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Climate change

Climate change is the biggest environmental issue of our time. Or rather, the cause of climate
change is. We've all heard of climate change. But do we know what its consequences are
Basically, climate change existed before human existence. Climate change refers to long-term
changes in temperatures and weather patterns. These changes can be natural, such as through
variations in the solar cycle or human origin.
Although it is a natural process, what worries us and should worry us: it is the speed of the
changes themselves. Climate change is not limited to warmer summers and stricter winters.
The problems are much bigger than these. So it's not short-term climate change. Its
consequences will last for several and several centuries.
Since the mid-18th century, human activities have been the main driver of climate change,
mainly due to the burning of fossil fuels such as coal, oil and gas. In this way, carbon dioxide
levels in the atmosphere are constantly increasing rapidly and uncontrolled. In addition, since
the industrial revolution, we have used natural resources in an exaggerated and ungoverned
The burning of fossil fuels generates greenhouse gas emissions that metaphorically act as a
retaining plate and does not allow solar heat to disperse throughout the universe and thus the
planet's temperatures increase.
According to the United Nations, the concentration of greenhouse gases is at their highest
levels in 2 million years. And emissions continue to rise. Have we stopped to think seriously
about what our planet will be in 50 years? Honestly, I don't think so. If we as a society don't
change our climate change mindset, who will? Certainly, no one.
As I mentioned earlier, the consequences are not just warmer summers and harsher winters.
For example, severe droughts, water scarcity, severe fires, rising sea levels, floods, melting
polar ice, catastrophic storms and decreased biodiversity are the real consequences of our
actions. From an egocentric perspective of the human being, we may think that we are only
endangering the existence of the other species, but we are wrong completely. We are victims
of ourselves.
Therefore, every temperature increase in global warming matters. In a 2018 UN report,
thousands of government scientists and reviewers agreed that limiting the global temperature
rise to no more than 1.5°C would help us avoid the worst climate impacts and maintain a
habitable climate. However, based on current national climate plans, global warming will reach
2.7°C by the end of the century.
As well as society we have a responsibility to take measures to contribute to reducing the
consequences of climate change. For example, prefer the use of renewable energies, use
public transport, ...
What are you waiting for to change our world?

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