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iol LEO CLUB OF COLOMBO KNIGHTS PROUDLY\P: “We THE "THESE PROGRAMS WILL — NOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ATTITUDES AND TH Se) ede 8 YOUTH. THE LEO CLUB PR‘ IT WHOLE NATION.” ye UTA aol Ne Re bp Senior Deputy Inspector General of Police CUT Mei) Bees LYE eB ore) Cy ee eR eel} Toman a Ce Renee "WHEN EVERYONE GIVEN EXTRAORDI — Mel MU at Dts eee id =. Pe oy tira Lol “44S ONE IN o SERVICE THE LANCELOT | SEPTERA EDITION CONTENTS MESSAGE FROM THE DISTRICT TREASURER MESSAGE FROM THE ASSISTANT SECRETARY THE ANECDOTE -Leo Gayanga Uththaravi 10 AKINGDOM WITH NOWHERE TOLIVE 15 TALENTS OF KNIGHTS FACTS FOR LIFE 26 KNIGHT OF THE MONTH -A tribute from the Knights family to all the deserving Knights. 28 29 EDITOR'S NOTE -Leo Ushani Tharaka 30 TEAM LANCELOT INSPIRE Mr, Ajith Rohana Senior Deputy Inspector General of Police (Crimes and Traffic) Media Spokesperson of Sri Lanka Police odIED 19 “adalect ade af Gheala YAObeasto DD mQ0O Dad. ¥ Bag ood DE2 Ams F mdaloct qbQMDEO @.900 mvesinD 2D dagnameast.” Sim QBBHED gan Dara Hear6> a AS ONE IN SERVICE By Leo Club Den Haag, Leo District 110AZ, The Netherlands. KNIGHTS’ JANUARY 6 6702800 7 Mindkraft 8 Sports Fiesta Message from the District Treasurer It brings me immense pleasure to pen this message to The Lancelot, the official newsletter of Leo Club of Colombo Knights. It's amazing to see how a group of young Leos put so much effort into producing an outcome that gives so many insights about not only what's happening inside the Leo movement but around the world. Helping others comes in all shapes and forms. From donating money to even helping an elderly person cross the road, it’s not always necessary to go to larger scales. These small acts can seem inconsequential, but in reality, they create a ripple effect in our community. Leo movement is a place full of opportunities and people who are enthused in serving others. It not only makes a positive impact on the community but also helps you to discover yourself and grow as a human being. Looking back at my Leo journey so far, | joined the movement through the Leo Club of Mahanama College back in 2016. Through these 5+ years, | was able to gain many leadership skills, got the opportunity to meet many interesting people, and learn about the general community. It’s not only the good side that took me to where | am standing today, but also all the obstacles, disagreements, and hardships along the way. It helped me grow as a Leo as well as a person and taught me how to adapt to every kind of situation. These are a few of many achievements and opportunities | gained in the! Leo movement throughout these years. | take this opportunity to invite all my dear Leos to engage in the movement and do what you can to the best of your abilities. At the end of the day, when you look back at what you’ve done, it’s the feeling that you've been able to make a positive difference in the world that will make you feel good. Leo Kalpa Sulakshana District Treasurer Leo District 306 C2 SriLanka PAGE 04 Message from the Co- Assistant Secretary As the Co- Assistant Secretary of the Leo Club of Colombo Knights for the year 2021-22, |am very proud and honored to share my thoughts with “The Lancelot". Being a Leo was a changing point in my life, and it created more opportunities for me, and it led me to more success day by day. Here, | pay my all gratuities to Leo Lion Indunil Palihawadana, District Vice President of Leo District 306C2, for bringing me to this wonderful platform under his president year of Leo Club of Colombo Knights in the year 2020-21. When | reminisce about my days as a new Leo, | feel humbly proud because it created the most incredible memories in my Leo journey. Being the best new Leo of Leo Club of Colombo Knights out of 200+ new Leos gave me extra energy to move forward as a Leo. Another highlighting point of my first Leostic year was turning my first project into an award-winning project. | am humbly proud to be the Chairperson of the "Guru Gedara’ Project, which won 2nd runner-up for the Best Project for Education and Literacy in the year 2020-21. Leosim, in its fullest sense, is a platform where everyone can have more leadership, opportunities, and experience. So, | take this opportunity to offer my gratitude to all my senior Knights and Leos for bringing me to where! am today. | truly believe that the Leo Club of Colombo Knights will write another legendary year under the theme "As one in Service". Leo Lion Vidusha Kulasinghe Co - Assistant Secretary Leo Club of Colombo Knights Sri Lanka ‘THE LANCELOT I SEPTERA EDITION Cres} levt aloo ae ee Re Monon RT er Reon Tel POS ee eRe R ser eB soe Bette ae Se ee) Bo Lee Dee oe on erica cnet n COS en ee OR REE ee TORE striae BOR CR et em ee Be een ee pee ee kes ee ee oe eee ener Ce a ee kd Ree oe CON ce eed Cee eee CO ee Ren ake ER crc) eee ee ee toe eee oe Ck) Ce RCO CTC) err) CO eRe ee Ee eee eee eo ke) eatery) ee ed ee one ee) eee) ee ee ot Pee oe ee cen he om ee Ete BR eo oR a Reel e} Pee re ORO citer) roe Nera OR te iotte Re ee Tre CRE Rees Re eet Pee eet ene eer) ah ee ee eee OR eee eee) Ce eer eee ee Cr mee Ce ea er) Pree ewe ete ee ree ato ar MINDKRAPFT, ‘21 rea a ee a OR a Cu a Re el oe Cee Grn SiR ec PEAR Re ee Cera lee the competition was organized to choose the most deserving team as the champions of the MindKraft competition series. The questions prepared for the quiz ranged from a variety of Br eee a ae tM em ecu uC eo After three competitive rounds, the semifinals of MindKraft were held throughout the Re Cs Ut et CR eae er eas Reese Cy spectators. From the semifinals, two extremely competitive teams from Leo Club of Gampaha Metro and Leo Club of UOC Alumni were selected to the competition's grand cs The Grand Finale of MindKraft will be held in the near future, and the organizing committee Promises a mind-blowing competition to the audience. We wish all the very best for the two POC teams to perform at their very bes' im Team Fact Hunter Cay TA ELT See skeet Cio) (evs Oe a Ue ec eC leisure time, its also about team work, leadership and PgR cata go) essential life skills and molds an individual into a balanced PO aM eRe RL RR eee Rn es ot Ts a Ne) the quarantine periods obstructed all sports enthusiasts in taking part in any sportive activity. Identifying the immense benefits of sports, and the need to uplift sportive Ova oe CR peel mL Knights is planning to initiate a sports festival. Cor mC ss) Boe ae CR ee ae ee ere os act Races gs eee eR ee ERs IC Remi ae Te a Gs RC RN toll tN of them can register now along with their teams to take Up Next... POR at Ree ie ego gt arenas. The date and the venue will be announced in the CST eR Reale lok B elt ol el scott TO REGISTER PLEASE CONTACT Teo) VS Uy NR cle SIC) Coming REGISTRATIONS SNe SPORTS al! Wien phir’ or 7 Dd 08 aide ese MES 2a.7 02> ie] THE ANECDOTE Peete The Leo Club program is all about creating aspiring leaders. The Anecdote is the place dedicated to all such aspiring leaders. With the Septera Edition, we met the District President of Leo District 306 Al, Leo Gayanga Uththaravi. This is her most unforgettable moment as a Leo, and how this experience made it a turning point in her life. 66 i became aLeo in 2014 when a friend introduced me to the Leo Club movement. 1 remember joining the Tsunami Memorial Day program organized by my home club, which is the Leo Club of Unawatuna Diamond Stars. Every day of my Leo life gave me many things to cherish and learn. One unforgettable experience for me is something that happened during the 2017-18 Leadership camp in Kuda Oya. During that camp, | got the opportunity to lead a team for a team game. This was a sudden opportunity that I got, and | had to speak in front of a group. | remember my hands trembling as | spoke to my team. | think this opportunity was my first step as a leader. | had so many opportunities to perform as a leader from there onwards. The leadership camp was the place where | got confident about my leadership skills. Another thing | realized was that it’s not the comfortable things we do that change our lives; rather, things we do that are outside of our comfort zones are what better our lives. What this movement expects from us is to build our own selves in the process of helping others. When we are better selves, better leaders, better people, we can serve the world in a better way. When everyone spends a normal life. we are given extraordinary opportunities as Leos. | request all my dear Leos to take every opportunity and always remember that with each risk and decision we take in life, we either learn something new or achieve a goal. Our motherland needs valuable leaders, and this is the place to mold yourself into one. 9 ace THE LANCELOT | SEPTERA EDITION 09 Many species face increasing competition with humans for space and resources. Elephants often bear most of it. As the human population gradually increases in recent decades, human-animal conflict problems are getting serious. These problems occur as a result of the encroachment of human beings on animal habitats for agriculture or poaching activities. Many forests have been developed into agricultural areas or industrial areas because of economic interests, which has led to many animals losing their habitat. Moreover, animals that lost their habitat would run into agricultural areas or villages PAGE 10 for food resources. Crop raiding problems happen due to that fact. It is difficult to confine elephants to a small place because they move in great distances. Even with fences, farms adjacent to the park boundary are likely to be raided, especially during seasons when favored foods are at the optimal stage of growth. Elephants leave forests and go into croplands, orchards, farms to find food. Hence, they would damage the crops and plantations and also the property of farmers or villagers. Moreover, injury or death of people or elephants might happen. Therefore human-elephant conflict is seen as a threat to people's lives and livelihoods as well as that of the elephants. THE LANCELOT | SEPTERA EDITION KINGDOM OWHERE TO LIVE What is the current situation in Sri Lanka? O Annually, nearly 400 elephants and 50 people are killed in Human-Elephant Conflict incidents in Sri Lanka. Q A total of 14,516 Human-Elephant Conflict incidents were recorded in Sri Lanka during 2010-2019. O There was a total of 807 human deaths, 579 human injuries and 10,532 property damages caused by elephants, and 2631 elephant deaths. O According to the Department of Wildlife Conservation, elephant deaths had dropped by approximately 22 percent in 2020 compared to 2019. Q A total of 112 persons were killed due to elephant attacks in 2020, recording a drop of 8 percent in human deaths since 2019. THE LANCELOT | SEPTERA EDITION with What are the reasons for human-elephant conflict? Destruction of forests through logging, encroachment, slash-and-burn, shifting cultivation, and monoculture tree plantations are major threats to the survival of elephants. Human-elephant conflicts occur when elephants raid crops of shifting cultivators in fields scattered over a large area interspersed with forests. Depredation in human settlements is another major area of human-elephant conflict occurring in small forest pockets, encroachments into elephant habitat, and elephant migration routes. Between 1999 to the end of 2006, nearly 100 wild elephants were killed every year. Elephants are being killed by farmers to protect their crops and houses. PAGE What are the causes? The conflict between the two partiesis due to the food shortage to the elephants caused by: Reducing forest area due to development works 1 The rape of the forests Q Villagers encroaching into forests Q Grasslands being used by farmers’ cattle During the past few centuries, forest i509 au area was reduced due to cultivations, depriving elephants of their natural habitats. The lands consist of mountainous valleys or rolling lands with highlands and low valleys. Over the centuries, topsoil from mountains and highlands got washed off due to rain, and sediments were deposited in valleys. These fertile valleys support lush vegetation and provide most food to elephants. Through the development schemes, the lands below the irrigation canals were allocated to settlers, and mountains and highlands with poor soils were earmarked as animal sanctuaries. But no one looked into the ability of the high lands to supply animal needs. In the last century, Sri Lanka has established probably the widest wildlife conservation areas in Asia. Most were located in the low country dry zone, where human pressure was not serious enough to prevent the recovery of elephant numbers. The recovery was PAGE 12 slow at first, but under the Department of Wildlife Conservation (DWC) management, the number of elephants seems to have picked up. Some ways to keep out Elephants. 1. Grow chili peppers. Elephants hate chili Peppers. 2. Take up Beekeeping 3. Use bright lights 4. Make noise 5. Combine crops 6. Grow crops that elephants don't like. What are the solutions that have been taken? Unlike many other countries, nearly half of the country experiences this conflict. It is not limited to a single geographic range but THE LANCELOT | SEPTERA EDITION “Whether international efforts to minimize human-elephant conflicts succeed or fail will depend on how far itis possible to involve border sections of the population.” is widespread. Therefore, the solutions should be effective enough to address the problem and tile the way for coexistence. Government and —_ non-governmental organizations have made considerable efforts in reducing Human elephant conflict. They address this under three approaches. Short-term approach: Organise and mobilize farmers in conflict villages and raise deep awareness on elephant behavior patterns. Midterm approach: Erection of Dandu Weta (Log fence) along the areas where elephants cross Long-term approach: Habitat enrichment. This could be done by planting fodder trees THE LANCELOT | SEPTERA EDITION ee ‘ SY in the elephants’ forest areas. For example, cultivating Beru (a water grass elephants love to eat) in tanks (reservoirs) and other trees (such as Velang) that form the main part of the of elephants. There are ‘about 100 species of plants that elephants eat. Participatory research methods highlight the importance of including alll stakeholders, whether private sector, NGO, academia, or Government, in developing community _ strategies. Everyone has some sort of sake in human-elephant conflict management. There are several ways to address human-elephant conflict. These include: ~ Setting up protected areas and ecological corridors ~ Building electric fences - Use of acoustic deterrent devices = Light devices - Use of natural methods ~ Translocation = Light devices The elephant is a symbol of pride and of cultural and religious significance to Sri Lankans. No other animal has had such a close relationship with humans as the Asian elephant and still remained in the wild. However, the Sri Lankan elephant population faces serious threats and vulnerabilities mainly due to anthropogenic factors culminating in a bloody conflict between humans and elephants, each for their survival. If not us, who can find an answer to this concerning matter? The time has come to secure their kingdom. yee) S Ever imagined what a powerful strength it would be if the Leos extended their hands across borders to serve those in need, humans, animals, and even the environment? Join us as we explore some of the inspiring projects of our very own Leos from all around the world. With the Septera Edition, we are bringing you the Leo Club Den Haag of Leo District 110AZ, the Netherlands. Every year we dedicate our work to a specific theme such as education, pollution, and climate change. This year we focused on environmental pollution with special highlights on the marine environment. Along with spontaneous community-serving projects, including city clean-ups and donations to orphanages and elderly people, we conducted a major project series in adherence to our theme. The project series was an initiative taken in response to the plastic soup. As the first step, we focused on educating the younger generation. We took conducted this initiative in 2 phases. Firstly, we organized an educational campaign, where we led workshops for primary school students of age 10-12 years. During the workshops, we elaborated on microplastics and plastic soup. Then we took the children to a beach to do a'‘trash hunt,' where alll of us got together to clean the beach. For the adults, we organized a musical in the same city. The project name was "safety earth," It was inspired by Wubbo Ockels, one of the first Dutch astronauts who showed great interes sustainable solutions. The musical was organized in honour of his life. We got free tickets for the children, and we were able to spread awareness among a large number of people. The project was conducted in cooperation with the Lions. In the Netherlands, all the Leo Clubs and Lions work together in harmony to achieve a common goal. Alone you can do solittle, but together, we can do so much. In doing so, first and foremost, we should all think about how our world should look and what we want to see. If you want to make the world a better place, you can plant your positive ideas and beliefs in the minds of other people, and together we can make the world a better place. If all the Leos from different parts of the world come together with the ambition of making a positive change in the world, we can make our entire globe more inclusive, prosperous, and peaceful. = lee AN 1 eg, | Leo Etienne Wilkens Club President Leo Club Den Haag Leo District HOAZ, The Netherlands. PAGE 14 ‘THE LANCELOT | SEPTERA EDITION Dmobe AH Qoat savmnd? AEMcCeD qoasbs Ocetess Bayh qos abr qk Godt brad Dbmos mabest Qaont mbda eu omvasigal Q@05 DceAH De deem BO AF OD md DEDS. bmdbeedaQoa Dbeat Ea adkidat Oa Den Oma scram MEe Do erejeen meme odomast amaeat 80 MID qcaloxt HOz DO dm POaonst QZ BD dea eGst sume Har DORIsiIend 00 east Gor... zabmat a® Mex acme Oo: md" BO doioat O2 esizinod smHommaodn ADat ade Bed OchOma HOcde@>... Bw 0 ops De... MLDEO BD bd bsaind UBD WA DD ZAB O7 mag aaldst qDat Or Dee andy Hacer Is anything permanent Isn't it lovely? All alone... Believe in anything? Not to disappoint you... You pile up expectations? Just do not make the same mistake! Wake up girl! Lioness doesn't depend on anyone But Lion does! Isn't it ridiculous? To praise a Lion Call it majestic? When it actually relies on its female kind! Tis' not your mistake To love something unconditionally But tis' a mistake To expect the same in return! Be loyal... huh! Everything that makes you happy Does not last long You know it! Then why worries? Never let a micron Disappoint you, Break you, Bargain your happiness With temporary pleasure... Left to the right lam no poet For I can’t give rhythm To sticks and rounds That you call words A scratch a crescendo; A doodle a staccato; What in the world Ascratch a legato! A doodle a diminuendo! Let the voice bleed -For it not lie- An alluring rhythm And let them sway The tiny little ashes Like the leaves of Autumn Left to the right Left to the right Night goes on Till the back hits the ground One after another Allin tiny paces The leaves will dance What a climax -For the awing audience- As one leaf decides to swirl into the mist Come back into vicinity Drop-dead gorgeous Can sticks and rounds Give such rhythm? A music so strong To swirl the ashes -Mighty heirs of hefty Vulcan- It's all but one life So, dance my dear Dance to the night Like leaves of Autumn eS ee | (AT TCR TTL) €300 Om dom qSmed OYOR® emda eee 08 ded Sum CdOBe wgema1BOO wBad Bands. dom sevgo O6st qo0 Bele eda goog aun. qbSm OBO, Osom edio 078 OO HOmast oYeO emne7G emmOOs mO edOoO2t CALOO G comed Boy oddHa Ot Heads. e006 oboge Sedenaa eaQostest elnd® famBancd8. go 00508 ayo HCOBHE BEACH esoOogam HHO B comme 986860 edged 590m ecud cots Aum gnd GedioSan ec go Bad e¢m® wgnm cfs PBEBSC® AoRCH eSormzoGmb eOx@ gdrm Sdoam BeOr6Qr Om QSst Beh Onm go HO dO Hew. ceQedsio qo GaRQ%eosd qnodn 208 emiBO Omoma Beeld 8 comed Jom OgOHaS Bg HG Acor GEaco. Bag eg guinds emsBO Oacome Be cotveO Seat emed Qe ecined® mbSacd Acros Bg Deis. Bocisoast® Gam) Ded eodtone e88a 228 domo o8 Beso ace ede Bdmb. mrOmrecd Ome dom mbnc m 08 au eg0Ba qd Bme aos CdGnd:. 98s god qbBmcd BEA Aco Bom ofO860 oondiom Sed® mente Snead acm® ode se. GOom® gBnmd BEB© 288 comb lockdown BOs 680 comed gan, conan aibecd BBarmd. By emB0, sOrdmast eme8BO dee dBaDe Hoa Qos ed Ose. mOD,09 88 BBO esq OD damd gad Acc endec 16850, 08 nuicdda CO dom nos od Go BaB00 gong Qe. 0 qOeloned! a1—g ofaSad @8 qoogmrdam0 onc. 08 Bag qBnnd ace,® ened quin0® omiBO Sxcons Be g89 emg VSadad Gedo. do Be G80 Be domed @BE Bag® ef coer 986860 0.8 Dew. e® RET doy OCH a® BE eOeas 0G) 880 cost oxfam, Odd ome, oye} 998 online Sed OGeqa amo domo 1201 59. omBO Da.oneasd By 9 gasnn® eqast BOB msisco 080 me. 8 oddde quind® Comed Bum SdOfied gman BLAads edrend ended Ogos! ems, THE LANCELOT | SEPTERA EDITION bfm 9868608 erQiomdad e889 gdm Bd. Beos6_® Om gési BEd Som aoned emiBO Oaoone Seo g8 9G Sams Acor® SamBO Avy o¢dBad Owcad ox Badd BBoaxd wqwst meen. 282 Omonas wom qbimed emoas emocsd edo Bos On Dew. aga EB quinds ecined emns® fq ctnast pes, emns® iq gtoceas gest ¢ meee qBeaio ode e8n0. 28, g8 Beato OCO Bye equiem emewr0 Smo woncsd CH%O go Geo DE) Dede Ga emeo5® Beer CAs ovton OH8O goan o¢ Cm oB8O ged dom) sRG Jen. Mobile apps «= Internet Banking q:8 eeim:8s0¢ 8 siboed gS ger. mlsac 680 aR sodged gmr0ne edsens en8s} clad eduin G0 Bednds. ©8 BslOxo mdb. emooned? ATM a6, eosied 08 efogd mS cOer a0 micro Bean 80. 6 Dede AR wd. Jest oH B aoxO 90 Bednd, S6ddadaed exto maisco earenie eOooass O82 monOs. AR ODED 959 gneSs, cogedst sdovind geost asisioast qBoveoask® giSed % GH c8m a0 08 Bddoe Bind, cundsad acct cfs 965 B68 apRe® codda a.Osinda eOaedsi B60d BOs, 68 qmBOd qo Agremedsigeds} BSD. 08 G082) Barc exdBant Bg Om BOS qv omnqm0d08 geinds, Face Recognition 98 28m maisco S28 Sd8at gmOs géaED cs! 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SoBim GBE BEe® AoeH eoOsmmTe06qOo e888 dom Sham BedSy® Om qos BE Ooms aO@ goed edac, 68 m’Sna C080 08 dum sevga B8ach emest Ddrg daw comms qid8s Bene 009 dOst wO0q0 Sat qdestom end giSed? Ost OomermoOat Oedocd nO omar eooman gedseedst 98 8x3 28g. | fa = eh! Goat cud 088 BE) Goat 888 eRQCIgce PAGE THE LANCELOT | SEPTERA EDITION With the “A Story to Inspire" interview series, we bring to you the inspiring stories of legendary humans ghat made a lasting impact on the community we live in. With this edition, we have a senior Police officer who strives hard to make our motherland a better place to live in. He is a hero of our time, a man with a vision. None other than Senior Deputy Inspector General Crimes, Traffic of Police Mr. h Rohana, who serves as the Me Police. Spokesperson of Sri Lanka We know you as a respected police officer, a gifted communicator, and a great leader who sets a great example to all Sri Lankans. But, how do you view yourself? | joined Sri Lanka Police as a probationary Sub Inspector in1988. By now, | have completed 33 years in my career. | believe I'm a dedicated Police Officer, and apart from that, I'm an. Attorney-at-law. | have been the Media Spokesperson of Sri Lanka Police for a period of almost 11 years. All in all, | have the legal background and communication skills, with all that I need to be a good, smart Police Officer who serves the nation. Your childhood played a major role in coming to the place you are today. Would you like to share with us how your childhood was spent? 1 was born in a small village in Colombo District called Kanampella. Itis about 45 kilometers away from Colombo. Initially, 1 studied at Kanampelia Junior School, and thereofter 1 entered Ananda College for my secondary ‘education. I'm also @ student at our Dhamma school, the Sunday school. And | had been a student there for a period of almost twelve years and served as a teacher of the Dhamma school. These three institutions, my primary school, Ananda College, and Dhamma school, taught me a lot about discipline, education, skills, and life. Also, my father was my mentor. From my childhood, he taught me how to talk and how to address public gatherings. He was a government servant who served in the income tax Department and taught me allot. As | mentioned. I came from a small village, so the culture, the traditions, the customs that were in existence in that particular village taught me numerous things in respect of the society. “Therefore, all communication practices, and traditions helped me _ conduct presentations and enhance my communication skills and come to the place where | am today.” these skills, From your childhood, what was the journey like up to now? First of all, | should mention that it was a very difficult journey. Generally, there are students called clever or cleverest, but | was not a clever boy. I sat for my Ordinary Level examination in 1982 and Advanced Level examination in 1985. However, I was not able to go to Medical College. There were 30 students in our class, and 28, students were selected to the University except THE LANCELOT | SEPTERA EDITION for two persons, including myself. However, at the second attempt, | got selected to Colombo University to follow a BSc Degree, but at that. time, the situation in the country was not good. Various communal violence activities in all parts of the country. Then I gave up on that degree program and joined the Police. When | joined the Police, thought I should follow a degree program connected to my profession. So, | decided that | should pursue a Law Degree. | sat for the Law College entrance examination five times, ond the LLB Degree entrance ‘examination at the Open University of Sri Lanka four times, but | was not selected. However, finally, at my tenth attempt, | was selected to follow the LLB Degree program, but I could not complete the program within that particular period as I came down with two subjects. It took me six years to complete it. Then | started my Attorney finals at Law College and again came down with one subject, and finally, | got through, it. Even through my LLM program, | faced many hardships and failures but somehow made it through. ‘Sometimes people think that especially students believe that we can reach our goals directly. Yes, there are people who achieve their goals in one go. But, most of the time, people often face failures in their path to success. | have achieved certain goals and objectives amidst plenty of disturbances. What | need to tell you is sometimes, when we are reaching our goals, not a smooth process. You need to face various difficulties and disturbances along the way. Nevertheless, you can d ly reach them if you have the courage and strength. ‘As a person who has dedicated his life to ensuring the safety and peace of the community, you may have faced many challenges. Please share some of the challenges you faced and how you ‘overcame them. I believe the biggest challenge is our ‘expectations. If somebody doesn't challenge or criticize you, it means you are a puppet. But if somebody is challenging you and criticizing you, it means you are a stronger person than him. Therefore, all the time, we need to face challenges. Being the Police Media Spokesman, | PAGE 23 I don't think that 100% of the population in this country believes my statements. Sometimes only 60% or 70% of them might agree with me. The rest may criticize me. But, all the time, we need to respect others’ ideas. If | think that everyone should make good comments about me, it will never happen. Sometimes we have negative comments. Sometimes we have positive comments. But if somebody is criticizing us all the time, we may disagree or agree with them, but we have to respect one’s ideas. This is something | have inculcated in my mind. Respecting others’ ideas is an essential thing. We should not get angry. get into fights, create problems, or antagonize them. They have the right to criticize others, and it's called the concept of Freedom of Expression. | have gained many things during these 33 years of period by practicing two concepts. Number one is Tolerance, and number two is time. Always remember that time solves many problems. Recall the most unforgettable memory of your career. This particular incident happened in 2005 when | was serving in South Sudan as a UN Peacekeeping Police Advisor in a city called Malakal. At that time, | planned to come back to Sri Lanka to attend an examination. I went to the local airport, and on that particular day, there weren't any big aircraft because the firefighting equipment was not in order. Therefore, UN officials had been airlifted through helicopters. So, the helicopter came, ‘and| went into it, and | was boarded. After that, two other passengers came, and an Egyptian Air Force Officer was involved in alll logistical PAGE activities. He said, “Ajith, you should go out because you are going tomorrow, but these people have their flights tonight.” Then | got off. Five minutes later, | was told to come again as, one passenger could not come. When I got in for, the second time, I was asked to get down again. Likewise. | went into the helicopter three times, ‘and was asked to get down. This incident frustrated me so much that | even got into a heated argument with him. However, that day, | wasn't able to get on the helicopter, and | came back to the place where | was staying. After 10 minutes, a message was, transmitted through our radio set, and it that the particular helicopter was crashed and all the passengers and the crew members were killed in that air crash. If | had gotten on that. helicopter, this year would have marked 18, years after my death. That is the most unforgettable story that | have experienced so far. A police officer's life is very unique and special. Comparatively, it’s more adventurous and challenging. Throughout your career as a police officer, what are the life lessons you have learned? When | was serving as the ASP Kanthale in 2002, | met a person called Gunasena Thenabandu, who was the DIG in charge of the Police Higher Training Institute, which is now 24 THE LANCELOT | SEPTERA EDITION called the Police Academy. This is the institution where advanced training courses are conducted for the higher-ranking police officers. He invited me to jo Training Institution. Generally, Police Officers like to work in the field, but I accepted the invitation and got transferred, there. Back then, many people asked me why I took this transfer when I should have continued the field work, including criminal investigations and traffic management. Yet, that transfer changed my life. Now I'm an LLB graduate. Ihave an LLM, I'm an attorney at law, and I have been, offered a Ph.D. by British American University in Florida. | have visited over 40 countries and have followed courses in nearly 20 countries. | have served in two UN missions. Also, | have been a lecturer in various higher education institutes such as the University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Law College, and the Police Academy. So yes, | believe that transfer changed my life for the better. As an aspiring leader of Sri Lanka who works hard for the betterment of our motherland, what aspects do you think should change in the Youth community today. The biggest issue among the youth community today is the usage of drugs. Drugs have become a. huge disaster at the school level, University level. and even institutional level. | believe it’s the responsibility of the youth not to use drugs and, prevent their friends from using drugs. Apart from that, the youth should practice five concepts in order to become good leaders. Those are; punctuality, integrity, efficiency, discipline, and finally, no one is above the law. Especially when you are punctual, you have to work intime, not on time. It means if | ask you to come at 9.30 and youcome exactly at 9.30 that is on time, but if you come at 9.25 that is in time. This is a very valuable concept. If you can practice these concepts, you can easily achieve your goals. You may face disturbances and challenges, but you can overcome all of them if you have knowledge ‘and courage. As a significant personality in Sri Lanka Police, our fellow Leos would like to know what you think about the Leo Club Program. And of course, is there any advice for us? I have the pleasure of attending this program, especially because | believe that you will enhance the youth's knowledge, skills, and attitudes. These are some of the main qualities of a good leader. Knowledge is power, an ornament, and a weapon. If you have knowledge everyone will respect you, and you can defeat your enemies using your knowledge as a ‘weapon. Then, with knowledge and skills, you have to change your attitudes. We are living in a global village, and it’s changing. There are new laws as well as new drugs, criminal activities, and methods of criminals. Therefore, you have to be updated. Last but not least, everyone must respect our motherland. These programs will enhance knowledge skills and attitudes and the leas of our youth. The Leo Club a benefit to the whole nation. PAGE THE LANCELOT | SEPTERA EDITION 25 LEO FACTS iD dar ced ec aslo ee er haan Mer 2. Who is the District Vice President of Leo District 306 A2? eM eur CD Suter sed eel rg Pe ea nat CR anaes scl ed eRe 5. Whois the Immediate Past President of Leo District 306 A2? ear ae lo Miare ol CNRS akc eae 2d Lion Buddhika Ratnayaka PMJF MAF PAD oC see sere ede ace P cd Da eid 8. What is the Logo of the Leo District 306 A2 for the year 2021-22? fg a 26 bate Neko gia 0 Lo} "TO BE ‘IN CHARGE’ IS CERTAINLY NOT ONLY TO CARRY OUT THE PROPER MEASURES YOURSELF BUT TO SEE THAT EVERYONE ELSE DOES SO TOO.” Known as ‘The Angel of Crimea’ or the ‘Lady with the Lamp’, Florence Nightingale was a revolutionary figure in nursing. During the Crimean War, more soldiers were dying from infections than from battle injuries. Nigh unsanitary conditions at a British hospital, working night and day to reduce the death count by two thirds. gale and a team of nurses greatly improved the Later on, Queen Victoria rewarded Nightingale’s work by presenting her with an engraved brooch and a $250,000 prize. Florence decided to invest the money in building the St. Thomas’ Hospital and within it, the Nightingale Training School for Nurses. As Nightingale ascended the ranks, she became a popular role-model for many young women, inspiring them to take on nursing. The fact that we have a nursing profession today is, in large part, thanks to Nightingale’s dedication and commitment to serve others. INTERNATIONAL DAYS OF koa) JANUARY PU aa Meet Parker. DAY O. Sete a rcrenaereraemene [say Home Days oy eee min Est O7 Dave * DAY8 DE UN Ergo esd atin, ean uel eve eens ‘enn ting any ram har Wreestmaetete sg aya dy end COV ‘cet pe MN Via Minnesota Department of Health PAGE THE LANCELOT | SEPTERA EDITION 27 KNIGHT OF THE MONTH STB 3-0 Woy Sa ER UEY WH Your energy and creativity as a new Knight have always impressed us. You have been an innovative thinker ever since you joined the Knights family. Your enthusiasm to step out of the box and do things in a unique way. Therefore, you are recognized as the Knight of the month. We believe you will take up the responsibility of helping those in need to your heart. We hope you will continue your good work and make the entire Knights family proud. In recognition of the most dedicated team members of the Knights family. & y Finance Team Event Management Editorial Team Marketing Team SP, Project Management ‘THE LANCELOT | SEPTERA EDITION _ Ny | DITOR'S NOT SK v NUCL CEN \ 5 = & Ca Le Ce aL Sey Sees eRe eC aCe CR saat editorial team, we are glad to bring you this amazing masterpiece with PU eC ee eT (oa ot) Lancelot, | have gained many valuable experiences that empowered ROCCO Cin Lt eae ace eo el Cun) COD Cu Ce a ee OR CM ey eee DE CLC Cu en ao C Cea ce] from reading. The refreshing content we have compiled in these pages Pee ese en ee eRe eee Oe Ce ee ee ed) Senior DIG Mr. Ajith Rohana, who has received massive adoration and Pee Le determination towards my own life goals. Apart from that, the interesting conversation we had with the General Manager/ CEO of Sri Lanka's leading savings bank, the National OEE OC eee Caeser have many things to learn about the banking sector of Sri Lanka. eo Ce eee eR eC ei) COC RCP eae ae lam proud to be associated with this magazine as an editor. This Teme UCR ee Oe emacs Being an editor myself, | know how hard Team Lancelot works to produce this amazing work. The energy of my team itself inspires me to work even harder. | invite all of you to join this journey with Team eee Be eee PER ed Liao koa aie * TEAM Pee Canc Coe a Resa er aa rTS DESIGNER Peete) MANAGING EDITOR Pee Rn cy Tete UiecoLeL DIU LANCELOT Ee) Pere CRC) DOWN R LoL ath) eee eet [Thro Tmo TALL) MAIN CONTRIBUTORS et ry Pee Bos eee Ea) Leo Dihansi Amanethmi Perey fener pera) bi ae yo Ko Esato] “44S ONE IN o SERVICE AS ONE IN SERVICE ney F SannniZo i) a ba VG Ps Lee “e (en ame nares OPM ara © - @LCCK_II @ - Leo Club of Colombo Knights eee arenes

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