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Spot _•· _ shows Leptotene stage of Prophase - I

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I. The chromatin network starts condensation. . .·· •; i, J ·.
• • 1,. • •

2. Each chromosome shows characteristic beaded appearance due to the presence:bf

chromomeres along the entire length.
3. Nuclear membrane and nucleolus are distinct.


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Spot _ _ shows Diplotene stage of Pi'ophase - I

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I. The chromosomes show gradual condensation.
2. Terminalisation ofchaismata takes place.
3. Chrorriosomes start separating out but the separation is not complete.
4. Nuclear membrane and nucleolus start degenerating .

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Spot __ shows Metaphase - I

I. The bivalent chromo/-iomes come to lie on the equato~ial plane.
2. Nuclear membrane and nucleolus completely disappear,
3. Centromeres of the chromosomes are attach.ed to the spindle fibres and face towards
their respective poles.
4. Chromatids are aligned on equatorial plane.

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Spot __ shows Ana phase - I
]. Each chromosome, consisting of two chromatids, separates and moves to opposite P0 1
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as it is pulled apart by the shortening of ~pindle fibres. es .......
2. The number of chromosomes moving towards the opposite poles is reduced to half.


I '

Spot--. shows Tclophasc - I

l. At the opposite poles, the chromosomes lose their identity and nuclear membrane is
.formed around the daughter nuclei.
2. Nucleolus alsq r~app~ars.
3. Each nucleus formed has half the number of chromosomes as compared to the parent

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Spot_ shows Metaphase - II
1. ·The centromeres lie on the equatorial plane of the spindle apparatus.
2. ' From the surrounding cytoplasm spindle fibres are formed.
3. Nuclear membrane and nucleolus completely disappear.

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Spot __ shows Anaphase - II

I. The centromere of each chromosome divides into two so that now each chromatid gets
its centromere.
2. Each centromere gets attached to the spindle fibre of its side.
3. Shortening of spindle fibres occurs so that the chromatids are pulled apart towards the
respective poles.

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Spot __ shows Telophasc - II

. I. The chromosomes on the respective poles uncoil and form the chromatin network again.
2. The nuclear membrane and nucleolus are re-formed.
3. Four haploid nuclei are seen in each cell.

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Spot __ is specim?n of Grass - adapted to pollination by ·,ind

I. Inflorescence - The grass plant shows spike inflorescence. The spike is branched so it is
called panicle.
2. Flower - Each flower is small inconspicuous, not showy, does not possess smell or
secrete nectar which support pollination by wind.
3. Anthers are versatile (freely swing in air). Pollen grains are light, smooth and dry which
can be easily carried by wind.
4. Each pistil has two styles with feathery stigma to grab the pollen grain.

- ·--- ---·- ···
Spot __ is showing T.S. of Testis

I. Each testis consists of numerous sem ini ferous tubtdcs.

2. Each seminiferous tubuk: is lint:d on it!: inside by twu typl!s of cells called 1n;1k germ
cells ( spcrmatugonia) and sertoli cells.
3. . SertoH cells provide nourishment to the developing spermatozoa.
4. .The lumen of seminiferous tubules <.:ontctins numerous spermatozoa swimming in it with
their heads embedded in sertoli cells.
5. The region outside the seminiferous tubules called interstitial spaces which contain
small blood vessels, nerves and leydig cells .
6: Leydig cells secrete the male sex hormone - Testosterone.

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... pot __ is T.S. ol' Ovary showing Gruufiun Follicle

'f I. Each ovary is a solid structure bounded by germinul epithel ium followed by a thick (J)
layer •.1ffibrnu~ ti ssue called tunica albugineu.
2. Inside the ovary is present stroma which is made up of connective tissue, blood vessi.:ls
and nerve ti bres.
3. A fully grown graalian follicle shows thcca cxtcrna, thcca interna, granulosa layers, the
fluid ( liquor :·:,!lieu Ii) t111ed cavity ( antrum ) and secondary oocytc.
4. The secondary oocyte is surrounJcd by wnu pcllucida w1d ~orona radiata.

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Spot __ is T.S. of Blastula

I. It is a spherical mass of about 32 cells fom1ed from solid ball of cells called morula.
2. Its peripheral layer of cells is called trophoderm which forms four extra embryonic
membranes and part of the placenta.
3. It has inner mass of cells which is a precur!_;or of embryo proper.
4. The trophoblast cells secrete fluid into the morula which results into a cavity ca lkd
blastocoel thereby fo rming the balstocyst (32 cells).

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Spot __ ls specimen of Prawn -an aquatic animal

I. The body is divided into head, thorax and abdomen .

2. Head
legs. and thorax are fused to form cephalothorax which bears five pairs of segmented
3. The body is bilaterally symmetrical, elongated and curved with green and orange
cuticular bands.
4. Abdomen has six segments with one pleopod each, used for swimming.
5. Respiration takes place through gills.
6. Excretory organs are green glands.

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Spot _Is specim~~I of Aloe ver~ - a xerophytic plant -~ '1:

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1. •~· Alo'es are succulent plants with acactus-like appearance. .....; ry· r
2. i_;Th~Ath~.~~ fleshy;lea';'.es act as water reserves in times of low rain~all.
3. . ;Tb~[l~fies are•g~neralty lance-s~aped with a sharp apex and a spmy margm,
4. · .It,Jstbest·knowiMor Its healing aloe vera gel and aloe vera latex, which widely finds its
appJ'icktion In d~ily II fe.
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Spot . ._:_)s spc~lrnen i,r E.!wb.2rbia - a xerophytk plant

I. Leaves are delicatt, small and deciduous.
I,.,. ,,, ,_:.. ii.":,. SJe•~1~,h~~ceou, ~rect, ''l'lindrical, ha,d, branched, green and ~taini latex. ·
· .i 3. , Mod1fied·Rreen stem kno,., as phylloclade. .
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• ( P,kkly pea, ) - • <e•ophyti, pl,n1

1.,...,,. Le;~<;s are redjc:ed to sp;n, to prevent wate, hss through Oansp;rai;on.
. . . , ... , .,, .,..,. ; ~i&"""""spongy and .sueculen~ ·Le. ;, stotes w-. ,.
, .
··J;'•··•'!.• n,~" ltem growth.
Unliniited is flat/ green and le,f Hke
. and ;s eons;dered a phylloeiade wl,;c:J, shoWs

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Spot ____ is specimen of Lizard - axerophytic aniinal ·--- ··-- -·-·- -.

I. 'It has a sand coloured slender body. It is divided into head, trunk and tail.
2. Head ;, u;angu)a,
(tympanum) In shape ho,fog
is present. . eompo•nd eyes, nost,l!s and ex<emat ea, openlns
3. Skin is covered by single layer of scales.
The -lnmkflatbeais
4. ' grippi~g IV(o pafrs of Hmbs. Claws are pcmadac1yJ w;1h vacuum oups fo,

--- ~ --- - - ----- ----~------ 11 ..:L,P .,,,

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P shows W. M. of l'las111otli11111 \'irnx { A protowan)
sv0I -

Taxonomic position :
Kingdom A11i111alia
Phylum Prn\01.oa

I. It is a prolowan cndoparaistt.: of h111nan intestine

2. The primary host is man and fcrnalt' anopheles mosquito is its s'.:condary host
3. The infective stage is sporozoitt.:. · .
'. ' a sing
erythrucytt.: conta111:; . Ic _J.l'.!L!J.Y.Ull!D•
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4. Each paras111zed
termed as trophowitc.
5. Disease cau,.cd - Malarial fever.

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-·-· ---- --- -- -- --- ·---

Spot __ shows hyphae of fungus responsible for Ringworm

. ti d exists as hyphae in the host.
I. It is a highly contagious un~us an.. .d b. filamentous fungi, 90 % of which in vol vs:
2. It is commonly known as Tmea, cause .Y
Microsporum. . . h . ,·rh defined cd,,cs which arc lighter in the centn:
3. It appears as red ra1s_ed itchy pate es \I, o
giving appearance of ring. u
4:--Symptdo~s-'"'·-f- II bl·1sters or scalv skin v.rows outward as_. the infection spreads.
A re rmg o sma - "
"'b) Hair becomes brittle and fall off ka•1ing a balcJ spot on tht: sea 1p.
c) become thick, pitted, grooved ,111d d1swluu1cd.

Spot __ is specimen of ~scaris lu m hricoides ( Round worm )

Taxonomic position :
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Nematoda ( Nemathelminthes}

I. is a common intestinal parnsite of man and particularly small children. It lies

freely in the lumen of small intestine.
2. Body is long, cylindrical with tapered end. Sexes are s.:parate.
3. In male Ascaris tail is ventrally curved whl:reas straight in female.
4. The life history is simple and without any intermediate host.
5. u ·cd - Ascariasis.
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Spot __ is specimen of Bony Fish ( Rohu) - Rn aquatic animal
I. It lives in fresh w.1ter.
2. It has a streamlined. spindle shaped, C) lindrical body with dark greenish or black dorsal
sid<: and silver venc,al side.
3. The body is covered by dermal scales which are lined by mucous.
4. The tins are used to change the directiw and push the body forward . .
), There arc four pairs of gills, covered h~, an operc,ilum & used as resp1ral?ry organs.
6. Heud bears a pait ,)f eyes without eyelids. a pair of nostrils and sub-terminal mouth .

Spot _ _ is specimen of Hydrilla - ari aquatic plant

l. It has fibrous root system which is poorly developed without root hair.
2. Stem is soft, thin and very flexible to bend easily along with water currents avoiding
damage to it.
3. The stem is spongy due tei the presence of plenty of aerenchyma tissue and lacunae.
4. The leaves are small, thin and whorled.
5. ' The leaves have spongy parenchyma which keep them floating. '

-- - -·-·-·- - - - - - -- - - - - - -- -- - -- - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - -
Spot _ _ is specimen of Eichhornia ( water hyacinth) - an aquatic plant

I. _The roots are fibrous, poorly deyeloped wit~out root hair. . .

2;'!.~The·'stem iS'thick, short.and , prostate and runs along the, surface of the water cailed
offset.' It i~ spongy due to the presence of aerenchyma. This helps in floating . .' ·
3 . .. · Petiole of the leaf is large and inflated due to air spaces of aerenchyma tissue:'Tlte,y a~
bulbous which helps in tl9ating, providlng buoyancy and exchange ofgase:s> •,,> ·
'. 1'; ,'

' .
Spot _ __ shows W. M. of Entamoeba histolytica ( A protozoan )

Taxonomic position : :
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Protozoa

l. It is an endoparaiste of human intestine.

2. It is a unicellular organism characterized by a few pseudopodia, nucleus, food vacuoles
and ingested red blood cells in the cytoplasm.
3. Trophozoite is the most active. motile and feeding form which is pathogenic to man. It
is more or less rounded .
4. Disease caused - Amoebiasis or amoebic dysentery.
5. Symptoms -
a) It causes abdominal pain, nausea and diarrhoea.
b) Fluid faecal matter associated with blood. mucus and cysts ts passed out.

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