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Supplementary Material

(Supplementary Material for Lower Intermediate Module)

A) Concept:
When two sentences have a common noun, it is possible to join them in one using relative pronouns.

1) «John Kennedy was one of the youngest presidents in U.S. history».

2) «John Kennedy was shot in Dallas».
«John Kennedy, who was one of the youngest presidents in U.S. history, was shot in Dallas».

B) When to Use the Different Relative Pronoun:

Who: Whom*:
Is used to replace a person that is the subject in both Is used when the common noun is a person that is the subject
sentences: in one sentence and the object of an action in the second
1) «The girl has got cigarettes». (receives the action):
2) «The girl is wearing a short skirt». 1) «Robert de Niro acts both in movies and in plays».
«The girl, who is wearing a short skirt, has got cigarettes». 2) «Many people in the acting business admire him».
«Robert de Niro, whom many people in the acting business
admire, acts both in movies and…

Whose: Which:
Is used to connect two sentences where: the subject of one of
a) Used to replace an object, thing or animal that is subject
them is an object that belongs to the subject of the other
in both sentences:
1) «The door was painted again».
a) The possession is qualified with a possessive adjective:
2) «The door had a lot of graffiti written by students and
1) «Marcela is a teacher.»
2) «Her purse is full of things». (Marcela’s purse)
«The door, which had a lot of graffiti written by students and
«Marcela, whose purse is full of things, is a teacher».
teachers, was painted again».

b) The possession is qualified using the genitive case: b) Used to replace a place :When the verb of the sentence
1) «Charlie Parker was a great saxophone player». you will subordinate is either «to be» or «have» (of
2) «Parker’s nickname was «Birdy». possession):
«Charlie Parker, whose nickname was «Birdy», was a great 1) «Boston is in the East Coast».
saxophone player». 2) «Boston has some prestigious universities».
«Boston, which is in the East Coast, has some prestigious

Where: That:
a) Place where an action is done: This relative pronoun is used to replace the following relative
1) The house is old and creepy. pronouns: who, whom, and which.
2) A nasty lady lives in the house.»
The old house, where a nasty lady lives, is old and «The girl who has tight pants and looks so pretty, is my
creepy». sweetheart».
«The girl that has tight pants and looks so pretty, is my
b) The «to» or «from» of a verb of movement (go, come, take, sweetheart».
arrive, walk, drive, etc):
1) Rapel is a lake near Santiago. «La Serena, which is in the North of Chile, attracts many
2) People go to Rapel to rest. tourists».
«Rapel, where people go to rest, is near Santiago». « La Serena, that is in the North of Chile, attracts many
1) Punta Arenas is a very remote place.
2) I come from Punta Arenas.
«Punta Arenas, where I come from, is a very remote place».

*REMEMBER: Nowadays, «whom» is normally replaced by «who» in all cases, except in some formulaic
expressions, («to whom it may concern»,etc.)

Supplementary Material
I. Choose the correct alternative in cursive:

E.g.: «The cell phone who / that I bought yesterday, is not working.

1) There were 2 chairs who / which needed to be fixed.

2) Maggie, who / whose car isn’t parked properly, is very absent minded.
3) La Serena, which / where is a city in Chile, has a variety of things to do.
4) The teacher who / whom is wearing purple pants and a green shirt, doesn’t know what color
coordination is.
5) I know a place which / where they make the best Sushi in town.
6) James never thought the girl who / whom he disliked so much, would become his wife.
7) Elvis, who / whose pelvic movement is legendary, is The King.
8) Russia is a country where / which has lots of problems.
9) He thought of tricks that / who she already knew: he couldn’t fool her.

II. Join the two sentences given with the correct relative pronoun:

E.g.: « Maggie likes to drive fast.»

«Maggie has bad eyesight.»
Maggie, who likes to drive fast, has bad eyesight.

1) «The executive has to deal with many accounts daily.»

2) « They gave the executive a prize for his excellent performance.»

1) «Chuquicamata is a city of miners.»

2) «Chuquicamata is next to Calama.»

1) «Gabrielle’s dog is White and big».

2) «Gabrielle lives in the suburbs.»

1) «Many people suffer from eating problems in the USA.»

2) «The USA is the most important fast food consumer in the world».

1) «The Animal Protection Society picks dogs from the street»

2) «The Animal Protection Society has chronicle funding problems.»

1) «Geoffrey was the only person in the class to get a 100%.»

2) «Geoffrey studies in average 6 hours a day.»

1) «Conan the Barbarian is a old movie.»

2) «Conan the Barbarian made Scharwzenneger famous.»

1) «Chile is in South America.»

2) «You can find the best wine in Chile.»

1) «Globalization still brings some economic growth.»

2) «Globalization is becoming a complex and unpredictable process.»

Supplementary Material

1) There were 2 chairs who / which needed to be fixed.
2) Maggie, who / whose car isn’t parked properly, is very absent minded.
3) La Serena, which / where is a city in Chile, has a variety of things to do.
4) The teacher who / whom is wearing purple pants and a green shirt, doesn’t know what color
coordination is.
5) I know a place which / where they make the best Sushi in town.
6) James never thought the girl who / whom he disliked so much, would become his wife.
7) Elvis, who / whose pelvic movement is legendary, is The King.
8) Russia is a country where / which has lots of problems.
9) He thought of tricks that / who she already knew: he couldn’t fool her.

1) «The executive has to deal with many accounts daily.»
2) « They gave the executive a prize for his excellent performance.»
The executive, whom they gave a prize…., has to deal with many accounts daily

1) «Chuquicamata is a city of miners.»

2) «Chuquicamata is next to Calama.»
Chuquicamata, which/that is a city of miners, is next to Calama.

1) «Gabrielle’s dog is White and big».

2) «Gabrielle lives in the suburbs.»
Gabrielle, whose dog is white and big, lives in the suburbs.

1) «Many people suffer from eating disorders in the USA.»

2) «The USA is the most important fast food consumer in the world».
The USA, where many people suffer from eating disorders, is the most important fast food
consumer in the world.

1) «The Animal Protection Society picks dogs from the street»

2) «The Animal Protection Society has chronicle funding problems.»
The Animal Protection Society, which/that picks dogs from the street, has chronicle funding

1) «Geoffrey was the only person in the class to get a 100%.»

2) «Geoffrey studies 6 hours a day in average.»
Geoffrey, who/that was the only person in the class to get a 100%, studies 6 hours a day in

1) «Conan the Barbarian is a old movie.»

2) «Conan the Barbarian made Scharwzenneger famous.»
Conan the Barbarian, that/which made Schwarzenneger famous, is an old movie.

1) «Chile is in South America.»

2) «You can find the best wine in Chile.»
Chile, where you can find the best wine, is in South America.

1) «Globalization still brings some economic growth.»

2) «Globalization is becoming a complex and unpredictable process.»
Globalization, that/which is becoming a complex and unpredictable process, still brings some
economic growth.

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