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Task 2 Writing task

Diego Ernesto ovalle

Ingles II
Stage 2: Practice of Topic 2

Stage 3: Practice of Topic 3

Stage 4. Check your knowledge.

Stage 5: Apply the Future Factual Conditional

-Write 10 sentences with the structure of Future Factual Conditional or First

Conditional, according to the images and the verb found in the guide.

1. if she arrives early, she’ll go to the dentist.

2. If she finishes her job, she’ll eat hot dog
3. If she doesn't exercise, she won't look pretty
4. If he reads the newspaper, won't he keep you informed?
5. if he works a long time, he won't be happy
6. if she cleans the house, her husband will be happy with he
7. If she saves, she might buy a car
8. When her alarm goes off, she'll get up
9. Unless she calls, he won't come back.
10. she’ll be a very important person if she studies a lot

Stage 6: Pre-reading

Stage 7: Reading

Read the text of Topic 10 carefully

1. What activities the students had to develop in the Italian class?. Name
four of them.
they had to stand up and say “Buongiorno signorina”,
they had an activity in which they practiced vocabulary from the previous class.
they During this activity we could work in small groups
2. Change the title of the text, giving an interesting one.

Stage 8: Apply the phrasal verbs in a text.

Choose 7 phrasal verbs from the exercise of Topic 10 and Topic 11, and
write a text where you use them. You have to underline these phrasal verbs
to distinguish them in the text. 150 words.

my past vacation I was not so lucky starting My car broke down in Santa Martha,
so I had to take a Uber, I hope to arrive back soon to Ibagué, it is not except in
the streets of santa Martha at night. I have to Submitin some important
documents to my boss that's some very urgent and I really needed to do it. then
I was getting to know the sea and I completely forgot my boss's documents.
when I arrived at my house in Ibagué everything went wrong because the
documents stayed in Santa Marta, so I need to work very hard to recover the lost
documents, all this happened by the stranding of my car this was the most
important thing in my past vacation.

Stage 9: Send your feedback

Checklist (optional)
Este checklist es útil para que verifiques que hayas hecho y entregado
todo lo que solicita la guía.

Cover with your full name, course code, group number and name of x
the activity.
Practice of Topic 2 of the E-book x
Practice of Topic 3 of the E-book x
Screenshot of the exercise 4-Module 1 found in Self-checker x
Screenshot of Test #1-Module 1 found in Test x
10 sentences in Future Factual Conditional x
A screenshot of seven underlined phrasal verbs in the text of module 1 x
Topic 10.
Answers of two questions x
The text with 7 phrasal verbs. x
The screenshot of the feedback to your partner. x

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