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Handling Non-Standard Zendesk Requests

Overview :
Any Non-Standard change or Mass updates requests are to be dealth considering the overall impact analysis of the change intended.
It can have varied implication on application and hence needs development team to analyse the impacts & share the feasibility

Request/Scripts changing past data is prohibited by default as it is not recommended from engineering and product perspective. We
should never change past data. Any Such requests should be raised to development team as Change requests jiras.
One of the Reasons to avoid such past data change: Considering example like :
-There are campaigns booked in past with X data, later we change the past data to Y using backend queries. user can come back asking
why that campaign was booked original if data is Y.
In order to maintain consistancy plus integrity of data and audit purposes - we should not be changing past data.
Any Non-Standard change that can impact multiple campaigns or past data, should be approved by development team either over jira or
slack prior to performing any tests for the requested change or committing to the users.

Next Actions for Support :

Support should not proceed based on verbal discussion with any devs

Based on the request received on zendesk, Support should either Suggest PIC to raise a Change request jira for development team or
acquire devs approval over slack in order to analyse the impacts and get the approvals for the required change
Once any non standard change is approved by development team and Support has actioned the change, notify about the actions done
briefly to rest of the support team. This will keep the team informed about the activity.

Example Tickets-

1. Zendesk : #14317
Request : Change in dayParts in US Automation
Support Action : Requested PIC to raise Jira for development team to analyse the impacts: SM-5798
2. Zendesk : 14426
Request : mass update the specialists that are assigned to existing campaigns to the following specialists in UAT instance:
eg- All campaigns that are assigned to specialist KINETIC (Org Id = 273) to new specialist KINETIC (VA) (Org Id = 5429)
Support Action : Requested PIC to raise Jira for development team : SM-5769
3. Zendesk : 14159
Request : updating ExtendedCodes for frames
Support Action: Approvals requested from development team before commiting to execute such changes
Reason : extended code is unique and immutable. It is not good practise and against the design to update such codes. It can impact the
end to end integrations
4. Zendesk #12412
Request : updating ExtendedCodes for frames
Support Action : Raised to Development team on Slack for feasibility of requested change to update the extendedCodes.
It was later agreed that the PIC will manage the request further in coordination with Users and devs.
5. Zendesk : 14673
Request : Allow cross-channel sales in BE Prod and also subsequently allow the creation of multiple lines in the Booking Details section
in the Commercial Page (one per channel as per Invoicing Types)
Support Action : This task required development team to check the impacts and analyze the feasibility. Thus requested the PIC to raise a
Change request Jira for development team

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