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YEAR 2021/2022




DATE : 9th FEBRUARY 2022 DURATION : 2.00PM – 4.30PM



NAME Tok You Seng


Question no. Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
CLO 1 2 3 4
Marks 25 25 25 25 100 50%


1) Do not put different questions in the same page. Start new question on a new page.

2) Do not change the page margin (2.5cm top/bottom, 2.5cm left/right).

3) Make sure that you are using Times New Roman 12-pt, 1.5cm spacing, Justified paragraph.

4) Save the final answer sheet as: BBMK2203_STUDENT ID_V1_FINAL

- Answer starts in next page -



Question 1

From this article, the consumers who claimed to support sustainability and environment
conservation are often not able to translate their intention into their action is because some of
organic products may be charge a higher or extra cost as the gimmick of “Eco-friendly" or
"sustainable". The example from the article is spend $20 to use reusable beeswax instead of
plastic wrap to keep your food fresh.

The second is the quality and price of the green products. For example, the MIT
Sloan Management Review stated that the consumers are forced to choose between product
attributes or helping the environment. The green product is normally more expensive the non-
eco-friendly product and the quality actually is almost same.

The third is consumer afraid of accidentally buying the greenwashing product with
an unreasonable price. This is because the U.S. economy does not regularly impose a price on
pollution. In this situation even consumer had the environmentally conscious, but they still not
confident for purchase because the government not had a proper regulation for the green product
in the market.


Question 2

Carbon footprint can be defined as the total greenhouse gas emission caused by a product, and
it is expressed as carbon dioxide equivalent, C02eq. This unit signifies the global warming
impact caused by same amount of CO2. When it comes to banking card, human would measure
the amount of greenhouse gases emitted during the whole lifecycle and which including the
material, manufacturing, transportation, and end of life disposal.

There have some of the sources of carbon footprint is shown as below.

First and foremost are vehicles or transportation. It is one of the sources of carbon
footprint, because cars and the other vehicles such as motorcycle, bus, ships, airplane and so on
are based on the combustion of fossil fuels. Over the 90 percent of the fuel used for the
transportation is petroleum based and which includes primarily gasoline and diesel. In this case,
during the combustion process, those vehicles will produce a lot of CO2 and it will release into
the air and in directly it causes air pollution. Nowadays, almost everyone has at least one car as
their transportation, even one household will have two or more cars. They depend on own
vehicle rather than public transport in order to win the convenience. So, even just a small
distance, people also use the car instead for the walking or riding a bike. This behaviour is
extremely harmful since it implies the emission of large amounts of CO2 and therefore
significantly contributes to an increase in the carbon footprint.

Other than that, for the vehicles-ships, it also can be as one of the reasons for the
emission of CO2 and the sources of carbon footprint. This is because, there have many ships
are used to carry a large amount of food and the other goods over quite long distances. For
example, most of the people in Malaysia, they prefer on purchase the Taobao due to the lower
products price. At here, those goods will be ocean shipping or air transport from China to
Malaysia. So, long distance shipping goods leads to the emission of large amounts of CO2 since
most of the ships are run by fossil fuels.

Second sources of carbon footprint are the residential and commercial (energy). There
have high percentage of the electricity which is used by the residential and commercial or
factory (which excluding the agricultural and industrial). Nowadays the advance technology


will cause the energy consumption are increasing because people likely to be dependent on the
electricity. Even though people get a lot of benefit and convenience from technological progress,
but at the same time it also means that increase in electricity consumption and increase
greenhouse gases since for the generation of electricity. This is due to the reason that, there
required a large number of coals and CO2 which will released into the air through the
combustion process.

On the other hand, for the residential, it also occupies most resulting of carbon footprint.
Heating, ventilation and air conditioning, lighting, and other appliances, those will produce a
large amount of electricity. For example, people always like to switch on the fan or air-
conditioner and lighting anytime. When raining, people also switch on the air-conditioner. Not
only that, when people they go out, they also did not have a habit on switch off the fan and light
to reduce the electricity consumption. The other example is the fossil fuel combustion for
cooking needs.

In addition, agriculture also are the sources of carbon footprint. Some of the
agricultural activities such as crop and livestock production for food will contribute to emission
in many ways. According to the research, for the livestock especially for ruminants such as
cattle, during their normal digestive processes, it will produce methane. This process is defined
as enteric fermentation. Additionally, different manure treatment and storage methods affect
the quantity of greenhouse gases produces. The ways in manure from livestock also leads to
CH4 and N2O emissions. In the production of meat, it also will be produced plenty of CO2
and other greenhouse gases like methane and those will release into the air. For example, beef
is one of the largest contributors because one kilogram of beef has the same amount of emission
as driving the car about 160 miles. Actually, it is impossible on eliminating meat, but people
can reduce meat intake.

Lastly sources of carbon footprint are land-use change and forestry. Plants absorb
carbon dioxide CO2 from the atmosphere as they grow, and they also storage some of this
carbon as aboveground and belowground biomass throughout their lifetime. CO2 is exchange
between the atmosphere and the plants and the land/soils. For example, the cropland become
into grassland, and it cultivated fir crops. Plus, when people using the biological feedstocks
such as energy crops or wood for electricity generation, it may lead to emissions.


There have some of the ways to reduce carbon footprint at home is shown as below.

Firstly, the ways to reduce carbon footprint at home is switch to renewables energy.
Nowadays, energy providers are offering greener tariffs. By switching to a company that
provides electricity from solar, wind, or hydroelectric energy, we can reduce your household
emissions and save money on energy bills. I possible, we also can be installing solar panels on
where we live.

Second is use the public transport. Next is reduce the beef and dairy intake.
especially if it is not locally produced. The production of beef and dairy on large farms produces
a large amount of greenhouse gases.

In addition, we can improve the home energy efficiency by insulating and sealing it
properly. For example, people can utilize weather stripping and caulking to
ensure windows, doors, and skylights do not have air leaks. In addition, using energy efficient
appliances especially furnaces, air conditioners, and refrigerators, can reduce emissions that
contribute to a carbon footprint. Plus, we also can upgrading incandescent light bulbs to
fluorescents or LEDs is also a way to reduce emissions, along with setting thermostats to an
appropriate level.

Other than that, the ways to reduce the carbon footprint at home is we use the less water.
It takes energy and resources to process and deliver water to home. So, by using less it can help
the environment and lower your carbon footprint. For example, try turning off the taps when
brushing your teeth, having short showers rather than baths, and only boiling the water you
need. Additionally, we also can be useless hot water. For instance, we can try install a low-
flow shower head and washing the clothes in cold or warm water instead of hot water.

The last ways are change our diet. The food we eat can have a significant impact on
the environment. For example, meat and dairy products require a lot of land, water, and energy
to produce. They also create a lot of methane, a greenhouse gas. The most important is the food
shipped from overseas uses a lot more resources than local produce. In this case, we can eat
fewer animal products especially red meat or choosing plant-based diet and shopping for locally
sourced food.



The first IMC tool available for branding campaigns is advertising. Advertising has
always been an effective way to communicate quickly with large audiences. Although it can be
expensive, it is the most effective long-term because of its wide coverage. The goal of
advertising is to consolidate the personality of a global brand and communicate its message to
mass consumers quickly and convincingly. This form of integrated marketing communication
has a variety of mediums to choose from, depending on the brand and its audience. For example,
advertisements appear in print, posters, television, radio, and all over the Internet.

The second is direct marketing. Direct marketing is an integrated marketing

communication that focuses on presenting a brand message only to those with similar interests.
Although direct selling has the characteristics of mass advertising, its exploitation of the target
market makes it easier to achieve brand goals. The communication approach focuses on the
greater need for customer communication. That's why direct marketing methods include
telemarketing, EDM marketing, brochures, and online targeted display advertising.

The third is digital marketing. In this current technology-driven environment, using

the internet and other digital media as a way to promote your brand is a no-brainer. With such
a wide range of marketing strategies, from EDM, SEO, blogging, sponsorships, and more,
brands have tons of options to best target their audiences. For example, at 2020 Mercedes-Benz
partnered with League of Legends to promote its A- and B-Class vehicles. With tailored videos,
content and imagery, they are able to effectively promote their brand through advertising on
streaming platforms and YouTube.

Lastly is the sales promotion. There are two main categories of sales promotions used
for integrated marketing communications. One is a consumer-facing promotion, a tool designed
to increase sales to existing customers and entice new customers to "try." The second is a trade-
oriented promotion, which focuses on selling more company-branded products than other
brands, forcing them to order more from a single seller. For example, fashion brand Calvin
Klein (CK) is known for using customer- and trade-oriented sales techniques to drive sales.
With their heavy brand presence, they are able to promote any discount and get valuable


Question 3 (b)

First and foremost is make the marketing brief. Creating a marketing brief is key to
developing a new product as it is the starting point for every project. The more detailed, the
easier to use. Product and packaging requirements such as product category, desired features,
colour, texture, size, etc. are included in the marketing brief. For the concept of green marketing,
the team should research the materials, ingredients or ingredients used in each cosmetic product.

Next is product formulation. Nowadays, the scientists can study cosmetic

formulations as requested by marketing briefs and analyse each claim and create several
prototypes for comparison. Evaluate concentrations, allergens, chemical reactions or costs to
comply with requirements and ensure product safety. For the concept of green marketing, the
team has to ensure that the chemical reaction is safe and every ingredient is effective, such as
fatty acids, MCT coconut oil, and so on.

Third cosmetic life cycle is raw material and packaging sources. When the
formulations is complete, the team needs to select raw material and packaging suppliers. Upon
request of a marketing brief, scientists can start cosmetic formulations and analyse each claim
and create several prototypes for comparison. Evaluate concentrations, allergens, chemical
reactions or costs to comply with requirements and ensure product safety. Under this product
life cycle, the concept of green design is that every ingredient used should be listed on the back
of the cosmetic product. Additionally, the team can place a “natural” logo or 100% pure
keywords on product packaging.

Fourth is packaging artwork design. Once a packaging supplier has been selected, the
artwork design can begin. The team had to design the product packaging. Packaging is the first
thing consumers see and read about a product. Text, colours, graphics, carefully selected
according to the requirements of the outer packaging and marketing brief. For green design,
packaging artwork design can be based on green or natural colours.

Fifth is quality and compliance. In order to launch, products must be safe to use and
comply with regulations for commercialization. Several quality tests, such as microbiology,


toxicology, stability testing, must be performed to demonstrate product safety. For green design,
cosmetic companies can release their product certificates to the public.

Lastly is the product final validation. When each steps of the new product
development have been checked and approved, team can be started to check. The final product
is reviewed to ensure its conformity with the initial marketing brief.


Question 4 (a)

The first way that the green marketer can apply to practice socially responsible
marketing is foster the legal behaviour. For example, follow the regulation of green product
by government to make sure was not in greenwashing.

Second is the ethical behaviour. Companies need to develop corporate marketing-

ethics policies. For example, the guidelines that cover advertising standards, distribution,
customer service, pricing.

The third is social behaviour. Create the awareness to support environmental-related

course of a society for the local community.


Question 4 (b)

The first factor is that the demand for eco-friendly products is not as high as
conventional products. The solution starts with our buying behaviour. For example, instead
of paying 20 cents for a plastic straw when we go to a shopping mall with a reusable bag, we
use a metal straw instead of a plastic one. In the long run, this will lead to consumers choosing
more green products than non-green products on department store shelves.

The second is the hidden cost of green environmental protection. For example, the
cost of organic certification is high, another reason companies may need to keep prices high to
stay afloat. The solution is consumer should support and purchase to the product from the
company who are produce the green product as possible, in order to stimulate the other company,
join the ‘green’ ranks.

Third is high manufacturing costs. For example, the it’s not cheap for organic cotton
to make clothes as opposed to regular cotton. This because, they have to hire more workers to
do the weeding and cleaning for growing the cotton. The solution is just purchasing the product
was eco-friendly and substitutable in order to increase the green product demand and let the
company mass production it to reduce the manufacturing cost and sell with a lower price.

Last is the prices might be self-sabotaging. Some companies are actually

greenwashing but they stated their product is eco-friendly to make huge profits. The solutions
we can do as consumers besides buying these products is help to spread awareness about
distinguish the real green product with the reasonable price and the benefit and responsibility
to purchase the green product.

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