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Universitatea „Aurel Vlaicu“ Arad

Facultatea de Design
Forma de învățământ: zi
An I , Semestrul I
Disciplina : Engleza

„The mass media killed o the heroes

and replaced them with celebrities“

Student: Flavius Weiss

Arad / 2022
„The mass media killed o the heroes
and replaced them with celebrities“

For many of us, the heroes of the past were an inspiration. They had great powers or
even better, they ware „normal people“ with strong characters or with a powerful
consciousness, that would give or do anything in tear power to hold the principles that they
had. This kind of characters, that lived in the passt or present , or if they were invented, they
were an inspiration. They opened our horizons , by giving an example of action that could be
considered noble; they taught us that the right way is not always the easy way and that are
values that are much more significant that money or goods.
Celebrities, on the other hand, with the string of stories about their hardships and their
lucky breaks, their affairs and their, prove to be nothing out of ordinary. To become
a celebrity is not about a talent, a brilliant brain or a big achievement. It is actually about
finding a good press agent, that is presenting someones life like it would be something
extraordinary. The bad part is, that the celebrities have to play that role as well, a big part of
their lives, until they become what they are not!. It is all about entertaining and that is also a
reason why actors , singers or sports-mans are the ones who achieve success easier than
Im am not totally agree with the idea that „The mass media killed off the heroes and
replaced them with celebrities“. I personally think it is more the culture of the pople that has
developed a bigger interest for the lives of other people, that are „living a dream life“. What is
presented on the TV screens or in mass media is actually not the truth. The lifes of the
celebrities are not as happy as it seems to be on the big screens, but in peoples mentality ,
that are „the perfect life to live“. Thinking about that, a lot of people are trying to copy them,
to do what the celebrities do, to eat what they are eating, to do stuff that are they doing and
in the end, to stop being themselves, but being somebody that the would wish to be!
To become a celebrity is actually much easier than to be a hero. The people have to
make themselves noticeable with any cost: from acting like other people would’t, to bad
behavior, until exposing themselves naked just for the love of beeng seen. On the other hand,
a hero keeps his values : a firefighter would risk his own life to save someone in a catastrophic
event, without beeng heard or beeng seen. That are the values of a strong character. The
problem that interviews here is the true life of a ordinary man. The firefighter is not earning a
lot of money, is not driving a luxus car and he ist not throwing Champagne Partys every
second weekend with a lot of other „celebrities“ at their Villas Pool. He is actually risking his
life every day, putting himself on the list with „no good qualifications“ for father figure, despite
his noble principles.
The culture that grows around celebrities is so fake an so far away from the truth, that
is no wonder that the people are loosing the great values like respect, love, understanding for
each other, forgiveness, achievements, knowledge, courage and so on, and they embrace the
fake idea of themselves, lies, disrespect or money above anything. It is a much easier way „to
live the dream life“ as to fight for principles and for the truth.
Having killed the heroes, is much easier to have them replaced with the
distinctively modern public figure: the celebrity. It is also wished to forget about what
a real character is made off, being replaced with „customized behavior, low values,
supranatural (fake)beauty and the savvy (cleverness) is let for the smartphones.
Is a life that promises much, in a short time with less hard work. A lot of people
dream about it, but in reality, the people are getting lost on their way. Searching for
the perfect life , the real values are disappearing, the fake culture around us make us
to want more and more of what we don’t have, and less of we have until we are going
to stop „to be humans“.
I truthful hope, that the chase of „what we want“, can be replaced one day with
„what we need“ to make this World a better place, as it is in our days.

Flavius Weiss / 2022 Design ambiental/ An I


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