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Se caracteriza por utilizar verbos relacionados con la percepció n (Verbos Intransitivos) como
por ejemplo: say (decir),  think (pensar),  suppose (suponer),  know  (saber / conocer) ,
expect (esperar), consider (considerar), entre otros.

A diferencia de la Voz Pasiva Personal, donde el objeto directo de la oració n activa pasa a
ocupar el lugar de sujeto en la oració n pasiva -para lo cual es necesario un verbo transitivo ,
en la Voz Pasiva Impersonal, al utilizar verbos intransitivos como acció n principal, no existe
objeto que pueda cumplir esa funció n y es necesario seguir la siguiente estructura:


It is said Se dice

It is known Se sabe

It is supposed Se supone

It is considered Se considera

It is reported Se informa

It is thought Se piensa

It is decided Se decide

People believe that the strike will continue for a week. (Presente)
It is believed that the strike will continue for a week.
The police reported that there was a bomb on the plane. (Pasado)
It was reported that there was a bomb on the plane.

A partir de esta construcció n se puede llegar a una siguiente pasiva, en la cual el sujeto
principal será el sujeto de la pasiva. El verbo de la segunda frase aparecerá en infinitivo o
infinitivo perfecto.
 They say that the boss had sent the letter.
 It is said that the boss had sent the letter.
 The boss is said to have sent the letter.
Everyone thinks that the ship will arrive tomorrow morning.
 It is said that the ship will arrive tomorrow morning.
 The ship is said to arrive tomorrow morning.

My whole family thinks that ghosts exist. (Fijaos en los dos verbos)
It is thought that ghosts exist.
Ghosts are thought to exist
1. People think that money is the most important thing in life.
It is thought that money is the most important thing in life.
Money is thought to be the most important.
2. Specialists said that the business was not good. Fijaos: El primer verbo está en
pasado It was said that the business was not good.
The business was said not to have been good.
3. Children said that the rock star had only sung three songs.
4. Astronauts confirm that the rocket was broken.
5. Some people believe that the prisoner has had second chances.
6. My boss expects that the job will be done soon.
7. The witness admitted that the crime had happened in front of him.
8. A lot of children think that Santa Claus is real.
9. The bodyguards assume that the fight was a trap.
10. The police proved that the thieves stole the money.
11. Politicians believe that the global warming is dangerous.
12. The company reported that the new models will be totally made in Madrid.
13. The NASA confirms that the space shuttle fell into the Pacific Ocean.
14. The country expects that the workers finish the stadium before the World Cup.
15. They assume that the security system failed.

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