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2/14/22, 2:06 PM How to setup a blog with headless CMS (Strapi) and Nextjs - DEV Community

Posted on Feb 13

How to setup a blog with headless CMS (Strapi)

and Nextjs
#nextjs #strapi #webdev #blog
If we want to setup a blog, there are many options, for enterprise level, you can use
WordPress, which helps you to deliver a blog pretty fast, or you can build it using
something like Hexo, which has pretty much everything built-in, you only need to tune
config and write content in markdown and host that on Heroku or Vercel, Netllify. Or, you
can start everything from frontend to backend and host it on your own server, and this is
what this blog will talk about.
The previous blog of my current company was hosted on WordPress, which costs and
under a different domain from what we want. Our expected domain is, and it
was on domain, which is on 2 different servers, in order to migrate it, we will need
to install PHP language and bunch of WordPress plugins, some of them could cause
severe security issues. 1/8
2/14/22, 2:06 PM How to setup a blog with headless CMS (Strapi) and Nextjs - DEV Community

To avoid such question and extend flexibility of our company blog for better SEO purpose,
we decide to build it using Nextjs and Strapi, a headless content management system
(CMS) and host that on the server.
To do that, you will have to refer to docs first:
from basic introduction we can understand what we can do with this suite:
Nextjs provides intelligent default setup for SSR, SSG purpose, along with default
optimization function, the default Rust-based compiler provides 5x times faster than
Strapi provides a built-in UI dashboard that allows user to do everything you want with
content, and since it is a Node project, you can add more configuration to it, like image
compression function, database connection, email channel, etc.
Strapi as backend

In this case, Strapi is the backend where content is stored. We decide to install docker
image of Strapi directly on the server, and if more config needed to be added in code, we
can do it in server directly.
Doing that can actually save lot of trouble, there is no need for writing code in Strapi to
connect to database, since we store files in server directly, like WordPress, and else
functions can all be done directly on its dashboard.
You can choose other headless CMS, well, Jamstack's headless cms section is a good
place to offer those options
after hosting your Strapi project and make couple content types and publish, for example,
articles or posts, or else, you can access to the json data by checking the url 2/8
2/14/22, 2:06 PM How to setup a blog with headless CMS (Strapi) and Nextjs - DEV Community[content type name] , for example, mine is and .
in this case the client side can fetch data directly, or if you want your data private, you can
setup authentication in Strapi's code and change the role of public access to only
authenticated users, and you can define authenticated users in UI dashboard directly.
Nextjs as frontend

Nextjs is the frontend, and we use static generator to do so, we will use Jenkins to do a
daily trigger everyday 4:00pm to build the entire blog so everything is included in the
build, and thus providing better user interaction since it is fast.
First, lets take a look of hosted Strapi: 3/8
2/14/22, 2:06 PM How to setup a blog with headless CMS (Strapi) and Nextjs - DEV Community

after clicking the open administrator and signup and login, you will see: 4/8
2/14/22, 2:06 PM How to setup a blog with headless CMS (Strapi) and Nextjs - DEV Community

The blank Strapi project should not have those collection types on the left side, and
you can feel free to build whatever content type you want in Content-Types Builder , feel
free to explore Strapi doc here
Here I will demonstrate how to do the client side:
1. start a Nextjs project by using
npx create-next-app@latest

# or

yarn create next-app 5/8
2/14/22, 2:06 PM How to setup a blog with headless CMS (Strapi) and Nextjs - DEV Community

1. define the basic layout

well, this is not strictly required in the first place, you can extract layout logic out later,
along with some css files
1. define routes
the basic blog route will be
/blog --> root
/blog/category/[name] --> category name, displays articles under that category
/blog/[slug] --> article page with unique slug
1. data fetching
you can define the data fetching in folder, naming a file like lib api.js

import axios from "axios";

async function getStrapiAuthToken() {

const { data } = await

process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_STRAPI_API_URL + "/auth/local",

identifier: process.env.STRAPI_IDENTIFIER,

password: process.env.STRAPI_PASSWORD,


return data.jwt;

export function getStrapiURL(path = "") {

const p = `${process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_STRAPI_API_URL}${path}`;

return p;

// Helper to make GET requests to Strapi

export async function fetchAPI(path) {

const requestUrl = getStrapiURL(path);

const { data } = await axios.get(requestUrl);

return data.reverse(); 6/8
2/14/22, 2:06 PM How to setup a blog with headless CMS (Strapi) and Nextjs - DEV Community

then you can fetch articles using this method along with Nextjs's provided data fetching
methods such as and
getStaticProps or , for
getStaticPaths getServerSideProps
details, check this page
one example of fetching articles would be
// for root path '/', getStaticPaths cannot be used, // only use it in places lik
export async function getStaticPaths() {

const articles = await fetchAPI("/articles");

return {

paths: => ({

params: {
slug: article.slug,



fallback: "blocking",


// this is required

export async function getStaticProps({ params }) {

const articles = await fetchAPI(`/articles?slug=${params.slug}`);

const categories = await fetchAPI("/categories");

return {

props: { article: articles[0], categories },

revalidate: 10,


the default gives only limited number of entries that can be fetched, you can add
/articles?_limit=-1 to replace to access unlimited number of entries.

Right now we have a blog that requires building every time, but if we update like 50 blogs
per day, or like Twitter it may have up to 500M new tweets per day, you will have to define
skeleton and let articles or tweets to be statically generated now time, if they are not
included in the build. this can be explained later as I am also working on it. 7/8
2/14/22, 2:06 PM How to setup a blog with headless CMS (Strapi) and Nextjs - DEV Community

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