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English Language

Grade: 9
April 28- May 1, 2020
Notice, Agenda and Minutes
1. Define notice, agenda and minutes.
2. Determine its usage and significance.
3. Create notice, agenda and minutes of a meeting.
Notice of a Meeting:
When a meeting is to be convened, a notice is required to be sent to all who are to attend it.
It should satisfy these conditions:
1. It should be under proper authority.
2. It should state the name of the organisation.
3. It should state the day, date, time, and place.
4. It should be well in advance.
5. It should state the purpose
6. It should carry the date of circulation and convener’s/secretary’s signature
7. It should go to all persons required at the meet
The Excelsior Cricket Club will hold its meeting for the term, at 5:30 pm on Monday 10th
February 2020, in the Sports Room of the club.
Please make every effort to attend.
James White

An agenda is the list of items to be considered at a meeting. It is also called business or order
of business. The items of agenda should cover all that is necessary to be considered at that
time. Meetings take time and effort to arrange; hence the agenda has to be well thought out.
The items may be devised from:
(a) Previous minutes
(b) Suggestions received
(c) Actions and events since last meeting
(d) Correspondence of the organisation
1. Apologies from absent members
2. Condolences if any
3. Reading and approval of minutes of the last meet
4. Matters arising out of previous meet’s minutes
5. Urgent and non-controversial items
6. Matters requiring closer discussion and debates
7. Any new, on-the-spot items with the approval of the chairman
8. Date of the next meet.

Minutes of the Meeting:

The minutes of a meeting are the record of the discussions/decisions therein. The minutes are
written generally by the secretary from the notes taken during the meet. He/she can use the
agenda as the framework for writing them and use short forms, shorthand etc. to take quick
and accurate notes. He may have to ask members to repeat their words to get them right.
He should note down all the particulars needed for the fair copy of minutes. The items of the
minutes can be written under short headings such as are used in the agenda.
(As for reading them, some committees circulate them in advance and take them as read.
Otherwise the reader should read them loudly, clearly, and quickly.)
Minutes of the meeting held on Monday, February 10, 2020 at 5:30 pm in the Sports room of
the Excelsior Cricket Club.
All member of the club were present. The minutes of the meeting held on December 14, 2019
were confirmed as correct and signed by the chairman.
Since there was no business arising out of the minutes, the chairman proceeded to outline the
proposals made by the Regional Cricket Board, as follows:
1. That the Inter-Territorial Cricket Series begin on May 1, 2020.
2. That competing teams be made to contribute the sum of $5,000.00 each to defray
3. That two delegates from each competing team meet on February 15, 2020 to arrange
fixtures for the various matches
The proposal were unanimously agreed upon and two representatives, John King and
James Brown, were chosen to attend the meeting on February 15, 2020 for the
purpose of arranging fixtures for matches.
The chairman announced that the next meeting would be held on February 23, 2020.
James White

1. Prepare the minutes for the following meeting using the information given.
Invincible Sports and Recreational Society
Notice of Meeting

The meeting of the executive committee will take place in the Gymnasium of the Sports
Club, on Tuesday, May 16, 2020 at 2 pm.

a. Apologies and absences
b. Business arising from the minutes
c. Minutes of the previous meeting
d. Competition
e. Drama presentation

2. Write a notice and an agenda for an emergency meeting of a business firm of which
you are the secretary.
The meeting is to be held for the purpose of informing workers of changes in hours of
work and the introduction of new machinery.

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