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FORM 4/202I

JULY 2021


1. These assessment consists of 4 parts. Read all

parts carefully. Answer all the questions in Google
Form link provided.


Questions 1 - 10
Read the text below and choose the best word for each space. For each question, mark the correct
letter A, B, C or D in your google form.

Why is it that some chldren become successful while (0) others do not? Experts say that
love ….……….. (1) an important part. Children who grow up with love and know that they are loved
seemed to survive well. Another important point noted was that children …………… (2) grew up in
families where they were praised tried to live up to their parents’ expectations. Positive
abilities …………… (3) emphasised in the children so much so that these children grew up confident
and could focus on their strengths.
Children’s interests and hobbies should be …………… (4) . Self-esteem and faith in their
abilities make children feel good about themselves. . A study proved that …………… (5) children
had a special interest or activity. They bounced back to an active life because of their interest in
things around them. Children also need good friends. …………… (6) parents should encourage
children to relate to a good friend, a supportive relative or teacher. Some children find it hard to
reach out to others, so parents can help the children by …………… (7) them to gain added strength
from an outside source.
If parents are open to the world and community, they …………… (8) the children that the world
is a friendly place. In this way, they help the children to find people who will enrich their lives. Parents
must instill a sense of responsibility in the children. They ……………. (9) about cooperation and
confidence from chores or a part time job. Children need to feel that they are important ……………
(10) something real that they can contribute. A positive environment at home helps a great deal to
give the stepping stone to children to become more successful.

0. A if B so C what D while

1. A play B plays C played D playing

2. A who B whom C whose D which

3. A is B was C are D were

4. A grown B cleared C avoided D encouraged

5. A resilient B reserved C humble D dull

6. A However B Moreover C Therefore D Besides

7. A allowing B forcing C making D using

8. A expose B teach C learn D provide

9. A study B know C gain D learn

10. A across B above C with D of


Questions 1-6

You are going to read a story about the impact of dedicated people on others. Six sentences have
been removed from the story. Choose from the sentences A to H the one which fits each gap
(1 to 6). There are two extra sentences which you do not need to use.

Inspiring Others

She was just an ordinary lady. I met her on one of my trips out of town. She called herself
Tammy and she never gave me more information about herself. But she worked tirelessly. Nothing
was too much for her.
I was amazed at Tammy’s energy. She was not young. 1 Her eyes really twinkled with
love and happiness. She walked with a sprightly step that did not reflect her age.
Of course there were things she would never tolerate and the staff received some hard
comments when they were harsh to the people there. 2 Once a man came to drop off his
mother and appeared unsympathetic to the mother’s pleading look. Tammy told him off sharply.
“What goes around comes around, young man. Be good to your mother now”. The man flinched
and spoke more lovingly to his mother.
I have always wondered what brought Tammy into my life. She brought meaning and wealth to
my poor life. 3 I realised then that sometimes people come into our lives and we know right
away that they were meant to be there. They help us figure out who we are or who want to become.
And sometimes things happen to us that may seem horrible, frightening and unfair at first. But
later we find that without overcoming those obstacles we would have never realised our potential,
strength, willpower or heart. 4
Many people we meet will affect our lives in some ways. Our personalities are shaped by all
these encounters. Don’t look back to past events for we cannot change anything. 5 . Those
incidents were meant to be. h
os become.
In addition, the success and downfalls we experience help to create us into who we
6 . In fact, they are probably the most poignant and important ones. They give us a rough
time but they shape and mould us.

A There is much to be learned from the bad E It is no use regretting what happened in our
experiences past
B She made me think and she made me care F We must not have bad experiences at all in
our lives
C We really need to go through those obstacles G Her face was creased with lines but somehow
to make us better people she had that smile that really lit her face

D She loved the comforts of a neat and modern H If she saw disarranged papers or rubbish
home around, someone was going to get a verbal
lashing for sure


We interviewed six youths about travelling. Read the texts below and answer the questions that


Overseas travel has been few and far between for my family but I’ve cherished all
the times we’re fortunate enough to go. I love exploring historical cities and
landmarks leisurely to truly appreciate their beauty and rich culture. It’s also exciting
to meet new people and immerse myself in a different culture, even though it is just
for a few days.

I wasn’t very excited about being stuck on a floating hotel for over a week. The room
was cramped. There were two double-decker beds and there wasn’t even a window.
I felt trapped. The only time I was able to breathe easy was when I was dining in the
grand dining hall or walking on the deck.

For me, travelling offers the opportunity to rest and rejuvenate. It’s a moment to step
away from my normal life. A break from my daily routine helps to re-energize me.
Importantly, I feel recharged once I get back to my daily life.

Whether it’s a coach tour, guided city tour, safari, backpacking holiday or even a
staycation, adventure is waiting to be had. If you’re game to push yourself out of
your comfort zone, you’ll approach all aspects of your life like an adventure.
Embrace your adventure spirit to make life more interesting.

Last year, I went on my first backpacking holiday with my cousins. It wasn’t easy
because we had to do everything by ourselves. For instance, getting around using
public transportation, eating at local restaurants or shopping at grocers were tough
when you don’t know the language. It was scary at first but I did it so I could have
an enjoyable time.

I’ve never travelled overseas yet. I’ve been saving for a long time to go on one after
my examinations. A solo trip is something we should do at least once in our lifetime
as a personal challenge. It’s a great opportunity to learn about ourselves.

Questions 1-4
Which paragraph (A-F) describe the following experiences about travelling.

Statements Paragraph

1. I understood people’s way of life. _______

2. I felt well-rested. _______

3. I don’t enjoy cruises. _______

4. I learnt to be more independent. _______

Questions 5-8
Complete the notes below using the information from the text. Choose no more than one word
from the passage for each answer.

 Take time to expore the sights: this is one way to experience a new (5)……….

 Travelling (6)………… is an opportunity to challenge and learn more about yourself.

 Travelling encourages the spirit of (7)………………..

 Not knowing the (8)…………of the country you are visiting is only an obstacle if you let

it become one.


Read the sentences below. What do the word in bold mean? Match them with the definitions from
A- J.


Sentences Definitions

1. Did Samantha mention where she was going? __________

2. Whenever I have problem, I go to my friend, Olivia.

She’s very reliable. ___________

3. Hey you! Keep off the grass! ___________

4. I overcame my horror and took out my sketch book. ___________

5. We put out the fire before we left camp. ___________

6. First, the boys whispered to me, then they winked to Damien. ___________

A. Delay doing something

B. Can be trusted when for help or support

C. Stop something from burning

D. Make somebody understand something

E. Talk informally , usually with a friend

F. To make it difficult or impossible for somebody to see

G. Prevent somebody/something from coming near or touching

H. Not moving

I. To successfully control a feeling

J. To quickly close and open are eye as a signal

The questions end here.

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