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Unit 3: Process-Oriented Assessment and Development of Paper and Pencil Test

Topic 1: Process-Oriented Assessment

Time Allotment: 3 hours

Learning Objectives
Upon the completion of this topic, you are expected to:
 Recall important concepts on process-oriented assessment;
 Discuss how process-oriented assessment is utilized Mathematics
teaching and learning; and
 Describe the importance of process-oriented assessment in learning

Presentation of Content
Performance-Based Assessment
Performance assessment is a measure of assessment based on authentic tasks
such as activities, exercises, or problems that require learners to show what
they can do. Some performance tasks are designed to have students
demonstrate their understanding by applying their knowledge to a particular

One in which a teacher observes and makes a judgment about the student’s
demonstration of a skill or competency in creating a product, constructing a
response, or making a presentation.

It focuses on learner’s ability to perform tasks by producing their own work

with their knowledge and skills.

 Solving a mathematical word-problem
 Determining the height of an object using the trigonometric concepts
 Constructing geometric figures

Characteristics of Performance-Based Assessment

Some of the characteristics of performance-based assessment include:
1. Learners can perform, create, construct, produce, or demonstrate skills.
2. Deep understanding and/ or reasoning skills are required and assessed.
3. It involves sustained works which may take days.
4. In engages students to provide ideas of importance and substance.
5. This relies on teacher’s judgements for scoring.
6. Multiple criteria and standards are pre-specified.
7. There is no single “correct” answer.

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Unit 3: Process-Oriented Assessment and Development of Paper and Pencil Test

The following are some of the strength of performance-based assessment:
1. Assessment can be integrated with instruction.
2. Learning takes place during assessment.
3. It provides opportunity for formative assessment.
4. It engages students and requires active involvement.
5. Teachers can establish criteria to identify successful performance.
6. It focuses on application of knowledge and encourages self-

However, there are also weaknesses that can be observed.
1. Reliability may be difficult to establish.
2. Measurement error may be committed due to subjective nature of the
3. Inconsistent learner performance across time may result in inaccurate
4. It requires considerable time to prepare and student time to finish.
5. The amount of time to be allotted for each performance may be
difficult to plan.

Process-Oriented Assessment
This is a performance-based assessment that is concerned with the actual task
performance rather than the output or product of an activity. It evaluates the
actual task performance and aims to know what processes a learner undergoes
when given a task.

Learning Competencies
The learning competencies in process-oriented assessment are expressed in
direct observable behaviors of the learners. These competencies are the set of
skills and abilities needed for a particular task.

Here is an example of process-oriented assessment in Mathematics instruction.
Task Plotting of points on a graphing paper
Objective The activity aims to enable the learners to draw figures
by plotting points on a graphing paper
Specifically 1. Plot the points correctly
2. Use straight edge in connecting points
3. Determine the corresponding coordinates of each
4. Construct figures that are easy to identify

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