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Pillar 1 :

Selling the tickets

Peng Joon: All right, so before I begin, I just want to make sure that I am in the right place. By show
of hands, how many of you would like to be able to have a lot more reach and impact in
your lives?

Audience: Yes sir.

Peng Joon: All right, thank you. You are in the right place. My name is Peng Joon and welcome to
the Event Codex. They say that success in life is about showing up and you guys made it
[00:00:30] here today, so give yourselves a round of applause for being here today. All right, so
before I begin, I just want to quickly acknowledge all of you for being here.

How many of you would agree that time is probably the most valuable resource that we
have? All right, thank you. I want to thank all of you for being here and I will do
everything in my power to make it well worth your time. By the end of this
presentation, by the end of this event, what can you expect? What is our focus?

[00:01:00] Our focus here throughout this entire event is basically these five things. I believe that
when it comes to running a successful event, it's all about handling these five things
really, really well. What are these five things, here is it. Number one, it's how do you
sell the tickets? How do you fill up your event? How do you market it on Facebook?
How do you get the butts in sits?

There's a couple of ways doing it, do you sell tickets on your own? Do you work with an
organizer? How do you get the speaking gigs? That's what we're going to be talking
[00:01:30] about in this very first pillar.

Number two it's about getting them to show up. In this industry, many times you'll
realize that, even if you sell the tickets, or even if you get them to register, it doesn't
necessarily mean that they're going to show up, especially in today's landscape, where
everybody's doing events, everybody are doing free events. The question is, how do
you actually get them to show up? I'll be talking about the different stack mechanisms,
[00:02:00] I'll be talking about the different processes that you want to have in place in order to
have them show up.

Number three is about fulfilling the event. How do you serve your audience at the
highest level, so that when they leave your event, they will feel like that was the best
thing that ever happened for their business and for their personal lives? What are the
topics you should be covering and how do you actually do the training and conduct all
[00:02:30] of that? I'll be talking about the dry stuff as well, which is like logistics and planning and
how you have your team in place to really assist and help you fulfill this event. How do
you negotiate with the hotels to get really good rates and in some cases have them give
you the venue for free? I'll be revealing all of that, all of these different strategies.

Number four would be executing the upsell and you've probably heard of this many

[Event Codex] Pillar 1 - Selling the tickets

times. The money is in the backend. I'm going to be revealing to you how I've done
[00:03:00] million dollar weekends and it's not through the ticket sales, but rather through the
backend. I'm going to be showing you different ways, like you should be talking about
before you execute your upsell. What are different types of closes, and how do you get
them to really commit and to follow through even once you have sold them the upsell,
which is number four.

[00:03:30] Number five is leveraging the event. There's actually a huge problem in the speaking
industry, where it's easy to get caught up in this never ending cycle and loop of just
speaking and fulfilling events. There's many speakers out there where all they're doing
is they're just speaking, they're getting paid. It's actually really easy to get comfortable
in that loop of doing that circus show, of doing an event and then go to a different city
and then it's, because there's no leverage. I'm going to be showing you how do you
[00:04:00] actually leverage your events, so that you're actually creating a much, there's a much
bigger picture where you're actually leveraging it, it becomes a product. It becomes
something much bigger, the business model behind it.

Basically these are the five pillars that I believe is so crucial when it comes to running a
successful event. Here's the thing, since we'll be spending some time together this
weekend, would it be okay with you if I shared with you a little bit about my story and
[00:04:30] my background? Would that be all right? Yeah? Okay, thank you.

I've been running events now for seven years, and fast forward today I've actually done
events and spoke in more than 20 countries all over the world. Some of you might have
heard of my story. One of the things I'm going to be sharing with you today is, how I
made that journey of how I started from this really shy introverted kid to speaking in
[00:05:00] one of the world's largest stages, in front of thousands of people, even though English
was not my first language. How I've managed to be able to do all these different events
all over the world even in non English speaking countries, even in auditoriums, even in
stadiums with thousands of people where all I'm really doing is, I'm sharing my passion,
I'm sharing my life story. I have something to offer at the end, and having done more
[00:05:30] than 200 plus speaking gigs in the last seven years.

I've done the big events, I've done the small events, so I'm going to be sharing with you
all the different strategies and the things that I've learned. The mistakes I've made
doing all these different things. Much more than that, what I'm going to be sharing with
you is not just about speaking, but rather a very specialized skill, which is really, how do
you present in 90 minutes, in two hours and have the audience hanging on your every
[00:06:00] word and to invest in whatever it is that you have to offer at the end of that

I've done this time and time again in a lot of different events and I'm going to be
showing you how you can be doing it as well. Without being salesy or pushy or sleazy or
manipulative. Without any of those weird NLP languaging, without any of those
[00:06:30] hypnotic scripts, where you can just be yourself, be authentic, share your story and
have your audience invest in whatever it is that you have to offer at the end.

I'm going to be showing you different things that I've done, something like this

[Event Codex] Pillar 1 - Selling the tickets

[00:07:00] [inaudible 00:06:41]. This is a very typical table rush where I can speak in front of 1000,
a few thousand people and have them rush to the tables and take out their credit cards
and how you can be able to do that as well. I'll be talking about how you can get the
gigs and do all of that. I'm going to be showing you all these different strategies when it
comes to getting people to take action when you conduct your very own events, when
you do your very own upsells and have them wanting to work with you at the end of
that presentation.

[00:07:30] I've done this over and over and over and over again, where I know it all comes down to
a system, that's just a set of things that you want to be doing. It's really because of this
thing that I've mastered, it has enabled me to travel the world and share the stage with
these different leaders, luminaries and legends. I've done events in countries like India,
[00:08:00] with Les Brown, where we visited the Taj Mahal together and met all these different
awesome people, really because of just having the ability to speak and conduct events,
right, which is really what this event is all about, so that you can do that and serve your
people in your market.

Here's the thing people don't see. When they see all these different things and people
follow me on Facebook and Instagram, they see the fancy pictures, they see the big
[00:08:30] crowds, they see all these nice things, but here's the truth. The truth is, this is what
people don't see.

You see I was brought up in this very traditional conservative Asian upbringing. My
entire life I've been told that, in order to be successful in life, it's all about studying hard
in school, getting good grades so that I can get to a good college. With a good college
degree, get a good job, save more money, spend less money and most of this advice
came from my mother.

[00:09:00] How many of you here have the same mother as me? For a really long time I got that
advice, so that's me in my dad's trunk and here's my dad. My dad is actually one of the
most hardworking people in the world that I know of. My father worked on two jobs for
13 years of his life. For 13 years he had a nine to five with the government of Malaysia,
and after his nine to five job, my dad would work on a farm.

On weekends, what weekends, there were no weekends. My father would bring my

[00:09:30] brother and I, and one of the things he would do is, he would bring my brother and I
every single year to the same exact spot in the farm. He would make us hold up this
sign board to show how old this farm is. He'd be really proud of this farm and he would
always tell his friends how proud he was seeing his kids and trees and the fruits all grow
up together. This was the first 10 years of growing up and being on the farm.

[00:10:00] My entire life, I want you to kind of understand that my parents, both my parents, they
were not entrepreneurs. In fact, their entire lives they worked with the government of
Malaysia, they were government servants. I've always been conditioned that, that's
what life is about. You want to be successful ...

I asked my dad in fact when I was growing up and looking at how he worked on the
farm, I remember asking my dad this one question. I said, "Dad, I want to be successful

[Event Codex] Pillar 1 - Selling the tickets

one day. What do I need to do in order to be successful?" I remember this moment so
[00:10:30] vividly. He looked at me and he said, "Son, if you want to be successful in life, right now
you've got to study hard in school, get good grades so that you can get a good job." I
didn't want to see my dad remain a farmer for the rest of his life, I always knew I
wanted to be successful.

I always had it in me, I always wanted in me, even as a kid, because I didn't want to see
my father remain a farmer for the rest of his life. I always wanted to be successful, so I
[00:11:00] got good grades in school, but unfortunately because of when I went to college I got a,
it was a sponsorship from the government. I was on scholarship, fully paid, but because
of a lot of parties, alcohol and good times, I actually nearly failed university. I got a 42%
average and that was because they were all, my housemates they were all parting
every single night. I would be playing this game called World of Warcraft.

[00:11:30] While I was playing World of Warcraft, they're all smoking up and my whole house,
everybody would be like stoned. That was pretty much how I spent three years in
college, because my entire life I've done well in school and I thought college was not
going to be any different.

When I finally went back home to Malaysia, that was when reality happened. Some of
you saw my first payslip, it was for $400 approximately and I actually worked on that
[00:12:00] job that paid me $400 a month for nearly two years. I truly believed that if I didn't get
good grades in school, this would be the price I had to pay for the rest of my life.

Finally, when I went back, I actually started my first ever website out of desperation.
This is my first ugly looking website, it was based on that computer game World of
Warcraft. Long story short, after nine months, the gaming market, the gaming niche
[00:12:30] actually enabled me to quit my job. It paid me, well not a whole lot, about three times
more than my full-time job, but that was when it gave me hope.

Now the turning point happened when this happened. I was doing really well. I created
this guide, some of you know this story as well, and because I was this really shy
introverted kid, all I really wanted to do was be anonymous, behind my computer,
[00:13:00] make money online. I never thought I could be presented or marketed under the name
Peng Joon, because I thought to myself like, "Who would ever want to listen to this guy
called Peng Joon?"

During all those years of marketing online, I've always marketed under the same pet
name, it was Tony Sanders, which is Tony Robbins and Kyle Sanders. Tony Sanders was
[00:13:30] my pet name for many, many years until this thing happened. What happened was, one
day, I was in all of these different niche markets where my belief was, in order to make
a million dollars a month, that was my target, I needed to create 1000 sites that makes
a $1000 a month. I was in all these different niche markets. I was in dating, I was in
FarmVille, I was in all these different gaming markets. I made this mistake of sending an
[00:14:00] email out to my list of gamers, the dating product that I had.

I had, back then I had about a list of 700000 people, so about 350000 of them were
gamers. Imagine 350000 nerds receiving a dating offer and obviously they weren't

[Event Codex] Pillar 1 - Selling the tickets

happy about it. I got a ton of spam complaints overnight, and the AWeber that was my
email responder company at that time, they shut me down. Because of that, and they
[00:14:30] refused to give me a copy of my email list, I had to do something different. That was
when it got, it made me get out of my own comfort zone, where I thought to myself,
"Wow! The stuff I knew here is really powerful."

What if I could actually teach someone else how to do this? That was when I started
going to trainings on how to speak and present. You guys heard of this story, right, so I
[00:15:00] was at this event where a trainer was pretty hard on me, but I was very thankful that he
did that, because it got me out of my comfort zone. Even after this event, here's what
many people didn't know, right after this event, I met the founder of one of the biggest
seminar organizers in the world, called Success Resources.

Veronica, she asked me if I would like to speak in their event in about six weeks from
[00:15:30] this event. I thought to myself, "Why not? Let's give it a shot." Right after this speaker
training that I went to, I did my very first event in a room of about 900 people. Here's
what happened.

Right after this event where I learned for the very first time how to do a stack, I was
doing my stack, I was writing all of the different price points in here and then I said this.
[00:16:00] I said, "For the first 17 people that go to the back of the room," and then nothing
happened. I remember this moment so clearly. There were 900 people there and you
all remember the difference right? I was told that my energy levels not high enough,
I've got to be doing all these different things. My energy level was like, "For the first 17
people, stand up and go to the back of the room."

When nothing happened, and they were all sitting down, just their arms crossed looking
[00:16:30] at me, I was thinking to myself like, " What is going on?" During this training, when I
said, "For the first 17 people go to the back of the room," what would happen was, all
the other participants would stand up and they would go to the back to give you this
confidence. When it happened for real, they didn't prepare me for what would happen
if nobody moves.

It was so awkward and you've got to understand this, so this was seven years ago when
things were done very differently. There was no music, there was nothing like that and
[00:17:00] there were 900 people there. What happened was, when I ended my talk, I said, "Thank
you very much for having me, it's been an honor and a privilege to be here."

Just imagine this, okay, 900 people, finishing a talk, nobody moved and now you've got
to get off stage and there's like 900 people there. You've got to kind of awkwardly smile
to everybody in this huge expo hall, and walk to the back of the room. That was like the
[00:17:30] walk of shame. I had to walk to the back of the room and the weird thing was this, I had
so many people coming up to me, saying, "Peng Joon, your talk was amazing." I was
thinking, "If you thought it was amazing, why didn't you invest?"

I know Russell has a similar story like that, but that's exactly what I went through as
well. I believe that many speakers went through it, especially if they didn't have a
system. That is one of our focuses here in this event as well, because speaking and

[Event Codex] Pillar 1 - Selling the tickets

[00:18:00] closing are two completely different things. That's something I didn't understand back

I came from the angle, the mindset that, as long as I gave them great content, the
audience will be able to make that informed decision and invest. That's what the trainer
told me, one of my early trainers that I went training for told me. They said, "Just go out
there and give amazing value, and the audience will be able to make informed decision
and invest."

Now while that sounds good in theory, the truth is, that's not what happened. I'm going
[00:18:30] to be showing you as well how to balance out between really teaching and selling, but
at the same time, how do you actually serve them at the highest levels in your trainings,
in your events, so that they actually want to continue working with you.

Sidebar, what did I just do? Right from the time I came up on stage, right up to this
[00:19:00] moment, what did I just do? What I want to share with you is in every presentation, in
all of the events, one thing that's really important, is how you start your events. This is
basically the open. Now, the open I believe is a super crucial portion, because this is
actually when you're most nervous and this is when your audience is most critical of

[00:19:30] Getting your first, so if it's a 30 minutes presentation, your first five minutes, crucial. If
it's a two day event, getting your open right, crucial. Whether it's through a webinar,
whether it's through live event. I just want to share with you the system that I use to
start off all my opens in any event.

What did I just do? The moment I came on stage, one of the things, the first things that
I did was, anyone remember what I did?

Audience: You asked a question.

Peng Joon: That's right, I asked a question, and this question is not just any ordinary question, but
it's basically like a universal question. What is this? This is basically a question that I
know will enroll 100% of the audience. It's a question that I know the audience will say
yes to. My question was, how many of you would like to have a lot more reach and
impact in your lives? That's a universal question.

[00:20:30] Now, it is said that, if you can get your audience to say yes at the start, they are going
to be a lot more inclined to say yes at the end. One of the things that you want to be
doing is to be constantly enrolling them. Now, I know it's weird, but you'll notice that
this happens a lot in like infomercials.

In infomercials, notice their languaging, they say things like, "Have you ever woken up
in the morning, got out of bed feeling tired?" How many of you have heard something
[00:21:00] like that before? Now if you take a look at this question, it's actually a question that's
split up into three questions. It's basically, have you ever woken up in the morning,
have you ever got out of bed, have you ever felt tired? Right, so because they combine

[Event Codex] Pillar 1 - Selling the tickets

in one question, and people are saying, "Yes," they're more likely to say, "Yes."

That's basically starting off a universal question. Why is starting off with a question
[00:21:30] important? It is because the person that is asking the question is in control. Whether
it's through a webinar, whether it's through live event in court, who are the people that
ask the question? It's the, right, it's the lawyers, it's the judge. Basically, universal,
universal questions, get control, take control of the stage, take control of the event by
asking a question.

[00:22:00] Next thing that I did is, anyone can tell what I did next? The next thing that I did was, I
acknowledged you guys for being here. Right now, the audience, now again, the
platform could be on the webinar, it could be through a live event, but right now they
are still very skeptical. They are thinking to themselves, "I don't know if I made the right
[00:22:30] decision being here, being on this page, being on this webinar, being in this live event. I
had to sacrifice my weekend and fly over." All these different things that's going in their
mind, we've got to answer, you've got to answer that objection straight away.

What did I say? I said, "I want to thank you guys for being here and I will do everything
in my power to make it well worth your time." Now they're sitting down they're
thinking to themselves, "Okay, so this person understands me, I had to take time out of
[00:23:00] my really busy schedule to be here today." You want to acknowledge them for being ...

Section 2 of 3 [00:23:00 - 00:46:04]

Peng Joon: (NOTE: speaker names may beso
Schedule to be here today, different in each
you want section)
to acknowledge them for being there. Then the
next thing that you want to be talking about is what's in it for me. What's in it for them,
right? They're sitting down thinking, "Okay, like, what am I going to learn? What am I
going to discover?"

You want to be talking about at least three things that they will discover. Now, one
[00:23:30] thing, one word that many marketers like to use is the word learn, right? Here's what
you're going to learn in this webinar.

From this point forth I don't want you to use the word learn. Learning is a dirty word.
People don't want to learn. Learning sounds like a really painful process. People want
to discover. Here's what you're going to get by the end of this presentation, right?
Learning's a very painful word. People don't want to learn. People want to discover.

[00:24:00] After I talked about what's in it for you guys I talked about the different five pillars of
this event. Then I asked for permission to do what? To tell my story. Now, my story ...
All great stories are just really two things. It's basically just number one is the successes,
but the more powerful portion is the struggles.

[00:24:30] Now, most of the time what speakers and marketers like to do is they like to talk about
how great they are to earn the right and to build credibility, but what they fail to see is
that the struggles is what makes you human. It is the struggles that makes them ... That
allows them to believe that they can do it as well.

[Event Codex] Pillar 1 - Selling the tickets

One thing I like you to realize is this, many marketers what they like to do is they
[00:25:00] constantly talk about the successes, which is important in order to get credibility, but I
want you to know that the more time you spend dwelling and talking about your
successes this is where they're going to zone out. Every time you try to build credibility
and earn the right you need to make it about them.

For example, let's say you've built and you've executed a million dollar launch, which is
important to earn the right because that's what you're going to be doing, but when
[00:25:30] you're talking about this make it about them. That's where you connect it back with
what's in it for them, what you're talking about.

One of the things that I've managed to do is to connect a million dollar launch and I'm
going to show you the things that I've learned from this launch, so now even though
you're talking about the successes you're able to relate it back to them.

They are going, "Okay, so, that's why it's relevant," right? Because if you don't connect
your successes back to them that's when they zone out because they're constantly
[00:26:00] thinking about, "Well, what's in it for me? What does this have to do with me?" Right?

Every time you talk about your successes connect it with your struggles so that it
inspires them to show them that you too were once in their shoes, that you too are
human, that you've screwed up in life before, but also at the same time make it about
them, right? What's in it for them?

In other words, how can you get the most out of this event? How many of you would
[00:26:30] like to get a ton out of this event, right? Okay. Thank you. What I want you to do is I
want you to put on two hats throughout this entire event.

Here's how it works. The first hat is the obvious one, it's just coming from the angle of
the student and just learning. The second hat would be to constantly ask yourself, "Why
did Peng Joon just did what he did?" Right? To try to understand the structure and the
[00:27:00] framework of this entire event because there's a reason for it.

Every time you hear me talk about something, teach something, even though ... You
guys are all overachievers here, right? Think about the structure and why I did what I
just did. That's going to be a lot more powerful than just coming from the angle of the

Okay, so, the question is does this work? This is [Sterling Griffin 00:27:26]. This is what
[00:27:30] happened for him after he understood the techniques that you guys are going to

Speaker 1: I followed Peng's process, I executed on it, and even though it was my first time doing a
live event we did over in total sales for the event ... We did over $400,000. Now, that
was roughly 12 sign ups for the $5,000 offer and then 14 for the higher offer. Literally at

[Event Codex] Pillar 1 - Selling the tickets

the end of my presentation for the higher-end offer people got up out of their seats and
[00:28:00] ran to the back of the room to purchase the program. I mean, no joke. They ran.

I thought that was just something out of a fantasy land or a dream, but it happened to
me. I cannot say enough about working with Peng because not only did I make my
money back [inaudible 00:28:16], but I realize how that if I follow a proven process with
events it can become very lucrative, very profitable, and I can change so many lives.

It's not just about the money that we made, but each of the person, people that were
[00:28:30] buying our program, they were literally thanking me. So many of them with tears, like,
thank you for doing this, thank you for this event, you changed my life.

I don't know that that would be the case had it not been for me hiring Peng, so, Peng, I
just want to also speak to you, man. Thank you so much for your support on this. It
made a massive difference for me. I know that anyone that gets the opportunity to
work with you is blessed and I hope that they follow your instructions, man. I hope they
just do what you tell them to do because by golly it works. Thank you so much, my
man. I wish you all the [inaudible 00:28:58].

[00:29:00] For those of you watching considering Peng, I hope that you ... If you're the kind of
person that wants to get results faster rather than slower, I hope that you choose to
work with Peng. Have an amazing day. Peace, love, and gains, baby. Woo.

Peng Joon: Okay, sidebar, why did I just play this video? You [inaudible 00:29:18]. The reason why I
played this video is because this is what you want to be doing in your events. You got to
[00:29:30] be reselling them that they made a good decision showing up. Remember, throughout
this entire event ... In your events you got to be constantly selling them on why they
made a great decision showing up for your event.

Right now what I'm doing is I'm pre-framing the fact that you guys made a great
decision and I didn't just do it for myself, but for somebody else who has never done an
[00:30:00] event in his life, did his first event, generated over $400,000, and therefore this thing
should work, right? If you actually implement it and follow the steps.

Think about how when you are doing your events, when you're starting out, how can
you frame it to resell them on the fact that they made a great decision showing up for
your event? Okay?

Let's talk about the first pillar, selling the tickets. How do you get people to show up
[00:30:30] and how are you able to get people to your events, whether it's your own event or
whether it's working with another organizer. Okay?

Let's talk about your own event versus other people's events. Let's begin with having
your own event. We all know that Facebook is the method to fill up events. Let's talk
about real quick about the Facebook ads that I personally run and how. I'm going to
break it down for you in order to show you exactly the steps I use to get people to my

[Event Codex] Pillar 1 - Selling the tickets

[00:31:00] Okay, the first one is this, and here's the thing, I know that you guys are probably really
good in Facebook, but, again, I want to show ... Understand the structure of why I'm
doing it. Okay? Let's talk about starting off by posting value videos.

One of the things that I've always said is that the biggest differentiator in Facebook ads
[00:31:30] today is no longer about running ads and serving them to a completely cold audience,
right? People who don't know you, but rather starting off the relationship by giving
value first.

One of the things that I do, which you ought to be doing, is to just post the content for
free where it's just giving value, educating your audience that may not be following you
right now, incorporating your origin story in these videos, and then boosting them to a
[00:32:00] relative audience.

One of the things that I do now is I post videos up and then ... Let's say if it's about
speaking, what do I do? I will boost it to people who are into Toastmasters, I will boost
it before people into public speaking, people into [inaudible 00:32:15], into people like
Tony Robbins, Brendon Burchard, Les Brown, and all these guys, right?

That's step number one, shoot a video that is related to the event that you ultimately
[00:32:30] want to market and boost it to a completely cold audience.

Step number two is then you're going to create a custom audience or a retargeting
audience of people who have viewed at least 25% of your videos. Okay? You're going to
create a custom audience.

For those of you that's watching the video, it's going to be ... If this thing's all new to
you, all it means is going to Google, typing in how to install Facebook Pixel, right? Put it
[00:33:00] inside your funnel and then after that going to Facebook and typing in ... Or, rather,
going to Google, typing in how to create Facebook custom audience.

You're going to create the custom audience based on your Pixel's that's installed of
people who have watched 50% of your videos so they can start marketing to this very,
very specific audience. Understand that this audience now is no longer a cold audience,
but rather a semi-warm audience because they've seen your stuff in the past. Okay?

[00:33:30] Then, what's going to happen is you're going to run ads to your sales funnel. Now,
ultimately remember the event, that's the end goal. In order to market that event there
could be different entry points.

One of the things we do to get leads for free is we start sending them to our funnels.
For example, our free plus shipping funnel. This free plus shipping funnel, every book
that we give away we are approximately making about $52 right now, right? That's how
[00:34:00] we can get leads for free, right? We run ads that cost us about $25 to acquire a
customer, but each customer is worth $50.

Then we can send them to a webinar or send them to a webinar directly. Okay? It
depends on your funnel. I personally believe that the best way to market an event ...

[Event Codex] Pillar 1 - Selling the tickets

Like, straight up if you've got nothing right now, the best way is through a webinar
funnel hands down. Okay?

Let's talk about retargeting, which is where the money is. What's going to happen after
[00:34:30] this is once you have your Facebook ads up and once you have your funnels up this is
just so crucial when it comes to getting your live event filled up. This is where the
money is, okay?

The first thing you need to do is you need to create a custom audience for every single
step of where your audience might be in your funnel. Okay? For example, let's say a
webinar funnel, okay? Let's talk about all of the different possibilities.

[00:35:00] The first audience that you can be creating is basically an audience that landed on your
page, right? Basically they visit it, right? But they didn't register for the seminar, for the
webinar. Okay? That's the first option, right? You're going to list down every single
[00:35:30] possibility of where they might be in your funnel step, okay? That's the first one.

Number two is it could be the case that they registered for the webinar, but they didn't
show up, right?t that's the second possibility.

The third possibility is maybe they showed up, right? But they did not go to the check
[00:36:00] out page, right? Showed up, didn't check out. It could be the case that they went to the
check out page but they abandoned and they didn't key in the credit card details, so
they didn't actually buy, right? They went on a check out page, but they didn't complete
the purchase and they didn't buy, okay?

[00:36:30] These would be some of the main different situations that they might be in, right? If
you have a replay page, it could be the case. Again, they watch the replay but they
didn't check out. You got to list out all the different possible scenarios.

Now, once you list down all these different possible scenarios this is where the real
money is, okay? The way to do it if you've never done this before is where you go to
Facebook and you run ... You create a custom audience based on website traffic where
[00:37:00] you put in the URL where they visited this page but they didn't go to this page, they
visited this page but they didn't go to this page. You create all these different custom

Then, when you rinse and repeat for all these different scenarios this is where you're
going to start creating ads that fits the description of where they are without being
really ... Without making them feel weird. Okay?

[00:37:30] This is where, again, all the different ads is step number one, you post the videos. Step
number two, you run, you create the custom audience, people that have watched 25%,
50% of your videos, and you send them to your funnel. It would be, hey, I noticed you
watched my video on entrepreneurship. If you would like to discover how you can take
your business to a whole new level I'd like to invite you to my upcoming webinar. It's
happening soon, right?

[Event Codex] Pillar 1 - Selling the tickets

[00:38:00] Now you're running the ads, getting them to go to your webinar, and then, because you
have all these different situations set up, different scenarios, what you're going to do is
you're going to run ads to all these different people that says, "Hey, I noticed that you
came for my webinar but you didn't register, you came to my website but you didn't
register, right? Did life get in the way? Did you get busy? Right? Click here to register
for my next upcoming webinar."

For the people that's on this step you're going to run ads that says, "Hey, I noticed you
[00:38:30] registered for my webinar, but you didn't show up. Did something happen? Click here,"
and this is where you send them to the replay page, right? "Click here to watch the

Over here it would be, "Hey, I noticed you showed up but somehow you didn't pull the
trigger." Right? "I can understand if you have different objections." This is where you'll
run ads that answers these different objections, which I'll show you in a second, right?
Then it could be the case that they checked out but they didn't buy. This is where
[00:39:00] you're going to just show them video testimonials where the call to action is to the
order page, right?

Based on where they are you're just pushing them to the next funnel step. Over here,
the next funnel step would be the webinar page. Over here, the next funnel step would
be you're pushing them to the replay page. Over here, you're pushing them to the
check out page, right? By answering objections. Over here they didn't buy. You show
[00:39:30] them testimonials and you push them to the check out page again.

How does this look like? I have ran a ton of ads where it's actually normal that our
retargeting can give us 10 or 20 to 1 returns for every dollar that we spend. Okay?
Here's how some of these ads will look like on the front, right? This will work for
whether it's a free plus shipping offer, whether it's a webinar funnel, whether ...
Whatever funnel it may be, okay?

[00:40:00] For example, testimonials on cart abandonment, remember? They came to the check
out page, but they didn't buy. That's when straight up I'm pushing them to next funnel
step, right? Which is go and buy it, right? They would receive a video that looks
something like this on Facebook.

Speaker 2: What's up, guys? My name's [inaudible 00:40:16]. I'm the CEO of [Lady Boss 00:40:18].
We serve over 130,000 customers globally around the world. We help women lose
[00:40:30] weight while loving themselves again. Once a year we have a live event. A good friend
of mine, Peng Joon, who just wrote this book, [Platform Closing 00:40:33], man, guys,
there is so much gold in here.

We do a live event once a year and our last live event in 2017, because of Peng Joon
and because of Platform Closing, because of this book, we literally doubled what we

[Event Codex] Pillar 1 - Selling the tickets

would've done without it. See, when you're speaking from stage or if you do events,
[00:41:00] like, 100% without a doubt the strategies and the things in this book will completely
change your life.

The way I say that and what I really mean is that because of these strategies, because of
these tools you can move people to action so you can impact and better their lives. If it
wasn't for Peng Joon's strategy at our event normally we would've gotten half the
results, which means we would've only helped half the people.

Because of these tips, these tricks, these strategies, the bare bones, the tactics, the
[00:41:30] drilling deep down and getting to the nitty-gritty of how to speak from stage, how to
close from stage, how to move people to action and influence people so you can
change their life with what you have, he gets deep into it. I definitely recommend it
100%. Grab your copy, click the link, wherever it is, and hopefully you implement.

My hope is that you just do the things in this book and you'll reap the rewards. Because
[00:42:00] of that we've helped ... We helped ... That one event that we did using these tactics and
strategies we enrolled 80 people in our coaching program who we can now change
their life. Many of them have lost 10, 20, 30, 40 pounds, have found new confidence
through our program, and that's all thanks to the strategies in this book, so definitely go
grad your copy.

Peng Joon: Okay, sidebar, so what does this mean for you? It means that you want to be collecting
testimonials as much as you can for your product because this is where you can run
[00:42:30] them as your retargeting ads.

One of the mistakes many marketers make when it comes to ... Whether it's selling a
product or tickets for a live event is that they put testimonial ads and they run them as
ads, at the top of the funnel. That's a huge mistake because people might not even be
problem or solution aware.

If you run a testimonial ad to a crowd, to an audience that's not problem or solution

[00:43:00] aware they're not going to respond to it. In fact, it would be ... In fact, you'll probably
get a lot of trolls commenting on an ad as well.

You want to make sure that you only run ads that's testimonial-based to your audience
that has been onto your check out page, just to ... Because these are the fence sitters.

To make the most out of this event here's the next thing I'd like you to do, okay? It
would be throughout this entire event I'm going to be giving you a lot of action steps
because I want to be practical. I don't want you to come here, learn a ton of theory, felt
good about yourselves, and then do nothing. Right?

[00:43:30] How many of you have been to an event where you were motivated, you're inspired,
but after that you did absolutely nothing? Show of hands. I've been there as well, okay?
I don't want this event to be another of those events, so here's what I'd like you to do.

Every single time you hear something that you feel you can implement, any type of

[Event Codex] Pillar 1 - Selling the tickets

actionable steps, at the back of your book I want you to write down action steps, right?
If you feel this is related to something you need to do then write down, like, number
[00:44:00] one, collect testimonial videos for retargeting ads.

Every single time you hear something that you feel it's something you need to do, turn
to the back of the book, write down action step number one, number two, number
three, right? And what they are, so that by the time you leave this event you know that,
okay, these are five things, the seven things, the 15 things you need to implement.

This is one of those things. Right now if you don't have a crazy amount of testimonials
[00:44:30] lined up you need to collect that. Why is that the case? It's because we all know this, if
you are currently running Facebook ads right now you'll know that creatives burn out
really, really quickly, right? Most of my creatives they ... It will be probably overexposed
in, like, seven to nine days, and that's when we have to switch.

One of the things that we do is we collect all these different testimonials and we'll just
[00:45:00] line all of them out, up, so that it just rotates every single time they are on this thing, on
this sequence, they will start receiving all these different social proof until they actually
buy. Right?

The next thing I talked about is what about people who are on a certain funnel step,
they've seen your offer, they've been to the check out page, but what if they haven't
taken action yet? Okay? This is not a campaign that we run. You want to be thinking
[00:45:30] about all of the different objections of what people might have to why they're not
interested in your project, program, service, or event. Okay?

Again, this would be for people who have either they showed up, didn't check out, or
they checked out but didn't buy. Okay?

One of the things that I will do is I will think and list out all of the different objections
that people might have when it comes to not buying my stuff. I have a different video
[00:46:00] to answer a different objection. This would be an example of me doing it. Hey. It's Peng
Joon here and I wanted to ...

Peng Joon: ... of me doing it.

Hey, it's Peng Joon here. I wanted to shoot you this quick video because I noticed that
you came to my website, which was Platform Closing, but somehow you didn't order
this book, or maybe it's because Facebook's a little bit wonky and you did order it but
somehow you're receiving this.

Chances are you came to my site, you didn't order it for a couple of reasons. Here's the
[00:46:30] thing that I'd like to share with you: Chances are it's probably not the price of this book,
because it's a book, but rather perhaps you thought to yourself that speaking is not for
you or because you thought that maybe you're a shy, introverted person and speaking

[Event Codex] Pillar 1 - Selling the tickets

is for the people that is extroverted; it's for the people that has got the talent when it
comes to speaking.

[00:47:00] Whatever your reason may be when it comes to learning how to speak; whether it's
through sales videos or webinars or live events, I just wanted to share with you if
there's a part in you that wants to be able to share your message to other people,
whether is through Facebook or through a video or through a live event, but you
thought to yourself that you can't do it because it's not you. Let me just share with you
this quick thing.

I never thought that I had it within me to be able to speak to thousands of people,

[00:47:30] because I was this shy, introverted kid my entire life. I still am, but what I can tell you is
that learning how to speak and present and inspire and close, that's actually a
learnable, trainable skill. I wish I understood that a whole lot earlier, because then I
would've started a lot earlier, but if you are in that category, I know how that feels,
because that's how I felt years ago.

[00:48:00] I don't want that to be the reason why you don't do this, because I can tell you that
understanding how to communicate, sell, and inspire and doing it in masses, we're not
doing it in just one-on-one, but having the ability to do it on Facebook, through sales
videos, through webinars, through events, where it doesn't need to be thousands of
people, it could be just one to 50, one to 100, could be one of the most lucrative and
fulfilling things that you can do in your business to serve your audience at the highest
[00:48:30] level.

I just wanted to shoot you this quick video just to share with you if there's a part of you
that wants to do this, that longs to do this, but the reason why you haven't picked up
your copy yet is because you felt like this isn't me because I'm shy and too young to do
this, I'm too old to do this, or whatever reason may be, I just want you to know that
[00:49:00] what you want may not necessarily be in your comfort zone, and I can understand that
speaking could be scary and it could be outside of your comfort zone, but's a learnable,
trainable skill.

That's what this book is about. It's going to give you the script to give you that
confidence to practice so that eventually you can become good at it. The question is are
you willing to be bad at something in order to be good at something? This book is going
to show you the shortcut, the way, so that you don't have to go through what I did that
[00:49:30] was ... which was a horrible experience having bombed many, many times, which I'll
share with you in this book as well.

If you haven't got the book yet, just head over to The book is free.
I've printed a lot of copies that-

Okay, so you can see where this is going, right? This is probably five minutes, three to
five minutes long, but ultimately, what I'm doing in this video is I'm an answering
[00:50:00] objection of speaking is probably not for me because of whatever objection they have;

[Event Codex] Pillar 1 - Selling the tickets

I'm too young, I'm too old, I'm shy, I'm introverted, it's out of my comfort zone. This
video is to answer that objection.

One of the things that I do all the time is for all of my different funnels ... Now, this is
just the book example. This could be your event funnel. This could be your webinar
funnel. This could be your free plus shipping. What you want to be doing, is to be
running ads so that you're answering all of the different objections of why they're not
[00:50:30] signing up for your event. This ad over here, this is ... because this is a retargeting ad,
we probably make about a 4:1 return for every dollar we spend.

Think about, again, your to-do list for this, it's to list down what are the different
objections people might have when it comes to not taking action and to create a video
ad answering each and every single objection.

[00:51:00] Next one would be acquiring these testimonials. What if right now you don't have any
testimonials yet? In fact, especially if you created a brand new offer and a brand new
funnel. This video over here, when it comes to acquiring testimonials, I got this idea
from Russell when he created this contest last month and I did a similar thing where we
got dozens of testimonials in less than a week. This is how it looked like:

[00:51:30] What's up everybody, it's Peng Joon here, and I'm so excited right now. You're receiving
this video is because once upon a time you bought this book, Platform Closing. I don't
know if you bought this book and you just placed it on your bookshelf and it's collecting
dust right now, or whether you actually implemented it. I wanted to share with you
that it's been about two months now since we launched this book and we've been
getting so many emails and videos from people talking about how the webinars and the
[00:52:00] live events were all different right after implementing the strategies in here.

The thing is, I want to hear it from you. In fact, I'm going to do something crazy right
now. I want to incentivize you for telling me the difference this book has made for you.
One of the things I've done is in this video I put a short description up there about ...
and I gave you a sample video.

Right now in this video, right ... This is, again, three to five minutes. We don't have to go
through the whole thing, but basically what I did is I created an ad, I ran this ad to
[00:52:30] everybody who bought this book to show them that, look, I want to run a contest and
you can be a spokesperson; very similar to what Russell did a month back, two months
back, for ClickFunnels. To just share with them that, look, we want to run ads and the
people that would give us really awesome videos, testimonials we are going to run ...
We gave out $1,000 for the best ad. What's great about this is that people would not
[00:53:00] give you crappy ads. Here's the other thing you can say, which is what I said in this
video was if we decide to run the ad, we'll pay you $100, so this is going to incentivize
them to really create really good ads for you.

The thing is, this is actually the first time I offered to give out a monetary reward for
testimonials. I just wanted to see what would happen, and it was crazy. We already
[00:53:30] have thousands of testimonials before this, but because this was a new launch, I just
wanted to see what happened. It's actually crazy to see what people would do for $100.

[Event Codex] Pillar 1 - Selling the tickets

That's one great way to acquire testimonials; to have a contest and to have all these
different testimonials now in order to create ... because these are basically your
creatives for your retargeting audience. That's how you can acquire testimonials.

[00:54:00] Here's the ideal funnel stack. What's the big picture? It's this. If you're starting out right
now and you want to market your events and you have nothing, I believe that, ideally,
the thing you need to have is a webinar funnel, that's what you start off with, that you
sell your tickets through, your webinar funnel. But then you stack it with a product
launch funnel on the back end. What that means is you want to have your webinar
[00:54:30] funnel, you run ads to your webinar funnel whereby with decent targeting and with a
good decent close, you'll have about 2:1 returns on this funnel.

Then after that, for the people who are fence sitters, you're continue building your trust
with them and your credibility and continue giving them value, what you do is then you
send them to a product launch formula funnel, Jeff Walker's PLF funnel, where you give
them another three value videos and then a sales video again. This is where every sale
[00:55:00] that comes in through this funnel would be an extra added bonus. Three value videos
and then one sales video after. Then after that, look on your free plus shipping funnel in
order to acquire leads for free.

In order to package your live event tickets with your funnels, one really good way is to
package your tickets with your current course; something that you're already selling
online. Now, just so I can get a feel of the room, how many of you have done your first
[00:55:30] event before? Show of hands. Your own event. How many of you have not done your
first event yet? Show of hands. Okay, great. Thank you, so it's about 50/50.

All right, so, one great way to start filling your events is to include your tickets to live
events as part of your online course. That being said, I want you to be really careful
about this, because that can be a double-edged sword. Here's what I mean: When you
start to include your live events as part of your online course or your online offers, what
[00:56:00] can happen is that will actually drastically increase the perceived value of your offer,
but at the same time, here's the downside. The downside is when people are thinking
about that offer, they're going to factor in the purchasing decision on whether they can
turn up for your live event if you included that live event for free as part of the offer.

If you said, "For those of you that invest in this program, I'm going to give you two
[00:56:30] tickets to this live event. This live event is happening in June, 2nd and 3rd." What's
going to happen is the first thing that's going to happen in your mind is, "I wonder if I
can make it to this event on June 2nd and 3rd," because you made this as part of the
offer. That's actually going to decrease your conversions because you just gave them an
additional objection. Rather than doing that, you want to separate it out. Here's how
you position it instead: What you're going to say is, "For those of you that invest today,
[00:57:00] I'm going to waive the tuition fee for my live event that's worth $4,000, and all you
need to do is to cover the cost of the materials fee of $97."

What happens now is there's an understanding that okay, my tuition fee is waived, so

[Event Codex] Pillar 1 - Selling the tickets

even if I can't make it, I'm saving that $97 because I'm not paying for it, until I actually
[00:57:30] show up for it. A small tweak like that will result in a huge difference in the way they
think about the offer. If you are going to include your live event as part of your offer,
make sure that you have a very, very small fee attached to the live event where you
position it as I'm waiving the tuition fees worth $4,000 or whatever that amount might
be, and say that you only cover the materials fee, so that now they're separating that
[00:58:00] purchasing decision on whether they make it, so even if they can't make it, it'll be,
"Okay. That's fine. I don't have to pay the $97 and I can always attend the next one."
You want to include it as ... You want to be sure that you're very clear on this.

Here's the thing, again, I want to always make it actionable, because that's how I feel
you'll make the most out of this event. Here's your turn. What I'd like you to do next is I
want to give you five minutes to list down the things we've covered so far.

[00:58:30] Number one, what are three different value videos that you can put out there that
includes your origin story that you can use to boost it to a completely cold audience?
What are you going to talk about? At least three topics in three different videos.

Number two, how's your ad to your lead magnet or your funnel, how's that's going to
look like?

Number three is what are the retargeting ads that you can create based on where
they're at on your funnel?

[00:59:00] Number four, what are the different testimonials that you can start collecting right now
for your retargeting ads for your events and your offers?

Number five, what are the different objections people might have as to why they're not
signing up for your offer, and what are the different personal videos that you can create
to run as ads to answer and crush these different objections?

[00:59:30] Let me give you five minutes. Write down your answers to these different things. Then
we'll move on to the next step.

Hopefully with this exercise here you'll have a little bit more clarity towards how do you
start marketing your events, how do you start filling up your funnels, and getting people
to ... and making your ads profitable so that for every $1 you spend you get back at
least $2 in return.

[01:00:00] Right, now, so that's the first method. The first method is how do you market and sell
the own tickets for your own events. What about the other side, which is how do you
work with other organizers, speak on other people's platforms, and do a 50/50 split on
your presentations? Let's talk about this other model.

Here's the thing, the question is how do you get these gigs? That's probably one of the
[01:00:30] most common questions that I get all the time. There's a company called Success
Resources. I've been working with them for seven years now. They are the company
that I've worked with that has got me into more than 20 countries all over the world.

[Event Codex] Pillar 1 - Selling the tickets

After working with all these different organizers, I can tell you that whether it's Success
Resources or whether it's any other organizer, if you want to work with somebody else,
[01:01:00] with another organizer, there's really only one thing they will look at. What do you
think it is?

Audience: [crosstalk 01:01:01]. How well can you close on the stage.

Peng Joon: That's right. How well can you close on a stage. A lot of people say I can give great
content. I can really motivate and inspire the audience. Here's the thing: Speakers who
can come off great content is really a dime a dozen; there's a ton of them. But the
ability to close, it's a whole different story. Now, the reason why the ability to close is
[01:01:30] so crucial to them is because as an event organizer, their cost is actually crazy. The cost
it takes to hire ... to get the keynote, to get the venue, sometimes they'll do it in these
really, really expensive places, sponsorships, and all these different things, it's a lot of
money that people might not necessarily see. So, every slot that they give away, that's
huge money to them. I can tell you that if you bomb on any of these stages, chances are
[01:02:00] there's no second chance. It's one time, and that's it.

To kind of understand how to get the gigs, the thing you got to ask yourself first is
would you hire someone like you with your closing ratio that you have right now? If the
answer is no, you would be doing them a disservice and yourself a disservice if you
[01:02:30] approach them to try and get the gig. The way to do it to get these gigs is to make sure
that you are good first. How do you make that happen? If I were to start all over again
where I didn't know how to sell, I didn't know how to close, I don't know how to speak,
if I were to start all over again, my priority right now would not be to try to look for an
organizer who would have me on their stage. My priority right now would be to get
good at speaking and closing first. That's the most important thing.

[01:03:00] How do you get practice? Back then when I started, we didn't have webinars. Right now
the best way to really test and practice would be through webinars. If I wanted to do it
all over again, I would be doing the steps that I just showed you, filling up my webinars
first, making sure that I have a good closing rate before I approach and speak to
[01:03:30] somebody else about having me on their platforms. So, first step, get good in webinars.

Then after that, if you want to start looking for gigs, it's very normal that an organizer
will probably ask you what's your experience speaking and closing on stage? If, at that
time, you're saying, "Well, I've been only doing webinars," they're going to be a lot
more reluctant to get you on their stage. So the next step would be to get the gigs by
[01:04:00] either sponsoring those lunches, like Traffic and Conversions, they do that where you
can sponsor a lunch and have a small room, people come in, they have lunch, and you
can speak, present, and close something. There are also many of those pay-to-speak
events. Now I've never done a pay-to-speak event, but if I were to start all over again
and I have to prove myself, that's what I would do.

[Event Codex] Pillar 1 - Selling the tickets

[01:04:30] Now, there are some pay-to-speak events where you could pay like ... well, depending
on the quality and the size of the room, but it can range from 10,000 to 25, 000.
Sometimes that might sound crazy, but if you had a decent closing rate, paying 25,000
to be in a room of 1,000 people, to me that's a no-brainer. I would do that instantly. It
all comes down to first how good are you in closing, because once you're good in
[01:05:00] closing on webinars, you can start taking the risk, start small, sponsor those lunches, do
a small event, 20 people room to build up the confidence, then after that, you can go to
those pay-to-speak events to start building up your portfolio. Then the word gets
around, then with those numbers, with those stats, that's when you can start
approaching the bigger organizers, the ones that have 1,000, 5,000 people. Show them
your track record, your closing ratio, and that's how you can get ... start getting those

The question is ... That's basically how ... what I would do if I were to start all over
[01:05:30] again. The question is which method are you committed to? I believe that, ultimately,
all roads will lead to the stage. The question is if you are starting out right now, if you
have that fear of speaking, then start getting practice by maybe just doing a Facebook
Live video, then progress to webinars, then progress to the really small events
sponsoring lunches, then progress to the paid speaking events, and then, finally, your
own event.

[Event Codex] Pillar 1 - Selling the tickets

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