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Facebook Fridays WATCH THIS: Facebook Ad Account

Facebook Friday 77 (1/11/2019)


Facebook Friday 76 (1/4/19)


4 Facebook Friday 75 (12/28/18)

5 Facebook Friday 74 (12/21/18)

Facebook Friday 48 (06/15/18)

Facebook Fridays


The 6-15-2018 Facebook Friday has Brad again at the helm fielding queries of Inner
Ask Frank a Question/Get a Review
Circle Members. Brad kicks off this episode by explaining a simple equation which will
help you structure your Facebook Ads campaign. Understanding this equation will
This form is for any questions
help you understand how the Facebook algorithm separates how the winners.
you wish to submit to Q&A
The second part of this episode consists of the Hotseat. Our first caller, Orion is AND getting a full fletched
running her first campaign and has not achieved any conversions in spite of a using a review from Frank Kern on
great headline, excellent copy and the right image. Watch and learn as Brad points your cold/warm marketing
out the mistake that she has made. Our second caller is having issues scaling up her funnels/strategies.
campaign. What advice does Brad have for her? You are sure to get some actionable
insights which will help you better market your business. Tune in now.

00:00:00 - 01:14:08


Understanding Facebook Ads with the Help of a Simple Equation



Time Stamp:

00:02:31 – 00:17:10 – This Simple Equation will Help Understand How Facebook
Ads Work

A simple equation dictates ad deliverability

Have a question or want a
Behind the scenes ad algorithm review? Submit here!

The Power Editor has recently been updated

Total Value = Advertiser Bid x Estimated Action Rates + User Value

If you have a higher budget, you will have a leg up on those who have a lower

If you have a small budget with a new ad, you might get a good response actually

Algorithm does not know initially if the estimated action rates are high are low

Estimated Action Rate is the amount of action people take with regards your ad

How many conversions happen in the first seven days and the first 72 hours is
particularly important

The more engagement rate that you get initially, the higher the estimated action

Most advertisers are shooting for the same CPA

Often two advertisers compete for the same CPA with the same bid and same

The total value scores determines the winner in this case

Very important that your conversions are set up properly

The algorithm needs information in order to function properly

User value is particularly important
User value is positive feedback and negative feedback

Remember that user value is different from relevancy score

User value of 100 is the maximum that you can get

Relevancy score is dictated by positive feedback

Negative feedback has five times more weightage compared to positive feedback

Negative feedback can hinder deliverability

It is difficult to understand the equation completely; if you know a Facebook rep

quite well, you might be able to learn more

If your total value score is lower, your deliverability is poor; your bid is not the
only thing that matters

If you have a good number of followers, you can get some cheap engagement

00:17:10 – 00:22:54 - Chat

00:17:10 – I am having trouble scaling cold traffic.

Need more context

Conversions on the back end need to be really good

Need an average cart value of 30 dollars

Need enough people taking your upsells

00:19:20 – Can we get access to user value in Ads manager?


00:19:27 – You can also leave feedback for their ad story. Will that count?

That might count

00:19:34 – How are you watching the feedback aside from the number in the

Can always make a custom column to populate negative feedback

In order to look for negative feedback, go to notifications

Scroll down to the bottom of the ad

“Hide All Posts” is the one that hurts the most

00:21:45 – If you get a low total value, does that affect your entire ad account?

Just the deliverability of a specific ad

00:22:54 – 00:40:00: Hotseat

Orion’s Call

Work Structure

Ad campaign running since 4 days

Low budgets as of now

Not conversions as of now

Offer teaches people about new Amazon rules

Targeting small business owners

Bid cap of $2.05


Campaign is optimized for link clicks

People in “Traffic” category are people deemed to be “clicky” by Facebook

This is the worst kind and do not convert

You will have to start a new campaign

You need a conversion campaign

Would not advise to opt for pay per clicks

Better to pay for impressions; algorithms works better that way

Not possible to analyze data due to poor audience type

Size of audience is not pretty good
Not a proponent of layering targeting early on

Because you have not identified a winning target, layering is not advisable early

Layering has a negative effect on your campaign in most cases

Remove the bid cap and let it run on auto

Conversion traffic is a premium traffic source

Once you get 100 sales, reverse engineer and play around with the data

Image is a great pattern interrupt

Headline is great but could be shorter

A shorter and simpler headline works better

If you could find a way to make the image look more real, it would do better

The first line needs to be more congruent with your headline

Rebuild the campaign as a conversion campaign

Do not test with just one audience

Break up the audiences into 3 separate audiences

Make your image more native

00:41:10 – 00:45:57: Chat

00:41:10 – I am about to launch a new Facebook Ads campaign for my coaching

program. How much lead time should I allow for the ads?

Depends on your personal preference and budget

6 weeks is the rule of thumb

00:41:54 – What do you think about excluding people?

Depends on how big the audience is

If it is not hindering your audience size, it might not be a bad idea

Do not prefer though

Our longest running campaign is 160 million

However Pixel knows who to go after now

00:43:46 – I am a B2B graphic designer and I am considering Facebook Ads as an

advertising platform. Would you disagree?


00:44:24 – I understand that you need more context. But, in general, what do you
think of the audience to target for small business owners?

Depends on whether it is local or national

Run audience insights on the people that you are planning to target

Find something that people are interested in

Run audience insights once you discover the brand that people are interested in

00:45:57– 01:03:26: Hotseat


Work Structure

Beginner’s Luck performed well

Ran into trouble once tried to scale up

Paused the campaign at the ad set level

Condensed the ad set and lead cost went up to $332

After 3 days, shut down the campaign

Went back to the original campaign

The original campaign started working again once I turned it on

How do I correctly scale my campaign?

Happy if we can get leads for $150
Running a video creative for impressions

Should we set up a retargeting campaign?


Not recommended to turn off a winning ad set

The new ad set has lower CPM’s, lower Cost per click but no conversions

Potential reach is really small at 85,000

Test the new ad set at 20 bucks a day

Launch the new ad set using a 3x3 method

Run the ad set without exclusions

Try running the ad without any targeting

Any ad that has multiple conversions should be scaled up to first 8 dollars a day
and then 12 dollars a day

Push the older ad set till it breaks

In the larger ad set, put all the ad angles in there

Targeting the same audience with both ads does not matter much in initial

Not advisable to turn off any ads since you are well within KPI’s

When an ad burns out, another ad might start performing

Advisable to set up a retargeting campaign

01:01:28 – 01:11:49: Chat

01:03:44 – You do not suggest turning off the campaign. Should I keep on
extending the end date if I am not doing well?

If you are not doing well, kill it

Do not ever turn off a winning ad set

01:02:23 – In terms of interests that are working and converting, do you multiple
interests in one ad or is it better to use one interest per ad?

One interest per ad to find out which are working

01:05:39 – What is the best way to start learning about optimizing Facebook Ads?

Beginner’s Luck Course

01:06:10 – How would you suggest connecting with marketing directors and art
directors? How do I target those people with advertising? I am assuming that
there would be formal job titles.

Everyone who wants to put advertising in front of marketers is going to look for
job titles

Competition for job titles is really high

You can beat out competition with good creatives and bids

Discover the tools that marketers are using

01:07:54 – To determine if an ad is dead, we look at lifetime frequency. The other

indicator that you mentioned was when your KPI and CPM doubles. What
timeframe are you looking at?

Depends on the history of the ad set

Daily performance is important; in some instances, I will turn off an ad set if daily
performance is really off

Refer your historical data in order to make a decision

01:10:29 – Do you have an opinion on optimal frequency counts?

Any time the frequency goes above 1.8 and it breaks, it is not coming back

01:11:49 – Wrap Up
Post your questions in the Facebook group

Email Tyler if you want to be on the Hotseat

01:14:15 – End of call

Key Points:

1. Equation to understand how Facebook Ads works – Total Value = Advertiser Bid x
Estimated Action Rates + User Value; The total value determines the winner

2. Use an image that works as a pattern interrupt. The headline should be short
and simple. And the first line should be congruent with your headline.

3. Beginner’s Luck course is perfect for those who are just starting out. Check out
its details in the Inner Circle Group.

Resources mentioned:

1. Facebook Ads

2. Kartra

3. Infusionsoft

4. Clickfunnels

5. ActiveCampaign

Mark As Complete

© 2019 Frank Kern Inc

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