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Name: Grace Pfenning

Date: 1/28/2022

Reflection #1

What has gone well so far during your project?

So far, I have been able to contact a school where I would do my work experience, Hartland
Elementary School. The PE teacher at Hartland had contacted administration and they
approved me to go into their school. However, I would have to test every day I go which puts up
another barrier.

Have you hit any barriers…if so what did you do to overcome?

The first teacher I contacted did not allow me to do my work experience at their school under
current global and personal circumstances. I was able to get in contact with another teacher at a
different school where they allowed me to go to their school.

How have you used the skills of communication or initiative so far during this
I have used my communication skills to contact various teachers at other school to ask them if I
could do a work experience with them. After I could not go to the first school I contacted, I used
initiative skills to contact another school and eventually be approved to go to complete my work

At this time, do you need anything specific from me or another teacher?

At this time, all I need is support and guidance on the next steps in order to have a successful

(Note* There is no required length for this just make sure you that you summarize your

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