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Matthew Heric, PhD Jenn Carter

Cognitive readiness (CR) and performance for operational time-critical environments are
continuing points of focus for military and academic communities. In response to this need,
we designed an open source interactive CR assessment application as a highly adaptive and
efficient open source testing administration and analysis tool. It is capable of evaluating the CR
of individual personnel and combining these results into intuitive, visually based summaries of
readiness. The components, logic, and architecture are presented.

THE BROAD RESEARCH DOMAINS of cognitive environments, thus removing the dependency on class-
readiness (CR) and human performance for operational rooms and workstations and simultaneously taking
time-critical environments such as emergency response advantage of personnel periodic downtimes typically
and military operations have long been critical focus associated with deployments.
areas within military and academic research communi- Any CR software for field use must be easily customiz-
ties. While the research community has firmly estab- able, mobile-platform ready, and extensible. Similarly,
lished assessment methods for measuring an individual’s the reporting system must be able to aggregate indi-
cognitive state and capability level, a current challenge vidual assessments to address the needs of small mission-
within ongoing dynamic field operations is having the focused specialized subgroups and whole-group levels.
ability to employ these metrics proactively and obtain For this, we designed an open-source interactive cogni-
accurate assessments of individual and group CR and tive readiness assessment application (iCogRA2) adaptive
then identify supplemental training or preparation and efficient testing administration and analysis tool for
needs. Given the advanced state of computer systems evaluating CR. For this, computer-based testing (CBT)/
today, an integrated mobile software application that computerized-adaptive testing (CAT), based predomi-
can employ subject matter expert (SME) measures to nantly on item response theory (IRT) methods, provide
evaluate CR effectively and accurately for mission readi- highly informative platform structures minimizing work-
ness is now feasible. The solution and methods must load.
offer rapid testing, together with reliable prediction and iCogRA2 was functionally defined by technologists
evaluation measures, allowing supervisors to improve in the fields of test design, measurement, and CR. The
their abilities to assess, monitor, and mitigate issues system logic is purposefully linear and has an ability to
leading to poor performance. Another primary intent is leverage inputs from willing contributors through an
to have this system fully functional for field deployment open source design.

Performance Improvement, vol. 50, no. 7, August 2011

©2011 International Society for Performance Improvement
Published online in Wiley Online Library ( • DOI: 10.1002/pfi.20227 5

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BACKGROUND environments. Based on the needs of the military, public
The capacity to prepare personnel for uncertain and often safety, and other similar user groups, new developments
stressful environments is of great concern to emergency are needed to leverage laboratory CR to more operational
response supervisors and military commanders charged environments. In addition, extended approaches for col-
with maintaining group performance within physically lecting and reporting CR are needed that can be applied
and mentally demanding environments (Salas & Cannon- and customized across codependent operational groups
Bowers, 2000). Although there have been marked advance- (Holmes-Rovner & Wills, 2002).
ments in technologies that aid personnel in completing Although advancements in technology and systems are
missions, these advancements also introduce more infor- important to improving and maintaining time-critical
mation for them to process, learn, and implement (Salas, capabilities, human performance remains the building
Priest, Wilson, & Burke, 2006). With increasing opera- block for successful operations (Schoomaker, 2007).
tional requirements such as the recent need for soldiers to Maintaining cognitive capabilities is a constant concern
understand and take into account sociocultural factors in of field officers and supervisors in charge of networked
support of peace-keeping missions, the varied nature and forces; however, this performance factor is also difficult to
wide scope of knowledge and skill requirements can be identify, measure, and address (Salomon & Perkins, 1989).
mentally taxing and require advanced tools to test for CR Historically, measurements of cognition, and specifically
in deployed personnel (Thompson & McCreary, 2006). metrics of CR, have been difficult to employ (Markham &
Human cognition is vital to overall mission effective- Medin, 2002). Evolving measurement techniques are con-
ness in complex network-centric operations (Wesensten, tinually being refined and improved, and a rather large
Belenky, & Balkin, 2005). Within these operational envi- pool of literature and research deals with the metrics of
ronments, it is critical to survey the CR of both the team CR (Stevens’ Handbook of Experimental Psychology, 2004).
and individuals and address performance measures as Leveraging these methods and metrics for development
they relate to achieving mission goals and maintaining of a mobile application for easy assessment, visualization,
mental stamina (Morrison & Fletcher, 2002). and distributed learning is the foundation of iCogRA2.
Furthermore, for time-critical applications, CR com-
prises multiple inputs, including situational awareness,
Cognitive Readiness and Assessment transfer of training, decision making, and decision
for Time-Critical Environments support, among others (Fletcher, 2004). Processes for
Organizations such as the U.S. military dedicate consid- measuring these are somewhat common, but efficiency
erable resources for personnel training and follow-on logistics in use are not in comparison. This is particularly
performance assessment. The U.S. Army, for example, has the case when collection and assessment must be done in
the highly regarded Army Readiness Assessment Program the field, away from classrooms and labs. Field collection
for scenario-based safety training. Broadly, testing and systems, for instance, need an ability to send data to a cen-
assessment are done with a focus on mission fulfillment, tral processor for review and decision support function-
yet demands on time-critical task performance continue ality, adequate feedback systems to track CR status over
to strain the cognitive capacities of operational person- time, and the ability to track both individual and group
nel to the point where their effectiveness is significantly CR dynamically. Such user networks would allow rapid
diminished and there are thresholds for performance understanding of individuals’ statuses in relationship to
that must be closely monitored and understood to main- others in a subgroup or whole group (Beale, 2005). A dis-
tain a balance between operational effectiveness and tributed application would also need to update training
individual CR. For operations, however, the situation is records, manage schedules, assess problem solving and
dynamic, and just as testing and evaluation are conducted creativity, and determine mission assignments. Thus, as
to ensure the readiness of new technologies, personnel systems’ functional needs broaden, the resulting capabil-
and leaders must be able to assess the readiness of the ity creep highlights the logistical complexities.
units for which these technologies were created. In this
context, CR is the mental preparation—the skills, knowl- Measuring Cognitive Readiness
edge, abilities, and motivations—an individual needs At its foundation, CR is a blend of efficiency and adapt-
to establish and sustain competent performance in the ability that, through measurement and analysis, models
complex and unpredictable environment of time-critical and predicts performance and effectiveness. CR mea-
operations (Morrison & Fletcher, 2002). Decreased CR sures combine competence for established responses with
directly affects team cohesion and effectiveness and limits adaptation to varying conditions and, in its most extreme,
human abilities to perform within diverse and complex unanticipated status. The combination is important

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a task and to cope with changing environments must
CR is a blend of efficiency be measured jointly. The relative importance between
and adaptability that, competency and adaptability will be highly dependent on
the mission objective for the individual, the individual’s
through measurement position within the unit, and overall mission parameters.
A soldier tasked as a mechanic, for example, will place a
and analysis, models and great deal of emphasis on competency, whereas a soldier
on a front line would likely value mental acuity predomi-
predicts performance and nantly (Fletcher, 2004).
effectiveness. For an initial iCogRA2 baseline, the need is to measure
psychological traits relative to established components
of CR. Using the content in Table 1, the initial iCogRA2
because no single attribute is sufficient in isolation. For measures focus on aspects such as these:
instance, a particularly noteworthy performer may be
• Memory tested through knowledge and skill retention
inflexible and not have the abilities to manage in volatile
situations, while a compliant individual may acclimatize • Metacognition evaluated by having an individual pre-
quickly to operational variants but lack abilities to link dict his or her own performance
basic operating procedures to proper reactions. To pro- • Problem solving by matching a properly arranging set
vide an accurate measure of CR, the ability to perform of responses to maximize the chance of success



Situation awareness Ability to perceive and comprehend one’s place in the environment and how to react to
changing conditions

Memory The active, reconstructive ability to recall or recognize situation patterns

Transfer The ability to apply what is learned in one context to devise solutions in another performance context

Metacognition The executive functions of thought used to monitor, assess, and regulate one’s own cognitive processes

Automaticity The ability to regulate processes that require limited conscious attention

Problem solving The ability to analyze the current situation, devise strategies to understand the situation, and develop
resolutions through a series of executable steps

Decision making The ability to review various courses of action and then allocate sufficient resources to the problem

Mental flexibility and creativity The ability to generate, adapt, and modify courses of action in response to variable situations

Leadership A combination of technical, conceptual, ethical, and interpersonal competencies that encourage and
support others in carrying out a designated course of action

Emotion The ability to perform complex tasks under confusing, high-stress situations

Source. Fletcher, 2004.

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Through an open source design, these measures could server. The combination is capable of measuring various
easily expand to meet the requirements of the leader- aspects of individual users’ CR, augmenting their CR
ship charged with mission success or specific person- state, and collating groups of individuals’ CR states in a
nel requirements at hand. Thus, the assessment of CR high-utility report for relevant leadership.
becomes wholly requirements driven in a context of The iCogRA2 foundation is defined in four segments:
operations and mission objectives.
Part 1: Design of Testing Questions and Methods
Cognitive Readiness Assessment Techniques • CR assessment question-and-answer structures
and Shortcomings • CAT definition
While CR modeling has a rather established use in social
and behavioral research, limitations posed by assessment Part 2: Software Architecture and Mobile Platform
availability and tandem reciprocal remediation can easily • Database and structure
limit the practical utility of computational CR models • Test logic
(Logue, Sutton, Jarjoura, & Smucker, 2000). Recently
• Application run-time environment and software
metrics have been offered that address the cognitive capa-
bilities underlying a soldier’s ability to understand his or
her situation within the battlefield and how best to act
Part 3: Reporting and Analysis
and react to produce the best possible course of action
within network-centric environments (Wesensten et al., • General subject-based assessment reports
2005). These methods include cognitive performance • Single topic assessment
quantification (by direct or indirect assessment), which
then allows for predicting an individual’s operational Part 4: Actionable Intelligence
capacities. From our experience, limitations of CR meth- • Results storage and exportation
ods include supervisor inaccessibility to the output and a
• Training recommendations
nagging lack of practical application for field uses (e.g.,
for deployed troops). In developing a mobile-based rapid This work flow supports the development, execu-
CR assessment application at the individual and group tion, and integration of the base system on which users
levels, any new solution must address the shortcomings can augment the capabilities for additional capabilities
of leadership accessibility. through the open source design. Again, the intent of
iCogRA2 is to leverage existing methods and push these to
practitioners. The resultant reciprocal feedback-reporting
SOLUTION DISCUSSION work flow is captured in Figure 1.
The iCogRA2 solution is centered on handheld, touch- A primary initial interest will be to evaluate iCogRA2
screen devices such as smart phones and a centralized functionality in real-time, time-critical operational


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environments and examine how these tools produce
accurate and timely results for leadership while not sig-
CAT helps meet the need
nificantly adding to a full schedule of daily tasks (Warm, for rapid and accurate
Matthews, & Finomore, 2008). With functional testing,
we expect to make the iCogRA2 application freely avail- assessment for time-critical
able for evaluation by Internet download (subject to any
international distribution restrictions as they may apply) domains, and it is a staple of
and provide an application programming interface (API)
for those interested in extending the code.
instructional assessment.
Part 1: Design of Testing Questions
and Methods
Using our collection of literature and research on CR, we Again, these are rather well-understood metrics, but
approached iCogRA2 from a viewpoint that SMEs have iCogRA2 brings them to a new decision support domain.
already developed large amounts of data on how best
to measure and assess CR (Allen & Yen, 2001; Hancock Cognitive Readiness Assessment Question-and-Answer
& Szalma, 2008; Potter, 1999; U.S. Army, 2007). We are Structures. Research has presented a variety of games and
not proposing new measurement theories in this regard. examinations that address areas of CR not tied to domain
Instead, we leverage existing methods to assess dynami- knowledge: adaptability, communication, decision mak-
cally CR at the individual and group levels through the ing, problem solving, metacognition, situation awareness,
use of rapid CAT rhetorical structures and IRT (Foster, teamwork, adaptive expertise, creativity, and critical think-
2009) accessed using mobile platforms. This approach ing (Fletcher, 2004). Similarly, the U.S. military has created
addresses both the CR of an individual at the time a test examination materials for measuring personnel expertise
is taken, as well as assessment of his or her learning or relative to optimal performance within battlefield opera-
understanding potential. The goal is to allow leadership tions (U.S. Army, 2007). It is critical that a field system have
to determine state as well as what measures need to be a sufficiently broad logic format to allow dynamic storage
taken to maintain or improve CR state. and presentation using an extensible tool kit with a suffi-
While the objective is usually to evaluate current per- cient XML-based question schema. This will allow for the
formance level, iCogRA2 CR use is for operations, and inclusion of new metrics and theories as they arise.
measures need to assess ability rather than merely static
knowledge. The desired testing for time-critical scenarios CAT Definition. The use of CBT for field operations
therefore must provide a dynamic assessment of cogni- offers several familiar advantages over traditional paper-
tion and potential: measuring perception, memory, and and-pencil tests: individualized and efficient administra-
problem solving. Using CAT (e.g., if a subject scores at a tion, instantaneous scoring, and the ability for leadership
consistently low level, the test will automatically begin to to easily visualize results and assign new training courses
assess his or her cognitive potential rather than current as needed. iCogRA2 uses the specialized form of CBT
state), the intent is to pinpoint differences between an within the functional logic of CAT. CAT is unique in this
individual’s lack of knowledge (which may be a defi- regard as it estimates a user’s knowledge or understand-
ciency in training procedures) versus lack of the ability to ing and then adjusts the questions being asked to glean
learn. The dynamic assessment takes into account several the maximum information about that user in the least
features that traditional static testing methods do not: amount of time. The questions presented during a CAT
are based on the answer history and perceived under-
• Cognitive processes are adaptable, and assessment is
standing of each user; therefore, performance can be
meant to ascertain the CR expansion instead of testing
quickly assessed and scored instantaneously, with reports
merely for current functioning.
generated automatically for leadership.
• Dynamic assessment showcases potential cognitive CAT helps meet the need for rapid and accurate
capacity. assessment for time-critical domains, and it is a staple
• The overall objective is aligned well with leadership of instructional assessment (e.g., the Armed Services
goals in that each assessment is intended to reveal Vocational Aptitude Battery). When the question library
cognitive faculty, suggesting training intervention from which CBT pulls from is large, the CAT algorithm
aimed at enhancing and realizing the individual’s full randomly selects from a subset of equivalently rated ques-
potential. tions, providing unique tests for each individual. By using

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a random sequence of questions rather than a stationary 1. Assume the examinee has a uniformly distributed
test, it is possible to measure an attribute more accurately belief function for a defined trait.
with much shorter tests (Mills & Steffen, 2000). CAT is 2. Select a question that divides the belief distribution
generally recognized as one of the best ways to access lon- into discrete subsections.
gitudinal changes in knowledge and understanding and
detect misfits in testing (van Krimpen-Stoop & Meijer, 3. Present a chosen item to the examinee, who then
2000). Thus, employing the CAT framework will allow answers it.
leadership to: 4. Update the psychometric distribution using Bayesian
mechanisms with all prior answers.
• Evaluate how well assessments pinpoint CR factors
• Refine training and mitigation based on feedback Steps 2 through 4 are repeated until the distribution is
sufficiently narrow; thus, the psychometric quality can be
• Allow comparisons in personnel performance through
measured accurately.
CAT heavily leverages rhetorical structures and IRT Part 2: Software Architecture and Mobile
in the design, analysis, and scoring of tests, and the tech- Platform
niques are well documented (Embretson & Reise, 2000). We now turn to the iCogRA2 functional description: the
Although IRT has commonly been used to measure software performs as a tandem server-side/client-side
knowledge or skills, it is certainly capable of measuring application. The server side handles data storage, test con-
psychometric qualities with properly designed questions. tent generation, results analysis, and user validation and
IRT assumes that each question pertaining to a quality assignment operations. Interactions with the data occur
has differing response probabilities based on the person’s from the client, implemented as a multiplatform hand-
innate psychometric disposition—which is described by held application, usable on current consumer devices
the item response function. This method can also be used such as a modern multifunction phone. The overall soft-
to measure scaled responses. ware architecture is presented in Figure 3.
A person who is above a certain CR level would find the
answer obvious and answer all questions correctly; those Database and Structure. The server-side components
with poor readiness traits may answer incorrectly most of use standard databases attributes for storage. The struc-
the time. By asking a series of questions, the test is able to ture is a cross-platform SQL database solution composed
determine with high probability the CR of an examinee. The of three matrices: a test library, a training library, and
next question selected will divide the existing belief region a user library. The test library table stores all of the
into smaller ones. This process continues until an examin- information relevant to test administration and analysis.
ee’s latent trait is believed to be in a sufficiently small region. Columns include test item identification numbers, test
To summarize, the iCogRA2 CAT method is an iterative item content, answer types (multiple choice, true or false,
algorithm with the following steps (also see Figure 2): or scaled), question rating, answer rating, and question


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categorization. This library is queried when generating appropriate to the subject of interest and their individ-
test content for users as well as when performing scoring ual performance during the course of the examination.
analysis. Test questions are drawn from the iCogRA2 test library
To perform training recommendations based on user database as needed, and scores update according to
test scores, the system needs information on available each answer submitted by inputting the relevant answer
training courses. To that end, the training library table information to the user library table. Because IRT uses
contains data organized into structure columns, includ- a per item approach to performance analysis, the sys-
ing training course name, course identification number, tem need not track users over their entire test session
identification numbers of prerequisite courses, and a list (beyond ensuring that they answer enough questions
of topics that the course in question addresses. These from the test library to fulfill the criteria of the exami-
categorizations serve as criteria for matching individual nation) for purposes of content generation. Only their
questions (and thereby performance on tests including response to the question at hand is necessary to deter-
those questions) to relevant training. mine which question should be selected and dispensed
Users of the iCogRA2 software have various aspects to the user.
of their testing experience and training history tracked. A key component of iCogRA2 is an SME input inter-
To this end, the system stores data relevant to indi- face for questions, answers, and precoded item response
vidual users, and the user library table sorts by indi- function options defined by the data stored in the test
vidual identification numbers (which need not be linked library. For example, as knowledge and research expand,
to any confidential identification information within SMEs can establish the test question content and store
the database) and contains the user’s testing history the input in defined XML format, describing the neces-
(including individual test question responses), as well as sary components of each question (e.g., question ID,
information to support supervisors’ testing assignments. text, answer type, question rating). This information is
Individual identification numbers can then be assigned transformed at run time into a rich-text visualization
(by an administrator) to a subsidiary role under a speci- for the user. SMEs can also use multimedia content by
fied command user. These relationships are reflected in embedding links to images, video, and audio files in the
stored data in the user library table. Test assignment may question and answer text using simple inline syntax and
be performed on the server side or from the handheld. HTML content tags.
Administrators can simply select a test from a list of
available examinations and then select users to whom it Application Run-Time Environment and Software
should be assigned. Design. The iCogRA2 computations are performed
on the server, thus reducing the demands placed on
Test Logic. The CAT-IRT logic is a server-side solu- the handhelds. Because handheld software is somewhat
tion. The system generates tests for individual users defined by the hardware, the systems essentially act

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as rich-text rendering clients for server-side applica- updates user records with scoring statistics. The server-
tions that perform the analysis and data preparation. side software interfaces with standard desktops or secure
Multiplatform compatibility is a rather logical matter. sockets layers (SSL) from handheld users. Because user
Rich-text rendering can be performed using an agnostic interactions are asynchronous, only one server process
Web-media-focused interface, making porting between is required, and the software need respond only when
multiple handheld platforms a simple matter of using an individual user sends or requests data. User log-in
appropriate input APIs. validation involves standard secure connections with SSL
The handheld application is responsible for four tasks: by using individual handheld device encryption keys.
(1) allowing users to enter log-in information, (2) dis- Hashed encryption key values track devices across several
playing a history of that user’s tests (including tests they interactive sessions ensuring that users need not log in
have not yet completed but have been assigned), (3) ren- more than once provided that their server interactions
dering the rich-text multimedia content of a question and are made within a reasonable window of time.
associative answer, and (4) transmitting the user’s answer Once a remote test user establishes a connection to
selection to the server. The testing interface is clear and the server, the application selects questions from the
intuitive: (1) the user is presented with a prompt for log- test library data table using CAT-IRT methodologies.
in; (2) a list of selectable tests is presented, color-coded Question data are transmitted over the SSL connection
to indicate completion status; and (3) the multimedia to the client device, rendered by the local application. The
question content is offered with selector buttons for each same is true of assignment or performance data being
of the possible answers. By default, users who complete a viewed by an administrator. The server-side application
test can view their score results at the time of completion retrieves relevant information from the database, per-
and on the test history display at initial log-in. Figure 4 forms relevant mathematical analysis, and transfers the
demonstrates the test user interface. resultant data to the handheld device.
The tandem to the test interface is the administrator
interface. The test administration function first presents Part 3: Reporting and Analysis
a filterable list of tests (see Figure 5). Supervisors may Once users complete a test with their handheld, the results are
select tests individually or in a group and may filter tests logged and made available in visual and numerical reports.
by content categories. The supervisor then selects users To this end, iCogRA2 makes easily understood administrator
from the list of presented IDs, and test assignments can be summaries and breakdowns through a simplified interface,
designated to subordinates according to perceived testing and in our opinion, summary graphs provide tremendous
needs. Supervisors are given the option to hide user test benefit for quickly understanding the results.
The server validates user access to tests, selects rel- General Subject-Based Assessment Reports. Individual
evant test questions based on the CAT algorithm, and test results can be combined to display results for the


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entire group. For easy understanding, the scores are sum- the user desires to view a higher-resolution account of a
marized in interactive rose diagrams depicting relative given quality, he or she may click on the trait to expand
strengths of various metrics for the group or individu- it into a rose chart detailing the subfactors that influence
als. A rose diagram simultaneously presents continuous the combined psychometric. For instance, a quality such
or discrete values of multiple psychometric factors with as knowledge could be broken down into a set of mea-
ease. The values for a group along a given axis are calcu- surements for each individual skill necessary for mission
lated by any function from the observed results of each success.
individual to an overall score that includes the mean, Figure 6, an example chart, graphs the average and indi-
median, or even multiple percentiles of the group. If vidual scores of several users side-by-side for comparison.


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software and for easy integration with standard C4ISR
(command, control, communications, computers, intel-
ligence, surveillance and reconnaissance) systems such as
Distributed Common Ground Systems, Command Post
of the Future, and Tactical Ground Reporting System.
Analysts may export the summarized or raw data for
an individual or entire unit with time trajectories of the
data (when assessments were conducted at different time
points). Since they are of fundamental importance for
the testing work flow, the generation of failure reports is
streamlined so proper corrective actions may be taken.
Again these reports detail failure at both the individual
and the unit levels.

FIGURE 7. USER PERFORMANCE LEVELS Training Recommendations. The exported results can
be fed into a program that automatically recommends
and even schedules actions to remedy poor performance.
Each axis of the rose chart represents an individually Each evaluation criterion is categorically labeled depend-
scaled score for one subject area with the radial line indi- ing on the type and nature of the quality being measured.
cating either the average of all users’ scores or a single These labels may be binary pass or fail, or they may have
user’s score. The intersection point of the radial line with greater granularity such as an A through F scale. The rec-
the subject axis gives the performance of the group (or ommendation system requires a database consisting of
that user) for that metric. all of the courses and supplemental tutorials available to
augment categorical skills or knowledge.
Single Topic Assessment. When considering a single Course recommendations are based on optimal
topic for assessment, the supervisor is presented with a individual and group readiness criteria and can be
scatter plot (see Figure 7). The vertical axis represents score set accordingly, yet it remains the supervisor’s task to
and the horizontal axis individual users. In both the single- determine if the result indicate adequate CR. Indeed,
subject and multisubject graphing interfaces, the overall logic similar to that of CAT could be used to assign
graph is color-coded for rapid analysis. According to preset individuals to an appropriate task in accordance with
thresholds, a given score for an individual represents poor, the recommendations, and this is essentially because
adequate, or good performance within that subject area. tasks intuitively have differing degrees of difficulty
Here, those categorizations are represented by scaled gray (physical or intellectual). If an individual is found to
shades (or by red, yellow, and green color coding on a be unable to learn acceptable task details, the program
phone). Selection of an individual point on the scatter plot suggests reassignment to another task of lesser difficulty
or an individual line on the rose chart takes the adminis- where he or she may be better able to support opera-
trator directly to test answers, training recommendations, tional objectives. Conversely, when group deficiency
and test assignment options for the selected user. for difficult tasks is observed, units with mastery of
marginally easier tasks may be selected to train in the
Part 4: Actionable Intelligence more complicated task. In each situation, shifting is
Results Storage and Exportation. iCogRA2 generates performed to maximize the individual’s value to the
time-stamped raw data for other programs to access group while simultaneously maximizing his or her CR
the storage tables in an internal relational database that performance potential.
records individual soldier responses, date of response, The final recommendation tool is based on temporally
and time taken to respond. The database also stores tracked operational readiness metrics. Even if a group
summary and analysis results of the raw data, including shows competency on a given metric, there may be a
unit averages and median and reports. Each individual’s downward trend in the metric when viewed as a function
personal record is updated indicating the date, time, of time. Various modeling tools can be used to predict
and identification key for his or her results to support the trajectories, and if the downward trend predicts that
harvesting by SQL queries. Mechanisms can be packaged a group will soon lose competency or readiness, the soft-
and exported from within iCogRA2 into .xls and .csv data ware will indicate a preventive measure that is necessary
tables for easy access by standard graphical and analytical to maintain satisfactory levels.

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CONCLUSION Foster, M.R. (2009, September). Improving the output from
software that generates multiple choice question (MCQ) test
iCogRA2 provides the foundation for an advanced CR
items automatically using controlled rhetorical structure the-
assessment testing and decision support solution. This ory. In Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference RANLP
includes algorithmic approaches to CAT in the domain of (pp. 29–34). Borovets, Bulgaria. Retrieved from http://www
assessment, using IRT-based question selection and scor-–2.pdf.
ing. This approach maximizes the accuracy of measure-
ment with a minimum number of required questions to Hancock, P.A., & Szalma, J.L. (2008). Stress and performance.
assess rapidly an individual or group and then automates In P. A. Hancock & J. L. Szalma (Eds.), Performance under
the reporting process for leaders. iCogRA2 also establishes stress (pp. 1–18). Burlington, VT: Ashgate Publishing.
a baseline CR assessment question pool and an extensible Holmes-Rovner, M., & Wills, C.E. (2002). Improving
architecture to support future expansion of metrics by informed consent. Medical Care, 4(9), V30-V38.
SMEs, tailored to suit individual needs or new knowledge
or skill domains. Logue, E., Sutton, K., Jarjoura, D., & Smucker, W. (2000).
iCogRA2 is open source, and the core functionality is Obesity management in primary care: Assessment of readiness
envisioned to grow in subsequent development cycles by to change among 284 family practice patients. Journal of the
American Board Family Medicine, 13(3). Retrieved from http://
expanding and adding services. For example, the software
could incorporate testing games that both test and develop
the psychological traits of CR in the guise of entertain- Markham, A.B., & Medin, D.L. (2002). Decision making. In
ment. In addition, the recommendation program could H. Pashler & D. Medin (Eds.), Steven’s handbook of experi-
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MATTHEW HERIC, PhD, is CEO of IAVO Research and Scientific and e-Educational Systems and
Research and has been involved with military and educational research programs since the early
1980s. He has more than 25 years of experience as a researcher, consultant, and business owner. His
primary academic focus is the application of statistical models to evaluate learning and educational pro-
grams. He has led several instructional programs for the U.S. Air Force (U-2 program), NASA (Defense
Landsat Program Office), and the National Exploitation Lab (Washington, DC) and has worked as a
guest lecturer, invited speaker, and contract writer. He may be reached at

JENN CARTER is the division director of the behavioral sciences group at IAVO Research and
Scientific and is leading three long-term Office of Naval Research projects in the field of human,
social, cultural, and behavioral research. She has expertise in rhetorical communications and has
worked with the North Carolina Population Center studying the human impact on land use and land
change in developing nations, automata model development, spatial analysis of human events, pre-
dictive model creation, and statistical applications. She may be reached at

16 • DOI: 10.1002/pfi • AUGUST 2011

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