorjevem spodm olu in M. Triglavci T he rem ains o f shells o f large land snails ap p ear in
ter najdbe številnih hišic velikih polžev v planih m ezo­ large num bers in num erous M esolithic sites across Eu­
litskih najdiščih, kot npr. v najdišču Sered' I, M ačianske rope. M ost are cave sites, where snails could overwin­
vršky (B ärta 1972, 64). ter. A nother explanation is th at snails in the M esolithic
V M. Triglavci je približno toliko 10-20 mm veli­ represented p art o f the daily diet o r th at people ate them
kih fragm entov hišic kopenskih polžev kot enako veli­ on festive occasions (see e.g. M iracle 2002). T he presu­
kih kostnih fragm entov (teh je dobrih 6 težnih % od vseh m ed b u rn t shells o f large snails in open air M esolithic
k la sto v v f r a k c iji) , iz č e s a r sk le p a v a , d a g re za sites, such as S ered’ I, M ačianske vrsky (B ärta 1972,
izredno.veliko število polžev, ki so kakor koli že končali 64), would su p p o rt such an explanation.
v M. Triglavci. Če predstavljajo fragm enti hišic velikih T here are approxim ately as many 10-20 mm frag­
polžev kot je npr. Helix pom atia, kulinarične ostanke, so m ents o f shells o f land snails in M. Triglavca as the same
v M. Triglavci v določenem obdobju pojedli izredno ve­ size o f bone fragm ents (th ere is a good 6 w eighted % o f
like količine polžev. them o f all clasts in the fraction), from w hich we con­
clude that it is an extremely large num ber o f snails, which
ended up som ehow in M. Triglavca. If fragm ents o f shells
o f large snails like Helix pomatia represent culim ary rem ­
nants, at som e point in M. Triglavca they ate an extre­
mely large num ber o f snails.
4 . O sta nki 4 . R e m a in s o f

Iv a n T u r k

V zorec ektoterm nih vretenčarjev ni tako bogat kot v The sam ple o f ectotherm ic vertebrates is n ot as rich as
Viktorjevem spodm olu, vendar je enako pester. in Viktojev spodm ol, though equally varied.
O stanke rib predstavljajo dve luski, 9 vretenc in 4 Fish rem ains include two scales, 9 vertebrae and 4
zobje. teeth.
Kuščarji so zastopani predvsem z velikim številom Lizards are represented mainly with a large num ­
kožnih plošcic, ki sm o jih v velikem številu našli tudi v ber o f osteoscutes, which we also found in large num ­
vzorcu, ki sm o ga vzeli neposredno iz mezolitske plasti. bers in the sam ple taken directly from the M esolithic
Večina derm alnih ploščic pripada slepcu (Anguis fragi- layer. T he m ajority o f derm al plates belong to slow worm
lis). Z ato se postavlja vprašanje ali gre za kuhinjske od­ (A nguis fra g ilis). It th e re fo re raises th e q u estio n o f
padke ali za naravno poginule slepce. w hether this is kitchen waste or natural death o f slow

SI. 4. I: Kožne ploščice slepca (Anguis

fragilis). Foto F. Cim erm an.
Fig. 4. /: D erm al plates (osteoscutes)
o f slow worm (Anguis fragilis). Ph oto F.
C im e rm an .
5 . S esa lsk a favna 5 . M a m m a l ia n F a u n a

Iv a n T u r k , B o r u t T o š k a n & Janez D irjec

Sesalsko favno izkopavanj F. Lebna v M. Triglavci (me- The m am m alian fauna o f the excavations o f F. Leben in
zolitski horizont) sta obdelala V. Pohar (1990) in I. Turk M. Triglavca (M esolithic horizon) were dealt with by V.
(neobjavljeno poročilo). Pohar (1990) and I. Turk (unpublished report).
V. Pohar navaja 13 vrst, ki jim je po ponovnem preg­ V. Pohar states 13 species, to w hich m ust be added
ledu deponije sedim entov treba dodati številne vrste a num ber o f species o f small m am m al after re-examina-
malih sesalcev (skoraj celoten repertoar vrst iz V iktorje­ tion o f the deposits o f sedim ent (alm ost th e entire re­
vega spodm ola plus širokouhega netopirja ( Bar bas tella p erto ire from V iktorjev spodm ol plus barbastelle bat
barbastellus) in pet vrst velikih sesalcev (Castor fiber, (Barbastella barbastellus) and five species o f large m am ­
Capra s. Ovis, Ursus arctos, Canis fam iliaris in Felis ca­ mal (Castor fiber, Capra s. Ovis, Ursus arctos, Canis fa m i­
m s). Poleg novih vrst so bile v ponovno pregledani de­ liaris and Felis catus). In addition to the new species in
poniji sedim entov ugotovljene tudi vse vrste s starega the re-exam ination o f the deposits o f sedim ents, all the
seznam a razen poljskega zajca, m arala in lisice. species from the old list were found except hare, maral
Vrste so zastopane v enakem vrstnem redu kot na (Cervus elaphus m aral) and fox.
starem seznam u: največje navadnega jelena, sledijo div­ The species are represented in th e sam e order as in
ja svinja, srna in jazbec. Prevladovanje navadnega jele­ the old list: there is m ost red deer, followed by wild boar,
na in divje svinje med ostanki m akro favne je običajno roe deer and badger. T he prevalence o f red deer and
za večino m ezolitskih najdišč v pasu od Tržaškega zali­ wild boar am ong the rem ains o f m acrofauna is norm al
va do A tlantika. for the m ajority o f M esolithic sites in a belt from the
Posebno pozornost zasluži najdba bobra, k ije imel Bay o f Trieste to the A tlantic.
dom nevno dom ovanja ob reki Reki ali G linščici in ki The find o f beaver deserves special attention, who
nekako ne sodi v današnjo kraško pokrajino. presum ably inhabited the banks o f the rivers Reka or
Enako pozornost zaslužijo najdbe drobnice, ki prav G linščica and certainly does not belong in today’s karst
tako ne sodijo v m ezolitik (glej Rozoy 1978b, 299 za landscape.
diskusijo na to tem o). Za najdbe drobnice sta m ožni The finds o f kine deserve the same attention, which
dve razlagi: ali da so v m ezolitiku na Krasu imeli poleg similarly do not belong am ong the M esolithic (see Ro­
psa tudi udom ačene koze in/ali ovce, ali d a je med me- zoy 1978b, 299 for discussion on this them e). Two ex­
zolitsko in krovno neolitsko plastjo sedim entacijska vr­ planations are possible for th e finds o f kine: either they
zel (zastoj sedim entacije), zaradi česar so se mlajše najd­ had, in addition to dogs, also dom esticated goats an d /
be delno pom ešale s starejšim i. Z adnjo razlago podpira­ or sheep in the M esolithic on the Karst, or there was a
ta skrom na prisotnost najdb drobnice in keramike v me­ sedim entation gap (pause in sedim entation) between the
zolitskih plasteh in dejstvo, da te najdbe predstavljajo M esolithic and covering N eolithic layer, because o f which
skoraj izključno izolirani zobje, m ajhne kosti in majhni younger finds are partially mixed with older ones. The
odlom ki keramike, ki bi se vsi lahko pogreznili v talnino latter explanation is supported by the m odest presence of
v času nastanka krovne neolitske plasti, ki je bistveno finds o f kine and pottery in M esolithic layers and the fact
bogatejša z najdbam i keramike in drobnice. V prašanje that these finds represent alm ost exclusively isolated te­
udom ačenih živali v m ezolitiku bi na lokalni ravni lah­ eth, small bones and small fragm ents o f pottery, which
ko rešila predvsem problem sko usm erjena sistem atična could all have sunk into the soil at the tim e o f form ation
izkopavanja v M. Triglavci. V iktorjev spodm ol takšne o f the covering N eolithic layer, which is essentially richer
rešitve ne ponuja zaradi diskordance med m ezolitsko in in finds o f pottery and kine. The question o f dom estica­
prazgodovinsko plastjo. ted anim als in the M esolithic could be solved on the lo­
Številu 370 določljivih živalskih ostankov s sezna­ cal level mainly by problem oriented systematic excava­
ma V. Poharjeve (1990, razpr. 1) je treba dodati še naj­ tions in M. Triglavca. Viktorjev spodm ol does not offer
manj 566 določljivih ostankov velikih sesalcev (b rez such a solution because o f the discordance between the
m ajhnih fragm entov jelenjega rogovja, ki jih je vsaj M esolithic and Prehistoric layers.
2.200!) z deponije sedimentov, kar pom eni, da so bili To th e 370 identified anim al rem ains in V. P ohar's
določljivi ostanki velikih sesalcev med ‘sistem atskim i’ list (1990, Table. I ) m ust be added at least 566 identi­
izkopavanji pobrani bistveno manj kot 40-odstotno, če fied rem ains o f large m am m als (w ithout small fragm ents
upoštevam o tudi nepregledani del deponije. To pa je o f deer antler, o f w hich there are at least 2,200!) from
podatek, ob katerem bi se m oral zamisliti vsak analitik the deposits o f sedim ents, which m eans that during ‘sys­
in pisec sintez. tem atic’ excavations essentially fewer than 40 percent o f
F ragm entarnost kostnih ostankov je izredna, saj identified rem ains o f large m am m als w ere collected,
skoraj ni celih kosti, tudi če upoštevam o tiste, ki so jih taking into account th e unexam ined p art o f the depo­
izločili med Lebnovimi izkopavanji. sits. This is d ata that any analyst and w riter o f syntheses
Poleg določljivih ostankov je bilo v pregledani de­ m ust consider.
poniji sedim entov izredno veliko nedoločljivih kostnih T he fragm entary nature o f the bone rem ains is ex­
fragmentov, ki so večinom a manjši kot 1 cm. V frakciji ceptional since there is alm ost no w hole bone, even ta­
sedim enta, večji od 3 mm, predstavljajo nedoločljivi frag­ king into acco u n t those retrieved during L eben’s exca­
menti približno 6 % celotne mase sedim entne frakcije vations.
brez blokov. Težo vseh nedoločljivih fragm entov v preg­ In addition to the identified remains, there was an
ledani deponiji ocenjujem o na 43 kg. Ta količina je vse­ extremely large am ount o f unidentified bone fragments,
k ak o r p o m e m b n a za nep osred n o d o lo č a n je obsega for the most part less than 1 cm. In the fraction of sedi­
užitega plena, ki se običajno določa posredno na podla­ m ent larger than 3 mm, unidentified fragments represent
gi določljivih ostankov in najm anjšega števila živali po­ approximately 6% o f the total mass o f sediment o f the frac­
sam eznih vrst. tion without blocks. We estimate the weight o f all unidenti­
M asno razm erje med določljivimi in nedoločljivi­ fied fragments in the examined deposits at 43 kg. This
mi fragm enti je 1:15, ali povedano drugače, določljivi quantity is certainly im portant for the direct determ ina­
fragm enti predstavljajo sam o približno 6 % m ase vseh tion o f the extent o f game taken, which is normally deter­
fragmentov. Z ato so določljivi fragm enti manj prim erni mined indirectly on the basis o f identified remains and the
za določanje količine konzum iranega plena kot nedo­ minimum num ber o f animals o f individual species.
ločljivi. T he weight ratio between identified and unidenti­
Veliko določljivih in nedoločljivih odlom kov kosti fied fragm ents is 1:15, o r put an o th er way, identified
je ožganih, manj je kalciniranih in v ognju deform iranih fragm ents only represent approxim ately 6% o f the weight
odlomkov. Fragm enti kosti z vrezi in s sledovi grizenja o f all fragm ents. So identified fragm ents are less suita­
so izredno redki, čeprav so veliko večino živalskih os­ b le for determ ining the quantity o f consum ed prey than
tankov zapustili in fragm entirali ljudje in ne zveri. the unidentified.
Z anim ivo je vprašanje, kako/zakaj so nastali vsi ti A lot o f the identified and unidentified fragm ents
fragm enti, zlasti manjši od 1 cm, ki jih je največ. N a tem o f bone have been burnt, th ere are fewer calcified and
m estu bi se dotaknili le fragm entov jelenovega rogovja, fire-deform ed fragm ents. Fragm ents o f bone with cuts
ki edini ponujajo hiter odgovor na zastavljeno vprašan­ or traces o f biting are extrem ely rare, although the great
je. Pri kostnih fragm entih so stvari bolj zapletene in zah­ m ajority o f the animal rem ains have been abandoned
tevajo stratigrafske podatke, ki jih mi nim am o. and fragm ented by people and not carnivores.
M. Triglavca je znana po večjem številu izdelkov iz T he question o f how /w hy all these fragm ents were
jelenovega rogovja (Leben 1988). Če so bile v spodm o­ created is interesting, especially those sm aller than 1
lu obrtne delavnice za izdelke iz te surovine, je torej priča­ cm, o f which there are the most. We would only touch
kovati veliko odpadkov (beri m ajhnih fragm entov) jele­ here on fragm ents o f deer antler, w hich is the only one
novega rogovja,. V gradivu izkopavanj F. Lebna (plasti th a t offers a fast answ er to the question posed. W ith
8 -1 0 ) je 16 % vseh določljivih najdb jelena pripadalo bone fragm ents m atters are m ore com plex and require
rogovju (Turk, neobjavljeno). Je len je bil tudi glavna lov­ S tr a tig r a p h ie data th at we do not have.
na divjad. Po ponovnem pregledu Lebnove deponije se­ M. Triglavca is known for the num ber o f products
dim entov s e je delež najdb rogovja povzpel na 82 %. m ade o f deer antler (L eben 1988). If there was a ‘craft
V Viktorjevem spodm olu, kjer je bil jelen prav takosh o p ’ for making products from this raw m aterial, a lot
glavna lovna divjad, je bilo teh najdb sam o 31 %. o f waste (sm all fragm ents) o f deer an tler can be expec­
Ker je v Viktorjevem spodm olu zelo m alo izdelkov ted. In the m aterial o f the excavations o f F. Leben (lay­
iz jelenovega rogovja, so razlike v deležih odpadkov pri ers 8 -1 0 ) 16% o f all identified finds o f red deer are from
enaki m etodologiji zbiranja podatkov razumljive. Koli­ the antlers (Turk, unpublished). D eer was also the main
kor niso pogojene z nesorazm erjem med raziskanim i gam e hunted. A fter re-exam ination o f L eben’s deposits
volumni in površinam i, lahko rečem o, da je bila v M. o f sedim ents, the share o f finds o f an tler rose to 82%.
Triglavci specializirana delavnica za izdelke iz jelenove­ In V iktorjev spodm ol, w here red deer was sim ilar­
ga rogovja, v Viktorjevem spodm olu pa je bila takšna ly the main hunted anim al, there were only 31% o f these
dejavnost postranskega pom ena. finds.
Ponoven pregled deponije sedim entov je prinesel Since there were very few products from d eer an t­
nova znanja o favni malih sesalcev, ki je bila pred tem ler in V iktorjev spodm ol th e differences in the shares o f
popolnom a neznana (P ohar 1990, razpredelnica 1). Ta debris with the sam e m ethodology o f collecting d ata are
favna sicer tu ni tako bogata, kot je bila v Viktorjevem understandable. Insofar as they are not conditioned by
spodm olu, kjer je bilo v petkrat m anjšem volum nu sedi­ disproportions between the studied volumes and areas,
mentov skoraj trikrat toliko določljivih ostankov, a se we can say th a t there was a specialised w orkshop in M.
kljub tem u dobro ujem a z njo v vrstni sestavi. Triglavca for deer antler products. A nd that in Viktorjev
Od 27 vrst malih sesalcev, katerih ostanke sm o našli spodm ol this activity was o f subsidiary im portance.
v m ezolitskih režnjih Viktorjevega spodm ola, sta nam ­ R e-e x am in atio n o f th e d e p o s its o f se d im e n ts
reč v vzorcu iz M. Triglavce manjkali le poljska rovka brought new know ledge o f the sm all m am m al fauna,
( Crocidura leucodon) in gozdna ali gorska rovka (ena od which was com pletely unknown before this (P o h ar 1990,
obeh vrst je bila zagotovo zastopana s fragm entom spod­ Table I). T his fauna is n ot as rich as in Viktorjev spod­
nje čeljustnice, ki pa ločevanja med Sorex alpinus in S. mol, w here there was alm ost three tim es as m any identi­
araneus ne dopušča). Prav tako so v vzorcu iz M. Trig­ fied rem ains in five tim es less volum e o f sedim ents,
lavce manjkali ostanki vseh štirih v Viktorjevem spod­ though otherw ise corresponding well with it in term s o f
molu zastopanih vrst netopirjev, našli pa sm o fragm ent species com position.
zgornje čeljustnice širokouhega netopirja ( Barbastella O f 27 species o f small m am m al w hose rem ains we
barbastellus). Sicer pa so najdbe poljske, gozdne in gor­ found in th e M esolithic spits o f V iktorjev spodm ol, only
ske rovke ter netopirjev izjem no redke tudi v vzorcu iz bi-coloured w hite-toothed shrew ( Crocidura leucodon)
Viktorjevega spodm ola, kjer skupaj predstavljajo komaj and com m on o r alpine shrew (one o f the two species
1,1 % vseh določenih ostankov malih sesalcev. was certainly represented with a fragm ent o f lower jaw,
N a tem m estu se v neposredne primerjave med šte­ but it was not possible to distinguish between Sorex al­
vilčnostjo ostankov posam eznih taksonov v obeh naj­ pinus and S. araneus) were lacking from M. Triglavca.
diščih ne bom o spuščali. Sm iselno pa se zdi opozoriti Similarly all four species o f bat found at Viktorjev spod­
na veliko podobnost med vzorcem iz M. Triglavce in pa mol are m issing in the sam ple from M. Triglavca, though
tistim iz m ezolitskih režnjev Viktorjevega spodm ola. V we found a fragm ent o f upper jaw o f barbastelle bat (Bar­
obeh prim erih nam reč prevladujejo ostanki na gozd ve­ bastella barbastellus). However, fin d s o f bi-coloured,
zanih vrst (polhi, rum enogrla miš, veverica, gozdna vo- com m on and alpine shrew and bats were also extremely
luharica), kar kaže na dom nevno prevladujočo vlogo rare in the sam ple from Viktorjev spodm ol, w here all
m ešanih in listnatih gozdov nad travniki in kam enišči v together they represent barely 1.1% o f all identified re­
tistem obdobju. Prisotnost slednjih dokazujejo predvsem m ains o f small m am m als.
ostanki vrst rodu Microtus, navadne belonoge miši ter We will not go here into a direct com parison bet­
snežne voluharice. Skladni s tem so tudi izsledki palino- ween the num ber o f rem ains o f individual taxons at the
loških analiz za širše obm očje obeh najdišč (Culiberg two sites. However, it seem s sensible to highlight the
1995). great sim ilarity between the sam ple from M. Triglavca
V splošni paleookoljski sliki pa kaže v povezavi zand th a t from the M esolithic spits o f Viktorjev spod­
ostanki malih sesalcev iz M. Triglavce izpostaviti tudi mol. In both cases, namely, the rem ains o f forest bound
prisotnost v ponovno pregledanem sedim entu sicer izje­ species predom inate (dorm ouse, yellow necked mouse,
m no redkih najdb sivega hrčka ( Cricetulus migratorius\ red squirrel, bank vole), w hich indicates the presum ed
N ISP=3) in dinarske voluharice ( Dinaromys bogdanovi; prevailing role o f mixed and deciduous forest over m ea­
N 1SP=I). O be vrsti sta nam reč iz holocena Slovenije dow and stonefields in this period. T he presence o f the
znani le še iz mezolitskih režnjev Viktorjevega spodm o­ latter is show n mainly by the rem ains o f species o f the
la, v prim eru dinarske voluharice pa gre sploh za prve Microtus genus, long tailed fieldm ouse and snow vole.
holocenske najdbe te vrste zunaj njenega današnjega Results o f palinological analyses for the w ider region of
obm očja razširjenosti (glej Toškan in Kryštufek, ta zbor­ the two sites (C uliberg 1995) are also in line with this.
nik). In th e general p alaeoenvironm ental picture, the
presence in the rexam ined sedim ents o f otherw ise ex­
trem ely rare finds o f grey ham ster ( Cricetulus migratori-
us: N ISP=3) and M artin o ’s vole (Dinaromys bogdanovi',
N IS P = I) should be highlighted in connection with the
rem ains o f small m am m als from M. Triglavca. T he two
species, namely, are only known from the H olocene in
Slovenia in the M esolithic spits o f Viktorjev spodm ol,
and in the case o f M artin o ’s vole it is the first find at all
o f this species outside its today’s area o f distribution
(see Toškan and Krystufek, this volume).
3. del / P art 3

S klep / C o n clu sio n

Viktorjev spodm ol in M. Triglavca predstavljata tren u t­ Viktorjev spodm ol and M. Triglavca are currently the
no najbogatejši in najbolj reperezentativni zbirki mezo- richest and m ost representative collections o f M esolithic
litskega gradiva v Sloveniji. Reprezentativni predvsem m aterial in Slovenia; representative mainly because of
zaradi načina, kako je bilo gradivo pridobljeno. the way th e m aterial was obtained.
N ajdišči sta nedvom no izjem no bogati, saj im ata The sites are certainly extremely rich, with a high
veliko gostoto vseh vrst najdb na volum ensko enoto. Po density o f all types o f find per unit o f volume. In term s
gostoti najdb, med katerim i m očno izstopajo kam niti o f density o f finds, am ong w hich stone artefacts and
artefakti in ostanki vseh vrst favn (m ehkužci, plazilci, rem ains o f all sorts o f fauna (m olluscs, reptiles, small
mali in veliki sesalci), se lahko prim erjata z vsemi ključ­ and large m am m als) stand out, they can be com pared
nimi m ezolitskim i najdišči v Evropi (G ro tta Azzura, with any o f the key sites in Europe (G ro tta Azzura, G rot­
G rotta dell’Edera, R iparoG aban, Rom agnano III, Mont- ta dell’Edera, R ip aro G ab an , Rom agnano III, M ontclus,
clus, Rouffignac, M ontbani, Fontfaures ...) Rouffignac, M ontbani, Fontfaures ...).
Najdišči sta bili raziskani z različnim i terenskim i T he sites were studied with different field m ethods,
m etodam i, rezultati teh m etod pa so bili m ed seboj pri­ but the results o f these m ethods were inter-com parable.
m erjani. Pri tem se je pokazalo, da dajejo stare stan­ It appeared in this th at the old standard fieldwork m et­
dardne terenske m etode, s katerim i je bila raziskana veči­ hods by w hich the m ajority o f Palaeolithic and M eso­
na paleolitskih in m ezolitskih najdišč v Sloveniji, naj­ lithic sites in Slovenia were researched, gave the worst
slabši rezultat. results.
Pri novih ( ‘n ad stan d a rd n ih ’) terenskih m etodah T he new ( ‘above-standard’) fieldwork m ethods pro­
ugotavljam pri najdbah dva gradienta. Prvi je povezan s duced two gradients with the finds. T he first is the m a­
skokovitim naraščanjem števila najdb, zlasti drobnih, kot jo r increase in the num ber o f finds, especially small ones,
posledico natančnejšega dela, drugi pa s skokovitim as a result o f the m ore precise work, and the o th er is the
zm anjševanjem velikosti najdb ozirom a prehodom iz m ajor reduction in the size o f the finds or the transition
m akroskopske dim enzijoev m ikroskopsko, zaradi izbolj­ from m acroscopic to m icroscopic dim ensions, because
šav pri odkrivanju najdb. Slednje je razvidno na podlagi o f im provem ents in discovering finds. T he latter is evi­
povprečne teže najdb. S to sem lahko ocenil, kako do­ dent on the basis o f the average weight o f finds. I could
bro je bilo moje delo izvedeno na terenu in pozneje v decide in this way how well my work was perform ed in
laboratoriju, vendar tega pri delu drugih ne nam eravam the field and later in the laboratory, although I do not
početi. intend to do this with the work o f others.
Prim erjava rezultatov različnih faz izkopavanja, v C om parison o f the results o f the various phases o f
katerih so bile uporabljene različne tehnike in m etode, excavations in which different techniques and m ethods
jasn o kaže, da je interpretacija najdišča, ki temelji na were used clearly show that the interp retatio n o f a site
najdbah, m očno odvisna od načina (in natančnosti) dela based on finds depends greatly on the m ethod (and ac­
na terenu in pozneje v laboratoriju (prim . Payne 1972 curacy) o f work in the field and later in the laboratory
b). Resnosti tega problem a se zaveda odločno prem alo (see Payne 1972 b). Far too few people in the professi­
ljudi v stroki. on are aware o f the reality o f this problem .

Na tem m estu ne bom ponovno našteval vseh ugotovi­ 1 will not enum erate here all the findings connected with
tev, povezanih z arheološkim gradivom , am pak sam o archaeological m aterial, only som e o f the m ost essenti­
nekaj najbistvenejših. al.
M ezolitska najdišča v zahodni Sloveniji (Viktorjev M esolithic sites in w estern Slovenia (V iktorjev
spodm ol, M. Triglavca, Pod Č rm ukljo) so del sovterjen- spodm ol, M. Triglavca, Pod Č rm ukljo) are p art o f the
sko-kastelnovjenske tradicije, ki jo odlikujejo nekatere Sauveterrian-Castelnovian tradition, w hich is distinguis­
posebnosti. Tako npr. so nepom em bni mikrolitski seg- hed by two particularities. M icrolithic segm ents typical
m enti, značilni za starejšo m ezolitsko fazo (sovterjen). o f the earlier M esolithic phase (Sauveterrian) are unim ­
Trikotniki so na splošno manj pogosti kot v najdiščih po rtan t. Triangles are generally less frequent than in si­
sovterjensko-kastelnovjenskega kompleksa, klinice s hr­ tes o f the Sauveterrian-Castelnovian com plex, and tru n ­
btom in prečno retušo so skoraj vse z redkim i izjemami cated backed bladelets, with few exceptions, are alm ost
atipične. Po drugi strani pa se pojavljajo npr. pecljata all atypical. On the o th e r hand, stem m ed m icrolithic
m ikrolitska orodja, ki drugje niso znana. tools ap p ear th at are unknow n elsewhere.
Tem eljno vprašanje, ki v Sloveniji ni rešeno je, kako T he basic question th at is n o t resolved in Slovenia
ločiti sovterjen od kastelnovjena oz. starejši m ezolitik is how to distinguish Sauveterrian from Castelnovian,
od mlajšega pri najdiščih brez izrazitega sosledja plasti o r the early M esolithic from the later, with sites w ithout
z m ezolitskim i najdbam i. well-defined stratigraphy o f M esolithic finds.
Ena od m ožnosti, ki jo uporabljajo vsi, je krono- O ne o f the m ethods everybody uses is chronom e-
m etrija. V endar se mi ta m ožnost zaradi nezanesljivosti try. However, because o f the unreliability o f radiom etri-
radiom etrično določenih starosti in nevarnosti krožnega cally determ ined age and the risk o f circular argum ent,
argum entiranja ne zdi najprim ernejša. Z ato bo treba najti it does not seem to me appropriate. New m ethods m ust
nove načine za koreliranje najdišč ozirom a kombinirati be found o f correlating sites or com bining old and new
različne stare in nove m ožnosti za kronološke korelaci­ possibilities o f chronological correlation.
je. Trapezes are geom etric arm atu res which norm ally
Trapezi so tiste geom etrične arm ature, ki običajno serve for distinguishing Sauveterrian from Castelnovi­
služijo za ločevanje sovterjena od kastelnovjena v pasu an in the belt south and southw est o f the Alps, i.e., from
ju ž n o in jugozahodno od Alp, tj. od Tržaškega zaliva do the Bay o f Trieste to the A tlantic coast. They appeared
atlantske obale. N a tem prostoru naj bi se pojavili neka­ in this space fairly contem poraneously, at the turn o f
ko sočasno, in sicer na prehodu 9. tisočletja v 8. pred the 9th to the 8th m illennium (9 /8 ky BP).
sedanjostjo (9/8 ky BP). In view o f the num ber o f trapezes in the late and
G lede na število trapezov v starejšem in mlajšem early C astelnovian level o f the R. G aban site (Kozlowski,
kastelnovjenskem nivoju najdišča R. G aban (Koztowski, D alm eri 2000), I could place V iktorjev spodm ol in the
D alm eri 2000) bi V iktorjev spodm ol lahko uvrstil v sta­ older phase o f the C astelnovian, and M. Triglavca in its
rejšo fazo kastelnovjena, M. Triglavco pa v njegovo mlaj­ later phase, provided th at the trapezes in M. Triglavca
šo fazo pod pogojem, da trapezi v M. Triglavci ne pripa­ do n ot belong to the covering N eolithic layer o r the
dajo krovni neolitski plasti ozirom a neolitiku (za strati- N eolithic (for stratigraphy, see Leben 1988) Such a clas­
grafijo glej Leben 1988) S takšno um estitvijo se ujema sification also c o rresp o n d s to th e n u m b er o f m icro­
tudi število m ikro vbadal, preračunano na število trap e­ burins, calculated as a ratio o f the num ber o f trapezes
zov v obeh najdiščih. V kastelnovjen lahko na podlagi at the two sites. On the basis o f trapezes and m icro­
najdenih trapezov in mikro vbadal uvrstim tudi najdišče burins, I can also place the Pod C rm ukljo site in the
Pod Č rm ukljo (B rodar 1992). C astelnovian (B rodar 1992).
O dprto ostaja vprašanje um estitve najdišča na Bre­ T he question o f the classification o f the site at Breg
gu, ki g a je Frelih (1986) opredelil kot kastelnovjensko. rem ains open. Frelih (1986) defined it as C astelnovian.
To najdišče po trapezih, ki niso bili izdelani z mikrovba- In term s o f trapezes th a t were not m ade with the m icro­
dalno tehniko, m očno odstopa od skupine sovterjensko- burin technique, it greatly deviates from the group o f
-kastelnovjenskih najdišč v zahodni Sloveniji. N a Bregu Sauveterrian-Castelnovian sites in w estern Slovenia. No
tudi ni bilo najdeno nobeno mikro vbadalo. P odrobna m icroburins were found at Breg, either. D etailed com ­
prim erjalna analiza Brega z najdišči v zahodni Sloveniji parative analysis o f Breg with sites in w estern Slovenia
bi pokazala še več razlik, predvsem v uporabi surovin would show fu rth er differences, mainly in the use o f raw
nelokalnega izvora in obliki praskal, kar vse še sodi v m aterials o f non-local origin and the shape o f endscra-
kategorijo primerljivih spremenljivk. pers, all o f which belong in the category o f com parative
K linica s hrbtom in prečno retušo ima v inventarju variables.
M. Triglavce prav tako pom em bno vlogo kot v V iktor­ T runcated backed bladelets have a sim ilarly im por­
jevem spodm olu. Večina prim erkov ni tipična, vendar ta n t role in M. Triglavca as in Viktorjev spodm ol. The
to ni posledica sloga oz. njegove slabe kopije, sicer ne bi m ajority o f specim ens are not typical, but this is not a
bilo tudi tipičnih kosov. result o f style or its p o o r copy, o r there would not also
Trikotnikov je v M. Triglavci relativno manj kot v be typical pieces.
Viktorjevem spodm olu, kar je razvidno iz razm erja tri­ T here are fewer triangles in M. Triglavca th an in
kotniki/trapezi, ki je v M. Triglavci 0,4, v Viktorjevem Viktorjev spodm ol, as is clear from the triangle/trapeze
spodm olu pa 2,5. ratio, w hich is 0.4 in M. Triglavca and 2.5 in Viktorjev
Izhajajoč iz ugotovitev italijanskih kolegov, da sta spodm ol.
za razvoj m ezolitika značilna porast trapezov in upad Based on the findings o f Italian colleagues that an
enakokrakih trikotnikov, je zanim ivo tudi razm erje ena- increase in trapezes and decrease in isosceles triangles
kokraki trikotniki/trapezi. To razm erje je v M. Triglavci are typical o f the developm ent o f the M esolithic, the
0,1 in v Viktorjevem spodm olu 0,25. ratio betw een isosceles triangles and trap ezes is also
Če razlike v enih in drugih razm erjih razložim kro­ interesting. T his ratio is 0.4 in M. Triglavca and 0.25 in
nološko, so najdbe v Viktorjevem spodm olu, za katere Viktorjev spodm ol.
so značilni relativno številni trikotniki in relativno ma­ If differences between them are explained ch ro n o ­
loštevilni trapezi, starejše od najdb v M. Triglavci, za logically, the finds in Viktorjev spodm ol for w hich rela­
katero je značilno ravno obratno. tively num erous triangles and relatively few trapezes are
T ipom etrična analiza trapezov, trikotnikov in kli- characteristic, are older than the finds in M. Triglavca,
nic s hrbtom ter prečno retušo je pokazala, da so različ­ for w hich the reverse is true.
ne oblike geom etričnih arm atu r vezne, ali drugače po­ Typom etric analysis o f trapezes, triangles and tru n ­
vedano, da ena oblika iste aram ture vezno preide v d ru ­ cated backed bladelets showed th at the various shapes
go. Podobno so drugi ugotovili s statistično analizo na o f geom etric bladelets are continuous, or put ano th er
veliko večjem vzorcu m ezolitskih arm atu r (B arbaza et way th at one shape o f the sam e arm atu re always flows
al. 1991). into another. O thers have found the sam e with statisti­
cal analysis o f m uch larger sam ples o f M esolithic arm a­
Viktorjev spodm ol in M. Triglavca sta pom em bna tudi tures ( Barbaza el al. 1991).
kot bogat vir podatkov o nekdanjem okolju, saj so bile
prav tu prvič zbrane in sistem atično obdelane nekatere Viktorjev spodm ol and M. Triglavca are also im portant
zvrsti teh podatkov za m ezolitska najdišča v Sloveniji. as a rich source o f data on the form er environm ent, sin­
A naliza razpršenega oglja, najdenega v mezolits- ce certain types o f such data for M esolithic sites in Slo­
kem horizontu Viktorjevega spodm ola, dopušča sklep o venia were collected and system atically processed here
obstoju m ešanega hrastovega gozda, ki je po m ezolitiku for the first time.
prešel v m očno presvetljen degradiran gozd zaraščajočih Analysis o f dispersed charcoal found in the M eso­
pašnikov. O bukvi ni sledu. H rastov gozd je m ogoče lithic horizons o f Viktorjev spodm ol allows the conclu­
postaviti na začetek ali konec zgodnjega holocena. sion o f the existence o f mixed oak forest, w hich trans­
A naliza različnih favn je pokazala, da sta tako Vik­ form ed after the M esolithic into m uch lighter, degraded
torjev spodm ol kot M. Triglavca zelo bogata z vrstam i, forest o f encroaching pastures. There is no trace o f beech.
ki se dajo zanesljivo um estiti v zgodnji holocen. It is possible to place the oak forest at the sta rt o r end o f
V Viktorjevem spodm olu je bilo na površini 2 m the
2 Early H olocene.
najdenih 23.984 ostankov favne. O d tega 6.076 določlji­ Analysis o f the various fauna showed both V iktor­
vih, ki pripadajo 14 vrstam velikih sesalcev (brez člove­ jev spodm ol and M. Triglavca to be very species rich,
ka), 30 vrstam malih sesalcev, 13 vrstam m rzlokrvnih w hich places them firm ly in the Early Holocene.
vretenčarjev in 47 vrstam mehkužcev. N ič manj bogata In Viktorjev spodm ol, on area o f 2 m 2, 23,984 re­
ni favna M. Triglavce, ki še čaka na obdelavo. m ains o f fauna were found. O f this, 6,076 were identi­
Z a kopenske polže v V iktorjevem sp o d m o lu je fied and belong to 14 species o f large m am m al (w ithout
značilen velik delež m editeranskih in južnoevropskih vrst m an), 30 species o f small m am m al, 13 species o f cold­
v širšem smislu. Vse najdene vrste še danes živijo na blooded vertebrates and 47 species o f mollusc. T he fau­
širšem obm očju najdišča. V rstno najbogatejši je mezo- na o f M. Triglavca is no less rich, but awaits processing.
litski horizont, kjer je bilo najdenih 15 do 27 vrst na L and snails in Vikrojev spodm ol are characterised
reženj ali na 0,0016 m ! sedim enta. Med njimi je prese­ by a large share o f M editerranean and southern E uro­
netljivo tudi precej pogosta vrsta S. flu m in en sis, ki je pean species in the w ider sense. All the species found
neposredno vezana na vodni habitat. still inhabit th e w ider vicinity o f the site today. T he
Veliki vrtni polž, k ije v obeh najdiščih zastopan z M esolithic horizon is the species richest, w here 15 to
izredno veliko količino ostankov, je lahko služil ljudem 27 species per spit, or in 0.0016 m ’ o f sedim ent, were
kot vir hrane. found. Surprisingly, they included fairly frequent speci­
Na povezanost kraških m ezolitskih prebivalcev z m ens o f S. flum inensis, which is directly bound to a water
m orjem kažejo številni ostanki različnih vrst morskih habitat.
školjk in polžev. The large garden snail, w hich may have been a sour­
Med ostanki ektoterm nih vretenčarjev v V iktorje­ ce o f food for people, is in large quantities at both sites.
vem spodm olu in M. Triglavci m očno prevladujejo os­ The num erous rem ains o f various species o f sea
tanki slepcev (A nguidae). Slepci so dom nevno avtoh­ shells and snails indicate a link between the K arst Me­
ton elem ent v fosilni združbi Viktorjevega spodm ola in solithic inhabitants and the sea.
kažejo, da so v bližini obstajali dalj časa vlažni travniki A m ong the rem ains o f ectotherm ic vertebrates in
in gozd. O stanki vseh drugih ektoterm nih vretenčarjev Viktorjev spodm ol and M. Triglavca, the rem ains o f slow
(rib, močeradov, kač in kuščarjev) so alohtoni elem enti w orm (A nguidae) strongly stand out. Slow w orm s are
in predstavljajo ostanke plena ujed in/ali drugih plenil- presum ably an au to ch th o n o u s elem ent in the fossil as-
cev, v določenih prim erih (npr. ostanki rib) tudi člove­ sociation o f Viktorjev spodm ol and show th a t for an
ka. extended period there were dam p m eadow s and forest
N a podlagi ostankov malih sesalcev, kot so T. euro- in the vicinity. T he rem ains o f o th er ectotherm ic verte­
pea, T. caeca in nekateri netopirji, sklepam o, d a j e bila brates (fish, salam anders, snakes and lizards) are alocht-
klim a v zahodni Sloveniji v obdobju m ezolitika (delu honous elem ents and represent the rem ains o f birds o f
zgodnjega holocena) mila in je pogojevala prevlado list­ prey a n d /o r oth er predators, to a certain extent also man
natih ozirom a m ešanih gozdov, ki jih nakazujejo ostan­ (e.g., the rem ains o f fish).
ki vrst, kot so G. glis, M. avellanarius, A. flavicollis, S. O n the basis o f the rem ains o f small m am m als, such
vulgaris, nad dom nevno prostorsko om ejenim i travniki as T. europea, or T. caeca, and certain bats, we conclude
in kam nišči, ki jih nakazujejo npr. ostanki M. agrestis, th at the clim ate in w estern Slovenia in the period o f the
M. arvalis, Ch. Nivalis. Podobno sliko kažejo tudi izsled­ M esolithic (p a rt o f the Early H olocene) was mild and
ki palinoloških raziskav (vrtina Škocjanski zatok; Culi- conditioned the prevalence o f bro ad leaf or mixed for­
berg 1995). est, indicated by the rem ains o f species such as G. glis,
N ajdbe sivega hrčka (C. migratorius) v Viktorjevem M. avellanarius, A. flavicollis or S. vulgaris, over presu­
spodm olu in M. Triglavci so prve holocenske najdbe te mably spatially lim ited meadow s and stonefields, indi­
vrste v Sloveniji, m edtem ko so ostanki dinarske voluha- cated by the rem ains o f M. agrestis, M. arvalis or Ch.
rice (D. bogdanovi) v obeh najdiščih sploh edini doslej nivalis. T he results o f palinological research show a sim ­
znani ostanki te vrste zunaj njenega recentnega obm oč­ ilar picture (Škocjanski zatok borehole; C uliberg 1995).
ja razširjenosti. T he finds o f C. migratorius in Viktorjev spodm ol
Na podlagi ostankov velikih sesalcev je bilo ugo­ and M. Triglavca are the first H olocene finds o f these
tovljeno naslednje: species in Slovenia, while the rem ains o f M artin o ’s vole
Poglavitni vir m esa in m aščob za m ezolitske skup­ (D. bogdanovi) at both sites are the only known rem ains
nosti v Viktorjevem spodm olu in M. Triglavci sta bila o f this species known to date outside its recent area o f
jelen in divji prašič, kar je značilno za večino mezolit- distribution.
skih najdišč od Tržaškega zaliva do A tlantika (Rozoy T he following was concluded on the basis o f the
1978b). N ajdbe obeh vrst in še nekaterih drugih, kot sta rem ains o f large m ammals:
npr. F. silvestris in M. meles, dodatno potrjujejo pom em b­ T he m ain sources o f m eat and fat for the Meso­
no vlogo listnatih ozirom a m ešanih gozdov v tem delu lithic com m unity in Viktorjev spodm ol and M. Triglav­
Slovenije v določenih obdobjih zgodnjega holocena. ca were red deer and wild boar, which is characteristic
Pom en m aščob za m ezolitske skupnosti dom nev- » o f the m ajority o f M esolithic sites from the Bay o f Tries­
no potrjuje obstoj velikega števila m ajhnih kostnih frag­ te to the A tlantic (Rozoy 1978b). The finds o f both spe­
m entov (pod 10 m m ), ki naj bi jih proizvedel človek, cies and som e others, such as F. silvestris and M. meles,
manj bi bili ti fragm enti posledica preperevanja, saj so additionally confirm the im p o rtan t role o f broadleaf or
kosti kot take v obeh najdiščih odlično ohranjene. Vse­ mixed forest in this part o f Slovenia at certain periods
kakor bi bil za proučitev vprašanja nastanka m ajhnih o f the Early H olocene.
kostnih odlom kov potreben sistem atičen nabor podat­ T he im portance o f fat for the M esolithic com m u­
kov iz različnih arheoloških in nearheoloških kontekstov. nity seem s to be confirm ed by th e existence o f large
K ar zadeva dom ače živali, je za m ezolitske režnje v num bers o f small bone fragm ents (u n d er 10 m m ), that
obeh najdiščih potrjena le p risotnost psa. N a podlgi were presum ably man m ade, fewer o f these fragm ents
zbranih podatkov in okoliščin najdb je razprava o do- would have been the result o f w eathering, since bones
mestikaciji drugih živali vsaj v M. Triglavci za zdaj pre- like this are excellently preserved at both sites. C ertain ­
uranjena. ly for a study o f the question o f the origin o f small bone
fragm ents, a system atic collection o f d ata from various
a rc h a e o lo g ic a l an d n o n -a rc h a e o lo g ic a l c o n te x ts is
In relation to dom estic anim als, only the presence
o f dog is confirm ed for the M esolithic spits o f both si­
tes. On the basis o f collected data and the circum stanc­
es o f the finds, it is clearly still too early for discussion
on the dom estication o f o th er anim als, at least at M.
4. d e l / P a rt 4

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D odatek 1 / A n n ex 1
I d e n t if ik a c ij a d v e h I d e n t if ic a t io n o f T w o
ČLOVEŠKIH MLEČNIH H u m a n D e c id u o u s
SEKALCEV IZ ARHEOLOŠKIH I n c is o r s E x c a v a t e d
n a j d iš č M a l a T r ig l a v c a F r o m A r c h a e o l o g ic a l
in V ik t o r je v s p o d m o l S it e s in M a l a T r ig l a v c a
and V ik t o r je v S p o d m o l

Izto k š t a m f e l j 1, E r i k a C v e t k o 2,

M a ja B iten c-O v sen ik 3, D o m in ik G a šp eršič 1

Izvleček A b stract

Izhodišče in namen: Človeški zobje so zaradi velike obstoj­ Background and purpose: H um an teeth are due to their good
nosti pogosta najdba arheoloških izkopavanj. N am en študije preserv atio n over large tim e spans freq u en t findings o f ar­
je bil na osnovi oblikovnih, m erskih in rentgenoloških last­ chaeological excavations. T he aim o f o u r work was th e identi­
nosti identificirati dva dom nevno človeška zoba iz predzgo­ fication o f tw o presum ably hum an teeth on th e basis o f their
dovinskega obdobja. Gradivo in način dela: Z o b a sta bila iz­ m orphological ch aracteristics, dental m easurem ents, a n d ra­
kopana v arheoloških najdiščih M ala Triglavca in Viktorjev diographic characteristics. Material and Methods: T he teeth
spodm ol (P o d ja n ic a) v ju g o za h o d n i Sloveniji in izvirata iz w ere excavated in archaeo lo g ical sites M ala T riglavca and
in ezolitskih plasti (p rib liž n o 4 0 0 0 -8 0 0 0 pr. n. št.). N june V iktorjev S podm ol (P o d jam ca) in the southw estern p a rt o f
oblikovne, m erske in rentgenološke lastnosti sm o prim erjali z Slovenia. T hey originate from M esolithic levels (a ro u n d 4 0 0 0 -
lastnostm i m lečnih sekalcev dan ašn jih slovenskih otrok na 8000 BC). We com pared th eir m orphological, m etrical, and
50 m avčnih m odelih in 20 izdrtih m lečnih sekalcih. Ugotovit­ rentgenographic ch ara cte ristics w ith c h aracteristics o f deci­
ve: Izkopana zoba u strezata človeškim m lečnim sekalcem . Z ob duous incisors from 50 dental casts and 20 extracted teeth o f
iz M ale Triglavce je zgornji levi sekalec, najverjetneje drugi. co n te m p o ra ry Slovenian children. Conclusion: E xcavated te­
Z ob iz Viktorjevega spodm ola je spodnji levi sekalec; glede eth c o rre sp o n d to hum an prim ary incisors. T he to o th excava­
na zobne m ere ustreza prvem u sekalcu, po nekaterih oblikov­ ted in M ala Triglavca is the u p p e r left, m ost probably second
nih lastnostih pa drugem u. Z gornji sekalec iz M ale Triglavce incisor. T he tooth excavated in V iktorjev S podm ol (P odjam ­
najverjetneje ni izpadel sp o n ta n o za časa življenja, tem več po ca) is the lower left incisor; acco rd in g to d e n ta l m easures it
sm rti. Pri izpadu spodnjega sekalca iz V iktorjevega spodm o­ c o rre sp o n d s to the first incisor, according to som e m o rp h o ­
la je bila verjetno potreb n a pom oč drugega človeka ali pa je logical ch aracteristics it c o resp o n d s to the second incisor. T he
bil izgubljen po sm rti. N a osnovi razjedenosti zobnih korenin up p er incisor from M ala Triglavca m ost probably w as not lost
dom nevam o, da je bil otro k iz Male Triglavce sta r 5 -9 let, spontaneously during the lifetim e but a fte r death o f the child.
otrok iz V iktorjevega spodm ola pa 4 -9 let. For the loss o f the lower incisor from V iktorjev S podm ol pro­
bably the help o f som e o th e r person was needed o r it was lost
Ključne besede: ugotavljanje zob, oblikovne in m erske značil­ afte r death. From the root reso rp tio n we assum e th at the child
nosti m lečnih sekalcev, m lečni sekalci iz m ezolitika, korenin­ from M ala Triglavca was 5 -9 years old and the child from
ska razjeda m lečnih zob V iktorjev spodm ol 4 -9 years old.

Key words: teeth determ in atio n , m orphological a n d m etrical

ch aracteristics o f deciduous incisors, m esolithic d eciduous
incisors, physiological root resorption.

' K atedra za zobne bolezni in norm alno morfologijo zobnega

organa. 1 D epartm ent o f Conservative Dentistry.
2 Inštitut za anatomijo. Institute of Anatomy.
3 Katedra za zobno in čeljustno ortopedijo. 3 Departm ent o f O rthodontics.
Vsi M edicinska fakulteta. Univerza v Ljubljani, Slovenija. All Medical Faculty, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
1 U vod 1 In trod uc tion

Z obje so zaradi obstojnosti dragocen vir podatkov o Teeth are due to their durability a valuable source o f evi­
dem ografskih in bioloških lastnostih, zdravju, prehrani dence in understanding dem ography, biological affinities,
in načinu življenja preteklih ljudstev. Pri pridobivanju health, diet, and general way o f life o f past populations.
teh podatkov so zobje kot gradivo pom em bno dopolni­ In obtaining these data teeth perform better or at least as
lo ali vsaj enakovredni kostem, imajo pa v prim erjavi z well as the bony rem ains o f the skeleton, they even have
njimi nekaj prednosti. Oblikovne lastnosti zob so v večji several advantages. M orphological characteristics o f te­
meri dedno določene kakor značilnosti skeleta (Bailey, eth are controlled to a greater extent by genes than are
2002). Ker se v nasprotju s kostnino trda zobna tkiva po skeletal features (Bailey, 2002). C ontrary to bone tissue,
končanem razvoju ne prenavljajo več, se oblikovne last­ hard dental tissues do not remodel once they have for­
nosti zoba skozi življenje sprem injajo le zaradi bolezen­ med, so dental morphology changes throughout the life
skih sprem em b (npr. zobna gniloba, resorpcija), s staros­ only as result o f pathological changes (ie. caries, resorp­
tjo povezanih procesov (npr. obraba) in poškodb. Z ara­ tion), age-related processes (ie. wear), and traum a. Due
di visoke vsebnosti m ineralov so zobje zelo odporni na to high mineral content teeth are very resistant to post-
p o sm rtno razgradnjo. V gradivu, dobljenem pri arheo­ m ortal degradation. They are generally better preserved
loških izkopavanjih, so na splošno bolje ohranjeni ka­ than bones in archaeologically-derived hum an remains.
kor kosti. Pogosto so edino, kar se po več tisočletjih O ften only teeth are preserved after thousands o f years of
ohrani. Pom em ben kazalec splošnega zdravja ljudi so burial in the ground. D evelopm ental defects o f enamel
tudi razvojne napake sklenine. Iz razvitosti zobovja lah­ are also an im portant indicator o f general health o f pe­
ko najnatančneje določim o starost ob sm rti pri skelet­ ople. The m ost accurate m ethods for determ ining age at
nih ostankih otrok (Saunders, 1992). death for skeletal remains o f children are on the basis of
V naši študiji sm o preučili dva dom nevno človeškateeth developm ent (Saunders, 1992).
zoba iz predzgodovinskega obdobja, ki so ju našli pri In our study we investigated two presum ably hu­
arheoloških izkopavanjih. N am en študije je bil identifi­ m an teeth from prehistoric tim es found during archaeo­
cirati zoba na osnovi njunih oblikovnih, merskih in rent- logical excavations. T he aim o f the study was to identify
genoloških lastnosti. these teeth on the basis o f their m orphological, m etri­
cal, and rentgenographic characteristics.

2 G r a d iv o in n a č i n d e l a
2 M aterial a n d M ethods
2 .1 G RA D IV O
Analizirali sm o dva zoba, ki dom nevno izvirata iz obd­
obja m ezolitika (približno 4.000-8.000 pr. n. š.). Izkopa­ We analyzed two teeth dating from the M esolithic (aro­
na sta bila v arheoloških najdiščih M ala Triglavca blizu und 4 0 0 0 -8 0 0 0 BC) excavated in th e southw estern part
kraja Lokev in V iktorjev spodm ol (P o d ja m c a ) pod o f Slovenia in Mala Triglavca near the town Lokev and
V rem ščico v jugozahodni Sloveniji (glej Štamfelj, Turk, in V iktorjev Spodm ol (P o d jam ca) located below the
ta zbornik). N june oblikovne lastnosti in m ere sm o pri­ m ountain o f Vremščica. T heir m orphological and m et­
merjali z lastnostm i in m eram i m lečnih zob na 50 mavč­ rical characteristics were com pared with those o f deci­
nih m odelih današnjih slovenskih otrok, starih od 5 do duous teeth on 50 dental casts o f contem p o rary Sloven­
8 let (gradivo K atedre za zobno in čeljustno ortopedijo ian children aged 5 -8 years (m aterial collected by the
M edicinske fakultete v L jubljani). Z a prim erjavo je D ep artm en t o f O rthodontics, M edical Faculty, Ljublja­
služilo tudi 20 izdrtih človeških m lečnih sekalcev da­ na). For com parison we also used 20 extracted hum an
našnjih slovenskih otrok (zobna zbirka K atedre za zob­ deciduous incisors o f co n tem p o rary Slovenian children
ne bolezni in norm aln o m orfologijo zobnega organa (dental collection o f the D ep artm en t o f Conservative
M edicinske fakultete v Ljubljani). D entistry, M edical Faculty, Ljubljana).


Izkopana zoba in izdrte m lečne zobe današnjih otrok Excavated teeth and extracted deciduous teeth o f con­
sm o opazovali s stereoskopskim m ikroskopom (O lym ­ tem porary Slovenian children were observed with stereo-
pus B061, Japonska), m avčne m odele z ročno lupo z 10- m icroscope (O lym pus B06I, Japan), dental casts were
-kratno povečavo. N a zobni kroni izkopanih sekalcev smo observed using hand lens with lOx m agnification. On the
določili lego zobnega ekvatorja labialno in palatinalno, crown o f the excavated incisors the following features were
značilnost krivulje, značilnost kota, lego zobnega tuber- determ ined: location o f the height of contour on labial and
kla, prisotnost in izraženost obrobnih grebenov, potek palatal surface, mesio-distal convexity of labial surface, char­
skleninsko-cem entne meje, prisotnost in lastnosti aprok- acteristics of mesioincisal and distoincisal angles, position
sim alnih atricijskih faset, obrabljenost griznega roba in o f dental tubercle, presence and expression of marginal rid­
barvo. Ugotavljali sm o obliko prečnega prereza koreni­ ges, course of cervical enamel line, presence and characte­
ne in koreninskega kanala ter barvo korenine. Pri m leč­ ristics o f approximal wear facetes, wear of incisal edge, and
nih sekalcih na m avčnih m odelih sm o ugotavljali značil­ colour. The shape o f root and root canal cross-section and
nost krivulje, značilnost kota in lego zobnega tuberkla. root colour were observed. At deciduous incisors from den­
N a izdrtih m lečnih sekalcih sm o ugotavljali potek skle­ tal casts mesio-distal convexity o f labial surface, characte­
ninsko-cem entne meje, prisotnost aproksim alnih atricij­ ristics o f mesioincisal and distoincisal angles, and position
skih faset in obrabljenost griznega roba. o f dental tubercle were determined. On extracted incisors
the course o f cervical enamel line, presence o f approximal
wear facets, and wear o f incisal edge were determined.
2 .3 ZO B N E M ERE

Z obe sm o izmerili s kljunastim m erilom (Z ürcher m o­ 2. 3 DENTA L M EA SU REM EN TS

deli, D entaurum 042-751, N em čija) z natančnostjo 0,1
mm. N a izkopanih zobeh sm o izmerili širino (mezio- Teeth were m easured with a sliding calliper (Z ü rch er
distalni prem er), debelino (labio-lingvalni prem er) in modeli, D entaurum 042-751, G erm any) with precision
dolžino (cerviko-incizalni prem er) zobne krone, širino o f 0.1 mm. O n excavated teeth we m easured w idth (m e­
in debelino korenine na zobnem vratu ter njeno dolžino. sio-distal diam eter), breadth (labio-lingual diam eter) and
Širino zobne krone sm o merili med kontaktnim a točka­ length (cervico-incisal diam eter) o f to o th crown. A ddi­
ma, njeno dolžino med najbolj apikalno točko sklenin- tionally, cervical width and breadth o f the root and root
sko-cem entne meje na labialni ploskvi in griznim robom length were m easured. W idth o f the to o th crown was
ter njeno debelino kot največjo razdaljo med labialno in m easured between the contact points, length o f the tooth
lingvalno ploskvijo zobne krone. crown was m easured labially between th e m ost apical
N a m avčnih m odelih sm o izmerili širino in debeli­ point o f cervical enam el line and incisal edge. Crown
no zobne krone m lečnih sekalcev, m očno obrabljene in b readth was m easured as the largest distance between
poškodovane zobe sm o izvzeli. Povprečno vrednost in labial and lingual surface o f the crown.
standardni odklon m eritev sm o izračunali za desne se­ On dental casts crown width and breadth o f decidu­
kalce, v prim erih, ko desni sekalec ni bil merljiv, smo ous incisors were measured, teeth with extensive wear and
upoštevali meritev na istoim enskem levem sekalcu. damaged teeth were excluded. The mean and standard devi­
ation o f measurements were calculated for the right incisors.
In the case when the right incisor could not be measured we
2 .4 R E N T G EN SK A A N ALIZA took measurement on the contralateral (left) incisor.

Rentgenske posnetke izkopanih zob sm o napravili v la­

bio-lingvalni in m ezio-distalni smeri (rentgenski aparat: 2. 4 R E N T G E N O G R A P H IC ANALYSIS
Planm eca Prostyle Intra; film: Kodak D ental Intraoral
E-speed W2, 31 x 41 m m ). Za prim erjavo sm o na enak D ental radiographs o f excavated teeth were taken in la-
način naredili rentgenske posnetke štirih zgornjih izdrtih biolingual and m esiodistal d irectio n (x-ray m achine:
m lečnih sekalcev in enega spodnjega. Planm eca Prostyle lntra: film: K odak D ental Intraoral
Izkopana zoba sm o fotografirali z digitalnim fotoa­ E-speed W2, 31 x 41 m m ). For com parison radiographs
paratom (N ikon C oolpix 4500, Japonska). o f four upper and one lower extracted incisors were ta­
ken at the sam e conditions.
Excavated teeth were p h o to g rap h ed with digital
3 Iz i d i cam era (N ikon C oolpix 4500, Japan).


3 R esults
Oblikovne lastnosti zobne krone
Z obna krona je bila dobro ohranjena (sl. I a -b ). O bra­
ba griznega roba je bila zm erna - 3. stopnja po Molnar- M orphological characteristics o f the crown
jevi razvrstitvi (H illson, 1998). D entin je bil razgaljen
vzdolž griznega roba v obliki črte, ki s e je ožila v distal- The crown o f the tooth was well preserved (Figs. la and
ni smeri. G rizni rob je bil debel 1,4 mm labio-palatinal- 1 b). W ear o f incisal edge was m oderate - 3rd degree
no in je bil nekoliko labialno od vzdolžne osi zobne ko­ acco rd in g to th e M olnar s scoring system (H illson,
renine (sl. 1 c -d ). Distalni del griznega roba je zavijal 1998). D entine was exposed along the lenght o f the in­
nekoliko palatinalno (sl. 1 e). cisal edge in the form o f a line w hich narrow s in the
Kot med m ezialno aproksim alno ploskvijo in griz- distal direction. T he incisal edge was 1.4 mm thick labi-
nim robom je bil oster, prehod med griznim robom in opalatally and was slightly labial from the longitudinal
distalno aproksim alno ploskvijo pa izrazito zaokrožen, axis o f the root (Figs. 1 c -d ). Distal p art o f the incisal
kar označujem o kot značilnost kota (sl. 1 a -b ). Z labial- edge was curved slightly palatally (Fig. 1 e).
ne sm eri je bilo videti, da je grizni rob v m ezialnem delu The angle between mesial approximal surface and
nekoliko vbočen. V vratni polovici je bila labialna plos­ incisal edge was sharp, transition o f incisal edge to distal
kev izrazito izbočena v m ezio-distalni smeri. M ezialno approxim al surface was pronouncely rounded (Figs. 1 a -
je bila izbočena bolj kakor distalno, kar označujem o kot b). From the labial aspect the incisal edge was slightly
n o rm alno značilnost krivulje (sl. 1 e). Na palatinalni concave in its mesial portion. In the cervical half the labi­
ploskvi je bil prisoten distalni obrobni greben, njena me- al surface was extremely convex in the mesiodistal direc­
zialna polovica pa je bila ravna, tako d a je bila palatinal- tion. It was m ore convex mesially than distally (Fig. 1 e).
na vdolbina prisotna sam o v distalnem delu ploskve. Z ob­ On the palatal surface the distal marginal ridge was pre­
ni tuberkel je bil dobro razvit, gladek in je ležal nekoliko sent, mesial half o f the palatal surface was flat so that the
distalno od vzdolžne osi zoba (sl. 1 e). Z obna krona je palatal fossa was present only in the distal p art o f the
bila v vratni tretjini zelo izbočena - cingulum basale (sl. surface. D ental tubercle was well-developed, sm ooth, and
I c -d ). was slightly distal from the longitudinal axis o f the tooth
M ezialna ap roksim alna ploskev je bila ravna in (Fig. I e). The tooth crown was pronouncely convex in
skoraj navpična, distalna pa izbočena in bolj poševna its cervical third - cingulum basale (Figs. 1 c -d ).
(sl. 1 a -b ). N a m ezialni ploskvi je bila blizu griznega Mesial approximal surface was flat and nearly verti­
roba prisotna faseta, ki je najverjetneje nastala zaradi cal, whilst the distal surface was convex and inclined (Figs.
aproksim alne atricije. N a distalni ploskvi ni bilo značil­ 1 a -b ). On the mesial surface there was a facet near the
ne atricijske fasete, m arveč je bila v incizalni polovici incisal edge, m ost probably a consequence o f approximal
distalne in delu labialne ploskve ovalna vboklina s cervi- attrition. O n the distal surface there was no characteris­
ko-incizalnim prem erom 2,5 mm, labio-palatinalnim pre­ tic attrition facet but in the incisal half o f the distal and
m erom 1,5 mm in globino 0,25 mm (sl. 1 a, d). Vdolbi­ labial surfaces there was an oval depression with its cervi-
na se je na labialni ploskvi nadaljevala v trikotno faseto *- co-incisal diam eter o f 2.5 mm, labio-palatal diam eter of
dolžine 1 mm. Površina vbokline je bila pri 40-kratni 1.5 mm, and the depth o f 0.25 mm (Figs. 1 a, d). On the
povečavi videti bolj hrapava kakor površina m ezialne labial surface the depression continued to the triangular
atricijske fasete in trikotne fasete, v katero se je vboklina facet o f 1 mm length. Depression surface was more rough
nadaljevala na labialni ploskvi. in com parison to the surface of mesial attrition facet and
M akroskopsko je bil potek skleninsko-cem entne to the surface o f triangular facet into which the depressi­
meje dobro viden na vseh zobnih ploskvah (sl. I a -d ). on continued on the labial surface.
Višina m ezialnega loka skleninsko-cem entne meje je bila T he course o f cervical enam el line was m acrosco-
za 0,6 mm večja od višine distalnega (sl. I c -d ). N a pically clearly visible on all tooth surfaces (Figs. 1 a -d ).
palatinalni ploskvi je potekala skleninsko-cem entna meja T he height o f the cervical curvature was 0.6 mm greater
0,4 mm bolj apikalno kakor na labialni. Mikroskopski on the mesial than on the distal surface (Figs. 1 c -d ).
potek skleninsko-cem entne meje je bil na labialni, pala­ T he cervical enam el line was positioned 0.4 mm m ore
tinalni in m ezialni ploskvi gladek, na distalni pa valovit. apically on the palatal th an on the labial surface. Mi­
Z obna krona je bila rjavosive barve. V sklenini so croscopically the cervical enam el line was sm ooth on
bile številne navpično potekajoče poke, zlasti na labial­ the labial, palatal and mesial surfaces and scalloped on
ni in palatinalni ploskvi. Na palatinalni ploskvi in na the distal surface.
sredini m ezialne so bile prisotne trde obloge. O bloge so T he colour o f the crown was browny-grey. N um e­
na palatinalni ploskvi tvorile pas, ki je pokrival m ezial­ rous vertical fracture lines were seen in enam el, especi­
no tretjino ploskve in manjši otoček v predelu palatinal- ally on labial and palatal surfaces. Hard deposits were
ne vdolbine. Njihova lega in makroskopski videz nista present on the palatal surface and in the m iddle o f the
bila značilna za zobni kam en. Zobni kam en se običajno mesial surface. On th e palatal surface they form ed a
nalaga na sklenini vratnega dela zobne krone v obliki zone, covering mesial third o f the surface, and also a
pasu, ki posnem a potek roba dlesne. sm aller zone in the area o f the palatal fossa. T heir posi­
Površina zobne krone (sklenine) je bila gladka ra­ tion and m acroscopic appearance were n ot characteris­
zen plitke, poševno potekajoče in nekaj m ilim etrov dol­ tic for dental calculus. It is usually attached to the ena­
ge brazde z nazobčanim i robovi v srednji tretjini labial­ mel in the cervical part o f the crow n in the form o f a
ne ploskve (sl. 1 a). band w hich m arks the position o f gingival margin.

Sl. I: Z o b iz arheološkega najdišča M ala Triglavca. a: z labialne Surface o f the to o th crown (enam el) was sm ooth
strani ( O ovalna vboklina, plitka b razda z nazobčanim i except for th e shallow and several m ilim eters long obli­
ro b o v i), b: s p a la tin a ln e s tra n i, c: z m e z ia ln e stra n i (■=> que furrow with toothed edges in the m iddle third o f the
žlebičasto jam iča ste razjede na korenini), d: z d istalne strani
labial surface (Fig. 1 a).
(■=> ovalna vboklina). c: z incizalne strani, f: z apikalne strani.
Fig. I: Tooth from the archaeological site M ala Triglavca. a:
labial a sp ect (=> oval d e p ressio n , shallow furrow with
to o th e d edges), b: palatal aspect, c: m esial aspect root M orphological characteristics o f the root
reso rp tio n with lots o f little pits and grooves), d: distal aspect
oval depression), e: incisal aspect, f: apical aspect. M ost o f th e root was resorbed. Root resorption was in
horizontal plane (Figs. I c -d ). Root and root canal were
oval with labiopalatal diam eter greater than their me-
siodistal diam eter (Fig. 1 0- Root canal with its labiopa­
Oblikovne lastnosti zobne korenine latal diam eter o f 0.6 mm and m esiodistal diam eter o f
0.2 mm was disproportionally small in com parison to
Večji del korenine je m anjkal zaradi razjede. Ravnina root size. E xternal edge o f the resorbed root was thin,
koreninske razjede je bila vodoravna (sl. 1 c -d ). K oreni­ toothed, the apical root surface was sloping from it to
na in koreninski kanal sta bila ovalne oblike in sta imela the root canal. Resorbed surface was slightly rough at
labio-palatinalni prem er večji kakor m ezio-distalni (sl. 40x m agnification. T he ou ter root surface was sm ooth,
1 f). Koreninski kanal z labio-palatinalnim prem erom on its mesial surface were shallow resorptions with lots
0,6 mm in m ezio-distalnim prem erom 0,2 mm je bil gle­ o f little pits and grooves (Fig. 1 c). T he colour o f the
de na velikost korenine nesorazm erno m ajhen. Zunanji root was browny-yellow.
rob razjedene korenine je bil tanek, nazobčan, površina
se je od njega spuščala do koreninskega kanala. Razje­
dena površina je bila pri 40-kratni povečavi videti neko­ D ental m easurem ents
liko hrapava. Z unanja površina korenine je bila gladka,
le na m ezialni ploskvi so bile plitke žlebičasto-jam ičaste Crow n width was 5.2 mm, breadth 5.0 mm, and length
razjede (sl. Ic). K orenina je bila rjavorum ene barve. 5.5 mm (Table 1). C ervical root w idth was 3.5 mm,
breadth 4.2 mm, and the length on the labial surface,
where resorption was the least, 2.3 mm.
Z obne mere

Širina zobne krone je bila 5,2 mm, debelina 5,0 mm in Radiographic characteristics o f the tooth
dolžina 5,5 mm (razpredelnica I ). Širina korenine na zob­
nem vratu je bila 3,5 mm, debelina 4,2 mm in dolžina na On the radiograph o f the to o th the enam el appears white
labialni ploskvi, kjer je bila najmanj razjedena, 2,3 mm. (radio-opaque), dentine grayish and pulp cham ber al­
m ost black (radiolucent).
On the labiopalatal projection o f the tooth from Mala
Rentgenološke lastnosti zoba Triglavca (Fig. 2 a) the enamel was visible on mesial and
distal surfaces. On the mesiodistal projection (Fig. 2 b)
N a rentgenskem posnetku zoba je sklenina videti bela the enamel was visible on labial and palatal surfaces; it
(radiopaktna), dentin sivkast, pulpina votlina skoraj črna was not presented at the incisal edge. The enamel was
(radiolucentna). getting uniformly thinner from the incisal edge to the cer­
Na labio-palatinalni projekciji zoba iz Male Triglav- vix. In com parison to the crown size the enam el and den­
ce (sl. 2 a) je bila sklenina vidna na mezialni in distalni tine were thin and pulp cham ber extensive. On both pro­
ploskvi, na mezio-distalni projekciji (sl. 2 b) pa na labial- jections the pulp cham ber followed the outline o f the
Sl. 2: Rentgenski posnetki zob
iz M ale Triglavce in V iktor­
jev e g a sp o d m o la , a: zo b iz
M ale T rig la v c e , lab io -p ala -
t in a ln a p ro je k c ija ( ra-
d io p ak tn a pregrada, vbo-
čen pulpin prekat pod disto-
incizalnim p re h o d o m zobne
k ro n e ), b: z o b iz M ale T ri­
glav ce, m e z io -d is ta ln a p ro ­
je k c ija ( ^ r a d i o p a k t n a p re ­
g rada). c: zob iz Viktorjevega
s p o d m o la , la b io -lin g v a ln a
projekcija (■=> rad io p ak tn a tvorba v pulpinem prekatu), d: zob iz V iktorjevega spodm ola, m ezio-distalna projekcija radio p ak tn a
tvorba v pulpinem prekatu).
Fig. 2: R adiographs o f teeth from M ala Triglavca and V iktorjev spodm ol, a: tooth from M ala Triglavca, labio-palatal projection
(■^ radioopaque barrier, ^ concave pulp c h am b er un d er disto-incisal p a rt o f the crow n), b: to o th from V iktorjev spodm ol,
m esio-distal projection (=> radioopaque barrier), c: labio-lingual projection radioopaque form ation in the pulp c h am b er), d:
to o th from V iktorjev spodm ol, m esio-distal projection radioopaque form ation in the pulp ch am b er).

ni in palatinalni ploskvi; nagriznem robu je ni bilo. Skle- crown (Figs. 2 a -b ) except under rounded distoincisal
nina se je od griznega roba proti zobnem u vratu enako­ part o f the crown where it was concave (Fig. 2 a). On
m erno tanjšala. Sklenina in dentin sta bila tanka glede na labiopalatal projection the pulp cham ber was the widest
velikost zobne krone, pulpin prekat pa obsežen. N a obeh under the incisal edge where it ended in a straight line
projekcijah je pulpin prekat posnem al zunanji obris zob­ w ithout diverticles; in the apical direction the pulp cham ­
ne krone (sl. 2 a-b ), razen pod zaokroženim disto-inci- ber narrowed. On the m esiodistal projection the pulp
zalnim prehodom zobne krone, kjer je bil vbočen (sl. 2 cham ber narrowed from the cervix toward the incisal edge.
a). N a labio-palatinalni projekciji je bil prekat najširši pod On both projections there was radio-opaque septum in
griznim robom , kjer se je končal ravno, brez divertiklov, v the cervical part o f the pulp cham ber (Figs. 2 a-b ).
apikalni smeri se je ožil. N a mezio-distalni projekciji seje
prekat ožil od zobnega vratu proti griznemu robu. N a obeh "
projekcijah je bila v vratnem predelu pulpinega prekata 3. 2 TO OTH FROM V IK TO RJEV SPO D M O L
vidna radiopaktna pregrada (sl. 2 a-b ).
M orphological characteristics o f the crown

3 .2 ZOB IZ V IK TO RJEV EG A SPO D M O LA The tooth crown was well preserved, if we take into ac­
count its wear it was narrow in com parison to its height
Oblikovne lastnosti zobne krone (Figs. 3 a-b ). Incisal wear was more extensive than the
wear o f the tooth from Mala Triglavca - 4th degree accor­
Z obna krona je bila dobro ohranjena in, upoštevaje obra­ ding to the M o ln ar's scoring system (Hillson, 1998). A
bo, ozka glede na dolžino (sl. 3 a -b ). O braba griznega ro­ line o f dentine of 1 mm width was exposed along the inci­
ba je bila večja kakor pri zobu iz Male Triglavce - 4. stop­ sal edge. The incisal edge was 2.1 mm thick labiolingually
nja po Molnarjevi razvrstitvi (Hillson, 1998). Vzdolž griz­ and in the longitudinal root axis (Figs. 3 c -d ). From the
nega roba je bil izpostavljen približno 1 mm ši-rok pas incisal aspect the incisal edge was straight (Fig. 3 e).
dentina. Grizni rob je bil debel 2,1 mm labio-ling-valno in From labial asp ect th e incisal edge was slightly
je bil na vzdolžni osi zobne korenine (sl. 3 c -d ). Pri pog­ concave in its m iddle p art (Figs. 3 a - b ) and sloped down­
ledu z incizalne smeri je grizni rob potekal ravno (sl. 3 e). ward distally. M ezioincisal and distoincisal angles were
Pri pogledu z labialne smeri je bil grizni rob na sharp (Figs. 3 a -b ). Convexity o f the cervical h alf o f the
sredini nekoliko vbočen (sl. 3 a -b ). V distalni smeri se labial surface in the m esiodistal direction was slightly
je spuščal. M ezio-incizalni in disto-incizalni prehod sta m ore pronounced mesially th an distally (Figs. 3 e-f)-
bila ostra (sl. 3 a -b ). Izbočenost vratne polovice labial­ Labial surface was sm ooth. T here were no ridges on the
ne ploskve v mezio-distalni smeri je bila nekoliko večja lingual surface. D ental tubercle was well-developed and
m ezialno kakor distalno, kar označujem o kot norm alno sm ooth, its position was slightly distal from the longitu­
značilnost krivulje (sl. 3 e-f)- Labialna ploskev je bila dinal tooth axis (Fig. 3 e).
gladka. Lingvalna ploskev ni imela prisotnih grebenov. On mesial and distal approxim al surfaces there were
Z obni tuberkel je bil dobro razvit, gladek in je ležal ne­ two facets, m ost probably due to approxim al attrition.
koliko distalno od vzdolžne osi zoba (sl. 3 e). Mesial facet was seen m acroscopically (cervicoincisal
Sl. 3: Z o b iz arheološkega najdišča V iktorjev spodm ol, a: z d iam eter 1.8 mm, labiolingual diam eter 1.3 m m ), distal
labialne strani, b: s palatin aln e strani, e: z m ezialne strani, d: facet was seen only m icroscopically.
z d istaln e strani, c: z incizalne strani, f: z apikalne strani.
T he course o f cervical enam el line was m acrosco-
Fig. 3: T ooth from the arch aeological site V iktorjev spodm ol,
pically clearly visible on all to o th surfaces (Figs. 3 a -d ).
a: labial aspect, b: palatal aspect, c: m esial aspect, d: distal
aspect, e: incisal aspect, f: apical aspect. T he height o f the cervical cu rv atu re was 0.3 m m g reater
on th e m esial th an on th e distal surface (Figs. 3 c -d ).
T he cervical enam el line was positioned 0.9 mm m ore
apically on the lingual th an on the labial surface. Mi­
croscopic course o f the cervical enam el line on the labi­
Na m ezialni in distalni aproksim alni ploskvi sta bili al surface was scalloped, sim ilar to its course on the
prisotni faseti, ki sta verjetno nastali zaradi aproksim al- distal approxim al surface o f the to o th from M ala Trig­
ne atricije. M ezialno faseto sm o ugotovili že m akroskop­ lavca, th e course o f cervical enam el line on o th e r surfa­
sko (cerviko-incizalni prem er 1,8 m m , labio-lingvalni ces was sm ooth.
prem er 1,3 m m ), distalno pa le m ikroskopsko. T he crown was browny-grey but slightly darker than
Makroskopsko je bil potek skleninsko-cementne meje the crow n o f the to o th from M ala Triglavca. On the labi­
dobro viden na vseh zobnih ploskvah (sl. 3 a -d ). V-išina al and lingual surface th ere were several small brown
mezialnega loka skleninsko-cem entne meje je bila 0,3 mm colorations. O n all surfaces th ere were num erous verti­
večja od višine distalnega (sl. 3 c -d ). Na lingvalni ploskvi cally oriented fracture lines. O n the m esial surface th e­
je potekala skleninsko-cem entna meja 0,9 mm bolj api- re were sim ilar hard deposits as described on th e to o th
kalno kakor na labialni. M ikroskopsko je bil potek skle- from Mala Triglavca.
ninsko-cem entne meje na labialni ploskvi valovit, podo­
ben poteku na distalni aproksim alni ploskvi zoba iz Male
Triglavce, na preostalih ploskvah je bil gladek. M orphological ch aracteristics o f th e root
Z obna krona je bila rjavosiva, vendar nekoliko tem ­
nejša kakor krona zoba iz Male Triglavce. N a labialni in M ost o f the root was resorbed. The plane o f root resorp­
lingvalni ploskvi je bilo v sklenini več drobnih rjavih tion was oblique labio-apico - linguo-incisaly, so th at the
zabarvanj. Na vseh ploskvah so bile v sklenini številne length o f the rem aining root was 3.4 mm labially and 0.8
navpično potekajoče poke. N a m ezialni ploskvi so bile mm lingually (Figs. 3 c -d ). T he shape o f the root and
prisotne podobne trde obloge, kakršne so opisane pri root canal was rounded-oval. Root canal with its labio­
zobu iz M ale Triglavce. lingual diam eter o f 1 mm and m esiodistal diam eter o f 0.8
m m occupied one fourth o f the root diam eter. Apically
the resorbed root had a thin edge w hose surface sloped
steeply to the root canal. Oblique apical root surface was
R a zp re d e ln ica I: M ere z o b iz a rh e o lo š k ih n a jd išč M ala
Triglavca in V iktorjev spodm ol (m m ).
at 40x m agnification slightly rough. Its outer surface was
Table I: D en tal m easures o f teeth from arch aeological sites sm ooth. Root was browny-yellow, except for the 1-2 mm
M ala T riglavca and V iktorjev spodm ol (m m ). w ide apical zone, w hich was brown.

Krona / C row n K orenina / Root

N ajdišče D olžina /o b a
Site Length o f tooth Širina D ebelina D olžina Širina D ebelina D olžina
W idth B readth L ength W idth Breadth L ength

Mala Triglavca 7.8 5.2 5.0 5.5 3.5 4.2 2.3

Viktorjev spodmol 7.4 4.0 3.9 4.0 2.9 3.1 3.4
Oblikovne lastnosti zobne korenine D ental m easurem ents

Večina korenine je m anjkala zaradi razjede. Ravnina ko­ The width o f the crown was 4.0 mm, the length 4.0 mm,
reninske razjede je bila poševna labialno apikalno - ling- and breadth 3.9 mm (Table 1). Cervical width o f the root
valno incizalno, tako da je bila dolžina preostanka kore­ was 2.9 mm, cervical breadth 3.1 mm, and the length on
nine labialno 3,4 mm in lingvalno 0,8 mm (sl. 3 c -d ). the labial surface, where resorption was the least, 3.4 mm.
K orenina in koreninski kanal sta bila okroglo-ovalne
oblike. K oreninski kanal z labio-lingvalnim prem erom 1
mm in mezio-distalnim prem erom 0,8 mm je zavzemal Rentgenographic characteristics
četrtino koreninskega prem era. A pikalno je im ela razje­
dena korenina tanek rob, od katerega seje površina strm o On the labiolingual projection (Fig. 2 c) thin radioopaque
spuščala do koreninskega kanala. Poševna apikalna pov­ enamel layer was visible on mesial and distal surfaces of
ršina korenine je bila pri 40-kratni povečavi videti neko­ the crown, and on the mesiodistal projection (Fig. 2 d)
liko hrapava. N jena zunanja površina je bila gladka. on labial and lingual surfaces; it was absent on the inci­
K orenina je bila rjavorum ena razen 1-2 mm širokega sal edge. The enam el was th in n er than on the tooth from
apikalnega pasu, k ije bil rjav. M ala Triglavca. It was getting th in n er uniform ly from
the incisal edge tow ard the cervix. Also at this to o th the
pulp ch am b er was extensive in com parison to the thick­
Z obne mere ness o f the enam el and dentine. T he narrow est p art of
the pulp cham ber was m esioincisal and was getting wi­
Širina zobne krone je bila 4,0 mm, dolžina 4,0 mm in der toward the apical direction. On the m esiodistal pro­
debelina 3,9 mm (razpredelnica 1). Širina korenine na jection it was the w idest in cervical p art and it was get­
zobnem vratu je bila 2,9 mm, debelina 3,1 mm in dolžina ting narrow tow ard incisal direction. In the incisal half
na labialni ploskvi, kjer je bila najmanj razjedena, 3,4 mm. o f the pulp cham ber there was an oblong form ation with
radiologic density o f dentine (Figs. 2 c -d ).

Rentgenološke lastnosti zoba

N a labio-lingvalni projekciji (sl. 2 c) je bila vidna tanka 3.3 M O R P H O L O G IC A L C H A R A C T E R IST IC S O F

radiopaktna plast sklenine na m ezialni in distalni plosk­ D E C ID U O U S IN C ISO RS FROM D EN TA L
vi zobne krone, na m ezio-distalni projekciji (sl. 2 d) pa CASTS
na labialni in lingvalni ploskvi; na griznem robu je ni
bilo. Sklenina je bila tanjša kakor na zobu iz Male Trig- U pper incisors
lavce. Od griznega roba proti zobnem u vratu se je ena­
kom erno tanjšala. Tudi pri tem zobu je bil pulpin prekat A sym m etric ch a racteristics o f the to o th crow n were
sorazm erno obsežen glede na debelino sklenine in den- m ore frequently present on the first upper incisor than
tina. Pulpin prekat je bil najožji mezio-incizalno in se je on the second (Table 2). M ore pronounced mesial co n ­
v apikalni smeri širil. Na m ezio-distalni projekciji je bil vexity o f the labial surface was found at 58 % o f the first
najširši v predelu zobnega vratu in s e je v incizalni sm e­ and 40 % o f the second incisors. S harp tran sitio n o f
ri ožil. V incizalni polovici pulpinega prekata je bila vid­ mesial approxim al surface to the incisal edge and roun­
na podolgovata tvorba z rentgenološko gostoto dentina ded transition o f distal approxim al surface to the incisal
(sl. 2 c -d ). edge was present at 85 % o f first and 67 % o f second
incisors. D ental tubercle was positioned in the middle
o f the palatal surface at the m ajority o f incisors: at 87 %
3. 3 O BLIKO V N E LASTNOSTI M LEČ N IH o f first and 84 % o f second incisors.

Zgornji sekalci Lower incisors

N esom ernostni znaki zobne krone so bili pogosteje pri­ Crow n o f the lower central incisors was m ore sym m etri­
sotni pri prvem zgornjem sekalcu kakor pri drugem cal in com parison with the lower lateral incisors (Table
(razpredelnica 2). N o rm alno značilnost krivulje sm o 2). M ore pronounced mesial convexity o f the labial sur­
ugotovili pri 58 % prvih in pri 40 % drugih sekalcev. face was present at 71 % o f second and only 10 % o f first
Z načilnost kota je imelo 85 % prvih in 67 % drugih se­ incisors. M esioincisal angle sh a rp e r than distoincisal
kalcev. Pri večini sekalcev je bil zobni tuberkel na sredi­ angle was present at 80 % o f lateral incisors and only 2
ni palatinalne ploskve: pri 87 % prvih in 84 % drugih. % o f central incisors. D ental tubercle was positioned
Spodnji sekalci distally at 36 % o f second incisors, it was always in the
middle o f the lingual surface at first incisors.
Prvi spodnji sekalci so imeli v primerjavi z drugim i bolj
so m ern o zo bno krono (ra zp red e ln ic a 2). N o rm aln o
značilnost krivulje je imelo 71 % drugih in le 10 % prvih 3.4 M O R PH O L O G IC A L A N D R A D IO G R A PH IC
sekalcev. Drugi sekalec je imel v 80 % prisotno značiln­ CH A R A C T E R IST IC S O F EX TRA CTED
ost kota, prvi sekalec le v 2 %. Z obni tuberkel je bil po­ D E C ID U O U S IN C ISO RS
m aknjen distalno pri 36 % drugih sekalcev, pri prvem
sekalcu je bil vedno na sredini lingvalne ploskve. W ear o f the incisal edge

At the exam ination o f 20 deciduous incisors we found

3.4 O BLIKO V N E IN R E N T G E N O L O ŠK E exposed dentine along incisal edge with 18 incisors. O ne
LASTNOSTI 1ZDRTIH M LE Č N IH o f them had a w orn m ajor p art o f the tooth crown and
SEK A LCEV according to its darker colour secondary dentine was
also exposed.
O brabljenost griznega roba

Pri pregledu 20 mlečnih sekalcev smo pri 18 ugotovili Approxim al wear

izpostavljen dentin vzdolž griznega roba. Pri enem izmed
njih je bil obrabljen večji del zobne krone, in po temnejši W ear o f the approxim al surfaces was possible to deter­
barvi sodeč, je bil izpostavljen tudi sekundarni dentin. m ine at II extracted deciduous incisors: 8 o f them did
not have wear facets, 3 had facets only on one approxi­
mal surface, none had wear facet on both approxim al
A proksim alna obraba surfaces.

O brabljenost m ezialne in distalne aproksim alne plosk­

ve je bilo m ogoče ugotavljati pri 11 izdrtih m lečnih se­ C ourse o f cervical enam el line
kalcih: osem sekalcev ni imelo atricijskih faset, trije so
jo imeli na eni izm ed aproksim alnih ploskev, v nobe- W ith 13 upper and two lower deciduous incisors we could
com pare the position o f cervical enam el line on labial
and lingual surfaces. All 13 upper incisors exhibited cer­
Razpredelnica 2: Pogostnost oblikovnih znakov na m lečnih vical enam el line in the same level labially and palatally,
sekalcih z m avčnih m odelov današnjih slovenskih otro k (%). at both lower incisors the cervical enamel line was posi­
Table 2: F re q u e n c y o f m o rp h o lo g ic a l c h a r a c te ris tic s at tioned more apically on the lingual than on the labial side.
d e c id u o u s in c is o rs fro m d e n ta l c a s ts o f c o n te m p o ra r y M icroscopic co u rse o f cervical enam el line fre­
Slovenian children (%). quently exhibited scalloped appearance, m ore frequent-

Zgorn ji sekalec Spodn ji sekalec

Oblikovna lastnost Upper incisor Lower incisor
M orphological characteristic Prvi Drugi Prvi Drugi
First Second First Second
Značilnost krivulje / M esiodistal curvature of labial surface
N orm alna
58 40 10 71
M esially m ore p ro n o u n ced than distally
S om erna
42 60 90 29
S ym m etric
Značilnost kota / M csioincisal angle
Prisotna 2
85 67 80
S h arp er than distoincisal
M ezialno in d istaln o enaka
15 33 98 20
E qually rounded as distoincisal
Lega zobnega tuhcrkla / Position o f dental tubercle
N a sredini palatin aln e ploskve
87 84 100 64
C entred
P om aknjen distalno
11 16 0 36
O ff centre to distal
Pom aknjen m ezialno 2 0 0 0
O ff centre to m esial
nem prim eru nista bili prisotni na obeh aproksim alnih ly on approxim al surfaces ( II out o f 33 exam ined ap-
ploskvah. proximal surfaces) than on labial and lingual surfaces
(7 out o f 26 labial and lingual surfaces exam ined).

Potek skleninsko-cem entne meje

Radiographic characteristics o f the teeth
Pri 13 zgornjih in dveh spodnjih m lečnih sekalcih sm o
lahko prim erjali lego skleninsko-cem entne meje na labi- Enam el was visible on all radiographs o f extracted te­
alni in lingvalni ploskvi. Pri vseh 13 zgornjih sekalcih je eth. Its thickness was sim ilar to th a t o f the excavated
bila skleninsko-cem entna meja v isti višini labialno in teeth. Pulp cham ber was extensive in com parison to the
palatinalno, pri obeh spodnjih sekalcih pa je bila ling- thickness o f enam el and dentine. W ith all teeth, except
valno bolj apikalno kakor labialno. one lower incisor w ithout root resorption, the pulp cham ­
M ikroskopski potek skleninsko-cem entne meje je ber o f extracted teeth finished straight under the incisal
bil pogosto valovit, pogosteje na aproksim alnih plosk­ edge, w ithout diverticles. W ith one upper extracted tooth
vah (na 11 izmed 33 pregledanih aproksim alnih plosk­ the pulp cham ber was totally obliterated.
vah) kakor labialno in lingvalno (na 7 izmed 26 pregle­
danih labialnih in lingvalnih ploskvah).
Rentgenološke lastnosti zob
U pper incisors
Sklenina je bila vidna na vseh rentgenskih posnetkih
izdrtih sekalcev. N jena debelina je bila podobna kakor Crown o f the upper first incisor had on average greater
na izkopanih zobeh. Pulpina votlina je bila velika glede width an d breadth in com parison to the crown o f the
na debelino sklenine in dentina. Z izjem o enega spod­ second incisor (Table 3). T he range for the crown width
njega sekalca z neresorbirano korenino s e je pulpin pre­ was 5 .6 -7 .1 mm for the first incisor and 4 .2 -6 .0 mm for
kat izdrtih sekalcev pod griznim robom končal ravno, the second incisor. T he range for the crown breadth was
brez divertiklov, pri enem izm ed izdrtih zgornjih sekal­ 4 .1-5 .5 mm for the first incisor and 4 .0 -5 .9 mm for the
cev pa je bila pulpina votlina v celoti obliterirana. second incisor. The average difference between the width
and breadth was 1.4 mm for the first and 0.4 mm for the
second incisor.
Lower incisors
Zgornji sekalci
Crow n o f the lower second incisor had on average grea­
Z o bna krona prvega sekalca je bila v povprečju širša in ter width and breadth in com parison to the crown o f
debelejša od krone drugega sekalca (razpredelnica 3). the second incisor. (Table 4). The range for the crown
width was 3.5 -4 .5 mm for the first and 4 .0 -5 .0 mm for
the second incisor. T he range for the crown breadth was
Razpredelnica 3: Prim erjava širine in debeline krone zoba iz
M ale Triglavce s povprečno vrednostjo in razp o n o m širine in 3 .2 -4 .1 mm for the first incisor and 3 .8 -5 .0 mm for the
debeline zobne krone zgornjih m lečnih sekalcev na m avčnih seco n d incisor. T h e average d ifferen ce betw een the
m odelih današnjih slovenskih otrok (v m m ). crown width and breadth was 0.3 mm for the first and
Table 3: C om parison o f the crown w idth and crow n breadth second incisor.
for the tooth from M ala Triglavca with m ean and range for
w idth and breadth o f the to o th crow n at u pper Incisors from
dental casts o f c o n te m p o ra ry Slovenian children (m m ).

/g o r n ji mlečni sekalci na mavčnih modelih

M era na zobni Upper deciduous incisors from dental casts
Zob / Tooth from
kroni Prvi / First Drugi / Second
Mala Triglavca
Crown dim ension
N X SD R ange N X SD R ange
Š irin a / W idth 5.2 36 6.2 0 .40 5.6-7.1 47 5.1 0.41 4 .2 -6 .0
D eb elin a / B readth 5.« 43 4.8 0.33 4 .1 -5 .5 47 4.6 0 .40 4 .0 -5 .9

N - število zob, X - povprečna vrednost, SD - standardno odstopanje.

N - n um ber o f teeth, X - m ean, SD - standard deviation.
Razpon širine zobne krone prvega sekalca je bil 5,6-7,1 4 D iscussion
mm, drugega sekalca 4 ,2 -6 ,0 mm. Razpon debeline zob­
ne krone prvega sekalca je bil 4 ,1-5,5 m m , drugega From the morphological, metrical, and radiographic char­
4 ,0-5,9 mm. Povprečna razlika med širino in debelino acteristics o f excavated teeth, which are equal or similar
zobne krone je bila pri prvih sekalcih 1,4 mm, pri d ru ­ to the characteristics o f deciduous incisors o f contem ­
gih pa 0,4 mm. porary children, we can conclude that the excavated te­
eth are m ost probably hum an deciduous incisors.

Spodnji sekalci
Zobna krona drugega sekalca je bila v povprečju širša in C H A R A C TER ISTIC S O F T H E TO OTH
debelejša od krone prvega sekalca (razpredelnica 4). Raz­ FROM MALA TRIGLAVCA
pon širine zobne krone prvega sekalca je bil 3,5-4,5 mm,
drugega sekalca 4,0-5,0 mm. Razpon debeline zobne kro­ A ccording to its m orphological characteristics the tooth
ne prvega sekalca je bil 3,2-4,1 mm, drugega sekalca from M ala Triglavca co rresponds to an upper decidu­
3,8-5,0 mm. Povprečna razlika med širino in debelino ous incisor. On well preserved tooth crown we could
zobne krone je bila pri prvih in drugih sekalcih 0,3 mm. d eterm ine all the m ajor m orphological characteristics
im p o rtan t for the d eterm ination o f u pper deciduous in­
cisors: m esioincisal angle sh arp er th an distoincisal, cur­
4 R azprava vature o f labial surface m ore pronounced mesially, shal­
low palatal fossa, palatal m arginal ridges, position o f
Na osnovi oblikovnih, m erskih in rentgenoloških last­ d ental tubercle, ch aracteristic features o f approxim al
nosti izkopanih zob, ki so bile enake ali podobne last­ surfaces, position o f incisal edge, cingulum basale, cha­
nostim m lečnih sekalcev pri današnjih otrocih , skle­ racteristic course o f cervical enam el line. D istinctly ex­
pam o, da sta izkopana zoba najverjetneje človeška m leč­ pressed asym m etric features (m esiodistal curvature o f
na sekalca. labial surface m ore pronounced mesially, m esioincisal
angle sh a rp e r th an distoincisal, co n tac t area located
m ore cervically on the distal approxim al surface and
4. I OBLIKOVNE IN M ERSKE LASTNOSTI m ore incisally on the mesial approxim al surface, slight­
ZOBA IZ M ALE TR1GLAVCE ly distal position o f dental tubercle, greater cervical line
curvature on mesial approxim al surface th an on distal)
Z ob iz Male Triglavce po oblikovnih lastnostih in veli­ indicate th at the excavated to o th is th e u pper left deci­
kosti ustreza zgornjem u m lečnem u sekalcu. N a dobro duous incisor. Regarding m orphological characteristics
ohranjeni zobni kroni sm o lahko ugotavljali vse glavne only, it could be difficult to determ ine if the tooth is the
oblikovne lastnosti, s katerim i določam o zgornje mleč­ first or second incisor. M esio-distal flatness (co n stric­
ne sekalce: ja sn o izražena značilnost kota in norm alna tio n ) o f the root points to the second incisor (Logar,
značilnost krivulje, plitka palatinalna vdolbina, palati- 1955). Concavity o f the mesial p art o f incisal edge is
nalni obrobni grebeni, lega zobnega tuberkla, značilne the consequence o f wear. Root canal is narrow ed proba­
bly due to the deposition o f secondary dentine.
From the crown width and the proportions between
Razpredelnica 4: Prim erjava širine in debeline krone zoba iz
V iktorjevega spodm ola s povprečno vrednostjo in razponom
the crown width and breadth and between the crown width
širine in debeline zobne krone spodnjih m lečnih sekalcev na and length we can exclude the first upper incisor with great
m avčnih m odelih današnjih slovenskih otrok (v m m ). probability. Crown width o f the tooth from Mala Triglavca
Table 4: C om parison o f the crow n w idth and breadth for the (5.2 m m ) is nearly identical to the mean width o f the up­
to o th from V iktorjev spodm ol w ith m ean and range for w idth per second incisor from contem porary Slovenian children
and bread th o f the to o th crow n at low er incisors from dental (5.1 mm), but it does not correspond to the range between
casts o f co n te m p o ra ry Slovenian children (m m ).

Spodnji mlečni sekalci na mavčnih modelih

M era na zobni /o l» / Tooth from Lower deciduous incisors from dental casts
kroni Viktorjev Prvi / First Drugi / Second
Crown dim ension spodm ol
N X SD R ange N X SD R ange
Širina / W idth 4.0 25 3.9 0.22 3 .5 -4 .5 45 4.5 0.31 4 .0 -5 .0
D ebelina / B readth 3.9 24 3.7 0.31 3.2-4.1 45 4.3 0.31 3 .8 -5 .0

N - število zob, X - p o v p r e č n a vrednost, SD - standardno odstopanje.

N - n um ber o f teeth, X - m ean, SD - standard deviation.
lastnosti aproksim alnih ploskev, lega griznega roba, ba­ the greatest and the smallest width o f the first upper inci­
zalni cingulum , značilen potek skleninsko-cem entne sor o f contem porary Slovenian children (5.6-7.1 mm).
meje. Jasno izraženi nesom ernostni znaki (norm aln a It is characteristic for the first upper deciduous inci­
značilnost krivulje, kota in kontaktne točke, nekoliko sor that its crown width is much greater than its crown
d istalno pom aknjen zobni tuberkel, višina mezialnega breadth (Woelfel and Scheid, 2001). With the first upper
loka skleninsko-cem entne meje večja od višine distalne- incisor from dental casts the mean difference between the
ga) kažejo, d a je to levi zgornji m lečni sekalec. Težko pa crown width and crown breadth was 1.4 mm. With the
na osnovi oblikovnih znakov določim o, ali je prvi ali second upper incisor the mean difference was 0.4 mm and
drugi sekalec. M ezio-distalna sploščenost korenine na­ similar with the incisor from Mala Triglavca (0.2 mm).
kazuje, da je drugi sekalec (Logar, 1955). V bočenost It is also known th at the first upper deciduous inci­
m ezialnega dela griznega roba je posledica obrabe. Ko­ sor is the only one am ong incisors with sm aller crown
reninski kanal je zožen verjetno zaradi nalaganja sekun­ length than its width (Woelfel and Scheid, 2001). With
darnega dentina. the incisor from M ala Triglavca the crow n length was
Na osnovi širine zobne krone in odnosov med širi­ 0.3 mm greater than its width, unworn crown had this
no in debelino ter med širino in dolžino zobne krone difference even greater.
lahko z veliko verjetnostjo izključimo prvi zgornji seka­
lec. Širina krone zoba iz M ale Triglavce (5,2 m m ) je
skoraj enaka povprečni širini drugega zgornjega sekalca 4. 2 M O R PH O L O G IC A L A N D M ETRICA L
pri današnjih slovenskih otrocih (5,1 m m ), ne uvršča pa C H A R A C T E R IST IC S O F T H E TO OTH
se v razpon m ed največjo in najm anjšo širino prvega FROM V IK TO RJEV SPO D M O L
zg o rnjega sekalca pri d an a šn jih slovenskih o tro cih
(5,6-7,1 mm ). According to its m orphological and metrical characteris­
Z a zgornji prvi mlečni sekalec je značilno, da je tics the tooth from Viktorjev spodm ol corresponds to a
širina zobne krone precej večja od debeline (Woelfel in lower deciduous incisor. Its tooth crown was also well
Scheid, 2001). Pri prvem zgornjem sekalcu z mavčnih preserved and we could determ ine significant m orpholo­
m odelov je bila povprečna razlika med širino in debeli­ gical characteristics determ ining lower deciduous incisor:
no zobne krone 1,4 mm. Pri drugem zgornjem sekalcu narrow crown, less significant roundness o f mesioincisal
je bila širina zobne krone večja od debeline povprečno and distoincisal angles and o f mesiodistal curvature of
za 0,4 mm; podobna je bila tudi razlika pri sekalcu iz labial surface, incisal edge position in the longitudinal
Male Triglavce (0,2 mm ). ' root axis, characteristic course o f cervical enamel line,
Z nano je tudi, d a je prvi zgornji mlečni sekalec edini sm ooth lingual fossa, the shape o f the root. Due to the
med sekalci, pri katerem je dolžina zobne krone m anjša presence o f distinctly expressed asym m etric features ( me­
od širine (Ash, 1993). Pri sekalcu iz Male Triglavce je siodistal curvature o f labial surface slightly m ore pronoun­
bila dolžina zobne krone 0,3 mm večja od širine, pri ced mesially, slightly distal position o f dental tubercle,
neobrabljeni kroni pa je bila razlika še večja. height o f mesial curve o f cervical enamel line larger than
distal curve) we can state that the tooth is the lower left
deciduous incisor, m ore probably the second than the
4. 2 O BLIKO V N E IN M ERSKE LASTNOSTI first. Concavity o f incisal edge, its sloping in the distal
ZOBA IZ V IK TO RJEV EG A SPO D M O LA direction and sharp angles between approxim al surfaces
and incisal edge are consequences o f wear.
Z ob iz Viktorjevega spodm ola po oblikovnih lastnostih All tooth m easurem ents were lower than with the
in velikosti ustreza spodnjem u m lečnem u sekalcu. Tudi to o th from M ala Triglavca, only its incisal edge was 0.7
zobna krona tega zoba je bila dobro ohranjena in sm o mm thicker, indirectly a consequence o f m ore extensive
lahko ugotovili bistvene oblikovne lastnosti, ki določajo wear. Crow n width and breadth o f the lower deciduous
spodnji mlečni sekalec: ozka zobna krona, manj izrazita incisors are nearly equal. W ith the first and second de­
značilnost kota in krivulje, lega griznega roba na vzdolžni ciduous incisor from the dental casts the m ean differen­
osi zobne korenine, značilen potek skleninsko-cement- ce between the crown width and breadth was 0.3 mm.
ne meje, gladka lingvalna ploskev, oblika korenine. G le­ Similarly, the incisor from Viktorjev spodm ol had crown
de na prisotnost za spodnje sekalce jasno izraženih neso- width 0.1 mm greater th an its breadth.
m e rn o stn ih znakov (n a k a z a n a n o rm a ln a zn a čiln o st Crown width o f the tooth from Viktorjev spodmol
krivulje, nekoliko distalno pom aknjen zobni tuberkel, (4.0 m m ) was in the range between the m inim al and
višina m ezialnega loka skleninsko-cem entne meje večja maximal width (3 .5 -4 .5 m m ) for the first lower incisor
od višine distalnega) lahko trdim o, d a je to spodnji levi determ ined from dental casts o f contem porary Sloven­
m lečni sekalec, verjetneje drugi kakor prvi. V bočenost ian children. It was also identical to the smallest measu­
griznega roba, njegovo spuščanje v distalni smeri in ostra red width o f the second lower incisor. Crown breadth of
prehoda v aproksim alni ploskvi so posledice obrabe. the tooth from Viktorjev spodm ol (3.9 m m ) was in the
Vse zobne m ere so bile m anjše kakor pri sekalcu iz range between the minimal and the maximal breadth of
Male Triglavce, le grizni rob je bil 0,7 mm debelejši, kar the first (3 .2 - 4 .1 m m ) and also o f the second (3 .8 -5 .0
je posredno posledica večje obrabljenosti. Širina in de­ m m ) lower incisor o f contem porary Slovenian children.
belina zobne krone pri spodnjih m lečnih sekalcih sta Crown width and crown breadth are closer to m ean width
približno enaki. Pri prvem in drugem spodnjem sekalcu and mean breadth o f the first than the second lower inci­
z m avčnih m odelov je bila povprečna razlika med širino sor. Crown width was not inside the range between stan­
in debelino zobne krone 0,3 mm. Podobno je bila pri dard deviation for mean crown width o f the second lower
sekalcu iz Viktorjevega spodm ola širina zobne krone 0,1 incisor o f contem porary Slovenian children. The lower
mm večja od debeline. incisor from Viktorjev spodm ol is according to its measu­
Širina krone zoba iz Viktorjevega spodm ola (4,0 res more probably the first incisor, in contrary to the de­
m m ) se uvršča v razpon med najm anjšo in največjo širi­ term ination based on the m orphological characteristics,
no prvega spodnjega sekalca, izm erjeno na m avčnih which are more sim ilar to the second lower incisor.
m odelih današnjih slovenskih otrok (3 ,5 -4 ,5 m m ), obe­ G reat sim ilarity o f dental m easurem ents o f excava­
nem je enaka najm anjši izm erjeni širini drugega spod­ ted deciduous incisors and deciduous incisors from con­
njega sekalca. D ebelina krone zoba iz Viktorjevega spod­ tem porary children confirm ed the findings o f Brabant
m ola (3,9 m m ) se uvršča v razpon med najm anjšo in (1971) th at the crown size o f deciduous teeth did not
največjo debelino tako prvega (3,2-4,1 m m ) kakor dru­ change significantly from N eolithic till today.
gega spodnjega sekalca (3 ,8 -5 ,0 m m ) pri današnjih slo­
venskih otrocih. Širina in debelina zobne krone sta bliže
povprečni širini in povprečni debelini krone prvega ka­ 4. 3 R A D IO G R A P H IC C H A R A C T E R IST IC S O F
kor drugega spodnjega sekalca. Širina krone se npr. ne EXCAVATED TEETH A N D D E C ID U O U S
uvršča v razpon med standardnim a odklonom a od pov­ TEETH O F C O N T E M PO R A R Y SLOVENIAN
prečne širine krone drugega spodnjega sekalca pri da­ C H IL D R E N
našnjih slovenskih otrocih. Tako je spodnji sekalec iz
Viktorjevega spodm ola glede na m ere verjetneje prvi, Proportion between the pulp cham ber and hard dental
kar je nasprotno določitvi na osnovi oblikovnih lastnos­ tissues found on the radiographs o f excavated teeth is
ti, po katerih je bolj podoben drugem u spodnjem u se­ characteristic for hum an deciduous teeth: thin enamel and
kalcu. dentine layer and extensive pulp cham ber (th in n er ena­
Velika podobnost zobnih m er izkopanih mlečnih mel with the lower incisor than with the upper one is also
sekalcev in m lečnih sekalcev sedanjih otrok potrjuje a norm al characteristic o f hum an deciduous teeth). C on­
ugotovitev B rabanta (1971), da se velikost zobnih kron tinuous deposition o f secondary dentine with different
m lečnih zob od neolitika do danes ni bistveno sprem e­ rate at different teeth (Rolling, 1981) changes the propor­
nila. tion between the pulp cham ber and the thickness o f ena­
mel and dentine. This phenom enon was observed also at
deciduous incisors o f contem porary children and also at
4. 3 R E N T G E N O L O ŠK E LASTNOSTI the excavated incisors where secondary dentine closed
IZKOPANIH ZOB IN M LEČ N IH ZOB the pulp diverticles. Pulp cham ber o f the incisor from
D A N A ŠN JIH SLOVENSKIH OTROK Mala Triglavca was even concave under distoincisal ang­
le. Radio-opaque barrier in the cervical part o f the pulp
Razm erje med pulpino votlino in trdim i zobnim i tkivi, cham ber is either a secondary dentine or a radiographic
ki sm o ga ugotovili iz rentgenskih posnetkov izkopanih artefact due to the superposition o f dentine structures.
zob, je značilno za človeške m lečne zobe: tanka plast In the pulp cham b er o f the incisor from Viktorjev
sklenine in dentina, pulpina votlina pa obsežna (tanjša spodm ol there was a m ineralized form ation, which could
sklenina pri spodnjem sekalcu kakor pri zgornjem je prav be a secondary dentine or a pulp stone, not uncom m on
tako značilna lastnost človeških m lečnih sekalcev). Se­ for deciduous teeth (Zerosi, 1961; Rolling, 1981).
kundarni dentin, ki se stalno nalaga, a pri različnih zo­
beh lahko različno hitro (Rolling, 1981), sprem eni raz­
merje med pulpino votlino in debelino sklenine ter den­ 4. 4 TO OTH W EAR
tina. Ta pojav sm o opazili pri m lečnih sekalcih današnjih
otrok in tudi pri izkopanih sekalcih, kjer je sekundarni It is known th at enam el o f deciduous teeth is less m ine­
dentin zaprl divertikle, pulpin prekat sekalca iz Male ralised th an enam el o f perm anent teeth. Therefore, it is
Triglavce pa je bil celo vbočen pod disto-incizalnim pre­ more extensively worn and deciduous teeth in spite o f
hodom . R adiopaktna pregrada v vratnem predelu pulpi- their sh o rt tim e o f usage becom e m ore extensively worn
ne votline je ali sekundarni dentin ali rentgenološki ar­ (Berkow itz and M oxham, 1981). This w ear is one o f the
tefakt zaradi superpozicije dentinskih struktur. features for m ature deciduous dentition and also a co n ­
V pulpinem prekatu sekalca iz V iktorjevega spod- dition for establishing the correct interm axillary rela-
m ola je m ineralizirana tvorba, ki je lahko sekundarni tionships before p erm anent teeth start to eru p t (R ant,
dentin, lahko pa bi bil pulpni kam en, kar za m lečne zobe 1970). Since dentine exposition due to w ear on the inci­
ni nenavadno (Zerosi, 1961; Rolling, 1981). sal edge o f both excavated incisors was present, we hy­
pothesized th at both children had norm al interm axilla­
ry relationships. Sim ilar w ear was found also at the exa­
4. 4 OBRABA ZOB m ination o f extracted deciduous incisors. On decidu­
ous teeth from prehistoric cem etery sites located in the
Z n an o je, d a je sklenina m lečnih zob manj m ineralizira­ Illinois River Valley, the d entine was often exposed past
na kakor sklenina stalnih zob, zato se hitreje obrablja in the 27"' m onth o f a child s age (Bullington, 1991).
postanejo m lečni zobje kljub kratki uporabnostni dobi Approximal attrition leads to polished surfaces with
m očno obrabljeni ( Berkovitz in M oxham, 1981). Ta obra­ clear boundaries - wear facets - at th e co n tact points
bljenost je eden od znakov zrelega m lečnega zobovja in between neighbouring teeth. From the presence o f wear
pogoj za vzpostavitev pravilnih m edčeljustih odnosov facet we can conclude th a t the tooth was in co n tact with
pred pričetkom izraščanja stalnih zob (R ant, 1970). Ker the neighbouring tooth during the lifetime. T he upper
je bil zaradi obrabe dentin izpostavljen na griznih robo­ deciduous incisor from Mala Triglavca had attrition fa­
vih obeh izkopanih sekalcev, dom nevam o, da je bil pri cet on the mesial approxim al surface, on the incisal half
obeh otrocih odnos čeljustnic norm alen. P odobno obra­ o f th e distal approxim al surface and labial surfaces had
bo sm o ugotovili tudi pri pregledu izdrtih m lečnih se­ oval concavity. T he lower incisor from Viktorjev spod­
kalcev. N a mlečnih zobeh iz predzgodovinskih grobišč mol had the attrition facets on both approxim al surfa­
v dolini reke Illinois so pogosto ugotovili izpostavljen ces. At th e exam ination o f deciduous teeth from our
dentin že po 27. m esecu otrokove starosti (Bullington, collection we found o ut th at the absence o f one or both
1991). wear facets was not unusual in contem porary children:
Z aradi aproksim alne atricije nastanejo ostro om e­ this is due to the sh o rt tim e o f interdental co n tact o r the
jen e zabrušene ploskve - atricijske fasete - na stikih med gaps between teeth had already been present from the
sosednjim i zobm i. Iz prisotnosti atricijske fasete lahko beginning. W ith co n tem p o rary children th e gaps bet­
sklepam o, d a je bil zob za časa življenja na tem m estu v ween deciduous teeth can be present already at their
stiku s sosednjim zobom . Zgornji m lečni sekalec iz Male eruption or they can ap p ear till 5 years o f age due to the
Triglavce im a atricijsko faseto na m ezialni aproksim alni growth o f the jaw (R ant, 1970). Thus we can state th at
ploskvi, na incizalni polovici distalne aproksim alne in the second upper deciduous incisor from M ala Triglav­
delu labialne ploskve pa vboklino ovalne oblike. Spod­ ca was in co n tact with the first incisor and not with the
nji sekalec iz Viktorjevega spodm ola im a atricijsko fase­ canine. T he lower incisor from V iktorjev spodm ol was
to na obeh aproksim alnih ploskvah. Pri pregledu izdrtih in co n tact with both neighbouring teeth. Form ation of
m lečnih sekalcev sm o ugotovili, da odso tn o st ene ali an oval concavity on the upper deciduous incisor is un­
obeh atricijskih faset pri današnjih otrocih ni neobičaj­ clear. Since its surface is sm oothly polished at m agnifi­
na, kar je lahko posledica kratkotrajnega m edzobnega cation, it is not a consequence o f a brake o ff after death
stika ali pa so bile med zobm i že od začetka prisotne (in the ground). Regarding its shape and position it is
vrzeli. Pri današnjih otrocih lahko obstajajo razmaki med probably n ot a d evelopm ental defect. It was form ed
m lečnim i zobm i že ob njihovem izraščanju ali se zaradi during a prolonged tim e in com parison to wear facets
rasti čeljusti pojavijo do petega leta starosti (Rant, 1970). o r wear effect was greater. A m ore detailed analysis is
Tako lahko trdim o, da je bil drugi zgornji mlečni seka­ needed to elucidate its origin. O bliquely running furrow
lec iz M ale Triglavce v stiku s prvim sekalcem, ne pa s with sh arp edges on the labial surface o f the upper inci­
podočnikom . Spodnji sekalec iz Viktorjevega spodm ola sor also can n o t be a developm ental defect but is due to
je bil v stiku z obem a sosednjim a zobem a. N astanek the enam el braking, probably after death.
ovalne vbokline na zgornjem m lečnem sekalcu je neja­
sen. Ker je njena površina pri povečavi videti gladko
zabrušena, ni posledica odkrušenja po sm rti (v zem lji). 4 .5 C FR V IC A L E N A M EL LIN E
G lede na obliko in lego verjetno tudi ni razvojna napa­
ka. N astajala je dalj časa kakor atricijske fasete ali pa The course o f the cervical enamel line on the excavated
je bil brusni učinek večji. Potrebna bi bila natančnejša incisors is in agreem ent with the statem ent o f Woelfel
raziskava, da bi poskusili pojasniti njen nastanek. Po­ and Scheid (2001) that on deciduous incisors the cervi­
ševno potekajoča brazda ostrih robov na labialni plos­ cal enamel line is positioned more apically on the lingual
kvi zgornjega sekalca prav tako ne m ore biti razvojna than on the labial side. On the contrary, the cervical ena­
napaka; verjetno je nastala z odkrušenjem sklenine po mel line on all 13 extracted maxillary deciduous incisors
sm rti. was positioned on the same level lingually and labially.
The inconsistency would be difficult to explain due to the
lack of data about this detail in the published literature.
4. 5 S K L E N IN S K O -C E M E N T N A MEJA T he m icroscopic course o f the cervical enam el line
is variable and unpredictable on any on e individual tooth
Potek skleninsko-cem entne meje na izkopanih sekalcih (G ro ssm an and H argreaves, 1991; N euvald and C o n so ­
se ujem a z navedbo W oelfla in Scheida (2001), da leži laro, 2000). Scalloping o f the cervical enam el line oc­
skleninsko-cem entna m eja na lingvalni ploskvi m lečnih curred on distal surface o f th e m axillary incisor from
sekalcev bolj apikalno kakor na labialni. N e sklada se pa M ala Triglavca and on labial surface o f the m andibular
z našimi izsledki, saj je bila skleninsko-cem entna meja incisor from V iktorjev spodm ol. Scalloping o f the cervi­
pri vseh 13 izdrtih zgornjih m lečnih sekalcih v isti višini cal enam el line was described at deciduous and perm a­
lingvalno in labialno. O tej podrobnosti je v literaturi n en t teeth (Fujita and N akayam a, 1941; C arlsen, 1968;
prem alo podatkov in bi razliko težko pojasnili. G rossm an and H argreaves, 1991; N euvald and C onso­
M ikroskopski potek skleninsko-cem entne meje je laro, 2000), and it was often present at the extracted
na vsakem zobu raznolik in nepredvidljiv (G rossm an in deciduous incisors.
H argreaves, 1991; N euvald in C onsolaro, 2000). Mik­
roskopski potek skleninsko-cem entne m eje je bil valo­
vit na distalni aproksim alni ploskvi zgornjega sekalca 4. 6 R O O T R E SO R PT IO N A N D AGE
iz M ale Triglavce in na labialni ploskvi spodnjega se­ O F T H E C H IL D R E N
kalca iz V iktorjevega spodm ola. Valovit potek sklenin­
sko-cem entne m eje je opisan pri m lečnih in stalnih člo­ Root resorption o f the deciduous incisor with contem ­
veških zobeh (F ujita in N akayam a, 1941; C arlsen, 1968; porary children starts at approxim ately 4 -5 years o f age
G ro ssm an in H argreaves, 1991; N euvald in C onsolaro, and proceeds stepwise till the fall out o f the tooth at 6 -9
2000) in sm o ga pogosto ugotovili na izdrtih m lečnih years o f age (Woelfel and Scheid, 2001), when the root is
sekalcih. to a greater p art or nearly alm ost resorbed (Sahara et al„
1993). Perm anent tooth germ lays lingually near the root
apex o f the deciduous tooth predecessor and erupts in
4. 6 K O R E N IN SK A RA ZJED A IN STAROST the incisal and labial direction. Therefore the plane o f
O TRO K root resorption is initially an angle and later, w hen per­
m anent incisor takes m ore labial position under decidu­
R azjeda korenine m lečnega sekalca pri današnjih otro­ ous tooth, the root resorption level becom es horizontal
cih se prične pri približno štirih do petih letih starosti in (Sicher and Bhaskar, 1972; EINesr and Avery, 2002). At
p ostopom a napreduje do izpada zoba pri starosti 6 -9 lower deciduous incisors remains labial p art o f the root
let (W oelfel in Scheid, 2001), ko je korenina v večjem unresorbed frequently and the plane o f root resorption
delu ali v celoti resorbirana (S ahara in sod., 1993). Z a­ steeply inclined till the end, perm anent incisor erupts ling­
m etek stalnega sekalca leži lingvalno ob koreninski kon­ ually at deciduous precursor (Ten C ate, 1998).
ici m lečnega predhodnika in izrašča v incizalni in labi­ Root reso rp tio n at the excavated incisors is ch a­
alni sm eri, zato je ravnina koreninske razjede sprva po­ racteristic, at th e u p p er in ciso r from M ala Triglavca
ševna, šele, ko stalni sekalec zavzam e bolj labialno lego horizontal, at the lower incisor from Viktorjev spodm ol
pod m lečnim zobom , se razjeda zravna (S icher in Bhas- inclined. T he lenght o f non-resorbed root at the upper
kar, 1972; E IN esrin Avery, 2002). Pri spodnjih m lečnih incisor from M ala Triglavca was approxim ately 2 mm,
sekalcih ostane labialni del korenine pogosto nerazje- so it is less probable th a t the to o th was lost in the natu­
den in ravnina koreninske razjede do konca strm o po­ ral way or spontaneously, but was m ost probably lost
ševna, stalni sekalec pa izraste lingvalno ob m lečnem after death. A ccording to the length o f th e non-resorbed
predhodniku (Ten C ate, 1998). root the lower incisor from Viktorjev spodm ol was also
Razjeda korenine pri izkopanih sekalcih je tipična, not lost spontaneously; if its p erm an en t successor eru p ­
pri zgornjem sekalcu iz M ale Triglavce vodoravna, pri ted lingually adjacent to it, this being frequent with co n ­
spodnjem iz Viktorjevega spodm ola poševna. D olžina tem p o rary children, probably som ebody helped at its
nerazjedene korenine pri zgornjem sekalcu iz Male Trig­ shedding (ie. parents), because such a situation is dis­
lavce je približno 2 m m , zato je m alo verjetno, d a je zob turbing for a child, or it was lost after death. T here were
izpadel po naravni poti ozirom a sam od sebe. Bolj ver­ no pathological changes (caries, traces o f trau m a) pre­
je tn o je izpadel po sm rti. Tudi spodnji sekalec iz Vik­ sented as a possible cause o f a pre-term loss. Rough root
torjevega spodm ola glede na dolžino nerazjedene kore­ surface adjacent to the root canal at both excavated in­
nine verjetno ni izpadel spontano; če je njegov stalni cisors is a consequence o f osteoclastic activity a n d /o r
naslednik izrastel lingvalno ob njem, kar je pogosto pri post-m ortem changes in the ground (W erelds, 1967).
današnjih otrocih, je m orda pri izpadu kdo pom agal (npr. We tried to estim ate the age o f both children on
starši), ker otroka takšno stanje m oti, ali pa je izpadel the basis o f tem poral course o f root resorption o f deci­
po sm rti. N a zobeh ni bolezenskih sprem em b (zobna duous teeth, determ ined on the basis o f radiographs with
gniloba, sledovi poškodbe), ki bi lahko bile vzrok predčas- A m erican (Fanning, 1961), Indian (N anda, 1969), Fin-
ne izgube. H rapava površina korenine ob koreninskem nish (Haavikko, 1973) and Japanese (D aito et al., 1991)
kanalu pri obeh izkopanih sekalcih je posledica oste- children. Timing o f root resorption in deciduous teeth
oklastične dejavnosti in/ali posm rtnih sprem em b v zemlji shows considerable variations and is not the best basis
(W erelds, 1967). for age estim ation but, in spite o f that, it is used in the
Starost obeh otrok sm o poskušali oceniti na podla­ study o f isolated deciduous teeth (H illson, 1998). Deve­
gi časovnega poteka koreninske razjede mlečnih zob, ki lopm ent o f deciduous teeth and their root resorption
so ga na osnovi rentgenskih posnetkov določili pri am e­ are p art o f the child's developm ent. D ifferences in the
riških (Fanning, 1961), indijskih (N anda, 1969), finskih course o f developm ent between children are the conse­
(Haavikko, 1973) in japonskih otrocih (D aito in sod., quence o f genetic differences, sex, ethnic groups, chan­
1991). Potek koreninske razjede pri m lečnih zobeh je ges in the developm ental rate between populations from
časovno precej nestanoviten in ni najboljša osnova za different tim e periods, n u tritio n , health, an d clim ate
določanje starosti, ga pa kljub tem u uporabljajo v ta (Kallay, 1974; L iversidgeetal., 1998). With Indian child­
nam en pri analizi posam eznih izoliranih m lečnih zob ren from 6 -1 2 years the root resorption o f deciduous
(H illson, 1998). Razvoj m lečnih zob, in tudi razjeda nji­ teeth except in the beginning period at lower m olars lag­
hovih korenin sta del otrokovega razvoja. Razlike v po­ ged in com parison to root resorption with A m erican
teku razvoja med otroci so posledica genetskih razlik, children o f the sam e age, in som e cases even for more
spola, etnične pripadnosti, sprem em b v hitrosti razvoja than 2 years (N anda, 1969). T he m ost probable reasons
med populacijam i iz različnih časovnih obdobij, prehra­ for these differences are the lack o f proper nutrition,
ne, zdravstvenega stanja in podnebja (Kallay, 1974; Li- greater frequency o f illness due to poor conditions o f
versidge in sod, 1998). Pri indijskih otrocih, starih od 6 hygiene and health with Indian children retarding deve­
do 12 let, je koreninska razjeda m lečnih zob razen v lopm ent o f dentition and thus also replacem ent o f deci­
začetnem obdobju pri spodnjih kočnikih zaostajala v duous teeth with th eir p erm an en t successors. Because
primerjavi z razjedo korenin pri enako starih am eriških we do not know anything about biological characteris­
otrocih, v neketerih prim erih za več kot dve leti (N anda, tics and life circum stances o f M esolithic population to
1969). Kot najverjetnejša vzroka za te razlike navajajo which both children, w hose teeth were analysed, belong­
neustrezno p rehrano in večjo obolevnost indijskih otrok ed, we could estim ate their age only approxim ately from
zaradi slabih higienskih in zdravstvenih razm er, ki zavi­ their root resorption.
rajo razvoj zobovja in s tem tudi menjavo m lečnih in T he proportion o f root resorption was calculated
stalnih zob. Ker bioloških lastnosti in življenjskih raz­ on the basis o f the average length o f the root for the
m er m ezolitske populacije, ki s ta ji otroka, katerih zoba «■ second u pper and the first lower deciduous incisor ac­
sm o določali, pripadala, ne poznam o, lahko njuno sta­ cording to Ash (1993): 11.4 mm and 9 mm. W ith the
rost na osnovi razjede korenin ocenim o le približno. upper incisor from Mala Triglavca the length o f unre­
Pri izračunu deleža razjedene korenine sm o za ce­ sorbed root was 2.3 mm, so approxim ately 80 % o f root
lotno dolžino korenine vzeli povprečno dolžino za d ru ­ is missing. W ith the lower incisor from Viktorjev spod­
gi zgornji in prvi spodnji mlečni sekalec po Ashu (1993): mol the root resorption is oblique: the root length ling-
11,4 mm in 9 mm. Pri zgornjem sekalcu iz Male Triglav- ually, w here resorption was maximal, was 0.8 mm, labi-
ce je dolžina nerazjedene korenine 2,3 mm, torej m anj­ ally 3.4 mm, so 62-91 % o f root is missing.
ka približno 80 % zobne korenine. Pri spodnjem sekal­ At the majority o f Japanese children root resorption
cu iz Viktorjevega spodm ola je koreninska razjeda po­ o f the second upper incisor reaches cervical quarter o f the
ševna: dolžina korenine lingvalno, kjer je razjedenost naj­ root in the age period between 5 and 8.5 years (D aito et al.,
večja, je 0,8 mm, labialno 3,4 mm, torej manjka 62-91 % 1991), at the majority o f Finnish children between 6 and 8
zobne korenine. years (Haavikko, 1973) and at the majority o f American
Pri večini japonskih otrok doseže koreninska razje­ girls between 6 and 9 years (Fanning, 1961). The average
da zgornjega drugega sekalca vratno četrtino korenine v age o f Indian children with 75-88 % resorbed root of the
starostnem obdobju med 5 in 8,5 leta (D aito in sod, upper second incisor was approximately 8.5 years (Nanda,
1991), pri večini finskih otrok med 6 in 8 let (Haavikko, 1969). On the basis o f these data we hypothesize that the
1973) in pri večini am eriških deklic med 6 in 9 let (F an ­ child to whom the incisor from Mala Triglavca belonged
ning, 1961). Povprečna starost indijskih otrok s 75 do was between 5 and 9 years old.
88 % razjedene korenine zgornjega drugega sekalca je At the m ajority o f Japanese children root resorp­
približno 8,5 leta (N anda, 1969). Na osnovi teh podat­ tion o f the lower incisor reaches cervical q u arter o f the
kov dom nevam o, d a je bil otrok, ki mu je pripadal seka­ root in the age period o f 4-7.5 years (Fanning, 1961) at
lec iz Male Triglavce, star med 5 in 9 let. the m ajority o f Finnish children between 4,5 and 8 years
K oreninska razjeda spodnjega sekalca doseže pri (Haavikko, 1973) and at the m ajority o f A m erican girls
večini japonskih otrok vratno četrtino korenine v sta­ between 5 an d 9 years (Fanning, 1961). T he average age
rostnem obdobju med 4 in 7,5 leta (D aito in sod, 1991), o f Indian children with 6 0 -9 0 % root resorption o f the
pri večini finskih otrok med 4,5 in 8 let (Haavikko, 1973), lower incisor was between 7 and 9 years (N anda, 1969).
pri večini am eriških deklic pa med 5 in 9 let (Fanning, O n the basis o f these data we hypothesize th at the child
1961). Pčvprečna starost indijskih otrok s 60 do 90 % to whom the incisor from Viktorjev spodm ol belonged
razjedene korenine spodnjega sekalca je med 7 in 9 let was between 4 and 9 years old.
(N anda, 1969). N a osnovi teh podatkov dom nevam o,
d a je bil otrok, ki mu je pripadal sekalec iz Viktorjevega
spodm ola, star med 4 in 9 let. 4. 7 PATH O LO G ICA L C H A N G E S ON TH E TEETH

Enam el cracking o f the excavated teeth was sim ilar to

4 .7 BO L E ZE N SK E SPREM EM B E NA ZOBEH those found in the extracted deciduous incisors and it is
not a pathological phenom enon. Pitted erosions on the
R azpokanost sklenine izkopanih zob je bila podobna mesial surface o f the root from M ala Triglavca could
kakor pri izdrtih m lečnih zobeh in ni bolezenski pojav. hardly be due to the osteoclastic activity in the co n n ec­
Točkaste razjede na m ezialni ploskvi korenine zoba iz tion with the root resorption and they are m ost proba­
M ale Triglavce bi težko nastale zaradi osteoklastične bly post-m ortem changes, occurring early in the ground
dejavnosti v sklopu koreninske razjede in so verjetneje and are m acroscopically visible after 3 years at the lat­
p o sm rtne sprem em be, ki se v zemlji začnejo dogajati est (W erelds, 1967).
zelo zgodaj in so m akroskopsko opazne najpozneje po Non-genetic hypoplasia o f deciduous teeth can be
treh letih (W erelds, 1967). due to the illness o f the m other during the pregnancy,
N egenetske hipoplazije sklenine m lečnih zob so traum a o f the new born during the partition and diseases
lahko p o sle d ic a b o lezn i m a tere v času n o se č n o sti, or inadequate nutrition in the first year o f th e c h ild 's
poškodb novorojenca ob porodu in bolezni otroka ali life (H illson, 1998). D evelopm ental enam el defects o f
n eustrezne p reh ran e v prvem letu življenja (H illson, deciduous teeth are rare with hunters and gatherers from
1998). Razvojne napake sklenine m lečnih zob so redke prehistoric tim e (C ook and Buikstra, 1979). Enam el of
pri lovcih in nabiralcih iz predzgodovinskega obdobja the teeth excavated in Mala Triglavca and Viktorjev spod­
(C ook in Buikstra, 1979). Tudi sklenina zob, izkopanih mol is also sm ooth, w ithout hypoplasia and distinctive
v Mali Triglavci in v Viktorjevem spodm olu, je bila glad­ perykim ata. T hese could m ean th e absence o f stress
ka, brez hipoplazij in izrazitih perikimacij. To bi lahko during the second p art o f the pregnancy and during the
pom enilo odsotnost stresov v drugi polovici nosečnosti first m onths o f life, ie. during the tim e when enam el of
in prvih m esecih življenja, to je v času, ko nastaja skleni­ deciduous incisors form s (L u n t and Law, 1974). We also
na m lečnih sekalcev (L unt in Law, 1974). D om nevam o hypothesize th a t healthy non-hypoplastic enam el may
pa tudi, da zdrava, nehipoplastična sklenina m orda kaže reflect the conditions o f th at tim e, when only healthy
tak ratno stanje, ko so se rodili in preživeli le zdravi in children resistant to external noxious influences were
proti zunanjim škodljivim vplivom odporni otroci. born and also survived.

5 S klep 5 C onclusion

V študiji sm o ugotovili, da izkopana zoba po oblikov­ In the present study we discovered th at the excavated
nih, m erskih in rentgenoloških lastnostih ustrezata člo­ teeth according to their m orphological, m etrical, and
veškim m lečnim sekalcem . Zob iz Male Triglavce je radiographic characteristics corresp o n d to hum an deci­
zgornji levi, najverjetneje drugi sekalec. Z ob iz V iktorje­ duous incisors. T he to o th from M ala Triglavca is an
vega spodm ola je spodnji levi sekalec in glede na veli­ upper left, m ost probably second incisor. The tooth from
kost zobne krone sodi k prvim sekalcem , po nekaterih Viktorjev spodm ol is a lower left incisor and according
oblikovnih lastnostih pa bi bil lahko drugi sekalec. Zoba to the size o f the crown corresponds to the first incisor,
najverjetneje nista izpadla po naravni poti za časa živ­ according to som e m orphological features it could be
ljenja, temveč po sm rti. D om nevam o, d a je zgornji seka­ the second incisor. Both teeth were m ost probably not
lec iz Male Triglavce pripadal 5 -9 let starem u otroku, lost naturally during the lifetime, but after death. We
spodnji sekalec iz Viktorjevega spodm ola pa 4 -9 let sta­ hypothesize that the u pper incisor from Mala Triglavca
remu otroku. Negotovosti pri natančni uvrstitvi obeh zob belonged to 5 -9 years old child, and the lower incisor
so v znatni m eri posledica še vedno prem alo raziskanih from V iktorjev spodm ol to 4 -9 years old child. U ncer­
oblikovnih in merskih značilnosti mlečnih zob, poseb­ tainties regarding accurate determ ination o f teeth are
no njihove variabilnosti. to a great extent the consequence o f still not sufficiently
investigated m orphological and m etrical characteristics
o f deciduous teeth, especially o f their variability.
L it e r a t u r a / B ib l io g r a p h y

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D odatek 2 / A n n ex 2
V ik t o r j e v e g a s p o d m o l a S podm ol a n d M ala
in M a l e T r ig l a v c e T r ig l a v c a

Iv a n T urk

Ker je radiom etrično določanje starosti postalo nujno Since radiom etric dating has becom e a necessary evil,
zlo, sem se, kljub pom islekom (glej Turk, ta zbornik) despite misgivings (see Turk, this volum e) 1 decided to
odločil za preizkus starosti z m etodo l4C. V ta nam en test age by the l4C m ethod. I chose three sam ples in
sem izbral tri vzorce v Viktorjevem spodm olu in enega Viktorjev spodm ol for this purpose and one in M. Trig­
v M. Triglavci (razpredelnica 1). V zorce so datirali v lavca (Table 1). T he sam ples were dated at Beta A naly­
Beta Analytic Inc., v M iamiju na Floridi, ZD A, z upora­ tic Inc., in Miami in Florida, US, with the use o f the
bo AMS-tehnike. AM S-technique.
I4C dates in Table 1 are m ost easily com pared to
I4C datum e v razpredelnici 1 najlažje prim erjam s d ata for n o rth ern Italy (T rentino A lto Adige), w here for
podatki za severno Italijo (T rentino A lto A dige), kjer je the period from the end o f the Palaeolithic to the N eo­
za obdobje od vključno konca paleolitka do vključno lithic, inclusive, m ore th an a hundred such dates have
neolitika doslej zbranih več kot sto takšnih datum ov been collected (D alm eri, L anzinger 1998, 15) and w here
(D alm eri, Lanzinger 1998, 15) in kjer je bil razvoj me- the developm ent o f the M esolithic was presum ably sim­
zolitika dom nevno podoben (ali vsaj najbolj podoben) ilar (o r at least m ost sim ilar) to the developm ent o f the
razvoju m ezolitika v zahodni Sloveniji. M esolithic in w estern Slovenia.
I4C datum i za Viktorjev spodm ol kažejo, da so da­ 14C dates for Viktorjev spodm ol show th a t finds
tirane najdbe iz obdobja sovterjena: školjka in los iz sta­ are dated to the period o f the Sauveterrian: the shells
rejše faze ter šilo iz mlajše faze (glej Alessio et al. 1983, and the m oose from the older phase and the awl from
249; G ob 1990). V Pečini pri Bjarču je 14C datum za the younger phase (see Alessio et al. 1983, 249; G ob
finalni epigravetjen 11100± 125 BP, zaradi česar se ta 1990). In Pečina pri Bjarču, the 14C date is for the final
uvršča v alered - allerod (G uerreschi 1996, 133). T a je Epigravettien 11,100± 125 BP, because o f w hich it is pla­
d atiran od 11.700-10.800 BP oz. 11.930-10.860 BP ced in the Allerod (G uerreschi 1996, 133). This is da­
(Broglio, Im prota 1995, 26, 28). Ker aleredu sledi še ted from 11,700-10,800 BP or 11,930-10,860 BP (Brog­
kratko hladno obdobje, t. i. drijas - dryas III, bi bile lah­ lio, Im prota 1995, 26, 28). Since the A llerod is followed
ko nekatere najdbe v Viktorjevem spodm olu iz začetka by sh o rt cold period, D ryas III, som e o f the finds in
preboreala, tj. v času od 9 8 0 0 -9 5 0 0 BP (prav tam 29). Viktorjev spodm ol could be from the start o f the Prebo-
Č e to drži, je najdišče arheološko zelo pom em bno, ker real, i.e.. in the period from 9 8 0 0 -9 5 0 0 BP (ibid 29). If
om ogoča analizo stanja na meji pleistocen/holocen in this is true, the site is very im p o rtan t to archaeology
na prehodu poznega epigravetjena v sovterjen. because it enables an analysis o f conditions on th e boun­
V sosednji Italiji bi bili V iktorjevem u spodm olu podary o f the Pleistocene/H olocene and at the transition
l4C kronologiji časovno blizu Riparo Som an, Pečina pri o f the Late Epigravettien to the Sauveterrian.
Bjarču (Broglio, Im prota 1995, 34 -3 5 , tab. 1; G uerres­ In neighbouring Italy, according to 14C ch ronolo­
chi 1996) in Stenašca ( Biagi, S pataro 1999-2000, 32 gy, Riparo Som an, Pečina pri Bjarču (Broglio, Im prota
ss), v hrvaškem delu Istre pa P upičina peč (M iracle 1995, 34-35, tab. I; G uerreschi 1996) and Stenašca (Bi­
1997). A rheološke najdbe iz teh najdišč v obsegu, kot so agi, Spataro 1999-2000, 32 ss), would be close in tim e
objavljene, niso najbolje primerljive z gradivom iz Vik­ to Viktorjev spodm ol and in the C roatian part o f Istria
torjevega spodm ola. V endar obstajajo določene poveza­ Pupičina peč (M iracle 1997). Archaeological finds from
ve kot je slaba zastopanost trapezov, niikro vbadal, tri­ these sites to the extent that they have been published are
kotnikov in segm entov (glej Battaglia el a/. 1992, 293- not the most com parable with material from Viktorjev
297). Povezovalni elem ent ‘arhaične narave’ pa bi lahko spodmol. However, specific links exist between them , such
bila tudi nenavadna m ikro klinica ali konica s pecljem as poorly represented trapezes, m icroburins, triangles
(t. 3: 33). and segm ents (see Battaglia et al. 1992, 2 9 3 -2 9 7 ). An
Na podlagi l4C datum a za šilo (t. 7. 114/15) tudi unusual m icrobladelet or stem m ed point (P late 3; 33)
izhaja, da je del najdb v Viktorjevem spodm olu lahko could also be a linking elem ent o f an “arch aic” nature.
Razpredelnica I: V zorci in rezultati.
Table I: Sam ples a n d results.

O znaka vzorca Najdišče Plast / reženj M aterial Teža
13C/12C Age*
Sample label Site L ayer / spit M aterial Weight
B P ± la
MT 1 M ezolitska plast Školjka Mytilus g.
M. T riglavca 1.2 g - 4 .4 o/oo 408 0 ± 4 0
(B e ta -7 8 4 7 9 5 ) M esolithic layer B ivalve Mytilus g.
VS 6 R eženj 6 P rem olar Alee s a. (sl. 16.3)
V. spodm ol > 5g - 2 0 .4 o/oo 9 93 0 ± 5 0
( B e ta - 184796) s r" P rem olar Aires a. (Fig.. 16.3)
VS 15 R eženj 15 Kost (šilo, t.7 : 114/15)
V. spodm ol 2,3 g -2 2 .1 o/oo 8 300± 50
( B e ta - 184797) Spit 15 B one (aw l. Plate 7 :114/15)
VS 16 R eženj 16 Školjka Mytilus g.
V. spodm ol 0 ,6 g - 3 .5 o/oo 9 560± 60
(B e ta -1 8 4 7 9 8 ) S p it 16 Bivalve Mytilus g.
* Izm erjena C starost.
* M easured l4C age.

borealne starosti in da te najdbe pripadajo mlajši sovter- On the basis o f l4C dates for the awl (Plate 7. 114/
jenski fazi v najdišču. Ta faza je v sosednji Italiji bogato 15) it also follows th a t p art o f the finds in Viktorjev
zastopana, med drugim tudi na Tržaškem krasu na pod­ spodm ol may be o f Boreal age and th at these finds be­
lagi 14C datum ov za Stenašco - Grotta d ell’E dera in Peči­ long to the late Sauveterrian phase at th e site. T his sta­
no v Sedlu - Grotta Benussi (Biagi, Spataro 1999-2000; ge is richly represented in neighbouring Italy, including
Alesio et al. 1983), pri nas pa bi ji glede na stratigrafijo on the T riestine Karst on the basis o f 14C dating for Ste-
in l4C kronologijo lahko pripadal spodnji nivo na mezo- našca - Grotta dell'Edera and Pečina v Sedlu - Grotta
litskem najdišču Breg (glej M lekuž 2001, 47, sl. 4). Benussi (Biagi, Spataro 1999-2000; A lesio et al. 1983),
I4C datum za M. Triglavco ne kaže, da je školjčna and with us in view o f the stratification and l4C ch ro n o ­
lupina m ezolitske starosti, temveč govori o njeni mlajši, logy the lower level in the M esolithic site at Breg may
eneolitski starosti. have belonged to it (see M lekuž 2001, 47, Fig. 4).
I4C datum i za V iktorjev spodm ol in M. Triglavco T he l4C date for M. Triglavca does n ot indicate that
niso enoznačni in zahtevajo dopolnilno razlago, sicer the shell is o f M esolithic age, but later, Eneolithic.
se lahko zapletem v krožno argum entiranje. T he l4C dates for Viktorjev spodm ol and M. Trig­
N obenega dvom a ni, da je l4C datum za ponovno lavca are n o t in co rresp o n d en ce and require fu rth er ex­
pregledane sedim ente, odkopane v M. Triglavci, napačen. planation, although one risks circular argum ent. T here
Sedim enti so nam reč po m nenju izkopavalcev pripadali is no doubt th at the l4C date for the re-examined sedi­
t. i. mezolitski plasti, ki je bila stratigrafsko ločena od m ents excavated in M. Triglavca is wrong. In the opini­
neolitskih in eneolitskih plasti. Pri ponovnem pregledu on o f the excavators, the sedim ents belong to the M eso­
so bili najdeni večinom a mezolitski izdelki, podobni tis­ lithic layer, w hich was stratigraphically d istin ct from
tim v Viktorjevem spodm olu, ki so lahko rahlo, v nobe­ N eolithic and E neolithic layers. T he m ajority o f the
nem prim eru pa ne enkrat mlajši. Razen tega so bile v M esolithic finds were m ade during re-exam ination of
pregledanih sedim entih ugotovljene podobne malakofav- the sedim ents, sim ilar to those in V iktorjev spodm ol,
na, herpetofabna in sesalska m ikrofavna kot v V iktor­ and are certainly not twice as young. In addition, sim ­
jevem spodm olu. Zakaj je datum napačen, je težko ugo­ ilar m alacofauna, h erpetofauna and m am m al m icrofau­
toviti, vendar odgovor na to vprašanje ni pom em ben. na were found in the exam ined sedim ents as in V iktor­
Kaže, da pri izbiri vzorca nisem imel srečne roke. G lede jev spodm ol. It is difficult to say why the date is wrong,
na okoliščine, v katerih je bilo m ezolitsko gradivo prido­ but the answ er to th at question is not im portant. It se­
bljeno, me datum , ki lahko kaže, da so tudi v eneolitiku ems th at I was unlucky in the choice o f sample. In view
n a b ira li šk o ljk e n a o b a li J a d ra n s k e g a m o rja , ne o f the circum stances in which the M esolithic m aterial
preseneča. was obtained, inform ation th at may show th at they also
14C datum i za Viktorjev spodm ol so bolj enoznač­ collected shells on the shore o f the A driatic in the Eneo­
ni, vendar so m oteči kronološki obrati. lithic does not surprise me.
Z ob losa v režnju 6 t. i. raziskovalne faze IzA ima The 14C dates for Viktorjev spodm ol correspond
konvencionalno starost' 10.010±50 let BP, koščeno šilo better, but they are disturbing chronological inversions.
v režnju 15 pa 8350±50 let BI5. Šilo je zato 1660 konven- The m oose tooth in spit 6 o f the so-called investi­
gative IzA phase has a conventional age o f ' 10,01()±50

1 Konvencionalna l4C starost je korigirana izm erjena starost, ki

služi za kalibriranje MC starosti v koledarska leta. V tem ' C onventional l4C age is the corrected m easured age which
zborniku nam enom a ne uporabljam o kalibriranih 1JC datumov, serves for calibrating l4C age in the calendar years. We are
da ne bi vnesli v kronologijo še več zmede kot jo že itak imamo. intentionally not using calibrated l4C dates in this publication
cionalnih 14C let mlajše, čeprav je bilo najdeno 40 cm BP, and the bone awl 8350±50 BP. T he awl is therefore
globlje kot zob. 1660 conventional 14C years younger, although it was
Školjčna lupina v režnju 16 im a konvencionalno found 40 cm deeper than the tooth.
starost 9910±60 let. Kljub pričakovani približno enaki T h e m ollusc shell in spit 16 has a c o n v e n tio n a l age
starosti šila in školjčne lupine, ki izhajata iz istega strati- o f 9910±60 years. D e sp ite th e ex pected a pp rox im a tely
grafskega nivoja, je razlika 1560 konvencionalnih l4C let. similar age o f th e awl a n d th e shell, w hich c o m e from
Po drugi strani pa je med zobom losa in školjčno lupino th e sa m e Stratigraphie level, th e difference is 1560 c o n ­
kljub stratigrafski razliki 45 cm sam o 100 konvencional­ ventional l4C years. O n th e o th e r h an d , th e r e is on ly a
nih l4C let razlike. difference o f 100 co n v e n tio n a l 14C years b etw een th e
Velike razlike v konvencionalnih 14C letih lahko koga m o o s e to o th an d th e mollusc shell, despite a Stratigraphie
navedejo na misel, da sta v Viktorjevem spodm olu dva difference o f 45 cm.
nivoja m ezolitske poselitve, ki sta med seboj prem ešana. The great difference in conventional 14C years would
Vendar razpoložljivi sedim entološki podatki in podatki suggest th at there were two levels o f M esolithic settle­
o malih sesalcih govorijo o tem, da se sedim enti plasti 2 m ent in Viktorjev spodm ol. However, the available sedi-
in 3 po mlajši mezolitski fazi (nekako po režnju 10) niso m entological data and data on small m am m als suggest
več mešali (glej Turk, ta zbornik; Kryštufek in Toškan, that the sedim ents o f layer 2 and layer 3 are no longer
ta zbornik). V sekakor bi bilo za osvetlitev tega vprašan­ mixed after the late M esolithic phase (som ew here after
ja treba narediti n atančno sedim entološko analizo. Skle­ spit 10; see Turk, this volume; K.ryštufek and Toškan,
pati zgolj na podlagi datacij najdb o njihovi prem ešanosti this volum e). In any case, to settle the m atter would cer­
in posledično o prem ešanosti sedim entov je tvegano tainly require a careful sedim entological analysis. To
početje, saj so lahko tudi drugi vzroki za inverzijo radio- reach conclusions merely on the basis o f dating o f finds
m etričnih datumov. Med temi je lahko na prvem m estu showing th eir m ixture and consequently showing the
diageneza sedim entov in njen vpliv na diagenezo najdb mixing o f sedim ents is a risky business, since there could
organskega izvora. D iageneza se običajno povezuje s also be o th er reasons for the inversion o f the radiom e­
sprem em bam i v m ineralni sestavi, vendar se njen vpliv tric dates. Forem ost o f these is the diagenesis o f the sedi­
na organske kom ponente ne more a priori izključiti (prim . m ents and its im pact on the diagenesis o f finds o f orga­
A mosse et al. 1987; Turk et al. 2003). Različni m ateriali nic origin. D iagenesis is norm ally connected with ch an ­
imajo dom nevno tudi različno diagenezo. Tako so kosti ges in the m ineral com position, but an effect on organic
in zobje (zlasti sklenina) manj občutljivi na diagenetske co m ponents can n o t be a priori excluded (see A m osse et
sprem em be kot školjke, od katerih so morske manj občut­ al. 1987; Turk et al. 2003). Various m aterials also presu­
ljive kot kopenske. Posebno vlogo ima tudi sedim entno mably have different diageneses. So bones and teeth
mikrookolje, od katerega so odvisni diagenetski procesi (esp e cia lly en a m e l) are less sen sitiv e to d iag en etic
v snoveh organskega izvora. change th an shells, o f w hich seashells are less sensitive
Pri datiranih vzorcih v Viktorjevem spodm olu me than those o f land snails. T he sedim entary micro-envi-
je presenetila njihova velika starost. O bičajni so prim e­ ronm ent also has a particular role, on w hich diagenetic
ri, ko so 14C starosti zaradi kontam inacije z m odernim processes in substances o f organic origin depend.
ogljikom pom lajene (to bi bilo eventualno m ožno pri In the dated sam ples in Viktorjev spodm ol, their
vzorcu v M. Triglavci). O bratni prim eri so redkost (Evin great age surprised me. T here are norm ally cases when,
1987). Visoka '4C starost Viktorjevega spodm ola ni sklad­ because o f con tam in atio n with m odern charcoal, 14C
na s tipološko sestavo najdb. Prečno retuširani m ikroliti ages are too young (this may be th e case with the sam ­
se v zahodni Evropi pojavijo šele v drijasu III, tipični ple from M. Triglavca). Inverse cases are rare (Evin
trapezi pa okoli 7800 BP (Rozoy 1990, 26). V V iktor­ 1987). T he high 14C age o f Viktorjev spodm ol does not
jevem spodm olu so bili trapezi najdeni v režnjih 10, 12 accord with the typological com position o f the finds.
in 16, mikro vbadala pa v režnjih 6-10, kar je glede na T runcated m icroliths only ap p ear in w estern E urope in
l4C datum e najm anj 500 let in največ 2210 let prezgo­ D ryas III, and typical trapezes around 7800 BP (Rozoy
daj. C eloten m ezolitski inventar v V iktorjevem spodm o­ 1990, 26). In Viktorjev spodm ol, trapezes were found
lu je nepričakovano razvit za čas neposredno po drijasu in spits 10, 12 and 16, and m icroburins in spits 6-10,
III, če ga prim erjam z razvojnimi fazami v zahodni Ev­ which in relation to the l4C date is at least 500 and a
ropi in Sredozem lju. To lahko pom eni dvoje: ali da so m axim um o f 2210 years too early. T he whole M esolithic
l4C datum i za V iktorjev spodm ol napačni (postaran i inventory in V iktorjev spodm ol is unexpectedly develo­
zaradi izluževanja ogljika iz kolagena in školjčnih lupin?) ped for the period im m ediately after D ryas III, if it is
ali da je razvoj na obm očju slovenskega prim orja pre­ com pared with developm ent phases in W estern Europe
hiteval razvoj v zahodni Evropi in preostalem Sredozem ­ and the M editerranean. This could m ean two things:
lju. Z a katero koli varianto se odločim o, so posledice
neprijetne. N apačni datum i bi pom enili, da so se napa­ so as not to bring even more confusion to the chronology than
ke dogajale že pred tem in da s e je stroka vrtela v krogu we already have.
tipologije in radiom etrije. Pravilni datum i bi postavili either the 14C dates for V iktorjev spodm ol are w rong
na glavo vse dosedanje mezolitske razvojne sheme. Kom­ (too old because o f the leaching o f carbon from colla­
p rom isne rešitve so sicer m ožne, vendar, dolgoročno gen and shell?) o r developm ent on the territo ry o f the
gledano, ne koristijo nikomur. Slovene coastal region overtook developm ent in Wes­
V zvezi s l4C datum i v Viktorjevem spodm olu, če tern Europe and the rem ainder o f the M editerranean.
so seveda pravilni, se postavlja še eno vprašanje: vpra­ T he im plications o f w hichever variant we choose are
šanje trajanja m ezolitske poselitve. unpleasant. W rong dates would m ean th a t erro rs have
T eoretično bi bil spodm ol lahko poseljen skoraj occurred before this and the profession has been in a
1700 let, kar je zelo dolga doba v prim erjavi z debelino whirl o f typology and radiom etry. The right dates would
sedimentov, ki znaša slabih 50 cm. Takšna dom neva je set on their heads all the present M esolithic develop­
p o d p rta z veliko gostoto vseh vrst najdb. V endar kljub m ent schem es. C om prom ise solutions are always pos­
dolgi poselitvi ni m ogoče zaznati razvoja v običajnem sible but o f no use to anyone in the long term .
tipološko-arheološkem smislu. Lahko pa je zaznati vez­ In connection with l4C dates in Viktorjev spodm ol,
ni prehod (razvoj) vsaj dveh, treh geom etričnih oblik if o f course they are correct, an o th er question is raised:
(klinic s hrbtom in prečno retušo, trikotnikov in trap e­ that o f the duration o f M esolithic settlem ent.
zov) iz ene v drugo. Theoretically, the overhang could have been sett­
D ruga m ožnost je, d a je bil spodm ol m očno posel­ led for alm ost 1700 years, w hich is a very long period in
jen večkrat za kratek čas, z večjimi časovnim i razmiki view o f the thickness o f sedim ent, w hich am ounts to
m ed posam eznim i poselitvami. Tudi v tem prim eru ni slightly less than 50 cm. Such a possibility is supported
m ogoče zaznati razvoja oz. razlik med različnim i pose­ by the high density o f all types o f find. However, despite
litvami, čeprav bi to k rat pričakovali, da bodo razlike long settlem ent, it is im possible to note developm ent in
očitnejše zaradi poselitvenih vrzeli in um etno prekinje­ the norm al typological-archaeological sense. O ne can
nega razvoja. conceive a continuous transition (developm ent) o f al least
Jedro problem a vidim v vprašanju, kako enačiti fi­ two, three geom etric shapes (truncated backed bladelets,
zični čas, ki ga predstavljajo l4C datum i, s stratigrafsko triangles and trapezes) from one to another. The other
enoto, ki jo predstavlja 50 cm debela plast sedim entov possibility is that the overhang was intensively settled se­
oz. 5 cm debeli režnji, ki jih lahko enačim s sedim enta- veral tim es for a short period each, with m ajor breaks in
cijskimi nivoji (glej Turk 2003). P osam ezna datirana tim e between individual settlem ents. Even in this case it
najdba evidentno ne predstavlja dobro časa oz. časov­ is not possible to mark developm ent or difference am ong
nega horizonta, v katerem je nastala, se razvijala in se the various settlem ents, although we would expect in this
stabilizirala neka stratigrafska enota, k iji ta najdba pri­ case the differences to be clearer because o f the settle­
pada. Za pravilno povezavo mezolitske stratigrafske eno­ m ent gaps and artificially disrupted development.
te v Viktorjevem spodm olu s časovnim horizontom bi T h e c o re o f th e p ro b le m is how to eq u ate th e phy­
bilo treba datirati večje število skrbno izbranih najdb sical tim e given by the 14C dates, with Stratigraphie units
(npr. 30 ostankov različne lovne favne in druge hrane), re p re se n te d by a 50 c m th ick layer o f s e d im e n ts o r 5 cm
vse ob predpostavki, da bi bili vsi l4C datum i pravilni. thick spits, w h ich c a n be e q u a te d with s e d im e n ta tio n
K om prom isno enačenje kronoloških in stratigraf- levels (see Turk 2003). Individually d a te d fin ds clearly
skih enot, s katerim se obide bistvo problem a, je cenen d o n o t provide a go o d tim e o r te m p o ra l ho rizo n in which
izhod v sili, brez bodočnosti. s o m e Stratigraphie unit to w hich the fin d belo ng s was
V povezavi s l4C datum i v Viktorjevem spodm olu created, dev elop ed an d stabilised. F o r pro perly linking
se postavlja v novo luč tudi vprašanje, kakšna je bila M esolithic Stratigraphie units in V iktorjev s p o d m o l with
povezava med m ezolitskimi kompleksi na Krasu in trans­ tim e h o riz on s, a larger n u m b e r o f carefully c h o s e n finds
gresijo Jadranskega m orja v holocenu. Z n ano je, da so (e.g., 30 re m a in s o f various g a m e an d o t h e r fo o d ) w ould
raziskovalci tržaškega m ezolitika to zvezo uporabili za have to be d ated , all o n th e p r e s u m p tio n th a t all th e 14C
re la tiv n o d a tira n je krašk ih ja m sk ih n ajd išč , ki jih da tes were co rrect.
razvrščajo glede na oddaljenost od m orske obale in s C o m p r o m is e e q u a tio n o f c h ro n o lo g ical a n d Strati­
tem povezano večjo ali m anjšo pojavnostjo m orskih g ra p h ie units by w hich th e p ro b lem is essentially avoi­
školjk v njih. S takšno razlago se ne skladajo rezultati ded, is a c h e a p way o u t with n o future.
raziskav v Viktorjevem spodm olu, ki je znatno oddaljen In co nnection with l4C dates in Viktorjev spodm ol,
od sedanje obale (bolj oddaljena je sam o Pečina pri new light is also shed on the question o f the connection
Bjarču, kjer je bilo najdenih več vrst m orskih polžev in between M esolithic com plexes on the K arst and trans­
školjk), vendar vsebuje ostanke užitnih m orskih školjk. gression o f the A driatic Sea in the H oloeene. It is known
Te so z m etodo l4C neposredno datirane v sam začetek that researchers o f the 'Triestine M esolithic’ used this
m ezolitika (preboreal) (razpredelnica 1), ko je bila oba­ link for the relative dating o f K arst cave sites, which
la zaradi pleistocenske regresije nekoliko južneje od skraj­ they classified in relation to distance from the sea coast
nega južnega rta Istre (K am enjaka) (Correggiari el al. and, in this co n nection, the greater or lesser appearan-
1996) ali približno 100 km zračne črte od V iktorjevega ce o f seashells in them . T he results o f research in Vik­
spodm ola. Sedanjo obalo je m orje doseglo šele v atlatski torjev spodm ol do n o t fit such reasoning, w hich is m ar­
dobi (pribl. 7000 BP), v času poznega mlajšega mezoli- kedly d istan t from th e then shore (only Pečina pri Bjarču
tika (kastelnovjena). is m ore distant, w here a n um ber o f species o f seashells
K ritična analiza l4C datum ov je pokazala, da radio- an d snails were found), but co n tain s th e rem ains o f edi­
m etrija ni veliko prispevala k rešitvi kronološkega vpra­ ble seashells. T h ese have been directly d ated by l4C
šanja, celo obratn o, vprašanje kronologije m ezolitskih m ethods to the very sta rt o f the M esolithic (P reboreal)
najdišč v zahodni Sloveniji se je še bolj zapletlo. Reše­ (Table 1) w hen, because o f the Pleistocene regression
vanje problem a vidim v celostnem pristopu, ki je dolgo­ the shore was slightly south o f the extrem e so u th ern tip
trajen postopek in zato zelo zelo drag. Kljub vsem u ni o f Istria (K am enjak) (C orreggiari etal. 1996) orap p ro x -
nobenega zagotovila, da bo problem na koncu uspešno imately 100 km as the crow flies from Viktorjev spod­
rešen. mol. T he sea only attain ed the present shoreline in the
A tlantic period (approx. 7000 BP), at th e tim e o f the
final Late M esolithic (C astelnovian).
C ritical analysis o f l4C dates has show n th at radio-
m etry has n ot co ntributed the solution to chronological
questions. O n th e contrary, questions o f the chronology
o f M esolithic sites in w estern Slovenia has becom e even
m ore com plicated. I see the solution to this problem in
an overall approach, w hich is a lengthy procedure and
so very, very expensive. A nd with no g u arantee th a t the
problem will be successfully solved in the end.

L it e r a t u r a / B ib l i o g r a p h y

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solitico del Veneto, del T rentino e del Friuli. - Es­ kov. Izkušnje izkopavanj v Divjih babah I, Slovenija.
tra t to dagli A tti dell'Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere - Arheološki vestnik 54, 9 -3 0 .
edA rti, CLII1. I - 45. T U R K . I. D. SK A B E R N E in Z. ŠM IT 2003, Z aneslji­
C O R R E G G IA R I. A. M. ROVER1 in F. TR1NCARD1 vost datacij z uranovim nizom v Divjih babah I. Vpliv
1996, Late Pleistocene and H olocene evolution o f sedim entacijskih vrzeli na koncentracije uran a v se­
the N orth A driatic Sea. - II Quaternario 9 ,6 9 7 -7 0 4 . dim entih in na datacije urabovega niza. - Arheološki
vestnik 54, 31-44.
T able / P lates

T. /.• Viktorjev spodmol, jedra, fazi Viktor in Viktor+lzA. Vse 1:1, štev 7 tudi 2:1. Risbe I. Turk. (Pojasnilo k tablam: Številke na
tablah so inventarne številke predmetov.)
Pl. I: Viktorjev spodmol, cores, Viktor and Viktor+lzA phases. All 1:1, no. 7 also 2:1. Drawings I. Turk. (Explanation of tables:
The numbers in the tables are the inventory numbers ol'the items.)

42 43

44 45 46

47 49




65 68

70/10 71/12

72/15 73/15


S’ 77/16

75/10 76/13

#f(' i
<— P" I —CEI
/ h
‘■ / O
__ It
ij.\ i 0 80/16

81/6 82/10

T. 5: Viktorjev spodmo, jedra in drugo, faza IzA. Vse 1:1, št. 77/16 in 80/16 tudi 2:1. Risbe I. Turk in M. Turk.
PL 5: Viktorjev spodmo, cores and others, IzA phase. All 1:1, no. 77/16 in 80/16 also 2:1. Drawings 1. Turk in M. Turk.
87/4 88/15
83/6 85/12

89/14 91/5

93/2 95/15

96/7 97/2

99/11 100/16 101/7

102/15 103/17 104/17

107/10 108/16

110/11 111/11

115/9 116

117 118


T. 7: V iktorjev spodm ol, m ikroliti in koščeni predm eti, faza. IzA. Vse 1:1, m ikroliti tudi 2:1. Risbe I. Turk in M. Turk.
Pl. 7: V iktorjev spodm ol, m icroliths and bone item s, IzA phase. All 1:1, m icroliths also 2:1. D raw ings I. Turk and M. Turk.


265 266

c x


42 43 44


48 49
45 47





292 293 294
147 148 180
141 142

258 260 261 262

263 264 296


284 283
170 164

168 169 173 174
137 172



V —


100 101


297 298 102 103

106 107


108 109 111

110 112

114 117
113 115 116
r \

118 299
120 242 303
119 ^


127 128 129 130

131 132 133


151 152 153

155 156

159 161
160 162 163

140 144 181



182 183

246 248
245 249
190 191 192 193


195 216 217 219


220 221 198

196 197

201 204
199 302
200 202

205 206 207 208 209


211 212 213 214



241 224
178 203

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ISBN 961-6500-54-6

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