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VÉÖ±ÉÉ<Ç - ʺÉiÉƤɮ - 2021ú JÉhb÷ IX ºÉÆJªÉÉ. 3 July - September 2021 Vol. IX No. 3

EòÉVÉÚ +Éè®ú EòÉäEòÉä Ê´ÉEòÉºÉ ÊxÉnäù¶ÉɱɪÉ, EòÉäÊSÉxÉ - 682 011

July - September 2021


Vol. IX No. 3, JULY - SEPTEMBER 2021


CHAIRMAN 1. कोको ( थयो ोमा ककाओ एल) म पोषण बं धन 02

Dr. S.K. Malhotra यू के या, भ व ा, एलाइन अपशरा, सी टी जोस, एम चाइ ा,
एन आर नागराजा, शवाजी हाउसराव थबू,े आर तव काश पा न,
के एस का तका
2. असम म कोको रोग और क ट 06
ADVISORY BOARD एल एस सहं और अनोक उचोइ
3. Modernized Plant Health Clinic Museum on 09
Cashew with Interactive ICT Features
Shamsudheen Mangalassery, Siddanna Savadi,
CHIEF EDITOR M.G. Nayak, Preethi P., and B.M. Muralidhara
Dr. Venkatesh N. Hubballi
4. Nutrient Management in Cocoa 13
Priya U.K., Bhavishya, S. ElainApshara,
C.T. Jose, M.Chaithra, N.R.Nagaraja,
ShivajiHausraoThube, R.Thavaprakasa Pandian,
Ravindra Kumar 5 Diseases and Pests of Cocoa in Assam 18
L.S.Singh and Anok Uchoi

V.S. Jayalakshmi 6. Official Language Implementation 22

Report 2020-21
R.I. Resmi 6. News and Events 24
7. Statistics 29
8. Cocoa Needs 39
9. Cashew Needs 40

Published by the Director, Directorate of Cashewnut & Cocoa Development, Government of India, Ministry of Agriculture
and Farmer’s Welfare, Department of Agriculture, Co-operation and Farmer’s Welfare, Cochin - 682 011, Kerala.
Phone : 2377239, 2377151, Fax : 0484-2377239, Website : https//
Printed at Paico Printing Press, Ernakulam,Ph : 0484 2393504
The contributors are solely responsible for the views expressed by them and this Directorate does not hold any responsibility on such views.
All correspondence regarding articles, advertisements, subscription, etc. may be addressed to the Chief Editor.


कोको ( थयो ोमा ककाओ एल) म पोषण बं धन

यू के या, भ व ा, एलाइन अपशरा, सी टी जोस, एम चाइ ा, एन आर नागराजा,
शवाजी हाउसराव थबूे, आर तव काश पा न, के एस का तका

ु उ चत पोषक त बं धन का एक अ त र लाभ यह है िक
कोको ( थयो ोमा ककाओ एल) एक ´ÉÞIÉÉ®úÉä{ÉhÉ फसल अ धक योग के कारण पोषक त ो ं क हा न को फसलो ं ारा
है जसका, दु नया भर म ावसा यक मह ह।ै कोको, एक बहेतर पोषक त सु न त करने से कम िकया जा सकता ह,ै
उ किटबं धीय फसल और द ण अमे रका के अमेज़ॅन े के और ली चगं के कारण ए पयावरण दषणू कम हो सकता ह।ै
मूल नवासी को भारत म 1970 के दशक के अतं म अतंर पण के इस कार कोको म पोषक त बं धन उ ादन, आ थक और
प म पेश िकया गया था। अब कोको क खेती कनाटक, के रल, पयावरणीय रता के लए अ नवाय ह।ै
त मलनाडु और आं देश म ापक प से क जाती ह,ै पोषण बं धन म मदृा परी ण का मह
ादातर ना रयल और सुपारी के बगीचो ं म लाभदायक म त पोषक त ो ं के वकारो ं क घटना और उनके सुधार क
फसल के प म। पूव सूचना देने म मृदा परी ण मह पूण ह।ै नए वृ ारोपण के
हाल ही म, कोको क भारी मागँ और रबर के कम साथ आगे बढ़ने से पहले म ी परी ण करने क सलाह दी जाती
समथन मू के कारण िकसानो ं ने रबड़ और तल े ताड़ के बागानो ं है तािक कम या जहरीले पोषक त ो ं क पहचान क जा सके और
म कोको क अतंराल खेती क है जो िकसानो ं को ायी आय और ज से ज बचाव के उपाय िकए जा सक। ा पत बगीचो ं म
उ जो खम वहन मता दान करती ह।ै क े नरी के बढ़ते म ी के नमूनो ं को पेड़ के मूल से 60 सटीमीटर दरू और 30
उपयोग के कारण भारत म कोको और कोको आधा रत उ ादो ं सटीमीटर गहराई से एक वु बरमा या कु दाल का उपयोग करके
क आव कता म वृ ई ह।ै 2018 म कोको क घरेलू एक िकया जा सकता ह।ै व ेषण के लए म ी इक ा करते
आव कता 30,000 मेिटक टन सूखा बी त वष थी। बढ़ती समय त ाल बे सन, बं ड, सीमा पं यो,ं बहेद गीली या सूखी
मागं को पूरा करने के लए, भारत 2018 म 1551 करोड़ म ी से बचा जाना चािहए। एक िकए गए म ी के नमूनो ं म
पये(DCCD, 2020) का बड़ा शेयर आयात कर रहा ह।ै टोपो ाफ म अतंर को कवर करने वाले पूरे े का त न ध
इस लए िकसानो ं को उ और ायी आय दान करने के लए होना चािहए। कोको जसैे रोपण फसलो ं म तीन साल म एक बार
कोको क खेती म अपार सं भावनाएं ह। म ी परी ण करने क सलाह दी जाती ह।ै कमी या वषा
उपज जलवाय,ु म ी, िक ो ं और बं धन पहलुओ ं क ल णो ं को दशाने वाले बागानो ं म, प ी व ेषण के बाद म ी
अनुकूलता पर नभर ह।ै उ चत तरीको ं से उवरको ं के पया और का परी ण िकया जाना चािहए।
समय पर योग से पोषक त ो ं के ो ं को रोक सकता है और मदृा म पारंप रक उवरको ं का योग
उ पैदावार का पता लगा सकता है (है रसैट अल, 1999)। सं तु उवरक खुराक को दो समान खुराको ं म लागू

* ीमती र ी आर आई, क न अनुवादक, काजू और कोको वकास नदेशालय ारा अनूिदत।

VÉÖ±ÉÉ<Ç - ʺÉiÉƤɮ 2021

िकया जाना ह।ै अ ल ै -मई के दौरान पहली खुराक और सतं बर- जा सकता ह,ै 30 सेमी के रेिडयस म म ी म मलाया जाता है और
नवं बर के दौरान दसरी
ू खुराक लागू करने क सलाह दी जाती ह।ै बाद म धीरे-धीरे 75 सेमी तक बढ़ाया जा सकता ह।ै पेड़ क उ
उवरको ं को म ी म लगाया जाना चािहए जब पोषक त ो ं को के साथ पोषक त ो ं क आव कता भ होती ह।ै त वष त
अ धकतम करने के लए पया म ी क नमी उपल हो। पेड़ 1 िकलो ाम से अ धक सूखे फल देने वाले उ उपज वाले
उवरको ं को पौधो ं के आधार पर समान प से लागू िकया जा पेड़ो ं म, पोटे शयम क एक अ त र खुराक से उपज म सुधार
सकता ह,ै रोपण के पहले वष के दौरान 30 सटीमीटर के दायरे म होगा। सारणी 1 कोको के पोषक त और उवरक
लगाया जाता ह।ै बड़े पौधो ं म उवरको ं को उथले बे सनो ं म लगाया आव कताओ ं को दान करती ह।ै

सारणी 1: कोको के लए पोषण और उवरक ज़ रत

पोषण ( ा/पौधा/वष) I वष II वष III वष से

नाइटजन 33 66 100
फॉसफे रस 13 26 40
पोटै शयम 46 92 140
उवरक ( ा/पौधा/वष)
यू रया 72 144 220
रोक फॉसफे ट 65 130 200
ू रट ऑफ पोटैश 77 154 230

फ टगेशन के पानी के मा म से लागू िकया जाता ह,ै इस लए यह व ध म-

फ टगेशन, सचाई ं णाली के मा म से उवरको ं क बचत ह।ै जनन से 10 मनट पहले सचाई ं शु करने क सलाह
आपू त करने क एक व ध ह।ै पारंप रक व ध क तल ु ना म यहाँ दी जाती है ोिकं पोषक त ो ं के अवशोषण को अ धकतम
पानी म घुलनशील उवरको ं का उपयोग िकया जाता ह।ै उवरको ं करने के लए म ी म पया नमी बरकरार रखी जाएगी। 20
को 18 से (10 िदनो ं के अतंराल म )9 खुराको ं म (20 िदनो ं के मनट क अव ध के लए नषेचन जारी रखा जा सकता ह।ै
अतंराल) िदसं बर से मई तक लगाया जाता है जो पु न और जनन अव ध को लं बे समय तक नही ं रखा जाना चािहए ोिकं
फलन के साथ मेल खाता ह।ै जब कोको को सुपारी बागान म इससे पोषक त ो ं को गहरी म ी क परत तक ले जाया जाएगा,
अतंराल स के प म उगाया जाता है तो फ टगेशन तकनीक जो िक कोको के पेड़ो ं ारा पोषक त ो ं के अवशोषण को कम
उवरको ं क खुराक सफा रश के 75% तक कम हो जाती है और करता ह।ै सारणी 2 फ टगेशन के लए त पेड़ आधार पर उवरक
बहेतर पोषक त सु न त करती ह।ै चं ूिक उवरको ं को सचाई ं क आव कता दान करती ह।ै


सारणी 2. फ टगेशन सं ा और दर
फ टगेशन के लए सं तु उवरको ं क खरुाक 75 ा एन,30 ा पी 2 ओ 5 और
105 ा के 2ओ / पेड/वष
135 यू रया, 65 डीएपी,
यू रया, डीएपी, एमओपी क सं तु खरुाक 175 एमओपी / पेड/वष
उवरक लगाने क सं ा उवरक / पेड/अव ध
10 दवस के अतंराल
यू रया 7.5
डीएपी 3.6
एमओपी 9.7
20 दवस के अतंराल
यू रया 15
डीएपी 7.2
एमओपी 19.4

कोको म पोषण अ व ा पोटै शयम क कमी

पोषण अ व ा पोषक त ो ं क कमी के प म या ल ण सबसे पहले पुरानी प यो ं पर िदखाई देते ह।
पोषक त ो ं क आपू त के अपया र या उवरको ं या पोषक प ी के मा जन के पास अतंः शरा े म पीले पीले े ो ं का
ोतो ं के असं तु लत अनु योग के कारण पोषक त ो ं क गठन। ये े कु छ समय बाद एक-दसरे ू के साथ ज ू होकर
वषा ता के प म हो सकती ह।ै म ी के भौ तक रासाय नक ने ोिटक बन जाते ह। शराओ ं के बीच अ धक तज े ी से सीमातं
गुणो ं और अपया या अ म बं धन थाओ ं के कारण पोषक प रगलन होगा। ने ोिटक े पर आ मण करने क आतं रक
वकार भी वक सत हो सकते ह। पोषक त ो ं क गड़बड़ी क सतह पर एक पीला े होगा।
पहचान कोको पौधे ारा द शत अजीबोगरीब कमी या नाइटजन क कमी
वषा ता के ल णो ं से हो सकती ह।ै के वल म ी और प ी नाइटोजन क कमी म भी ल ण पहले पुराने प ो ं पर
व ेषण के साथ कमी के ल णो ं का पता लगाया जा सकता ह।ै िटप झलसने
ु और प यो ं के आकार म कमी के प म िदखाई देते
कोको के बागानो ं म द शत मुख पोषक त ो ं क ह। पुराने प े भी पीलापन िदखाएं गे। पेिटयोल ेम के साथ ती
कमी पोटे शयम क कमी ह।ै नाइटोजन और फा ोरस क कमी कोण िदखाएगा।
अ तरह से बनाए ए बागानो ं म कम आवृ यो ं म देखी जाती फॉसफे रस क कमी
ह।ै कै ि शयम, मै ी शयम और स र जसैे मा मक पोषक पौधे का वकास नही ं होगा। यवुा प यॉं प से
त ो ं क कमी कु छ हद तक कोको ¤ÉÉMÉÉxÉ म होती ह।ै

VÉÖ±ÉÉ<Ç - ʺÉiÉƤɮ 2021

आकार म कम होगा। प ी फरार होने के बाद भी ाइ ू होगा। बोरे के छड़काव से कमी को दरू िकया जा सकता ह।ै
बने रहगे। लोह क कमी
मृदा परी ण रपोट के अनुसार सही उवरक खुराक ल णो ं को यवुा प यो ं ारा िदखाया जाता है जसम
और शे ल ू का पालन करके मुख पोषक त ो ं क कमी को दरू पीले हरे रंग क पृ भू म के खलाफ गहरे हरे रंग क नस होती ह
िकया जा सकता ह।ै या हरे रंग क िटटें ड नस और मुख िटप झलसना
ु होगा। पछले
सू पोषक वकार श क प यो ं म ल ण मुख नही ं ह। पुराने प े अ र
सू पोषक वकारो ं म सबसे ापक प से ज ा क सं क ण सीमातं और िटप झलसा ु िदखाते ह। 1% जलीय लौह
कमी और बोरान क कमी ह।ै कु छ वृ ारोपण म लोहे क कमी को स े ट के साथ पण छड़काव से ल णो ं म सुधार होता ह।ै
कही ं कही ं देखा जाता ह।ै ल णअभ और सुधार क िड ी मोटे तौर पर
ज े क कमी लगाने क व ध, समय और आवृ पर नभर करती ह।ै ये
ब त छोटे प े मुख गहरे लाल शराओ ं को िदखाते पैरामीटर के वल व तृ म ी और पौधे के ऊतक व ेषण और
ह। प यां काफ व प िदखाती ह, लं बाई के अनुपात म ब त अ े मापदंडो ं ारा सुझाए जा सकते ह। ऊपर सूचीब सबसे
सं क ण हो जाती ह, मा जन अ र लहराती और कभी-कभी आम वकार ह जो भारत के मुख कोको उ ादक े ो ं म देखे
म और मु पा नसो ं के क े प पर अलग-अलग पं जाते ह। वृ ारोपण म कु छ व श े के वकार उ हो सकते
म छोटे ोरोिटक पचै के साथ सकल के आकार का हो जाता ह।ै ह जो उपरो ल णो ं के साथ समानता िदखा सकते ह और
300 ाम जक ं स े ट और 100 ाम पानी म 100 इस लए मानक म ी परी ण के बाद ही बं धन के उपायो ं का
ाम चूने के साथ छड़काव फो लयर क कमी को पूरा करने के परी ण करना चािहए।
लए, कमी के ल ण को ठीक करने के लए 1% से 1.5% न ष
ZnSO4 क सफा रश भी क जा सकती ह।ै घरेलू और अतंरा ीय बाजार म बढ़ती मागं के कारण
बोरोन क कमी कोको एक नकदी फसल ह,ै जसका उ वा ण क मू ह।ै
यवुा प े आकार म कमी िदखाते ह और पीला पड़ जाते खेत क आय को बनाए रखने के लए फसल को अपार सं भावनाएं
ह। चि त तव तत व ता या स पल घुमा के साथ स और े ताडो ं के अतंराल के प म
मली ह और ना रयल, सुपारी और तल
श और भं गुर म मोटा होगा। पुरानी प यो ं का प उगाए जाने पर िकसानो ं को आ थक रता दान करता ह।ै


असम म कोको रोग और क ट*

एल एस सहं और अनोक उचोइ

कोको द ण भारत का धान बागानी फसल ह।ै क ट, दीमक और गलहरी शा मल ह। इन रोग और क टो ं के

हालािंक, पछले कु छ वष म मु प से आईसीएआर-EåòxpÒªÉ बं धन सं बं धी ववरण यहां िदए गए ह।
¤ÉÉMÉ´ÉÉxÉÒ ¡òºÉ±É +xɺÖÉvÆÉÉxÉ ºÉºÆlÉÉxÉ, +xɺÖÉvÆÉÉxÉ Eòåxpù, कािहकु ची, रोग
गुवाहाटी, असम ारा आयो जत व भ व ार ग त व धयो ं के काली फली (फाइटो थोरा पा मवोरा)
कारण उ र पूव भारत के िकसान समुदाय के बीच इस फसल को यह असम म कोको क मह पण ू बीमा रयो ं म से एक ह।ै
काफ मह मला ह।ै वतमान म, कोको 15.7 ह ेयर े म यह मानसनू क अव ध (जल ु ाई-अग ) के दौरान भारत म सभी
उगाया जाता ह।ै गोलपारा, ब ा, काम प, बोगाईगाव ं ँ , कोको े ो ं म पाया जाता ह।ै सं मण फली क सतह पर कही ं भी
नलबाड़ी और उदलगुरी असम के मुख कोको उ ादक जले ह। होता ह।ै सभी उ क फली अ तसं वदेनशील होती ह।ै कटाई करते
अनुसंधान क म िक ी परी ण पर िकए गए अ यन, समय फली म चोट लगन,े छं टाई और अ सां ृ तक काय म
किहकु ची सुपारी के तहत लगाए गए कोको जीनोटाइप के बीच सं मण का खतरा अ धक होता ह।ै ारं भक ल ण चॉकलटे
आशाजनक प रणाम िदखाया। जीनोटाइ वीटीएलसी 19 इस ाउन छ ी के प म िदखाई देते ह, जो फली क सतह पर तज े ी से
े के लए उपयु था, जसम त वष 43 फली त पेड़ क फै लते ह। रोग के बढ़ने के साथ, फं गल ोर गया से मलकर कवक
पैदावार के साथ सात साल क उ म 1.76 िकलो ाम सूखी का एक सफे द वकास भा वत फली क सतह पर उ होता ह।ै
फ लयां मलती थी।ं हालािंक, रोग और क ट कोको के उ ादन अतं म, भा वत फली भरूे से काले रंग क हो जाती ह।ै
को भा वत करने वाले मुख कारको ं म ह।ै इस लेख म असम म
मानसून क शु आत म ¤ÉÉäÊbÇ+ÉìCºÉ म ण (1%)
कोको के मह पूण रोगो ं और क ट और भारत के उ र पूव े म
और उसके बाद मा सक अतंराल पर मानसून क अव ध म दो बार
कोको उ ादन बढ़ाने के लए उनक बं धन नी तयो ं पर काश
छड़काव करने क सलाह दी जाती ह।ै सै नटरी ू नगं के ज रए
डाला गया ह।ै
सं मत फली को हटाया और दरू िकया जा सकता ह।ै छायादार
असम म कोको के रोग और क ट पेड़ो ं क अ धक भीड़ से बच और समय पर छं टाई रोग के उ चत
काली फली वगलन और चारकोल फली वगलन बं धन के साथ-साथ ेम नासूर क घटनाओ ं म मदद करता ह।ै
असम म कोको के दो मह पूण रोग ह। मह पूण क टो ं म इसके अलावा, बीमारी को फै लने से बचाने के लए पूरे साल
मायलोके रस वी वल, प ा खाने वाली इ ी, चूण म ु ण, का बगीचे को साफ रखना चािहए।

* ीमती र ी आर आई, क न अनुवादक, काजू और कोको वकास नदेशालय ारा अनूिदत।

VÉÖ±ÉÉ<Ç - ʺÉiÉƤɮ 2021

कोयला फली वगलन (बो टयो ड ो डया थयो ोमे) बीजओ ु ं के मृदु प ो ं और रोहो ं को खा जाता ह।ै सद के मौसम म
सं मण गहरे भूरे से काले रंग के ध े के प म िदखाई नुकसान गं भीर पाया जाता ह।ै इ यॉं नसरी म बढ़ते अक ं ु रो ं को
देता ह।ै भा वत ध े कोयला सा काला हो जाता है और पेड़ पर खा जाता है और काश सं ेषक माग को भा वत करता ह।ै
मु फाइड फली के प म रहता ह।ै आतं रक ऊतक सड़ जाते ह इ यॉं फली के हरे िह े को खुरचकर खाते ह, जससे भूरे रंग
और फ लयाँ काली हो जाती ह। यह रोग पूरे वष म च लत ह,ै का नशान लग जाता ह,ै जो ि तीयक सं मण का कारण बनता
गम के महीनो ं म गं भीर हो जाता ह।ै सभी उ क फ लयॉं ह।ै नसरी और फली म हाथ से हटाने या 1 लीटर पानी के साथ
अ तसं वेदनशील होते ह। सं मण घावो ं के मा म से होता ह।ै म त 2 मलीलीटर रोगोर के छड़काव से क ट आबादी का
भा वत फली फसल के लए अनुपयु पाए जाते ह। बं धन करने म मदद मल सकती ह।ै िफर से पीड बाधा हो तो 10
बो डऑ म ण (1%) का छड़काव करके समय पर बं धन लीटर पानी म 16 मली लीटर िडमेथोएट के घाल से छडकाव
से रोग को नयं त करने क सलाह दी जाती ह।ै सं तु ह।ै
1% बो डऑ म ण क तैयारी मायलोसेरस वी वल(मायलोसेरस व रडैनस)
50 लीटर पानी म एक िकलो को र स े ट ि लस वी वल प ो ं को खाकर कं काल के प म बना देता है
मलाना। एक अ पा म 50 लीटर पानी म एक िकलो चूना का जससे काश सं ेषण पर असर पड़ता ह।ै वय भं ृग पहले
घोल तयैार करना। दोनो ं घोलो ं का मलाकर एक चाकू डालके इस मृदु प ो ं पर आ मण करता है और बाद म वय प ो ं पर भी।
म ण का परी ण करना। अगर चाकू लाल सा रंग िदखाए तो इसका आ मण सबसे ादा अ बूर से जनवरी तक होता ह।ै
और अ धक चूना मलाना। इस बो डऑ म ण तयैार करने ादातर आ मण रात को ही होता ह।ै अ नयं त त म नाश
के लए हमेशा ा क बा ी का ही योग करना। काफ गं भीर होता ह।ै एक लीटर पानी म 2 मली लीटर रोगोर
मलाकर फु हार देने से पीड़ बाधा का नयं ण िकया जा सकता ह।ै
10% बो डऑ लेप क तैयारी
दो पा ो ं म 500 मली लीटर पानी लेकर उसम एक म
चूण म ु ण ( ैनोको स लैले सनस)
100 ाम को र स े ट और दसरे ू म 100 ाम चनूा का घोल वय मादाएं और यवुा म ु ण मृदु रोहो,ं फू ल और
तयैार करके िफर दोनो ं को अ तरह मलाइए। इस लपे को यवुा फली का रस चूसते ह। भा वत पौधे अवां छत ऊंचाई पर
छं टाई के तरुंत बाद कटे ए भाग म लगाएं तािक कवक बाधा न हो। मं द वकास और अ धक शाखाएं िदखाते ह। गम के महीनो ं म
क टो ं का कोप अ धक होता ह।ै डाइमेथोएट (रोगोर) 160
शे रल वगलन
मली को 100 लीटर पानी म मलाकर छड़काव करना बं धन
चार से सात िदवस के यवुा मृदु फली सूखकर मुरझा
क सव म व ध ह।ै
जाती ह।ै फ लयॉं अपना चमक खो बठैता ह।ै इस कार मुरझाई
फली लगभग एक महीने तक पेड़ म रहता है और िफर गर जाता
का क ट (सेलेनो ो सं स)
ह।ै यह कोको उगाने वाले े Éå क एक आम सम ा ह।ै मृदु प यो ं और फली पर हमला करते ह। वे
प यो ं को नचली सतह से चूसते ह। प रणाम प प यां
सकु ड़ जाती ह और ममीकृ त हो जाती ह। स दयो ं के महीनो ं
प ा एवं फली खाने वाली इ यॉं
(अ ू बर-जनवरी) के दौरान जनसं ा म वृ दे खी गई है।
ं ा वग के व भ
लपिटय कार क इ यॉं यवुा कोको


वे यवुा अप रप फली का रस चू सते ह, जो एक झलसा

ु आ के हमले को कम करने म मदद करती ह।ै बगीचे क प र ध म फल
प और वकृ त फली िदखाते ह। क ट के बं धन के लए के पेड़ लगाने से गलहरी के हमले क घटनाओ ं को कम करने म
रोजर 2 मलीलीटर को 1 लीटर पानी म मलाकर फु हार दे ना भी मदद मलती ह।ै
है। दीमक (ओडंटोटमस ओबेसस राबं)
गलहरी (फनाबंुलस टस रएटस) यह असम म कोको के मह पूण क टो ं म से एक है। वे
गलह रयाँ असम म कोको क खेती को भा वत करने मा मक सं मण के लए अ णी पेड़ के तने पर क चड़ और
वाले मुख कं ृ तक क ट ह। वे ादातर पकने क अव ा म फली पस लयो ं का नमाण करके कॉलर े म कोको क छाल पर
को नुकसान प ंचाते ह। वे हरी फली को नुकसान प ंचाते ह। हमला करते ह। बागान म मलबे के य से े क ता को
गलहरी आमतौर पर फली के सरे के पास फली को काटती ह। अपनाने से क ट बं धन म मदद मलेगी। टीले को हटाने और
लगभग 97% फली को गलह रयो ं के हमले के कारण त आसपास के े और छे द को ोरोपायरीफॉस 2 मली त
प ँ चती ह।ै खेत म समय पर कटाई और उ चत ता गलहरी लीटर पानी से डुबोने से क ट बं धन होता है।

July - September 2021


Shamsudheen Mangalassery, Siddanna Savadi, M.G. Nayak, Preethi P.,
and B.M. Muralidhara

Cashew is an important horticultural nut landscapes. The lack of adoption of improved

crop with huge export potential. Initially, it was agronomic techniques such as site-specific nutrient
introduced into India as an afforestation tree. management, soil and water conservation and water
After the 1950s, with the consistent research and management, timely pest and disease surveillance
extension efforts of research organisations and and management in cashew by farmers can also be
extension agencies along with processing attributed to the lack of effective extension.
industries and enterprising farmers, the Cashew tree Agricultural extension services are aimed
has attained the status of a prominent commercial at providing advice and information to the farmers
crop of India. Currently, India ranks second in and other stakeholders in an informal educational
area (11.05 lakh ha) and production (7.42 lakh process. It plays an important role in enhancing
tonnes) of raw cashewnuts in the world the crop production/productivity by enriching
(Anonymous, 2020). The productivity in India is knowledge, information and skills of the farmers
only 707 kg/ha, which is far below compared to on scientific cultivation as well as processing
many other producer countries and, whereas the through visits and training programmes. The
estimated potential productivity is 2 t/ha. The major advent of Information and communication
reasons for low productivity are the existence of technologies (ICTs) has made agricultural
senile orchards which are of seedling origin, lack of extension services more dynamic and effective
proper crop management practices and also the yield compared to the conventional communication
losses due to damage caused by the insect pests. methods employed in the training and visit (T&V)
Cashew is generally grown under degraded extension system. This has prompted the use of

ICAR-Directorate of Cashew Research, Puttur – 574202, Karnataka

The Cashew and Cocoa Journal

ICTs along with T&V extension methods to Southern India made for an agricultural extension
efficiently communicate the agricultural purpose, and is a new initiative in extension
technological information to the farmers and activities in cashew. The cashew PHCM exhibits
other stakeholders. ICTs find applications in tele- all the aspects of cashew right from the
centres, web portals, call centres, mobile apps, introduction of cashew by Portuguese in India to
radio, digital videos, audio and video till its emergence as a prominent commercial crop
conferencing, e-learning platform etc (Saravanan of India. The important feature of this PHCM is
et al., 2015). Plant Health Clinic Museum that it provides the information not only on pest,
(PHCM) form an important component of disease and nutrient deficiency as in traditional
extension systems, in which farmers re given the plant health clinics but also, on the advanced
knowledge on scientific cultivation practices by cashew cultivation practices and processing
exhibiting the complete information on crops, on- aspects in an interactive and appealing manner,
field problems and their solutions to farmers at which are easy to understand and remember by
one place. Further, the PHCMs are aimed at the farmers and other stakeholders. This PHCM
giving advice and recommendations to the also exhibits important study materials useful for
farmers (Negussie et al., 2011). The functioning students, researchers, teachers and scientists. The
and the arrangement of plant health clinics vary features and relevance of the museum are
widely in the way they operate (Boa et al., 2016). summarised below.
Bringing or sending all different types of samples Kiosk for plant health assessment and comparison:
for diagnosis is impractical for farmers.
The kiosk provides one-stop point for the
Moreover, due to the perennial nature of cashew
visitors to get all the relevant information about
and its seasonality of production, providing field
cashew cultivation and processing. Being an
exposure about all different aspects is not possible
interactive system, it avoids the top-down
during a particular leg of the visit of farmers to the delivery of information. The users can select the
research organisations. With the advent of information in which they are interested. The
modern ICTs, it is now possible to provide a plant health can be compared with the images and
holistic overview of crop and related activities at videos available in the kiosk through different
a single place. Keeping these in mind, a modern custom made software for pest attack, disease
PHCM has been set up at the Directorate of incidence and nutrient deficiency symptoms. It
Cashew Research, Puttur. This is first of its kind also provides options for managing the problem.
for Cashew in India, and for a crop in entire

July - September 2021

Special frames with digital display: This area of

the PHCM enlightens the visitors with the
videographic information on all aspects of
cashew cultivation, management, processing and
value addition.

Digital translates and bromides: These visual

treats in the plant health clinic museum aids the
visiting farmers with all the relevant information
on various facets of development and care for
cashew orchards. All various sections of cashew
cultivation are covered and the information can
be grabbed readily as the visitors move around.
Fig. 2. A view of the model showing softwood
Press button information board: This area of grafting technology in cashew PHCM at
ICAR-Directorate of Cashew Research, Puttur
the museum helps the farmers and visitors to learn
about the attributes of the popular varieties of
cashew. Users can find out the qualities of each
Effective information delivery is
variety, compare among other varieties and see
important for the success of any extension
the type of cashew apple and nut of each variety.
programmes. In the conventional extension
system, information is provided in the form of
leaflets and printed publications which require
much effort for the farmer to grasp the
information. Also, the traditional plant health
clinics provided solutions in a cumbersome way.
The availability and access to improved
information and communication technologies
provided vast opportunities in collection,
processing, display, retrieval, management and
dissemination of information in most appealing
way to the users. The information provided with
Fig. 1. A view of the mural depiction in cashew PHCM
at ICAR-Directorate of Cashew Research, Puttur the advanced ICTs are effective and easy to grasp

The Cashew and Cocoa Journal

as it communicates the information in an What works in Rural Advisory Services 81.

interactive and visually attractive manner that Negussie, E., Karanja, P., Day, R., Romney, D.,
engages most of the sensory elements in learning, Reeder, R., Boa, E., Muriithi, C., Kamau, R.,
which is proven to have a long term persistence Phiri, N., Danielsen, S., 2011. Role of plant health
effect on farmers and serve as one of the best clinics in meeting the needs of small-scale
extension strategies. farmers for advisory services: experiences from
References Eastern Africa. International Conference on

Anonymous, 2020. Area and production of Innovations in Extension and Advisory Services:

cashew 2018-19. Directorate Linking Knowledge to Policy and Action for Food

of Cashewnut and Cocoa Development, Kochi, and Livelihoods, CTA, Nairobi, Kenya, p. 9.

India. Saravanan, R., Rasheed Sulaiman, V., Davis, K.,

Boa, E., Franco, J., Chaudhury, M., Simbalaya, Suchiradipta, B., 2015. Navigating ICTs for

P., Van Der Linde, E., 2016. Plant health clinics. extension and advisory services. What Works in
Rural Advisory Services?, 85. v

July - September 2021


U.K.Priya, Bhavishya, S. ElainApshara, C.T. Jose, M.Chaithra,

N.R.Nagaraja,ShivajiHausraoThube, R.ThavaprakasaPandian, K.S.Karthika

Cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) is a The yield is highly depended upon the
plantation crop that has commercial importance favourability of climate, soil, varieties and the
worldwide. Cocoa a tropical crop and native of management aspects. Nutrient management in
Amazon region of South America was introduced particular gains importance since the adequate and
in India during early 1970 2 s as an intercrop.Now timely application of fertilizers in proper methods
cocoa is widely cultivated in Karnataka, Kerala, can prevent nutrient disorders and ascertain higher
Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh mostly as a yields (Harriset al., 1999). An added benefit of
profitable mixed crop in coconut and arecanut proper nutrient management is that the loss of
gardens. nutrients due to over application can be minimised

Recently, the huge demands of the cocoa ensuring better nutrient uptake by crops, and

beans and low support prices for rubber has reduced environment pollution caused due to

resulted in farmers undertaking cocoa leaching. Nutrient management in cocoa is thus

intercropping in rubber and oil palm plantations inevitable for enhanced production, economic and

that offers sustainable income and higher risk bearing environmental sustainability.

ability to farmers. The increasing use of Importance of soil testing in nutrient management
confectionaries has led to an increase in Soil testing is important in predicting the
requirement of cocoa and cocoa based products in occurrence of nutrient disorders and their
India. The domestic requirement of cocoa in 2018 rectification. It is advised to do soil testing before
was 30,000 MT of dry beans per annum. To meet proceeding for new plantations so that deficient or
the growing demand, India is importing a lion share toxic nutrients can be identified and remediation
worth 1551 crores in 2018 (DCCD, 2020). Hence can be carried out at the earliest. In established
cocoa cultivation has got immense potential to gardens soil samples can be collected 60 cm away
provide higher and sustainable income to farmers. from the base of the tree at a depth of 30 cm using a

ICAR- Central Plantation Crop Research Institute, Regional Station, Vittal-574243, Karnataka

The Cashew and Cocoa Journal

pole auger or a spade. While collecting soil for Fertilizers should be applied to soil when
analysis immediate basin, bunds, border rows, adequate soil moisture is available to maximise
extremely wet or dry soils should be avoided. Soil nutrient uptake. Fertilizers may be applied
samples collected should be a representative of the uniformly at the base of the plants, forked and
whole field covering differences in topography. It is incorporated at a radius of 30 cm during the first
advised to do soil testing once in three years in year of planting. In grown up plants fertilizers can
plantation crops like cocoa. In gardens showing be applied in shallow basins, raked and
deficiency or toxic symptoms, soil testing should incorporated to the soil at a radius of 30 cm that
be followed by leaf analysis. can be gradually increased to 75 cm in subsequent

Conventional soil blanket application of fertilizers years. Nutrient requirement varies with the age of
the tree. In high yielding trees with more than 1kg
The recommended fertilizers doses have
dry bean yield per tree annually, an additional
to be applied in two equal splits. It is advised to
dose of potassium will improve yield. Table 1
apply the first split during April-May and second
provides the nutrient and fertilizer requirements
split dose during September-November.
of cocoa.

Table 1: Nutrient and fertilizer requirements of cocoa

Nutrients (g/plant/year) I year I year I year

Nitrogen 33 66 100
Phosphorous 13 26 40
Potassium 46 92 140
Fertilizer (g/plant/year)
Urea 72 144 220
Rock Phosphate 65 130 200
Muriate of Potash 77 154 230

Fertigation method
fertilizers are utilized. Fertilizers are applied in
Fertigation is a method of supplying 18(10 days interval) to 9 splits (20 days interval)
fertilizers via irrigation system. When compared from December to May that coincides with the
to the conventional method here water soluble flower setting and pod development. When cocoa

July - September 2021

is grown as intercrop in arecanut gardens will cause the nutrients to be leached to deeper
fertigation technique enables fertilizer dose to be soil a layer which reduces the absorption of
reduced to 75% of the recommendation and nutrients by cocoa trees. The solution should be
ensures better nutrient uptake. Since the free of suspended particles and Di Ammonium
fertilizers are applied through irrigation water Phosphate (DAP) should be soaked for
this method is labour saving. It is advised to start overnight so as to prevent clogging of tubes. In
irrigation 10 minutes prior to fertigation as small scale fertigation can be undertaken
enough moisture will be retained in soil to throughventury system and large scale fertilizer
maximise absorption of nutrients. Fertigation tanks can be utilized by farmers. Table 2
can be continued for a period of 20 minutes. The provides the fertilizer requirement per tree basis
fertigation period shouldn’t be prolonged as it for fertigation.

Table 2. Fertigation frequency and rates

Recommended dose of 75 g N,30 g P2O5 and

fertilizers for fertigation 105 g K2O / tree/year
Recommended dose in terms 135g Urea, 65 g DAP,
of Urea, DAP and MOP 175 g MOP / tree /year
Frequency of application Fertilizer g/ tree/interval

10 days interval

Urea 7.5

DAP 3.6

MOP 9.7

20 days interval
Urea 15

DAP 7.2

MOP 19.4

The Cashew and Cocoa Journal

Nutrient disorders in cocoa Nitrogen deficiency

Nutrient disorder can either be in form of In nitrogen deficiency also the symptoms
nutrient deficiency or in terms of nutrient toxicity are first visible on the older leaves in the form of
caused due to the inadequate level of nutrient tip scorching and reduced size of the leaves.

supply or unbalanced application of fertilizers or Older leaves will also show yellowing. Petiole

nutrient sources. Nutrient disorders can also will show acute angle with stem.

develop due to the physico chemical properties of Phosphorus deficiency

soil and also inadequate or inefficient Plant will have stunted growth. Young
management practices. Nutrient disorders can be leaves will be markedly reduced in size. The

identified by the peculiar deficiency or toxicity stipules will persist even after leaf abscission.

symptoms that are exhibited by the cocoa plant. The deficiency of major nutrients can be

Deficiency symptoms can be ascertained only overcome by following correct fertilizer doses
and schedules according to soil test reports.
with soil and leaf analysis.
Micronutrient disorders
The major nutrient deficiency exhibited in
Among the micronutrient disorders the
cocoa gardens is potassium deficiency. Nitrogen
most widespread is zinc deficiency and boron
and phosphorus deficiencies are seen in lesser
deficiency. In certain plantations iron deficiency
frequencies in well maintained gardens.
is also seen in isolated pockets.
Deficiencies of secondary nutrients like calcium,
Zinc deficiency
magnesium and sulphur occur to a lesser extent in
Very young leaves show prominent dark
cocoa gardens.
red veinlets. Leaves will show considerable
Potassium deficiency
distortion, becomes very narrow in proportion to
The symptoms first appear on the older length, margin often wavy and leaf sometimes
leaves. Pale yellow areas formed in interveinal becomes sickle-shaped with small chlorotic
region near leaf margin. These areas become patches in distinct row on each side of midrib and
quickly necrotic by fusing with each other after main lateral veins.
some time. There will be progress of marginal To rectify the deficiency foliar spraying
necrosis much more rapid between veins. There with 300g Zinc Sulphate and 100 g lime in 100 L
will be a yellow zone on inner surface of invading of water can be undertaken. Spraying of 1% to
necrotic zone. 1.5% ZnSO4 can also be recommended to correct
the deficiency symptom.

July - September 2021

Boron deficiency management measures should be taken only after

Young leaves show reduction in size and following standard soil testing.
turns pale. Hardening with marked reflexed Conclusion
curvature or spiral twisting and will be thick to the Cocoa is a cash crop having high
touch and brittle. Old leaves will have healthy commercial value due to the increasing demand
appearance. Spraying of borax can correct the in domestic and international market. The crop
deficiency. has got immense potential to sustain farm income
Iron deficiency and offers economic sustainability to farmers
Symptoms are shown by the younger when grown as intercrop in coconut, arecanut and
leaves wherein there is the presence of dark green oil palms. Following the scientific crop
veinlets against pale green background or there management practices along with adoption of
will be green tinted veins and prominent tip high yielding cocoa varieties, farmers can
scorch. Symptoms are not prominent in leaves of increase the resource use efficiency, nutrient use
previous flush. Older leaves frequently shows efficiency and production of cocoa, thereby
narrow marginal and tip scorch. Foliar spraying achieving better economic returns from cocoa.
with 1% aqueous Iron Sulphate shows correction References
of symptoms. DCCD, 2020, Directorate of Cashew and Cocoa
The degree of symptom expression and Development (DASD), Cochin, Kerala, India.
correction largely depends upon the method, time
and frequency of application. These parameters =1 (Date accessed: 05-06-2020)
can only be suggested by detailed soil and plant Haris, A.A., Balasimha, D., Sujatha, S., Bhat, R.
tissue analysis and other field parameters. Above and Abdul Khader, K.B., 1999. The influence of
listed are the most common disorders that are drip irrigation and fertilizer levels on yield and
seen in major cocoa growing tracts of India. photosynthetic characteristics of cocoa in mixed
Certain field specific disorders may rise in cropping system with arecanut.Journal of
plantations that may show similarities with above Plantation Crops.27 (2),131-135.
said symptoms and hence practicing the v

The Cashew and Cocoa Journal


L.S.Singh and Anok Uchoi

Cocoa is an important plantation crop in Assam. It is also found to occur in all the cocoa
grown in south India. However, in the past few growing areas in India with maximum incidence
years the crop has gained considerable during the monsoon period (July-August). The
importance among the farming community of infection occurs anywhere on pod surface. Pods of all
North East India mainly due to various extension ages are susceptible. Injury to the pods while
activities conducted by ICAR-Central Plantation harvesting, pruning and other cultural operations are
Crops Research Institute, Research Centre, more prone to infection. Initial symptoms appear as
Kahikuchi, Guwahati, Assam. At present, cocoa chocolate brown spot, which spread rapidly on the
is grown in an area of 15.7 hectare. Goalpara, pod surface. As the disease advances, a whitish
Baksa, Kamrup, Bongaigaon, Nalbari and growth of fungus consisting of fungal sporangia is
Udalguri are the main cocoa growing districts in produced over the affected pod surface. Finally, the
Assam. Study conducted on varietal trial at the affected pods turn brown to black.
Research Centre, Kahikuchi showed promising Spraying Bordeaux mixture (1%) at the
result among the cocoa genotypes planted under onset of monsoon and thereafter twice during the
arecanut. Genotypes VTLC 19 was found to be monsoon periods at monthly interval is
suitable for this region with a pod yield of 43 pods recommended. Infected pods may be removed
per tree per year yielding 1.76 kg dry beans at the and destroyed through sanitary pruning. Avoid
age of seven years. However, diseases and pest is overcrowding of shade trees and timely pruning
one of the major factors affecting cocoa helps in proper management of the disease as well
production. This article highlights the important as incidence of stem canker. In addition, the
diseases and pest of cocoa in Assam and their garden should be kept clean throughout the year
management strategies for increasing cocoa to avoid spread of the disease.
production in North East region of India.
Charcoal pod rot (Botryodiplodia theobromae):
Diseases and pests of cocoa in Assam
Infection appears as dark brown to black
Black pod rot and Charcoal pod rot are the coloured spot. The affected spots turn charcoal
two important diseases of cocoa in Assam. black and remain on the tree as mummified pods.
Important pests include myllocerus weevil, leaf The internal tissues rot and the beans turn black.
eating caterpillar, mealy bugs, thrips, termite and This disease is prevalent throughout the year,
squirrel. Management practices of this diseases becomes severe during summer months. Pods of
and pests are given hereunder. all ages are susceptible. Infection takes place
Diseases through wounds. Affected pods are found
Black pod (Phytophthora palmivora): unsuitable for harvest. Timely management by
spraying Bordeaux mixture (1%) is recommended
It is one of the important diseases of cocoa
to control the disease.

ICAR-Central Plantation Crops Research Institute, Research Centre, Kahikuchi, Guwahati, Assam

July - September 2021

Black pod rot Charcoal pod rot

Preparation of 1% Bordeaux mixture malady, nutrient competition, over bearing,

Dissolve 1 kg copper sulphate crystals in insects, diseases etc. This is found to be a
50 litres of water. In another vessel containing 50 common problem in all the cocoa growing areas.
litres of water, prepare 1 kg of quick lime. Pour Pests
the copper sulphate solution gently, stirring the Leaf and pod eating caterpillars
mixture continuously. Test the mixture before use Different types of leaf eating caterpillar of
by dipping a polished knife in it. If the blade Lympantria species feed on the tender foliage,
shows a reddish colour, add more lime till the leaves and shoots of young growing cocoa
blade is not stained. Always use plastic buckets seedlings. The damage is found to be severe during
for preparing Bordeaux mixture. the winter season. The caterpillar skeletonizes the
Preparation of 10% Bordeaux mixture paste young growing seedling in nursery and young
Dissolve 100 g of copper sulphate and 100 plants in a zig zag manner affecting the
g of quick lime each in 500 ml water separately photosynthetic pathway. In tender pods, caterpillar
and mix thoroughly. Bordeaux paste should be feed by scrapping the green portion of the pod,
smeared on cut ends immediately after pruning of leaving a brown scar mark leading to secondary
main stem and branches to avoid fungal infection. infection. Mechanical removal with hand in
“Cherelle” wilt: nursery and pods or spraying with systemic
Young tender pods of four to seven days insecticide 2 ml of Rogor mixed with 1 litre of
old shows shriveling and mummifying water can help to manage the pest population.
symptoms. The pods lose their luster and dried. Second application is recommended if pest
This pods remains in the tree for a month or so and recurrence is noticed by spraying 16 ml
fall off. Many factors are associated with this Dimethoate mixed in 10 litres of water

The Cashew and Cocoa Journal

Caterpillar attacked in green pod Caterpillar attacked in seedling stage

Caterpillar attacked in seedling stage

Myllocerus weevils (Myllocerus viridanus) period of feeding is during October to January.

The pest is also found to attack the leaves mostly
The weevils feed and skeletonize the
during night time. The damage is found to be very
foliage affecting the photosynthetic respiration.
severe if the pest is kept unmanaged. The damage
Adult beetles mostly attacked the tender leaves,
could be control by spraying Rogor 2 ml mixed
slowly feeding the mature leaves. The peak
with 1 litre of water.

Weevil attacked in old leaves and young shoots of cocoa

Mealy bugs (Planococcus lilacinus Ckll.) excessive branching at undesired height. The pest
The adult females and young ones suck incidence is more during the summer months.
the sap of tender shoot, flowers and young pods. Spraying Dimethoate (Rogor) 160 ml in 100 litres of
Affected plants show retarded growth and water is found to be the best method of management.

July - September 2021

Thrips (Selenothrips rubrocinctus) winter months (October-January). They are also

Thrips attacked the tender leaves and pods. found to suck the sap of young immature pods
They suck the leaves from the lower surface. As a showing a scorching appearance and deformed
result leaves become shrivelled and mummified. pods. Spraying with Rogor 2 ml mixed with 1 litre
The population is found to be increased during of water help to manage the pest population.

Mealy bugs attacked in cocoa seedling Thrips attacked in pod and tender leaves
Squirrel (Funambulus trisriatus): About 97% of the pod got damage due to attack of
Squirrels are the major rodent pests the squirrels. Timely harvesting and proper
affecting cocoa cultivation in Assam. They cause sanitation in field help to reduce the squirrel
damage to pods mostly at ripening stage. They attack. Planting fruit trees at the periphery of the
also found to damage green pods. The squirrels garden also helps to reduce the incidence of
usually gnaw the pods near the tip end of pods. squirrel attack.

Squirrel damage of pod at ripe stage

Squirrel damage of pod at green stage
Adoption of field sanitation by disposal of
Termite (Odontotermes obesus Ramb)
decaying debris from the plantation will help.
This is one of the important pests of cocoa Removal of mound and drenching the surrounding
in Assam. They attack the bark of cocoa at the area and hole with Chloropyriphos 2 ml per litre
collar region by making mound and ribs of mud of water helps in complete management of the pest.
on the tree trunk leading to secondary infection.
The Cashew and Cocoa Journal


REPORT 2020-21

a) Annual Action Plan on OL f) Workshop

On the basis of this Annual Programme During the report year 3 workshops were
issued by the Department of Official Language, conducted on 15/09/20, 28/12/20 and 18/03/21.
this Directorate, during the report year, has
g) Hindi day/Fortnight
prepared an annual action plan specific to the
substantive activities and functional requirement of Hindi fortnight was celebrated from
the Directorate with special emphasis on the usage 14/09/20 to 28/09/20. Various competitions in
of Information technology as a tool. The objective Hindi have been held in which all Officers/Staff
of the Annual Action Plan is not only to encourage participated with great enthusiasm. A technical
progressive use of Hindi in internal official dealings workshop was conducted on 15/09/20 for the
but also among all stake holders of the Directorate, benefit of staff members. The valedictory function
majority of them are farmers, scientists, technical of Hindi Fortnight Celebrations was held on
experts, State Government offices etc. 28/09/20 at 3.00PM at the Conference Hall of this
Directorate. Dr Venkatesh N Hubballi, Director,
b) Training
presided over the function. After the invocation by
All staff members have either completed S m t . Re s m i , H i n d i Tr a n s l a t o r, S h r i P A
training or have working knowledge in Hindi. Parameswaran, Admn.Officer gave the welcome
Smt.Sreedevi, MTS received training in Hindi address. In his Presidential address, Dr Venkatesh
Typing. Smt. Sreekala, Technical Assistant is N Hubballi, Director, congratulated all the prize
undergoing training in “Parangat.” winners and expressed his pleasure at the active
participation of all staff members. He also
c) Compliance of Section 3(3)
expressed his appreciation for the fact that there has
All documents coming under section3(3) been an 10% increase in Hindi noting and
viz; circulars, office orders, sanction orders, appeal correspondence. Presidential address was followed
etc are issued in diglot form. During the report year, by prize distribution. The winners of various
116 such documents were issued in bilingual form. competitions were awarded prizes. Prize
d) Rule(5) of OL rules 1976 distribution was followed by Vote of Thanks
proposed by Smt.Resmi R I, JT.
In compliance with rule 5 of OL rules
1976, all letters received in Hindi were replied to in h) Official Langua ge Implementation
Hindi itself during the report year. Committee

e) Rule(11) of OL rules 1976 Meetings of Official Language

Implementation Committee(OLIC) were held
In compliance of rule 11 of OL rules 1976, regularly as per rules. During the report year, four
all rubber stamps, name plates, sign boards etc are such meetings were held on 21/07/20, 30/09/20,
made in bilingual form. All forms used in the office 18/12/20 and 24/03/21. and their minutes
too are in bilingual format. All computers have
forwarded to the Department of Agriculture, Co-
been enabled with Unicode system.
operation and Farmer’s Welfare, Town Official

July - September 2021

Language Implementation Committee and the award ceremony for the next three years. This
Regional Implementation Office. Directorate has won first prize for implementation
i) Aaj ka Sabd of official language for 3 consecutive years. Hence
the Directorate was not considered for the
This unique scheme named ‘aaj ka sabd’ has competition during report year.
been formulated for the encouragement of staff
members in enhancing the use of Hindi. Under this l) Incentive Scheme
scheme, daily a Hindi word, its English meaning, a As per the directives of Department of
sentence using the Hindi word and its English Official Language, an incentive scheme has been
equivalent is displayed on the White Boards kept at formulated for encouraging the use of Official
the common area of both the floors of this Language in day to day office work. Officers/
Directorate. A competition is held on the basis of employees who do their official work wholly or
these words and sentences every year during Hindi partly originally in Hindi and who write atleast
fortnight Celebrations and the first, second and 10,000 words a year in Hindi are eligible to
third place winners are awarded cash prizes participate in this scheme for which the following
Rs.1000/-, Rs.750/- and Rs.500/- for first, second cash awards are given :
and third prizes respectively. This competition was
First Prize (2 prizes) @ Rs.5000 each
held during this year too, during Hindi Fortnight
Second Prize (3 prizes) @ Rs.3000 each
celebrations and prizes awarded as mentioned
Third Prize (5 prizes) @ Rs.2000 each
below :-
During the report year, following prizes were
First prize - Smt. P S Sreekala
awarded :-
Second prize - Smt Sridevi V M
Third prize - Shri Bipin V Smt. V S Jayalakshmi, Statistical Investigator -
Consolation prize - Shri Rohit H S First Prize of Rs.5000/-
j) Purchase of Hindi books Shri Bipin V, UDC - Second prize of Rs.3000/-
As per OL rules, 50% of fund spent on Shri Dense K Paul, Senior Computor
library books(other than reference literature) - Second prize of Rs.3000/-
should be utilised for purchase of Hindi books m) Other achievements
whereas in this Directorate whatever funds are
A multilingual Cashew App has been
being utilised for purchase of books are used only
developed in association with Directorate of
for purchase of Hindi books. During the report
Cashew Research(ICAR), Puttur,Karnataka, for
year an amount of Rs.5606/- has been spent on
disseminating various technical and scientific
purchase of Hindi books.
information of Cashew among farming community.
k) Participation in TOLIC In compliance of the Annual Plan 2019-20, Hindi
This Directorate actively participates in all langauge is prominently included in this Cashew
activities of TOLIC. Two years ago Kochi TOLIC App which will help popularize the crop in Hindi
had taken a decision that if an office is awarded best speaking States/Regions.
performance shield continuously for three Third edition of Technical Glossary has been
consecutive years, they will not be considered for prepared and is ready for publication.

The Cashew and Cocoa Journal


Cashew Seminar, Bhavikere need to increase the cashew area to meet the
The University of Agricultural & Horticultural demand for cashew industries. During the
Sciences, Shivamogga in collaboration with programme Sri Pranesh, Deputy Speaker,
Directorate of Cashewnut & Cocoa Development Legislative Council, Govt. of Karnataka,
(DCCD) organised Cashew seminar on 26.09.2021 Dr.M.K.Naik, Vice Chancellor, UAHS, Shivamogga
at Agricultural & Horticultural Research Station and Dr.Venkatesh N Hubballi, Director, DCCD,
Bhavikere, Chikkmagaluru district. The programme Cochin were present. Sri. D.S.Suresh, Hon'ble
was inaugurated by Miss Shobha Karandlaje, MLA Tarikere Taluk presided the function.
Hon'ble Union Minister of State for Agriculture & Hon'ble Minister visited the accredited Cashew
Farmers Welfare, Govt of India. During inaugural nurser y & Cashew demonstration fields
address the Minister stressed that there is an urgent established at the research station.

One day online training programme on Cocoa on “Organic Production Technology” covering
As a part of the Asadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav different aspects viz. lay out & land preparation, criteria
celebration , the DCCD, Kochi organised a one day for selection of variety and their performance,
training programme on “Organic Production of production technologies including organic fertilisers
Cocoa” through Google Meet for the farmers of for manure during the training. The farmers raised
Idukki, Kozhikode and Wynad districts on 27th questions on different aspects of the crop and Dr.
August 2021. Shri. Ravindra Kumar, Deputy Director, Suma interacted with them and cleared their all
DCCD addressed the farmers and officials and questions. Around 100 participants attended the
made an introductory speech on the purpose of online training programme. The farmers were very
the training organised through online and explained happy for having conducted the training through
the development of cocoa culivation in India. online and requested further more trainings through
Shri. Nikhil V.M. Sr, Technical Assistant, DCCD online. The officials from M/s. Mondelez India
welcomed all the participants and coordinated the Foods Ltd. also coordinated and participated in the
programme. Dr. Suma B., Professor & Head, programme. Dr. Venkatesh. N. Hubballi, Director,
Cocoa Research Station, KAU delivered a class DCCD expressed gratitude to Dr. Suma for having

July - September 2021

led an informtive class and also appreciated the farmers Kodgi, President, CAMPCO, Mangalore. Dr. M.
for making the programme fruitful and successful. Gangadhara Nayak, Principal Scientist, (Hort.)
The Programme ended with vote of thanks by Smt. briefed about the newly released cashew variety.
Jayalakshmi VS, Statistical Investigator, DCCD. Netra Vaman grows to a height of less than 2.5
meters. It was evaluated for about 10 years and
found unique with respect to plant height, compact
spreading habit, nut size and apple colour and quality.
Though the variety is not a much good yielder it can
grow well even under shade conditions. The nuts
are small in size with a weight of less than 7 g. The apple
colour is good, attractive and has less fibre content.
The variety is pruning responsive, long flowering
duration variety, and flowers in the first year of
planting. It has stem galling like coffee. It can be
suitable for homegardens. It best suits for the one
who is fond of bonsai and opts for pot culture.
Directorate of Cashew Research Celebrates
CASHEW DAY – 2021 Dr. M. Veerangouda, Dean (AG.Engg),
College of Agricultural Engineering, Raichur released
Cashew Day- 2021 was celebrated at the
the cahew pest database developed by the Directorate .
institute on 17th of February which commenced
Kadamajalu Subhash Rai, a progressive farmer
with the theme of Scientist- farmer interaction and
informed that he has grown cashew varieties VRI -
application of drone technology in Cashew in 3, NRCC Selection- 2 at spacing of 3m×3m and
collaboration with the Directorate of Cashewnut Bhaskara and Ullal- 3 at a spacing of 8m×8m and
and Cocoa Development, Kochi. Shri. Kishore 10m×10m respectively. He said that if one invests
Kumar Kodgi, President, CAMPCO, Mangalore money on soil, he can dig gold from it.
was the Chief Guest and Dr. M. Veerangouda,
Later, Dr. M. Veerang ouda, Dean
Dean (AG.Eng g), College of Agricultural
(AG.Engg), gave presentation on application of
Engineering, Raichur and Kadamajalu Subhash Rai
drones in agriculture and horticulture. Drones can
were guests of honors for the function. The be used even in forests and slopes. Decreased
Cashew Day is conducted every year to introduce health hazards, greater field coverage, and women
and familiarize all the new and latest innovations empowerment adds to advantages of use of drones
and technologies to the farming community. in agriculture. After the stage program, there was a
A dwarf cashew variety “NETRA demonstration on spray through drones in the
VAMAN” was released by Shri. Kishore Kumar Directorate's cashew fields.

The Cashew and Cocoa Journal

Cashew New planting Scheme 2021-22 – Shri. Sajeev Joseph, MLA, Irikkoor at Ulikkal and
cashew grafts distribution programme, Smt. P Rajani, Predisent, Payam Grama Panchayath
Kannur at Peruvamparambu by distributing the cashew
Distribution of grafts at Payam grafts to the beneficiary farmers. Shri. Jose
The distribution programme of Cashew Poomala, Chairman, Kerala Pradesh Cashew Cell
Grafts under the new planting scheme for 2021-22 was also present and supported in coordinating
of the Directorate of Cashewnut and Cocoa the farmers during distribution.
Development was held in association with Payam Distribution of cashew grafts at Kottiyoor
Grama Panchayath on 06/09/2021. A total of ten Another distribution programme of
thousand cashew grafts of Vengurla 4 variety were Cashew Grafts under the new planting scheme was
distributed to the beneficiary farmers at three also held on 09/09/2021 in association with
different locations Ulikkal, Peruvamparambu and Kottiyoor Grama Panchayath at Chunkakkunnu.
Vallithode. The distribution was inaugurated by A total of twelve thousand Vengurle – 4 variety of
cashew grafts were distributed to the beneficiary
farmers.The distribution was inaugurated by Shri.
Roy Nambudakam, Predisent, Kottiyoor Grama
Panchayath by distributing the cashew grafts to the
beneficiary farmers. Shri. Jose Poomala, Chairman,
Kerala Pradesh Cashew Cell, Vice president
Kottiyoor Grama Panchayath and members of the
panchayath were present on the occasion.

One day online training programme on address on organic cultivation of cashew and
CASHEW explained the status of cashew development in
As a part of the Asadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav India. Shri. Nikhil V.M. Sr, Technical Assistant,
celebration, the DCCD, Kochi organised a training DCCD welcomed all the participants and coordinated
on “Organic Production of Cashew” through the programme. Dr. Jalajs S. Menon Professor &
Google Meet for the farmers of various districts of Head, Cashew Research Station, KAU delivered a
Kerala on 13th September 2021. Shri. Ravindra class on “Cashew : Org anic Production
Kumar, Deputy Director, DCCD made a key note Technology” covering different types of cashew

July - September 2021

varities available and their performance for farmers were very happy for having conducted the
adoption in the field. A detailed class was taken on training through online and requested further more
Productivity Improvement, doubling Farmers trainings through online. The officials from RARS,
income and Value addition in cashew during the KSACC, and Dept. of Agriculture, Kerala etc. also
training. Thereafter farmers interaction was held in participated in the programme. The training was
which farmers raised questions on different aspects an informtive and organised successfully by
of the crop and Dr. Jalaja S.Menon explained and DCCD. The Programme ended with vote of
cleared all questions. Around 96 participants thanks by Smt. Jayalakshmi VS, Statistical
attended the online training programme. The Investigator, DCCD.

Report om Skill Development Programme at nurseries, trainees acquainted with nursery

CPCRI-Vittal techniques of spices, fruits, vegetables and flowers as
The Skill Development Programme on well. The participants were given with training
Nursery Worker recommended by Agriculture Skill materials like, technical bulletins on crops, cocoa
Council of India (ASCI) under Ministry of Skill notebook, nursery manual, note pad, pen, file folder etc.
Development and Entrepreneurship, New Delhi and They too were given with personal accessories like,
sponsored by Directorate of Cashewnut and Cocoa bags, boots, caps and nursery tools like secateurs,
Development (DCCD) under Ministry of Agriculture budding/ grafting knives, sprayers etc. Various nursery
and Farmers Welfare, Kochi, Kerala was organized at implements were purchased and provided to trainees
ICAR- CPCRI, Regional Station, Vittal in Karnataka and utilized efficiently for hands on trainings
from 15th February 21 to 11th March 2021. CPCRI conducted both in groups and individually. The
received 51 applications from which 25 were selected program was inaugurated on 15.02.2021, Dr. S. Elain
considering all the requirements and criteria Apshara, Principal Scientist (Horticulture) convened
recommended by the council. Daywise programs the program and Dr. Priya, U.K., Scientist (Soil
included lectures, method demonstrations, practicals, Science) as certified ASCI trainer co-ordinated the
field visits, visit to crop based institutes and training program. Pre evaluation test was conducted to
industries. Hands on trainings were given on nursery study the level of knowledge of participants on
activities related to plantation crops. Through nursery activities. At Vittal Station, lectures were taken by
exposure visits to Horticultural Institutes and private scientists of each section covering Horticulture,

The Cashew and Cocoa Journal

Nurser y worker training prog ramme and

Genetics, Agronomy, Soil Science, Plant Pathology,
certificate were issued by the ASCI trainer to the
Agricultural Entomology, Statistics and Social
Sciences. Trainees were acquired knowledge in the

Report on Skill Development training preparation of potting mixture, cover filling, seed
programme at CRS, Madakkathara pre-treatments and sowing. Special assignments on
The Skill Development programme on innovative approaches in nursery were also made.
“Nurser y Worker” under MIDH through Final assessment of trainees were done by
affiliation by ASCI funded by DCCD was held on representatives from ASCI. Certificate distribution
5th March 2021 to 29th of March 2021 at Cashew ceremony was conducted on 16/04/2021. Honble
Research Station, Madakkathara for a batch of 25 Vice Chancellor Dr.R Chandra Babu inaugurated
trainees. Theoretical sessions on various aspects the function. Sri.Venkatesh N Hubballi, Director
of cashew were taken by the Professors of Cashew DCCD delivered a key note address. The training
Research Station Madakkathara. The trainees were output was a group of unemployed youth have
evaluated regularly on theory and practical aspects been empowered with special skill development in
viz . seed sorting, grafting, scion procuring, nursery and allied activities of cashew.

July - September 2021

Export of Cashew Kernels from India - April 2020- March 2021
Country Quantity - Kg Value(INR) Value(US $)

AFGHANISTAN 98000 53726281 728323

ALGERIA 75000 34373546 465698
ANGOLA 350 217333 2872
AUSTRALIA 200 118778 1595
AUSTRIA 40 24940 340
BAHARAIN IS 572056 345222655 4669389
BELGIUM 392364 229121692 3078484
BHUTAN 5974 3474462 46928
BOTSWANA 15 11162 153
BRUNEI 75344 42245631 569262
BURUNDI 40 29452 394
CANADA 186150 78680195 1059892
CAYMAN IS 50 34806 460
COLOMBIA 68040 38141167 513323
CONGO D. REP. 803 547757 7324
COTE D’ IVOIRE 16851 6348511 83834
CYPRUS 65772 42647390 579256
CZECH REPUBLIC 64104 35191721 472050
DENMARK 31752 17521832 239634
DOMINIC REP 15000 6602063 89710
EGYPT A RP 47000 31806381 427283
FIJI IS 460 292985 3931
FRANCE 235379 121835022 1646976
GABON 1 720 10
GAMBIA 150 85201 1170
GEORGIA 54000 32849217 439466
GERMANY 1768796 1104478671 14900871
GREECE 703431 420773417 5657399
HONG KONG 279714 183194264 2474091
IRAN 278000 153995879 2090370
IRELAND 40 21782 298
ISRAEL 71726 45783129 608803
ITALY 34884 19794693 268405
JAMAICA 330 253587 3477
JAPAN 6011382 3671000745 49381833
JORDAN 6000 5674425 74999
KENYA 80 44872 610
KOREA RP 286700 171475836 2320535
KUWAIT 1133030 665078829 8991807
LIBERIA 3 1299 18

The Cashew and Cocoa Journal

Export of Cashew Kernels from India - April 2020- March 2021

Country Quantity - Kg Value(INR) Value(US $)

MALAYSIA 853718 475470265 6423075

MALDIVES 25377 16686321 227078
MALTA 50 33818 447
MAURITANIA 50 87821 1201
MAURITIUS 26976 17050357 229698
MOROCCO 45600 21537398 288857
MYANMAR 9 5382 71
NEPAL 460245 274648772 3692721
NETHERLAND 6034632 3322602117 44747832
NEW ZEALAND 1021 1198124 15836
NIGERIA 130 116738 1596
NORWAY 6944 3092419 41616
OMAN 792720 467951856 6332843
PAKISTAN IR 15000 8302692 112818
PANAMA REPUBLIC 3000 1765903 23499
PAPUA N GNA 5 5058 67
PHILIPPINES 420 303559 4125
POLAND 47628 21674335 291605
QATAR 1110045 648748601 8793370
REUNION 20 16038 215
RUSSIA 109400 62716018 841890
RWANDA 20 16478 221
SAUDI ARAB 6370527 3745987367 50642840
SEYCHELLES 691 428907 5853
SIERRA LEONE 84 57294 775
SINGAPORE 1132506 674487025 9092128
SLOVENIA 206388 122006345 1642811
SOUTH AFRICA 80752 43775184 592977
SPAIN 2662632 1846537963 24838413
SUDAN 20 19416 264
SWITZERLAND 101687 61453450 822281
TAIWAN 1912 1925512 26276
TRINIDAD 222264 123681947 1671308
TURKEY 60882 32425758 436215
U ARAB EMTS 12688239 7218470205 97877754
UK 460445 257069162 3462666
USA 2096336 1251926903 16883050
UKRAINE 500 373217 5081
VIETNAM SOC REP 377749 116484119 1581503
TOTAL (Kg/Rs.) 48575635 28403862713 383554156
TOTAL (MT/Rs.Crs) 48576 2840.386
Source : CEPC, Kollam

July - September 2021

Export of CNSL from India- April-2020 to March-2021
Country Quantity - Kg Value(INR) Value(US $)

Argentina 210 22370 300

Australia 41780 3075777 41032
Belgium 342152 44118567 600782
Egypt A Rp 6000 257395 3538
Indonesia 1140 183500 2493
Israel 80 5788 77
Japan 32820 2146896 28593
Korea Rp 1759950 68262324 913592
Mexico 15248 1690631 23225
Nepal 21390 1433130 19603
Netherland 66000 3043990 41165
Portugal 75000 3421444 46716
Russia 79000 3157634 41698
Singapore 122900 7082274 96937
Slovenia 78350 3425074 46926
South Africa 12000 1220337 16644
Spain 206000 9879462 134720
Taiwan 87600 4563785 61631
Thailand 55000 2647499 35098
Turkey 380 24852 331
U Arab Emts 390 88380 1189
UK 144000 8313585 112922
USA 158704 14621921 197120
Total(Kg) 3306094 182686615 2466332
Total(Mts) /Rs.Cr 3306.094 18.2686615

Source : CEPC, Kollam

The Cashew and Cocoa Journal

Import of Raw cashewnut in to India - April - 2020 to March - 2021

Country Quantity - Kg Value(INR) Value(US $)

Australia 106835 8087643 106895

Benin 163676685 13217007668 176633021
Burkina Faso 22607188 1744679893 23290873
Congo P Rep 16987 1522392 20388
Cote D’ Ivoire 99608136 8397465308 112726826
El Salvador 91310 8204474 112766
Gambia 23329348 2154040746 29024877
Ghana 134349957 12570460973 168046627
Guinea 40853987 2928072831 39455885
Guinea Bissau 99087639 9342512560 126498176
Hong Kong 978019 97251513 1296435
Indonesia 12736896 1359399008 18439071
Madagascar 978750 70098920 957620
Malaysia 157730 18726888 248330
Mali 3278840 187731008 2518565
Mozambique 18133899 1757185327 23279941
Myanmar 25440 1948760 25562
Netherland 24187 1004731 13803
Nigeria 35808136 2898188815 38822490
Senegal 18141750 1632712944 22187451
Singapore 19169000 1746597574 23422575
South Africa 480000 40463852 534340
Tanzania Rep 70717830 7735147081 104853885
Thailand 493000 43806632 588502
Togo 24004350 1864864035 24920414
U Arab Emts 39654062 3203579048 42909779
UK 1900240 226905153 3085572
USA 204275 14496550 197281
Venezuela 17228 1476586 19499
Vietnam Soc Rep 599365 39175284 522134
Total(Kg) 831231069 73312814197 984759583
Total(Mts) Rs.Cr 831231.069 7331.28142

Source : CEPC, Kollam

July - September 2021


COCOA: EXPORT DATA Quantity in '000 kgs Value in Rs.lakhs

Cocoa Beans Whole/Broken Raw/Roasted 101.03 384.06

Cocoa Shlls Husks Skins And Othr Cocoa Waste 7.57 17.81

Cocoa Paste Not Defatted 32.59 136.64

Wholly Or Partly Defatted Cocoa Paste -

Cocoa Butter Fat And Oil 9,687.84 30,663.83

Cocoa Pwdr Nt Contng Sugar/Swtng Matrl 157.27 347.13

Cocoa Pwdr Contng Sugar/Othr Swtng Matrl 62.82 246.98

Othr Food Prpn Cntng Cocoa In Blks/Slbs Wghng>2kg/

In Lqd,Pste,Pwdr,Grnlr/Othr Bulkform In Cntnrs Etc
Of A Cntnt > 697.57 1,117.08

Othr Food Prpn In Blcks Slbs/Bars Flled 635.15 2,875.15

Othr Food Prpn In Blcks Slbs/Bars Nt Fild 614.53 4,969.53

Chocolate And Chocolate Prdcts 2,251.37 5,927.36

Sugar Cnfctnry Cntng Cocoa 2,443.03 3,977.61

Spreads Cntng Cocoa 26.32 36.2

Prepns Cntng Cocoa For Mkg Bevrges. 1,602.01 2,804.49

Other Food Preparations Containing Cocoa 7,448.94 57,334.56

Total 25,768.04 110,838.43

Source : Dept. of Commerce , Govt. of India

The Cashew and Cocoa Journal


COCOA: IMPORT DATA Quantity in '000 kgs Value in Rs.lakhs

Cocoa Beans Whole/Broken Raw/Roasted 23,394.16 45,052.58

Cocoa Shlls Husks Skins And Othr Cocoa Waste -

Cocoa Paste Not Defatted 2,822.88 8,445.77

Wholly Or Partly Defatted Cocoa Paste 368.63 240

Cocoa Butter Fat And Oil 12,375.56 52,144.95

Cocoa Pwdr Nt Contng Sugar/Swtng Matrl 34,040.29 52,030.51

Cocoa Pwdr Contng Sugar/Othr Swtng Matrl 1,377.42 4,223.38

Othr Food Prpn Cntng Cocoa In Blks/Slbs Wghng>2kg/

In Lqd,Pste,Pwdr,Grnlr/Othr Bulkform In Cntnrs Etc
Of A Cntnt > 2kg 4,785.31 11,225.83

Othr Food Prpn In Blcks Slbs/Bars Flled 2,255.95 5,812.91

Othr Food Prpn In Blcks Slbs/Bars Nt Fild 419.35 1,871.29

Chocolate And Chocolate Prdcts 1,996.19 9,695.26

Sugar Cnfctnry Cntng Cocoa 1,712.40 3,008.28

Spreads Cntng Cocoa 2,037.86 4,974.56

Prepns Cntng Cocoa For Mkg Bevrges. 32.11 28.84

Other Food Preparations Containing Cocoa 1,442.02 3,344.74

Total 89,060.13 202,098.91

Source : Dept. of Commerce , Govt. of India

July - September 2021


Weekly wholesale price of Cocoa Wet beans for the month of January 2021
Cocoa Wet beans (Price in Rs./Kg)
S. No. Districts Centres 01.01.21 08.01.21 15.01.21 22.01.21 29.01.21 Average

1 Alappuzha Pulinkunnu - - - - - -
2 Kottayam Kottayam - - - - - -
3 Kottayam Pala (Meenachil) 40 40 40 40 40 40
4 Pathanamthitta Thiruvalla 45 50 50 50 50 49
5 Ernakulam Moovattupuzha 40 40 40 40 - 40
6 Ernakulam Kothamangalam 35 35 35 33 33 34.2
7 Thrissur Thrissur - - - - - -
8 Idukki Thodupuzha - - - - - -
9 Idukki Kattappana 42 42 42 40 42 41.6
10 Idukki Idukki 45 44 44 50 50 46.6
wholesale price of Cocoa dry beans for the month of January 2021 (Rs./Kg)
1 Ernakulam Kalady 170 170 170 170 170 170
2 Wayanad Manathawadi 150 155 155 150 150 152

Weekly wholesale price of Cocoa Wet beans for the month of February 2021
Cocoa Wet beans (Price in Rs./Kg)
S. No. Districts Centres 05.02.21 12.02.21 19.02.21 26.02.21 Average

1 Alappuzha Pulinkunnu - - - - -
2 Kottayam Kottayam - - - - -
3 Kottayam Pala (Meenachil) 40 40 40 40 40
4 Pathanamthitta Thiruvalla 53 53 53 53 53
5 Ernakulam Moovattupuzha - - - - -
6 Ernakulam Kothamangalam 34 34 34 34 34
7 Thrissur Thrissur - - - - -
8 Idukki Thodupuzha - - - - -
9 Idukki Kattappana 42 43 43 43 42.75
10 Idukki Idukki 50 50 50 50 50
wholesale price of Cocoa dry beans for the month of February 2021 (Rs./Kg)
1 Ernakulam Kalady 170 175 175 180 175
2 Wayanad Manathawadi 150 160 160 160 157.5

The Cashew and Cocoa Journal

Weekly wholesale price of Cocoa Wet beans for the month of March 2021
Cocoa Wet beans (Price in Rs./Kg)
S. No. Districts Centres 05.03.21 12.03.21 19.03.21 26.03.21 Average

1 Alappuzha Pulinkunnu - - - - -
2 Kottayam Kottayam - - - - -
3 Kottayam Pala (Meenachil) 40 40 45 45 42.5
4 Pathanamthitta Thiruvalla 53 53 53 53 53
5 Ernakulam Moovattupuzha 40 40 40 40 40
6 Ernakulam Kothamangalam 40 40 40 40 40
7 Thrissur Thrissur - - - - -
8 Idukki Thodupuzha - - - - -
9 Idukki Kattappana 43 42 43 42 42.66
10 Idukki Idukki 53 53 53 55 53.5
wholesale price of Cocoa dry beans for the month of March 2021 (Rs./Kg)
1 Ernakulam Kalady 180 180 180 175 178.75
2 Wayanad Manathawadi 160 150 150 145 149

Weekly wholesale price of Cocoa Wet beans for the month of April 2021
Cocoa Wet beans (Price in Rs./Kg)
S. No. Districts Centres 02.04.21 09.04.21 16.04.21 23.04.21 30.04.21 Average

1 Alappuzha Pulinkunnu - - - - - -
2 Kottayam Kottayam - - - - - -
3 Kottayam Pala (Meenachil) 40 40 40 40 40 40
4 Pathanamthitta Thiruvalla 45 50 50 50 50 49
5 Ernakulam Moovattupuzha 40 40 40 40 - 40
6 Ernakulam Kothamangalam 35 35 35 33 33 34.2
7 Thrissur Thrissur - - - - - -
8 Idukki Thodupuzha - - - - - -
9 Idukki Kattappana 42 42 42 40 42 41.6
10 Idukki Idukki 45 44 44 50 50 46.6
Wholesale price of Cocoa dry beans for the month of April 2021 (Rs./Kg)
1 Ernakulam Kalady 180 180 180 180 180 180
2 Wayanad Manathawadi 140 150 150 160 160 152.2

July - September 2021

Weekly wholesale price of Cocoa Wet beans for the month of May 2021
Cocoa Wet beans (Price in Rs./Kg)
S. No. Districts Centres 07.05.21 14.05.21 21.05.21 28.05.21 Average

1 Alappuzha Pulinkunnu - - - - -
2 Kottayam Kottayam - - - - -
3 Kottayam Pala (Meenachil) 45 45 - - 45
4 Pathanamthitta Thiruvalla 52 52 52 52 52
5 Ernakulam Moovattupuzha 40 - - - 40
6 Ernakulam Kothamangalam 45 - - - 45
7 Thrissur Thrissur - - - - -
8 Idukki Thodupuzha - - - - -
9 Idukki Kattappana 43 - - - 43
10 Idukki Idukki 55 - - 47 51
wholesale price of Cocoa dry beans for the month of May 2021 (Rs./Kg)
1 Ernakulam Kalady - - - - -
2 Wayanad Manathawadi 160 - 160 160 160

Weekly wholesale price of Cocoa Wet beans for the month of June 2021
Cocoa Wet beans (Price in Rs./Kg)
S. No. Districts Centres 04.06.21 11.06.21 18.06.21 26.06.21 Average

1 Alappuzha Pulinkunnu - - - - -
2 Kottayam Kottayam - - - - -
3 Kottayam Pala (Meenachil) - - 45 45 45
4 Pathanamthitta Thiruvalla 45 45 45 45 45
5 Ernakulam Moovattupuzha 40 40 40 40 40
6 Ernakulam Kothamangalam 40 37 37 35 37.25
7 Thrissur Thrissur - - - - -
8 Idukki Thodupuzha - - - - -
9 Idukki Kattappana 45 42 40 40 41.75
10 Idukki Idukki 45 - - 39 42
Wholesale price of Cocoa dry beans for the month of April 2021 (Rs./Kg)
1 Ernakulam Kalady - 160 170 170 166.67
2 Wayanad Manathawadi - 160 160 155 158.33

The Cashew and Cocoa Journal

Statement showing the weekly wholesale price of Cocoa Wet beans for the month of July 2021
Cocoa Wet beans (Price in Rs./Kg)
S. No. Districts Centres 02.07.21 09.07.21 16.07.21 23.07.21 30.07.21 Average

1 Alappuzha Pulinkunnu - - - - - -
2 Kottayam Kottayam - - - - - -
3 Kottayam Pala (Meenachil) 45 45 45 45 45 45
4 Pathanamthitta Thiruvalla 36 36 36 36 36 36
5 Ernakulam Moovattupuzha 40 40 40 40 40 40
6 Ernakulam Kothamangalam 35 33 33 33 33 33.4
7 Thrissur Thrissur - - - - - -
8 Idukki Thodupuzha - - - - - -
9 Idukki Kattappana 40 45 45 35 32 39.4
10 Idukki Idukki 39 39 39 36 34 37.4
wholesale price of Cocoa dry beans for the month of July 2021 (Rs./Kg)
1 Ernakulam Kalady 170 170 170 170 - 170
2 Wayanad Manathawadi 155 155 150 150 160 154

Statement showing the weekly wholesale price of Cocoa Wet beans for the month of August 2021
Cocoa Wet beans (Price in Rs./Kg)
S. No. Districts Centres 06.08.21 13.08.21 20.08.21 27.08.21 Average

1 Alappuzha Pulinkunnu - - - - -
2 Kottayam Kottayam - - - - -
3 Kottayam Pala (Meenachil) 45 40 40 40 41.25
4 Pathanamthitta Thiruvalla 36 36 36 36 36
5 Ernakulam Moovattupuzha 40 40 40 40 40
6 Ernakulam Kothamangalam 30 32 32 32 31.5
7 Thrissur Thrissur - - - - -
8 Idukki Thodupuzha - - - - -
9 Idukki Kattappana 32 32 32 32 32
10 Idukki Idukki 35 35 36 0.6 35.5
Wholesale price of Cocoa dry beans for the month of August 2021 (Rs./Kg)
1 Ernakulam Kalady 170 155 150 150 156.25
2 Wayanad Manathawadi 150 145 145 145 146.25

July - September 2021

Operations forfor
thethe month
month of July
of October

1. Irrigation : Irrigation may be provided with the cessation of rain

once in 5-7 days interval @100 to 125 litres of water or
24 litres per day per plant through drip system.
2. Training & Pruning : The plants start to develop the first jorquette when they
are 14 months old. It is desirable to restrict the
jorquetting height to 1-1.5 m. There should be only one
main chupon stem and additional chupons arise from
the main stem should be removed periodically.
3. Manuring & Fertilizer application : Second dose (2/3 Quantity) of fertilizers (Urea-146g,
Rock Phosphate-130g & Muriate of potash-154g)
should be applied around the cocoa basin of 150cm
radius & mixed with the soil by forking if not applied
during month of September.
4. Weeding  : Weeding may be done in the young plantations.
5. Mulching : Mulching may be done in cocoa basins with cocoa husk
or coconut husk or any other organic matters.
6. Plant protection : In plantations where black pod rot disease is noticed,
spraying may be done by using 1% Bordeaux mixture
and infected pods may be removed & destructed for
reducing the disease incidence.
7. Harvesting : Harvesting may be continued.
Operations for the month of November
1. Irrigation  Irrigation may be provided
2. Training & Pruning : Main chupon may be allowed to grow and all other
chupons should be pruned regularly.
3. Mulching : Mulching may be done in young cocoa plantations with
cocoa or coconut husk/fallen cocoa leaves/pruned twigs.
4. Rat & squirrel control : Poison baiting and use of traps may be followed to
check the population. Harvesting of matured pods may
be done at regular interval. Baiting with rodenticides
may be used for control of rats.
5. Harvest : Harvesting may be continued.
Operations for the month of December
1. Irrigation : Once in 5-7 days interval irrigation may be done.
2. Training & Pruning : All chupons may be removed which arise from the main
stem. The drooping fan branches may be cut and
removed. All lateral fan branches which arise on fans to
a distance of 30-50cm around the jorquette may be
removed. This allows entry of sunlight on the main stem
and is beneficial for increasing flowering on the main
stem. Pruning and training may be done gradually
without much shock to the bearing plants.
3. Harvest : Harvesting may be continued.
4. Rat and squirrel control : Poison baiting and use of traps may be followed.
The Cashew and Cocoa Journal

Operations for the month of October

1. Crop stage : Flushing, early varieties may initiate flowering

2. Weeding : Sickle weeding or chemical weeding may be adopted.
3. Fertilizer application : The general recommended dosage of fertiliser
application is 500g N, 125 g P2O5 and 125 g K2O per
tree i.e. 1100 g urea, 625 g rock phosphate and 208 g
MOP per tree per year. 2/3rd dose may be applied
during the month.
4. Plant protection : Tea Mosquito Bug attack: This will damage tender
shoots, inflorescences and immature nuts. Spray
monocrotophos @ 0.05% (1.5 ml /litre of water)
Lamda-cyhalothrin ( 0.003%) and Carbaryl (0.1%)
during flushing, flowering &fruiting respectively at
regular intervals on need basis.
Stem and Root Borer: Identify the affected tree.
Extract grubs mechanically by chiseling out the
damaged area of the tree and swab that portion with
0.2% carbaryl or chlorpyriphos (0.2%) solution.
Operations for the month of November
1. Crop stage : Flushing and flowering
2. Fertiliser application : 2/3rd dose of fertilizer may be applied during the
month if not done in October.
3. Plant protection : As scheduled in October.
Operations for the month of December
1. Crop stage : Flushing and flowering continues, early varieties may
start yielding by the end of December.
2. Fertiliser application : May be applied if not completed in previous months.
3. Plant protection : As scheduled in October.
4. Irrigation : Irrigate the plantation at fortnightly intervals @ 200
litres per plant. 60 - 80 litres of water per tree once in
four days through drip after initiation flowering till
fruit set give higher yield.
5. Harvest : Early varieties may start yielding by the end of
December. Only mature nuts that fall to the ground
may be collected.

July - September 2021

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The Cashew and Cocoa Journal

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July - September 2021

The Cashew and Cocoa Journal

No. KERENG/2012/49318

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