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Water Vapour, MSD41503 – Marine

Clouds and type of Meteorology

clouds Capt. Sukhjit Singh


• Humidity and Condensation

• Classification of clouds
States Of Water

Vapour- Water vapour, Liquid- Water droplets, Solid-Ice crystals

Water Vapour and
• This is water in the vapour state and although quite invisible, is
always present in the atmosphere.
• The amount varies in both time and place.
• It is supplied by evaporation from various water sources, mainly sea
• Clouds and Fog are visible water droplets in the liquid state.
• Clouds are collection of water droplets or ice crystals, or
combination of these two states of water, suspended in the
• A knowledge of the many types of the clouds and their occurrences
provide a valuable source of information in forecasting the weather.
The actual water vapour content of a
sample of air may be expressed by a
number of terms:

• Humidity Mixing Ratio- the ratio of the mass of water vapour to the mass of
dry air (air without water vapour). Units are grams per kilogram (g / kg).
• Absolute Humidity- the ratio of the mass of water vapour to the volume
occupied by the mixture of water vapour and air. This ratio is also known as the
vapour density or vapour concentration. Units are grams per cubic metre
• Vapour Pressure- the pressure exerted by the water vapour in the atmosphere,
which forms part of the total atmospheric pressure. Units are hectopascals
• The maximum quantity of water vapour that can be
contained in a given volume of air is limited by
• The higher the temperature, the greater the
quantity of water vapour the air can hold.
• Air that contains less water vapour than the
maximum possible amount is said to be
Saturated Air unsaturated.
• Air that is unsaturated is often called dry air,
although it contains some water vapour. If
unsaturated air is cooled sufficiently, it will become
• Further cooling will result in excess water vapour
being condensed into liquid or solid state, i.e.
visible droplets or ice crystals.
Saturation Curve

As its temperature increases, air has

the capacity to hold more water
vapour. The saturation curve shows the
maximum amount which can be
present at any given temperature,
assuming that the saturated mass of air
coexists in equilibrium with a plane
liquid water surface.
Relative Humidity

• Relative Humidity is the ratio of the amount of water vapour

actually present to the maximum amount possible at the
same temperature.
• The ratio is expressed as a percentage.

Absolute humidity
• RH = x 100 %
Saturation value at same temperature
The dew-point temperature is the
temperature to which a sample of air
must be lowered in order to saturate it
with respect to a plane liquid water
surface, assuming constant pressure and
DEW-POINT water vapour content.
TEMPERATURE So long as air remains unsaturated and
the amount of water vapour remains
constant, the dew point will also remains
constant, although the air temperature
changes. If air is saturated its temperature
is its dew point.
Diurnal Variation Of Relative Humidity

• Relative humidity at
any observing station
varies daily with a
minimum value in
mid-afternoon and a
maximum in the
period before dawn.
Condensation and
Hygroscopic nuclei
• Condensation of water vapour in the atmosphere
is common and occurs usually as a result of the
decrease of air temperature below its dew-point
• The nuclei become part of the water droplets and
maintain the existence of the latter in saturated air.
• The nuclei become part of the water droplets and
maintain the existence of the latter in saturated air.
Adiabatic Lapse Rate

• Cloud formation is mainly the result of air ascending and cooling adiabatically.
• When a parcel of air ascends, the pressure exerted on it by the surrounding atmosphere
decreases, so allowing the parcel to expand. In order to do so it requires energy which is
derived from the parcel itself, and its temperature therefore decreases.
• Since air is a poor conductor, it is assumed that no energy is exchanged between the air parcel
and the surrounding atmosphere. This process, in which no heat enters or leaves the system, is
termed adiabatic from the Greek word meaning "impassable". When an air parcel descends,
the reverse process occurs and its temperature increases.
• The rate at which the temperature of the parcel changes with height is termed the
Adiabatic Lapse Rate.
• For a dry air parcel, in which the air is unsaturated, the rate is 9.8"C / km (usually rounded up
to 10.0°C / km). This is the Dry Adiabatic Lapse Rate (D.A.L.R.), which is applicable whether
the air parcel is ascending or descending.
Saturated Adiabatic Lapse Rate (S.A.L.R.)

• An ascending saturated air parcel will cool at the Saturated Adiabatic Lapse
Rate (S.A.L.R.), the value of which is less than the D.A.L.R.
• During its ascent the volume of the air parcel increases, and its temperature
decreases, as for an unsaturated air parcel.
• As a result some water vapour condenses, releasing latent heat of
vaporization. This energy causes an increase in the temperature of the air
parcel, which partly compensates for the energy used during the process of
• Thus, during its ascent the temperature of the parcel will decrease, but the
amount will depend on the quantity of water vapour condensing.
Saturated Adiabatic Lapse Rate (S.A.L.R.)
Atmospheric Stability

• An assessment of the stability of the atmosphere based on a

knowledge of the Environmental, Dry and Saturated
Adiabatic Lapse Rates is of considerable value in forecasting
cloud development and related weather conditions.
• The atmosphere is absolutely unstable when a saturated or
unsaturated air parcel, ascending and cooling adiabatically,
has a tendency to continue its displacement.
Absolutely Unstable
• An air parcel at level AA has a temperature
greater than that of the surrounding
• It is therefore less dense and, being buoyant,
continues to ascend.
• For a descending parcel, warming adiabatically,
its temperature is less than that of the
surrounding atmosphere at any given level, and
the parcel continues to descend.
• In an absolutely unstable atmosphere, the E.L.R.
is greater than D.A.L.R., which is greater than
(E.L.R. > D.A.L.R. > S.A.L.R.)
Absolutely Stable

• The atmosphere is absolutely stable when any

saturated or unsaturated air parcel, ascending and
cooling adiabatically, has a tendency to return to its
original level.
• The temperature of an air parcel at level BB is less than
that of the surrounding atmosphere.
• The parcel is therefore denser and tends to return to
its original level.
• A descending air parcel, warming adiabatically, tends
to return to its original level, since it is warmer than the
surrounding atmosphere.
• In an absolutely stable atmosphere, the D.A.L.R. is
greater than S.A.L.R., which is greater than E.L.R.
(D.A.L.R. > S.A.L.R. > E.L.R.)
Conditionally Unstable

• The atmosphere is conditionally unstable when an

unsaturated air parcel, ascending and cooling
adiabatically, is at a lower temperature than the
surrounding atmosphere at any level.
• This condition exists at level CC, and the air parcel
tends to return to its original level, since it is denser
than the surrounding atmosphere.
• However, at this level a saturated air parcel, which
has ascended and cooled adiabatically, has a
temperature greater than that of the surrounding
atmosphere and continues to ascend.
• In a conditionally unstable atmosphere, the D.A.L.R.
is greater than E.L.R., which is greater than S.A.L.R.
(D.A.L.R. > E.L.R. > S.A.L.R.)
Neutral Equilibrium

• The atmosphere is in a state of neutral

equilibrium when the E.L.R. equals D.A.L.R.,
or the E.L.R. equals S.A.L.R..
• In each case the air parcel, ascending
(descending) and cooling (warming)
adiabatically, remains at its new level.
• The D.A.L.R. is always constant and, if the
S.A.L.R. is assumed to have a fixed value, the
E.L.R. will be critical in determining the
stability of the atmosphere at a given time.
• By recording air temperature at increasing heights during a radiosonde ascent, it is
possible to establish the E.L.R. for different layers in the troposphere, and thus assess the
stability in each of these layers.
CLOUD TYPES – Cloud genera
Height of base in kilometers
Cloud Base Genera Abbreviation

Tropics Mid Latitudes High Latitudes

Cirrus Ci
HIGH Cirrostratus Cs >6 >5 >2
Cirrocumulus Cc

Altostratus As
MEDIUM 2 – 7.5 2–7 2-4
Altocumulus Ac

Stratus St
Stratocumulus Sc
LOW Nimbostratus Ns <2 <2 <2
Cumulus Cu
Cumulonimbus Cb
Origin of cloud names

• Cirrus comes from the latin cirrus which means a lock of hair or a tuft of
• Cumulus comes from the latin word cumulus which means an
accumulation or a pile.
• Stratus comes from the latin word stratus which comes from the verb
sternere which means to spread out, to flatten out, to cover a layer.
• Nimbus comes from the latin word nimbus which means rainy cloud.
• Alto comes from the latin word altum which means height.
Cirrus (Ci)
• 'Detached clouds in the form of white, delicate
filaments or white or mostly white patches or narrow
bands. These clouds have a fibrous (hair-like)
appearance, or a silky sheen, or both'.
• Cirrus clouds are composed of ice crystals. It appears
in varied forms, isolated tufts, feather-like plumes or
bands across the sky.
• Cirrus clouds often evolve from the upper part of a
Cirrus (Ci)
• Cirrus clouds are delicate, feathery
clouds that are made mostly of ice
crystals. Their wispy shape comes
from wind currents which twist and
spread the ice crystals into strands.

• Weather prediction: A change is on

its way!
Cirrostratus (Cs)
• A transparent whitish cloud veil of fibrous appearance or
smooth appearance totally or partly covering the sky, and
generaily producing halo phenomena.
• Cirrostratus is composed mainly of ice crystals. It is never thick
enough to prevent objects on the ground casting shadows,
except when the sun is low. Sometimes the could is so thin that
the halo is the only indication that cloud is present.
• Cirrostratus is formed as a result of the slow ascent of extensive
layers of air to high levels such as at a warm front. It may also
form by the spreading out of the anvil of a Cumulonimbus.
Cirrostratus (Cs)
• Cirrostratus clouds are thin, white
clouds that cover the whole sky like a
veil. These clouds are most commonly
seen in the winter, and can cause the
appearance of a halo around the sun
or the moon.

• Weather prediction: Rain or snow

will arrive within 24 hours!
Cirrocumulus (Cc)
• 'Thin, white patch, sheet of layer of cloud without shading,
composed of very small elements in the form of grains, ripples,
etc. merged or separate, and more or less regularly arranged,
most of the elements have an apparent width of less than one
degree’. (One degree is approximately the width of the little
finger at arm's length).
• Cirrocumulus is composed, almost exclusively, of ice crystals. If
any supercooled water droplets are present they are usually
rapidly replaced by ice crystals. Cirrocumulus is not very
common. It can form in clear air or result from a change in Cirrus,
Cirrostratus or Attocumulus. Cirrocumulus lenticularis may be
produced by orographic lifting.
Cirrocumulus (Cc)
• Cirrocumulus clouds are thin,
sometimes patchy, sheet-like clouds.
They sometimes look like they’re full of
ripples or are made of small grains.

• Weather prediction: Fair, but cold.

However, if you live in a tropical region,
these clouds could be a sign of an
approaching hurricane!
Altostratus (As)
• A greyish or bluish cloud or layer of striated, fibrous or
uniform appearance, totally or partly covering the sky,
and having parts thin enough to reveal the sun at least
vaguely as through ground glass. Altostratus does not
show halo phenomena.
• Altostratus is a precipitating cloud. The precipitation
may be seen trailing from the base.
• Precipitation is usually of the 'continuous' type and in
the form of rain, snow or ice pellets. Altostratus is usually
formed as a result of slow ascent of extensive layers or
Altostratus (As)
• Altostratus clouds are gray or
blue-gray mid-level clouds
composed of ice crystals and
water droplets. The clouds
usually cover the entire sky.
• Weather prediction: Be
prepared for continuous rain
or snow!
Altocumulus (Ac)
• A white or grey, or both white and grey, patch, sheet
or layer of cloud, generally composed of rounded
masses or rolls, which are sometimes partly fibrous or
diffuse and which may not be merged; most of the
regularly arranged small elements usually have an
apparent width between one and five degrees. (Five
degrees is approximately the width of three fingers at
arms length).
• Altocumulus may form as a result of the spreading out
of cumulus or cumulonimbus clouds
Altocumulus (Ac)
• Altocumulus clouds have several
patchy white or gray layers, and
seem to be made up of many
small rows of fluffy ripples. They
are lower than cirrus clouds, but
still quite high. They are made of
liquid water, but they don’t often
produce rain.
• Weather prediction: Fair
Stratus (St)
• A generally grey cloud layer with a fairly uniform base.
When the sun is visible through the cloud its outline is
clearly discernible.
• Stratus commonly forms as a results of turbulence and
advection over a colder surface. It can also form due to
the slow lifting of a layer of fog.
Stratus (St)
• Stratus cloud often look like thin,
white sheets covering the whole
sky. Since they are so thin, they
seldom produce much rain or snow.
Sometimes, in the mountains or
hills, these clouds appear to be fog.
• Weather prediction: Fair, but
Stratocumulus (Sc)
• A grey or whitish or both grey and whitish
patch, sheet or layer of cloud which
almost always has a dark part, composed
of rounded masses or rolls, which are
non-fibrous, and which may or may not be
Stratocumulus (Sc)
• Stratocumulus clouds are
patchy gray or white clouds
that often have a dark
honeycomb-like appearance.
• Weather prediction: Fair
weather for now, but a storm
might be on its way.
Nimbostratus (Ns)
• A grey cloud layer, often dark, whose
appearance is rendered diffuse by more or
less continuously falling rain or snow, which in
most cases reaches the ground. It is thick
enough throughout to blot out the sun.
• Nimbostratus is most often formed as a result
of the slow ascent of extensive layers of air.
Nimbostratus (Ns)
• Nimbostratus clouds are dark,
gray clouds that seem to fade
into falling rain or snow. They
are so thick that they often blot
out the sunlight.
• Weather prediction: Gloomy
with continuous rain or snow
Cumulus (Cu)
• Detached clouds, generally dense and with sharp
outlines, developing vertically in the forms of rising
mounds, domes or towers, of which the bulging upper
part often resembles a cauliflower. The sunlit parts of
these clouds are mostly brilliant white and their bases
relatively dark and nearly horizontal.
• Cumulus develops in convection currents in unstable air.
The commonest causes are (a) heating of the earth's
surface by insolation and (b) continuous warming of the
base of a cold air mass by passage over a relatively
warm surface.
Cumulus (Cu)
• Cumulus clouds look like
fluffy, white cotton balls in the
sky. They are beautiful in
sunsets, and their varying
sizes and shapes can make
them fun to observe!
• Weather prediction: Fair
Cumulonimbus (Cb)
• A heavy dense cloud, with a considerable
vertical extent, in the form of a mountain
or huge towers. At least part of its upper
portion is usually smooth, fibrous or
striated, and nearly flattened; this often
spreads out in the form of an anvil or vast
Cumulonimbus (Cb)
• Cumulonimbus clouds grow
on hot days when warm, wet
air rises very high into the sky.
From far away, they look like
huge mountains or towers.
• Weather prediction: Look out
for rain, hail, and tornadoes!
Saturated / Unsaturated Air

Absolute humidity, Relative Humidity and Dew point

Adiabatic Lapse rate (DALR, SALR and ELR)

Cloud formation

Type of clouds

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