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Toi khéng ddng y [Vige mién hoe phi dai hoc duge cho 14 ¢6 loi, nhung suy nghi nay khéng hyp ly] * Ychinh Mot sé ngudi cho ring nén min hhgc phi dai hoc. + Giai thich Cir nhan dai hoe, dc bigt la gui cé hoan cénh kho khan, sé dB tim duge co hoi vige lam, * Phan bign: Suy nghi nay [a sai * Giai thich Qua nhiéu cir nhan 6 thé lam tang t 18 that nghiép tré. Toi khéng déng y Ivigc mién ngc phi dai noc sé anh hung xdu toi hoc sinh va xa hdid * Ychinh Anh hung xAu t6i thanh tich hoc tap cia sinh vign * Giaithich Hign nay, da sé sinh vién phaity tra hhge phi, nén ho sé hoc nghiém tic. Do vay, bé hoc phi 06 thé khién ho theo’ v6i vige hoc va mat di dong Ivo, tir d6 din d&n két qua hoc tap giam sit. 22| HOW TO CRACK THE IELTS WRITING TEST ~ VOL 1 higher education attendance (n) * attend university (v}: di hoc dai hoc * pursue teritary education (v): theo hoc dai hoc + embark on formal university education (uv): Bat dau vige hoc dai hoo be entitled to free university (v) + pursue college without fee (v): hoc dai hoc mién phi + subsidize college education (v): h6 tro hoc phi dai hoc + wholly subsidize tertiary education (v): hi tr hoain toan gido duc bac ca0 + make university free of charge (v): min hg¢ phi dai hoc * tuition exemption (n): vig mién hoc phi + abolition of university tuition (n) vig mién hoc phi dai hoc influx of graduates (n) sty vibe dihge dai hoc Inmany countries, youngsters, are often encouraged to take @ gap year before embarking on their formal university education. ste co quydn hoe dai hoe min phi ‘Whether all students should be entitled to free university still arouses much controversy. YH sé lwong sinh vién tt nghiep ‘The summer months always see a large influx of enthusiastic graduates, fresh from universities and business schools across Vietnam; looking to establish their career path and land their ideal first job. CHAPTER 1— EDUCATION | 23 students’ academic performance (n) + deteriorating performance (n}: thanh tich hoc tap giam sit undergraduate (n) apply oneself to sth (v) “ J 4 24 HOW TO CRACK THE IELTS WRITING TEST ~ VOL 1 hr thanh tich hoc t4p cia sinh vien ‘There is no doubt that teachers have substantial impacts on their students’ academic perfomance and life-long success. ‘He sinh vin dai hoe (chura tt nghiép) In 2010, 2 full-time undergraduate program was started as part of the University’s planned expansion. Hr lam vic gl rt nghiem tac ‘The race for the White House begins in earnest today. HE chuyén tam lam vige gi ‘Anybody can succeed, if they apply themselves. Exercise 1: Find a suitable term that matches the following defini 11. student who is studying for their first degree at a college or university: 2. special permission not to do or pay something: 3. do something seriously 4, student study results... 5. work hard at something: Exercise 2: Choose the correct alternative for the words or phrases in bold. 1. provide free university education A. exempt B. abolish 2, start university education A. embark B. attend 3. poor study result A. dwindle B. deteriorating 4. alarge number of undergraduates A. amount B. influx C. subsidize C. pursue C. decrease C. data CHAPTER 1— EDUCATION | 25 SAMPLE Higher education attendance, undoubtedly, has been a vital determinant of economic growth, However, the costs of attending university, which have escalated in recent years, has 6rigenidered somelvalid/concems. A’School of tHoUahit holds that students, irrespective of their financial status, should be/entitled to/ftee University. This essay is going to prove that subsidizing college education will dolmore harm tial Good Its understandable why some people SUBSCTIBEILG the view that students should be allowed to pursue College Without fee. Proponents of tition exemption may argue that this practice will enable more students, especially theldisadvantaged, to pursue tertiary education, which iS/é6rdUEIVE!E their employment opportunities. However, flux Of Graduates into the labour market is this thinking is flawed, since the larger actually alprimiaty driving fore8 Behind the rising youth unemployment. Therefore, it is apparent that wholly subsidizing tertiary education is counter-productive to job guarantee, Another pronoUNIGed drawback is that the’ abolition of university tuition may fake"aitoll Oi students’ academic performance. As today most Undergraduates have to pay for their education, they aFS\inGlinedit6 study in earnest and apply themselves to getting good grades. Therefore, were this financial obligation to be dispensed with, students could Belindifferentit6 their study and lose the lé to work hard, For example, they may skip classes or miss exams because they feel that failing does not cost them anything. These behaviors obviously may lead to deteriorating performance and students would fail benefit from their education, In conclusion, | believe that alloting/State funding to make University tree of charge does not seem a good idea. 271 words, written by Phuong Dang 26 HOW TO CRACK THE IELTS WRITING TEST ~ VOL 1 TRANSLATION Vige hoe dai hoc chic chén 43 va dang la mot quyét din séng cén cba bing truéng kinh t8. Tuy nhién, chi phi hoc dai hoc leo thang trong nhimg nam gan day da d&n «an mot s6 quan ngai c6 co sé. Mét trvéng phai cho rang sinh vién, khong ké én tinh trang tai chinh, nén duoc quyén hoc dai hoc mign phi. Tuy nhién, bai ludn nay sé ‘ching minh rang viéc try cdp cho gido duc dai hoc sé loi bat cp hai. Cé thé higu duge tai sao mot sé ngudi ing hd quan diém rang sinh vin nén doe phép theo hoe dai hc ma khéng phai tra phi. Nhing ngudi tng ho vige mién hoe phi c6 thé lap luan rang cach thive nay sé cho phép nhiéu sinh vién, dac biét la nhong em: c6 hoan cdnh kho khan, theo dudi giao duc dai hoc, tao didu kién cho co héi viéc lam cia cdc em. Tuy nhién, suy nghi nay van cén thiéu sét, vi lvgng sinh vién tét nghiép tham gia vao thi truéng lao dng nhiéu hon thyc ra lai la Gong Ive chinh yéu dang sau tinh trang that nghigp tr8 dang gia tang. Dodé, r6 rang la vi6c h8 try hodin oan hoc phi dai hoc lai phan tac dung 46i vbi vide bao 6am vigc lam, Mot nhurgs diém 16 la viéc mién hc phi dai hoc c6 thé gay anh hudng xu t6i than tich hoc tap cia sinh vin. Vi ngay nay hau hét sinh vién dai hoc phai tra tién cho viéc hoe t€p clla minh nén cc em 6 xu huéng hoc mot cach nghiém tiie va ty than nd luc a8 dat diém cao, Do dé, néu tréch nhiém tai chinh nay due san ra thi sinh vién c6 thé tr nén tho o voi viéc hoc va mat di d6ng lye hoc tap cham chi. Vi dy, cdc em 6 thé “cup” tét hoa bé bai kidm tra vi cdm thay vide thi truot chang gay mat mat gi Nhiing hanh vi nay r6 rang cé thé din dn thanh tich hoc tap gidim sit va sinh vién sé khéng duoc huéng loi tiv viéc hoe tap. ‘Tom lai, t6itin rng viéc phan bd ng&n sach nha nude 8 mign hoc phi dai hoc 66 v8 kh6ng phai la mot y tung hay. CHAPTER 1— EDUCATION | 27 determinant (n) ‘engender some valid concerns (v) ‘school of thought (n) Irrespective of (prep) do more harm than good (v) fy Something that controls or affects what happens in a particular situation Soil and climate are the main determinants of how land is used. YY to cause some worries ‘The soaring unemployment rate has ‘engenered some valid concerns. Hr set ideas or opinions that a group of people share about a matter ‘One school of thought argues that depression is best treated by drugs. yr without considering Everyone should be treated equally, irrespective of race. ‘yr be damaging and not helpful ‘Modernizing historic buildings can often do more harm than good. 28] HOW TO CRACK THE IELTS WRITING TEST ~ VOL 1 3) subscribe to (v) be conducive to sth (a) driving force behind! for sth (n) fail to do sth (v) take a toll on sth (v) 4 /| [TT TLIIE " to agree with or support an opinion, belief I subscribe to the idea that voting is my civic duty. providing the right conditions for something good to happen or exist ‘Such a noisy environment was not conducive to a good night's sleep. someone or something that has the power to make things happen Making money is the driving force behind most businesses. not to succeed in trying to do something Many school-leavers with qualifications fail to find jobs. to cause harm to something ‘The constant stress takes a heavy toll on emergency room workers. CHAPTER 1— EDUCATION | 29 (i be inclined to do sth (a) Ko be indifferent to sth (a) drive (n) allot sth to sth/ sb (v) to be likely to do something No one was inclined to help. to not thinking about or interested in someone or something strong determination to do or achieve something He has the drive to succeed. to give something, especially a share of something available, for a particular purpose ‘The museum is planning to increase ‘the amount of space allotted to moder art. 30 | HOW TO CRACK THE IELTS WRITING TEST ~ VOL 1 Exercise 1: Find a better expression for the underlined parts among the words listed above. 4. Over the long term, computer addiction can do harm to students’ physical and mental well-being. 2. Happiness will never come to those who cannot appreciate what they already have. 3. The faster the heart beats the more rapidly we may be likely to breathe and the more oxygen we take in. John will be best remembered for his determination and enthusiasm. The board of management did not agree with the new marketing concept. ‘These politicians are not interested in public opinion ‘One major factor of economic success is our ability to control inflation, Consumer spending was the primary reason for economic growth in the festive season. 9. The ambience of this place is favorable for all creative activity. 10. The company will give at least 5 percent of its gross revenues to charity. Exercise 2; Choose the correct alternative for the words or phrases in bold. 1. Learning is wealth to the poor, an honour to the rich, an aid to the young, and a support and comfort to the aged. A. the handicapped B. the disadvantaged —_C. the disabled 2. It seems that family and peer influences play a central role in smoking uptake ‘among young people A. are determinants of B.aredeterminedto —_C. are decisive factors to 3. Schools need to ensure that all pupils, without considering their backgrounds, have an equal opportunity to achieve the attainment targets, A. with respect to B. regardless C. irrespective of CHAPTER 1— EDUCATION | 31

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