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Ministry of Higher Education

And Scientific Research

University of Al-Qadissiya

College of Education

English Department

Determiners in English

By :
Bariq S. Hassan

Supervisor : Ahmad Mohammad



I dedicate this work to the martyrs who have completed our scientific
career with their blood. I also dedicate this work to my martyr father, who
was hoping to be present to see his son to raise his head high and see the fruit
of his efforts that he wished to see it and I dedicate this work to my beloved
mother who sacrificed with everything to reach me at this stage.

Special thanks for all my teachers who supported me in my scientific
career. And also who helped me in the completion of my research,
Supervisor; Ahmed Mohammed. Thanks for my family who stood and
patient and sacrificed with me to complete my studies.
Finally , I express my warm thanks to my father that I not see him for years
and I miss for him, so I am really grateful to him .

‫‪Verse From Holy Quran‬‬

‫(" يَزْفَعِ اللَّهُ الَّذِيهَ آمَنُوا مِنكُمْ وَالَّذِيهَ أُوتُوا الْعِلْمَ دَرَجَاتٍ وَاللَّهُ بِمَا تَعْمَلُونَ خَبِريٌ " )‬

‫سورة المجادلة اآلية ر ْقم ‪11‬‬

In this linguistic research displays the uses and defines of delimiters ,
Which in the first chapter defines and classifies determiners every gram -
marian has a definition and a special classification of the determiners and I
used in this chapter diagrams to show every types of the determiners .
The second chapter also contains diagram for types of determiners to show
the functions of determiners and their divisions and in this chapter i took
from many source for the linguists to express the different of function for
determiners .


1 Introduction ........................................................................................... 7

2 chapter one ……………………………………………………………10

3 Definitions of Determiners ……………………………………………………..11

4 Classifications of Determiners ………………………………………………….16

5 Chapter Three ………………………………………………………………….. 22

6 Function of Determiners ……………………………………………………….22

7 Conclusion ……………………………………………………………………..26

8 LIST OF RESOURCES ………………………………………………………...27

In the midst of all the nouns, pronouns, adjectives and articles a student is expected to learn,
the determiner is often left by the wayside, untaught or taught incorrectly. The determiner is an
important noun modifier which provides introduces and provides context to a noun, often in terms
of quantity and possession. Determiners in English precede a noun or noun phrase and include
articles, demonstratives, quantifiers and possessives

Determiners in English
There are many different determiners in the English language

Articles are among the most common of the determiners. A, an, and the all express the definiteness
and specificity of a noun

For example, “the” is a definite article, meaning the person using the word is referring to a specific
one. On the other hand, “a” or “an” are indefinite articles

The dog is barking too loudly

A student returned the book

Demonstratives, such as this, that, these and those, require a frame of reference in which an
individual can point out the entities referred to by a speaker or a writer

Do you want this piece of chicken

I don't want to go to that movie

Quantifiers, such as all, few, and many, point out how much or how little of something is being

He took all the books

Few of the children wanted to go to the zoo

When referring to an entity that belongs to another, you can use possessives. My, your, their, and
its are a few examples

Is this your car

The dog growled and showed its teeth

There are many other types of determiners. For instance, cardinal numbers, the numbers that are
written out in English, are also included in the class of determiners. Determiners are generally split
into two groups—definite determiners and indefinite determiners.

Function of a Determiners
A determiner can take on a number of different meanings and roles in a sentence. The determiner is
used in every case to clarify the noun

They may be used to demonstrate or define something or someone

Quantifiers state how many of a thing, in number or expression. A determiner is used to show that
the noun indicated is a specific one (that one), not an unspecific one (any)

They may also state the differences between nouns

While determiners may have a number of other functions, most of them are related to these two key
areas. The list of determiners only numbers about 50 words, and all of these words are commonly
used by most individuals. Determiners are not difficult to get the grasp of when contrasted with
adjectives, and do not take too long for native English speakers to grasp. After all, how many times
have you had trouble deciding whether to say “the” or “a

Determining Determiners
How should you choose which determiner to use? For those who were raised speaking the English
language, determining the determiner to use is second-nature, since determiners are so often used in
front of nouns .Like the basic parts of speech, determiners are so ingrained into the English
language that using them is simple. The same goes for most Indo-European languages (for instance,
Romance languages such as Spanish and the Germanic languages such as German) .However, the
languages of other countries may not use determiners, or may have sets of rules very different than
the English language does. For these individuals, learning how and where to use determiners can be
rather difficult

Determiners and Adjectives
Until recently, English teaching in schools did not take determiners into account. Many determiners
were simply lumped into the category of “adjectives,” which works for some but certainly not for
all .

Adjectives have primarily three functions: they modify noun phrases, or complement the object or
subject of a sentence

The function of a determiner is to express proximity, relationship, quantity, and definitene

Determiners are not gradable as are adjectives. For example, a person may be angry, angrier, or the
angriest. A person can not be “her-est” or “the-est

Determiners are usually necessary (or obligatory) in a sentence, whereas adjectives are no

Adjectives, unlike determiners, cannot have corresponding pronouns

Adjectives and determiners are distinct from one another and cannot simply be lumped into the
same category.

Chapter One

1- Definitions of Determiners

2- Classifications of Determiners

1 . Definitions of determiners

sanghez .(2004:p95). She defined a determiners In modern English grammatical terminology,

determiners are considered to be words that limit or specify the nouns they modify. The most
common examples are articles, demonstratives, possessives, quantifiers and other less easily
classified terms such as all, some and other, which we will refer to as indefinites. Remember that
we have classified the possessives and quantifiers as adjectives or adverbs for exaple:

1- The students are distributed into six groups

(a reference to some specific students).

2-Students need another kind of training

(general, unspecific reference).

Ansell .(2000:p273). She defined a determiners as many determiners can be used either as
adjective or as pronouns when a determiner is used adjective modifying a noun , the determiner
usually preceded any other adjectives modifying the same noun for example:

1 - The mouse is eating the cheese

2 - The mice are eating the cheese

They defined A determiners are words that can occur directly before a noun, tell us a bit more
about that noun, and introduce it. The determiners are underlined in the sentences below, with the
following noun in bold for example:
1. I milked The cow
2. It is Harry’s turn
3. They bought That house
4. John has more money
These sentences have examples of the four major types of determiners: articles, possessives,
demonstratives, and quantifiers. Generally, a noun will have only one of these determiner types in
front of it , by EVELYN& ROBERTM.(2010:p45).

Alexander. (1988:p55).He defined a determiners as We use a number of words in front of
common nouns (or adjective + common noun) which we call determiners because they affect (or
determine') the meaning of the noun. Determiners make it clear, for ,example, which particular
thing(s) we are referring to or how much of a substance we are talking about . Singular countable
nouns must normally have a determiner in front of them .

Articles give us information about a noun; they indicate whether or not the noun is a specific one
known to both the speaker and listener .Take a look at these examples to see what we mean:
1. I bought a red car. (The listener doesn’t know any thing about the red car.)
2. The red car was on sale. (The listener knows which car the speaker is talking
The is commonly called the definite article; a and an are called indefinite articles.
The definite article may be used with both singular and plural nouns, but the indefinite
articles only with singular nouns, as we can see in the following examples:
1-the idea the ideas
2-an apple * an apples
3-a revolution * a revolutions

swan .(1996 :P 135) . He defined a determiner in his book Practical English usage as the
determiner are words like the, a, my, this, some, either, every enough, several.
Determiner came at the beginning of noun phrases, but they are not adjectives.
The moon this moon every week
A nice day some problems enough trouble
My fat old cat either arm several young students .

They defined a determiners are words precede noun , articles , demonstratives , quantifiers and
possessive adjectives . Articles can be a problem area in English for students even at advanced
level , especially for those whose own language has a very different article system for example :
1-Tigers are animals in danger of extinction
2-The tiger is an animal in danger of extinction
3-A tiger is an animal in danger of extinction
But never: * The tigers are animals in danger of extinction by Foley & Hall(1975:P272) .

Leech & Svartvik .(1975:p205-206).They defined a determiners are “words which specify
the range of reference of a noun in various making it definite ( the boy ), indefinite ( a
boy), or by indicating quantity (many boys). The choice of determiner depends on the type of a
common noun. There are three classes of them, particularly singular count nouns "bottle" ; plural
count nouns" bottles" ; and mass nouns "music" . Proper nouns are usually used without any
determiner. Determiners always stand before the noun that they determine but the position differs,
it is relative to one another. The category which is most important is that of central determiners,
which includes articles. This category of determiners can be preceded by pre determiners and
followed by post determiners.

Cossé(2005;p120). He defined a determiners specify the range of reference of a noun in

various ways , by making it definite, indefinite, or by indicating amount or quantity. Determiners in
English are:

Since the articles are the determiners more commonly used, they deserve a
further explanation:
The indefinite article a/an is used with singular countable nouns for indefinite meaning:
1-I bought a book yesterday.
For plural countable nouns with indefinite meaning the quantifier some or numerals are used:
A- I bought some books
B- I bought two books yesterday.
For uncountable or mass nouns some is used:
A- I need to buy some sugar.
The definite article can be used with all kinds of nouns with definite meaning, either singular or
plural, except with most proper nouns, when:

1-Identity has been established by an earlier mention:

A-John bought a TV and a radio but he returned the radio.
2. Identity is established by the post modification:
A-John returned the radio that he bought yesterday

3. the object or group of objects is the only one that exists or has existed: the stars, the sun, the
moon, the North Pole
4. reference is made to an institution shared by the community: the radio, the television, the
5. plural countable nouns when used with a generic meaning NEVER take the definite article, in
other words, they take ZERO article:
A- Children are adorable (referring to children in general)
B- the children at the kindergarten. ( a specific group of children)
Recall that in Section 1 we already introduced the notion that proper names do not take articles
unless they are part of the name itself: Peter" New York, The New York Times" And also that in
colloquial speech you can find proper names determined by articles: A Peter called you this
morning. The doctor Smith I was referring to is the one who works at the Medical Center. Finally,
some common nouns without article may occur in idiomatic expressions or colloquial speech. In
the following table you will find some of them:

2-Classifications of Determiners

Swan (1996:p147-150). Swan’s classification differs in terms in comparison with other

authors. The explanations, the rules and the examples shown in the following part are taken from
his grammar book. Swan’s classification of determiners is illustrated in the following figure:

Figure 1: Classification of determiners by Swan (1996)

Group A determiners are described as a group which helps to identify things, particularly to say
whether those things are known or unknown to the hearer, whether the reference is to a particular
thing or in general.

Group B determiners comprises mostly quantifiers, which expresses the amount that it is talked
about,. some, any, no; each, every, either, neither; all, both, half; much, many, more, most, (a) little,
less, least;
a few, fewer, fewest; enough; several; what, whatever, which, whichever; one, two, three. Some of
these determiners are used with singular nouns. each; some with plural ones. many; some with
uncountable nouns. much; and some are used with more than one kind of a noun. which. There can
be used two Group B determiners together providing that the combination makes sense,. every few
days, all six novels, any more coffee .

In their grammar book A Communicative Grammar of English(1975)Leech and Svartvik

devote one whole chapter to the topic of determiners, where they describe their classification and
use. In order to make the classification clearer, the figure which surveys Leech and Svartvik’s
classification of determiners is presented :

Figure 2: Classification of determiners by Leech and Svartvik (1975)

The first group discussed are central determiners, which are divided into six groups. The first
group are determiners used with all three classes of nouns (singular and plural count and mass
nouns). This group comprises the definite article, possessives whose, which(ever), what(ever) ,
stressed some and any and no. the pen, my pen, whose gloves, any pens, no friends. The second
group are determiners which are used only with plural count and mass nouns. This group
comprises the zero article, unstressed some, unstressed any and enough, . some apples, any clothes,
enough rice. The third group is composed of determiners which are used only with singular count
and mass nouns, and these are this and that. The fourth group of determiners connects only with
singular count nouns. These are namely a (an), every, each, either and neither. The fifth group
comprises determiners used only with plural count nouns. These are these and those. The last group
are determiners used only with mass nouns. This group comprises the determiner much only by
Leech & Svartvik (1975:p205 - 370).

Green baum and Quirk(1990:p70 - 92) . They are the authors who pay a great deal of
attention to the grammar of determiners. In their grammar book A Student’s Grammar of the
English Language (1990), there is a section where it is possible to find the classification and all the
rules concerning determiners, especially articles, the rules of which are most numerous .In their
grammar book, we can also find a brief part which is separate from the rest where determiners are
discussed in connection with pro-forms and ellipsis.
In order to provide a clear classification of determiners by Green baum and Quirk(1990),
the following figure has been prepared.

Figure 3: Classification of determiners by Green baum and Quirk(1990)

Determiners accompany noun phrases. Determiners are divided into three classes based on their
position in the noun phrase, namely central determiners, pre determiners and post determiners. The
use of determiners is also dependent on the type of a noun .“The distinction between concrete and
abstract nouns is important semantically. However, whether the noun is countable or uncountable,
or proper or common is important for the use of determiners.

The first and the largest class discussed in this grammar book are central determiners. This group
of determiners comprises articles, particularly the definite article the, the indefinite article a and the
zero article, then demonstratives, possessives, wh-determiners, the negative determiner no,
universal determiners, the non-assertive dual determiner either, the negative dual determiner
neither, the general assertive determiner some, the general non-assertive determiner any and the
quantitative determiner enough. The correct use of articles is dependent on the class of Concerning
the number of the noun, there is a system how to use articles. With singular nouns, the definite
article is used with both countable and uncountable nouns ,and the indefinite article is used with
countable nouns .Singular uncountable nouns expressing indefiniteness are used with the zero
article. Definite plural nouns are used with the definite article and indefinite plural nouns are used
with the zero article. The zero article is together with a, which is used with singular count nouns,
counted as an indefinite article and it is analogous to a with non count and plural count nouns.
One of the other types of central determiners are demonstratives, which can be used with singular
count, plural count and non count nouns.
Another type of central determiners are possessives, namely my, our, your, his, her, its, their,
Other central determiners are wh-determiners which, whose, whichever, whatever, whosever ,
which can be used as relatives, indefinite relatives or interrogatives.
Other types of determiners are used only with singular count nouns, particularly the universal
determiners every and each.
Those central determiners occur only with non count nouns, the general assertive determiner some ,
the general non-assertive determiner any, and the quantitative determiner enough.

The second class which is described in the grammar book are pre determiners .According to
Green baum and Quirk, pre determiners are mutually exclusive. They stand immediately before
central determiners and are divided into two subgroups. The first one is composed of all, both and
half and the second one are multipliers.

The last group discussed in this grammar book are post determiners. They stand immediately
after central determiners. But when there is no central determiner, the distinction is neutralized.
Post determiners are divided into two classes: ordinals and quantifiers.

Alexander(1988:p55-70) . In Alexander’s grammar book Longman English Grammar(1988),
there is only a brief classification of determiners. In order to understand Alexander’s classification
of determiners, the following figure is provided.

Figure :Classification of determiners by Alexander (1988)

According to Alexander (1988), determiners are words which are used in front of common
nouns and which have an influence on the meaning of the noun. They clarify the amount of the sub
stance or which thing is talked about. There can also be an adjective in front of the noun instead of
a determiner . The first article the particular rules of which are discussed in the grammar book of
Alexander is the indefinite article a/an. It is used only with singular nouns to classify or identify, or
to express quantity. With plural nouns the zero article is used to classify/identify and some is used
to express the quantity. The second use of article the particular rules of which are discussed is the
definite article the. It “never varies in form whether it refers to people or things, singular or plural”
so it does not differ in form but it does in pronunciation. There are two different ways how to
pronounce the. The first one /ðə/ is before consonant sounds and the second one /ði:/ is in front of
vowel sounds. The second type of pronunciation of the is also used to emphasize the noun which
follows the article.
A large section of Alexander’s grammar is devoted to the zero article. Even though there is no
article, it got the name owing to its frequency, so it should not be regarded as the use of no article
but as the use of the zero article.
There are three basic types of uses of the zero article. It is used with three types of nouns, namely
plural countable nouns, uncountable nouns and proper nouns. But they can occur before countable
nouns and uncountable nouns to talk about specific items as well as before names in specific cases,
e.g. The Chicago of the 1920s was a terrifying place.

Huddleston (1984:p233 -236), determiners are closed-class words such as the, a, some, any,
etc., or expressions such as a few, my uncle’s, how much, etc. A noun phrase can contain from
none to even three determiners, e.g. ideas, his ideas, his many ideas, all his ideas and all her many
ideas. If there is more than one determiner, the order is fixed . Thus three positions of determiners
have to be distinguished for the sake of the easier understanding of Huddlestons’s classification of
determiners, the following figure is presented.

Figure 6: Classification of determiners by Huddleston (1984)

Huddleston labels these positions only as I, II and III. He shows an example of the noun
phrase. At the beginning there are determiners in order I, II, III, then there is a modifier and a head.
Then he classifies particular words belonging to the groups of determiners. Group I contains words
such as all, both, half, one-third, three-quarters, double, twice, such, what, etc. Group II contains i)
the, this, these, that, those, then ii) we, us, you, etc.; and iii) which, what, a, another, some, any, no,
either, neither, each, enough, much, more, most, less, a few, a little. Group III includes words such
as every, many, several, few, little, one, two, three, etc

Chapter Three

Functions of Determiners

Brinton & donna (2010:p210) . A determiner phrase is a phrase in which at least one
determiner functions as the head of the phrase plus any additional determiners or p-words
functioning as particles. The two grammatical forms that appear within the internal structure of
English determiner phrases are:
1- Determiners
Determiner phrases may consist of two or more determiners plus a p-word. Determiner phrases
perform the grammatical function of determinative.

Forms of Determiner Phrases

The first form of determiner phrase is the determiner phrase consisting of two determiners. For
all six astronauts (quantifier + numeral)
all the frogs (quantifier + article)
the two children (article + numeral)
these 24 sodas (demonstrative determiner + numeral)
the many obstacles (article + quantifier)
her many problems (possessive determiner + quantifier)
which four books (interrogative determiner + numeral
whose three socks (possessive interrogative determiner + numeral)
The second form of determiner phrase is the determiner phrase consisting two determiners and a p-
word For example:
many of the counties (quantifier + p-word + article)
all of her knitting (quantifier + p-word + possessive determiner)
two of a kind (numeral + p-word + article)
seven of his grandchildren (numeral + p-word + possessive determiner)
The third form of determiner phrase is the determiner phrase consisting of three determiners. For
all her many accomplishments (quantifier + possessive determiner + quantifier)

all the many layers (quantifier + article + quantifier)
all these many difficulties (quantifier + demonstrative determiner + quantifier)
The fourth form of determiner phrase is the determiner phrase consisting of three determiners and a
p-word. For example:
all of the twenty soldier (quantifier + p-word + article + numeral)
half of her thirty-two relatives (quantifier + p-word + possessive determiner + numeral)
some of these 75 choices (quantifier + p-word + demonstrative determiner + numeral)
nine of those dozen cookies (numeral + p-word + demonstrative determiner + quantifier)
Other combinations of determiners and p-words are also possible in forming determiner phrases in

Articles belong to a closed class of words call determiners. Determiners provide information such
as familiarity, location, quantity, and number about a noun, pronoun (rarely), or noun phrase.
Articles specify the grammatical definiteness of a noun or noun phrase. The definite article in
English is the. The indefinite articles in English are a and an. Definite articles express definiteness,
or that the noun or noun phrase is uniquely specified or known. Indefinite articles express
indefiniteness, or that the noun or noun phrase is general or unknown.
In addition to definite and indefinite articles, some grammars also list negative articles and the zero
article as articles in the English language. The negative article in English is no, which is also
sometimes considered a quantifier. The zero article (Ø) is a lack of an article.
In grammar, a determinative is a word or phrase that expresses additional information such as
definiteness, proximity, quantity, and relationships about a noun phrase and that differs from an
adjective phrase, which describes attributes. In the English language, articles frequently function as
determinatives . Examples: of articles as determinatives include the following
1-A little boy brought me an egg. (indefinite article, indefinite article)

2-An apple a day keeps the doctor away. (indefinite article, indefinite article, definite article)
3-The roof on the house needs a good cleaning. (definite article, definite article, indefinite article)
4-No woman wants a man with no ambition. (negative article, indefinite article, negative article)
5-No man can learn every language. (negative article)
6-The vet can find no dog named Rex in the record book. (definite article, negative article, definite
7-Ø Children like to look at the lions at the zoo. (zero article, definite article, definite article)
8-Ø Bears eat Ø berries in the woods. (zero article, zero article, definite article)

Huddleston (1984:p233 -236). Belonging to a closed class of words, determiners provide

information such as familiarity, location, quantity, and number about a noun or noun phrase.
Determiners differ in form and function from adjectives, which describe attributes of nouns and
noun phrases. Similar to quantifiers, numerals are counting numbers such as one, two, three, and
four that provide information about the amount of a word or phrase. Some grammars consider
numerals as a subcategory of quantifiers.

Using Numerals

Like other determiners, numerals perform the grammatical function of determinative. Numerals
indicate the number of quantity of another word or phrase. For example:

1-Two birds ate four cherries

2-I have one child
3-The merchant sold seven ripe yellow bananas
4-The choir consists of 153 tone-deaf singing nuns

Numerals may appear within determiner phrases. For example

1-Six of the children failed the exam

2-She enjoyed all four of the movies
3-Pick out any three books
4-We washed some of the 20 windows

Numerals are counting numbers such as one, two, three, and four that provide information about the
amount of a word or phrase.

Interrogative determiners ask questions about unknown nouns and noun phrases.The interrogative
determiners in English are what and which. The possessive determiner whose, or possessive

interrogative determiner, is also an interrogative determiner. Do not confuse the interrogative
determiners with some of the interrogative pronouns or relative pronouns, which are similar in form
but different in function.

In grammar, a determinative is a word or phrase that expresses additional information such as

definiteness, proximity, quantity, and relationships about a noun phrase and that differs from an
adjective phrase, which describes attributes. In the English language, interrogative determiners
frequently function as determinatives. Examples of interrogative determiners as determinatives
include the following:

1-What movie do you want to watch tonight?

2-What book are you reading for class?
3-Which soup do you want with your entrée?
4-He was accepted into which college?
5-Whose hat is this?
6-You crashed into whose fence?

Hopper,(1999:p157). Determiners differ in form and function from adjectives, which

describe attributes of nouns and noun phrases. Quantifiers provide information about quantity of
another word or phrase. Some of the most common English quantifiers include the following:
(All ,any ,both ,each ,either ,enough ,every ,few ,fewer ,less ,many ,more ,most ,neither ,no ,several
and some)
Many quantifiers appear within determine phrases that contain the p-word of functioning as a
particle. For example
(all of ,few of ,many of ,most of ,none of ,plenty of and some of )
Multipliers such as twice, double, and second and fractions such as one-third and half are also
quantifiers. Some grammars consider numerals, or counting numbers, as a subcategory of
Some grammars also categorize the determiner no as a negative article

Using Quantifiers

Like other determiners, quantifiers perform the grammatical function of determinative. Quantifiers
indicate the quantity of another word or phrase. For example

1-Many students failed to finish the exam

2-She wants fewer rolls and more biscuits
3-All of the branches broke off the tree
4-The second film was better than the first.
5-Half the apples fell into the creek.
6-Neither foot hurts much anymore.
Quantifiers are determiners that provide information about the quantity of another word or phrase.
It has been found out that of the three types of purpose in using of determiners ,definitions ,
classifications and functions . grammar books devote the largest amount of attention to the topic of
determiners. The authors treat them differently, though.
The sources analysed apply a slightly different approach to the study of determiners. Grammar
books pay the largest attention to determiners including their classifications and the rules how to
use them. Grammar books can be considered as the only sources that deal with both areas properly.
The classification differs with particular authors.
Overall, determiners with all aspects needed for their proper study can only be found in grammar
books, which contain both the classification of determiners and particular rules how to use them.


Alexander, L. G. (1988). Longman English Grammar. New York: Longman.

Green baum, S., & Quirk, R. (1990). A Student’s Grammar of the English Language.
Harlow: Longman.
Huddleston, R. (1984). Introduction to the Grammar of English. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.
Leech, G., & Svartvik, J. (1975). A Communicative Grammar of English.
Singapore: Longman.
Swan, M. (1996). Practical English Usage. International Student’s Edition. New York:
Oxford University Press.
sanchez , Imma .(2004). A practical guide to English usage. Language service,
university oberta de catalunya.
Ansell, Mary.(2000). free English grammar. sistem Dil Egitim merkezi.

Foley, Mark & hall Diane.(1988). Longman Advanced learners` Grammar. Bluestone press,
Charl bury, oxford shine, UK.
Paul j hopper .(1999). A short course in grammar . : Cambridge
University Press.
Brinton & donna (2010). The linguistic Structure of Modern English. University of Southern




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