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Lecture 7 M8 (22/7/2021) Review Questions.

1. List out where did learning changes occur according to Kurt Lewin?
Kurst Lewin suggested that learning changes occur in skills, in cognitive patterns (knowledge
and understanding), in motivation and interest, and in ideology (fundamental beliefs). To discuss further,
learning changes occurs within the person; his drives, tensions, thoughts and his environment, which
consists of perceived objects and events. He also states that each person exists within a field of forces and
to which the individual is responding or reacting is called his life-space.

2. Teaching consists of three variables. Briefly explain the variables?

These are 3 variables of teaching.
1) First is independent variable wherein the teacher plans the role of independent variables. Students
are dependent on him in the teaching process. The teacher does the planning, organizing, leading and
controlling of teaching for bringing about behavioural changes in the students. He is free to perform various
activities for providing learning experiences to students.
2) Second is dependent variable wherein the student is required to act according to the planning and
organization of the teacher. Teaching activities of the teacher influence the learning of the students.
3) Third is intervening variables in which the intervening variables such as content and methodology of
presentation leads to interaction between the teachers and the students. The content determines the mode
of presentation-telling, showing and doing etc.

3. Briefly explain the learning process.

Learning process can be briefly explained as below:
Step 1: Perceiving – The process of learning starts with how you perceive or interpret the subject at hand.
It is important for the learner to know or have an idea about what has to be done or studied.
Step 2: Deciding – The next step is deciding. Once you have perceived the information and understood
correctly what the matter is all about, it is time for you to decide what is important and absolutely
necessary. You may have to read between the lines to understand and grasp the idea of the concept, and
decide what the question or your teacher is asking.
Step 3: Acting – Once you have perceived and decided what information will register itself in your brain,
you have to now act. Acting is important, you can’t just perceive and decide what to put, an action has to be
committed for your brain to retain the information and present it to you when needed.
Step 4: Feedback – The information is now in your brain, and what you have to is get feedback. Take help
from your teacher or parents or friends, and test yourself about the knowledge you just gained. This is the
only way of testing whether your brain has uploaded the information fully and correctly.

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