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In addition, another great difference between people in my

generation and my parents' generation is education. Most people in

my generation tend to have at least a bachelor’s degree. In other
words, they cannot work until they have an appropriate education.
In contrast, people in the older generation did not have a lot of
opportunities to study. In the past, only rich people would have the
opportunities to study. Also, people in the older generation focused
more on working than studying. Thus, people in my generation have
a higher education than people in my parents' generation. And to be
more specific, my generation in Saudi Arabia has the opportunity to
study abroad. Our government gives scholarship to almost everyone
in any fields. This is in contrast with my parents' generation when the
scholarship program was only for the people who had a high position
in the military.

The last difference between people that are my age and people
that are my parents' age is lifestyle. People in my generation enjoy
easier lives. For example, when some young people graduate from
university, they may not have to work immediately. They can sit
around at home and do nothing because their parents are willing to
support them. Furthermore, people that are my age are able to make
up their minds spontaneously. They do not have to be concerned too
much about their future plans. On the other hand, people in my
parents’ generation tended to have harder lives. When they wanted
something, they had to work really hard to achieve it. To sum up,
people of my generation have more comfortable lives than those of
my parent’s generation.

Firstly, my generation are more educated. It might be impertinent to

mention that my parents’ generation were not well-educated.
However, it is a true. In the past, some of my parents’ friends did not
have a chance to go to school since their family are all poor. They
had to work to earn a few pennies to survive day by day. There were
not enough student even for only one school in town. In contrast,
today there are dozens of schools in that small town built for
thousands of students. Many government policies had established
for compulsory education in my entire country. Technological
development bring the chances for people to learn more with the
global connection through the internet. These make my generation
get well-educated more than preceding one.
It is worth considering that education take the
biggest value in this age as it can guarantee a
better life for people in future. In older
generation, the educated person also obtain a
privileged position in the country as many of them
are not educated well before. Similarly, the
generation now and then are using Bahasa
Malaysia as the education language. We are
studying all the subjects except language subject
and also we are taking examination mostly in
Bahasa Malaysia. The same things happen when
we learned history about our country. Nothing is
changing even we have step in new ages which is
full of development than before. However, it
might be impertinent to mention that people in
our generation have a higher education than
people in our parents’ generation. Back then, at
the age when our parents still young, they were
not getting exposure by their parents about
education especially for the children from an
impoverished family. People in older generation
did not have a lot of opportunities to study unless
for rich people. This is because the parents cannot
support their children to pay the school fee,
writing tools and also cannot provide
transportation as most of the school was built a
stone throw away from the village. Moreover,
some parents from older generation tended to let
their children focus on working to earn few
pennies so that the family can survive day by day
rather than asks them to study. On the contrary,
our generation are more educated as many
government policies had established that
education is mandatory for all regardless of rank
and degree. They also offer many scholarships for
the students from poor families that able to pass
the examination with flying colours. To draw the
conclusion, education for the people in our
generation are totally different from parents
generation as we are lucky to live in the age
where the development occurs everywhere.

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