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CARRERA RICRA Mariamercedes Elena

P r e se n t
Q u e st i o n s

How When?

Which? Why?

Who? What?
A special question, as you can guess, uses a certain word at the
beginning of the sentence to ask a specific question. The questions
words who, what, where, when, why, which, how, etc., are used to
begin the question; for example:
❖ Where is he from?
❖ When do you come to Spain?
❖ How do you play the guitar?
❖ How many eggs do we need for this cake?
❖ Whose children are playing in the yard?
Note that questions about a subject (who? what?) have their
own special structure; they do not require an auxiliary verb,
we replace the subject with the question word. For example:
➢ We go to the cinema. – Who goes to the cinema?
➢ The glass is on the table. – What is on the table?
➢ Most girls here wear skirts. – Who wears skirts here?
You can see that after the question words who and what, the
third-person singular form of the verb should be used.
We use special questions to get specific information. This
implies that the answer will be more detailed.
Presente Simple WH- Question form:
Wh- question + Do o Does + Subject + Verb in the base
form + Complement?
Do: I-You-We-You-They Does: He-She-It

For example:
✓ What does she do?
✓ When does he go to work?
✓ Who do we need to talk to?
✓ Where does she live?
1. WHO? ¿Quién? ¿A quién?
To request information about the identity of a person. (Para pedir información sobre
la identidad de una persona.)

Who do we need to talk to?

¿Con quién tenemos que hablar?

2.WHAT? ¿Qué? ¿Cuál?

To request information about the nature or identity of a thing or object. (Para
pedir información sobre la naturaleza o identidad de una cosa u objeto.)

What does this picture mean?

¿Qué significa esta pintura?
3.WHEN? ¿Cuándo?
To ask "at what time" or time period an event takes place. (Para preguntar
"en qué momento" o período temporal tiene lugar un acontecimiento.)

When do you finish classes?

(tú) ¿Cuándo acabas las clases?

4.WHERE? ¿Dónde?
To ask "where" the action occurs. (Para preguntar "en qué lugar" ocurre la
Where do you buy your car?
¿Dónde compraste tu coche?
5.WHY? ¿Por qué?
To request information about the cause or reason for being of something. (Para
pedir información acerca de la causa o razón de ser de alguna cosa.)

Why do you live happy?

(tú) ¿Por qué vives feliz?

6.WHICH? ¿Cuál? ¿Qué?

To ask about a limited number of possibilities to choose from. (Para preguntar
acerca de un número limitado de posibilidades entre las cuales escoger.)

Which of the seasons do you prefer?

¿Cuál de las estaciones prefieres?
8. HOW? ¿Cómo?
To ask "in what way" is an action carried out. It is also used to find out
the mood or health of people and animals and also as a way to greet
someone. (Para preguntar "de qué manera" se lleva a cabo una acción.
También se utiliza para averiguar el estado de ánimo o la salud de las
personas y animales y también como una manera de saludar aalguien.)

How do you cook sushi?

(tú) ¿Cómo cocinas el sushi?

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