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English III

Parte 1. Responda las preguntas 1 a 5 de acuerdo con el ejemplo.

Lea las descripciones de la columna de la izquierda (1-5) y las letras correspondientes de la columna de la derecha
¿Cuál letra (A-H) concuerda con la descripción de cada frase de la izquierda (1-5)?
En las preguntas 1 – 5, marque la letra correcta A – H en su hoja de respuestas.
0: Where is your book?.
Respuesta: A B C D E F G H
1. Do you speak English? A. Yes, I am
B. On the desk
2. How old are you? C. On Wenesday
D. Yes, she does
3. Are you studying for the exam? E. I am 19
F. The Wednesday
4. Does she sleep during class? G. Yes, I do.
H. I have 19..
5. When is our English lesson?

Parte 2. Responda las preguntas 6 a 10 de acuerdo con el ejemplo. Marque A, B o C en su hoja de respuestas.
¿Donde puedes ver estos avisos?

Ejemplo: Books. Pay one and get two. A. In the bedroom

B. In the classroom
C. In the living room

Respuesta 0. A B C

A. In a library
6. The exam starts at 1:00 B. In a school
p.m. C. In a bookstore.

7. A. In down town
International departures.
B. In a party
C. In an airport

A. In a playground
Piano lessons in classroom 14
8. B. In a school
from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
C. In a bathroom

9. A. In a pool
Free drinks for women until B. In a store
9:00 p.m. C. In a Bar

10. A. At home
Please respect your turns.
B. In the bank.
C. In the park
Parte 3. Complete las 5 conversaciones. En las preguntas 11-15, marque A, B o C en su hoja de respuestas.

A. I like it.
Hello, what would you like
B. I´d like a hamburger.
to eat?
C. I don´t like pizza.

Respuesta 0. A B C

11. I love reading! A. She likes books.

B. I am interested in books.
C. Great! I love reading too.
12. Are you interested in computers? A. yes, I am.
B. I don´t .
C. No, we don´t.
13. Do you like cats? A. Yes, I like you.
B. I love them.
C. I don´t like it.
14. How much money do you have? A. I have many.
B. I have very.
C. I have a lot.
15. How many hamburgers did she eat? A. She ate much hamburgers.
B. She ate a lot of hamburgers.
C. She eats hamburgers.
Parte 4. Responda las preguntas 16 a la 23 de acuerdo con el siguiente texto.
Lea el artículo y seleccione la palabra adecuada para cada espacio. Marque la letra correcta A, B, o
C en su hoja de respuestas.
Slim people's genes help them stay slim
Researchers from Cambridge University (0)___ people's genes help (16)____ to stay slim. They discovered that thin people had
DNA that helped them stay slim. (17)______ DNA contained fewer things linked to being overweight. A professor of
metabolism and medicine, Sadaf Farooqi, said: "We've found that (18)____ genes associated with thinness. Genes play at least
40 per cent of a role in people's (19)_____. It's much more than people realize." This might help explain why some people are
naturally skinny while others have problems with keeping their weight down.
The study is in the journal PLOS Genetics. The researchers wanted to find out why so many (20)_____ struggle with their
weight. An incredible 94.5 per cent of adults on the South Pacific island of Nauru (21)_____ overweight. Professor Farooqi said
she wanted to help people who are struggling. She said: "It's easy to rush to judgment and criticize people for (22)____ weight,
but the science shows that things are far more complex." She added: "Healthy, thin people are generally thin because they
have a lower burden of genes that increase a person's chances of being (23)________."
Ejemplo. 0
A. Speak B. Say C. Note
Respuesta 0. A B C

16. A. It. B. Him. C. Them.

17. A. Them B. Their. C. her.
18. A. There are. B. Have. C. There is.
19. A. Weight. B. Height. C. Build.
20. A. Person. B. Thin. C. People.
21. A. Are. B. Is. C. Am.
22. A. Their . B. Them. C. They.
23. A. Friendly. B. Overweight. C. Happy.

Parte 5. Responda las preguntas 24 a 30 de acuerdo con el siguiente audio sobre: Giving directions. Marque A, B ó C, en su
hoja de respuestas.
Look at the map, listen and answer the questions

0. What street are you departing form? A. Green street
B. Bond street
C. Kings Road
Respuesta: 0. A B C
24. What´s the first destination? A. The library
B. The museum
C. The post office
25. Where is the second destination? A. On the corner of Bond street and green street.
B. Next to the cinema.
C. On the corner of Bond street and king´s road.
26. What´s destination B? A. Underground Station.
B. Theatre.
C. Shop.
27. Where is the third destination? A. On green street.
B. In front of the hospital.
C. Next to the hospital.
28. What’s the building you find in direction C? A. The book shop.
B. The theatre.
C. The cinema.
29. Where is the fourth destination? A. On the corner of Bond street and king´s road.
B. On king´s road.
C. In front of the book shop.
30. What´s the building you find in this last destination? A. The bus station.
B. The hospital.
C. The police station.
Parte 6. Responda las preguntas de la 31 a la 40 de acuerdo con el siguiente texto.
Lea las conversaciones y seleccione la palabra adecuada para cada espacio. Marque la letra correcta A, B, C, D en su hoja de
Conversation 1
Man: What do you do on the weekend?
Woman: I (31)____ stay home, but sometimes I go out.
Man: Oh, (32)______ do you go?
Woman: Sometimes I go to the beach. Sometimes I go to the park.
Man: I often go there too. Do you ever go to the lake?
Woman: No, very rarely. It is too far from house.
Conversation 2
Man: What do you (33)_______ have for dinner?
Woman: I try to eat healthy, so I usually cook vegetables.
Man: Really. (34)______ kind of stuff do you make?
Woman: Sometimes I make soups. Sometimes I make stir-fry.
Man: Stir-fry! That’s not very healthy.
Woman: I know, but I don't eat it often.
Conversation 3
Woman: (35)_____ you take the bus to work?
Man: No, I (36)____ take the bus. I always drive.
Woman: Yeah, it's so much easier to drive.
Man: (37)______ you drive to work?
Woman: Actually, I (38)_____ drive. I usually walk to work. I live near the office.
Man: Lucky you!
Conversation 4
Man: Do you ever go to the movies?
Woman: I rarely do. It is too expensive. Do you?
Man: No, (39)______. I usually rent DVDs.
Woman: Really. I never do that. I usually stream movies.
Man: Nice. Do you have fast Internet?
Woman: Yeah, usually it is fast, but (40)________ it’s slow


31. A. Never B. Usually C. Really D. House

32. A. Rarely B. often C. how D. Where

33. A. Usually B. Every week C. Twice D. Once

34. A. Where B. Their C. What D. Why

35. A. Does B. Are C. Do D. Is

36.. A. Never B. Every Monday C. On weekends D. Much

37. A. Do B. Does C. Is D. Are

38. A. Rarely B. Twice C. Always D. Once

39. A. How often B. Not often C. Ever go D. Ever

40. A. Always B. Sometimes C. A lot D. Ever go

Parte 7. Responda las preguntas 41 a 45 de acuerdo con el siguiente texto. Marque A, B ó C, en su hoja de respuestas.

Ejemplo 0: What is the reading about?

Respuesta 0 A B C
A. Illegal restaurants B. A publicity C. Tips for the waiting staff
Restaurants in the UK will soon have to give all tips to their staff. The UK Prime Minister Theresa May
announced new plans that will make it illegal for restaurants to keep the tips given by customers. For
decades, many restaurants have kept most of the tips customers add to their credit card payments or the
money customers put in tip jars. Some restaurants use the tips as part of a worker's pay. Many people in
England are angry about this. Restaurant workers are among the lowest paid staff in Britain and many of
them rely on tips to survive. The food and drink industry in the UK is huge. There are over 150,000 hotels,
bars and restaurants in the UK. These employ about two million people.

Many waiting staff in the UK are happy that the new law is coming in. They said they were fed up with
international chain restaurants keeping the money that was meant for waiters. The staff also said restaurant
managers often used the tips to help pay for the chefs and kitchen staff. Workers at the TGI Fridays
restaurant chain went on strike earlier this year because of low pay. Prime Minister May said the new law
would make sure restaurant workers are treated fairly. She said: "That's why we will introduce tough new
legislation to ensure that workers get to keep all of their tips." A spokeswoman for the restaurant industry
said a new law was unnecessary because the industry makes sure working conditions are fair.

41. Who is the person that announced a new legislation? A. A customer.

B. A restaurant worker.
C. The prime minister.

42. Do some restaurants use tips as part of payment? A. Yes, they are.
B. Yes, they do.
C. Yes, it is.

43. Waiting staff were happy with restaurants keeping their money. A. True.
B. False.
C. Not mentioned.

44. Did all restaurant workers in UK go on strike? A. Yes, they did.

B. No, they didn´t.
C. No, they aren´t

45. According to who, there was no need of a new law. A. Theresa May.
B. A restaurant spokeswoman.
C. The waiting staff.

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