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Analysis of U.

S Travel Ban Policy on 5 Muslim Countries (Syria, Iran,

Yemen, Somalia, and Libya)

Nabilah Salsabila Sudirman

University of Darussalam Gontor


This research is an U.S. foreign policy review of Travel Ban policy during Donald J. Trump's
2017 administration. Under the travel ban policy, the United States imposes policies on Muslim-
majority countries as attempt of reducing entry the immigrants into U.S. This research aims to
discuss the aspects that led to the United States Travel Ban policy against immigrants from
Muslims countries where immigrants entering the United States are considering be able to
influence the stability of American security. This research will use the concept of national
security, where this concept will explain the security priorities of the U.S. state, one of which is
to protect the country from terror attacks. The concept of foreign policy used to analyze how the
policy can be implemented by the U.S. This research will discuss the Islamic view on the
concept of jihad in Islam, so here not to misinterpret the concept of jihad in Islam by the West.
This research, using the qualitative method with data collection technique through library
research. The results of this research showed that in travel ban policy-making there are several
revisions until approved by the Supreme of Court taking into account various aspects by
stakeholders its works on reducing the immigrant entry into U.S especially from Muslims
Keyword: Travel Ban Policy, Immigrant Muslims and Muslims Countries


Penelitian ini merupakan suatu kajian kebijakan luar negeri AS mengenai kebijakan Travel Ban
pada masa pemerintahan Donald J. Trump pada tahun 2017. Dalam kebijakan tersebut Amerika
Serikat memberlakukan kebijakan kepada negara-negara mayoritas berpenduduk muslim sebagai
upaya untuk mengurangi imigran dari negara muslim. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membahas
aspek-aspek yang menyebabkan adanya kebijakan Travel Ban Amerika Serikat terhadap imigran
dari Negara-Negara Islam yang mana para imigran yang masuk ke Amerika dianggap dapat
mempengaruhi stabilitas keamanan Amerika dan sebagai bentuk perlawanan Amerika terhadap
aksi terror. Penelitian ini akan menggunakan konsep national security, dimana konsep ini akan
menjelaskan mengenai prioritas keamanan negara AS salah satunya adalah dengan memproteksi
negaranya dari serangan aksi terror. Sedangkan untuk konsep kebijakan luar negeri digunakan
untuk mengalisa bagaimana kebijakan tersebut dapat diimplementasikan oleh AS. Dalam
penelitian ini, akan membahas mengenai pandangan Islam mengenai konsep jihad dalam islam
sehingga tidak mensalah-artikan konsep jihad dalam islam oleh Barat. Dalam penelitian ini,
menggunakan menerapkan metode kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui desk
research. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan, didalam pembuatan kebijakan Travel Ban
terdapat beberapa kali revisi hingga disetujui oleh MA dengan mempertimbangkan berbagai
aspek oleh para pemangku kepentingan. Adapun kebijakan yang dikeluarkan oleh AS merupakan
sebagai upaya national security dengan cara membatasi jumlah masuknya imigran ke dalam

Kata Kunci: Kebijakan Travel Ban, Imigran Muslim and Negara-Negara Muslim

After Donald Trump won the United States presidential election in 2017, Trump realized
his camp's promise by issuing an executive order “Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist
Entry into the United States” or Executive Order 13769 and also commonly referred to as the
Travel Ban or Muslim Ban.1 This is because the number of refugees entering the United States
in 2017 reached the range of 50,000 to the effect of the 120-day U.S Refugee Admissions
Program.2 The majority are from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen where the
majority of the population is Muslim.3

Muhammad Arraf Rezkia Rachman, “Analisis Kebijakan Travel Ban Oleh Donald Trump,” CosmoGov 228, 4 (2),
Ibid. p. 228
Cicilia Sanny, “Travel Ban AS untuk 6 Negara Muslim Berlaku,” Kontan: Internasional Kemanan, 2017,
The issue of migration, which became a concern during the Trump administration, is seen
as an issue that needs to be reviewed immediately, often attributed to security threats caused by
migrants or immigrants as one of the reasons for the weakness of the American economy.
Besides, the immigrant is also often linked to the issue of terrorism that occurs in America. With
so many refugees coming in, the American government has concerns for its country, particularly
the threat of terrorism. Immigration policy during the Trump administration, in line with
American interests, is “American First” that protects American interests from all forms of
threats including threats to his country's security.4

The travel ban as one of the attempt of the American government to confront the security
threats and create peace for American citizens. Groups of immigrants from six countries of Iran,
Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Syria, and Yemen are suspected of being members of ISIS (Islamic State of
Iraq and Shia) who entered America as political asylum seekers and refugees. 5 To counter
terrorism in America, the government limited the wiggle room of immigrants by issuing a Travel
Ban policy to safeguard America's national security.

On January 27, 2017, the president signed a policy to suspend immigrants from several
Islamic countries such as Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Syria, and Yemen for 120 days but revised
it in March 2017 except Iraq.6 Policies taken by the American government include counter-
terrorism of an offensive nature, namely by targeting countries identified as sources of terrorism.
So the travel ban policy the majority of countries that are barred from entering are from Muslim
countries to America. Even as the United States government tightens checks on Americans
entering the United States, even Trump has suggested that the policy is an effort to maintain the
stability of U.S. security from citizens identified as having terrorist organizations or as political
havens for terrorists.

This research will discuss the policies of the American government that implement a
policy of temporarily banning entry to some countries or so-called Travel Bans. This policy is
considered a Muslim ban policy because 6 out of 8 countries are prohibited from entering
Ahmad Jamaludin, “Efek Wacana Terorisme Atas Pelarangan Masuk Warga Negara Islam,” Islamic World and
Politic 510, 3 (1), (2019).
Jawahir Thontowi, “Kebijakan Presiden Trump dan Respon Masyarakatnya terhadap Larangan Muslim Arab
Tinggal di Amerika Serikat,” Ius Quia Iustum 378, 24 (3), (2017)
Rizki Dian Nursita and Surwandono, “Gagasan Democratic Peace dalam Politik Luar Negeri Amerika Serikat,”
Islamic World and Politics 35, 1 (1), (2017).
America's majority of Muslim-majority countries.7 The Islamic State itself is geopolitically a
Muslim-majority country or more of an Islamic value in politics.

The interesting thing to research is that this policy is a form of American government
resistance to the immigrant that threaten the security of the United States and a wave of refugees
and political asylum seekers from several countries in political and armed conflict such as Iran,
Syria, Sudan, Libya, Somalia, and Yemen that is suspected to be one of the growth factors of
terrorist acts in the United States. Thus, the American government took the ledge by creating a
foreign policy travel ban to counter-terrorism that occurred in the United States that indicated it
came from six Muslim countries (Iran, Syria, Sudan, Libya, Somalia, and Yemen).

Theoretical Review
a. Foreign Policy Concept

The concept of foreign policy is like everything else in the federal government, is a
political act a contest in elected officials, bureaucrats, interest groups, and other actors, all of
whom have their own goals. The foreign policy broadly points to efforts made by the
government to influence or manage events outside the borders of its country. 8 Besides, the
foreign policy also underscores the important influence of the decision-making space, which are
choices and objectives in global politics.

In foreign policymaking, there are 3 levels analyzed by Kenneth N. Waltz, which is:9
1) Individual decision-making levels personal priorities, psychological and cognitive
tendencies, and more

2) National-state level that discusses state disposition, type of government, bureaucratic

structure and others

3) Systemic levels the balance of power in the international system, the interdependence
network of countries, global political dynamics, and others.
In the process of making a Travel Ban policy, the level of analysis used in foreign
policymaking is the national-state level where the character of the country, type of government,

“Trump Travel Ban: What does this rulling mean?” BBC: World- US & Canada, 2018,
Andrew Heywood, Global Politik, (Yogyakarta, Pustaka Pelajar, 2017) 237
Ibid. p. 237
and also bureaucratic structure is very affecting in the process of making a travel ban policy.
The process of creating and implementing United States foreign policy three government
agencies, namely the executive, legislative, and judicial. In its mechanism, United States
foreign policymaking has differences with domestic policymaking, during a foreign decision-
making process that pays more attention to some aspects of the sticking point, where the greater
authority of the president and more limited congressional influence and the absence of input
from domestic groups.10
In policy-making on the travel ban, the president played a big part. This is because not
only were Trump's campaign promises during the election, but also Trump was known as an
anti-Islamic figure.11 And the republican-controlled bureaucracy influences this policy. Thus,
the current American administration (2017) highly prioritized domestic security, one of which
is to stem the number of refugees who have the potential to commit terror acts that could
threaten the stability of American domestic affairs, so that with the wise travel ban can suppress
the influx of refugees from abroad, especially from Muslim countries

b. National Security Concept

The security system should be directed to ensure the upright and strengthening of a
nation from external threats and domestic threats. So in the context of the 21st century, national
security is defined as a fundamental need for every country to protect and safeguard the national
interest by using political, military, and economic forces from future threats. 12 National security
can be interpreted as a country's ability to protect itself from outside threats. The ultimate goal
of a country's security is to prevent or eliminate the risk of attacks on the country and its

According to Christopher S, national security in the context of the United States national
security contains meaning of “the protection of the United States from major threats to our
“Kebijakan Amerika Serikat Mendukung Rezim Hamad Bin Isa Al-Khalifa dalam Konflik Bahrain,”
Ed. Pertwee, “Donald Trump, the Anti-Muslim Far Right and the New Conservative Revolution,” Ethnic and
Racial Studies 222, 43 (16), (2020).
Mukhtar, “Keamanan Nasional: Antara Teori dan Praktiknya di Indonesia,” Sociae Polites 128, Special Edition,
Dian Asvirawaty Yuni Lestari, Kebijakan Politik Luar Negeri Amerika Serikat dalam War on Terrorism pada
Masa Kepemimpinan Barack Obama. Thesis. International Relations Department. (Hasanuddin University, 2018),
territorial, political or economic well-being”. 14 Referring to The National Security Strategy of
the United States of America document, December 2017, which has four top priorities, which is
protecting the American people, the homeland, and the way Americans live by strengthening
control of the country's borders and stopping terrorism.15

By focusing on national security, economic prosperity, legal supremacy, realized

through tighter control over border areas and immigration systems. 16 So the travel ban policy is
a realization of national security in America, to anticipate the U.S. against terrorist attacks.

Research Discussion
The immigrant as one of the root causes problems in the U.S. This impacts the entire
order of public life and policy in the US. Therefore, the U.S. government seeks to restrict
immigrants from entering the U.S. by issuing a travel ban policy. The urgency of this study is to
discuss the aspects that led to the United States Travel Ban policy against immigrants from the
Islamic State, where immigrants entering America are considered to affect American security
stability as well as a form of American resistance to terror.

In 2017, the U.S government has concerns that if his country is entered by foreigners or
immigrants, his country will be indirectly threatened with a possible terrorist attack. 17 The West
defines terrorism as a jihad within Islam that legalizes violence and terror. So it became one of
the triggers for terror attacks in various parts of the world including the US, as well as the
indoctrination of Muslims as terrorists.
The U.S government issued a Travel Ban policy aimed at stemming the influx of Islamic
nationals deemed to threaten the security of its citizens. Also, the U.S. government tightened
entry permits by implementing an affidavit-making system to obtain U.S. entry permits 18
ban on entry of seven Islamic State nationals into the US has claimed that all Islamic State-linked
citizens are terrorists who could threaten US security. The U.S. government's immigration

Ibid. 129
National Security Strategy of the United States of America, (Washington DC, 2017) 4
Ibid. 9
Muhammad Arraf Rezkia Rachman, “Analisis Kebijakan Travel Ban Oleh Donald Trump,” Cosmogov: 4, no. 2
(2018).Op.cit, 228
Ahmad Jamaludin, “Efek Wacana Terorisme Atas Pelarangan Masuk Warga Negara Islam Ke Amerika Serikat,”
Islamic World and Politics 3, no. 1 (2019): 500–515., Op.cit, 504
policy is understandable because the concept that Trump resonates with is “American First” that
protects U.S. interests from any form of threat.
According to Presidential Documents, travel bans are enforced to detect individuals with
links to terrorist networks, so that they can be stopped before they enter the U.S. This policy is
carried out as a preventive measure to be able to first detect terror perpetrators who can threaten
U.S. domestic security. So in its application, the travel ban policy serves as supervision in
restricting illegal immigrants from countries that tend to potentially carry out terror attacks.
The presence of immigrants in the U.S. is a burden on the U.S. The high number of
immigrant arrivals in the U.S. provides domestic instability and leniency to U.S. security. Given
the deep leeway on U.S. domestic security, it would be an easy path for international terrorists to
enter the U.S. And that is one of the reasons for the U.S. government to agree on a travel ban

Executive Order 13769 (Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into the
United State) issued by President Donald J. Trump is the result of recommendations from the
U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security and the Attorney General. This is based on the results of a
review by the U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security that efforts to establish requirements in
immigration screening need to be reviewed more rigorously to improve capacity and ability to
assess whether foreign nationals attempting to enter the U.S. could pose a U.S. domestic threat. 19
So this is considered an attempt by the U.S. to maintain its domestic security by banning travel to
the U.S. from 6 Muslim-majority countries or Travel Ban, restricted by a lower federal court, and
later ratified by the Supreme Court.20

Table: 2.2: List of Muslim Countries Affected by Travel Ban

Country Information

Iran State sponsor of terrorism

National Security and Defense, “Donald J. Trump. Proclamations: Presidential Proclamation Enchanting Vetting
Capabilities and Process for Detecting Attempted Entry Into the United States by Terrorist or Other Public-Safety
Threat,” White House, accessed October 5, 2020,
David T Bianco, William T. Canon, American Politics Today, W.W Norton & Company, vol. Sixth Edit, 2019..
Op.cit, 627
Libya The government's inability to tackle terrorism. Thus, if a Libyan citizen enters
the U.S. it has the potential to pose a security threat to U.S. citizens.

Syria Source countries of terrorists and as a supporting country of terrorism

Yemen Deemed not to provide information related to public safety for acts of
terrorism in its country

Somalia The state of the sponsor of terrorism and its citizens are recorded as causing a
lot of criminal acts

Sudan Designated as a sponsoring state of the terrorism movement

Source: White House

According to the table above, the ban on Muslim countries entering the U.S. is mostly
against immigrants, refugees, and visa holders from 6 majority Muslim-majority countries from
entering the U.S. for 90 for the countries of Syria, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, and Yemen. As
for the order banning entry indefinitely specified for the Syrian state.21
The removal of Iraq from the list of banned countries is due to some U.S. interests in the
Middle East. There is a U.S. need for petroleum resources, so the U.S. sees potential and
opportunities in the Iraqi state for petroleum resources.22 In addition, there is a U.S. interest in a
security sector based on a commitment to fight ISIS in Iraq by increasing the capabilities of Iraqi
combat troops and providing combat oration support and training to retake its territory controlled
by ISIS.23 The U.S. goal is to form an Iraqi government and military that focuses on the U.S.
This is because Iraqi territory is considered strategic enough that the U.S. can have a permanent
military base in the Middle East. So that with a permanent military base the U.S. can pressure
Syria and Iran, as well as control countries in the Middle East and keep U.S. companies that
manage petroleum in the Middle East.24

Firda Nabila, “Analisis Langkah Sekuritisasi Oleh Amerika Serikat Melalui Kebijakan Travel Ban Donald Trump
2016-2018,” Universitas Islam Indonesia (2020),
alternative/. Op.cit, 26
Arisna Supiani Putri, “Penghapusan Irak Dari Daftar Kebijakan Anti Imigran Muslim Pada Masa Pemerintahan
Donald,” EJournal Ilmu Hubungan Internasional 7, no. 3 (2019): 1291
Putri. ibid, 1294
Putri., 1293
However, the policy was revised in September by removing Sudan from the list of
countries affected by The Travel Ban.25 This was due to an agreement between the U.S.
Secretary of State and the Prime Minister of Sudan that resulted in Sudan being removed from
the U.S. blacklist, while Sudan was also committed and cooperated with the U.S. to eradicate
terrorism in his country. As for the list of Muslim countries that are prohibited from entering by
the U.S., it can be seen from the following table:26

Table 2.3: Muslim countries restricted by Travel Ban Policy

Country Immigrant Non-Immigrant

Iran Unlimited Ban All Visas are prohibited, except Student Visas

Libya Unlimited Ban 1. Business Visa

2. Tourist Visitors
Syria Unlimited Ban All types of visas are prohibited and denied entry

Yemen Unlimited Ban 1. Business Visa

2. 2. Tourist Visitors
Somalia Unlimited Ban Additional checks for all visas

Based on the table above, it can be concluded after undergoing various revisions from EO
13769 and EO 13780, the countries affected by U.S. tire travel is the countries of Iran, Libya,
Syria, Yemen, and Somalia. In general, the entry ban is for all immigrants from 5 Muslim
countries (Iran, Libya, Syria, Yemen, and Somalia), but some visas are still allowed to enter such
as business visas, tourist visitors, and student visas. As for exceptions for Syrians, it is not
allowed to enter the U.S. on any note. This is because Syria is a conflicting country and has the
potential to commit acts of terror.
The impact of the Travel Ban proved successful in reducing the number of annual U.S.
visa issuance and refugee admissions from countries banned by the U.S. There was a significant

Nabila, “Analisis Langkah Sekuritisasi Oleh Amerika Serikat Melalui Kebijakan Travel Ban Donald Trump 2016-
2018.”, Op.cit, 29
Nabila., Op.cit, 29
decrease in the five Muslim countries banned from entering by the US (Iran, Syria, Yemen,
Somalia, and Libya) from 2017 to 2018. 27 data owned by the Worldwide Refugee Admissions
Processing System (WRAPS) Department, there has been a significant decrease in refugees
entering the U.S. from 2017 to 2018. The number of refugees admitted to the U.S. each year is a
provision set by the president in consultation with Congress. 28 The number of people received in
2017 gradually decreased become 50,000 and 2020 to 18,000 people admitted to the U.S. As for
the decrease in U.S. refugee admission quota, can be seen in the graph of the decrease in the
picture below:29

Figure 3.2: 2017-2020 U.S. Refugee Admission Quota

2017 2018 2019 2020

Annual Ceiling Number of Admitted Refugees

Source: Migration Policy Institute

Based on the chart above, there is a very significant reduction in immigrant quotas. In
addition to the reduction in refugee quotas, U.S. consular officials have also asked visa
applicants to include information on their social media over the past 5 years and their
biographical information over the past 15 years. The requirement to include information on his
social media over the past 5 years and information about their biographies over the past 15 years,
has been one of the most difficult conditions for immigrants wishing to apply for a visa. In 2018,
the government proposed rules to have all immigrant and nonimmigrant visa applicants list their

Burkina Faso et al., “Table XIV Immigrant Visas Issued at Foreign Service Posts ( by Foreign State
Chargeability ) ( All Categories ) Fiscal Years 2009-2018 Table XIV Immigrant Visas Issued at Foreign Service
Posts ( by Foreign State Chargeability ) ( All Categories ) Fiscal Y,” 2018.
“U.S Annual Refugee Resettlement Ceilings and Number of Refugees Admitted, 1980-Present,” Migration Policy
Institute, accessed October 24, 2020,
“U.S Annual Refugee Resettlement Ceilings and Number of Refugees Admitted, 1980-Present.”Lok.Cit
social media for the past five years in a form. 30 So with the additional requirements, it makes it
more difficult for visas to be issued by the U.S.

The travel ban policy has had a significant impact on the rise of islamophobia in the US.
This is due to a statement issued by Trump since he campaigned for president. Trump also
assured the public that Muslim immigrants are a threat to U.S. citizens, not only should they be
wary of the arrival of Muslim immigrants, U.S. citizens should also be wary of Muslim
immigrants who have long settled in the U.S.31
During the campaign, Trump published several statements reinforcing anti-Muslim
sentiment until the issuance of the Travel Ban policy. According to FBI data, since 2015 as the
campaign season began, hate and hate speech against Muslims has increased by 67%. The surge
was the highest since 9/11 and followed in 2016 and 2017 was recorded as the worst year in
which mosques were targeted for bias, especially the first three months of 2017 where personal
violence, vandalism, and vandalism of mosques increased.32 Among them as happened at the
Islamic Center on Dublin Granville Road has been vandalized with graffiti reading “Allah is
Fraud” on the glass of his building. It has also been reported to the local police for further action
and is considered an alleged vandalism.33
According to Pew Research Center research data reported in the Washington Post, the
latest survey results suggest Muslims nationwide are finding anxiety and anxiety over
government-issued policies, and overall Muslims in the U.S. feel discriminated against. As for
this discriminatory action has increased over the last year post-Travel Ban compared to a decade
Since travel ban issued on the first order on January 27, 2017 it was necessary to improve
security screening into the U.S. The extreme vetting makes the college administrators who are
responsible for issuing visa-related documents and maintaining foreign student records,

“U.S Annual Refugee Resettlement Ceilings and Number of Refugees Admitted, 1980-Present.” Lok.Cit
Victoriana Melati, “The Impact of Migration Securitization on the Increase of Islamophobia-Based Attacks in the
United States in 2015-2019,” Indonesian Journal of International Relations 4, no. 1 (2020): 70
Faiza Patel and Rachel Levinson Waldman, “The Islamophobic Administration” (Brennan Center For Justice,
n.d.). 7
Kandee Ferrel, “CAIR Calling for FBI Local Police to Investigate After They Say Local Mosque Was
Vandalized,” CAIR, accessed December 3, 2020,
Abigail Hauslohner, “Discrimination Against Muslim Is Increasing in U.S, Pew Study Finds,” Washington Post,
accessed October 24, 2020,
especially the student from 5 Muslims countries (Iran, Yemen, Libya, Syria and Somalia). 35
There are several requirements that must be met by a student from these five countries to be able
to attend school in the U.S., such as:36
1. The student should documenting that they are serious about studying in the U.S
The college makes admission decision on their academic merit. After the student
accepted, they should undergo another application process to get visa. Several questions
ask an assortment of medical, criminal and the security as related question. Besides, the
student must show the providing bank statement and another financial document to show
ability to pay for the first 12 month of schooling.
2. The student must go through an in-person interview
Their visa application is submitted, the student must schedule an in-person interview
with the U.S Consular. Typically on the assessment just in a few minutes. The
assessments basically ask about, their conversations are they proficient in English and
their opinion on the college. Perhaps, the most important the student must demonstrate
“non-immigrant intent”, which is they no have plan to stay in the U.S after earning a
3. The student can be flagged for additional scrutiny
The student from the list banned goes into the extra screening and their information sent
to Washington, where it is vetted by dozen intelligence agencies. The student may be
flagged for administrative process because their name matches one on a government
watch list because they plan to major in a field that raises national-security concerns
4. The student can be subject to special restrictions
The student affected travel ban, they permitted only single entry visas. Its mean if they
leave the U.S to visit their family, participate in academic conference or research abroad,
they must start application process all over again.
5. The student are object to extra screening at the airport
The Costums Official can deny entry the student including with valid visas, if they
believe the visitors are violating the terms of their visas. The students also are subject to
secondary screening at the airport. Based on Nafsa: Association of International
Educators that deals with travel by international students and scholars, says he has been
The New Landscape for International Students, Chronicle of Higher Education 13 (2017).
The New Landscape for International Students, Chronicle of Higher Education., 13
getting reports of an uptick in students’ are pulled aside for additional screening for the
last couple of years.
6. The student are tracked
After the foreign students arrive in the United States, they are monitored via a
government database known as the Student and Exchange Visitor Information System.
Colleges are required to use the system, which was set up after the September 2001
terrorist attacks, to enter and regularly update information about all international
students, notifying federal authorities if a student moves, gets a new phone number, or
changes majors.

Seeing the difficulty of requirements for foreign students, several universities have sent
letters to the Secretary of Homeland Security since the first travel ban was passed. According to
Molly Corbett Broad as president of ACE (American Council on Education) that there are about
one million international students who enter universities in the U.S. will increase the intellectual
and cultural spirit in the U.S. Even foreign students have a good economic impact and provide
400,000 jobs in the U.S.37 So he said the travel ban policy intended to protect U.S. security could
inadvertently hinder student exchange in the U.S. Because the travel ban policy causes fear for
students from countries affected by travel bans due to extra checks for them and worries about
visa freezes for students.38 With a letter from the ACA to the Secretary of Homeland Security
overseeing about 51 educational agencies in the United States.39 And there are 565 universities
across the U.S. that applies for waivers to foreign students; this is because foreign students can
benefit the U.S. such as spreading U.S. values, democracy, and free markets. 40 So it is expected
that DHS can welcome foreign students to study, conduct research in the U.S, no exceptions for
any country.

Following the announcement of the Muslim travel ban, universities and scholarly
associations strongly condemned the executive order and many demanded that it be immediately
rescinded. This is because educational institutions in the U.S. have been long term committed
internationally to cooperation in the field of education and cross-cultural. So with the travel ban
Molly Corbett Broad, “Letter To DHS John Kelly” (2017).1
Broad., 2
Collages, “Letter to DHS John Kelly” (2017). 1
has an impact that can damage the mission of universities in the U.S. As the Trump
administration continues to pursue a discriminatory immigration policy that negatively affects
international students and scholars, the university community will most certainly be at the
forefront of legal cases to block such executive actions in the future as well.41

The travel ban policy implemented by America in 2017 against 5 Muslim countries
(Syria, Iran, Somalia, Yemen, and Libya) is aimed to reducing the immigrant entry to the U.S.
Referring to the U.S. state document The National Security Strategy of the United States of
America 2017, the U.S. has four top priorities in keeping its country's security and one of them is
the effort to stop terrorism.
The issue of immigrants is an issue of concern for the U.S. government in 2017, due to
the link between the influx of immigrants into the U.S. and the threat of terrorism. Especially
immigrants from Muslim countries such as Iran, Syria, Iran, Somalia, Sudan, Yemen, and Libya
are considered as terrorism-sponsoring countries and become the headquarters of terrorists.
Immigration policy in 2017 was implemented through EO 13769 but revised in EO 13780 and
the final result is included in the text of Proclamation 9645 known as Travel Ban or Muslim Ban
The impact of the travel ban policy is decreasing number of immigrant in 2017 to 2020.
The U.S. immigrant admissions quota has dropped dramatically to 18,000 by 2020. Also, the
policy of banning the majority of Muslim countries is due to the doctrine against Muslims, that
Islam is a country in the name of jihad in carrying out acts of terror. Under the Travel Ban
policy, the U.S. government minimizes incoming immigrants, especially from Muslim countries
that are indicated to threaten U.S. national security. So the foreign policy issued by a government
based on its national interest, as well as travel ban issued by the U.S. government is an attempt to
national security by limiting the number of immigrants entering the country.


Cindy Ann Rose-Redwood and Reuben Rose-Redwood, “Rethinking the Politics of the International Student
Experience in The Age of Trump,” Journal of International Students 7, no. 3 (2017): i–ix,
Referring to the conclusions and analysis of the above research, the authors realize that
there are still many shortcomings and limitations in this study. In this study, the authors only
focused on analyzing travel ban policies towards Muslim countries. While on the list of travel
bans carried out by the U.S. not only against Muslim countries but also there are two other
countries, both are Venezuela and North Korea. So here researchers hope that this research can
be used as a follow-up study to analyze the other two countries that are on the U.S. government's
ban list, namely against the countries of Venezuela and North Korea

Bianco, William T. Canon, David T. American Politics Today. W.W Norton & Company. Vol.
Sixth Edit, 2019.
Broad, Molly Corbett. Letter To DHS John Kelly (2017).
Collages. Letter to DHS John Kelly (2017).
Defense, National Security and. “Donald J. Trump. Proclamations: Presidential Proclamation
Enchanting Vetting Capabilities and Process for Detecting Attempted Entry Into the United
States by Terrorist or Other Public-Safety Threat.” White House. Accessed October 5, 2020.
Faso, Burkina, Cabo Verde, Central African Republic, Western Sahara, and Sao Tome. “Table
XIV Immigrant Visas Issued at Foreign Service Posts ( by Foreign State Chargeability )
( All Categories ) Fiscal Years 2009-2018 Table XIV Immigrant Visas Issued at Foreign
Service Posts ( by Foreign State Chargeability ) ( All Categories ) Fiscal Y,” 2018.
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