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How To Make

$1M In 2020

Tej Dosa
I felt an idea making love to my brain.

It was good. Too good to give away.

But I don’t care.

I’m going to tell you anyway.


A few reasons:

1. I actually want you to make $’s and succeed: there’s more than
enough for all.

2. Sharing this with you will give you a solid indication of how to think
about online business. And how to “invent” 6 and 7 figure marketing
campaigns on auto-pilot (understand this and you’ll be ahead of 99%
of people trying to make money online. No bullshit).

3. I’ve never been a fan of people who are “stingy” about sharing

Now that we got the juices of excitement flowing through you, let’s pull back
the curtains and show you how to make $1M in 2020.

But first, there’s something you need to know (don’t worry… I’ll be quick):

Most people suck at online biz because they go about it wrong.

Here’s what they do:

• Find or create a product.

• Find a market for that product.
• Use mediocre marketing (listing benefits and features) to sell it.

This works (sometimes).

But you’ll never hit a grand slam. You’ll make enough money to quit your
day job. But not enough to stunt on the people who shit-talked you in high

If you want to stunt (or just become a killer marketer), then you have to do
things a little differently…

To show you what I mean, I’m going to reveal how to make $1M in 2020 by
telling you the idea and how I would execute it step-by-step (don’t worry so
much about the idea… just pay careful attention to the strategy behind it).

Step 1: Pick a target.

My target for this idea: Entry-level accountants working at BIG 4


(be as specific as possible)

Step 2: Scheme up BIG IDEAS instead of what products to


Here’s something every killer marketer already knows:

Products and services don’t sell.


If you want to make $1M/year, you need a BIG IDEA.

Put on your thinking cap. Open your eyes. And raise your awareness.

And ask yourself simple questions like:

“What do entry-level accountants working at the BIG 4 give a fuck about?”

“What keeps them up at night?”
“What do they want?”

Once you ask yourself these questions, you’ll be buzzing with ideas.
But none of these ideas will be BIG (not big enough to pull in 6-7 figures
with just one marketing campaign).

To scheme up a BIG idea, you have to be an observant motherfucker.

And pay attention to the times. Think about what trends are popping up.
What trends are likely to be big (and will tap into universal appeal).

Don’t worry.

I’m not going to leave you with BIG IDEA blue balls, I’m revealing every
step of the process so here’s what trends came to my mind:

• Virtual reality
• Artificial intelligence
• Outsourcing
• Voice
• Etc.

Now I would dig into these deeper to see if I can pull out any nuggets of


I would just Google:

Virtual reality + accountants.

Artificial intelligence + accountants.
Outsourcing + accountants.
Voice + accountants.

And see if I hit on anything.

I ran a quick Google search and didn’t find anything for most of the trends

But when I dug a little deeper into artificial intelligence here’s what I did
“Graduate recruitment at auditors and accountants could fall by as much as
50% by 2020 due to the impact of artificial intelligence, according to a top
executive of “Big Four” accountant EY.” - Business Insider

Hmm. Interesting.

If you have any marketing talent running through your veins, you know this
is the closest thing to marketing gold you’ll ever find.


• Human beings HATE losing anything (let alone their job)

• Artificial intelligence is a “scary” topic and it makes people

insecure (because they don’t want to be “replaced” by robots… or
worse lose out on positions to their more talented peers when
“downsizing” occurs)

• All the knowledge workers I know (the smart ones at least) are
already making moves to ensure they’ll be “safe” when artificial
intelligence sweeps through the accounting industry (and other
industries) and takes away 50% of the current jobs (this means
they’re scared shitless)

So that’s perfecto.

It has everything you need to “invent” a BIG IDEA.

In fact, the BIG idea is already created for you.

You don’t even have to do anything.

Here’s the BIG idea:

“Ernst & Young Executive Says 50% Of Entry-Level Accountants Will

Be Jobless Because Of Artificial Intelligence By 2020.”

Done deelz.
Step 3: Find or create a product that relieves the tension
created by the BIG idea.

Only now should you worry about finding a product to sell.


Because now that you have a target and a BIG idea, it’s not only easier to
come up with a killer product to sell… but also 100% easier to market and
actually make BIG money (because you’re not in the business of selling the
“product” but the “BIG idea”).

So start brainstorming:

What products or services could help relieve some of the tension created
by the BIG idea?

Well, the real issue here is accountants are scared to lose their jobs and
will do anything they can to gain an “edge” over their peers.

So what products or services can give accountants a mental edge?

Well, let’s brainstorm:

• Books
• Courses
• Mentors
• Software

All these are pretty boring.

Nothing compelling. Nothing new and exciting.

Let’s keep brainstorming:

• Random idea
• Random idea
• Random idea
• Nootropics
• Random idea

Ah ha!

Nootropics! Now we’re onto something.

How about we find or create a nootropic for accountants that enhances

their mental clarity, productivity, and focus so they can SURVIVE the
onslaught of artificial intelligence and be a part of the 50% of accountants
who gets to KEEP their job (instead of losing it to artificial intelligence/more
smarter peers)?

Interesting stuff, Tej.

Step 4: Find a nootropic that actually fucking works (no

sleezy marketing practices please)

This is probably the hardest part.

I’ve personally never used nootropics (I just get a haircut when I need to
feel better lmao).

So don’t know much about this industry.

But I know enough to know most people are just peddling the same
ingredients and selling bullshit.

Don’t sell bullshit.

Actually sell stuff that’ll help your target market (or don’t sell at all).

So in this case I’d find a killer nootropic that actually works. And would
brand it 100% for accountants who are looking for a “mental edge”/a way to
survive the onslaught of artificial intelligence.

Step 5: Use your BIG idea to market it

The marketing is already done.

You just don’t know it.

The BIG idea is already created.

Now you just have to pair it with a BIG promise.

So I would combine the two to write a killer sales letter + build a funnel.

And simply create a Facebook Ad targeting accountants at BIG 4

companies that went something like this:

“50% of accountants will be jobless by 2020 due to artificial intelligence, will

machines (or your peers) steal YOUR job?

Discover the all-natural nootropic accountants at [insert BIG 4 company

name] are secretly taking every morning to gain an “unbeatable” edge over

<link to store>

I just created this ad right now.

It’s pretty shitty IMO.

But you get the point.

Any accountant fearing artificial intelligence will click on this ad.

And buy.

And those who don’t?

Don’t worry.

Beauty is you’re positioning your nootropic as a way to mitigate the fear of

“losing” one's job to artificial intelligence.

Which means…
Your nootropics name is being linked as a solution to artificial intelligence in
your target audience's minds (while this trend is still young).

And as the years go on…

And artificial intelligence gets bigger and bigger…

And fear grows stronger and stronger…

And the media starts reporting more and more on this upcoming trend and
the risk to accountants, guess what your target audience is going to keep
on being reminded of:




That’s how you make a killing online.

How do I know?

Because it’s what I’ve been “ethically” doing for clients for the past 3 years.

I’ve used this process to sell hundreds of thousands worth of products AND

It works.

But keep in mind two things:

1. Yes this process works… but you have to be ethical. The reason I
won’t put this idea into action myself is because I don’t feel good
making people feel bad (plus I’m not sure how advertising regulations
work when it comes to shit like this).
Even though fear and insecurities are the most profitable emotion to play
on when it comes to marketing (such as this example), I much rather prefer
appealing to the positive side of human nature.

So in this case…

I don’t want to make $’s by exploiting people’s insecurities of losing their

job when I can’t be 100% sure if the nootropic would actually help in a
beneficial and positive way.

But if you know anything about nootropics (I don’t), you should be able to
solve this problem pretty quickly.

2. This is just a SMALL part of my overall process.

In total, I follow a 3-step process (what I shared with you is just a small
piece of part 2) that allows me to “invent” 6 and 7 figure marketing
promotions on auto-pilot.

(I learned this from an 8-figure marketer)

Don’t worry…

You can discover the full 3-step process inside: 6 Figure Promotions (it
shows you in step-by-step detail how I’ve used this 3-step process to make
a killing both for myself and clients)

Go here for more info:

Shit’s pure “crack cocaine”.

Otherwise I wouldn’t sell it.


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