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Day 1

Email 1: I made Facebook glitch. Could not compute (sales too high lol)

I finally did it. Even Mark Zuckerberg and his lizard brain couldn’t keep up lol

See what I mean by watching this video I filmed a few days ago.

Watch the video.

If you also want your sales numbers to shoot so high that Facebook Ads can’t do simple math,
check out my free training on how to make social media ads work like crazy.

All jokes aside.

It’s a course people have paid for in the past. That’s right, people have paid a few grand for this
exact course.

And now, I’m making it FREE to you. Check it out.

But it’s for a limited time. (can’t have too many people breaking Facebook lol)

I’m pulling the offer on Monday, Feb. 15th at midnight. Cali time.

If you want to look over my shoulder to see how I build a campaign from nothing to scaling it so
it’s making a few thousand dollars per day, then get this training. It’s all there.


P.S. What’s the catch? There’s always a catch ;-)

The catch is that I’m bribing you. Not in an illegal way.

But to get you to try my new course on building your personal’s also free to try if you
sign up today.

Watch the video until the end. It’ll make sense.

Day 1
Email 2: Here, have my ENTIRE Social Media Ads course. It’s Free today.

Want to know how I make Facebook ads work like crazy?

Yeah? Cool. Here you go, have it. It’s yours now.
I normally charge for it. Others have paid a lot for it in the past.

But from now until Monday, I’m giving it to you for free.

So grab it now for exactly ZERO dollars.

In this training, I show you EXACTLY what I do in my social media campaigns.

You’ll see every step. Learn every Golden Rule.

And in the end, you’ll see how I consistently make back 2 to 3 times what I spend AND know
how to replicate it for yourself :-)

Get your free training.

First, I take you through the 5-Day Challenge.

This is where I give you an over-the-shoulder view to see how I start from nothing to raking in
sales and gaining new followers - all within 5 days.

Second, I show you how I scale these campaigns so they’re making several thousand dollars
per day.

Yep, that’s free too lol.

But the cutoff date is Monday, Feb. 15th at midnight so click here to get in before you’re it’s too


P.S. Why am I giving away free stuff? Have I lost it?

No, I’m BRIBING you. The good kind of bribe.

I’m serious. I want you to try out a new course which also happens to be free for a while.

You think I’m crazy.

Don’t blame you.

Watch this video and I promise it’ll all make sense.

Day 2
Email 1: Spent $3k, made $43K. Crazy return on my ads


That’s the result of just one Facebook campaign. There’s plenty more lol

See for yourself: watch this clip where I show you the numbers.

As you can see, I’m making back 2 to 3 times what I’m spending across these campaigns.

Want to know how I consistently run super-profitable ads?

Then take my FREE training on How To Make Social Media Ads Work Like Crazy.

Really, It’s free.

At least from now until Monday Feb. 15th (midnight Cali time).

This training gives you access to the 5-Day Funnel Challenge.

Where I let you sit on my shoulder and watch as I build a campaign that starts making sales
within 5 days.

After that, you’ll learn how I scale these same campaigns so they’re making thousands of
dollars per day.

If you want to know how to sell a ton of stuff online using social media, this is it.

Check it out.

But I’m making it a limited offer. Once Monday, Feb. 15th comes, it’ll be too late.

I could easily charge $2K for this exact course once this free offer ends. And you’ll see why it’s
justified once you go through the content.

But paying ZERO dollars sounds better, doesn’t it? So get your free course here.


P.S. If you think I’m BRIBING you with a free offer, you’re absolutely right. I’m trying to get you
to try another course. Which is also completely free for a’s a lot to explain.

So you know what?

Just watch this video.

It explains everything.

Day 2
Email 2: Joe Rogan [video included]

You’ve probably heard of Joe Rogan’s $100 million dollar Spotify deal.

It’s been talked about everywhere. I even talk about it towards the end of this video.

I mean, that’s A LOT of cheese for one guy. Which makes for good headlines. But why does it

It doesn’t. But IT DOES show us something SUPER, SUPER important.

It shows how much a solid brand can be worth these days.

Think about it, he’s a guy talking into a mic. That’s what he does.

And a company handed him a 9 figure check for it. Sounds nutty...but not really if you
understand what they’re actually paying for.

Which is the Joe Rogan BRAND.

That’s the power of having a popular brand.

I also have a brand. One I’ve built through the years. And I’ve learned A TON doing so.

It’s given me a solid following. It’s the reason you’re even reading this.

And now, I want to show you how to do the same for YOUR brand.

I’ve launched a program teaching you how to Grow & Monetize Your Brand.

And today, I’m letting you have complete access to it for FREE :-)

It’s called the Branding & Impact Program.

Check out what’s included.

One of the unique things about the program is it’s CUSTOMIZED to work for YOUR SPECIFIC

Doesn’t matter if you’re selling high-ticket services, ebooks, clothes, even dog bowls. Yes, you
can be the biggest dog bowl brand...if you want to.

I show you specific steps on how to grow your brand no matter the offer.

I recorded a video the other day that goes into the details. Watch it here.

But this free offer ends at midnight on Monday, Feb. 15th. After that, it’s gone.

So try for free while you still can.


Day 2
Email 2: $12 back on every $1 spent on Facebook Ads? Here’s how...

That’s how well one of my recent Facebook campaigns ended up performing.

If you need proof. I’ve got proof.

Watch this clip I recorded just a few days ago. It’s all there.

Now that you’ve seen that it’s entirely possible, I bet you’re wondering how I did it.

If you take my free training on How To Make Ads Work Like Crazy, you won’t have to wonder.

You’ll see over my shoulder. Step by step. No questions left unanswered. And you can replicate
the results too.

Oh and that wasn’t a typo above. This course IS FREE until Monday (Feb. 15th) at midnight.

This exact course would be priced anywhere from $2k to $3k. And would be well worth the cost.

But I made it free for a few days. Pretty sweet, right?

So sign up before it’s too late.


P.S. There’s no catch...other than the fact I want you to try out my new program on how to build
and grow your brand...which is also FREE for you to try out.
Want to grow your personal brand? Watch this video.

Day 2
Email 3: Most brand growth courses are useless. This one isn’t (FREE 7 Days)

You know why?

Because their training isn’t tailored to YOUR SPECIFIC brand.

They go for a one-size-fits-all approach. Meaning it fits no one.

I made a course that teaches everything I know about growing your brand and helps you reach
as many people as possible.

The best part? I customize it to fit YOUR UNIQUE brand.

Yes, I don’t know you personally (or maybe I do lol)

But I do know how to grow your brand regardless of what your business is.

Here’s how:

After you enroll in this program, we take you through a simple process to find out your type of

Based on your answers, the program is customized to make everything relevant to YOU. You
aren’t going to get the same program as someone who sells pet food if you’re a high-ticket

(If you sign up today you can have it free for 7 days)

The program is also super simple (meaning not filled with pointless tasks) since I give you ONE
SPECIFIC ACTION to take each week to grow your brand. Just one. Per week.

That’s all it takes. I know you can do that :-)

Check it out.

On top of that, I’m holding a live training every month where we get to talk about what’s working
best. I’ll be speaking to you personally and you can ask me questions.

There’s also a private community where you can get advice from other members and cheer
each other on.

Sound useful?

Cool. Watch this video to learn more and see all the extra bonuses. This offer ends at midnight
Monday Feb. 15th.


Day 3
Email 1: Final Day. Don’t wake up regretting this tomorrow...

Today is the last day I’m making my social media ads course available for FREE.

If you don’t know what I’m talking about, watch this short video to see what you might be
missing out on.

This course gives you a behind-the-scenes look at how I build, optimize, and scale my
Facebook and Instagram ad campaigns to where they’re making several thousand dollars per

Check out the numbers yourself.

I’m letting you pretty much copy my homework lol

I’ve offered this training as a paid course in the past and have seen students experience
incredible results.

Don’t wake up feeling regret because you missed the offer. It’s ending at midnight tonight.

So watch this video and if it sounds good to you. Get signed up :-)


Day 3
Email 2: Get 3 Training Courses FREE. Ends at midnight tonight.

You might think I’m insane.

Watch this and you can see why.

I’m giving away two courses which others have had to previously pay for. And giving you full
access to one that’s entirely new for 7 whole days. Here’s the breakdown:

● FREE 5 Day Challenge on how to start a profitable ad campaign that makes sales and
gains followers within 5 days.

● FREE training on my EXACT methods for scaling campaigns that earn thousands PER

● FREE 7 day trial of my new Branding & Impact Program that teaches you how to grow
your brand, make an impact, and reach as many people as possible.

Click right now to get all 3 for free.

It’s the final day and closing down at midnight tonight. So hop on it.


Day 3
Email 3: Only a few hours left to get my course for FREE

I’m literally giving away two FREE courses on how to make social media ads work.

So just how well can this course work for you?

You can look at the numbers on my screen here. I’ll show you.

Pretty cool, right?

If you sign up before midnight tonight, you’ll get an insiders look on how I’m consistently getting
those ridiculous numbers.

There’s only a few hours left so I won’t make this long.

Watch the video then sign up here.


Day 3
Email 4: IMPORTANT - Don’t be left out

It’s the last day for you to get an entire FREE course on making social media ads work like
SO CRAZY in fact, that it can make Facebook completely glitch lol

Don’t believe it? Watch this video here.

I thought Zuckerberg and his lizard brain would be able to tally those numbers. Apparently not.

If you want to learn how I’m able to see these ridiculous returns then this is your last chance.

Get the ENTIRE COURSE FREE of charge here.

You’re also getting free access to the Branding & Impact Program which teaches you how to
build and grow your personal brand so you can monetize it for serious profit.

Much like Mr. $100 Million, Joe Rogan, who I mention in this video.

It’s ending at midnight TONIGHT and won’t be available for free again. So don’t miss it.


Day 3
Email 5: Time’s almost up...

I’m spending 2 minutes tops writing this.

Not because I’m feeling lazy (though it is Sunday) but because I want to get this out to you

My two courses which teach you how to earn thousands per day using social media ads AND
the new Branding & Impact Program are currently available for FREE today.

But they’ll all be disappearing in about an hour.

Tonight at 12:00am (Cali time) to be exact.

Watch this video where I explain everything about the programs and all the free bonuses you’ll
get with it.


Day 3
Clock is almost at zero.

If you want to know everything I know about making social media ads work, then this is your

Get it before time’s up.

After midnight tonight (Cali time), you’re going to have to pay me or some other dude (who
probably doesn’t know social media ads as well as I do lol) at least $2,000 for this level of

Seriously. It’s on the house.

Watch the video and if it sounds good to you. Sign up.


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