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Hey good____, how're you doing?

Im good: Well, I'm glad you're having a (same word they used) day.

How can I help you? Yes ma'am/sir

Pessimistic: Well, hopefully my call will cheer you up a bit

My name is _________ and I'm actually calling to see if i can ask you a quick
question about your property on _________ if that'll be ok
Oh, sorry about that! Well, would you happen to have any real estate or land you
would be open to selling?

I'm calling from 30 day house buyers, is looking to buy a house in that area,
[would you be open to selling yours?]

and just so i am legally on the safe side, am i speaking to the owner of this
property? Excellent

So ma'am/sir, i just have a few very quick questions i would like to ask so we can
get you our highest & best offer.
If we can offer you a price that will work for you, how soon would you like to
sell, 2-3 weeks from now or 2-3 months?

I'm looking at some public records of your house and it says that your property is
___ bedrooms, ___ baths and is roughly about _____ sqft, does that sound about
right to you?

And are you currently renting the property or is it vacant?

Have you remodeled or upgraded any area of the house within the last 5 years?

Any issues or problems or renovations that need to be done on any part of the

How old is the roof?

What kind of foundation does the house have, pier & beam or cement?

Any issues with the foundation?

How long have you owned this property for?

From my understanding, taxes have been getting pretty high in that area, how's that
issue been for you?

Will this be your first time attemtpting to sell the property?

Well ma'am/sir, my last question is, from the notes I have here, it looks like
houses in that area, houses that are similar to yours in size and condition are
selling for cash between ____ thousand and ____ thousand dollars,
[would you consider a offer around that price?]

*Just so you know ma'am/sir, that definetely wasn't our offer, I'm pretty much just
going over some notes I have here in front of me and asking questions as I go along
as quickly as I can to respect your time.
Once we're done with this call, I'm going to text Rod the information I have here
and he's going to put together the best offer he can, so with that being said, when
would be the best time for him to give you a call?

Is there anything else about your property you think i should pass over to Rod?
He's the person that will be making you the offer.

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