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THE FUNNEL PLAYBOOK 2ND EDITION Making money online has never been easier than it is today. Within less than 2 months you can turn your expert knowledge into information products, a sales funnel and start profiting. In this Play Book you're going to discover exactly how to do just that, and the market- ing strategy to automate your business online, and make you money while you sleep. This play-book is divided into 3sections: The Funnel Overview... where you'll get a strategy guide to create a successful funnel. Aplug and play, fill in the blanks section to organize your funnel and to stimulate your brain with ideas. Your 3 best options to get started marketing your business online now. I've helped my clients generate 5 figures of monthly revenue through the very same strategy that you're about to learn. My name is Stephen Prior, |'m a web devel- oper and marketer who discovered automa- tion tools... now others call me the funnel specialist. Need help or someone to build your funnel? Visit or email your playbook to Ive worked with millionaire best-selling authors, sought out health coaches and businesses that we just starting out. What I've learned is that these methods I'm about to teach you work, no matter which business you're in. This play-book is a big picture marketing strategy you can apply starting now. Ready to make some cash? Let's get started! ©2016 Prior Marketing Group, LLC THE CONCEPT: A funnel is a way to think of how your leads flow through your marketing process. It helps if you imagine a typical funnel that you'd find inside your kitchen. At the top of the funnel, the wide end represents your traffic, where you get the most expo- sure from... places like google, facebook, banner ads, etc. As leads go through your sales funnel, more and more drop out and the funnel gets smaller. The reason for this is because not everyone is a perfect customer for your product. However, as a marketer or business owner, your goal is to get as many people through your funnel as possible. At the very bottom, the tip of the funnel represents your cus- tomers who have purchased. As you can see, very few people who saw your ad actually become customers... however, once you dissect and optimize each aspect of your funnel, you'll be able to increase the leads that run through your it, and convert more and more of those people into sales. Now let’s look at how a funnel works in action. Here are the 7 steps to a solid funnel: It begins with traffic. Your leads have to come from somewhere, like your facebook page, a search engine, paid traffic, etc. People must find you somehow. That traffic then get's sent toa landing page. This is where you convert cold traffic (a stranger) into a warm lead (a new acquaintance). In exchange for someone’s email, you offer them a bribe ‘that will solve one of their problems. In the marketing world this is called a “Lead Magnet”. ‘Once someone “opts in” to your email list they've got to be redirected to a page, any page. This is an opportunity for smart marketers to start earning money for the traffic they've already paid for. Rather than send your new subscriber back to your home page, or toa “thank you page’ here is a chance to introduce asmall offer to your new lead. It makes sense to do that at this step because by subscrib- ing to your email list, your lead has told you that they're interested in the topic you've got. This piece of the funnel is called a “Front End Offer” or sometimes It’s also called a “tripwire”. Depending on the offer, trip wires can convert at up to 50%. Need help or someone to build your funnel? Visit or email your playbook to ©2016 Prior Marketing Group, LLC ir chance to demonstrate some value, and show your \d how you can help them with their problem. It’s through your follow up email sequence that you build credibility in the eyes of your leads... who you want to quickly convert into customers. Grom you've got anew lead and their email address, it’s Here your goal is to turn a warm lead (an acquaintance) into a friend, by giving them great content for free. nce you've earned your leads’ trust, by giving them lots of at free stuff, many of them will actually be waiting for to offer them one of your products. This is your chance for you to make them an offer they can’t resist. Now's the point in your funnel where the magic happens... make your leads an offer on one of your main products. he final step of a funnel you've got the ability to increase ur sales by as much as 50% or more... and that's by doing p sells and cross sells. ‘Anup sell or cross sell is when a customer is making a pur- chase and after they've paid, you offer them additional products or services, that compliment their purchase. Upsells are a huge opportunity that many businesses miss out on. As a general rule of thumb, 20% of people will want more than others... they want more service, more products, better quality, more features, etc. Part of that has to do with exclu- sivity. Some people just have the money and as a rule, they only buy the very best. The point is that by not offering more products to your custom- ers, you could be missing out ona lot of sales. Business Name: Funnel Name: Automation System: Infusionsoft Active Campaign Constant Contact Maropost AWeber MailChimp Other If Other Other Technology Requirements: If Other: Inthis next section, fill in the blanks to piece together your sales funnel. This is where you get to map out your marketing strategy.. The first step in your funnelis where you will be getting your traffic from. Our top choices are Google Adwords and Facebook's advertising. Why? That's because with both these sources of traffic, you can very specifically target your ideal cus- tomer. That means much less guesswork. When you do your research right, with these sources of traffic you'll be showing your ads to much more qualified prospects who are more likely to want what you've got. The second benefit about Adwords and Facebook is that they provide a reliable and steady source of traffic and eyeballs. You can figure out how many views a keyword gets per month. There's no guesswork. Finally, both of these allow you to run multiple ads, campaigns and test which ads work the best. We've found that the best way to succeed is to test everything. And with AdWords and Facebook you can. How will people get there... Check alll that apply Facebook Ads Other PPC Affiliate Marketing If Other: ‘What happens immediately after opt-in: Webinar Social media SEO Google Ads Website/Blog Ads (Your own) Other Once someone decides to learn more about your ad and clicks on it, they've got to be sent somewhere. Here you want to capture your lead’s contact information so that you can build a relationship with them. Step 2 in the funnel is about giving your lead some great free information that solves their biggest need. In exchange for this information, you're asking them for their email address... whichis where they'll receive this great information from you. When creating a landing page, always create it by thinking about what your customer wants... and not about what you've got. Your headline, and all your copy should talk about the benefits that you can promise for your customers. For example: How to lose 10 Ibs in 30 days, a simple method to make $200 per day, 7 secret tips from pick up artists to get more dates, etc. Use these for your headlines and your copy. Lead Magnet Name: The best types of lead magnets are quick, simple and easy to digest solutions for ONE single problem. A big mistake that people make with their lead magnets is by offering an entire “10 week free course’. Most people don’t want a free 10 week course. That’s too long. They want an immediate solution, Also if your course is really THAT good, most people will be happy to pay for it. What most people want is something they can easily consume in 5-10 minutes and that solves 1 problem, ideally their biggest problem. With your list of benefits, create a 1-10 page report, or a 10 minute video to solve what you think is your customer's biggest challenge. Price: Free URL to Opt-in Form / Page (entry point): Lead Magnet 1 Type: Report / Guide E-Book [] Video Webinar/Training Pixeled Blog Post / Content Other If Other: Lead Magnet 1 Delivery Method: (Where will people go to access this content) Direct Download (Thank You Page) Direct Download (Deliverable / Fulfilmen Page) Gated Content (Password Protected) Email Attachment Clvideo Page Other If Other: Front End Offer Name: When someone “opt’s in” to your email list, they've got to be redirected to a page. Because this person has opted in and asked for more information... this is now a great opportuni- ty to give anyone who wants more a small offer. Rather than redirecting leads to a page that says “thank you for signing up’... here you can give these folks, who are definitely interested in your information a little upgrade. This is a good time to give an intro offer, a deal on one of your products. Depending on your market, you can make a product offer varying between $1-$97... The goal is to get this person to become a customer as soon as possible. Even if that's just to give you $1. So make this first offer a no-brainer deal. It helps to add bonuses to sweeten the deal. URLto Sales Page: Product Type: LyReport / Guide E-Book ‘ideo [Online Course / Training Modules (Other: Sales Method: (Where will people see this offer. Check all that apply) Micro Sales Page Email Offer Straight to Order Form [Thank You Page LIVSL Page Cother: Live OnlineTraining Physical Book Physical Product Long Form Sales Page Product Delivery Method: (Where will people go to access this content) Direct Download (Deliverable Page) [Direct Download (Thank You Page) Gated Content (Passwo Uhipping rd Protected) Other: ‘What happens immediately after purchase? Email Attachment |Video Page Now that you've got their email, you want to build trust with your lead. The more someone trusts you, the more likely they will look at your information and buy your products. Now’s your chance to impress your lead. Within the next couple of days you'll want to email them some juicy information that solves a couple of their big problems. By your 4th email, your leads will have warmed up to you, and be much more likely to buy... Throughout your email sequence we recommend giving away informative free content. This can include articles on your blog, youtube videos, free reports, etc. As long asit's unique and valuable content. We also recommend, if you have the budget to hire a copywriter to write compelling emails, content and your sales messages for you. Email 4 Subject Line: Content: Email 2 Subject Line: Content: Email 3 Subject Line: Content: Email 4 Subject Line: Content: __SalesPage+Main Offer _ —_— At this point in the funnel you will have built trust, credibility and proven to your leads that you are the person to help them solve their problem. After about 5-10 emails from you, it’s time that you offer your leads one of your core prod- ucts... they opted into your email list for a reason: They want to solve a specific problem, and you've got a solution. Don't be afraid to sell and offer what you've got. At this point offering a core product is a no-brainer, and it’s almost expected by your leads. Some of them might even be already asking themselves “what kind of stuff can I buy from this guy?” Again... make them an offer they can't refuse. Throw in bonuses and a killer guarantee that makes you stand out as a trustworthy person to do business with, Price$: URL to Sales Page: Product Type: |Video Series Live Training / Workshop Online Course / Training Modules Physical Product Coaching Program [Services Consulting COther: Sales Method: (Where will people see this offer. Check all that apply) Email Offer Micro Sales Page Long Form Sales Page |VSL Page Email Offer Straight to Order Form Webinar Other: Product Delivery Method: (Where will people go to access this content) Direct Download (Thank You Page) Direct Download (Deliverable Page) Gated Content (Password Protected) Email Attachment Video Page Shipping Other: What happens immediately after purchase? -Upsells —_ — There will always be a percentage of people who want more and will pay for it. Always. Therefore, for all the people who have taken you up on your intro offer, a fraction of them will want more. This is a good chance to offer those people complimentary products. Upselling benefits everyone... it puts money in your bank, and it helps customers who want more. Not everyone will take you up on your upsells. However when you know your market and what they want, you should conservatively see 15% of your customers buying more. If you don’t have other products to sell, you can even reach out to other companies and create a joint-venture... where you get a commission for selling their products to your leads. Price: $ Price: $ URL to Sales Page: URLLto Sales Page: Product Type: Product Type: IReport/Guide [E-Book Report /Guide []E-Book Video Live OnlineTraining Video Live OnlineTraining JOnline Course / Training Modules |Online Course / Training Modules Physical Book Physical Product Physical Book Physical Product JOther: JOther: Sales Method: (Where will people see this offer) Sales Method: (Where will people see this offer.) IMulti-Step Checkout Micro Sales Page IMulti-Step Checkout Micro Sales Page lLong Form Sales Page [_]VSL Page Long Form Sales Page [_]VSL Page Email Offer Straight to Order Form [Email Offer Straight to Order Form JOther: JOther: Product Delivery Method: (Where people get access) Product Delivery Method: (Where people get access) [Direct Download (Thank You Page) Direct Download (Thank You Page) [Direct Download (Deliverable Page) Direct Download (Deliverable Page) |Gated Content (Password Protected) |Gated Content (Password Protected) |Email Attachment [_]Video Page [_]Shipping Email Attachment [_]Video Page [_]Shipping JOther: JOther: Get Your Funnel Up-And-Running Fast So now you've got your funnel blueprint laid out... what next? You have 3 options... Get started creating your funnel yourself. If you've got more time than money avail- able at your disposal, this is the most cost effective method to get started. If this is the way you decide to go, | recom- mend you check out these marketing tools, we use some of these ourselves. -Infusionsoft -Clickfunnels -Lead Pages - Optimize Press -ThriveThemes The drawback of course, is that it will cost you hours of your time to build your funnel yourself... there’s a big learning curve, which will cost you months in experiments through trial and error. The second setback is that these marketing tools also come at a monetary price (they're not free)... they range from $20-$500 per month, If you include your hourly wage doing it yourself will still cost you a few thousand dollars to get started. Find A Funnel Specialist. Hiring an expert is a much better option, if you've got the budget. It'll save you months of trial and error (it took me 6 months to get my first funnel up and running... now it takes me less than 2 weeks), and this route saves you hundreds, if not thousands of dollars up front in marketing costs. he_major downfall is that_you've got to FIND that funnel specialist, make sure he’s rove fi better cross your fingers and HOPE he's not booked up for months in advanced. What should you look for in a funnel specialist? First there’s the obvious... years of experi- ence, a track record and testimonials. However, you've got to experience first hand his work. You've got to get sucked into his funnel. You've got to test his information out, and if you can, get on a call with him and see how you work together. Which leads us to your 3rd option (the best option so far). Continued... Need help or someone to build your funne?? Visit or email your playbook to ©2016 Prior Marketing Group, LLC Take Your Business To The Next Level “Hop On A Strategy call (via Skype) with me, the founder of Prior Marketing Solutions. This is by far your best option, and the easiest... whether you're just getting started with your funnel or want to optimize an existing one. In one hour, I'll show you exactly how your funnel can be improved, where you're losing sales and I'l give you a couple of quick tips that you can use immediately to improve conversions. If you don't currently have a funnel strategy plan, in one hour he'll help you to create one. The information you're going to get on this calllis worth $297, if not 10 times that... However as a new client, we are offering this strategy session to you for just the low price of $97. In One Hour You'll Discover And Get: Your Very Own Custom Marketing Funnel Plan, to Optimize Your Leads, Conversions and Sales. (I'll show you what you can do to instantly boost your conversion rates) » Quick, Simple Tips To Double, Even Quadruple Your Sales When You Implement These Techniques ¢ Guidance On What To Do Next... So You're Set Up For Success, Even If You're Just Getting Started Marketing Online To set up a call, all you've got to do is click the link below and schedule your call. We'll get back to. you within 24hours. lick Here To Take Your Business And Sales Funnel To The Next Level Asa bonus, if you decide to hire Prior Marketing Solutions, the price of this call will be deducted from the cost of our marketing services. Wishing you the best. PRI@R Infusionsolt sennecnne socetons CERTIFIED PARTNER Prefdent & Founder ) Prior Marketing Solutions. ca 3 Se rs ee Need help or someone to build your funne?? Visit or email your playbook to ©2016 Prior Marketing Group, LLC

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