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kelas jenis umur status Gizi kebiasaan prestasi
responden kelamin responden BB/TB sarapan pagi belajar
N Valid 118 118 118 118 118 118
Missing 0 0 0 0 0 0

Frequency Table

kelas responden
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1 66 55.9 55.9 55.9
2 52 44.1 44.1 100.0
Total 118 100.0 100.0

jenis kelamin
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid laki-laki 48 40.7 40.7 40.7
perempuan 70 59.3 59.3 100.0
Total 118 100.0 100.0

umur responden
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 13 64 54.2 54.2 54.2
14 50 42.4 42.4 96.6
15 4 3.4 3.4 100.0
Total 118 100.0 100.0
status Gizi BB/TB
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid normal 89 75.4 75.4 75.4
kurus 29 24.6 24.6 100.0
Total 118 100.0 100.0

kebiasaan sarapan pagi

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid baik 76 64.4 64.4 64.4
kurang 42 35.6 35.6 100.0
Total 118 100.0 100.0

prestasi belajar
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid baik 94 79.7 79.7 79.7
kurang 24 20.3 20.3 100.0
Total 118 100.0 100.0


Case Processing Summary

Valid Missing Total
N Percent N Percent N Percent
status Gizi BB/TB *
118 100.0% 0 .0% 118 100.0%
prestasi belajar
kebiasaan sarapan pagi
118 100.0% 0 .0% 118 100.0%
* prestasi belajar
status Gizi BB/TB * prestasi belajar

prestasi belajar
baik Kurang Total
status Gizi normal Count 78 11 89
BB/TB % within status Gizi
87.6% 12.4% 100.0%
% within prestasi belajar 83.0% 45.8% 75.4%
% of Total 66.1% 9.3% 75.4%
Kurus Count 16 13 29
% within status Gizi
55.2% 44.8% 100.0%
% within prestasi belajar 17.0% 54.2% 24.6%
% of Total 13.6% 11.0% 24.6%
Total Count 94 24 118
% within status Gizi
79.7% 20.3% 100.0%
% within prestasi belajar 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
% of Total 79.7% 20.3% 100.0%

Chi-Square Tests
Asymp. Sig. Exact Sig. (2- Exact Sig. (1-
Value df (2-sided) sided) sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 14.231a 1 .000
Continuity Correctionb 12.298 1 .000
Likelihood Ratio 12.727 1 .000
Fisher's Exact Test .000 .000
14.111 1 .000
N of Valid Casesb 118
a. 0 cells (.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 5.90.
b. Computed only for a 2x2 table
kebiasaan sarapan pagi * prestasi belajar

prestasi belajar
baik kurang Total
kebiasaan sarapan pagi baik Count 70 6 76
% within kebiasaan
92.1% 7.9% 100.0%
sarapan pagi
% within prestasi belajar 74.5% 25.0% 64.4%
% of Total 59.3% 5.1% 64.4%
kurang Count 24 18 42
% within kebiasaan
57.1% 42.9% 100.0%
sarapan pagi
% within prestasi belajar 25.5% 75.0% 35.6%
% of Total 20.3% 15.3% 35.6%
Total Count 94 24 118
% within kebiasaan
79.7% 20.3% 100.0%
sarapan pagi
% within prestasi belajar 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
% of Total 79.7% 20.3% 100.0%

Chi-Square Tests
Asymp. Sig. Exact Sig. (2- Exact Sig. (1-
Value df (2-sided) sided) sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 20.408a 1 .000
Continuity Correctionb 18.308 1 .000
Likelihood Ratio 19.850 1 .000
Fisher's Exact Test .000 .000
20.235 1 .000
N of Valid Casesb 118
a. 0 cells (.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 8.54.
b. Computed only for a 2x2 table

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