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Activity – Task 2 Writing task

Presented to. Andres Felipe Molina

Presented by. Elvis Rodriguez

Electronic Engineering
Group: 90121_2

School of Basic Sciences Technology and Engineering

November 2021
- Students will read an article containing a text and a video and will express their
point of view on this matter in the forum. This is the article:

Climate change is a problem that affects all of humanity, in different ways, but with the
passing of time, it will be a reality from which we will not be able to escape. The example
of polar bears is just one of them.

We can notice it in the high temperatures that we have been feeling on the planet, the
heavy rains, the rise in sea level, the slow but progressive thawing of the glaciers.

It is important to take immediate measures, to counteract this difficult global situation,

the great powers, to a great extent, the greatest causes of this, and all the countries of
the world, commit to a better management of waste, to change to modes of production
that they do not affect the planet, or that, failing that, they do not affect the astronomical
levels that they currently do.

But this does not only depend on large companies, this goes hand in hand with the
actions of each individual, that with a responsible attitude towards nature, great changes
will be achieved..

Once you have done this, you will write a formal letter to a company you consider
is contributing to the pollution of the earth and you will express your opinion and
make a demand to them. Follow this video to guide your writing exercise:
Bogota, Colombia

Monday 15 th November


Mr Felipe Bayon Pardo

Knowing, in advance, the importance of your company for the country's economy,
regarding the work of the hydrocarbon chain: exploration, production, transportation,
refining and commercialization, and recognizing its work in generating employment,
which in the first quarter of 2021 originated around 1278 monthly positions; Through
this letter, I want to call attention to the consequences that their forms of exploitation
cause to the environment.

Taking into account that Ecopetrol SA is ranked 53rd with a contribution of 0.27%
(semana, s.f.) of greenhouse gases, this, in the ranking of the 100 companies that pollute
the most, the call is to study new alternatives for the exploitation of hydrocarbons ,
important products for the development of daily activities. This wake-up call is in order
to avoid reaching legal circumstances.

Thank you for your attention


Elvis Rafael Rodríguez Díaz

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