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In the year 2019 a disaster struck the world, Coronavirus. The virus spread a lot
and education had to be taken online because of the schools closing. Online
learning is still one of the most inefficient way of studying because of many

One of the main reasons to this argument is connectivity issues. Poor internet
connections make it hard for students to understand what the teacher is trying
to say. In many countries good internet services are not present putting them
on a huge disadvantage. Electricity problems are not less too. Sometimes the
weather is bad and sometimes there are problems in the main grid. A lot of my
friends face this problem almost everyday and are fed up. Some even stopped
taking online classes because of it.

Another reason for this is that the teacher does not have any control over the
students and they can do whatever they feel like. The students never pay
attention to class but instead most of them are doing other activities without
the teachers knowledge. They are not as attentive and the result always ends
up being the teacher trying as hard as she can but still failing to get the kids to
listen. Examples and proof of this is available all over the internet where kids
accidentally open their cameras and end up being caught doing other things.

Majority of the people that do not agree with this argument will say that the
students cannot call in sick for school which is good but also bad at the same
time. The student will take the class but would not do what he is supposed to
be doing. He/she would not be pressurised to do any work on time. He/she
may use their sickness as an excuse to even skip the online school. The student
will not focus as much because of the problems mentioned above. If that same
student was in physical school, he would have been looked after by the
teachers properly and would complete his work.

In conclusion online learning is very poor. It affects the learning and future of
many students. The students are not focused on what they should be, they are
not supervised properly and their eyesight is getting weaker and weaker just
by looking at a screen for an average of five hours.

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