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he identifies magic items and sells uncommon potions.

Tylese speaks freely about her decision to vote for

the current mayor. When questioned about the new
candidate, Tylese lacks any formal opinion as she has
never seen this woman but believes if she’s meant to
be the mayor then she will be. Tylese shows no sign of
suspicion or distrust regarding the upcoming election.
Greylin Lockhammer. He can be found enjoying a drink
at a popular tavern within the city making plenty of
conversation and jokes with the locals. A successful DC 15
Charisma (Intimidation) or Charisma (Persuasion) check
is required for Greylin to reveal his thoughts toward
both candidates. If the party buys Greylin a drink, they
make this check at advantage. If the party buys him three
drinks, he openly speaks his mind about the candidates
with no check required. If the party buys him five drinks,
he passes out and won’t wake up by any nonmagical
means. If Greylin does reveal his opinions, he speaks of
his love for the current mayor of Lybras but how he just
can’t help voting for this new woman, whose name he
doesn’t reveal.
Heward Dragskit. He can be found in his public office
in Lybras where he’s looking over contracts made with
other surrounding settlements. He freely invites the
party inside if they have any questions or concerns. A
successful DC 15 Charisma (Intimidation) or Charisma
(Persuasion) check is required for him to reveal his
thoughts toward the current candidates. Heward is a
shrewd man who sees himself as a cut above the rest. Due
to this, any Persuasion checks against him are made at
disadvantage. If Heward reveals his thoughts to the party,
they learn that he has actually met with this unnamed
woman who is competing for mayor. He reveals that she
invited him into her home, a humble two-story house
toward the center of Lybras. He also reveals his favor
toward her and how he intends to cast his vote her way.
Sheihial Merymond. She can be found training soldiers
and guards at Lybras’s barracks toward the edge of the
city. Sheihial is an open book but is obviously annoyed
when questioned about the election. If approached,
she quickly waves off anything the party asks about
while simply stating that she’s voting for the current
mayor and doesn’t trust this new candidate. If pressed
further, Sheihial says that the one time she met with this
woman, her obvious disinterest left the woman visibly
annoyed, but otherwise their meeting had no progress
in any direction.
Killytong Ringletingle. She can be found in her office
inside Lybras’s City Hall. Killytong is a ferocious worker
and views working as a fun game where the more work
she completes, the higher she scores for the day. No one
holds her to this, and it is an entirely self-imposed work
ethic. A successful DC 15 Charisma (Intimidation) or
Charisma (Persuasion) check causes her to reveal her
thoughts on the candidates. She loves the current mayor
and thinks he listens to her council about money very
intently. In addition, she has nothing negative to say
about the current mayor, while nothing positive to say
about this new woman in the running. When pressed
further, she realizes she knows nothing about her or her
political ideas. Despite this, she claims to be voting for her
anyway and adamantly defends this idea despite having
no facts or opinions to support it.
Tad Gundersen. He can be found working outside in his
vineyard. Tad is a jolly fellow who welcomes all onto his
property. A successful DC 15 Charisma (Intimidation) or
Charisma (Persuasion) check is required to learn what
Tad knows about the candidates. Due to Tad’s trusting
nature, Persuasion checks made against him are made at
advantage. If Tad reveals what he knows to the party, he
relays to them that he’s been visiting the woman in the
evenings at her house to talk about politics and excitedly
states that this new candidate has his vote. However, if
asked where the house is or what they discussed, Tad
becomes confused and admits he remembers nothing.
The one piece of useful information Tad has to offer is
that the woman’s name is Countess Vilrana.
Mariah Gundersen. She can be found inside her house
on the property of the Gunderson Vineyard. Mariah is
no fool, and when she discovered her husband sneaking
away at night she had him followed. Mariah keeps
her information to herself no matter what, unless she
believes the party distrusts this new woman running
for mayor. If she realizes this, she takes the party into a
private room inside her house. There she reveals that
she thinks her husband is having an affair with this
new candidate but can’t be sure. She tells the party the
location of the woman’s house and that Tad regularly
goes there in the evening and doesn’t return for several
hours. She knows nothing else but implores the party to
investigate so she can learn the full story of her husband’s
late-night escapades.
Completing the Puzzle
Once the party learns enough information about Countess
Vilrana, they may approach her house in the city.
Oddly enough, the house seems abandoned when they
reach it, though it hasn’t fallen into disrepair. It appears well
kept but empty.
The door is locked, but anyone who succeeds on a DC 14
Dexterity (Thieves’ Tools) check opens it. Breaking in or
entering the house in such a way that generates loud noises
alerts anything inside. Upon entering the house, if the
party wishes to remain hidden, have them attempt a DC 18
Dexterity (Stealth) check. If the majority of the party passes
this check, it’s considered a success.

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