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Module I Y and its History

How is Psychology a science ?

Underlying all science is a passion to explore are

understand without misleading orbeing mislead.

* The Scientific Attitude

• Curiosity:

Does it work ?

- When put to the test does it work ?

o Skepticism :

-What do you mean /How doyou know ?

• Humility :

- Reasearchers must bewilling to be surprised

and follow new ideas .

What is Critical Thinking ?

* Examine assumptions,discers hidden brases,evaluates the

evidence and assesses conclusions.

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Howa do they
do they knowknow that? Is the conclusion bases

anecable or evidence ? Are therere alternativealternative explinations?

* Critical thinking Clears bices .

How Did Prescientific Psychology Develop

• Many of psychology's conent questions we
Jys coment questions were often asked by psych.s

early thinkers.

* Socrates &Plato derived principles from logre

* Aristotle derived principles from careful observation

* Francis Bacon anticipatce how

one of the founders of
• one of the founders of modern science

the human mind beeks to find patterns in random events .

* John Locke -completed one of history's areatest late papers : An Essay

concerning Human understanding . Helped form modernempiricism ,

the idea that what we know comes from experience.

When was Psychological Science Born ?

ofirst hab:

*Wondt and his students created it after an experiment they

conducted in an attempt tomeasure the last and singerof enterthe proccesos
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oFirst Schools of Thought:

* Carly schools of thought included structuralism , functionalism,

and behaviorism

STRUCTURALISM% Edward Braford Titchener aimed to classify

and understand elements of the mind's structure through introspection.

- FUNCTIONALISM!Willian James thought it would be more

fuitful to consider evolved thoughts and feelings. He studied down
earth emotions,memories, consciousness, and habits. to

Who were the firstwomen in Psychology?

• MaryWhiton Callins: Due to her genderwhen she was attempting to earn

her PhD , Harvard Denied her degree. She was the 1st female nesident on the

Margret FlonyWashburn : Became2no APA president first woman

psychology PhD. to recieve a

How Did Psychological Scrence Mature?

• Early proneers defired psychology as the science of mental life ,itwas

redefined in lazo by John B watson B.F.Skinner as the scientific
study or observedbe behawior .
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It is widely
two major forces in agreed upon
Bydrogy that belowtorisin
(1960) rorism was one of the

• Psychoanalytic Psycholoog i cmphisizes the a

mind and childhood experiences affect our benieur
asizes the waus our concious


• Homaristic

rather than growth

Psychology focuses on our po
conditioned responces or chi
schology focuses on our potential for personal

e responces or childhood memories.

Module #2: Today's Psychology and its Approaches.

Whatis Contemporary Psychology?

•Psychobay is the science of behavior and mented processes

• Contemporany Psycholoty is influencedby our understanding of broagy

and experience,coltere and gender, and human Hourishing.

What are Behawior Genetics and Growtionary Psychology?

"Nature us noture hasbeen a debate has occured for centuries and

Chares Darwin believed animal structures AND Behavior are inherited.

common biology and

• Evo.Psuch. - how are homens aline because of

evowtion are history?

Howdow do winons
do wonons dittediffer becausebecause of dicerent genes a
• Behavior ben. -
Goen. -

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What is Cross -Cultural and Gender Psychology?

our culture shapes our beliauiche sono shaping the standards or
frankness, attitudes towards remariten sex , eye contact , era promptress,

• Everyone in some ways is like the other , vet vary arrivent and
the study of people of various races and cultures dicern our turlarities
and drotorences. eneventanarities

• Even when
culture specific attitudes and benaviors varyby gender or accross

What is Positive Psychology?

• the study of noman Hlourishing with the goals of dis covering the
strengths and virtues that help individuals and communities thrive.

Wheat is the Biopsychosocial Approach and Phsychology's

- Theoretical perspectives?
. •Biological, psychological and social cultural viewpoints form an
integrated bropsychological approach.

object each psyclonyreal

o two dimentional views

view point is helpsul, but on a three dimentional

useless byitself.

• Psychology depers the appreciation for how nurnans feel think , & act.
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How Can You Use Psych to Become a Stronger re

• Evidence suggests that to live a happy Hour
do the following :
* exercise
* Get8thrs. of sleep
* long term goalsw / daily arms a Stronger Person -and aBetter Student

a happy hourishing like you should


* have a " growth mindset"

* prioritize relationships

o SQ3R : Surveyvey , QuestionQuestion , heRead, Pretrive, heview .

•Study Tips:
* Distritate study time
* Learn to think Critically
* Process class into actively * Overlearn

Module #3: Subfields in Psychology

What are the Basic and Applied Psychologies !

•Basic research builds pschology's knowlege base. This includes biorgical

poyddogists developmental psychologists,cognitive,educational, social...

and personality psychologists.

• Helping professionals include counciling psychologists, counciting

poychologists, and psychiatrists.
Main subfields ?
What are Psychology's
* Cognitive psychology
* developmental psychology
* educational psychobay * Experimental psychology
psychometric and Quantitive psych.
* social psych.

* Forensic Psuch * Industrial-aganizational psych. * School psychobo
* Environmental Psych * Neuropsyclisogists
* Health Psychologists & Thenabilitation posen a oport poychorgiora

* Clinical Psychologists
* Community Psychologists

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