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AIR 22 CSE 2019

1. Try to break down topic>>> progress with each sections

Example- “To be successful in Mens world, Women must be more man than men”>>>
a. Mens worlds
b. More man than men
2. Insert other main dimensions within this framework
Example- Insert Issues for women in mens world after defining what constitutes mens
3. Try to contradict the topic>>>rather just give opposite side viewpoint
Example- in above essay, talk about ‘Womens world’ where men need to be more
women than woman
4. In solution- Give supportive roles of other actors:
Example- in above essay- need of men support for woman to be more man
5. You can use ANALOGY to illustrate any concept.

 Safe References which can be used for explaining points:

o Greek legends like Odessey and Iliad explains….. (explain any concept like
heroism, etc in flowery language)
o Debate between Gargi and Yajnavalkya in Chandogya Upanishada and Yoga
Yajnavalkya (mostly philosophy of soul, heaven, reality)
 Examples to use:
o Human Evolution- ability to walk, speak
o Earth and its evolution- sustaining life since 4.3 billion yrs
o Indian Freedom struggle- its timeline
o Indian Constitution
o Lifestyle approach- child, adolescene, youth, woman, old
o Constitutional dimensions like WE, THE PEOPLE OF INDIA
o Solutions can be written as Development, Empowernment, Participation,
o Climate Change
o Ferdinand Magellan- circumnavigation of earth
 Books
o ‘The conquest of hapiness’ by Bertrand Russell
o ‘The war and Peace’ by Leo Tolstoy
o ‘The woman in cages’ by Vilas Sarang
o ’48 laws of power’ by Robert Greene
o ‘The consolation of philosophy’ by Boethius
o ‘Start with why’ by Simon Sinek
o ‘Grit: the power of passion and persevernece’ by Angela Duckworth
o ‘the measure of a Man’ by Gene Getz
o The Triumph of Death (1562) by Pieter Bruegel the Elder - reflects the social
upheaval and terror that followed the plague, which devastated medieval Europe
AIR 22 CSE 2019

o ‘India’s Founding Moment: The Constitution Of India’s Most Surprising

Democracy’ by Madhav Khosla

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