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Hilda’s Diocesan High School

English Language
September 9-13, 2019
Grade 7D&E
Parts of Speech: Nouns
Types of Nouns

1. Explain what nouns are.
2. Identify the different types of nouns.
3. Effectively use nouns in sentence composition.
Materials: English for All Book 1
Class of Nouns –common, proper, concrete, abstract and collective.
Common Nouns – Common nouns identify people, objects or places. A common noun starts
with a common letter unless it is the first letter of a sentence. Eg. street, house, road, bus train
The bus transported thirty students to school.
Proper Nouns- Proper nouns name particular persons, objects or places. Proper nouns begin
with capital letters. Eg. Thursday, September, Iraq, Nelson Mandela
Brian Lara is a famous cricketer.
Concrete Nouns- Concrete nouns identify things through the five senses- seeing, tasting,
touching, smelling and hearing. Eg. Wood, steel, stone, silk, sand
The smoke spiralled in the air.
Abstract Nouns- Abstract nouns name ideas or qualities. Eg. beauty, truth, courage, love,
It is an honour to be captain of the debating team.
Collective Nouns- collective nouns refer to groups. Eg. team, staff, committee, audience,
The family slept through the storm.
Teaching strategies:
Teaching Process:
The teacher will state that there are many different types of nouns that we use on a day to
day basis. The students will be asked to name them based prior knowledge.
The teacher will make a list on board. For each type of noun given the students will create a
definition, examples and a sentence with the correct usage of a noun type.
Students will classify the following words in their respective nouns: Garry, boy, army, iron,
girl, team, honesty, sweetness, teacher, truth, gold, sugar, coins, tea, men, pulses, fans, honey
Students will complete an activity in their English for All Book 1 on pages 31-32 orally as a
class. They will be required to identify nouns types in a set of sentences presented.
Students will individually identify the nouns in the following sentences and state whether
they are common, proper, collective or abstract.
1. The angry mob pelted stones at the police.
2. Honesty is the best policy.
3. You must always speak the truth.
4. Julie is my youngest sister.
5. Solomon was famous for his wisdom.
6. Birds make their nests in trees.
7. A committee was appointed to study the situation.
8. Nelson is known for his victory at Trafalgar.
9. The boys were congratulated on their performance.
10. He gave me a bunch of grapes.
11. The children sang the national anthem.
12. He owns a fleet of cars.
13. The lion is the king of beasts.
14. Greenland is the largest island.


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