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The Importance of Natural and Cultural Heritage in Tourism: A Case of


Article · January 2009


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3 authors, including:

Cevdet Avcikurt
Balikesir University


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TOMV (1) 2009 VOL. V (1) 2009



Hatice Ipek, Ceyda Melek Ceseroglu, Cevdet Avcikurt



Хатидже Ипек, Сейда Мелек Чесеролу, Джевдет Авчикурт

ABSTRACT: Apart from its interesting geological formation, Cappadocia has a place among the worlds
rare natural and cultural centres, with its fairy chimneys, the settlements carved into the fairy chimneys, its un-
derground cities, its rock churches and other beautiful elements
Cappadocia, registered as “Göreme National Park of Nature and History” as number 177 in the list of “The
Worlds Natural and Cultural Heritage” has its well earned place with its natural structure and its cultural di-
versity. In this museum there are great number of rock hewn churches, monasteries and refectories. One can see
the church that has been opened in 1967, monasteries, a mosque, tunnels and rock hewn homes in the Zelve
Open Air Museum. The mosaics of the antique city of Sobessos, discovered only two years ago, the excavation of
which is still being continued by the Museum of Nevşehir is one of the last surprises for those visiting Cappado-
cia. Also, Cappadocia, renowned for its pottery and of course for its wine, is a region to which every visitor
wishes to return again and again.
In this region which is a well-known destination by international tourists, there are some weaknesses and
various problems with regard to tourism, alongside its many beauties. The purpose of this study is first to intro-
duce Cappadocia in terms of its geological formation, historical and cultural structure and natural beauty.
Then, in the region, a total of 50 people were interviewed, the responses were compiled and grouped and pre-
sented as research findings. Also, based on the information provided by the respondents, suggestions were pre-
sented for the tourism problems of the region.
Key Words: Cappadocia, Fairy chimneys, Underground settlements, Rock hewn homes, tuff.

Introduction tween 1071-1299, and Ottoman Empire from

1299 until the Turkish Republic was founded. [1]
Cappadocia, which was known as the “land of One of the reasons why people settled in
the beautiful breed horses” during the Persian Cappadocia is that the tuff rock can be carved
period was the place where the roots of Christi- and hewn very easily. As a rule, they preferred
anity was founded and developed. Today, Cap- the steep slopes of valleys and the fairy chim-
padocia with its unmatched in the world fairy neys, and they carved new dwellings into the
chimneys presents the visitors the natural won- rocks as their daily life style required. While the
ders adorned with an aesthetic grace. The natural excavation technique remained unchanged for
formations, which started in the region 10 mil- centuries, the marks of pickaxes remain as they
lion years ago, took their form 2 million years are, thanks to the dry climate. Underground set-
ago, and the existence of a cultural life was iden- tlements of various sizes, which count among the
tified from the prehistoric age. In the life which most interesting cultural treasures of Cappadocia,
started in 3000 BC the reigning empires had have been achieved by carving the soft tuff of the
been Hattie between 2000-1750 BC, Hittites slopes of valleys and plateaus vertically and
between 1800-1200 BC, Phrygians an Tabal deeply. [2]
Kingdom between 1200-700 BC, Persians be- In addition to these underground cities which
tween 585-332 B.C. and Cappadocia Kingdom played an important role in the birth and spread
between 332-17 BC. The region was ruled by the of Christianity, churches, monasteries and chap-
Romans between 17 B.C and 395 AC, Byzantine els were built during Seljuk and Ottoman;
Empire between 397-1071, Seljuk Empire be- mosques, madrasahs, inns and caravanserais con-
tributed to the historic and cultural richness. [3]

A Short Glance to Cappadocia’s History volcanic tuff easy to carve, they began expanding
the natural caves, linking them together and in
The region known in ancient times as Cappa- addition to dwellings, creating chapels, churches,
docia is the setting for some of nature's wonders. and monasteries as they shaped with their hearts,
For most people, the name Cappadocia suggests minds, and hands the peace and security that they
the towns of Uçhisar, Göreme, Avanos, Ürgüp, so desperately sought. [7] There are more than a
Derinkuyu, Kaymaklı and Ihlara, where in the thousand churches and chapels in Cappadocia.
course of millions of years, the land has been The variety and artistry of their architecture,
shaped into fantastic forms. [4] layout, and decoration are fascinating and amaz-
Millions of years ago, three of the mountains ing. The whole panoply of religious architecture
in Cappadocia; Erciyes, Hasandağ and Güllüdağ - basilicas with single, double, or triple naves,
were active volcanoes. The eruptions appear to cruciform plans, vestibules aisles, apses, domes,
have begun in the Upper Miocene, less than 70 columns, pillars can be found in these churches,
million years ago, in which lava began to flow and all of it has been hollowed out of the stone.
from volcanoes submerged in Neogene’s lakes. Many of the churches are decorated with pains-
The plateau of tuff formed from the materials takingly executed frescoes. [8]
discharged by the main volcanoes was continu- There is of course more to the history of the
ously altered by the eruptions of smaller and less Cappadocian region than that of the pagan and
violent volcanoes. From the Upper Pliocene on- Christian world. With the arrival of Islam in
wards, these layers of tuff were exposed to ero- Anatolia, it also became the home of a number of
sion by rain and the waters of lakes and rivers, famous Muslim scholars and philosophers. In the
particularly the Kızılırmak resulting in what we 14th century, the Turkish and Muslim mystic,
see today. Floodwater pouring down the sides of Hacı Bektaş-i Veli settled down in the Nevşehir
valleys combined with strong winds tore away country called Hacıbektaş today. The core tenets
the softer volcanic rock exposing the harder va- of this sage's philosophy, which was crucial to
rieties and resulting in the formations known as achieving unity among the different Turkish
"fairy chimneys" of which there are several types groups in Anatolia, embody the spirit and sub-
in Cappadocia; conical, pointed, columnar and stance of the 1948 Universal Declaration of Hu-
mushroom shaped and even a type that looks as man Rights. [9] Yunus Emre, another important
if it’s wearing a hat! [5] mystic and poet lived in Aksaray for a while.
The Cappadocian region has been inhabited This poet's love-filled heart has influenced and
since prehistoric times. During the Early Bronze inspired people around the world. UNESCO
Age, Cappadocia came under the influence of declared 1991 to be the "International Yunus
Assyrian civilization thanks to extensive trade, Emre Year" in commemoration of the 750th
and it was during this period that writing was anniversary of his birth. [10] Akhism, the organ-
introduced. The Hattie, followed by the Hittites, ized brotherhood of trade and craft guilds
Phrygians, Persians, Romans, Byzantines, Sel- founded by Ahi Evran first developed in Kırşehir
juk’s and Ottomans were all enchanted by the and spread out from there, sowing the seeds of love
allure of Cappadocia and left the imprint of their in the hearts of people everywhere in Anatolia.[11]
own presence here. Because of its location, Cap-
padocia was an extremely critical and strategic The Places of Historical and Touristic Interest
region. Important trade routes including the illus- Around Cappadocia
trious Silk Road, traversed it both east and west
and north and south. As a result of this heavy Avanos is located 18 kilometres from Nevşe-
traffic, the region was a complex web of histori- hir. The town of Avanos dates back to the
cal and cultural influences. Cappadocia was Bronze Age, as can be seen from the burial tu-
where different faiths and philosophies met and mulus of Topraklı. On the other hand, its terrain
influenced one another. [6] is watered by the 1355 kilometre-long, Kızılır-
In the early years of the first millennium, mak, the longest river in Turkey. [12]
groups of Christians fleeing from Roman perse- In Avanos, there is a tradition of pottery-
cution began moving into the inaccessible wilds making that has been alive since Hittite times. In
of Cappadocia seeking refuge. One group, which fact, pottery is one of the main activities in the
arrived here from Jerusalem via Antakya and centre; in one of the town squares, a monument
Kayseri in the second century, settled down in recalls various local activities such as vine-
the area now called Derinkuyu. Finding the soft growing and weaving but especially pottery.

Smiliar motifs appear on carpets, which in Paşabağları and the Cell of St. Simeon are
Avanos as in other areas in the region, is a tradi- among the most impressive sites at Zelve next to
tional activity. [13] Çavuşin. [19]
Göreme and its environs, located 10 kilome- Ihlara is 40 kilometres from Aksaray, as far as
tres from Nevşehir, are thought to have been 14 kilometres to the town of Selime. The coun-
used as a necropolis during Roman times by the tryside in the valley of Ihlara is different from
inhabitants of Venessa (Avanos). In accordance the rest of Cappadocia: in fact, a river-bed has
with the estimates; the Göreme area has been opened a deep canyon in the rocky tableland;
occupied since the dawn of history; more re- only in the bottom of this step valley does vege-
cently it was occupied by Christians who, under tation manage to grow. [20] Frescoed churches
the threat of Muslim attacks, moved to this area and dwellings carved into the cliffs extend from
where geological conditions made it easier to Ihlara Valley, Some of these structures can be
hide. In fact, the oldest churches in the area date dated back to as early as the 4th century AD
back to the 7th century. In the valley of Göreme which was simpler and made use of only a few
stands an Open Air Museum which used to colours (various shades of red on a white back-
house a religious community. Also, the Göreme ground). As from the 11th century, more colours
Open-Air Museum is where the "educational were used and the Syrian - Egyptian style was
system that unified all the ideas of Christianity" influenced by Byzantine art and religious mosa-
of St. Basil the Great and his brothers, was born. [14] ics of major churches at the time. [21] Frontal,
The town of Ürgüp is on the road from Kay- schematic figures were used between vegetal
seri to Nevşehir, Aksaray and 20 kilometres east designs, albeit abstract or architectural. Espe-
of Nevşehir. It is a built at the foot of a large, cially in the abstract motifs the influence of mo-
slightly sloping plateau. A matter of kilometres saics is plainly visible. Among the many sights
from Ürgüp, numerous churches and chapels are worth seeing are the Eğritaş, Agaç Altı, Kokar,
dotted here and there over a vast area; they in- Sümbüllü, Yılanlı, Pürenli, Kırkdamaltı, Ala,
clude the ancient buildings of the Balkan valley Direkli, and Kale churches and Selime Cathedral. [22]
in the direction of Ortahisar. [15] In the village The present town of Kaymaklı, a few kilome-
of Tagar (St Theodora) has the St. Theodore’s tres south of Nevşehir, differs from the ancient
and Pancarlık churches are elaborately decorated town; in fact, the original Kaymaklı was a huge
with religious art. underground city, concealed inside a hill. The
Ortahisar, or “middle” fortress, is on the road underground complex comprises several floors in
from Nevşehir to Ürgüp, but it closer to the lat- the event of raids. These entrances were closed
ter. In the town of Ortahisar, 6 kilometres from by an ingenious blocking system isolating to the
Ürgüp, the most impressive sight is the once city completely. Nowadays the underground city
strategically important Ortahisar citadel. Fine is equipped with electric lighting facilitating
examples of Cappadocia's vernacular architec- tours. One of the inner halls has been fitted out
ture cluster thickly around the base of the citadel. with simple furniture and household objects
Also worth seeing is the Üzümlü church, on the reminiscent of those used by the ancient inhabi-
western side. [16] Also; the splendid scene of the tants, making it easier to visualize how it looked
town of Uçhisar, 7 kilometres from Nevşehir, has before. [23]
an appeal that is irresistible. From the heights of Nevşehir is capital of a large area, looks like
the Uçhisar citadel, have magnificent and unri- on of the typical modern towns in Anatolia. The
valled view of the whole region. There is a valley site was occupied in ancient times, Neolithic
near Uçhisar called the “Valley of the pigeon- Age. The town was probably refounded during
lofts”: a wide stretch of constructions and lodg- the Hittite era because it is near to Kızılırmak.
ings built into the rock-face in ancient times and Nevşehir was occupied by Aegean’, Cimmerians,
recently, since they are still in use. [17] Assyrians, Medes, Persians, Romans, Byzan-
The village of Çavuşin, located 2 kilometres tium, Seljuk and Ottoman Empires. [24]
from Göreme along the road to Avanos is one of 6 kilometres south of Ürgüp is Mustafapaşa, a
the oldest inhabited places in the region. This town justifiably famous for its splendid stone
ancient settlement, like others which were built works. The Chapel of St Basil is decorated with
for sighting and defence purposes, is clustered motifs reflecting the Iconoclastic system of
around a large central rock. [18] The fresco thought. [25] The town of Tatlarin is located 10
scenes in the Çavusin church are distinctive be- kilometres north of Acıgöl. The Tatlarin church
cause of their unusual compositions. Kilise, is graced with well-preserved frescoes. [26] 20

kilometres from Nevşehir are the Açıksaray ruins Evran Mosque, the Aşık Paşa Tomb, the Melik
and the Church of St John in the town of Gülşe- Gazi Tomb and Kesik Köprü Bridge. [35]
hir. [27] The Karabaş, Kubbeli, and St. Barbara Discovering these marvels from a hot-air bal-
(Tahtalı Kilise) churches located in Soğanlı Val- loon in a voyage unique to the Cappadocian re-
ley in Kayseri province's Yeşilhisar country are gion is an experience unlike any other as race
particularly important because of their architec- with the doves through the sky's shades of blue
tural styles and their detailed fresco scenes. [28] and behold below the sinuous terrain extending
The Eski Gümüş church, located in the town into infinity, the enigmatic and artistically mag-
of Gümüşler, 8 kilometres northeast of Niğde, is nificent churches, and the pyramids, cones,
a cliff-monastery church and is decorated with mushrooms, and hats of the fairy chimneys.
fresco scenes that are extremely detailed and The shops and markets in which the local
delicately executed. In addition to this, the un- handicrafts are displayed and offered for sale
derground cities of Kavlaktepe, Fertek, Konaklı, reveal a palette of colours, patterns, and designs
Bağlama, Kayırlı and the Yeşilyurt and Akdaş that is unlimited in its variety. The locally-
Andabalis churches are sites worth visiting that quarried onyx is carved into countless shapes
are of great importance to Christians. [29] An- before coming to its potential buyers. The local
cient city of Tyana (Roman Period) is also worth rag dolls, sweetly reflecting all the warmth and
seeing. Built into the Üçayak, Derefakılı, Aflak, charm of the region are dressed in delightfully
and Aksaklı caves in Kırşehir province, are his- coloured and patterned fabrics and are certain to
toric places of worship that are important for appeal to collectors. Pottery-making, porcelain
Christianity. [30] manufacturing, leather-working, handicrafts, and
Mention has already been made of the Cap- the making wines are well-developed activities in
padocia region's "underground cities", places that the region of Cappadocia, nature's art gallery,
are as amazing as they are fascinating. There are who’s natural, historical, and cultural assets en-
many of them but the most extraordinary are the tice visitors with their miracles and spells.
ones at Kaymaklı, Derinkuyu, Mazı, Özkonak
and Tatlarin. In Kırşehir province the under- Research Methodology
ground cities of Mucur, Dulkadirli, İnlimurat,
and Kümbetaltı are also quite impressive in their In the region, a total of 50 people; 30 hotel
extent and layout. [31] managers or administrators, 8 travel agency
The Cappadocia region has been designated a managers, 4 hot air balloon company managers,
World Heritage Site by UNESCO. [32] Visitors 2 local association representatives, 2 tour guides
to it have an opportunity to view distinguished and 4 tourism information officers were inter-
examples of Seljuk, and Ottoman art and archi- viewed. In these interviews, each person was
tecture as well. Some of the most outstanding asked 15 questions and detailed responses were
examples of these are the Eğri Minaret, Alayhan received by giving 20-30 minutes to each indi-
and Sultanhanı caravanserais examples of Seljuk vidual. The responses were compiled and
period works in Aksaray province; Sarıhan grouped and presented as research findings.
Caravanserai and the Ürgüp Taşkın Paşa Mosque Also, based on the information provided by the
in Nevşehir province; and the Sungur Bey and respondents, suggestions were presented for the
Alaaddin mosques, two Seljuk works in Niğde. [33] tourism problems of the region.
In Kayseri province, some of the places worth
visiting are Döner Kümbet (Tomb), Sırçalı Research Questions
Kümbet, Ali Cafer Kümbeti, Cami Kebir, Hunat
Hatun Külliyesi, Kurşunlu Mosque, Güpgüpoğlu 1. What do you think are the problems related
Konağı, Kara Mustafa Paşa Caravanserai, and of Cappadocia? What can be done to overcome
Karatayhan Caravanserai. While in Kayseri, first these problems?
stop at the Museum of the History of Medicine, 2. Do you have staff-related problems? If yes,
located in what used to be the Şifaiye Medrese. what can be done to overcome these problems?
This was the first medical school and hospital in Which schools are undertaking training qualified
Anatolia, and was built at the behest of Gevher staff in the region?
Nesibe, a sister of the Seljuk Sultan Gıyaseddin 3. Do you have infrastructural problems? If
Keyhüsrev I, in 1205. [34] Magnificent works of yes, what can be done to overcome this problem?
historical and artistic importance in Kırşehir Do you think that the bed capacity and quality in
province include the Caca Bey Mosque, the Ahi the region is sufficient?

4. Do you have any promotional problems? If b. Being unable to solve the problem of pro-
yes, what can be done to overcome this problem? moting in both local and international level,
Do you think Cappadocia is being used enough c. The problem in having educated staff and
in the promotion of Turkey? the unwillingness of hospitality students to do
5. As a hotel, what kind of promotional ac- their internship in the region,
tivities are you undertaking? What are your local d. Scarcity of NGO’s which address tourism
and international promotional activities? Do you issues and inefficiency of the existing ones,
attend fairs? e. Bureaucracy (difficulty in getting permis-
6. What else can you do in addition to your sion from Historic Commission and its being a
current promotional activities? What are the time and taking process),
things that should be done by the government? f. Scarcity of alternative approaches such as
7. Do you think your internet sales and pro- conference tourism,
motions are sufficient? g. Lack of training for the local community in
8. What is your tourist profile? Is this profile tourism,
satisfying? If not, what do you do to change this h. Lack of support for conference tourism,
profile? What kind of a tourist profile would you and the fact that business enterprises are not
prefer? steered towards conference tourism,
9. When is your busiest season as the hotel? i. Lack of recognition of rural tourism, not
What are the customer profiles in the high season using mountains, villages and organic agriculture
and the low season? In what periods do you have for tourism purposes.
your hotel maintenance? 2. The demand for staff is often filled with
10. For advertisement, do you get help from local community, but there exists a problem of
the companies which share your sector of busi- staff with tourism training. The businesses are
ness? Or are you conducting professional activi- generally run by their owners and these people
ties as an enterprise? are elementary, middle school or high school
11. Is hot air balloon tourism the first thing graduates. Since they are not academically
which comes to mind at the mention of Cappa- trained themselves, they think that trained staff is
docia? Does hot air balloon tourism attract not of a large importance and they regard people
enough tourists to the region? Is hot air balloon with even one season’s experience in the sector
tourism being used enough in the promotion of as trained. Also, since trained staff means high
the region? salary, they are not quite willing to recruit
12.Tourism activities in what other field than trained staff. Only in 4-5 star hotels and large
the hot air balloon tourism can be introduced? pensions of a boutique hotel category these staff
Have you implemented this activity at your ho- members are graduates of Tourism and Hospital-
tel? Would you consider implementing it? ity College, though low in ratio and during sum-
13. Do you think Cappadocia, which could mer time students do their internship in these
regarded as the cradle of Christianity with its hotels. The personnel who are obtained from the
underground cities dating back to before Christ, local community are not given any kind of in-
is being given enough importance? Does the service training and these people try and learn
government support tourism in this region by and adjust to the institutions in time. On the
undertaking the necessary promoting? other side of the trained staff problem is that the
14. What are your expectations for the future trained staffs do not prefer this region to work in.
with regard to tourism in terms of your region These people, particularly those who have lived
and hotel? What can change? Please give your in bigger cities and worked in larger institutions
positive or negative comments. previously, prefer to work in Mediterranean and
15. What are your suggested solutions to the Aegean coasts. People who come to work in
problems in the region? Cappadocia region demand a higher salary com-
pared toothier areas if they are to work is this
Research Findings rural area with limited social capacity, trying to
compensate for this limitation by financial satis-
1. According to the information obtained faction. So it only those who were born and
from the respondents, here are the main problems raised in this region, who received tourism train-
of the region: ing and have lived in the coastal area or in a big
a. The low use of air transportation and scar- city for years, wanting to come back to their
city of the flights to / from the region, hometown who apply for jobs in the region.

Even students, who were born and raised in this route. Many tourists fly the İstanbul-İzmir-
region and educated at Nevşehir Tourism and Antalya-İstanbul route and attend daily tours
Hospitality College, prefer coastal towns for (İzmir-Efes), (Antalya-Pamukkale). In this situa-
their internship. And indeed, the tourism admin- tion, Cappadocia is taken off the list because,
istrators in the region think that these student difficulty of transportation. The establishment
interns do not receive a very good quality of based promotion done only through handing out
education from the college, that they only have promotional brochures are in fairs. Many com-
theoretical information and are unable to apply panies attend fairs, and many of them already
theory to practice. work with travel agencies and tour operators
3. There are hardly any infrastructural prob- abroad, and even when the establishments them-
lems in the region. Services including road, wa- selves do not attend the fairs, they are repre-
ter, electricity, sewage, phone, cell phone and sented by those agencies. They also make public-
internet are sufficiently provided by the Gov- ity through their websites on the internet which
ernment, Local Administrations and private along with advertising the establishment, feature
businesses, and no shortage is felt. The minor brief general information about the region.
things which are missing are being provided by 6. Due to huge promotional costs, it does not
the companies. seem likely for the establishments to undertake
4. The bed capacity in the region is sufficient large promotional activities by themselves or
and the capacity is increased every year depend- jointly. They do their own advertising through
ing on the demand. For instance, a pension their websites, brochures handed out in fairs and
which starts with 5 rooms improves its capacity commercial advertisements placed in print me-
one year later by adding 5 more rooms, and in dia. The government should place equal empha-
several years becomes a large scale business. In sis on every region. It should be stressed that in
terms of quality, the region has 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 start Turkey tourism is not limited to sun, sea and
hotels as well as hotels with Municipal adminis- sand, but it is a holiday paradise with its history,
trative license and pensions. Also there are hotels culture and alternative tourism resources and the
and pensions which classify themselves as “bou- unique natural fabric of each region. All sports,
tique hotels” and which have special (“s”) li- cultural and social activities should be used for
cence from the Ministry of Tourism. Star hotels advertising. The tourism in the region should be
already have specific standards to which they supported by the Tourism Development Agency
should adhere. In Municipal administrative li- and the government and the establishment of
censed hotels, an average comfort is provided. other NGO’s should be supported by the gov-
The establishments other than big hotels, have ernment and the community. The region is also
tried adopting different strategies over the years, unique for Turkish or foreign movies, since see-
made mistakes and reached the conclusion that ing the movie raises the interest level about the
“quality accommodation means the continued place that it is set and people would like to spend
tourism”. their holiday in these places. This chance should
5. Advertisement and promotions undertaken be used by the government for promotional pur-
by government, local administrations and or- poses and there should be bureaucratic activities
ganizations are not sufficient. The only highlight to facilitate shooting movies in the region. Dur-
has been Cappadocia’s making it on the cover of ing and after the shooting of the local TV show
“Only Planet” magazine this year. But this alone Asmalı Konak (The Vineyard Mansion), an in-
does not mean enough advertising. The govern- crease in the domestic tourism was observed in
ment has a low amount of overseas advertising, the region. Although several scenes for some
since it is mostly based on sun, sea and sand. A foreign movies wee shot in the region, this idea
tourist can find sun, sea and sand in any part of was later relinquished because of the unbearable
the world, but the type of history and natural bureaucratic procedures.
beauty of Cappadocia is unique to the region. 7. The internet sales change from one estab-
The government should use this as the key to the lishment to another and there are no set criteria.
promotion. But since this is not done, tourists Even in the smallest pension it was observed that
visit the region without prior information about the sales which were made entirely on internet
the region. Most of the tourist first visit İstanbul, filled up 90% of their capacity while a five-star
and then plan the rest of their trip to other places. hotel was able to fill up only 10% through inter-
Some tourists use the İstanbul, Bursa, Bergama, net sales. Hot air balloon operators provide simi-
Kuşadası, Efes, Pamukkale, Kapadokya, Antalya lar information. In companies which have a

strong web page and able to communicate this and international TV channels. In some local
and keep it updated ensure more internet sales. radio channels there are some advertisements
However, since the web pages of most compa- promoting the use of the hotel restaurants for
nies are in Turkish and English in some, German weddings, engagements, etc. And their cafe, bar,
and Japanese are added as well, these sites ad- disco or other social or sports facilities.
dress the speakers of these languages. Also the 11. With the recently increasing promotion
web pages of many establishments are not listed of the hot air balloon operating agencies and the
in widely-known and frequently-used search advertisement of the hot air balloon riders after
portals. they go back to their country, there is now a
8. The region attracts about 2 million tourists. higher demand for balloon rides. Also, its unpar-
With this number, it is one of the highest tourist alleled beauty and the amenability of its weather
attractions of Turkey. However, the accommoda- to balloon flights have added Cappadocia one of
tion period in the region is very limited; it is the major balloon flight centres of the world.
either 1 day & night or 2 days & 1 night. In order Balloon ride is an extra advantage for the promo-
to reduce the costs, the agencies and guides tion of the region. Having an aerial view of every
bringing tourist to the region arrange programs single beauty on land in unison, watching the
so that the travelling is during night time and the rising of the sun from the sky and keeping it as a
day is dedicated to visiting the region and the life long memory makes balloon rides important
return trip is again at night. The tourist profile in for the tourists. Balloon ride has never taken
the region varies according to the season. In win- priority over natural and historical structure of
ter Japanese, Korean, Taiwanese and other far the region. Given that these flights are recorded
eastern tourist come to Cappadocia. The reason with cameras, these flights have served to remind
that they prefer winter is that the flights are much this natural and historical structure in memory
cheaper in this season. Spanish tourists during for a long time.
the Easter holiday in spring; Australians and 12. The region is already a historic and cul-
New Zealanders following the Anzac celebra- tural tourism site. Other alternative tourism op-
tions in Çanakkale and Americans, Europeans portunities can be used in the region as well. The
and Russians in summer and fall visit the region. thermal water in the region can be improved as
Each tourist profile has its own advantages and part o the health tourism. Thermal water facilities
disadvantages. There are no complaints about the in Kozaklı are not well known to people except
tourist profile in the region; however the com- local tourists. This region can be opened to inter-
plaint is the low number or lack of tourists from national tourism and the region could be pro-
the Balkan countries or neighbouring countries. vided with investments and incentives for this
American, Japanese or Australian tourist come purpose. Also rural tourism, which can take the
here despite the vast distance while Greek, Bul- form of both, mountain and village tourism as
garian, Azerbaijani or Iranian tourist who live well as organic agricultural products, can be
much closer don’t know about or prefer visiting encouraged in the region. Also in such estab-
the region. lishments, a tourism model which promotes tour-
9. There are two separate busy seasons in the ists working in farms, contribute to production
region. Winter’s high season when Japanese and and consume the products they have produced, is
far eastern tourists visit and summer’s high sea- possible. Although the inner Anatolia flora is
son when European, Americans and Russians desert, with an efficient irrigation policy, golf
visit the region. During the start and closing courses can be formed and golf tourism can be
times of these seasons, most of the establish- promoted. More advanced bicycle etc. tourna-
ments are maintained without being closed ments can be organized as was done previously.
down, which continues through either a yearly Also, given that the area is amenable to trekking
routine program or occasional maintenance in and mountaineering, such sports activities can be
case of a need. used for tourism as well.
10. The publicity is carried out mostly 13. Regarding religion tourism, the publicity
through the internet. The advertisement for chain and arrangements sponsored by the government
hotels are placed by the head office in media. are unfortunately insufficient. A chance was
Other hotels, pensions and hot air balloon opera- missed in 2000 when the second millennium of
tors advertise themselves hand out brochures and the birth of Jesus was celebrated. There has not
promotional gifts, etc. in the fairs they attend. been an effective undertaking in this matter to
These establishments are not advertised in local date. Most of the potential tourists are Christian

Catholics. However, Orthodox churches are in lya or any other city of Turkey, they have to
majority in the region. These churches are just make a similar stopover in İstanbul. A tourist
visited by the tourists and are not used for active who would like to travel through Turkey on a
worship, which limits the religion tourism. Al- classic route of İstanbul - Bursa - Bergama -
though 2009 was declared as the St. Paul year, İzmir - Efes - Pamukkale - Antalya and then go
this has not yet been fully reflected to the region. to Cappadocia prefers neither a 12-hour coach
14. Tourism is more dependent on external ride from Antalya nor an airline flight with stop-
factors than internal. It can be affected by even a over in İstanbul plus the waiting time, so they
slightest change in the external factors. It will be cancel their Cappadocia plan, go back to İstanbul
negatively affected by the economic crisis, war and return to their country. In the airport of the
possibility, terrorism, and epidemic. In the ma- neighbouring province of Kayseri, similar prob-
jority of establishments, the perception is that lems are experienced and daily flights have a
there will be no negative implications and that in stopover. This problem can be overcome by di-
coming years this will not go worse or there will rect flights from Antalya and İzmir. Although in
not be a decrease in the number of tourists. How- previous years a private airline company tried
ever, as a result of the interviews, it was seen that this, it was later relinquished because of financial
many establishments do not have 5-10 year pro- concerns. This task should be undertaken by
grams. This is in direct correlation with the low THY and should work for some years without
education/training level of the establishment any profit concerns. Similar situation is experi-
owners. The lower is the education/training, the enced in international airports. For instance,
more positive they are about their future in tour- there are 5 weekly flights from Japan to Turkey
ism; and they even do not have 1-2 year pro- and in these flights; A 340 planes with a capacity
grams. Similarly, as a result of the interviews, of 240 passengers are used. If THY, had 5 full
those who argue that the government’s interest plane flights, it will mean 1200 tourists in a
and promotion is insufficient and those who ex- week. Assuming that all of the passengers are
pect the government to meet all needs are also tourists, it will mean maximum 64000 passen-
who have low level of education. As the educa- gers per year. The flight has Turkish passengers,
tion level rises, the level of tolerance towards the businessmen, transit passengers and Japan tour-
government service and the belief that they ists per year are limited to 50000. It is not true
should take the responsibility increases. Another that in a year 1 million Japanese tourists come to
problem of the region is development. Since Turkey. According to the records so far only
Cappadocia is considered as a National Park, 80000 Japanese tourists maximum had visited
permission from the Historic Commission needs the region. These tourists have first travelled to
to be sought in every single constructional de- the neighbouring countries of Azerbaijan and
velopment. Because of the high number of Uzbekistan and travelled on to Turkey. THY,
documents and long waiting time, people and especially in the winter season should have more
establishments are unable to make plans and than 5 flights, and if this does not comply with
programs, even if they do, they are unable to the international flight number, can solve this
implement them. For even a small restoration problem by using Boeing 747 planes.
project, it may take years to get permission. Problems other than the air transportation are
While there are projects which are approved in 2 as such: there are no alternative approaches like
months, there are ones who cannot be approved conference tourism. 10 years ago, Avanos Mu-
in 5-10 years. nicipality started construction of a congress cen-
15. According to the people interviewed, tre which was cancelled halfway through the
most important problem which needs to be construction. The largest congress centre in the
solved in the arrangement of the air transporta- hall which has the capacity of 1000 people is
tion. Although in Nevşehir, there is an airport used as a meeting hall used for weddings and
with a capacity of 750000 people, there is only other entertainment. The 200-300 people capac-
one flight per day from İstanbul. The plane has a ity halls in other 5 star large hotels serve the
small capacity and most of time it is impossible same purpose. Conference centres like those in
to find a seat. The visitor should come via İstan- İstanbul or Antalya is like a dream for the region.
bul no matter what part of Turkey they are com- There is no community training about tourism.
ing from. For instance, instead of a direct flight Through vocational training courses such as
from İzmir, they have to take the İzmir – İstanbul communication, hospitality, foreign language,
- Nevşehir flight; and for Ankara, Adana, Anta- computer and others, between the local commu-

nity and tourists can be improved and particu- establishments to turn to conference tourism in
larly women can be encouraged to be trained and low seasons. Thermal water facilities and places
work in the sector. It should be instilled that an which have a rich thermal water potential in the
educated woman means an educated family. region should be exploited. Also, rural tourism
Another problem is the low number of non gov- should be given emphasis, alternative tourism
ernmental organizations and the existing ones’ approaches such as mountain tourism, village
not being very active. There are 2 associations in tourism and the use of organic agriculture for
the region which promote tourism. Cappadocia tourism should be discovered.
Tourism Development Cooperative and Cappa- Conclusions
docia Tour Guides Association are work for tour- In conclusion, the region which is unparal-
ism. Another problem is, because of the diffi- leled in its history, culture and natural fabric has
culty and time consumption in getting permis- every kind of appeal to attract tourists. These
sion from the Historic Commission, people start incredible values should be better advertised, the
a new construction before the permission period other tourism problems in the region should be
is completed or restoration in an existing facility. solved and weaknesses remedied. Every single
This increases the unauthorized construction in resident in the country and the region should
the region. This problem can solve when the work like a tourism ambassador and it should be
bureaucracy and arbitrariness in the permission remembered that tourism is an important factor
process is reduced. in sharing cultural values and being universal.
Cappadocia is an ideal holiday destination to
Suggestions witness the history, experience the local culture
and to be away from the noise and stress of the
1. There should be one daily direct flight city, and to commune with nature. This fact
from Dalaman, İzmir and Antalya to the region should be reminded to people and countries who
at least during high seasons. Again in high sea- do not know about the region or who have de-
son, an air transportation planning flights should cided not to visit for any reasons, especially
be made to meet the overseas flight demand. A countries in close proximity.
plane added to the schedule in the middle of the People and Establishments Interviewed
season does not solve the problem. 1. 5 star Dedeman Hotel
2. “ Dinler Hotel
2. In the promotional activities undertaken 3. “ Perissia Hotel
by the government, the promotion of the region 4. “ Vera Hotel
should be more efficient both in local and inter- 5. 4 star Altınöz Hotel
national level through all types of visual and 6. “ Altınyazı Hotel
print media. 7. “ Avrasya Hotel
3. Since there are unauthorized construction 8. “ Burcu Kaya Hotel
because of the difficulty and time consumption 9. “ Gomeda Hotel
of getting approval from the Historic Commis- 10. “ Kapadokya Inn Hotel
sion, the bureaucracy in this matter should be 11. “ Kapadokya Lodge Hotel
relieved. 12. “ Mustafa Hotel
4. The problem regarding having trained 13. “ Peri Tower Hotel
staff employed in the region should be solved. 14. “ Taşsaray Hotel
There should be legal arrangements which would 15. 4 star Turban Club Ürgüp
make it compulsory for the students of Nevsehir 16. “ Turist Hotel
University School of Tourism and Hospitality to 17. “ Yıltok Hotel
make internship in the region. Practice based 18. 3 star Çiner Hotel
training can be done in this schools. 19. “ Merit Inn Hotel
5. The establishment of non government 20. “ Yükseller Hotel
organizations which support tourism should be 21. s licence Alfina Hotel
encouraged, local community should be trained 22. “ Anatolian House
through these organizations and public aware- 23. “ Ataman Hotel
ness about tourism should be raised. 24. “ Ataman Kaya Hotel
6. Alternative tourism practices such as 25. “ Canyon View Hotel
conference tourism should be supported, and 26. “ Cappodocia Cave Suites
remediation should be made to enable tourism 27. “ Göreme House

28. “ Gül Konakları 18.
29. “ Kelebek Pansiyon ategory/uchisar
30. “ Museum Hotel 19.
31. Argeus Travel Agent ategory/cavusin
32. Argonaut Travel Agent 20.
33. Heritage Travel Agent hlara-vadisi
34. Middle Earth Travel Agent 21.
35. MTI Travel Agent ml
36. Peerless Travel Agent 22.
37. Vera Travel Agent
38. Yamatur Travel Agent
39. Anatolian Balloons Company li.html
40. Ez Air Balloons Company 25.
41. Skyway Balloons Company r.html
42. Voyager Balloons Company 26.
43. Tour Guide Mehmet Halis Aydoğan pasa.html
44. Tour Guide Tevfik Ölmez 27.
45. Cappadocia Tourism Development Officer html
46. Cappadocia Tour Guides Association Officer 28.
47. Avanos Tourism Information Officer .html
48. Göreme Tourism Information Officer 29.
49. Nevşehir Tourism Information Officer spx?F6E10F8892433CFFD52DD97CAAFACAC8
50. Urgup Tourism Information Officer 380B7B4044EFB0A3
References ml
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10. Hatice IPEK, Lecturer, Mersin University, Tar-
Bekta%C5%9F-%C4%B1_Veli sus Vocational School. Mersin / TURKEY,
13. Ceyda Melek CESEROGLU, (MSc. Student)
14. Canakkale 18 Mart University, School of Tourism
ategory/avanos and Hospitality, Canakkale / TURKEY, ceydame-
16. Cevdet AVCIKURT, Professor, Balikesir Uni-
ategory/urgup versity, School of Tourism and Hospitality, Balike-
17. sir / TURKEY,


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